2006-12-03 10:30:03 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part5
University of North Dakota/Williston (Williston, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.und-w.nodak.edu/>.
See North Dakota Network.
University of North Florida (Jacksonville, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unf.edu/>.
Alphabetical list of faculty at
<URL:http://www.unf.edu/facstaff/directory/byname/>; home pages for some .
at <URL:http://www.unf.edu/students/>
CS undergrads, grads, faculty: ***@unf6.cis.unf.edu, where last may be
limited to 6-8 characters.
Information Science undergrads: unf1vm.cis.unf.edu. Unfortunately names are
assigned randomly, so it's nearly impossible to guess unless you already
have contact with someone.
Others generally don't have accounts unless they ask for them.
University of Northern British Columbia (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unbc.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://quarles.unbc.edu/keen/srchmail.htm>.
University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://access.uni.edu/phone/phone.cgi?DB=csnet-ns>.
University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nd.edu/>.
You can search at <URL:http://www.nd.edu/NDHomePage/Search/> for personal
web pages, or query the CSO phone/e-mail database at
The University of Notre Dame now supports full name human readable e-mail
addresses, such as ***@nd.edu. All members of the Notre Dame
community have e-mail addresses on nd.edu; however, at this time (June,
1992) the vast majority of them are "uninitialized". This means the user
has not specifically told the server how to deliver e-mail to this user,
so e-mail to this user will fail.
All members of the Notre Dame community also have userids in our AFS file
space. Userids in this file space tend to be of the form flllllll or
flllllln. Some users who use the AFS file system might not have
initialized their entries on the nd.edu name server; conversely, many
community members who can receive mail via nd.edu ignore their AFS
Notre Dame also has many other central and departmental computer systems
which can send and receive e-mail. As more and more users initialize
their nameserver accounts there will be less need to remember these
specific local systems and userids. However, for the time being, they are
often the best addresses for some members of the Notre Dame community.
All students are given accounts on darwin.cc.nd.edu, but not all students
use them. Usernames are of the form flllllll. In case of name conflicts,
numbers are added to the end to disambiguate.
Questions can be sent to ***@nd.edu.
University of Oklahoma/Norman (Norman, OK, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoknor.edu/>.
Free accounts are available to everyone at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu; userids
are usually lastname, flastname, or fmlastname. Online phonebook at
Engineering students: vinson, lincoln, jfk, or roosevelt.ecn.uoknor.edu.
Also try ***@exuokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu
University of Oregon (Eugene, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoregon.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~jqj/phone/index.html> for
faculty, staff, and students who haven't requested that their information
be restricted.
CS Grads and Faculty: <username>@cs.uoregon.edu
CS Undergrads/CIE: <username>@cie.uoregon.edu (this is only for CS
undergrads subscribing to the campus information exchange)
Others?: ***@oregon.uoregon.edu for those with email accounts
E-mail: ***@oregon.uoregon.edu for those without email. Such
letters are printed out with a cover sheet and delivered through the
normal campus mail system (graduate students, staff, and faculty only --
undergrads do not have on-campus addresses).
University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uio.no/>.
Department of Informatics: ***@ifi.uio.no. Faculty and staff mailboxes
may be f.lastname or firstname.lastname or f.m.lastname
University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Mar 7 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uottawa.ca/>.
The staff directory at <URL:http://www.uottawa.ca/phonebook/> has English
and French versions. There is no student directory.
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.upenn.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.upenn.edu/directories/>.
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pitt.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.pitt.edu/NewPittInfo/dir_services.html>
Students as of 2001 are fml#@pitt.edu where # is a disambiguating number.
University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.up.ac.za/>.
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.up.ac.za/directories/directory.html>; there is no
information on students at the moment.
University of Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.upei.ca/>.
List of directories at <URL:http://www.upei.ca/phonebook.html>.
University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Try ***@ups.edu or ***@ups.edu.
University of Regina (Regina, SK, Canada): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uregina.ca/>.
Student e-mail directory at <URL:http://meena.cc.uregina.ca/www/uofr-
Phone directory at <URL:http://www.uregina.ca/cgi-
University of Richmond (Richmond, VA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 29 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.richmond.edu/>.
White pages at <URL:http://www.tech.urich.edu/cgi-bin/WebPh?DB=ns>; Web page
meta-directory at <URL:http://www.urich.edu/directory.html>
University of Rochester (Rochester, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.urochester.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:>. Faculty/staff mailboxes are often
***@umc.rochester.edu. Undergraduate students are
fl###***@mail.rochester.edu where ### is a number distinguishing duplicates
and x is a letter denoting the year the student entered the school. Fall
1999 was i, fall 2000 j, and so on.
University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, SK, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usask.edu/>.
White pages at <URL:http://www.usask.ca/mlookup/white.html>.
University of Scranton (Scranton, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uofs.edu/>.
Students 1995 and after: LastnameF#@uofs.edu where # is a number to
distinguish duplicates. Students prior to 1995: fml#@uofs.edu where # is
a number usually between 1 and 20, but sometimes higher. Student
directory at <URL:http://www.uofs.edu/admin/stpbook.html>.
Faculty: ***@uofs.edu; directory at
<URL:http://www.uofs.edu/admin/fspbook.html>. Lastname is sometimes
followed by a number but usually not.
University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sc.edu/>.
Graduate CS : usceast.cs.sc.edu, calvin.cs.sc.edu
Graduate ECE: charlie.ece.sc.edu
School of Medicine: dcsmserver.med.sc.edu
University of South Florida (Tampa, FL, USA): Created: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usf.edu/>.
There are also campuses in St. Petersburg, Sarasota, and Lakeland.
Finger firstname or ***@usf.edu. Gopher service at
University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usc.edu/>.
Faculty and staff directory at
<URL:http://www.usc.edu/Library/FacultyStaff/directory.html>. Access to
the student directory is restricted to USC faculty, staff, and students.
University of Southern Maine (ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usm.maine.edu/>.
Campuses in Portland and and Gorham.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.usm.maine.edu/staff.html>;
directory of some student web pages at
University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg, MS, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usm.edu/>.
Try finger ***@whale.st.usm.edu
All students have an account on USMCP6.BITNET but many don't know it. The
student must make a special request to use bitnet mail and there is no way
to tell if he/she has been so set up. This machine is soon to acquire
TCP/IP software, which may then provide finger.
University of Southwestern Louisiana (Lafayette, LA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usl.edu/>.
The entire campus population has the option to participate in electronic
mail. Name look-up at
<URL:http://www.usl.edu/People/Bluekey/94-95/form.html> Mail to
***@usl.edu; accounts typically are initials and last four digits of
university ID #
If your intended recipient has never initialized his or her e-mail account
on the usl.edu machine, your mail will be returned, marked "user unknown."
Users may also define easy-to-remember mail aliases which can be used as
alternatives to their user-IDs. Ask about this when you make contact.
University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Created: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usyd.edu.au/>.
See the online phonebook at <URL:http://www.usyd.edu.au/is/phlookup>.
University of Tampere (Tampere, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: uta.fi. Finger available.
University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN, USA): Created: Fri Mar 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utk.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at <URL:http://www.utk.edu/ph/>.
University of Texas/Austin (Austin, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jan 4 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utexas.edu/>.
The University of Texas at Austin maintains an X.500 directory containing e-
mail, phone, and address information for students, faculty, and staff
supplied by those individuals. The directory can be accessed through any
X.500 client software participating in the Internet White Pages Pilot
project and though numerous gateways including:
Web directory at <URL:http://directory.utexas.edu/>
finger ***@directory.utexas.edu
LDAP service at ldap.utexas.edu, port 389, base: o=The University of Texas
at Austin,c=US
mail to: ***@directory.utexas.edu with subject: find ffffff m llllllll
subject: help
University of Texas/Dallas (Dallas, TX, USA): Changed: Tue Feb 23 1993
finger <part of person's name>@utdallas.edu lists all the matching full
names and the corresponding user ids.
For more information about most of the graduate students (irrespetive of
major), staff and professors, use: finger <user id>@apache.utdallas.edu
University of Texas/San Antonio (San Antonio, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utsa.edu/>.
Most faculty and staff: ***@utsa.edu. The directory at
<URL:http://www.lib.utsa.edu/cgi-bin/ph> currently lists full-time faculty
and staff; eventually it may have part-timers and students also.
