2007-02-11 10:30:01 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part2
Coventry University (Coventry, United Kingdom): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.coventry.ac.uk/>.
Directory search at <URL:http://dir.coventry.ac.uk:8080/>.
Staff: ***@coventry.ac.uk or ***@coventry.ac.uk where dd is
department (cs=Computer Science, mt=Maths, ss=Student Services etc.) and
yyy an incremental number
Students: ***@coventry.ac.uk (plus numbers for more common initials) or
L(8)@coventry.ac.uk (truncated at 8 letters and may have trailing
Cranfield University (Bedfordshire, United Kingdom): Created: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/>.
Email aliases are typically (but there are plenty of exceptions)
F.(L7)@cranfield.ac.uk or F.M.(L8)@cranfield.ac.uk or
Searches can be performed with a mail search engine at
Cuyahoga Community College (Cleveland, OH, USA): Created: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tri-c.cc.oh.us/>.
PH service at gopher://netman.tri-c.cc.oh.us:105/2.
User names are often ***@tri-c.cc.oh.us.
Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS, Canada): Changed: Wed Apr 12 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dal.ca/>.
Use the directory at <URL:http://www.dal.ca/support/people/emailsearch/> for
faculty and staff. No directory of student email.
Daniel Webster College (Nashua, NH, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 31 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dwc.edu/>.
Students: ***@eagle.dwc.edu or ***@av8r.dwc.edu.
Faculty and staff: ***@eagle.dwc.edu or ***@av8r.dwc.edu Browsable
web page directory at <URL:http://www.dwc.edu/academic/facultypage.html>.
For eagle, student last names are completely spelled out (e.g. John
Randomuser -> jrandomuser). For students on av8r, the last name is
truncated at seven characters (jrandomu).
av8r is fingerable, matchable on first or last name.
Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dartmouth.edu/>.
Search the directory at <URL:http://www.dartmouth.edu/dnd/>. Mailboxes are
usually ***@dartmouth.edu (or
***@dartmouth.edu if it is a very common name).
Davidson College (Davidson, NC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.davidson.edu/>.
General: ***@davidson.edu, where NN is first two characters of
nickname. If names conflict then we change the second letter of the
nickname to next letter. e.g. John Example -> jhexample
Physics: ***@phyhost.davidson.edu. If physics majors use e-mail, they
use the campus wide mail server, but *also* have a physics mail account
too. (Try the General mail server first). For more information try their
web server at <URL:http://www.phy.davidson.edu>.
Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Addresses at Dickinson College are of the following format:
***@dickinson.edu for example, ***@dickinson.edu
***@dickinsn.bitnet ***@dickinsn.bitnet
Usernames are typically the lastname (truncated at 8 characters) suffixed
with the first few letters of the firstname when needed for uniqueness.
Username Person
-------- ------
jackson Joe Jackson
jacksonb Bill Jackson
jacksobo Bob Jackson
Dickinson State University (Dickinson, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dsu.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty/staff e-mail via at
GOPHER ; there is a 4-part student list at
See also North Dakota Network.
Douglas College (New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.douglas.bc.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Coquitlam and and Maple Ridge.
Their site map at <URL:http://www.douglas.bc.ca/sitemap.html> shows no e-
mail or phone directory links.
Drake University (Des Moines, IA, USA): Changed: Sun Mar 20 1994
Students: fml### (or fl0### if no middle name), where the numbers
distinguish among people with the same initials (usually 00#; informants
don't know the method for choosing these numbers)
Faculty: fl###1R where the numbers are the last three digits of the social
security number. Finger works only for exact userids.
Drake maintains a standard phone directory; telnet to acad.drake.edu, login
as "drakeinfo" (no password required). E-mail addresses are not currently
listed, but other directory information is.
Students must reopen their accounts each semester, but userids remain
Drew University (Madison, NJ, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.drew.edu/>.
All students, faculty, and staff have accounts on daniel.drew.edu Account
names are usually of the form flllllll. In case of name collision, try
fmllllll or fllllll#
Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.drexel.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.drexel.edu> or finger
***@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu. General Computing Services: mail to
***@post.drexel.edu. Consultant's desk telephone 215.895.2698
Math and Computer Science : ***@mcs.drexel.edu where userid is of the
form <prefix>fllllll; the prefix is u for undergraduate, g for graduate,
or t for temporary.
Duke University (Durham, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.duke.edu/>.
PH service at phonebk.duke.edu, or via Gopher service at
Duke University Computer Assist Center provides general use accounts for
most students and faculty. Mail addressed to <user>@acpub.duke.edu should
be forwarded to the appropriate account on any of the Academic Computing
hosts. Computer Science is cs.duke.edu. Math is math.duke.edu;
physics.duke.edu and law.duke.edu also exist (along with lots of other
departmental domains.) There is also a BITNET site (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu
or dukemvs.BITNET)
New accounts are fml#, where # is a number used to distinguish duplicates.
Older account names were not standardized.
Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
***@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to Law
School faculty and staff, and suggests ***@student.law.duke.edu
might be willing to do the same for students.
Undergrads, Grads, and many Faculty/Staff: The mail server is
mercury.acpub.duke.edu. Mail to other machines will get forwarded to it.
As with acpub, new accounts are fml#; older ones are not standardized.
Bitnet gateway: dukemvs.bitnet (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu)
Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
Other machines: cs.duke.edu, egr.duke.edu, psych.duke.edu
Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
***@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to Law
School faculty and staff, and suggest ***@student.law.duke.edu
might be willing to do the same for students.
Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Created: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.duq.edu/>.
Student and faculty directory at
Durham College (Ottawa, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.durhamc.on.ca/>.
Earlham College (Richmond, IN, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.earlham.edu/>.
A CSO information server is available via Gopher service at
VAX users: ***@earlham.edu
Advanced computing students: ***@math.earlham.edu. Users added up to
8/92 have userid FFFFFFFL. In the case of an 8-character first name, the
userid is FFFFFFFF In the case of conflicts, the userid is FFFFFFLL,
FFFFFLLL, etc. Users added after 8/92 have userid LLLLLFF.
Eastern Connecticut State University (Willimantic, CT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.easternct.edu/>.
Faculty web pages at
<URL:http://www.easternct.edu/depts/fac_c_mat/index.html>. Student web
pages at <URL:http://www.easternct.edu/stu_web_dir/index.html>.
Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond, KY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.eku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://people.eku.edu/>.
Eastern Nazarene College (Quincy, MA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.enc.edu/>.
All ENC email addresses follow a standard format: ***@enc.edu; in case
of collision, try ***@enc.edu. Addresses may be verified/located
via finger of ***@enc.edu, ***@enc.edu, or ***@enc.edu.
Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.eckerd.edu/>.
E-mail addresses are in the form: (L6)***@eckerd.edu. Faculty directory at
École Polytechnique de Montréal (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Thu Jul 8 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.polymtl.ca/>.
Mailboxes seem to be ***@mail.polymtl.ca. The interactive
directory at <URL:http://www.polymtl.ca/bti1.htm> appears to me to just
have staff and faculty.
Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Gif-sur-Yvette, France): Created: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.supelec.fr/>.
There is an email address search utility at this Web site, but most people
can be reached by email at ***@lsi.supelec.fr.
El Paso Community College (El Paso, TX, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.epcc.edu/>.
General: ***@rgfn.epcc.edu
Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Use 'finger ***@emory.edu' (name = first, last or login).
Etisalat College of Engineering (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ece.ac.ae/>.
Fanshawe College (London, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in St. Thomas, Simcoe, Strathroy, Tilsonburg, and
Staff directory at <URL:gopher://admin.fanshawec.on.ca:105/2>. Web page
directories for staff at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/People/Users/>
and students at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/Students/>.
Ferris State University (Big Rapids, MI, USA): Created: Thu Aug 20 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ferris.edu/>.
Use the e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/cwis/teldir/homepage.htm>; "staff" means
either faculty or staff.
Fielding Institute (Santa Barbara, CA, USA): Created: Wed Apr 8 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fielding.edu/>.
Normally usernames are ***@fielding.edu.
Fisk University (Nashville, TN, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fisk.edu/>.
Fitchburg State College (Fitchburg, MA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Usernames are FLLLLLLLLLLL or FMLLLLLLLLLL @ fscvax.fsc.mass.edu (maximum 12
characters). You can finger by username or by last name.
Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fau.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Ft. Lauderdale, Davie, Palm Beach Gardens, and
Port St. Lucie.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://rs6000.adm.fau.edu/cgi-bin/EDsearch.sh>.
The local ACM chapter runs cybernet.cse.fau.edu, on which everyone can get
accounts, and many FAU students (and some faculty) use it.
Florida International University (Miami, FL, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fiu.edu/>.
***@solix.fiu.edu, where name is an abbreviation. of first name + last name
Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fsu.edu/>.
