College Email Addresses 1/5 [Monthly posting]
(too old to reply)
2007-10-14 09:30:04 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part1

This is a summary of how to find email addresses for undergraduate and
graduate students, faculty and staff at various colleges and universities. It
is available on the World-Wide Web (via browsers such as Mosaic or lynx) at
A chronological list of changes is available at
If your university is not listed, send me a detailed description of how to
find email addresses there, in a format similar to what I have here, and I'll
add it to this list. Please mail ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, and
OTHER INFORMATION to me at ***@spamcop.net. I will *not* answer requests
for help finding a specific address; if the school is not listed in this
posting, I do not have any information about the site.

For general information about finding e-mail addresses, check the FAQ on How
to find people's E-mail addresses at
<URL:http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/finding.html>, posted regularly to
soc.net-people and comp.mail.misc.

An updated version of this list is posted every once in a while to the
newsgroups soc.college, soc.net-people and news.answers. The version date for
this list is located at the top of the file. The list is also available via
anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.queensu.ca in directory pub/dalamb/email as the
files faq1.txt, ..., faqN.txt, where N is the current number of parts. You
can get all the FAQs posted to soc.college by sending a message to "mail-
***@rtfm.mit.edu" whose body contains
send usenet/soc.college/*

We present detailed information on locating the email addresses of students,
faculty and staff at various universities. As of Feb 1993 I've started to tag
entries with the date I last changed them, so you have some clue as to how
stale the information might be.

Disclaimer: Most universities have restrictions on the uses of directory
information. So don't use this info for commercial purposes or whatnot without
securing permission from the individual colleges and universities.

* College Indexes on the Web *

The following items are collections of links to university home pages.
* American College and University Admissions Offices (USA) at
* American Colleges and Universities by State (USA) at
* American Community Colleges (USA Only) at <URL:http://www.community-
* American Universities (USA only) at
* Canadian Universities (Canada only) at
* Canadian Universities, Colleges, and Schools (Canada Only) at
* College and university admission office e-mail addresses (USA) at
* College and university admission office phone numbers (USA) at
* College and University Home Pages (Worldwide) at
* CollegeNET - Internet Guide to Colleges and Universities (USA and Canada)
at <URL:http://www.collegenet.com/>.
* CollegeFind - American College Index at
* Community Colleges (USA only) at
* Current students and alumni (USA only) at
* Educational institutions seeking to recruit international students
(Worldwide) at <URL:http://www.worldofstudy.com/>.
* Finnish Universities at
* Historically Black Colleges and Universities (primarily USA) at
* International Education (18 countries) at
* U101 College Search (USA and Canada) at <URL:http://U101.com/>.
* UK Academic Sites (UK only; map-based) at
* University Home Pages (USA only) at <URL:http://isl-
* Student home pages by School at

* General Information *

To avoid repeating long explanations, the entries for individual universities
use a generic acronym for user IDs, formed from F's for characters from the
front of the first name, M's for characters from the front of the middle name,
L's for characters from the front of the last name. Examples are given for
two full names: "Mark Kantrowitz" (no middle initial, long last name) and
"John C Smith".
* Many UNIX sites limit userids to 8 characters, so try the first 8
characters of the last name. [smith or kantrowi] LLLLLLLL or L(8)
* If there are two people with the same last name, the first initial (and
possibly the middle initial as well) are appended at the front of the
name. [jsmith or jcsmith] FLLLLLLL FMLLLLLL or FL(7) FML(6)
* Try appending the initials at the end of the name. [smithj or smithjc]
* Try the initials of the users name. [jcs] FML
* Some sites allow longer "aliases" for finger and for mailboxes. Aliases
might be arbitrary, but some sites allow some form of the user's full
name, such as Firstname.Lastname [John.Smith or Mark.Kantrowitz] or

* Email Database *

Aalborg University (Aalborg, Dennmark): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aau.dk/>.
There is a people search field on the home page.

Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 7 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acu.edu/>.
Email addresses may be found via a search page at
College of Biblical Studies at <URL:http://bible.acu.edu/>: Email to
***@bible.acu.edu. Anonymous FTP available; listserv at

Abo Akademi University (Turku, Finland): Changed: Tue Jan 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.abo.fi/>.
e-mail: ***@abo.fi, or ***@abo.fi. finger:
***@ra.abo.fi, or ***@ra.abo.fi.
Postal address: Abo Akademi, FIN-20500 Abo
University operator: +358 (0)2 215 31
Computing centre help desk: ***@abo.fi

Acadia University (Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acadiau.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://mail.acadiau.ca/emailsearch/>.

Ajman Univirsity Of Science And Technology (Ajman City, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ajman.ac.ae/>.

Albion College (Albion, MI, USA): Created: Tue Oct 19 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.albion.edu/>.
Students: ***@albion.edu, where xx is a unique 2-digit number. Faculty:

Alfred University (Alfred, NY, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alfred.edu/>.
Alphabetical list of students at
<URL:http://www.alfred.edu/students/html/student_directory.html">, staff
Almost all students and faculty have email adresses in the form
***@bigvax.alfred.edu, but exceptions abound. Connecting via
telnet to bigvax.alfred.edu and logging on as GENERAL will connect to the
GENERAL account, which supports username searches. Outside finger is not

Algonquin College (Nepean, ON, Canada): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at
Phone directory at <URL:http://www.algonquincollege.com/cgi-
bin/WebPh?DB=csnet-ns> (requires full name).

Allegheny College (Meadville, PA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alleg.edu/>.
Students: (L6)***@alleg.edu. In case of duplicates, a digit (2-9) is added.
Faculty and staff: F(L7)@alleg.edu.

Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales (Center Valley, PA, USA): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.allencol.edu/>.
Mail to fml#@pooch1.allencol.edu; or fl##@pooch1.allencol.edu; operators may
have ***@pooch1.allencol.edu.
Some users may have accounts on accnov.allencol.edu, with the same naming

American University (Washington, DC, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.american.edu/>.
Finger ***@american.edu or ***@american.edu works for some
faculty and the occasional student. You generally need to know social
security numbers to find people (!)
Userids since about 1992 have been ***@american.edu, where nnnn is last
four digits of social security number, and X is a letter used to
distinguish duplicates (starts with A for the first name, then B, etc.)
Older userids (e.g for many administrators and faculty) may be FLLLLLL or
Lastnam (7 characters).

American University of Beirut (Beirut, Lebanon): Created: Tue Apr 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aub.edu.lb/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.aub.edu.lb/cgi-bin/ldap/ldapgw>.

Amherst College (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.amherst.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.amherst.edu/people/>, including
people search at <URL:https://directory.amherst.edu/>.

Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH, USA): Changed: Mon Oct 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.antioch-college.edu/>.
All students, faculty, administrators, staff, and alum who request accounts
can get them; almost all have ***@antioch-college.edu. Offices,
such as ADMISSIONS, COOP etc have alias accounts.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.antioch-
college.edu/Database/directory/>. Best bet if you're having trouble is to
send mail to ***@antioch-college.edu.

Antwerp University : UFSIA (Antwerp, Belgium): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ufsia.ac.be/>.
Faculty and staff: ***@alpha.ufsia.ac.be
Students: ***@beta.ufsia.ac.be
Search via our SCO nameserver: PH service at ns.ufsia.ac.be. Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://gopher.ufsia.ac.be>.

Appalachian State University (Boone, NC, USA): Created: Mon Aug 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.appstate.edu/>.
Use the directory search at
<URL:http://www1.appstate.edu/~jmm/forms/newcso.html>. Faculty are
sometimes L(6)***@appstate.edu; student userIDs are FL#####, where the
numbers appear to an outsider to be unpredictable.

Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI, USA): Created: Thu Sep 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aquinas.edu/>.
Students: try (L5)(F3)@aquinas.edu. Alimni can register their e-mail
addresses at

Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ, USA): Changed: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.asu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Phoenix and Mesa.
Finger ***@asu.edu; all persons (students or staff)
registered in ASU can be "finger"ed. Email addresses are unreliable
though since not everyone has started using accounts yet. But most grads
and computer/Usenet literate undergrads do.
The engineering grads/ugrads are on enuxsa.eas.asu.edu. Most other machine
info should be available from netfind's seed database search.

Athabasca University (Athabasca, AB, Canada): Created: Sat Aug 23 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.athabascau.ca/>. Phone list at

Atlanta Christian College (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acc.edu/>.
There is a directory for alumni e-mail at
<URL:http://www.acc.edu/alumniad.htm>, but I couldn't find one for people
still there.

Atlantic Computer Institute (Halifax, NS, Canada): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Students: (F7)***@aci1.aci.ns.ca. If the first name is less than 7
characters, the userid is in the form Firstname-***@aci1.aci.ns.ca, e.g.
Richard Doe would be richardd, John Doe would be john-d.

Auburn University (Auburn, AL, USA): Changed: Fri Nov 26 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.auburn.edu/>.
Addresses are of the form ***@auburn.edu. Faculty, staff, and students
are listed in the directory. at

Augustana College (Rock Island, IL, USA): Changed: Wed Dec 7 1994

Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD, USA): Created: Fri Oct 8 1993
Students: ***@inst.augie.edu; Faculty: ***@inst.augie.edu.

Australian Defence Force Academy (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.adfa.oz.au/>.
Faculty and staff: ***@ADFA.oz.au. See the online directories at

Australian National University [ANU] (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.anu.edu.au/>.
There are several online directories at <URL:http://www.anu.edu.au/dirs/>.
Undergrad: lllfxxxx@, where xxxx is course name/unit number. e.g. stuaca11
is A.Student doing Computer Science unit A11.
fac3.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
fac4.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
Computer Science:
boris.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only

Ball State University (Muncie, IN, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@bsu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.bsu.edu>.

Barnard College (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/>.
Barnard College, affiliated with Columbia.
Students and staff get free accounts on a PC-based system running cc:mail
(no finger, gopher, etc.) There is no known way of looking up addresses.
They can also request accounts on Columbia's systems.
Students: ***@barnard.columbia.edu (or @smtplink.barnard.columbia.edu)
As of October 1993, Columbia will list Barnard directory information, so
mail to ***@columbia.edu will probably reach Barnard

Bates College (Lewiston, ME, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bates.edu/>.
Students and Faculty: F(L6)@abacus.bates.edu or, in case of conflicts,
F(L6)#@abacus.bates.edu e.g. asmith, asmith2, asmith3
If the name is unique you can use ***@bates.edu. Faculty,
staff, and student e-mail and phone directory at

Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/>.
E-mail and phone directory at <URL:http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/directory/>;
addresses are often ***@bcm.tmc.edu or ***@bcm.tmc.edu.

Baylor University (Waco, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.baylor.edu/>.
Mail to ***@baylor.edu. Gopher service at
Computer Science and Engineering students: ***@bilbo.baylor.edu
Computer Science: gandalf.baylor.edu
Work-study students and journalism staff: baylor.edu

Belmont Abbey College (Belmont, NC, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 11 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bac.edu/>.
Students: ***@crusader.bac.edu.
Faculty & Staff: ***@crusader.bac.edu (duplicate last names add the
first initial to the start of the id).
Offices, such as ADMISSIONS, REGISTRAR, etc. have alias accounts.

Beloit College (Beloit, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.beloit.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://www.beloit.edu/studentfingerfrm.html>;
faculty directory at <URL:http://beloit.edu/fingerfrm.html>.
***@beloit.edu or ***@beloit.edu@.

Bemidji State University (Bemidji, MN, USA): Created: Fri Nov 25 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bemidji.msus.edu/>.
Alphabetical faculty/staff listing at
Finger first or last name @vax1.bemidji.msus.edu. Logins are chosen by
students and are normally less than 8 characters.

Bentley College (Waltham, MA, USA): Created: Fri Nov 25 1994
Graduate and undergraduate students: ***@bentley.edu
Faculty and staff: ***@bentley.edu
Whois, etc. aren't available; to find an email address or other
information, call our information desk at 617-891-2255 or send an e-mail
to ***@bentley.edu.

Bethel Univ (St. Paul, MN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bethel.edu/>.
General: ***@homer.acs.bethel.edu

Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, FL, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Faculty, staff, students: ***@cookman.edu
To learn a particular email name at the college, it is best to send to:

Binghamton University (Binghamton, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.binghamton.edu/>.
Formerly SUNY Binghamton.
Use the online directory at
<URL:http://www.binghamton.edu/home/about/email.html>; there is no other
way of figuring out a student's address given their name, as the mapping
is random (sequential in the order people apply for accounts). The
directory does not cover faculty and staff who use systems other than the
main mail server.
Undergrads: ***@binghamton.edu where X is a letter depending on what
year they got their account: 91/92: A 92/93: B(?); NNNNN are random
digits, almost always starting with 0.

Biola University (La Mirada, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.biola.edu/>.
Mail to ***@luke.biola.edu
***@bubbs.biola.edu. Not available for fingering from some
Postmaster located at: ***@john.biola.edu.

Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsc.edu/>.
Mail to F(L7)@bsc.edu. Campus directory at <URL:http://www.bsc.edu/cgi-
bin/counter.pl/director/dirform.htm>. Postmaster is ***@bsc.edu

Bishop's University (Lennoxville, Québec, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ubishops.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at

Bismarck State College (Bismarck, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsc.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical faculty/staff e-mail listing at
<URL:http://www.bsc.nodak.edu/emailadr.htm>. See also North Dakota

Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg, PA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bloomu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@planetx.bloomu.edu

Boston University (Boston, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 31 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://web.bu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.bu.edu>; finger @bu.edu accepts
usernames, first.last, OR index_ids; the usual way to do this is to do a
full name query (i.e. first.last), then finger using individual index_id
numbers to get more information (including the person's E-mail address).
Main campus system: acs.bu.edu. Everyone can get accounts on this machine,
but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may never log on even
if they have an account). Student Directory 617-353-3700, Faculty
617-353-2000. Usernames are any "socially acceptable" 8-character name.
Unix accounts: Mail or finger ***@bu.edu or ***@bu.edu.
There is a PH service at bu.edu; replace spaces in names with dashes.
CS: cs.bu.edu
Undergrad CS: csa.bu.edu.
Engineering: buenga.bu.edu (faculty/admin)

Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, UK): Created: Fri Jun 12 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/>.
Students and staff are listed in the e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/cgi-bin/email.pl>. Email enquiries to
Chris Curran ***@bournemouth.ac.uk.

Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bowdoin.edu/>.
Online directory currently limited to on-campus access. There are a few
faculty/staff home pages at
Students: F(L7)@polar.bowdoin.edu
Administrative staff: @henry.bowdoin.edu. Mailboxes are as above, or
Faculty: either of the above depending on personal preference.

Bowie State University (Bowie, MD, USA): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsu.umd.edu/>.
Part of the University of Maryland System.

Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, OH, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bgsu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@bgnet.bgsu.edu; there is no standard way to derive a userid
from a name. Index of on-line directories at

Bradley University (Peoria, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bradley.edu/>.
Generally, mail to ***@bradley.edu. Online directory at
Faculty: bradley.bradley.edu
Students: camelot.bradley.edu, squirrel.bradley.edu. Usernames are chosen
by the user and may be from three to eight characters long.
Heartland Freenet: heartland.bradley.edu. Free use to the public, used
mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'bbguest'. login names are usually
***@heartland.bradley.edu or ***@heartland.bradley.edu.
CS: bucs1.bradley.edu, cssun1, cssun2
Physics: truth.bradley.edu, beauty.bradley.edu
Engineering: CEGTxxx.bradley.edu (where xxx IS 100-400). Electrical, for
example, is CEGT200-2.

Brandeis (Waltham, MA, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 3 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brandeis.edu/>.
White pages are accesible via Gopher service at
Undergraduates: ***@undergrad.brandeis.edu or ***@brandeis.edu,
where user names are student-selected. CS students (grad and undergrad)
have accounts on cs.brandeis.edu, which is fingerable.
For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an
automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day, or
during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736 2000.
Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus
information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours.

Brandon University (Brandon, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/>.
Faculty: online directory at <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/BUPhone/>.
***@brandonu.ca or ***@brandonu.ca. The initial is appended
for common names (Joe Blue = blue; Tom Smith = smitht)
Students: $***@brandonu.ca or $***@brandonu.ca (Helen Rice =
$riceh; Tim Albert Klassen = $klassenta)
No online phone directory. Finger support but does not search.

Bridgewater State College (Bridgewater, MA, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bridgew.edu/>.
Use the online directories at

British Columbia Institute of Technology (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bcit.bc.ca/>.
There is no online directory. According to their FAQ, you should contact
the BCIT main switchboard at (604) 434-5734.

Brock University (St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.BrockU.CA/>.
The faculty and staff phone directory at <URL:http://nexus.brocku.ca/cgi-
bin/phones/phonex.cgi> currently lacks e-mail information.

Brooklyn College (Brooklyn, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/>.

Brown University (Providence, RI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brown.edu/>.
Electronic address book at <URL:http://www.brown.edu/cgi-local/webph>.
You can send mail to ***@Brown.Edu if the user uses email and
it will forward the mail to him or her. To find out whether the user has
an email address, finger their name at brown.edu. This will return their
preferred phone number, address, and email address if they use it.
You can also try looking for undergrads on: brownvm.brown.edu
(brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics.
CS: cs.brown.edu (userids are usually initials)

Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brynmawr.edu/>.
***@cc.brynmawr.edu (***@BRYNMAWR.BITNET) The former is
fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This machine is mostly used by
Alphabetical listing of some students' web pages at

Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bucknell.edu/>.
Ph-based directory at <URL:http://www.bucknell.edu/directory.html>.
general: ***@bucknell.edu usernames are typically last names, but if
the last name is 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are
tacked onto the front.
First initials are frequently used in usernames. The first user with any
given last name who gets an account gets just his last name as the
username. Every subsequent person with that name gets a first initial and
then middle initials are used.

Buffalo State College (Buffalo, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Jan 11 2003
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.buffalostate.edu/>.
There is a searchable faculty/staff directory at
For security, the student directory requires a login and so is limited to
people at the college.

California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.caltech.edu/>.
Links to personal home pages at
CCO accounts (undergrad/grad/general): ***@cco.caltech.edu CCO means
campus computing org.
Try "whois -h finger.caltech.edu name" to find user names; it doesn't
necessarily find every account for a particular user.
Undergrad Computer Science (also used by a lot of people who don't fit this
discription. a fairly well used cluster). The name ugcs.caltech.edu
references the entire cluster, and can be used for mail, finger, etc. If
you don't know the username, finger search-***@ugcs.caltech.edu to
look for realname.
CS department (grad/undergrad/fac....) cs.caltech.edu.

California Maritime Academy (Vallejo, CA, USA): Created: Tue Jul 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csum.edu/>.
Faculty, staff and students: F(L8)@csum.edu. Faculty and staff telephone
directory at <URL:http://www.csum.edu/Resources/>.

California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Dec 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calpoly.edu/>.
IDs are ***@oboe.calpoly.edu (or, in case of duplicates,
Everyone gets an e-mail account, which is frozen if unused for six months.

California State Polytechnic University/Pomona (Pomona, CA, USA): Created: Thu Sep 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csupomona.edu/>.
***@csupomona.edu (or, in case of duplicates, the first gets the
standard address, and later ones get FMLastname#@csupomona.edu). There is
no finger capacity, but there is a faculty, staff, and student search open
to the public (although students have the option of not listing their
address) at the main Web page. Click on "faculty, staff, and student
searches." The link changes occasionally to foil spammers, so going to
the home page is best.

California State University/Chico (Chico, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993

California State University/Fresno (Fresno, CA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csufresno.edu/>.
finger @csufresno.edu
Student accounts can be found on lennon.pub.csufresno.edu. Finger requests
on lennon aren't accepted from outside.
Account names are usually in the form namenum, e.g. bob13.
Faculty/staff names might be found at zimmer.csufresno.edu.

California State University/Fullerton (Fullerton, CA, USA): Created: Thu Dec 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fullerton.edu/>.

California State University/Hayward (Hayward, CA, USA): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
host: .calstate.edu
School of Business and Economics: ***@barney.sbe.csuhayward.edu.
Computer Info System: s1.csuhayward.edu
Fingering: gandalf.csuhayward.edu
Warning: ***@eis.calstate.edu is format for the Electronic Info
Exchange, ONLY for local High School students. I don't believe any Hayward
State Students can get into this account.
Faculty, staff, and department directory at

California State University/Sacramento (Sacramento, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csus.edu/>.

California State University/San Marcos (San Marcos, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Dec 5 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csusm.edu/>.
All faculty, staff, and students have an Internet account of the form
***@mailhost1.csusm.edu; however, there is no convention for
determining user names. There are several electronic directories at
<URL:http://www.csusm.edu/tools/search.html>, one each for faculty/staff,
students, guests, and Web pages.

Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calvin.edu/>.
Use 'finger ***@calvin.edu' (eg firstname or lastname) to find addresses,
since userids include parts of student numbers, so are hard to guess.
Students: flllllnn (first intitial, first 5 of last name, last 2 digits of
student number; except lastnames starting with Dutch prefixes Van Vander
Vande etc., where just the v and first 4 letters of second part of
lastname. Thus Henk Vander Bos, #123456, becomes hvbos56, Al Shoemaker,
#987654, becomes ashoem54)
(formerly s0###### where ###### is the student id number)
Faculty/staff: ***@calvin.edu where "xxxx" is the standard faculty
abbrevation, often lastname

Cambrian College (Sudbury, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cambrianc.on.ca/>.

Cambridge University (Cambridge, United Kingdom): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cam.ac.uk/>.
A central directory of e-mail addresses is available from the Web service.
Students: All undergraduates are registered for mail on hermes.cam.ac.uk,
but not all use it.
Staff and postgraduate students: some on central systems cus.cam.ac.uk or
hermes.cam.ac.uk, but many (especially in scientific subjects) are on a
variety of departmental systems.