Students: lonestar.utsa.edu
University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston, TX, USA): Created: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utmb.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.utmb.edu/directory/>.
University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 3 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pacific.edu/>.
Faculty and staff: usually ***@pacific.edu.
University of the South (Sewanee, TN, USA): Created: Thu Dec 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sewanee.edu/>.
Faculty and staff: try ***@sewanee.edu
Anyone on campus: ***@sewanee.edu
Finger available @seraph1.sewanee.edu.
University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wits.ac.za/>.
Staff and postgraduate e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.wits.ac.za/email/email.html>; information is supplied by
users, so may not list everyone.
University of Toledo (Toledo, OH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utoledo.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.utoledo.edu/index.asp?id=137>.
University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/>.
The University has two domains: toronto.edu and utoronto.ca. Most students
have accounts of the form ***@utoronto.ca (or equivalently
@toronto.edu; these are the same address).
Directory of @utoronto.ca addresses at
<URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/mailboxsearch.html>. Faculty and staff phone
directory at <URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/phonebook/>.
University of Trondheim (Trondheim, Norway): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Telephone directory (Norwegian) at <URL:http://www.ntnu.no/telefonkat/>.
Students at the University of Trondheim can be reached at the following mail
NTH (Norw. Inst of Techn.) : ***@solan.unit.no
AVH (Coll. of Arts and Science) ***@avh.unit.no
A postmaster service exists at both sites. Employees and students at AVH
can also be found in the EAN Directory Service.
The Norwegian Institute of Technology, aka NTH (Norges Tekniske Hoegskole).
All students at NTH have the right to open an account on the the email
machines, but this right is not very heavily advertized, so most people
don't use the machines. Login names may be FLLLLLLL, LLLLLLLL, FFFFFFFF,
FMLLLLLL, or (for people with very common first and last names) MMMMMMMM
(8 characters maximum). FLLLLLLL is probably the most common; MMMMMMMM
and especially FMLLLLLL is probably quite rare. LLLLLLLL and FFFFFFFFF
may be used if the user's last or first names are not not very common,
especially if they are foreign.
NTH Department of Computer Systems and Telematics: @idt.unit.no
University of Turku (Turku, Finland): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/>.
Finger ***@utu.fi or ***@utu.fi or ***@utu.fi
Web user search at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/luettelot/users/>. University
phonebook at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/luettelot/puhelin/luettelo.cgi>.
Postal address: person, department, 20014 University of Turku, Finland.
University Information Office: ***@utu.fi
University Guidance Centre: ***@utu.fi
Questions to a public newsgroup: ***@utu.fi
University telephone exchange: +358 2 333 51
Computing centre operators: +358 2 333 5928
Computing centre office time (GMT +2) help line: +358 2 333 6000
University of Ulm (Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-ulm.de/>.
Directory at <URL:http://ab.uni-ulm.de/ab/search.pl>.
University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utah.edu/>.
For accounts being managed by the University of Utah Computer Center, and
any accounts that the department have turned in to the center, the
directory is available via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://PH.CC.UTAH.EDU>
and also via the internet PH protocol. A limited version is availiable
via the finger server at PH.CC.UTAH.EDU. It is from this directory that
the printed e-mail directory is made.
CS Graduate Students: asylum.utah.edu
CS Undergraduate Students: peruvian.utah.edu
Pre-majors: cadehp0.eng.utah.edu
CS Department: cs.utah.edu is the cs department main machine, for faculty,
staff, and grads.
Lots of departments have machines: [Very incomplete list]
Elec. Eng.: ee.utah.edu
Mathematics: math.utah.edu
Physics: physics.utah.edu
Chemistry: chemistry.utah.edu
Chem. Eng.: che.utah.edu
Mech. Eng.: mech.utah.edu
Civ. Eng.: civil.utah.edu
Biology: biology.utah.edu
Mining: mines.utah.edu
***@xanadu.cc.utah.edu is the postmaster for more than half of the
email accounts on campus, but not any cs machines.
***@cs.utah.edu is postmaster for CS machines
***@m.cc.utah.edu is postmaster for most unassigned students
***@science.utah.edu is postmaster for College of Science Machines.
***@cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned departments.
***@m.cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned students.
***@cave.cc.utah.edu gets cavers and most imaginary users.
The medical center handles their own stuff separately, but they often appear
in the online directory at ph.cc.utah.edu.
University of Vaasa (Vaasa, Finland): Created: Wed Sep 8 1993
Host: uwasa.fi. Finger available.
University of Vermont (Burlington, VT, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uvm.edu/>.
Electronic phone book at <URL:http://cit.uvm.edu/cgi-bin/WebPh/WebPh?DB=ns>.
There are two main computing organizations on campus: UCS (University
Computing Services) and EMBA-CF (Division of Engineering, Mathematics, and
Business Administration, Computer Facility). As a general rule, people
with accounts at EMBA-CF do not bother to obtain accounts at UCS. UVM's
domain name is `uvm.edu', and sub-domains are not generally used. Most of
the UVM network has most TCP ports blocked off, but one machine,
emily.uvm.edu, can serve as a gateway for, for example, the finger
program, (i.e., finger ***@somehost@emily.uvm.edu.)
UCS has three main machines: uvmvax.uvm.edu (UVMVAX.BITNET), uvmvm.uvm.edu
(UVMVM.BITNET), and UVMADMIN.BITNET. Accounts on UVMVAX (a VMS system)
are generally of the form Lastname_F; accounts on UVMVM and UVMADMIN don't
seem to follow any particular scheme, but Lastname and LastnameF seem to
be popular. Many UCS staff people use their initials. UVMVAX supports
unspecified finger only; UVMVM doesn't support finger at all.
EMBA-CF supports computing for the departments of Math/Stat, Business
Administration, CS/EE, and Civil/Mechanical Engineering, as well as the
administration of the College of Engineering and Mathematics; all
students, faculty, and staff in the Division are entitled to an account,
although many students do not bother to get a non-class account.
Sometimes, other people may be given accounts on EMBA-CF machines.
EMBA-CF has three separate mail-spool servers, and users are free to forward
their mail to whichever one they happen to prefer; these machines are uvm-
gen.uvm.edu, hal.uvm.edu, and trantor.uvm.edu. uvm-gen is also known as
just plain UVM.EDU, and most faculty and staff with accounts at EMBA-CF
have a alias of the form Firstname{.M}.Lastname installed at uvm-gen. All
other users, except for class and staff accounts, are assigned by last
name, with a numeric suffix in case of collision. Staff accounts for
work-study employees are usually of the form operfml. Class accounts are
of the form ddNNNfml, where dd is the department (cs,ce,me,ee,ma,st,ba,
USA) and NNN is the class number; in case of collision, the class number
or middle initial may be changed.
There are two sub-domains: msg.uvm.edu belongs to Mach Systems Group, a
group of graduate students involved porting operating systems (most
notably, Mach 2.5 and 3.0) to local hardware; and med.uvm.edu belongs to
the UVM School of Medicine, which is not very well networked as yet.
University of Victoria (Victoria, BC, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uvic.ca/>.
There are several directories at <URL:http://www.uvic.ca/directories.html>.
University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.virginia.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.virginia.edu/dir.html>.
University Of Waikato (Hamilton, New Zealand): Created: Thu Apr 9 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.waikato.ac.nz/>.
Generally email addresses are of the format: ***@waikato.ac.nz. Search
for all staff and student email addresses, via the user directory at
Search for comprehensive staff contact details via the Campus Directory at
<URL:http://search.waikato.ac.nz/>. Contact the University of Waikato
International Centre directly at: ***@waikato.ac.nz.
University of Wales (Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom): Created: Thu Dec 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aber.ac.uk/>.
Directory of computer users at <URL:http://www.aber.ac.uk/cgi-
University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.washington.edu/>.
The directory for faculty, staff, and students at
<URL:http://www.washington.edu/home/peopledir.cgi> only includes currently
enrolled students who approve public release of their information.
Most users have accounts on the Uniform Access Hosts, domain
u.washington.edu; individual departments may have their own subdomains.
CS students, grads, and faculty can generally be looked up by last name at
cs.washington.edu; if not, try june.cs.washington.edu for grads and
faculty, and wolf.cs.washington.edu for undergrads.
University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
Userids are of of the form <initials>+<surname> (e.g. mbmulroney, ghwbush),
and may be any length (for most machines; some still restrict them to 8
characters. Mail servers send you back a list of possible userids if the
one you tried doesn't match any known user.