Directory of directories, including e-mail, at
Franklin and Marshall College (Lancaster, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fandm.edu/>.
Directory of directories, including list of staff email, at
Students: ***@acad.fandm.edu; their directory is only available via
login. Faculty/staff: usually ***@fandm.edu.
Freed-Hardeman University (Henderson, TN, USA): Created: Wed Sep 30 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://fhu.edu/>.
Browsable faculty/staff list at
<URL:http://www.fhu.edu/university_personnel.html>. For privacy, there is
no student directory; students mail IDs are of the form XL(8)***@fhu.edu
where the X code is U = Undergraduate Student; B = Bible, Graduate
Student; C = Counseling, Graduate Student; E = Education, Graduate
Furman University (Greenville, SC, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.furman.edu/>.
Mailboxes are often ***@furman.edu. Directory of directories
at <URL:http://www.furman.edu/directory/index.htm>, including staff and
Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://ugm.ac.id/>.
I have not found a directory or guidelines on guessing names.
Gallaudet University for the Deaf (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
GALLUA.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/VMS machine. Student usernames typically start
with 11, 12, 13 or 14, with 11 being the most common. The rest of the
username is first initial last name. Faculty and staff are typically first
initial, middle initial, last name. The node is also reachable as
GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/Ultrix (UNIX) machine. Not nearly as many users
on this machine. Name conventions are the same as for GALLUA.
Georg-August Universität (Göttingen, Germany): Changed: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-goettingen.de/>.
George Brown College (Toronto, ON, Canada): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gbrownc.on.ca/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
George Mason University (Fairfax, VA, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gmu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.gmu.edu> until end of Summer 1995.
Mail to ***@gmu.edu will forward to the user's preferred machine
(primarily osf1.gmu.edu or vms1.gmu.edu; vms1 supports finger from off-
site). Userids are flllllll; the second and subsequent duplicates are
fllllll#, where # is a digit counting from 1.
WHOIS server is available as host gmu.edu (query user account or lastname)
George Washington University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gwu.edu/>.
There is a browsable list of university offices at
<URL:http://www.gwu.edu/misc/phone.html>; I found no telephone or e-mail
directory search.
For those who have created their own Web pages, there are directories:
faculty at <URL:http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~www/faculty.html>, staff at
<URL:http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~www/staff.html>, and students at
Georgetown University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Fri Mar 31 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.georgetown.edu/>. Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://gopher.georgetown.edu>.
Georgia Institute of Technology [Georgia Tech] (Atlanta, GA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gatech.edu/>.
The online directory is restricted to on-campus use.
All faculty and staff are also reachable as
***@group.gatech.edu where group is usually the name of the
college, school, center, etc. Current groups include: ae (aerospace
engineering), alumni, arch, atdc, audit, berc, biology, bks, business,
carnegie, cc (college of computing), cds, ce, che, chemistry, coe, conted,
coop, cos, crt, eas, econ, ee, erc, facilities, grad, gstrf, gtaa, gtrc,
gtri, health, history, housing, iac, inta, intprog, ipst, irp, isye, lcc,
library, marc, math, oit (office of information technology), vpea, vpss,
CS Dept (Faculty, staff, PhD students): terminus.cc.gatech.edu,
***@cc.gatech.edu. (cc = College of Computing)
Students: ***@mail.gatech.edu where L are letters and NNN a 3-digit
number. Some older accounts are ***@mail.gatech.edu
Also try: ***@acme.gatech.edu,
Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gsu.edu/>.
Electronic phonebook at <URL:http://www.gsu.edu/cgi-bin/ph.cgi>.
Georgian College (Barrie, ON, Canada): Created: Mon Apr 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.georcoll.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Orillia and and Owen Sound.
There is an index at <URL:http://www.georcoll.on.ca/staff/default.htm> of
those few people with web pages.
Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA, USA): Created: Fri Jul 12 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gettysburg.edu/>.
CSO phone directory service via Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://gopherserver.cc.gettysburg.edu:105/2>. PH service at
Golden Gate University (San Francisco, CA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ggu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Los Angeles, Monterey Bay, Sacramento, San Jose,
Seattle, and Walnut Creek.
There does not appear to be any online directory.
Gordon College (Wenham, MA, USA): Created: Sat Mar 15 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gordonc.edu/>.
Mail names are generally ***@peace.gordonc.edu.
Goucher College (Baltimore, MD, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.goucher.edu/>.
Mail to ***@goucher.edu
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.goucher.edu>, including a list of
Grand Valley State University (Allendale, MI, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gvsu.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@gvsu.edu
Most students have accounts at river.it.gvsu.edu.
Usernames are of the form lllllllf (e.g., jqstudent), truncated to 8
Gvsu.edu does not have a finger daemon running.
Computer Science students *may* be reachable at ***@beech.mcs.gvsu.edu,
where userid is of the form llllllll, with lllllllf for name collisions.
Green River Community College (Green River, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.greenriver.edu/>.
Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.grin.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.grin.edu/www/dir_form.html>.
Students and faculty: ***@Ac.Grin.Edu
Administrative users: ***@Admin.Grin.Edu
Assistance is available for both academic and administrative addresses from
Note: Grinnell College is no longer on BITNET as of 1-July-1995.
Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Finger at ***@gacvx1.gac.edu for vax accounts, or ***@nic.gac.edu
for Unix accounts.
Hagerstown Junior College (Hagerstown, MD, USA): Created: Tue Nov 26 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://western-md.com/hjc:/>.
Faculty addresses appear to be ***@hjc.cc.md.us
Hamilton College (Clinton, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hamilton.edu/>.
Students, Faculty & Staff: F(L7)@hamilton.edu. Student directory at
faculty directory at
Hamline University (St. Paul, MN, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hamline.edu/>.
General use: piper.hamline.edu
Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden-Sydney, VA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Faculty have addresses of the form ***@tiger.hsc.edu (e.g. Fred Smith
-> ***@tiger.hsc.edu).
Hampshire College (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hampshire.edu/>.
***@hamp.hampshire.edu. If that fails, try fmlXYY or fflXYY, where X is
F or S (case sensitive) depending on whether they enrolled for the first
time in Fall or Spring, and YY is the year of their enrollment.
Hanover College (Hanover, IN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hanover.edu/>.
Mail to ***@hanover.edu.
Hartwick College (Oneonta, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hartwick.edu/>.
General use: ***@hartwick.edu
Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.harvard.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.harvard.edu/directories/>.
Employees: F(L7)@harvard.edu and ***@harvard.edu.
Faculty of Arts and Science World-Wide Web service at
<URL:http://http://www.fas.harvard.edu//>. Finger @fas.harvard.edu to
find who's logged on at the moment. fas and husc7 are Unix machines;
most faculty and staff use fas for email. husc3.harvard.edu and
husc15.harvard.edu are VMS machines, used a bit for mail, but more as an
application server for VMS and the MAC/PC networks.
Username is lastname or flllllll or fmllllll, with a number appended in case
of duplicates.
Undergrads: @fas.harvard.edu
Organizations: @hcs.harvard.edu
Center for Astrophysics: @cfa.harvard.edu
All Harvard Medical School students now have accounts on
student.med.harvard.edu. The system is relatively new, however, and the
number who actually use them now appears to be small. The usernames are
of the form ***@student.med.harvard.edu. This is a distributed PC
system, and users are not fingerable.
Harvard Law School students may have accounts on hulaw{1,2}.harvard.edu.
These machines are fingerable, but usernames must be matched exactly to be
Kennedy School of Government: ***@ksg1.harvard.edu or
Harvey Mudd (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hmc.edu/>.
MailCentral mail names are of the form ***@hmc.edu. These forward
to the user's preferred mailbox.
Haverford College (Haverford, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.haverford.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.students.haverford.edu/cgi-
bin/admincc/dirsearch/dirsearch.cgi>. PH service at ph.haverford.edu.
Directory of web pages at
***@haverford.edu. In case of conflicts, either a middle initial or
number is added (FNLLLLLL or FMLLLLLL).
Do NOT use venus.haverford.edu; as of 1994 it no longer accepts mail.
Helsinki School of Economics & Business Administration (Helsinki, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: kyyppari.hkkk.fi. Finger available.
Helsinki University of Technology (Helsinki, Finland):Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hut.fi/>.
Students: vipunen.hut.fi. Many students have a mail alias of the form
Staff: hila.hut.fi
Finger with first or last name or mail alias. Gopher service at
Hiram College (Hiram, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hiram.edu/>.
All are ***@hiram.edu where userid is of the form lll..llfm, up to a 12
character maximum. ***@hiram.edu will handle inquiries regarding a
person's e-mail address.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong): Created: Tue Jul 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ust.hk/>.
