2005-07-09 16:16:56 UTC
This idea is LONG LONG overdue. Nearly every U.S. University has both
a "Latino Student Union" and a "Black Student Union" or a "Latino Such
and Such Organization" and a "Black Such and such Organization".
However, we NEVER see a "White Student Union". Such "Latino/Black"
college organizations are, by definition, racist and yet nobody seems
to make a stink about it. Every U.S. University allows such groups.
It would be interesting to see what happens when some students try to
create a "White Student Union".
This should be done in order to: make a point OR simply to see what the
media reaction would be. Here is what they could do:
Form a "White Student Union" with about 20 white students. Register
the "White Student Union" with the University Dept. of
Clubs/Organizations (or whatever they call it). Use the exact same
"bylaws" which are used by the Latino/Black groups. Then sit back and
watch the hypocrisy fly!!! Watch the Blacks and Latinos scream "Racist
Pigs" and "KKK" and "Nazis". The University may even not allow the
creation of a "White Student Union". In this case, they are
discriminating against the white students since they are allowing
similar "Latino" and "Black" groups to exist on their campus. Make
sure you have a smart lawyer ready to file a lawsuit against the
University - choose him/her carefully. Prepare for a fight. Prepare
for TONS of press. This should get tons of media coverage because it
is highly controversial. But don't worry, the creators of the "White
Student Union" are clearly in their rights and should prevail. Rush
Limbaugh would surely come to their defense as would the endless number
of conservative talk radio hosts across the country.
An important point is this: before forming the "White Student Union",
make sure you have at least 20 strong minded (white) students - they
would be the charter members. They must be very strong minded and
believe in this fight. No wimps allowed. No second thoughts. No
backing out. Of course the leader/creator of the White Student Union
must be VERY smart, educated, articulate, rational, know American
history, know the constitution/bill of rights, and be comfortable in
front of the camera.
Here is a typical example of one of the numerous "Latino Student
Unions" at an American University:
Now, imagine the word "White" is substituted for "Latino".
Here is a randomly chosen "Black Student Union":
Imagine if that sign said "White Student Union".
This idea is LONG LONG overdue. Nearly every U.S. University has both
a "Latino Student Union" and a "Black Student Union" or a "Latino Such
and Such Organization" and a "Black Such and such Organization".
However, we NEVER see a "White Student Union". Such "Latino/Black"
college organizations are, by definition, racist and yet nobody seems
to make a stink about it. Every U.S. University allows such groups.
It would be interesting to see what happens when some students try to
create a "White Student Union".
This should be done in order to: make a point OR simply to see what the
media reaction would be. Here is what they could do:
Form a "White Student Union" with about 20 white students. Register
the "White Student Union" with the University Dept. of
Clubs/Organizations (or whatever they call it). Use the exact same
"bylaws" which are used by the Latino/Black groups. Then sit back and
watch the hypocrisy fly!!! Watch the Blacks and Latinos scream "Racist
Pigs" and "KKK" and "Nazis". The University may even not allow the
creation of a "White Student Union". In this case, they are
discriminating against the white students since they are allowing
similar "Latino" and "Black" groups to exist on their campus. Make
sure you have a smart lawyer ready to file a lawsuit against the
University - choose him/her carefully. Prepare for a fight. Prepare
for TONS of press. This should get tons of media coverage because it
is highly controversial. But don't worry, the creators of the "White
Student Union" are clearly in their rights and should prevail. Rush
Limbaugh would surely come to their defense as would the endless number
of conservative talk radio hosts across the country.
An important point is this: before forming the "White Student Union",
make sure you have at least 20 strong minded (white) students - they
would be the charter members. They must be very strong minded and
believe in this fight. No wimps allowed. No second thoughts. No
backing out. Of course the leader/creator of the White Student Union
must be VERY smart, educated, articulate, rational, know American
history, know the constitution/bill of rights, and be comfortable in
front of the camera.
Here is a typical example of one of the numerous "Latino Student
Unions" at an American University:
Now, imagine the word "White" is substituted for "Latino".
Here is a randomly chosen "Black Student Union":
Imagine if that sign said "White Student Union".