Math/CS undergraduates: undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
CS graduate students: neumann.uwaterloo.ca
CS and Math Graduate Students: violet.uwaterloo.ca and jeeves.uwaterloo.ca
CS faculty may be found on one or more of the primary machines {watdragon,
maytag, watcgl, daisy, jeeves, grand, poppy, vlsi, watmsg, math,
watserv1}.uwaterloo.ca (there are lots more)
Engineering undergraduate students: userid usually of form
<surname>+<initials> or <initials>+<surname>, at one of {chemical, civil,
electrical, mechanical}.watstar.uwaterloo.ca Also try @1302 and @108 for
chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering -- these are used
mainly for lower-year students from all engineering departments.
Systems Design Engineering: watnow.uwaterloo.ca
Physics students: physics.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
Art Students: artspas.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
University of Western Australia (Perth, Western Australia, Australia): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwa.edu.au/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwa.edu.au> is available, but may not
list CS students.
Undergraduates: finger firstname or ***@tartarus.uwa.edu.au or
Computer science undergraduates: ***@cs.uwa.edu.au (first 6 of
lastname, then first initial). Grad students and staff use firstname as
their username.
Physics staff and students can have accounts on earwax.pd.uwa.edu.au.
University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwo.ca/>.
Computing and Communications Services operates a campus directory service at
<URL:http://www.uwo.ca/whois/> as well as a campus E-mail forwarding
service. This covers all of the faculty and staff listed in the campus
telephone directory as well as many students. Registration is voluntary
but for faculty and staff is reasonably complete and accurate.
% whois -h whois.uwo.ca name
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca j.smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca john.smith
The mail forwarding service works for common names as well:
% mail common-***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
Mail will either be forwarded to the user with that common name, or if the
name is not unique, you will receive a returned message listing all users
with that common name.
University of Western Sydney (Nepean, New South Wales, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uws.edu.au/>.
There are also campuses in Hawkesbury and and Macarthur.
finger ***@uws.edu.au, where id is a lastname or a userID, or use the staff
directory at
Hawkesbury staff: ***@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au.
Hawkesbury students: ***@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au.
Nepean students: ***@xx.uws.edu.au, where xx is st for science and
technology, eng for engineering, and harpo for music and humanities.
Nepean staff: ***@nepean.uws.edu.au.
University of Wisconsin Colleges (WI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwc.edu/>.
A system of 13, two-year liberal arts "feeder" colleges to the 4-year
Universities. There are about 7000 students.
Students do not have addresses; most faculty do.
Faculty: usually ***@uwcmail.uwc.edu
University of Wisconsin/Eau Claire (Eau Claire, WI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwec.edu/>.
Finger ***@uwec.edu. About 2/3 of students have accounts. People
search at <URL:http://www.uwec.edu/Contact/contact.htm>.
CS students: usually ***@csunix.cs.uwec.edu.
University of Wisconsin/La Crosse (La Crosse, WI, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Usernames are arbitrary. Try fingering by the lastname.
University of Wisconsin/Madison (Madison, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wisc.edu/>.
Phone book server: finger ***@wisc.edu
CS: ***@cs.wisc.edu.
Engineering: ***@cae.wisc.edu
General campus supported email (undergrad, grad, all departments):
***@students.wisc.edu. In case of conflicts, userids are sometimes
llllllll or flllllll or llllllln where n is a number.
Some grad students also on macc.wisc.edu. Most faculty/staff were on
macc.wisc.edu; as of February 1995, most are migrating to
facstaff.wisc.edu, with the same name pattern as students.wisc.edu.
For other departments, you can sometimes guess the hostname from the
department name. Thus: meteor.wisc.edu for Meteorology, math.wisc.edu for
University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee (Milwaukee, WI, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwm.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwm.edu>; white pages directory
service via <URL:telnet://wp.uwm.edu/>; login directions are given in the
Many students, faculty and staff: Logins starting a-l are on
alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, m-z on alpha2.csd.uwm.edu. Finger ***@csd.uwm.edu.
EE ugrad and grad - ee.uwm.edu
Computer Science:
CS grad - point.cs.uwm.edu
CS fac - blatz.cs.uwm.edu
Undergraduates are for the most part on miller.cs.uwm.edu. Graduate
students are usually on cvax.cs.uwm.edu. To get a complete list of cs-
faculty, finger ***@cs.uwm.edu.
University of Wisconsin/River Falls (River Falls, WI, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwrf.edu/>.
***@uwrf.edu. Directory at <URL:http://lists.uwrf.edu/cgi-
University of Wisconsin/Superior (Superior, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwsuper.edu/>.
Campus directory at <URL:http://www.uwsuper.edu/maps/default.php>.
University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwyo.edu/>.
Mail to ***@uwyo.edu; you can discover e-mail addresses via the Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwyo.edu>.
University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unizh.ch/>.
University System of Georgia (GA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.peachnet.edu/>.
PeachNet is a statewide electronic information network, providing access to
information resources and services which support the academic, research,
and administrative needs of educational communities in Georgia. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.peachnet.edu>.
Individual campuses often have their own WWW and Gopher services.
Ursinus College (Collegeville, PA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
finger ***@acad.ursinus.edu. Usernames are often fflastname.
Utah State University (Logan, UT, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/>.
Meta-directory at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/director.htm>, including e-mail
search at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/e-search.htm>.
Valley City State University (Valley City, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/>.
Student and employee directory at
<URL:http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/directory/>. See also North Dakota
Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, IN, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.valpo.edu/>.
As of Fall 1995, new students will be ***@athena.valpo.edu (fmllllll
in case of duplicates). Returning students are being encouraged to move
to Athena.
Older address takes the form of fml####@exodus.valpo.edu, where fml are
the student's initials and #### are the last four numbers of the
student's ID number. remote finger is only supported if you know the
actualy login (finger ***@exodus.valpo.edu will not work). The
system is currently a VAX.
Some students have address based on a class they are currently enrolled in,
and these are done by a course number and their lastnames: ie.
A few students have accounts because of their jobs or because they are
involved in research. Two examples are: Student Consultants for the
university have ***@exodus.valpo.edu and students doing research have
Faculty/Staff: on the same system as the students. Address takes the form
of flllllll
Additional machines: there also exists a unix-based system with the address
of gellerson.valpo.edu, which is based in the college of Engineering.
Students can pick their own userid's. This system supports finger, so a
few tries with lastname or firstname should do the trick. Only
mathematics and engineering students and faculty will have accounts on
this system.
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA): Changed: Tue Nov 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vanderbilt.edu/>.
Undergrads, grads, faculty, and staff are
***@vanderbilt.edu. Users can add their own aliases,
although the preceding will continue to work. Email addresses of users
who have not requested anonymity are available via the online directory at
<URL:http://directory.vanderbilt.edu/>. Policy prevents any response to
requests for email addresses asked of postmaster, userserv, etc.
Engineering faculty and grad students: ***@vuse.vanderbilt.edu, though many
have regular university accounts.
Vassar (Poughkeepsie, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vassar.edu/>.
Students: ***@vassar.edu. (Formerly FMLLLLLLLLLL). Most students
have accounts.
Faculty: Faculty must request an account in order to get it, but most of
those who have accounts use them. Recent faculty usernames are of the same
form as students; previously they were lastnames followed by enough
letters of the first name to ensure uniqueness. Their accounts are also on
Fingering with the username or the lastname will usually work.
Vesalius College (Brussels, Belgium): Created: Mon Jun 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vub.ac.be/VECO/VECO-intro.html>.
An English-language US-style 4-year undergraduate liberal arts college at
the Vrije Universiteit-Brussel (VUB).
Students: d#######@vnet3.vub.ac.be or d#######@vub.ac.be. String d
indicates the department at the VUB: For Vesalius College: d = 'v'. Other
depts: d='hw','tw','we',... The '#' are digits.
Staff or students on special projects: username has <=8 chars
***@vnet3.vub.ac.be or ***@vub.ac.be
Some labs at the VUB have their own subdomain, e.g., info (computer
engineering lab), arti (AI lab), etro (electronics), prog (programming
techn. lab). Staff and students' usernames are <=8 chars and sometimes
have aliases of the form first.last: <user or alias>@<domain>.vub.ac.be
Inquiries/Campus Info System: ***@vub.ac.be
Villanova University (Villanova, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.villanova.edu/>.