To find staff or students, finger -l ***@ustsu29.ust.hk
The Computer Science Department has its own WWW service at
<URL:http://www.cs.ust.hk>. To find staff or graduate students, finger -l
***@cs.ust.hk To find undergraduates, finger -l ***@lab2.cs.ust.hk
All MAIL-ID's with an "_" (underscore) denote undergraduate accounts. The
first two letters of the mail-id usually denote the major or the
department the person is associated with:
cs (Computer Science)
ce (Civil Eng.)
ke (Chemical Eng.)
Hope College (Holland, MI, USA): Created: Fri Oct 8 1993
Students (VAX): ***@hope.cit.hope.edu, where L = Last initial,
F = First initial, xxxx = Last four digits of Social Security number,
yy = Last two digits of expected graduation year
Faculty (VAX): ***@hope.cit.hope.edu
Computer Science (UNIX): ***@cs.hope.edu
Houghton College (Houghton, NY, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
Students: ***@houghton.edu; sometimes
Faculty: ***@houghton.edu, sometimes ***@houghton.edu.
There are also aliases for the library and admissions, ***@houghton.edu
and ***@houghton.edu.
We have a listserv at ***@houghton.edu. Finger services are available
but you must use the -l option for them to work effectively.
Howard University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.howard.edu/>.
Idaho State University (Pocatello, ID, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.isu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Boise, and Lewiston.
E-mail and telephone directory at <URL:http://www.isu.edu/Information.html>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@isu.edu . Students: ***@cwis.isu.edu . userid is
of the form llllffff (in the case of conflicts the last letter may be
changed to a number)
All faculty and staff may receive accounts upon request. Students may
receive accounts upon payment of a small computer use fee.
Finger daemon is running on cwis and the mail-hub, but many of the mail-hub
addresses are just aliases which will not be returned by the finger
Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iit.edu/>.
Domain IIT.EDU has servers on iitmax.iit.edu and karl.iit.edu.
Student usernames are llllfff. One correspondent said: "try
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (Aurora, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.imsa.edu/>.
Students: Finger @imsasun.imsa.edu. About 75% of the community have
accounts. Users pick their own IDs. Alumni may keep their accounts.
Faculty, staff, administration: ***@qm.imsa.edu. This is an
unfingerable QuickMail setup.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.imsa.edu/direct.html>.
Illinois State University (Bloomington, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ilstu.edu/>.
Try the online directory at <URL:http://www.ilstu.edu/cgi-bin/WebPH.pl>;
many people don't have e-mail addresses listed, but you could try
FM(L6)@ilstu.edu. Some people have listings in the Web page directory at
Indiana University (IN, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/>.
Address book at <URL:http://iuaccts.ucs.indiana.edu/open-bin/addrbook/>.
Faculty, Staff, Students: ***@ucs.indiana.edu
Usernames are portions of the person's real name. 8 characters, usually the
last name plus maybe a few initials.
Student/Staff VAX/VMS machines: (main nodes) gold.ucs.indiana.edu,
aqua.ucs.indiana.edu, jade.ucs.indiana.edu, amber.ucs.indiana.edu,
silver.ucs.indiana.edu -- Unix, All students ( mostly CS undergrads)
copper.ucs.indiana.edu -- These two are VAXen running Ultrix (UNIX) They're
student machines.
bronze.ucs.indiana.edu -- This is DEC RISC (Not a VAX) running Ultrix.
Staff only...
iuvax.cs.indiana.edu -- Unix, CS students ( mostly grad students and
faculty )
The email address of any student, faculty, or staff member at Indiana can be
found out by doing a
"finger ***@indiana.edu" or
"whois -h indiana.edu lastname" or
"whois -h iugate.ucs.indiana.edu lastname"
Type "finger ***@indiana.edu" or "whois -h indiana.edu help" for more
information about the service.
Indiana University Bloomington [IUB] (Bloomington, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/iub>.
People search at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/iub/people.html>.
Indiana University East [IUE] (Richmond, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iue.indiana.edu/>.
See Indiana University.
Indiana University Kokomo [IUK] (Kokomo, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iuk.indiana.edu/>.
Telephone directory at <URL:http://www.iuk.edu/directory/index.html>. See
also Indiana University.
Indiana University Northwest [IUN] (Gary, IN, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iun.indiana.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@iunhaw1.iun.indiana.edu Faculty and staff usernames
are their first initial and seven digits of their last name.
Students: ***@iunlab1.iun.indiana.edu where nnnn are the last four
digits of the Social Security number.
Finger is not working for IUN at this time.
Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne [IPFW] (Fort Wayne, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ipfw.edu/>.
Directory of See also Indiana University.
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis [IUPUI] (Indianapolis, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iupui.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone directory at
<URL:http://www.iupui.edu/home/directory.html>. See also Indiana
Indiana University South Bend [IUSB] (South Bend, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iusb.edu/>.
See also Indiana University.
Indiana University Southeast [IUS] (New Albany, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ius.indiana.edu/>.
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.ius.indiana.edu/ius/finding.html>. See also Indiana
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey [ITESM] (Monterrey, Mexico): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mty.itesm.mx/>.
Students: mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (vax machine); academ01.mty.itesm.mx (RS/6000)
Userids begin with BL plus the id number of the student, i.e., bl205102.
Every student can ask for an account on the vax machine. There are other
computing facilities as well.
Iowa State University (Ames, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iastate.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://ph.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/phf>.
Finger ***@iastate.edu, where name can be firstname or lastname (in
Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ithaca.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at
<URL:http://www.ithaca.edu/directories.php>. Faculty:
***@oa.ithaca.edu; staff: ***@ithaca.edu; students:
fllllll#@ithaca.edu, where # disambiguates otherwise identical IDs.
James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA, USA): Created: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jmu.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.jmu.edu/edir/people>.
Recent userids (since January 1994): ***@jmu.edu. If there's no middle
initial, use X. In case of ambiguity, second and subsequent collisions
get LLLLLnFM, where n is a digit.
Before Jan 94, userIDs were: ***@jmu.edu And before that, there are
some with: ***@jmu.edu, ***@jmu.edu, or
Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/>.
Directory of , at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/www/ribbon/director.html> The e-
mail directory at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/www/ribbon/ph-query/email-
alias.html> is self-subscription, so not eeryone has an alias. Personal
home page index at <URL:http://infonet.welch.jhu.edu/cgi-bin/phpi>.
Accounts are located on jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu, jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu,
jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu. All are on bitnet.
The default userid is of the form lllll_fm or llllll_f. However, students
may choose whatever userid they wish, which can be just about anything.
Johnson and Wales University (Providence, RI, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jwu.edu/>.
Students: ***@students.jwu.edu. Faculty at
There are associated campuses in Charleston, South Carolina; Norfolk,
Virginia; North Miami, Florida; and Vail, Colorado.
Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo, MI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kzoo.edu/>.
(L8)@kzoo.edu or F(L6)@kzoo.edu. Alphabetical list of faculty at
Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ksu.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ksu.edu/Directories/wp/query.html>.
Keene State College (Keene, NH, USA): Created: Fri Nov 7 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.keene.edu/>.
The faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://amazon.keene.edu/dir_alpha.html>
doesn't show an e-mail address for everyone. A comprehensive student
directory is available only internally, but there is a less comprehensive
world-accessible directory at
Kent State University (Kent, OH, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kent.edu/>.
See the faculty, staff, and student phone book at
Kenyon College (Gambier, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kenyon.edu/>.
See the faculty, staff, and student directory at
***@kenyon.edu. Username is usually the last name, sometimes with
initials tacked onto the end.
Knox College (Galesburg, IL, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
Students, faculty, and admin: flllllll@@knox.edu
LaGrange College (Lagrange, GA, USA): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lagrange.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and administration directory available at
Lakehead University (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lakeheadu.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:gopher://gopher.lakeheadu.ca:105/2>;
mailboxes appear to be ***@lakeheadu.ca.
Langara College (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada):Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.langara.bc.ca/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lappeenranta, Finland): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lut.fi/>.
People finder at <URL:http://info.lut.fi/home/persons.htm> (English).
Finger available.
LaSalle University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Host hp800.lasalle.edu
Faculty, Staff, and student staff: use last name, eg. jones (llllllll)
Course accounts: xnnn0mmm or xnnnamm, where x is 1-letter course name (e.g.
c for computer science), nnn is 3 digit course id, 0 or a is entered
exactly as shown, and mmm or mm is the student's individual number within
the course)
Incoming finger (from the Internet) does not yet work.
Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.laurentian.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.laurentian.ca/www/lu/util/eUserFrm.htm>.
For most staff the convention is: ***@nickel.laurentian.ca.
Undergraduate/graduate students: S/G followed by numbers.
Lebanon Valley College (Annville, PA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lvc.edu/>.
Faculty, staff and students: ***@acad.lvc.edu
Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/people/>, including
e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/find/email.html>.
Lenoir-Rhyne College (Hickory, NC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
E-mail address is ***@alice.lrc.edu or ***@mike.lrc.edu.
London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lse.ac.uk/>.