Cameron University (Lawton, OK, USA): Created: Sat Oct 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cameron.edu/>.
Students: FM(L6)@wolverine.cameron.edu All students are registered for e-
mail but accounts are removed after approximately a month into the
semester if they have not been accessed.
Staff: ***@cameron.edu. Duplicates may need to add extra letters to
last name eg. John Doe - ***@cameron.edu; John Duhn -
There is a directory of all employees and their e-mail at
<URL:http://www.cameron.edu/people/directory/index.html>. It also
includes info for students who allow directory information release but
does not include their e-mail addresses.
Admissions e-mail: ***@cameron.edu

Canadore College (North Bay, Ontario, Canada): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at
Faculty and staff: often ***@cdrive.canadorec.on.ca; staff directory at

Carleton College (Northfield, MN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.carleton.edu/>.
The most widely used system is carleton.edu, which runs VMS. Student
usernames are usually lastnamf, while staff, alum, faculty usernames are
In cases where two usernames would be identical there is no real pattern as
to how a valid username is constructed. The easiest way to find someone
is to try fingering what you think their username would be, i.e.
***@carleton.edu (for the student Jon Smith) or ***@carleton.edu
(for student Pipi Longstocking). Only an exact match will return
Other systems include:
mathcs.carleton.edu: This system is growing in popularity and currently
runs NeXTStep. NeXT-mail can be accepted.
physics.carleton.edu: This system runs some sort of UNIX and is generally
limited to physics faculty and majors.

Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.carleton.ca/>.
There is a list of directories at
Most graduate students and faculty are F(L7)@ccs.carleton.ca; try fingering
***@superior.carleton.ca to check. Some faculty/staff can be reached
as ***@carleton.ca.
Most undergraduates are [same username as above]@chat.carleton.ca

Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Jul 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cmu.edu/>.
Finger @cmu.edu to find people. You can try mailing to
***@cmu.edu@, but if there are a lot of John Smiths, you'll
get a bounce message with a list of all the John Smiths.
All undergraduate students and some faculty, staff, and graduate students:
Mail sent to ***@andrew.cmu.edu works, even if the name was
slightly misspelled. As of July 1995 users can also pick arbitrary vanity
IDs. Most Andrew login IDs are two initials followed by two characters
that will appear random to outsiders, but since you can send mail based on
their actual names, this shouldn't matter.
Login IDs are arbitrary; to tell the mailer you're supplying an exact ID,
not to be pattern-matched with closely matching names, add a + at the end
of the name: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu. If you try an ambiguous name, you'll get
mail back with a list of matches.
In some departments (e.g CS, Robotics) everybody gets a departmental
account. In others (e.g. English) very few get them. Departmental
addresses include:
Chemical Engineering: cheme.cmu.edu
Computational Linguistics: lcl.cmu.edu
Computer Science Grad: ***@cs.cmu.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ece.cmu.edu
English: english.hss.cmu.edu
Humanities & Social Sciences: hss.cmu.edu
Mathematics: math.cmu.edu
Psychology: psy.cmu.edu
Robotics Grad: ***@ri.cmu.edu.
Statistics: stat.cmu.edu

Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Use 'whois -h whois.cwru.edu' to find usernames. It supports substring and
soundex searches. If there is a * beside an address, it has not been
po.cwru.edu is the post office. Every student, professor, and staff member
has access to email through this machine, as do alumni who activated their
accounts while students. (Not everybody activates their account, however.)
User ids are of the form fml##, where ## is a number, probably less than
30. The number is omitted if equal to 1. If there's no middle initial, m
is an 'x'.
skybridge.scl.cwru.edu is the server for the undergraduate Unix lab. The
user ids on that machine are the full last name, for the most part.
(Mainly Computer Engineering and EE's on this machine.)
You can also search the Cleveland Freenet user list for CWRU people by any
part of the name; telnet to freenet-in-a.cwru.edu, choose "Visitor",
"Explore the system" and at the prompt, "go directory"
CS/computer engineering majors may have accounts on the CS cluster; finger
any part of the name @alpha.ces.cwru.edu. Userids are usually full last
EE majors and those in related courses may have accounts on the EE HP/UX
cluster; finger @snowhite.eeap.cwru.edu. Userids are usually the first
six letters of the last name.

Catholic University of America (Washington, DC, USA): Changed: Sun Mar 20 1994
Send mail to ***@cua.edu (Internet) or ***@cua.bitnet (BITNet).
There is no finger service.
All usernames are limited to 12 characters. For students, names are 2
digits followed by lastname. For faculty and staff, usernames are the
last name, occasionally with the first initial tacked on at the end.

Centennial College (Scarborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cencol.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in East York.

Central College (Pella, IA, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.central.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://www.central.edu/Directry/students.htm>;
faculty and staff directory at

Central Missouri State University (Warrensburg, MO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
General: fl####@cmsuvmb.cmsu.edu

Centre College (Danville, KY, USA): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.centre.edu/>.
Mail to ***@centre.edu.

Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden): Created: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.chalmers.se/>.
Finger @chalmers.se.

Champlain College (Burlington, VT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.champlain.edu/>.
Faculty/staff search at

Chatham College (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Created: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.chatham.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, students: ***@rachel.chatham.edu

Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cuhk.hk/>.
Dept. of Computer Science: ***@cs.cuhk.hk. (For information, contact:
***@cs.cuhk.hk, USA)

Cité Collégiale (Ottawa, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lacitec.on.ca/>.

City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Fri Mar 31 1995
***@cphkvx.cphk.hk, where userid is the 8-digit number of a student, or
the initials of a staff member (possibly followed by a digit).

City University London (London, United Kingdom): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.city.ac.uk/>. E-mail addresses
are in the form of ***@city.ac.uk. For staff e-mail addresses are in the
form of ***@city.ac.uk.
Postmaster offers support (***@city.ac.uk), Finger available via

City University of New York [CUNY] (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cuny.edu/>.
CUNY is (as of July 1995) beginning to decentralize, with Hunter College
being the first to get its own server.
Students, faculty, and most staff: ***@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu
Computin Services (ACS) staff: ***@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu, where fml are
initials and hc is exactly those letters.
Web server at <URL:http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/>
Older accounts might be found on cunyvm.cuny.edu, with userids of the form:
Students: A99SC
Faculty: AAASC
Liasons: LIASC
Where A is any letter from A to Z, 9 is any number from 1 to 9, and SC
is the initals for the college within City University.
For example:
HC - Hunter College. Hunter also also allows userIDs of the form
QC - Queens College. Finger at qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu. Web server at
BC - Brooklyn College
SI - College of Staten Island
LG - Laguardia Community College
BB - Bernard Baruch College.
YC - York College

Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Jul 3 1993
finger ***@cmcvax.claremont.edu

Clark College (Vancouver, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clark.edu/>.
***@clark.edu, or ***@clark.edu. Send mail to
***@clark.edu if you have difficulty.
Note: this is not Clark University (clarku.edu).

Clark Atlanta University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/cau/search2.html>; student
directory at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/cau/student_directory.html>.

Clark University (Worcester, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clarku.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.clarku.edu/faculty/>. Alphabetical
list of some student web pages at
Students, employees, alumni: ***@VAX.CLARKU.EDU (up to 12 characters,
unique in the first 8). Duplicate userids are resolved with a trailing
digit. This address isn't fingerable. ***@vax.clarku.edu is
willing to be helpful in tracking usernames.
An ULTRIX machines, black.clarku.edu can also be used by anyone. It is

Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Sep 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clarkson.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://heron.tc.clarkson.edu/~web/faculty/>.
Alphabetical listing of some student web pages at
For faculty, staff, and students: finger ***@clarkson.edu to find e-
mail addresses.

Clemson University (Clemson, SC, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clemson.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.clemson.edu>.
All students have accounts assigned through various butcherings of their
names on the machine at clemson.clemson.edu (an IBM/390). Most
students/faculty that use the Internet, or those that just want to use
USENET, have accounts with identical account names on hubcap.clemson.edu
(currently a VAX, but will be an Alpha by early '94, UNIX at any rate).
The various academic departments with domains are:
Department Domain
Computer Science cs.clemson.edu
Mathematics math.clemson.edu
Engineering eng.clemson.edu
Chemistry indigo.clemson.edu
All department domains support UNIX finger and have postmasters.

Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csuohio.edu/>.
Directory available via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://ns.csuohio.edu>.
CIS faculty may be reached at ***@cis.csuohio.edu.
Engineering students with an account on the vax cluster may be reached at
the following address: ***@csvaxd.csuohio.edu, where xxx is the first
three letters of their last name and 9999 is the last four digits of their
social security number.

Colby College (Waterville, ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.colby.edu/>.
E-mail directory and alphabetical list of web pages at
<URL:http://www.colby.edu/o/cp.html>. Mailboxes are
***@colby.edu You can finger username, firstname, or lastname.

Collège Boréal (Sudbury, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.borealc.on.ca/>.

Collège des Grands Lacs (Welland, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.grandslacs.on.ca/>.

College of Charleston (Charleston, SC, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cofc.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.

College of Marin (Kentfield, CA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
***@marin.cc.ca.us Userids are usually lastname, flastname, or fml.
Most accounts don't last very long.

College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csbsju.edu/>.
Same domain as St. John's University (Collegeville, MN, USA).
Students: ***@csbsju.edu
Faculty: ***@csbsju.edu

College of St. Rose (Albany, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jul 14 1995
Finger ***@rosnet.strose.edu.

College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.holycross.edu/>.
Students: ***@HCACAD.HOLYCROSS.EDU All students have accounts on the
college's VAX systems. Students must activite their accounts to receive

College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
All students and academic faculty & staff have e-mail addresses of the form
***@mail.wm.edu. Finger also supports partial name searches.
The Department of Computer Science has its own domain. Addresses are of the
form ***@cs.wm.du. userid is user-selectable, and of no standard form.
Finger supports partial name searches.
Some other departments (e.g. Physics) have their own domains.

Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface (St. Boniface, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/>.
The only francophone post-secondary instutution in Manitoba. List of
personnell at <URL:http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/listec_pers.html>.

Collégio Santa Maria (Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil): Created: Mon Apr 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stamaria.com.br/>.
At the moment (April 1998) there is only a single e-mail address:
***@truenet.com.br. Specify for whom your e-mail is really intended.

Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cc.colorado.edu/>.
E-mail directory at
Students: F_(L9)@cc.colorado.edu; staff, faculty: F(L10)@cc.colorado.edu.
In case of duplicate names: Fm_llllllll or FmLLLLLLLLLL.
By administrative policy does not support finger.

Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO, USA): Created: Tue Mar 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mines.edu/>.
Students & Faculty: F(L7)@mines.edu (or FM(L8)@mines.edu in case of
duplicates). See the personnel directory at
<URL:http://www.mines.edu/directory/personnel.html>; it includes students
as well as faculty and staff.

Colorado State University (Ft. Collins, CO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.colostate.edu/>.
Directory search at

Columbia University (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.columbia.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.

Concordia University (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.concordia.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:http://mac-

Conestoga College (Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.conestogac.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Guelph and and Cambridge.
Online directory for employees at <URL:http://www.conestogac.on.ca/cgi-
bin/search-email>. Mailboxes appear to be ***@conestogac.on.ca.

Confederation College (Thunder Bay, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.confederationc.on.ca/>.

Connecticut College (New London, CT, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.conncoll.edu/>.
***@conncoll.edu (or fllll if no middle name)

Cornell College (Mount Vernon, IA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Mail to ***@cornell-iowa.edu. Most Usernames are FLLLLLL, some may be
CS: turing.csc.cornell-iowa.edu
Others: hera.acn.cornell-iowa.edu, zeus.acn.cornell-iowa.edu

Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 17 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cornell.edu/>.
On-line directory service at
<URL:http://www.cornell.edu/Direct/search_ph.html>. Anyone associated
with Cornell can get a Network ID, but not everyone does. As of Fall 1993,
all students are assigned netids, which consist of first, middle and last
initials, plus a number. Mail should be sent to ***@cornell.edu. If the
person's name is unique, mail can also be sent to
E-mail addresses can be searched by using finger on cornell.edu. Use
variations such as finger ***@cornell.edu or finger "firstname
Online directories make available name listings, where street addresses,
phone and FAX numbers can be found.
The CIT HelpDesk at ***@cornell.edu (607/255-8990) is willing to help
find e-mail addresses.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
2007-10-14 09:30:04 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part2

Coventry University (Coventry, United Kingdom): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.coventry.ac.uk/>.
Directory search at <URL:http://dir.coventry.ac.uk:8080/>.
Staff: ***@coventry.ac.uk or ***@coventry.ac.uk where dd is
department (cs=Computer Science, mt=Maths, ss=Student Services etc.) and
yyy an incremental number
Students: ***@coventry.ac.uk (plus numbers for more common initials) or
L(8)@coventry.ac.uk (truncated at 8 letters and may have trailing

Cranfield University (Bedfordshire, United Kingdom): Created: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/>.
Email aliases are typically (but there are plenty of exceptions)
F.(L7)@cranfield.ac.uk or F.M.(L8)@cranfield.ac.uk or
Searches can be performed with a mail search engine at

Cuyahoga Community College (Cleveland, OH, USA): Created: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tri-c.cc.oh.us/>.
PH service at gopher://netman.tri-c.cc.oh.us:105/2.
User names are often ***@tri-c.cc.oh.us.

Dalhousie University (Halifax, NS, Canada): Changed: Wed Apr 12 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dal.ca/>.
Use the directory at <URL:http://www.dal.ca/support/people/emailsearch/> for
faculty and staff. No directory of student email.

Daniel Webster College (Nashua, NH, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 31 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dwc.edu/>.
Students: ***@eagle.dwc.edu or ***@av8r.dwc.edu.
Faculty and staff: ***@eagle.dwc.edu or ***@av8r.dwc.edu Browsable
web page directory at <URL:http://www.dwc.edu/academic/facultypage.html>.
For eagle, student last names are completely spelled out (e.g. John
Randomuser -> jrandomuser). For students on av8r, the last name is
truncated at seven characters (jrandomu).
av8r is fingerable, matchable on first or last name.

Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dartmouth.edu/>.
Search the directory at <URL:http://www.dartmouth.edu/dnd/>. Mailboxes are
usually ***@dartmouth.edu (or
***@dartmouth.edu if it is a very common name).

Davidson College (Davidson, NC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.davidson.edu/>.
General: ***@davidson.edu, where NN is first two characters of
nickname. If names conflict then we change the second letter of the
nickname to next letter. e.g. John Example -> jhexample
Physics: ***@phyhost.davidson.edu. If physics majors use e-mail, they
use the campus wide mail server, but *also* have a physics mail account
too. (Try the General mail server first). For more information try their
web server at <URL:http://www.phy.davidson.edu>.

Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Addresses at Dickinson College are of the following format:
***@dickinson.edu for example, ***@dickinson.edu
***@dickinsn.bitnet ***@dickinsn.bitnet
Usernames are typically the lastname (truncated at 8 characters) suffixed
with the first few letters of the firstname when needed for uniqueness.
Username Person
-------- ------
jackson Joe Jackson
jacksonb Bill Jackson
jacksobo Bob Jackson

Dickinson State University (Dickinson, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.dsu.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty/staff e-mail via at
GOPHER ; there is a 4-part student list at
See also North Dakota Network.

Douglas College (New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.douglas.bc.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Coquitlam and and Maple Ridge.
Their site map at <URL:http://www.douglas.bc.ca/sitemap.html> shows no e-
mail or phone directory links.