There are online search engines for students at
<URL:http://www.villanova.edu/webview/banner_prod.cgi?form=sEmail1> and
faculty and staff at
Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA, USA): Changed: Mon Aug 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vt.edu/>.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, normally just called
Virginia Tech.
E-mail directory service at <URL:http://www.vt.edu/directories.html>.
As of June 7, 1993, try finger ***@finger.vt.edu first. It replaces
the older SSImail system, and augments the stuff described in the rest of
this entry.
CS faculty/staff: ***@cs.vt.edu
CS grad students: ***@csgrad.cs.vt.edu
CS undergrads: try ***@csugrad.cs.vt.edu first
non-CS: To find CoSY users: CoSY users can only get mail from other CoSY
users; become one by telnetting to vtcosy.cns.vt.edu and following
directions. Find people by finger @vtcosy
Physics students: try ***@vtcc1.cc.vt.edu
Physics staff: try ***@vtvm2.cc.vt.edu
Vrije Universiteit-Brussel (Brussels, Belgium): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vub.ac.be/>.
Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wfu.edu/>.
Washington and Lee University (Lexington, VA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wlu.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www2.wlu.edu/web/page/normal/267.html>.
Washington State University (Pullman, WA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wsu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Spokane, Tri-Cities, and Vancouver.
E-mail and phone directory at <URL:http://www.wsu.edu/UNIX_Systems/cgi-
Washington University (St. Louis, MO, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wustl.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.wustl.edu/directory.html>. Usernames seem to
be fml(6)@wustl.edu or ***@wustl.edu.
Wayne State University (Detroit, MI, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wayne.edu/>.
Searchable directory at <URL:http://www.wayne.edu/cgi-bin/x500finger>
includes all employees (faculty, staff, and some students), and students
who have chosen to make their listings visible.
All students in the University, regardless of their major or college can
have access to an account.
Engineering: ss0.eng.wayne.edu (or nova, or ece, or any solar planet, e.g.
sun, venus, ...) CS: jupiter.cs.wayne.edu, zeus.cs.wayne.edu These
machines support finger. Most other students' accounts are on
wu.cc.wayne.edu; try 'finger partial-***@wu.cc.wayne.edu' to find
information about anyone with "partial-name" in their name.
Weber State University (Ogden, UT, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.weber.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://str.www.weber.edu/html/gwdir.html>; staff
directory at <URL:http://str.www.weber.edu/html/directory.html>.
F(L7)@cc.weber.edu (undergrads and faculty) or @cs.weber.edu (computer
science students). All students and faculty have access and email
addresses free of charge after logging on the system campus-wide.
Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Jan 13 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wellesley.edu/>.
Directory services appear to be limited to Wellesley, but there is an index
of faculty profiles at
FLastname#@lucy.wellesley.edu, where F is first initial, and digit # is used
only to disambiguate (e.g. JSMITH1). Finger not accepted from remote
sites. Faculty names never get the #.
Wesleyan College (Macon, GA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wesleyancollege.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wesleyan.edu/>.
***@wesleyan.edu will direct mail to preferred maildrop. If a new
username should duplicate an already existing one, the new username
becomes FMLastname.
Fingerable accounts using the same naming scheme are on eagle.wesleyan.edu
(academic) and willet.wesleyan.edu (administrative).
West Chester University (West Chester, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wcupa.edu/>.
Users (at least undergraduates, if not others) are given accounts on a
machine whose name is the same as the first letter of their last name.
Usernames are of the form fllllll. So John Doe would be
jdoe%d%***@isn.wcupa.edu. Send mail to ***@isn.wcupa.edu if you
have questions.
West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wvu.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://directory.wvu.edu/>.
Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:https://acsapps.wku.edu/pls/prod/dirpkg.prompt>.
Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, MI, USA): Created: Mon Mar 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wmich.edu/>.
The E-mail directory at <URL:http://vms.cc.wmich.edu/www/emailform.html>
contains information on faculty and staff as soon as they request
accounts, but students have to register individually so may not be in the
Western Montana College (Dillon, MT, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wmc.edu/>.
Try F_(L8)@wmc.edu. This site has no finger server.
Western Washington University (Bellingham, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wwu.edu/>.
General use: #######@nessie.cc.wwu.edu or n#######@waldorf.cc.wwu.edu
Westminster College (Fulton, MO, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wcmo.edu/>.
Undergraduates: ***@micro.wcmo.edu
Wheaton College (Norton, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wheatonma.edu/>.
Students: ***@wheatonma.edu, which is usually an alias for
the login ID. Login IDs are ***@wheatonma.edu, where yy=graduation
Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wheaton.edu/>.
Online directory via Gopher service at
Students: ***@acnet.wheaton.edu
Faculty: ***@david.wheaton.edu OR ***@david.wheaton.edu
Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.whitman.edu/>.
Mailboxes are usually of the form ***@whitman.edu; in case of dupliates
the last letter is replaced by a digit. For accounts created up to 1993,
***@whitman.edu. Finger works..
Wichita State University (Wichita, KS, USA): Created: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.twsu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@wsuhub.uc.twsu.edu.
Faculty and staff directory via Gopher service at
Widener University (Chester, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.widener.edu/>.
The faculty and student directories have apparently been eliminated.
Mailboxed used to generally be PATTERN First.Last cyber.widener.edu (it
may also need a middle initial) but that site no longer exists.
CS used to be ***@cs.widener.edu.
Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wlu.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.wlu.ca/wlu-hp/info/email.shtml>. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://info.wlu.ca>.
Willamette University (Salem, OR, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.willamette.edu/>.
All students, faculty and staff: ***@willamette.edu, or fmllllll in
case of duplicates; also check the phone book at
Williams College (Williamstown, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.williams.edu/>.
Students: ***@williams.edu, possibly with _N (N a number)
to disambiguate. Directory at <URL:http://www.williams.edu/ph/>.
Usernames *used to be* YYFML (YY = year, F = first initial, M = middle
initial, L = last initial); these can still be found by fingering
@bigbird.cc.williams.edu. You *must* finger one of these IDs to get
Finger information; fingering by names doesn't work.
Williams' postmaster will not give out user ids to outside requests.
Winona State University (Winona, MN, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.winona.msus.edu/>.
E-mail and phone directories at <URL:http://VAX2.WINONA.MSUS.EDU:8888/>.
Students: as of Fall 1994, all get e-mail accounts of the form
***@vax2.winona.msus.edu, where nnnn is the last four digits of
their social security number.
Wittenberg University (Springfield, OH, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wittenberg.edu/>.
Many student mailboxes are ***@wittenberg.edu; you can search the
student directory at <URL:http://www.wittenberg.edu/cgi-bin/dirsearch_stu>
Many faculty/staff mailboxes are ***@wittenberg.edu; there is no
faculty directory, but the postmaster is willing to forward to them on
Wofford College (Spartanburg, SC, USA): Created: Fri Dec 5 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wofford.edu/>.
Wofford College does not publish e-mail addresses for faculty, staff or
students. Inquiries addressed to PostMaster will be forwarded locally.
Generally e-mail addresses are (L10)***@mail.wofford.edu
Faculty and staff roster at
<URL:http://truth.wofford.edu/www/information/listing.htm>; no e-mail
information available.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/>.
People meta-directory at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/Campus/">, including white
pages at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/Campus/whitepages.html>.
Wright State University (Dayton, OH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wright.edu/>.
***@discover.wright.edu or @desire.wright.edu. Faculty/staff
directory at <URL:http://www.media.wright.edu/wsu.html>; student e-mail
directory at <URL:http://www.wright.edu/directories/students.html>.
Discover supports finger.
Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.xu.edu/>.
E-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.xu.edu/registrar/cgi_source/whois2.html>. Students:
***@xavier.xu.edu, where the ID is a six-digit number assigned by
the university. Faculty: ***@xavier.xu.edu Administration:
These sites support whois and finger.
Yale (New Haven, CT, USA): Changed: Mon Aug 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yale.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://yaleinfo.yale.edu>.
Faculty, staff, students: ***@yale.edu. Finger firstname or
***@yale.edu for more information.
York University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Sat Dec 18 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yorku.ca/>.
Almost all faculty, grad students, and a majority of undergrads, have e-mail
accounts. Directory at <URL:http://www.yorku.ca/search>.
Young Harris College (Young Harris, GA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yhc.edu/>.