E-mail: Students, Faculty, Staff: ***@vax.lse.ac.uk. For students with
last names under 8 characters, the format is usually
***@vax.lse.ac.uk. All students have accounts, although not all may
actually use them.
Online directory available at <URL:http://www.blpes.lse.ac.uk/cgi-
Finger: Appears to require an exact username.
Longwood College (Farmville, VA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Math & Computer Science faculty have addresses of the form
***@lwcnet.lwc.edu (e.g. Fred Smith -> ***@lwcnet.lwc.edu). I
believe that other faculty have address of the same form on the same
domain. There are other domains. No domains support remote finger.
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@tiger.lsu.edu; user ids are flastname (or flastname# if there
is a conflict).
CS: csvax.csc.lsu.edu
EE: max.ee.lsu.edu
SNCC (S/m Network Comp Center): lsu500.sncc.lsu.edu
Louisiana Tech University (Ruston, LA, USA): Created: Mon Apr 12 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.latech.edu/>.
Web search at <URL:http://www.latech.edu/tech/phone.html>. User IDs are
***@latech.edu except for legacy UNIX users, who received their UNIX id
instead when the names were changed over in 1996; these UNIX id's are
either initials or combinations of initials and names.
Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Created: Mon Aug 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lmu.edu/>.
Students: F(L7)@stdntpop.lmu.edu. Faculty: F(L7)@lmumail.lmu.edu. Law
school faculty and staff: F(L7)@lmulaw.lmu.edu.
Web pages for some faculty at
<URL:http://www.lmu.edu/acad/personal/faculty/faculty.htm> and staff at
<URL:http://www.lmu.edu/admin/personal/staff/index.htm>. Directory of
student pages at <URL:http://WWW.ASLMU.ORG/students/>.
Loyalist College (Belleville, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.loyalistc.on.ca/>.
I found a list of E-mail contacts at
<URL:http://www.loyalistc.on.ca/contact.html>, but no general directory.
Lubbock Christian University (Lubbock, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lcu.edu/>.
Student user names appear to be ***@mail.lcu.edu (first 4 letters of
last name, followed by a 4-digit number). E-mail directory at
Faculty and staff user names are not yet listed.
Luther College (Decorah, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://luther.edu/>.
Mail to llllff##@luther.edu, where ## is currently 01 and increases to
distinguish duplicates. Campus directory at
Macalester College (Saint Paul, MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Every student and faculty member has an account on the college's VAX system.
Many students have additional accounts on departmental machines. These
instructions are for finding someone on the VAX.
Finger ***@macalstr.edu, where userid is of the form flllllll for
students, and lname for faculty. Numbers are added to the end of the
userid in case of name conflicts.
Macquarie University (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mq.edu.au/>.
Manhattan College (Bronx, NY, USA): Created: Thu Dec 30 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.manhattan.edu/>.
E-mail directory for faculty, staff, and students at
<URL:http://www.manhattan.edu/email/>; Students must first activate their
email account before they can receive mail.
Marlboro College (Marlboro, VT, USA): Created: Wed Mar 31 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.marlboro.edu/>.
There does not appear to be a universal pattern for malbox names; I have
seen FL(7)@marlboro.edu, FML(6)@marlboro.edu, ***@marlboro.edu, and
F(7)***@marlboro.edu. There is a search form at
Mars Hill College (Mars Hill, NC, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
Students: ***@MHC.edu.
Faculty and staff: ***@MHC.edu.
Mary Washington College (Fredricksburg, VA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mwc.edu/>.
Most students have an account at MWC, and all faculty. Userids are
finger ***@oregano.mwc.edu.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] (Cambridge, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
Finger ***@mit.edu for info about the person and mail address. This is the
same info that's used to create the MIT phonebook, so it is as accurate.
(One can finger ***@mit.edu for instructions in using this service.) For
backwards compatibility, mail to ***@athena.mit.edu will still work.
Finger @ai.mit.edu for AI graduate students, faculty, and some undergrads.
Also try @media-lab.mit.edu (= media-lab.media.mit.edu) for the MIT Media
Try @lcs.mit.edu for Laboratory of Computer Science faculty, staff, and
Also, MIT math professors can be found on math.mit.edu (a.k.a.
bourbaki.mit.edu; however, this information is already accessible from
fingering mit.edu information.
MITVMA.MIT.EDU is the gateway to bitnet.
Mayville State University (Mayville, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.masu.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty at
<URL:http://www.masu.nodak.edu/directories/faculty.htm> See also North
Dakota Network.
McGill University (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcgill.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.mcgill.ca>.
Many faculty, staff, and graduate students have accounts on departmental
subnetworks. For example:
Computer Science: ***@cs.mcgill.ca (mail forwards to the correct
machine. Currently profs have their accounts on opus.cs.mcgill.ca,
stuents on binkley.cs.mcgill.ca.
Electrical Engineering: ***@ee.mcgill.ca
Some faculty members and students have accounts on musica.mcgill.ca. Most
undergraduate accounts are on musicb.mcgill.ca. Music user names are for
all practical purposes completely arbitrary. There is no finger server.
Many undergraduates, especially in arts, use the Faculty of Arts Computer
Lab. FACL users have addresses of the form ***@facl.lan.mcgill.ca.
Most non-cs, non-ee undergrads, however, are on musicb if they have
accounts at all.
McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcmaster.ca/>.
Online phone book at <URL:http://www.mcmaster.ca/cgi-bin/WebPhBk?DB=csnet-
Medical College of Wisconsin (Wauwatosa, WI, USA): Created: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcw.edu/>.
Medical students only: mcw.edu.
Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, SC, USA): Created: Tue Nov 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.musc.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.musc.edu>.
Medizinisches Hochschulrechenzent, Hannover (Hannover, Germany): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
(Hannover Academy/School of Medicine)
Bitnet address: ***@DHVMHH1.BITNET
Internet address: ***@vm.mhrz.mh-hannover.de
Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada): Changed: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mun.ca/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.mun.ca/phone/>.
Mercer University (Macon, GA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mercer.peachnet.edu/>.
There is also a campus in Atlanta.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.mercer.edu/asp_folder/email.asp>.
Student users' addresses are of the form: ***@mercer.peachnet.edu.
Merrimack College (North Andover, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.merrimack.edu/>.
Inquiries to ***@merrimack.edu welcome.
Faculty: except in extraordinary circumstances ***@merrimack.edu
Undergrads: Aliases exist for most students as ***@merrimack.edu.
REAL ids are usually ***@merrimack.edu with dups getting
***@merrimack.edu. For example:
Jane A. Smith -> jane.a.smith and ***@merrimack.edu
Joe L. Smith -> joe.l.smith and ***@merrimack.edu
Messiah College (Grantham, PA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.messiah.edu/>.
General: fl######@mcis.messiah.edu
Miami University (Oxford, OH, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
***@MIAVX1.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU or @MIAMIU.MUOHIO.EDU. Until 1994, userids
were FMLastname. Now they are LLLLLLFM.
Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msu.edu/>.
Finger ***@msu.edu; mail to ***@pilot.msu.edu. For students, send
mail to ***@student.msu.edu. Most user IDs are lastnamefirstname,
truncated to 8 letters; common names are numbered.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.msu.edu>.
Michigan Technological University (Houghton, MI, USA):Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtu.edu/>.
Finger ***@mtu.edu or use the online directory at
Mills College (Oakland, CA, USA): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Most student have accounts at: ***@ella.mills.edu
Millsaps College (Jackson, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.millsaps.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.millsaps.edu/www/uinfo/>.
Minnesota State University System (MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Faculty (all campuses): ***@msus1.bitnet
Faculty/Students (Mankato State University): ***@vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Mississippi College (Clinton, MS, USA): Changed: Sat Nov 8 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mc.edu/>.
Mailboxes are of the form ***@csc.mc.edu or ***@csc.mc.edu.
There is an online searchable phonebook at
Minot State University (Minot, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/>.
There is also a campus in Bottineau.
Faculty/staff search at
<URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/pages/fac_index.html>; student . at
<URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/pages/std_index.html> Both directories are
browsable. See also North Dakota Network.
Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (Columbus, MS, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msms.doe.k12.ms.us/>.
A public state-supported high school for intellectually gifted 11th and 12th
Mississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msstate.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.msstate.edu/cgi-bin/lookup>; e-
mail directory at <URL:http://msuinfo.ur.msstate.edu/search/email.htm> for
most students.
There is also a campus in Brantford.
Montana State University/Bozeman (Bozeman, MT, USA): Created: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.montana.edu/>. Faculty, staff,
and student directories are accessible from the Web page.
Morgan State University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.morgan.edu/>.
Montclair State University (Upper Montclair, NJ, USA):Created: Wed Nov 19 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.montclair.edu/>.