Drake University (Des Moines, IA, USA): Changed: Sun Mar 20 1994
Students: fml### (or fl0### if no middle name), where the numbers
distinguish among people with the same initials (usually 00#; informants
don't know the method for choosing these numbers)
Faculty: fl###1R where the numbers are the last three digits of the social
security number. Finger works only for exact userids.
Drake maintains a standard phone directory; telnet to acad.drake.edu, login
as "drakeinfo" (no password required). E-mail addresses are not currently
listed, but other directory information is.
Students must reopen their accounts each semester, but userids remain

Drew University (Madison, NJ, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.drew.edu/>.
All students, faculty, and staff have accounts on daniel.drew.edu Account
names are usually of the form flllllll. In case of name collision, try
fmllllll or fllllll#

Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.drexel.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.drexel.edu> or finger
***@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu. General Computing Services: mail to
***@post.drexel.edu. Consultant's desk telephone 215.895.2698
Math and Computer Science : ***@mcs.drexel.edu where userid is of the
form <prefix>fllllll; the prefix is u for undergraduate, g for graduate,
or t for temporary.

Duke University (Durham, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.duke.edu/>.
PH service at phonebk.duke.edu, or via Gopher service at
Duke University Computer Assist Center provides general use accounts for
most students and faculty. Mail addressed to <user>@acpub.duke.edu should
be forwarded to the appropriate account on any of the Academic Computing
hosts. Computer Science is cs.duke.edu. Math is math.duke.edu;
physics.duke.edu and law.duke.edu also exist (along with lots of other
departmental domains.) There is also a BITNET site (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu
or dukemvs.BITNET)
New accounts are fml#, where # is a number used to distinguish duplicates.
Older account names were not standardized.
Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
***@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to Law
School faculty and staff, and suggests ***@student.law.duke.edu
might be willing to do the same for students.
Undergrads, Grads, and many Faculty/Staff: The mail server is
mercury.acpub.duke.edu. Mail to other machines will get forwarded to it.
As with acpub, new accounts are fml#; older ones are not standardized.
Bitnet gateway: dukemvs.bitnet (dukemvs.ac.duke.edu)
Math profs are probably {initials}@math.duke.edu
Physics profs are probably {initials}@physics.duke.edu
Other machines: cs.duke.edu, egr.duke.edu, psych.duke.edu
Duke Law School is under the address charon.law.duke.edu, which is
fingerable, but student.law.duke.edu seems to be the better mailing
address. Usernames can be hard to discover;
***@faculty.law.duke.edu has volunteered to forward mail to Law
School faculty and staff, and suggest ***@student.law.duke.edu
might be willing to do the same for students.

Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Created: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.duq.edu/>.
Student and faculty directory at

Durham College (Ottawa, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.durhamc.on.ca/>.

Earlham College (Richmond, IN, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.earlham.edu/>.
A CSO information server is available via Gopher service at
VAX users: ***@earlham.edu
Advanced computing students: ***@math.earlham.edu. Users added up to
8/92 have userid FFFFFFFL. In the case of an 8-character first name, the
userid is FFFFFFFF In the case of conflicts, the userid is FFFFFFLL,
FFFFFLLL, etc. Users added after 8/92 have userid LLLLLFF.

Eastern Connecticut State University (Willimantic, CT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.easternct.edu/>.
Faculty web pages at
<URL:http://www.easternct.edu/depts/fac_c_mat/index.html>. Student web
pages at <URL:http://www.easternct.edu/stu_web_dir/index.html>.

Eastern Kentucky University (Richmond, KY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.eku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://people.eku.edu/>.

Eastern Nazarene College (Quincy, MA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.enc.edu/>.
All ENC email addresses follow a standard format: ***@enc.edu; in case
of collision, try ***@enc.edu. Addresses may be verified/located
via finger of ***@enc.edu, ***@enc.edu, or ***@enc.edu.

Eckerd College (St. Petersburg, FL, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.eckerd.edu/>.
E-mail addresses are in the form: (L6)***@eckerd.edu. Faculty directory at

École Polytechnique de Montréal (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Thu Jul 8 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.polymtl.ca/>.
Mailboxes seem to be ***@mail.polymtl.ca. The interactive
directory at <URL:http://www.polymtl.ca/bti1.htm> appears to me to just
have staff and faculty.

Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Gif-sur-Yvette, France): Created: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.supelec.fr/>.
There is an email address search utility at this Web site, but most people
can be reached by email at ***@lsi.supelec.fr.

El Paso Community College (El Paso, TX, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.epcc.edu/>.
General: ***@rgfn.epcc.edu

Emory University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Use 'finger ***@emory.edu' (name = first, last or login).

Etisalat College of Engineering (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ece.ac.ae/>.

Fanshawe College (London, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in St. Thomas, Simcoe, Strathroy, Tilsonburg, and
Staff directory at <URL:gopher://admin.fanshawec.on.ca:105/2>. Web page
directories for staff at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/People/Users/>
and students at <URL:http://www.fanshawec.on.ca/Students/>.

Ferris State University (Big Rapids, MI, USA): Created: Thu Aug 20 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ferris.edu/>.
Use the e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.ferris.edu/htmls/cwis/teldir/homepage.htm>; "staff" means
either faculty or staff.

Fielding Institute (Santa Barbara, CA, USA): Created: Wed Apr 8 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fielding.edu/>.
Normally usernames are ***@fielding.edu.

Fisk University (Nashville, TN, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fisk.edu/>.

Fitchburg State College (Fitchburg, MA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Usernames are FLLLLLLLLLLL or FMLLLLLLLLLL @ fscvax.fsc.mass.edu (maximum 12
characters). You can finger by username or by last name.

Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fau.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Ft. Lauderdale, Davie, Palm Beach Gardens, and
Port St. Lucie.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://rs6000.adm.fau.edu/cgi-bin/EDsearch.sh>.
The local ACM chapter runs cybernet.cse.fau.edu, on which everyone can get
accounts, and many FAU students (and some faculty) use it.

Florida International University (Miami, FL, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fiu.edu/>.
***@solix.fiu.edu, where name is an abbreviation. of first name + last name

Florida State University (Tallahassee, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fsu.edu/>.
Directory of directories, including e-mail, at

Franklin and Marshall College (Lancaster, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fandm.edu/>.
Directory of directories, including list of staff email, at
Students: ***@acad.fandm.edu; their directory is only available via
login. Faculty/staff: usually ***@fandm.edu.

Freed-Hardeman University (Henderson, TN, USA): Created: Wed Sep 30 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://fhu.edu/>.
Browsable faculty/staff list at
<URL:http://www.fhu.edu/university_personnel.html>. For privacy, there is
no student directory; students mail IDs are of the form XL(8)***@fhu.edu
where the X code is U = Undergraduate Student; B = Bible, Graduate
Student; C = Counseling, Graduate Student; E = Education, Graduate

Furman University (Greenville, SC, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.furman.edu/>.
Mailboxes are often ***@furman.edu. Directory of directories
at <URL:http://www.furman.edu/directory/index.htm>, including staff and

Gadjah Mada University (Yogyakarta, Indonesia): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://ugm.ac.id/>.
I have not found a directory or guidelines on guessing names.

Gallaudet University for the Deaf (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
GALLUA.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/VMS machine. Student usernames typically start
with 11, 12, 13 or 14, with 11 being the most common. The rest of the
username is first initial last name. Faculty and staff are typically first
initial, middle initial, last name. The node is also reachable as
GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU a VAX/Ultrix (UNIX) machine. Not nearly as many users
on this machine. Name conventions are the same as for GALLUA.