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part5
University of North Dakota/Williston (Williston, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.und-w.nodak.edu/>.
See North Dakota Network.
University of North Florida (Jacksonville, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unf.edu/>.
Alphabetical list of faculty at
<URL:http://www.unf.edu/facstaff/directory/byname/>; home pages for some .
at <URL:http://www.unf.edu/students/>
CS undergrads, grads, faculty: ***@unf6.cis.unf.edu, where last may be
limited to 6-8 characters.
Information Science undergrads: unf1vm.cis.unf.edu. Unfortunately names are
assigned randomly, so it's nearly impossible to guess unless you already
have contact with someone.
Others generally don't have accounts unless they ask for them.
University of Northern British Columbia (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unbc.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://quarles.unbc.edu/keen/srchmail.htm>.
University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://access.uni.edu/phone/phone.cgi?DB=csnet-ns>.
University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nd.edu/>.
You can search at <URL:http://www.nd.edu/NDHomePage/Search/> for personal
web pages, or query the CSO phone/e-mail database at
The University of Notre Dame now supports full name human readable e-mail
addresses, such as ***@nd.edu. All members of the Notre Dame
community have e-mail addresses on nd.edu; however, at this time (June,
1992) the vast majority of them are "uninitialized". This means the user
has not specifically told the server how to deliver e-mail to this user,
so e-mail to this user will fail.
All members of the Notre Dame community also have userids in our AFS file
space. Userids in this file space tend to be of the form flllllll or
flllllln. Some users who use the AFS file system might not have
initialized their entries on the nd.edu name server; conversely, many
community members who can receive mail via nd.edu ignore their AFS
Notre Dame also has many other central and departmental computer systems
which can send and receive e-mail. As more and more users initialize
their nameserver accounts there will be less need to remember these
specific local systems and userids. However, for the time being, they are
often the best addresses for some members of the Notre Dame community.
All students are given accounts on darwin.cc.nd.edu, but not all students
use them. Usernames are of the form flllllll. In case of name conflicts,
numbers are added to the end to disambiguate.
Questions can be sent to ***@nd.edu.
University of Oklahoma/Norman (Norman, OK, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoknor.edu/>.
Free accounts are available to everyone at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu; userids
are usually lastname, flastname, or fmlastname. Online phonebook at
Engineering students: vinson, lincoln, jfk, or roosevelt.ecn.uoknor.edu.
Also try ***@exuokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu
University of Oregon (Eugene, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoregon.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~jqj/phone/index.html> for
faculty, staff, and students who haven't requested that their information
be restricted.
CS Grads and Faculty: <username>@cs.uoregon.edu
CS Undergrads/CIE: <username>@cie.uoregon.edu (this is only for CS
undergrads subscribing to the campus information exchange)
Others?: ***@oregon.uoregon.edu for those with email accounts
E-mail: ***@oregon.uoregon.edu for those without email. Such
letters are printed out with a cover sheet and delivered through the
normal campus mail system (graduate students, staff, and faculty only --
undergrads do not have on-campus addresses).
University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uio.no/>.
Department of Informatics: ***@ifi.uio.no. Faculty and staff mailboxes
may be f.lastname or firstname.lastname or f.m.lastname
University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Mar 7 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uottawa.ca/>.
The staff directory at <URL:http://www.uottawa.ca/phonebook/> has English
and French versions. There is no student directory.
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.upenn.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.upenn.edu/directories/>.
University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pitt.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.pitt.edu/NewPittInfo/dir_services.html>
Students as of 2001 are fml#@pitt.edu where # is a disambiguating number.
University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.up.ac.za/>.
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.up.ac.za/directories/directory.html>; there is no
information on students at the moment.
University of Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.upei.ca/>.
List of directories at <URL:http://www.upei.ca/phonebook.html>.
University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Try ***@ups.edu or ***@ups.edu.
University of Regina (Regina, SK, Canada): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uregina.ca/>.
Student e-mail directory at <URL:http://meena.cc.uregina.ca/www/uofr-
Phone directory at <URL:http://www.uregina.ca/cgi-
University of Richmond (Richmond, VA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 29 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.richmond.edu/>.
White pages at <URL:http://www.tech.urich.edu/cgi-bin/WebPh?DB=ns>; Web page
meta-directory at <URL:http://www.urich.edu/directory.html>
University of Rochester (Rochester, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.urochester.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:>. Faculty/staff mailboxes are often
***@umc.rochester.edu. Undergraduate students are
fl###***@mail.rochester.edu where ### is a number distinguishing duplicates
and x is a letter denoting the year the student entered the school. Fall
1999 was i, fall 2000 j, and so on.
University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, SK, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usask.edu/>.
White pages at <URL:http://www.usask.ca/mlookup/white.html>.
University of Scranton (Scranton, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uofs.edu/>.
Students 1995 and after: LastnameF#@uofs.edu where # is a number to
distinguish duplicates. Students prior to 1995: fml#@uofs.edu where # is
a number usually between 1 and 20, but sometimes higher. Student
directory at <URL:http://www.uofs.edu/admin/stpbook.html>.
Faculty: ***@uofs.edu; directory at
<URL:http://www.uofs.edu/admin/fspbook.html>. Lastname is sometimes
followed by a number but usually not.
University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sc.edu/>.
Graduate CS : usceast.cs.sc.edu, calvin.cs.sc.edu
Graduate ECE: charlie.ece.sc.edu
School of Medicine: dcsmserver.med.sc.edu
University of South Florida (Tampa, FL, USA): Created: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usf.edu/>.
There are also campuses in St. Petersburg, Sarasota, and Lakeland.
Finger firstname or ***@usf.edu. Gopher service at
University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usc.edu/>.
Faculty and staff directory at
<URL:http://www.usc.edu/Library/FacultyStaff/directory.html>. Access to
the student directory is restricted to USC faculty, staff, and students.
University of Southern Maine (ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usm.maine.edu/>.
Campuses in Portland and and Gorham.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.usm.maine.edu/staff.html>;
directory of some student web pages at
University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg, MS, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usm.edu/>.
Try finger ***@whale.st.usm.edu
All students have an account on USMCP6.BITNET but many don't know it. The
student must make a special request to use bitnet mail and there is no way
to tell if he/she has been so set up. This machine is soon to acquire
TCP/IP software, which may then provide finger.
University of Southwestern Louisiana (Lafayette, LA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usl.edu/>.
The entire campus population has the option to participate in electronic
mail. Name look-up at
<URL:http://www.usl.edu/People/Bluekey/94-95/form.html> Mail to
***@usl.edu; accounts typically are initials and last four digits of
university ID #
If your intended recipient has never initialized his or her e-mail account
on the usl.edu machine, your mail will be returned, marked "user unknown."
Users may also define easy-to-remember mail aliases which can be used as
alternatives to their user-IDs. Ask about this when you make contact.
University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Created: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usyd.edu.au/>.
See the online phonebook at <URL:http://www.usyd.edu.au/is/phlookup>.
University of Tampere (Tampere, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: uta.fi. Finger available.
University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN, USA): Created: Fri Mar 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utk.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at <URL:http://www.utk.edu/ph/>.
University of Texas/Austin (Austin, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jan 4 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utexas.edu/>.
The University of Texas at Austin maintains an X.500 directory containing e-
mail, phone, and address information for students, faculty, and staff
supplied by those individuals. The directory can be accessed through any
X.500 client software participating in the Internet White Pages Pilot
project and though numerous gateways including:
Web directory at <URL:http://directory.utexas.edu/>
finger ***@directory.utexas.edu
LDAP service at ldap.utexas.edu, port 389, base: o=The University of Texas
at Austin,c=US
mail to: ***@directory.utexas.edu with subject: find ffffff m llllllll
subject: help
University of Texas/Dallas (Dallas, TX, USA): Changed: Tue Feb 23 1993
finger <part of person's name>@utdallas.edu lists all the matching full
names and the corresponding user ids.
For more information about most of the graduate students (irrespetive of
major), staff and professors, use: finger <user id>@apache.utdallas.edu
University of Texas/San Antonio (San Antonio, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utsa.edu/>.
Most faculty and staff: ***@utsa.edu. The directory at
<URL:http://www.lib.utsa.edu/cgi-bin/ph> currently lists full-time faculty
and staff; eventually it may have part-timers and students also.
Students: lonestar.utsa.edu
University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston, TX, USA): Created: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utmb.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.utmb.edu/directory/>.