Most usernames are ***@alpha.montclair.edu. Student directory at
Faculty/staff directory at
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part2
Coventry University (Coventry, United Kingdom): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.coventry.ac.uk/>.
Directory search at <URL:http://dir.coventry.ac.uk:8080/>.
Staff: ***@coventry.ac.uk or ***@coventry.ac.uk where dd is
department (cs=Computer Science, mt=Maths, ss=Student Services etc.) and
yyy an incremental number
Students: ***@coventry.ac.uk (plus numbers for more common initials) or
L(8)@coventry.ac.uk (truncated at 8 letters and may have trailing
Cranfield University (Bedfordshire, United Kingdom): Created: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/>.
Email aliases are typically (but there are plenty of exceptions)
F.(L7)@cranfield.ac.uk or F.M.(L8)@cranfield.ac.uk or
Searches can be performed with a mail search engine at
Cuyahoga Community College (Cleveland, OH, USA): Created: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tri-c.cc.oh.us/>.
PH service at gopher://netman.tri-c.cc.oh.us:105/2.
User names are often ***@tri-c.cc.oh.us.
Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS, Canada): Changed: Wed Apr 12 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dal.ca/>.
Use the directory at <URL:http://www.dal.ca/support/people/emailsearch/> for
faculty and staff. No directory of student email.
Daniel Webster College (Nashua, NH, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 31 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dwc.edu/>.
Students: ***@eagle.dwc.edu or ***@av8r.dwc.edu.
Faculty and staff: ***@eagle.dwc.edu or ***@av8r.dwc.edu Browsable
web page directory at <URL:http://www.dwc.edu/academic/facultypage.html>.
For eagle, student last names are completely spelled out (e.g. John
Randomuser -> jrandomuser). For students on av8r, the last name is
truncated at seven characters (jrandomu).
av8r is fingerable, matchable on first or last name.
Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dartmouth.edu/>.
Search the directory at <URL:http://www.dartmouth.edu/dnd/>. Mailboxes are
usually ***@dartmouth.edu (or
***@dartmouth.edu if it is a very common name).
Davidson College (Davidson, NC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.davidson.edu/>.
General: ***@davidson.edu, where NN is first two characters of
nickname. If names conflict then we change the second letter of the
nickname to next letter. e.g. John Example -> jhexample
Physics: ***@phyhost.davidson.edu. If physics majors use e-mail, they
use the campus wide mail server, but *also* have a physics mail account
too. (Try the General mail server first). For more information try their
web server at <URL:http://www.phy.davidson.edu>.
Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Addresses at Dickinson College are of the following format:
***@dickinson.edu for example, ***@dickinson.edu
***@dickinsn.bitnet ***@dickinsn.bitnet
Usernames are typically the lastname (truncated at 8 characters) suffixed
with the first few letters of the firstname when needed for uniqueness.
Username Person
-------- ------
jackson Joe Jackson
jacksonb Bill Jackson
jacksobo Bob Jackson
Dickinson State University (Dickinson, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dsu.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty/staff e-mail via at
GOPHER ; there is a 4-part student list at
See also North Dakota Network.
Douglas College (New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.douglas.bc.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Coquitlam and and Maple Ridge.
Their site map at <URL:http://www.douglas.bc.ca/sitemap.html> shows no e-
mail or phone directory links.
Drake University (Des Moines, IA, USA): Changed: Sun Mar 20 1994
Students: fml### (or fl0### if no middle name), where the numbers
distinguish among people with the same initials (usually 00#; informants
don't know the method for choosing these numbers)
Faculty: fl###1R where the numbers are the last three digits of the social
security number. Finger works only for exact userids.
Drake maintains a standard phone directory; telnet to acad.drake.edu, login
as "drakeinfo" (no password required). E-mail addresses are not currently
listed, but other directory information is.
Students must reopen their accounts each semester, but userids remain
Drew University (Madison, NJ, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.drew.edu/>.
All students, faculty, and staff have accounts on daniel.drew.edu Account
names are usually of the form flllllll. In case of name collision, try
fmllllll or fllllll#
Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.drexel.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.drexel.edu> or finger
***@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu. General Computing Services: mail to
***@post.drexel.edu. Consultant's desk telephone 215.895.2698
Math and Computer Science : ***@mcs.drexel.edu where userid is of the
form <prefix>fllllll; the prefix is u for undergraduate, g for graduate,
or t for temporary.
Duke University (Durham, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.duke.edu/>.
PH service at phonebk.duke.edu, or via Gopher service at
Duke University Computer Assist Center provides general use accounts for
most students and faculty. Mail addressed to <user>@acpub.duke.edu should
be forwarded to the appropriate account on any of the Academic Computing
hosts. Computer Science is cs.duke.edu. Math is math.duke.edu;
physics.duke.edu and law.duke.edu also exist (along with lots of other
departmental domains.) There is also a BITNET site (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu
or dukemvs.BITNET)
New accounts are fml#, where # is a number used to distinguish duplicates.
Older account names were not standardized.
Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
***@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to Law
School faculty and staff, and suggests ***@student.law.duke.edu
might be willing to do the same for students.
Undergrads, Grads, and many Faculty/Staff: The mail server is
mercury.acpub.duke.edu. Mail to other machines will get forwarded to it.
As with acpub, new accounts are fml#; older ones are not standardized.
Bitnet gateway: dukemvs.bitnet (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu)
Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
Other machines: cs.duke.edu, egr.duke.edu, psych.duke.edu
Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
***@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to Law
School faculty and staff, and suggest ***@student.law.duke.edu
might be willing to do the same for students.
Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Created: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.duq.edu/>.
Student and faculty directory at
Durham College (Ottawa, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.durhamc.on.ca/>.
Earlham College (Richmond, IN, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.earlham.edu/>.
A CSO information server is available via Gopher service at
VAX users: ***@earlham.edu
Advanced computing students: ***@math.earlham.edu. Users added up to
8/92 have userid FFFFFFFL. In the case of an 8-character first name, the
userid is FFFFFFFF In the case of conflicts, the userid is FFFFFFLL,
FFFFFLLL, etc. Users added after 8/92 have userid LLLLLFF.
Eastern Connecticut State University (Willimantic, CT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.easternct.edu/>.
Faculty web pages at
<URL:http://www.easternct.edu/depts/fac_c_mat/index.html>. Student web
pages at <URL:http://www.easternct.edu/stu_web_dir/index.html>.
Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond, KY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.eku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://people.eku.edu/>.
Eastern Nazarene College (Quincy, MA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.enc.edu/>.
All ENC email addresses follow a standard format: ***@enc.edu; in case
of collision, try ***@enc.edu. Addresses may be verified/located
via finger of ***@enc.edu, ***@enc.edu, or ***@enc.edu.
Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.eckerd.edu/>.
E-mail addresses are in the form: (L6)***@eckerd.edu. Faculty directory at
École Polytechnique de Montréal (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Thu Jul 8 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.polymtl.ca/>.
Mailboxes seem to be ***@mail.polymtl.ca. The interactive
directory at <URL:http://www.polymtl.ca/bti1.htm> appears to me to just
have staff and faculty.
Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Gif-sur-Yvette, France): Created: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.supelec.fr/>.
There is an email address search utility at this Web site, but most people
can be reached by email at ***@lsi.supelec.fr.
El Paso Community College (El Paso, TX, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.epcc.edu/>.
General: ***@rgfn.epcc.edu
Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Use 'finger ***@emory.edu' (name = first, last or login).
Etisalat College of Engineering (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ece.ac.ae/>.
Fanshawe College (London, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in St. Thomas, Simcoe, Strathroy, Tilsonburg, and
Staff directory at <URL:gopher://admin.fanshawec.on.ca:105/2>. Web page
directories for staff at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/People/Users/>
and students at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/Students/>.
Ferris State University (Big Rapids, MI, USA): Created: Thu Aug 20 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ferris.edu/>.
Use the e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/cwis/teldir/homepage.htm>; "staff" means
either faculty or staff.
Fielding Institute (Santa Barbara, CA, USA): Created: Wed Apr 8 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fielding.edu/>.
Normally usernames are ***@fielding.edu.
Fisk University (Nashville, TN, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fisk.edu/>.
Fitchburg State College (Fitchburg, MA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Usernames are FLLLLLLLLLLL or FMLLLLLLLLLL @ fscvax.fsc.mass.edu (maximum 12
characters). You can finger by username or by last name.
Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fau.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Ft. Lauderdale, Davie, Palm Beach Gardens, and
Port St. Lucie.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://rs6000.adm.fau.edu/cgi-bin/EDsearch.sh>.
The local ACM chapter runs cybernet.cse.fau.edu, on which everyone can get
accounts, and many FAU students (and some faculty) use it.
Florida International University (Miami, FL, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fiu.edu/>.
***@solix.fiu.edu, where name is an abbreviation. of first name + last name
Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fsu.edu/>.
Directory of directories, including e-mail, at
Franklin and Marshall College (Lancaster, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fandm.edu/>.