Georg-August Universität (Göttingen, Germany): Changed: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-goettingen.de/>.

George Brown College (Toronto, ON, Canada): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gbrownc.on.ca/>.
Faculty/staff directory at

George Mason University (Fairfax, VA, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gmu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.gmu.edu> until end of Summer 1995.
Mail to ***@gmu.edu will forward to the user's preferred machine
(primarily osf1.gmu.edu or vms1.gmu.edu; vms1 supports finger from off-
site). Userids are flllllll; the second and subsequent duplicates are
fllllll#, where # is a digit counting from 1.
WHOIS server is available as host gmu.edu (query user account or lastname)

George Washington University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gwu.edu/>.
There is a browsable list of university offices at
<URL:http://www.gwu.edu/misc/phone.html>; I found no telephone or e-mail
directory search.
For those who have created their own Web pages, there are directories:
faculty at <URL:http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~www/faculty.html>, staff at
<URL:http://gwis2.circ.gwu.edu/~www/staff.html>, and students at

Georgetown University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Fri Mar 31 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.georgetown.edu/>. Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://gopher.georgetown.edu>.

Georgia Institute of Technology [Georgia Tech] (Atlanta, GA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gatech.edu/>.
The online directory is restricted to on-campus use.
All faculty and staff are also reachable as
***@group.gatech.edu where group is usually the name of the
college, school, center, etc. Current groups include: ae (aerospace
engineering), alumni, arch, atdc, audit, berc, biology, bks, business,
carnegie, cc (college of computing), cds, ce, che, chemistry, coe, conted,
coop, cos, crt, eas, econ, ee, erc, facilities, grad, gstrf, gtaa, gtrc,
gtri, health, history, housing, iac, inta, intprog, ipst, irp, isye, lcc,
library, marc, math, oit (office of information technology), vpea, vpss,
CS Dept (Faculty, staff, PhD students): terminus.cc.gatech.edu,
***@cc.gatech.edu. (cc = College of Computing)
Students: ***@mail.gatech.edu where L are letters and NNN a 3-digit
number. Some older accounts are ***@mail.gatech.edu
Also try: ***@acme.gatech.edu,

Georgia State University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gsu.edu/>.
Electronic phonebook at <URL:http://www.gsu.edu/cgi-bin/ph.cgi>.

Georgian College (Barrie, ON, Canada): Created: Mon Apr 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.georcoll.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Orillia and and Owen Sound.
There is an index at <URL:http://www.georcoll.on.ca/staff/default.htm> of
those few people with web pages.

Gettysburg College (Gettysburg, PA, USA): Created: Fri Jul 12 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gettysburg.edu/>.
CSO phone directory service via Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://gopherserver.cc.gettysburg.edu:105/2>. PH service at

Golden Gate University (San Francisco, CA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ggu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Los Angeles, Monterey Bay, Sacramento, San Jose,
Seattle, and Walnut Creek.
There does not appear to be any online directory.

Gordon College (Wenham, MA, USA): Created: Sat Mar 15 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gordonc.edu/>.
Mail names are generally ***@peace.gordonc.edu.

Goucher College (Baltimore, MD, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.goucher.edu/>.
Mail to ***@goucher.edu
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.goucher.edu>, including a list of

Grand Valley State University (Allendale, MI, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gvsu.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@gvsu.edu
Most students have accounts at river.it.gvsu.edu.
Usernames are of the form lllllllf (e.g., jqstudent), truncated to 8
Gvsu.edu does not have a finger daemon running.
Computer Science students *may* be reachable at ***@beech.mcs.gvsu.edu,
where userid is of the form llllllll, with lllllllf for name collisions.

Green River Community College (Green River, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.greenriver.edu/>.

Grinnell College (Grinnell, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.grin.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.grin.edu/www/dir_form.html>.
Students and faculty: ***@Ac.Grin.Edu
Administrative users: ***@Admin.Grin.Edu
Assistance is available for both academic and administrative addresses from
Note: Grinnell College is no longer on BITNET as of 1-July-1995.

Gustavus Adolphus College (St. Peter, MN, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
Finger at ***@gacvx1.gac.edu for vax accounts, or ***@nic.gac.edu
for Unix accounts.

Hagerstown Junior College (Hagerstown, MD, USA): Created: Tue Nov 26 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://western-md.com/hjc:/>.
Faculty addresses appear to be ***@hjc.cc.md.us

Hamilton College (Clinton, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hamilton.edu/>.
Students, Faculty & Staff: F(L7)@hamilton.edu. Student directory at
faculty directory at

Hamline University (St. Paul, MN, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hamline.edu/>.
General use: piper.hamline.edu

Hampden-Sydney College (Hampden-Sydney, VA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Faculty have addresses of the form ***@tiger.hsc.edu (e.g. Fred Smith
-> ***@tiger.hsc.edu).

Hampshire College (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hampshire.edu/>.
***@hamp.hampshire.edu. If that fails, try fmlXYY or fflXYY, where X is
F or S (case sensitive) depending on whether they enrolled for the first
time in Fall or Spring, and YY is the year of their enrollment.

Hanover College (Hanover, IN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hanover.edu/>.
Mail to ***@hanover.edu.

Hartwick College (Oneonta, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hartwick.edu/>.
General use: ***@hartwick.edu

Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.harvard.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.harvard.edu/directories/>.
Employees: F(L7)@harvard.edu and ***@harvard.edu.
Faculty of Arts and Science World-Wide Web service at
<URL:http://http://www.fas.harvard.edu//>. Finger @fas.harvard.edu to
find who's logged on at the moment. fas and husc7 are Unix machines;
most faculty and staff use fas for email. husc3.harvard.edu and
husc15.harvard.edu are VMS machines, used a bit for mail, but more as an
application server for VMS and the MAC/PC networks.
Username is lastname or flllllll or fmllllll, with a number appended in case
of duplicates.
Undergrads: @fas.harvard.edu
Organizations: @hcs.harvard.edu
Center for Astrophysics: @cfa.harvard.edu
All Harvard Medical School students now have accounts on
student.med.harvard.edu. The system is relatively new, however, and the
number who actually use them now appears to be small. The usernames are
of the form ***@student.med.harvard.edu. This is a distributed PC
system, and users are not fingerable.
Harvard Law School students may have accounts on hulaw{1,2}.harvard.edu.
These machines are fingerable, but usernames must be matched exactly to be
Kennedy School of Government: ***@ksg1.harvard.edu or

Harvey Mudd (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hmc.edu/>.
MailCentral mail names are of the form ***@hmc.edu. These forward
to the user's preferred mailbox.

Haverford College (Haverford, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.haverford.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.students.haverford.edu/cgi-
bin/admincc/dirsearch/dirsearch.cgi>. PH service at ph.haverford.edu.
Directory of web pages at
***@haverford.edu. In case of conflicts, either a middle initial or
number is added (FNLLLLLL or FMLLLLLL).
Do NOT use venus.haverford.edu; as of 1994 it no longer accepts mail.

Helsinki School of Economics & Business Administration (Helsinki, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: kyyppari.hkkk.fi. Finger available.

Helsinki University of Technology (Helsinki, Finland):Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hut.fi/>.
Students: vipunen.hut.fi. Many students have a mail alias of the form
Staff: hila.hut.fi
Finger with first or last name or mail alias. Gopher service at

Hiram College (Hiram, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hiram.edu/>.
All are ***@hiram.edu where userid is of the form lll..llfm, up to a 12
character maximum. ***@hiram.edu will handle inquiries regarding a
person's e-mail address.