University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 3 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pacific.edu/>.
Faculty and staff: usually ***@pacific.edu.
University of the South (Sewanee, TN, USA): Created: Thu Dec 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sewanee.edu/>.
Faculty and staff: try ***@sewanee.edu
Anyone on campus: ***@sewanee.edu
Finger available @seraph1.sewanee.edu.
University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wits.ac.za/>.
Staff and postgraduate e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.wits.ac.za/email/email.html>; information is supplied by
users, so may not list everyone.
University of Toledo (Toledo, OH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utoledo.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.utoledo.edu/index.asp?id=137>.
University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/>.
The University has two domains: toronto.edu and utoronto.ca. Most students
have accounts of the form ***@utoronto.ca (or equivalently
@toronto.edu; these are the same address).
Directory of @utoronto.ca addresses at
<URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/mailboxsearch.html>. Faculty and staff phone
directory at <URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/phonebook/>.
University of Trondheim (Trondheim, Norway): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Telephone directory (Norwegian) at <URL:http://www.ntnu.no/telefonkat/>.
Students at the University of Trondheim can be reached at the following mail
NTH (Norw. Inst of Techn.) : ***@solan.unit.no
AVH (Coll. of Arts and Science) ***@avh.unit.no
A postmaster service exists at both sites. Employees and students at AVH
can also be found in the EAN Directory Service.
The Norwegian Institute of Technology, aka NTH (Norges Tekniske Hoegskole).
All students at NTH have the right to open an account on the the email
machines, but this right is not very heavily advertized, so most people
don't use the machines. Login names may be FLLLLLLL, LLLLLLLL, FFFFFFFF,
FMLLLLLL, or (for people with very common first and last names) MMMMMMMM
(8 characters maximum). FLLLLLLL is probably the most common; MMMMMMMM
and especially FMLLLLLL is probably quite rare. LLLLLLLL and FFFFFFFFF
may be used if the user's last or first names are not not very common,
especially if they are foreign.
NTH Department of Computer Systems and Telematics: @idt.unit.no
University of Turku (Turku, Finland): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/>.
Finger ***@utu.fi or ***@utu.fi or ***@utu.fi
Web user search at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/luettelot/users/>. University
phonebook at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/luettelot/puhelin/luettelo.cgi>.
Postal address: person, department, 20014 University of Turku, Finland.
University Information Office: ***@utu.fi
University Guidance Centre: ***@utu.fi
Questions to a public newsgroup: ***@utu.fi
University telephone exchange: +358 2 333 51
Computing centre operators: +358 2 333 5928
Computing centre office time (GMT +2) help line: +358 2 333 6000
University of Ulm (Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-ulm.de/>.
Directory at <URL:http://ab.uni-ulm.de/ab/search.pl>.
University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utah.edu/>.
For accounts being managed by the University of Utah Computer Center, and
any accounts that the department have turned in to the center, the
directory is available via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://PH.CC.UTAH.EDU>
and also via the internet PH protocol. A limited version is availiable
via the finger server at PH.CC.UTAH.EDU. It is from this directory that
the printed e-mail directory is made.
CS Graduate Students: asylum.utah.edu
CS Undergraduate Students: peruvian.utah.edu
Pre-majors: cadehp0.eng.utah.edu
CS Department: cs.utah.edu is the cs department main machine, for faculty,
staff, and grads.
Lots of departments have machines: [Very incomplete list]
Elec. Eng.: ee.utah.edu
Mathematics: math.utah.edu
Physics: physics.utah.edu
Chemistry: chemistry.utah.edu
Chem. Eng.: che.utah.edu
Mech. Eng.: mech.utah.edu
Civ. Eng.: civil.utah.edu
Biology: biology.utah.edu
Mining: mines.utah.edu
***@xanadu.cc.utah.edu is the postmaster for more than half of the
email accounts on campus, but not any cs machines.
***@cs.utah.edu is postmaster for CS machines
***@m.cc.utah.edu is postmaster for most unassigned students
***@science.utah.edu is postmaster for College of Science Machines.
***@cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned departments.
***@m.cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned students.
***@cave.cc.utah.edu gets cavers and most imaginary users.
The medical center handles their own stuff separately, but they often appear
in the online directory at ph.cc.utah.edu.
University of Vaasa (Vaasa, Finland): Created: Wed Sep 8 1993
Host: uwasa.fi. Finger available.
University of Vermont (Burlington, VT, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uvm.edu/>.
Electronic phone book at <URL:http://cit.uvm.edu/cgi-bin/WebPh/WebPh?DB=ns>.
There are two main computing organizations on campus: UCS (University
Computing Services) and EMBA-CF (Division of Engineering, Mathematics, and
Business Administration, Computer Facility). As a general rule, people
with accounts at EMBA-CF do not bother to obtain accounts at UCS. UVM's
domain name is `uvm.edu', and sub-domains are not generally used. Most of
the UVM network has most TCP ports blocked off, but one machine,
emily.uvm.edu, can serve as a gateway for, for example, the finger
program, (i.e., finger ***@somehost@emily.uvm.edu.)
UCS has three main machines: uvmvax.uvm.edu (UVMVAX.BITNET), uvmvm.uvm.edu
(UVMVM.BITNET), and UVMADMIN.BITNET. Accounts on UVMVAX (a VMS system)
are generally of the form Lastname_F; accounts on UVMVM and UVMADMIN don't
seem to follow any particular scheme, but Lastname and LastnameF seem to
be popular. Many UCS staff people use their initials. UVMVAX supports
unspecified finger only; UVMVM doesn't support finger at all.
EMBA-CF supports computing for the departments of Math/Stat, Business
Administration, CS/EE, and Civil/Mechanical Engineering, as well as the
administration of the College of Engineering and Mathematics; all
students, faculty, and staff in the Division are entitled to an account,
although many students do not bother to get a non-class account.
Sometimes, other people may be given accounts on EMBA-CF machines.
EMBA-CF has three separate mail-spool servers, and users are free to forward
their mail to whichever one they happen to prefer; these machines are uvm-
gen.uvm.edu, hal.uvm.edu, and trantor.uvm.edu. uvm-gen is also known as
just plain UVM.EDU, and most faculty and staff with accounts at EMBA-CF
have a alias of the form Firstname{.M}.Lastname installed at uvm-gen. All
other users, except for class and staff accounts, are assigned by last
name, with a numeric suffix in case of collision. Staff accounts for
work-study employees are usually of the form operfml. Class accounts are
of the form ddNNNfml, where dd is the department (cs,ce,me,ee,ma,st,ba,
USA) and NNN is the class number; in case of collision, the class number
or middle initial may be changed.
There are two sub-domains: msg.uvm.edu belongs to Mach Systems Group, a
group of graduate students involved porting operating systems (most
notably, Mach 2.5 and 3.0) to local hardware; and med.uvm.edu belongs to
the UVM School of Medicine, which is not very well networked as yet.
University of Victoria (Victoria, BC, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uvic.ca/>.
There are several directories at <URL:http://www.uvic.ca/directories.html>.
University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.virginia.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.virginia.edu/dir.html>.
University Of Waikato (Hamilton, New Zealand): Created: Thu Apr 9 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.waikato.ac.nz/>.
Generally email addresses are of the format: ***@waikato.ac.nz. Search
for all staff and student email addresses, via the user directory at
Search for comprehensive staff contact details via the Campus Directory at
<URL:http://search.waikato.ac.nz/>. Contact the University of Waikato
International Centre directly at: ***@waikato.ac.nz.
University of Wales (Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom): Created: Thu Dec 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aber.ac.uk/>.
Directory of computer users at <URL:http://www.aber.ac.uk/cgi-
University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.washington.edu/>.
The directory for faculty, staff, and students at
<URL:http://www.washington.edu/home/peopledir.cgi> only includes currently
enrolled students who approve public release of their information.
Most users have accounts on the Uniform Access Hosts, domain
u.washington.edu; individual departments may have their own subdomains.
CS students, grads, and faculty can generally be looked up by last name at
cs.washington.edu; if not, try june.cs.washington.edu for grads and
faculty, and wolf.cs.washington.edu for undergrads.
University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
Userids are of of the form <initials>+<surname> (e.g. mbmulroney, ghwbush),
and may be any length (for most machines; some still restrict them to 8
characters. Mail servers send you back a list of possible userids if the
one you tried doesn't match any known user.