Directory of directories, including list of staff email, at
Students: ***@acad.fandm.edu; their directory is only available via
login. Faculty/staff: usually ***@fandm.edu.
Freed-Hardeman University (Henderson, TN, USA): Created: Wed Sep 30 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://fhu.edu/>.
Browsable faculty/staff list at
<URL:http://www.fhu.edu/university_personnel.html>. For privacy, there is
no student directory; students mail IDs are of the form XL(8)***@fhu.edu
where the X code is U = Undergraduate Student; B = Bible, Graduate
Student; C = Counseling, Graduate Student; E = Education, Graduate
Furman University (Greenville, SC, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.furman.edu/>.
Mailboxes are often ***@furman.edu. Directory of directories
at <URL:http://www.furman.edu/directory/index.htm>, including staff and
Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://ugm.ac.id/>.
I have not found a directory or guidelines on guessing names.
Gallaudet University for the Deaf (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
GALLUA.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/VMS machine. Student usernames typically start
with 11, 12, 13 or 14, with 11 being the most common. The rest of the
username is first initial last name. Faculty and staff are typically first
initial, middle initial, last name. The node is also reachable as
GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/Ultrix (UNIX) machine. Not nearly as many users
on this machine. Name conventions are the same as for GALLUA.
Georg-August Universität (Göttingen, Germany): Changed: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-goettingen.de/>.
George Brown College (Toronto, ON, Canada): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gbrownc.on.ca/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
George Mason University (Fairfax, VA, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gmu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.gmu.edu> until end of Summer 1995.
Mail to ***@gmu.edu will forward to the user's preferred machine
(primarily osf1.gmu.edu or vms1.gmu.edu; vms1 supports finger from off-
site). Userids are flllllll; the second and subsequent duplicates are
fllllll#, where # is a digit counting from 1.
WHOIS server is available as host gmu.edu (query user account or lastname)
George Washington University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gwu.edu/>.
There is a browsable list of university offices at
<URL:http://www.gwu.edu/misc/phone.html>; I found no telephone or e-mail
directory search.
For those who have created their own Web pages, there are directories:
faculty at <URL:http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~www/faculty.html>, staff at
<URL:http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~www/staff.html>, and students at
Georgetown University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Fri Mar 31 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.georgetown.edu/>. Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://gopher.georgetown.edu>.
Georgia Institute of Technology [Georgia Tech] (Atlanta, GA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gatech.edu/>.
The online directory is restricted to on-campus use.
All faculty and staff are also reachable as
***@group.gatech.edu where group is usually the name of the
college, school, center, etc. Current groups include: ae (aerospace
engineering), alumni, arch, atdc, audit, berc, biology, bks, business,
carnegie, cc (college of computing), cds, ce, che, chemistry, coe, conted,
coop, cos, crt, eas, econ, ee, erc, facilities, grad, gstrf, gtaa, gtrc,
gtri, health, history, housing, iac, inta, intprog, ipst, irp, isye, lcc,
library, marc, math, oit (office of information technology), vpea, vpss,
CS Dept (Faculty, staff, PhD students): terminus.cc.gatech.edu,
***@cc.gatech.edu. (cc = College of Computing)
Students: ***@mail.gatech.edu where L are letters and NNN a 3-digit
number. Some older accounts are ***@mail.gatech.edu
Also try: ***@acme.gatech.edu,
Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gsu.edu/>.
Electronic phonebook at <URL:http://www.gsu.edu/cgi-bin/ph.cgi>.
Georgian College (Barrie, ON, Canada): Created: Mon Apr 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.georcoll.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Orillia and and Owen Sound.
There is an index at <URL:http://www.georcoll.on.ca/staff/default.htm> of
those few people with web pages.
Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA, USA): Created: Fri Jul 12 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gettysburg.edu/>.
CSO phone directory service via Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://gopherserver.cc.gettysburg.edu:105/2>. PH service at
Golden Gate University (San Francisco, CA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ggu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Los Angeles, Monterey Bay, Sacramento, San Jose,
Seattle, and Walnut Creek.
There does not appear to be any online directory.
Gordon College (Wenham, MA, USA): Created: Sat Mar 15 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gordonc.edu/>.
Mail names are generally ***@peace.gordonc.edu.
Goucher College (Baltimore, MD, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.goucher.edu/>.
Mail to ***@goucher.edu
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.goucher.edu>, including a list of
Grand Valley State University (Allendale, MI, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gvsu.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@gvsu.edu
Most students have accounts at river.it.gvsu.edu.
Usernames are of the form lllllllf (e.g., jqstudent), truncated to 8
Gvsu.edu does not have a finger daemon running.
Computer Science students *may* be reachable at ***@beech.mcs.gvsu.edu,
where userid is of the form llllllll, with lllllllf for name collisions.
Green River Community College (Green River, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.greenriver.edu/>.
Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.grin.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.grin.edu/www/dir_form.html>.
Students and faculty: ***@Ac.Grin.Edu
Administrative users: ***@Admin.Grin.Edu
Assistance is available for both academic and administrative addresses from
Note: Grinnell College is no longer on BITNET as of 1-July-1995.
Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Finger at ***@gacvx1.gac.edu for vax accounts, or ***@nic.gac.edu
for Unix accounts.
Hagerstown Junior College (Hagerstown, MD, USA): Created: Tue Nov 26 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://western-md.com/hjc:/>.
Faculty addresses appear to be ***@hjc.cc.md.us
Hamilton College (Clinton, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hamilton.edu/>.
Students, Faculty & Staff: F(L7)@hamilton.edu. Student directory at
faculty directory at
Hamline University (St. Paul, MN, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hamline.edu/>.
General use: piper.hamline.edu
Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden-Sydney, VA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Faculty have addresses of the form ***@tiger.hsc.edu (e.g. Fred Smith
-> ***@tiger.hsc.edu).
Hampshire College (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hampshire.edu/>.
***@hamp.hampshire.edu. If that fails, try fmlXYY or fflXYY, where X is
F or S (case sensitive) depending on whether they enrolled for the first
time in Fall or Spring, and YY is the year of their enrollment.
Hanover College (Hanover, IN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hanover.edu/>.
Mail to ***@hanover.edu.
Hartwick College (Oneonta, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hartwick.edu/>.
General use: ***@hartwick.edu
Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.harvard.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.harvard.edu/directories/>.
Employees: F(L7)@harvard.edu and ***@harvard.edu.
Faculty of Arts and Science World-Wide Web service at
<URL:http://http://www.fas.harvard.edu//>. Finger @fas.harvard.edu to
find who's logged on at the moment. fas and husc7 are Unix machines;
most faculty and staff use fas for email. husc3.harvard.edu and
husc15.harvard.edu are VMS machines, used a bit for mail, but more as an
application server for VMS and the MAC/PC networks.
Username is lastname or flllllll or fmllllll, with a number appended in case
of duplicates.
Undergrads: @fas.harvard.edu
Organizations: @hcs.harvard.edu
Center for Astrophysics: @cfa.harvard.edu
All Harvard Medical School students now have accounts on
student.med.harvard.edu. The system is relatively new, however, and the
number who actually use them now appears to be small. The usernames are
of the form ***@student.med.harvard.edu. This is a distributed PC
system, and users are not fingerable.
Harvard Law School students may have accounts on hulaw{1,2}.harvard.edu.
These machines are fingerable, but usernames must be matched exactly to be
Kennedy School of Government: ***@ksg1.harvard.edu or
Harvey Mudd (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hmc.edu/>.
MailCentral mail names are of the form ***@hmc.edu. These forward
to the user's preferred mailbox.
Haverford College (Haverford, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.haverford.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.students.haverford.edu/cgi-
bin/admincc/dirsearch/dirsearch.cgi>. PH service at ph.haverford.edu.
Directory of web pages at
***@haverford.edu. In case of conflicts, either a middle initial or
number is added (FNLLLLLL or FMLLLLLL).
Do NOT use venus.haverford.edu; as of 1994 it no longer accepts mail.
Helsinki School of Economics & Business Administration (Helsinki, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: kyyppari.hkkk.fi. Finger available.
Helsinki University of Technology (Helsinki, Finland):Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hut.fi/>.
Students: vipunen.hut.fi. Many students have a mail alias of the form
Staff: hila.hut.fi
Finger with first or last name or mail alias. Gopher service at
Hiram College (Hiram, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hiram.edu/>.
All are ***@hiram.edu where userid is of the form lll..llfm, up to a 12
character maximum. ***@hiram.edu will handle inquiries regarding a
person's e-mail address.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong): Created: Tue Jul 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ust.hk/>.
To find staff or students, finger -l ***@ustsu29.ust.hk
The Computer Science Department has its own WWW service at
<URL:http://www.cs.ust.hk>. To find staff or graduate students, finger -l
***@cs.ust.hk To find undergraduates, finger -l ***@lab2.cs.ust.hk
All MAIL-ID's with an "_" (underscore) denote undergraduate accounts. The
first two letters of the mail-id usually denote the major or the
department the person is associated with:
cs (Computer Science)
ce (Civil Eng.)
ke (Chemical Eng.)
Hope College (Holland, MI, USA): Created: Fri Oct 8 1993
Students (VAX): ***@hope.cit.hope.edu, where L = Last initial,
F = First initial, xxxx = Last four digits of Social Security number,
yy = Last two digits of expected graduation year
Faculty (VAX): ***@hope.cit.hope.edu
Computer Science (UNIX): ***@cs.hope.edu
Houghton College (Houghton, NY, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
Students: ***@houghton.edu; sometimes
Faculty: ***@houghton.edu, sometimes ***@houghton.edu.
There are also aliases for the library and admissions, ***@houghton.edu
and ***@houghton.edu.
We have a listserv at ***@houghton.edu. Finger services are available
but you must use the -l option for them to work effectively.
Howard University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.howard.edu/>.
Idaho State University (Pocatello, ID, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.isu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Boise, and Lewiston.
E-mail and telephone directory at <URL:http://www.isu.edu/Information.html>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@isu.edu . Students: ***@cwis.isu.edu . userid is
of the form llllffff (in the case of conflicts the last letter may be
changed to a number)
All faculty and staff may receive accounts upon request. Students may
receive accounts upon payment of a small computer use fee.
Finger daemon is running on cwis and the mail-hub, but many of the mail-hub
addresses are just aliases which will not be returned by the finger
Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iit.edu/>.
Domain IIT.EDU has servers on iitmax.iit.edu and karl.iit.edu.
Student usernames are llllfff. One correspondent said: "try
Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (Aurora, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.imsa.edu/>.
Students: Finger @imsasun.imsa.edu. About 75% of the community have
accounts. Users pick their own IDs. Alumni may keep their accounts.
Faculty, staff, administration: ***@qm.imsa.edu. This is an
unfingerable QuickMail setup.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.imsa.edu/direct.html>.
Illinois State University (Bloomington, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ilstu.edu/>.
Try the online directory at <URL:http://www.ilstu.edu/cgi-bin/WebPH.pl>;
many people don't have e-mail addresses listed, but you could try
FM(L6)@ilstu.edu. Some people have listings in the Web page directory at
Indiana University (IN, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/>.
Address book at <URL:http://iuaccts.ucs.indiana.edu/open-bin/addrbook/>.
Faculty, Staff, Students: ***@ucs.indiana.edu
Usernames are portions of the person's real name. 8 characters, usually the
last name plus maybe a few initials.
Student/Staff VAX/VMS machines: (main nodes) gold.ucs.indiana.edu,
aqua.ucs.indiana.edu, jade.ucs.indiana.edu, amber.ucs.indiana.edu,
silver.ucs.indiana.edu -- Unix, All students ( mostly CS undergrads)
copper.ucs.indiana.edu -- These two are VAXen running Ultrix (UNIX) They're
student machines.
bronze.ucs.indiana.edu -- This is DEC RISC (Not a VAX) running Ultrix.
Staff only...
iuvax.cs.indiana.edu -- Unix, CS students ( mostly grad students and
faculty )
The email address of any student, faculty, or staff member at Indiana can be
found out by doing a
"finger ***@indiana.edu" or
"whois -h indiana.edu lastname" or
"whois -h iugate.ucs.indiana.edu lastname"
Type "finger ***@indiana.edu" or "whois -h indiana.edu help" for more
information about the service.
Indiana University Bloomington [IUB] (Bloomington, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/iub>.
People search at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/iub/people.html>.
Indiana University East [IUE] (Richmond, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iue.indiana.edu/>.
See Indiana University.
Indiana University Kokomo [IUK] (Kokomo, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iuk.indiana.edu/>.
Telephone directory at <URL:http://www.iuk.edu/directory/index.html>. See
also Indiana University.
Indiana University Northwest [IUN] (Gary, IN, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iun.indiana.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@iunhaw1.iun.indiana.edu Faculty and staff usernames
are their first initial and seven digits of their last name.
Students: ***@iunlab1.iun.indiana.edu where nnnn are the last four
digits of the Social Security number.
Finger is not working for IUN at this time.
Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne [IPFW] (Fort Wayne, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ipfw.edu/>.
Directory of See also Indiana University.
Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis [IUPUI] (Indianapolis, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iupui.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone directory at
<URL:http://www.iupui.edu/home/directory.html>. See also Indiana
Indiana University South Bend [IUSB] (South Bend, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iusb.edu/>.
See also Indiana University.
Indiana University Southeast [IUS] (New Albany, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ius.indiana.edu/>.
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.ius.indiana.edu/ius/finding.html>. See also Indiana
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey [ITESM] (Monterrey, Mexico): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mty.itesm.mx/>.
Students: mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (vax machine); academ01.mty.itesm.mx (RS/6000)
Userids begin with BL plus the id number of the student, i.e., bl205102.
Every student can ask for an account on the vax machine. There are other
computing facilities as well.
Iowa State University (Ames, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iastate.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://ph.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/phf>.
Finger ***@iastate.edu, where name can be firstname or lastname (in
Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ithaca.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at
<URL:http://www.ithaca.edu/directories.php>. Faculty:
***@oa.ithaca.edu; staff: ***@ithaca.edu; students:
fllllll#@ithaca.edu, where # disambiguates otherwise identical IDs.
James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA, USA): Created: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jmu.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.jmu.edu/edir/people>.
Recent userids (since January 1994): ***@jmu.edu. If there's no middle
initial, use X. In case of ambiguity, second and subsequent collisions
get LLLLLnFM, where n is a digit.
Before Jan 94, userIDs were: ***@jmu.edu And before that, there are
some with: ***@jmu.edu, ***@jmu.edu, or
Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/>.
Directory of , at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/www/ribbon/director.html> The e-
mail directory at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/www/ribbon/ph-query/email-
alias.html> is self-subscription, so not eeryone has an alias. Personal
home page index at <URL:http://infonet.welch.jhu.edu/cgi-bin/phpi>.
Accounts are located on jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu, jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu,
jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu. All are on bitnet.
The default userid is of the form lllll_fm or llllll_f. However, students
may choose whatever userid they wish, which can be just about anything.
Johnson and Wales University (Providence, RI, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jwu.edu/>.
Students: ***@students.jwu.edu. Faculty at
There are associated campuses in Charleston, South Carolina; Norfolk,
Virginia; North Miami, Florida; and Vail, Colorado.
Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo, MI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kzoo.edu/>.
(L8)@kzoo.edu or F(L6)@kzoo.edu. Alphabetical list of faculty at
Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ksu.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ksu.edu/Directories/wp/query.html>.
Keene State College (Keene, NH, USA): Created: Fri Nov 7 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.keene.edu/>.
The faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://amazon.keene.edu/dir_alpha.html>
doesn't show an e-mail address for everyone. A comprehensive student
directory is available only internally, but there is a less comprehensive
world-accessible directory at
Kent State University (Kent, OH, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kent.edu/>.
See the faculty, staff, and student phone book at
Kenyon College (Gambier, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kenyon.edu/>.
See the faculty, staff, and student directory at
***@kenyon.edu. Username is usually the last name, sometimes with
initials tacked onto the end.
Knox College (Galesburg, IL, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
Students, faculty, and admin: flllllll@@knox.edu
LaGrange College (Lagrange, GA, USA): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lagrange.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and administration directory available at
Lakehead University (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lakeheadu.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:gopher://gopher.lakeheadu.ca:105/2>;
mailboxes appear to be ***@lakeheadu.ca.
Langara College (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada):Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.langara.bc.ca/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lappeenranta, Finland): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lut.fi/>.
People finder at <URL:http://info.lut.fi/home/persons.htm> (English).
Finger available.
LaSalle University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Host hp800.lasalle.edu
Faculty, Staff, and student staff: use last name, eg. jones (llllllll)
Course accounts: xnnn0mmm or xnnnamm, where x is 1-letter course name (e.g.
c for computer science), nnn is 3 digit course id, 0 or a is entered
exactly as shown, and mmm or mm is the student's individual number within
the course)
Incoming finger (from the Internet) does not yet work.
Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.laurentian.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.laurentian.ca/www/lu/util/eUserFrm.htm>.
For most staff the convention is: ***@nickel.laurentian.ca.
Undergraduate/graduate students: S/G followed by numbers.
Lebanon Valley College (Annville, PA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lvc.edu/>.
Faculty, staff and students: ***@acad.lvc.edu
Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/people/>, including
e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/find/email.html>.
Lenoir-Rhyne College (Hickory, NC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
E-mail address is ***@alice.lrc.edu or ***@mike.lrc.edu.
London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lse.ac.uk/>.