Math/CS undergraduates: undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
CS graduate students: neumann.uwaterloo.ca
CS and Math Graduate Students: violet.uwaterloo.ca and jeeves.uwaterloo.ca
CS faculty may be found on one or more of the primary machines {watdragon,
maytag, watcgl, daisy, jeeves, grand, poppy, vlsi, watmsg, math,
watserv1}.uwaterloo.ca (there are lots more)
Engineering undergraduate students: userid usually of form
<surname>+<initials> or <initials>+<surname>, at one of {chemical, civil,
electrical, mechanical}.watstar.uwaterloo.ca Also try @1302 and @108 for
chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering -- these are used
mainly for lower-year students from all engineering departments.
Systems Design Engineering: watnow.uwaterloo.ca
Physics students: physics.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
Art Students: artspas.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
University of Western Australia (Perth, Western Australia, Australia): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwa.edu.au/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwa.edu.au> is available, but may not
list CS students.
Undergraduates: finger firstname or ***@tartarus.uwa.edu.au or
Computer science undergraduates: ***@cs.uwa.edu.au (first 6 of
lastname, then first initial). Grad students and staff use firstname as
their username.
Physics staff and students can have accounts on earwax.pd.uwa.edu.au.
University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwo.ca/>.
Computing and Communications Services operates a campus directory service at
<URL:http://www.uwo.ca/whois/> as well as a campus E-mail forwarding
service. This covers all of the faculty and staff listed in the campus
telephone directory as well as many students. Registration is voluntary
but for faculty and staff is reasonably complete and accurate.
% whois -h whois.uwo.ca name
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca j.smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca john.smith
The mail forwarding service works for common names as well:
% mail common-***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
Mail will either be forwarded to the user with that common name, or if the
name is not unique, you will receive a returned message listing all users
with that common name.
University of Western Sydney (Nepean, New South Wales, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uws.edu.au/>.
There are also campuses in Hawkesbury and and Macarthur.
finger ***@uws.edu.au, where id is a lastname or a userID, or use the staff
directory at
Hawkesbury staff: ***@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au.
Hawkesbury students: ***@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au.
Nepean students: ***@xx.uws.edu.au, where xx is st for science and
technology, eng for engineering, and harpo for music and humanities.
Nepean staff: ***@nepean.uws.edu.au.
University of Wisconsin Colleges (WI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwc.edu/>.
A system of 13, two-year liberal arts "feeder" colleges to the 4-year
Universities. There are about 7000 students.
Students do not have addresses; most faculty do.
Faculty: usually ***@uwcmail.uwc.edu
University of Wisconsin/Eau Claire (Eau Claire, WI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwec.edu/>.
Finger ***@uwec.edu. About 2/3 of students have accounts. People
search at <URL:http://www.uwec.edu/Contact/contact.htm>.
CS students: usually ***@csunix.cs.uwec.edu.
University of Wisconsin/La Crosse (La Crosse, WI, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Usernames are arbitrary. Try fingering by the lastname.
University of Wisconsin/Madison (Madison, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wisc.edu/>.
Phone book server: finger ***@wisc.edu
CS: ***@cs.wisc.edu.
Engineering: ***@cae.wisc.edu
General campus supported email (undergrad, grad, all departments):
***@students.wisc.edu. In case of conflicts, userids are sometimes
llllllll or flllllll or llllllln where n is a number.
Some grad students also on macc.wisc.edu. Most faculty/staff were on
macc.wisc.edu; as of February 1995, most are migrating to
facstaff.wisc.edu, with the same name pattern as students.wisc.edu.
For other departments, you can sometimes guess the hostname from the
department name. Thus: meteor.wisc.edu for Meteorology, math.wisc.edu for
University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee (Milwaukee, WI, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwm.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwm.edu>; white pages directory
service via <URL:telnet://wp.uwm.edu/>; login directions are given in the
Many students, faculty and staff: Logins starting a-l are on
alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, m-z on alpha2.csd.uwm.edu. Finger ***@csd.uwm.edu.
EE ugrad and grad - ee.uwm.edu
Computer Science:
CS grad - point.cs.uwm.edu
CS fac - blatz.cs.uwm.edu
Undergraduates are for the most part on miller.cs.uwm.edu. Graduate
students are usually on cvax.cs.uwm.edu. To get a complete list of cs-
faculty, finger ***@cs.uwm.edu.
University of Wisconsin/River Falls (River Falls, WI, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwrf.edu/>.
***@uwrf.edu. Directory at <URL:http://lists.uwrf.edu/cgi-
University of Wisconsin/Superior (Superior, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwsuper.edu/>.
Campus directory at <URL:http://www.uwsuper.edu/maps/default.php>.
University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwyo.edu/>.
Mail to ***@uwyo.edu; you can discover e-mail addresses via the Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwyo.edu>.
University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unizh.ch/>.
University System of Georgia (GA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.peachnet.edu/>.
PeachNet is a statewide electronic information network, providing access to
information resources and services which support the academic, research,
and administrative needs of educational communities in Georgia. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.peachnet.edu>.
Individual campuses often have their own WWW and Gopher services.
Ursinus College (Collegeville, PA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
finger ***@acad.ursinus.edu. Usernames are often fflastname.
Utah State University (Logan, UT, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/>.
Meta-directory at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/director.htm>, including e-mail
search at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/e-search.htm>.
Valley City State University (Valley City, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/>.
Student and employee directory at
<URL:http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/directory/>. See also North Dakota
Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, IN, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.valpo.edu/>.
As of Fall 1995, new students will be ***@athena.valpo.edu (fmllllll
in case of duplicates). Returning students are being encouraged to move
to Athena.
Older address takes the form of fml####@exodus.valpo.edu, where fml are
the student's initials and #### are the last four numbers of the
student's ID number. remote finger is only supported if you know the
actualy login (finger ***@exodus.valpo.edu will not work). The
system is currently a VAX.
Some students have address based on a class they are currently enrolled in,
and these are done by a course number and their lastnames: ie.
A few students have accounts because of their jobs or because they are
involved in research. Two examples are: Student Consultants for the
university have ***@exodus.valpo.edu and students doing research have
Faculty/Staff: on the same system as the students. Address takes the form
of flllllll
Additional machines: there also exists a unix-based system with the address
of gellerson.valpo.edu, which is based in the college of Engineering.
Students can pick their own userid's. This system supports finger, so a
few tries with lastname or firstname should do the trick. Only
mathematics and engineering students and faculty will have accounts on
this system.
Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA): Changed: Tue Nov 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vanderbilt.edu/>.
Undergrads, grads, faculty, and staff are
***@vanderbilt.edu. Users can add their own aliases,
although the preceding will continue to work. Email addresses of users
who have not requested anonymity are available via the online directory at
<URL:http://directory.vanderbilt.edu/>. Policy prevents any response to
requests for email addresses asked of postmaster, userserv, etc.
Engineering faculty and grad students: ***@vuse.vanderbilt.edu, though many
have regular university accounts.
Vassar (Poughkeepsie, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vassar.edu/>.
Students: ***@vassar.edu. (Formerly FMLLLLLLLLLL). Most students
have accounts.
Faculty: Faculty must request an account in order to get it, but most of
those who have accounts use them. Recent faculty usernames are of the same
form as students; previously they were lastnames followed by enough
letters of the first name to ensure uniqueness. Their accounts are also on
Fingering with the username or the lastname will usually work.
Vesalius College (Brussels, Belgium): Created: Mon Jun 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vub.ac.be/VECO/VECO-intro.html>.
An English-language US-style 4-year undergraduate liberal arts college at
the Vrije Universiteit-Brussel (VUB).
Students: d#######@vnet3.vub.ac.be or d#######@vub.ac.be. String d
indicates the department at the VUB: For Vesalius College: d = 'v'. Other
depts: d='hw','tw','we',... The '#' are digits.
Staff or students on special projects: username has <=8 chars
***@vnet3.vub.ac.be or ***@vub.ac.be
Some labs at the VUB have their own subdomain, e.g., info (computer
engineering lab), arti (AI lab), etro (electronics), prog (programming
techn. lab). Staff and students' usernames are <=8 chars and sometimes
have aliases of the form first.last: <user or alias>@<domain>.vub.ac.be
Inquiries/Campus Info System: ***@vub.ac.be
Villanova University (Villanova, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.villanova.edu/>.