E-mail: Students, Faculty, Staff: ***@vax.lse.ac.uk. For students with
last names under 8 characters, the format is usually
***@vax.lse.ac.uk. All students have accounts, although not all may
actually use them.
Online directory available at <URL:http://www.blpes.lse.ac.uk/cgi-
Finger: Appears to require an exact username.
Longwood College (Farmville, VA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Math & Computer Science faculty have addresses of the form
***@lwcnet.lwc.edu (e.g. Fred Smith -> ***@lwcnet.lwc.edu). I
believe that other faculty have address of the same form on the same
domain. There are other domains. No domains support remote finger.
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@tiger.lsu.edu; user ids are flastname (or flastname# if there
is a conflict).
CS: csvax.csc.lsu.edu
EE: max.ee.lsu.edu
SNCC (S/m Network Comp Center): lsu500.sncc.lsu.edu
Louisiana Tech University (Ruston, LA, USA): Created: Mon Apr 12 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.latech.edu/>.
Web search at <URL:http://www.latech.edu/tech/phone.html>. User IDs are
***@latech.edu except for legacy UNIX users, who received their UNIX id
instead when the names were changed over in 1996; these UNIX id's are
either initials or combinations of initials and names.
Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Created: Mon Aug 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lmu.edu/>.
Students: F(L7)@stdntpop.lmu.edu. Faculty: F(L7)@lmumail.lmu.edu. Law
school faculty and staff: F(L7)@lmulaw.lmu.edu.
Web pages for some faculty at
<URL:http://www.lmu.edu/acad/personal/faculty/faculty.htm> and staff at
<URL:http://www.lmu.edu/admin/personal/staff/index.htm>. Directory of
student pages at <URL:http://WWW.ASLMU.ORG/students/>.
Loyalist College (Belleville, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.loyalistc.on.ca/>.
I found a list of E-mail contacts at
<URL:http://www.loyalistc.on.ca/contact.html>, but no general directory.
Lubbock Christian University (Lubbock, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lcu.edu/>.
Student user names appear to be ***@mail.lcu.edu (first 4 letters of
last name, followed by a 4-digit number). E-mail directory at
Faculty and staff user names are not yet listed.
Luther College (Decorah, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://luther.edu/>.
Mail to llllff##@luther.edu, where ## is currently 01 and increases to
distinguish duplicates. Campus directory at
Macalester College (Saint Paul, MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Every student and faculty member has an account on the college's VAX system.
Many students have additional accounts on departmental machines. These
instructions are for finding someone on the VAX.
Finger ***@macalstr.edu, where userid is of the form flllllll for
students, and lname for faculty. Numbers are added to the end of the
userid in case of name conflicts.
Macquarie University (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mq.edu.au/>.
Manhattan College (Bronx, NY, USA): Created: Thu Dec 30 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.manhattan.edu/>.
E-mail directory for faculty, staff, and students at
<URL:http://www.manhattan.edu/email/>; Students must first activate their
email account before they can receive mail.
Marlboro College (Marlboro, VT, USA): Created: Wed Mar 31 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.marlboro.edu/>.
There does not appear to be a universal pattern for malbox names; I have
seen FL(7)@marlboro.edu, FML(6)@marlboro.edu, ***@marlboro.edu, and
F(7)***@marlboro.edu. There is a search form at
Mars Hill College (Mars Hill, NC, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
Students: ***@MHC.edu.
Faculty and staff: ***@MHC.edu.
Mary Washington College (Fredricksburg, VA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mwc.edu/>.
Most students have an account at MWC, and all faculty. Userids are
finger ***@oregano.mwc.edu.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] (Cambridge, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
Finger ***@mit.edu for info about the person and mail address. This is the
same info that's used to create the MIT phonebook, so it is as accurate.
(One can finger ***@mit.edu for instructions in using this service.) For
backwards compatibility, mail to ***@athena.mit.edu will still work.
Finger @ai.mit.edu for AI graduate students, faculty, and some undergrads.
Also try @media-lab.mit.edu (= media-lab.media.mit.edu) for the MIT Media
Try @lcs.mit.edu for Laboratory of Computer Science faculty, staff, and
Also, MIT math professors can be found on math.mit.edu (a.k.a.
bourbaki.mit.edu; however, this information is already accessible from
fingering mit.edu information.
MITVMA.MIT.EDU is the gateway to bitnet.
Mayville State University (Mayville, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.masu.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty at
<URL:http://www.masu.nodak.edu/directories/faculty.htm> See also North
Dakota Network.
McGill University (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcgill.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.mcgill.ca>.
Many faculty, staff, and graduate students have accounts on departmental
subnetworks. For example:
Computer Science: ***@cs.mcgill.ca (mail forwards to the correct
machine. Currently profs have their accounts on opus.cs.mcgill.ca,
stuents on binkley.cs.mcgill.ca.
Electrical Engineering: ***@ee.mcgill.ca
Some faculty members and students have accounts on musica.mcgill.ca. Most
undergraduate accounts are on musicb.mcgill.ca. Music user names are for
all practical purposes completely arbitrary. There is no finger server.
Many undergraduates, especially in arts, use the Faculty of Arts Computer
Lab. FACL users have addresses of the form ***@facl.lan.mcgill.ca.
Most non-cs, non-ee undergrads, however, are on musicb if they have
accounts at all.
McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcmaster.ca/>.
Online phone book at <URL:http://www.mcmaster.ca/cgi-bin/WebPhBk?DB=csnet-
Medical College of Wisconsin (Wauwatosa, WI, USA): Created: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcw.edu/>.
Medical students only: mcw.edu.
Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, SC, USA): Created: Tue Nov 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.musc.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.musc.edu>.
Medizinisches Hochschulrechenzent, Hannover (Hannover, Germany): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
(Hannover Academy/School of Medicine)
Bitnet address: ***@DHVMHH1.BITNET
Internet address: ***@vm.mhrz.mh-hannover.de
Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada): Changed: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mun.ca/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.mun.ca/phone/>.
Mercer University (Macon, GA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mercer.peachnet.edu/>.
There is also a campus in Atlanta.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.mercer.edu/asp_folder/email.asp>.
Student users' addresses are of the form: ***@mercer.peachnet.edu.
Merrimack College (North Andover, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.merrimack.edu/>.
Inquiries to ***@merrimack.edu welcome.
Faculty: except in extraordinary circumstances ***@merrimack.edu
Undergrads: Aliases exist for most students as ***@merrimack.edu.
REAL ids are usually ***@merrimack.edu with dups getting
***@merrimack.edu. For example:
Jane A. Smith -> jane.a.smith and ***@merrimack.edu
Joe L. Smith -> joe.l.smith and ***@merrimack.edu
Messiah College (Grantham, PA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.messiah.edu/>.
General: fl######@mcis.messiah.edu
Miami University (Oxford, OH, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
***@MIAVX1.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU or @MIAMIU.MUOHIO.EDU. Until 1994, userids
were FMLastname. Now they are LLLLLLFM.
Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msu.edu/>.
Finger ***@msu.edu; mail to ***@pilot.msu.edu. For students, send
mail to ***@student.msu.edu. Most user IDs are lastnamefirstname,
truncated to 8 letters; common names are numbered.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.msu.edu>.
Michigan Technological University (Houghton, MI, USA):Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtu.edu/>.
Finger ***@mtu.edu or use the online directory at
Mills College (Oakland, CA, USA): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Most student have accounts at: ***@ella.mills.edu
Millsaps College (Jackson, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.millsaps.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.millsaps.edu/www/uinfo/>.
Minnesota State University System (MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Faculty (all campuses): ***@msus1.bitnet
Faculty/Students (Mankato State University): ***@vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Mississippi College (Clinton, MS, USA): Changed: Sat Nov 8 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mc.edu/>.
Mailboxes are of the form ***@csc.mc.edu or ***@csc.mc.edu.
There is an online searchable phonebook at
Minot State University (Minot, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/>.
There is also a campus in Bottineau.
Faculty/staff search at
<URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/pages/fac_index.html>; student . at
<URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/pages/std_index.html> Both directories are
browsable. See also North Dakota Network.
Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (Columbus, MS, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msms.doe.k12.ms.us/>.
A public state-supported high school for intellectually gifted 11th and 12th
Mississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msstate.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.msstate.edu/cgi-bin/lookup>; e-
mail directory at <URL:http://msuinfo.ur.msstate.edu/search/email.htm> for
most students.
There is also a campus in Brantford.
Montana State University/Bozeman (Bozeman, MT, USA): Created: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.montana.edu/>. Faculty, staff,
and student directories are accessible from the Web page.
Morgan State University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.morgan.edu/>.
Montclair State University (Upper Montclair, NJ, USA):Created: Wed Nov 19 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.montclair.edu/>.
Most usernames are ***@alpha.montclair.edu. Student directory at
Faculty/staff directory at
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)