There are online search engines for students at
<URL:http://www.villanova.edu/webview/banner_prod.cgi?form=sEmail1> and
faculty and staff at
Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA, USA): Changed: Mon Aug 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vt.edu/>.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, normally just called
Virginia Tech.
E-mail directory service at <URL:http://www.vt.edu/directories.html>.
As of June 7, 1993, try finger ***@finger.vt.edu first. It replaces
the older SSImail system, and augments the stuff described in the rest of
this entry.
CS faculty/staff: ***@cs.vt.edu
CS grad students: ***@csgrad.cs.vt.edu
CS undergrads: try ***@csugrad.cs.vt.edu first
non-CS: To find CoSY users: CoSY users can only get mail from other CoSY
users; become one by telnetting to vtcosy.cns.vt.edu and following
directions. Find people by finger @vtcosy
Physics students: try ***@vtcc1.cc.vt.edu
Physics staff: try ***@vtvm2.cc.vt.edu
Vrije Universiteit-Brussel (Brussels, Belgium): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vub.ac.be/>.
Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wfu.edu/>.
Washington and Lee University (Lexington, VA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wlu.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www2.wlu.edu/web/page/normal/267.html>.
Washington State University (Pullman, WA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wsu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Spokane, Tri-Cities, and Vancouver.
E-mail and phone directory at <URL:http://www.wsu.edu/UNIX_Systems/cgi-
Washington University (St. Louis, MO, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wustl.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.wustl.edu/directory.html>. Usernames seem to
be fml(6)@wustl.edu or ***@wustl.edu.
Wayne State University (Detroit, MI, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wayne.edu/>.
Searchable directory at <URL:http://www.wayne.edu/cgi-bin/x500finger>
includes all employees (faculty, staff, and some students), and students
who have chosen to make their listings visible.
All students in the University, regardless of their major or college can
have access to an account.
Engineering: ss0.eng.wayne.edu (or nova, or ece, or any solar planet, e.g.
sun, venus, ...) CS: jupiter.cs.wayne.edu, zeus.cs.wayne.edu These
machines support finger. Most other students' accounts are on
wu.cc.wayne.edu; try 'finger partial-***@wu.cc.wayne.edu' to find
information about anyone with "partial-name" in their name.
Weber State University (Ogden, UT, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.weber.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://str.www.weber.edu/html/gwdir.html>; staff
directory at <URL:http://str.www.weber.edu/html/directory.html>.
F(L7)@cc.weber.edu (undergrads and faculty) or @cs.weber.edu (computer
science students). All students and faculty have access and email
addresses free of charge after logging on the system campus-wide.
Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Jan 13 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wellesley.edu/>.
Directory services appear to be limited to Wellesley, but there is an index
of faculty profiles at
FLastname#@lucy.wellesley.edu, where F is first initial, and digit # is used
only to disambiguate (e.g. JSMITH1). Finger not accepted from remote
sites. Faculty names never get the #.
Wesleyan College (Macon, GA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wesleyancollege.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wesleyan.edu/>.
***@wesleyan.edu will direct mail to preferred maildrop. If a new
username should duplicate an already existing one, the new username
becomes FMLastname.
Fingerable accounts using the same naming scheme are on eagle.wesleyan.edu
(academic) and willet.wesleyan.edu (administrative).
West Chester University (West Chester, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wcupa.edu/>.
Users (at least undergraduates, if not others) are given accounts on a
machine whose name is the same as the first letter of their last name.
Usernames are of the form fllllll. So John Doe would be
jdoe%d%***@isn.wcupa.edu. Send mail to ***@isn.wcupa.edu if you
have questions.
West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wvu.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://directory.wvu.edu/>.
Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:https://acsapps.wku.edu/pls/prod/dirpkg.prompt>.
Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, MI, USA): Created: Mon Mar 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wmich.edu/>.
The E-mail directory at <URL:http://vms.cc.wmich.edu/www/emailform.html>
contains information on faculty and staff as soon as they request
accounts, but students have to register individually so may not be in the
Western Montana College (Dillon, MT, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wmc.edu/>.
Try F_(L8)@wmc.edu. This site has no finger server.
Western Washington University (Bellingham, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wwu.edu/>.
General use: #######@nessie.cc.wwu.edu or n#######@waldorf.cc.wwu.edu
Westminster College (Fulton, MO, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wcmo.edu/>.
Undergraduates: ***@micro.wcmo.edu
Wheaton College (Norton, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wheatonma.edu/>.
Students: ***@wheatonma.edu, which is usually an alias for
the login ID. Login IDs are ***@wheatonma.edu, where yy=graduation
Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wheaton.edu/>.
Online directory via Gopher service at
Students: ***@acnet.wheaton.edu
Faculty: ***@david.wheaton.edu OR ***@david.wheaton.edu
Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.whitman.edu/>.
Mailboxes are usually of the form ***@whitman.edu; in case of dupliates
the last letter is replaced by a digit. For accounts created up to 1993,
***@whitman.edu. Finger works..
Wichita State University (Wichita, KS, USA): Created: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.twsu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@wsuhub.uc.twsu.edu.
Faculty and staff directory via Gopher service at
Widener University (Chester, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.widener.edu/>.
The faculty and student directories have apparently been eliminated.
Mailboxed used to generally be PATTERN First.Last cyber.widener.edu (it
may also need a middle initial) but that site no longer exists.
CS used to be ***@cs.widener.edu.
Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wlu.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.wlu.ca/wlu-hp/info/email.shtml>. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://info.wlu.ca>.
Willamette University (Salem, OR, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.willamette.edu/>.
All students, faculty and staff: ***@willamette.edu, or fmllllll in
case of duplicates; also check the phone book at
Williams College (Williamstown, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.williams.edu/>.
Students: ***@williams.edu, possibly with _N (N a number)
to disambiguate. Directory at <URL:http://www.williams.edu/ph/>.
Usernames *used to be* YYFML (YY = year, F = first initial, M = middle
initial, L = last initial); these can still be found by fingering
@bigbird.cc.williams.edu. You *must* finger one of these IDs to get
Finger information; fingering by names doesn't work.
Williams' postmaster will not give out user ids to outside requests.
Winona State University (Winona, MN, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.winona.msus.edu/>.
E-mail and phone directories at <URL:http://VAX2.WINONA.MSUS.EDU:8888/>.
Students: as of Fall 1994, all get e-mail accounts of the form
***@vax2.winona.msus.edu, where nnnn is the last four digits of
their social security number.
Wittenberg University (Springfield, OH, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wittenberg.edu/>.
Many student mailboxes are ***@wittenberg.edu; you can search the
student directory at <URL:http://www.wittenberg.edu/cgi-bin/dirsearch_stu>
Many faculty/staff mailboxes are ***@wittenberg.edu; there is no
faculty directory, but the postmaster is willing to forward to them on
Wofford College (Spartanburg, SC, USA): Created: Fri Dec 5 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wofford.edu/>.
Wofford College does not publish e-mail addresses for faculty, staff or
students. Inquiries addressed to PostMaster will be forwarded locally.
Generally e-mail addresses are (L10)***@mail.wofford.edu
Faculty and staff roster at
<URL:http://truth.wofford.edu/www/information/listing.htm>; no e-mail
information available.
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/>.
People meta-directory at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/Campus/">, including white
pages at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/Campus/whitepages.html>.
Wright State University (Dayton, OH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wright.edu/>.
***@discover.wright.edu or @desire.wright.edu. Faculty/staff
directory at <URL:http://www.media.wright.edu/wsu.html>; student e-mail
directory at <URL:http://www.wright.edu/directories/students.html>.
Discover supports finger.
Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.xu.edu/>.
E-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.xu.edu/registrar/cgi_source/whois2.html>. Students:
***@xavier.xu.edu, where the ID is a six-digit number assigned by
the university. Faculty: ***@xavier.xu.edu Administration:
These sites support whois and finger.
Yale (New Haven, CT, USA): Changed: Mon Aug 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yale.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://yaleinfo.yale.edu>.
Faculty, staff, students: ***@yale.edu. Finger firstname or
***@yale.edu for more information.
York University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Sat Dec 18 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yorku.ca/>.
Almost all faculty, grad students, and a majority of undergrads, have e-mail
accounts. Directory at <URL:http://www.yorku.ca/search>.
Young Harris College (Young Harris, GA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yhc.edu/>.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)