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong): Created: Tue Jul 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ust.hk/>.
To find staff or students, finger -l ***@ustsu29.ust.hk
The Computer Science Department has its own WWW service at
<URL:http://www.cs.ust.hk>. To find staff or graduate students, finger -l
***@cs.ust.hk To find undergraduates, finger -l ***@lab2.cs.ust.hk
All MAIL-ID's with an "_" (underscore) denote undergraduate accounts. The
first two letters of the mail-id usually denote the major or the
department the person is associated with:
cs (Computer Science)
ce (Civil Eng.)
ke (Chemical Eng.)

Hope College (Holland, MI, USA): Created: Fri Oct 8 1993
Students (VAX): ***@hope.cit.hope.edu, where L = Last initial,
F = First initial, xxxx = Last four digits of Social Security number,
yy = Last two digits of expected graduation year
Faculty (VAX): ***@hope.cit.hope.edu
Computer Science (UNIX): ***@cs.hope.edu

Houghton College (Houghton, NY, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
Students: ***@houghton.edu; sometimes
Faculty: ***@houghton.edu, sometimes ***@houghton.edu.
There are also aliases for the library and admissions, ***@houghton.edu
and ***@houghton.edu.
We have a listserv at ***@houghton.edu. Finger services are available
but you must use the -l option for them to work effectively.

Howard University (Washington, DC, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.howard.edu/>.

Idaho State University (Pocatello, ID, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.isu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Idaho Falls, Twin Falls, Boise, and Lewiston.
E-mail and telephone directory at <URL:http://www.isu.edu/Information.html>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@isu.edu . Students: ***@cwis.isu.edu . userid is
of the form llllffff (in the case of conflicts the last letter may be
changed to a number)
All faculty and staff may receive accounts upon request. Students may
receive accounts upon payment of a small computer use fee.
Finger daemon is running on cwis and the mail-hub, but many of the mail-hub
addresses are just aliases which will not be returned by the finger

Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iit.edu/>.
Domain IIT.EDU has servers on iitmax.iit.edu and karl.iit.edu.
Student usernames are llllfff. One correspondent said: "try

Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (Aurora, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.imsa.edu/>.
Students: Finger @imsasun.imsa.edu. About 75% of the community have
accounts. Users pick their own IDs. Alumni may keep their accounts.
Faculty, staff, administration: ***@qm.imsa.edu. This is an
unfingerable QuickMail setup.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.imsa.edu/direct.html>.

Illinois State University (Bloomington, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ilstu.edu/>.
Try the online directory at <URL:http://www.ilstu.edu/cgi-bin/WebPH.pl>;
many people don't have e-mail addresses listed, but you could try
FM(L6)@ilstu.edu. Some people have listings in the Web page directory at

Indiana University (IN, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/>.
Address book at <URL:http://iuaccts.ucs.indiana.edu/open-bin/addrbook/>.
Faculty, Staff, Students: ***@ucs.indiana.edu
Usernames are portions of the person's real name. 8 characters, usually the
last name plus maybe a few initials.
Student/Staff VAX/VMS machines: (main nodes) gold.ucs.indiana.edu,
aqua.ucs.indiana.edu, jade.ucs.indiana.edu, amber.ucs.indiana.edu,
silver.ucs.indiana.edu -- Unix, All students ( mostly CS undergrads)
copper.ucs.indiana.edu -- These two are VAXen running Ultrix (UNIX) They're
student machines.
bronze.ucs.indiana.edu -- This is DEC RISC (Not a VAX) running Ultrix.
Staff only...
iuvax.cs.indiana.edu -- Unix, CS students ( mostly grad students and
faculty )
The email address of any student, faculty, or staff member at Indiana can be
found out by doing a
"finger ***@indiana.edu" or
"whois -h indiana.edu lastname" or
"whois -h iugate.ucs.indiana.edu lastname"
Type "finger ***@indiana.edu" or "whois -h indiana.edu help" for more
information about the service.

Indiana University Bloomington [IUB] (Bloomington, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/iub>.
People search at <URL:http://www.indiana.edu/iub/people.html>.

Indiana University East [IUE] (Richmond, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iue.indiana.edu/>.
See Indiana University.

Indiana University Kokomo [IUK] (Kokomo, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iuk.indiana.edu/>.
Telephone directory at <URL:http://www.iuk.edu/directory/index.html>. See
also Indiana University.

Indiana University Northwest [IUN] (Gary, IN, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iun.indiana.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff: ***@iunhaw1.iun.indiana.edu Faculty and staff usernames
are their first initial and seven digits of their last name.
Students: ***@iunlab1.iun.indiana.edu where nnnn are the last four
digits of the Social Security number.
Finger is not working for IUN at this time.

Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne [IPFW] (Fort Wayne, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ipfw.edu/>.
Directory of See also Indiana University.

Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis [IUPUI] (Indianapolis, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iupui.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone directory at
<URL:http://www.iupui.edu/home/directory.html>. See also Indiana

Indiana University South Bend [IUSB] (South Bend, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iusb.edu/>.
See also Indiana University.

Indiana University Southeast [IUS] (New Albany, IN, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ius.indiana.edu/>.
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.ius.indiana.edu/ius/finding.html>. See also Indiana

Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey [ITESM] (Monterrey, Mexico): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mty.itesm.mx/>.
Students: mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (vax machine); academ01.mty.itesm.mx (RS/6000)
Userids begin with BL plus the id number of the student, i.e., bl205102.
Every student can ask for an account on the vax machine. There are other
computing facilities as well.

Iowa State University (Ames, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.iastate.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://ph.iastate.edu/cgi-bin/phf>.
Finger ***@iastate.edu, where name can be firstname or lastname (in

Ithaca College (Ithaca, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ithaca.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at
<URL:http://www.ithaca.edu/directories.php>. Faculty:
***@oa.ithaca.edu; staff: ***@ithaca.edu; students:
fllllll#@ithaca.edu, where # disambiguates otherwise identical IDs.

James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA, USA): Created: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jmu.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.jmu.edu/edir/people>.
Recent userids (since January 1994): ***@jmu.edu. If there's no middle
initial, use X. In case of ambiguity, second and subsequent collisions
get LLLLLnFM, where n is a digit.
Before Jan 94, userIDs were: ***@jmu.edu And before that, there are
some with: ***@jmu.edu, ***@jmu.edu, or

Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/>.
Directory of , at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/www/ribbon/director.html> The e-
mail directory at <URL:http://www.jhu.edu/www/ribbon/ph-query/email-
alias.html> is self-subscription, so not eeryone has an alias. Personal
home page index at <URL:http://infonet.welch.jhu.edu/cgi-bin/phpi>.
Accounts are located on jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu, jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu,
jhuvm.hcf.jhu.edu. All are on bitnet.
The default userid is of the form lllll_fm or llllll_f. However, students
may choose whatever userid they wish, which can be just about anything.

Johnson and Wales University (Providence, RI, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.jwu.edu/>.
Students: ***@students.jwu.edu. Faculty at
There are associated campuses in Charleston, South Carolina; Norfolk,
Virginia; North Miami, Florida; and Vail, Colorado.

Juniata College (Huntingdon, PA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994

Kalamazoo College (Kalamazoo, MI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kzoo.edu/>.
(L8)@kzoo.edu or F(L6)@kzoo.edu. Alphabetical list of faculty at

Kansas State University (Manhattan, KS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ksu.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ksu.edu/Directories/wp/query.html>.

Keene State College (Keene, NH, USA): Created: Fri Nov 7 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.keene.edu/>.
The faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://amazon.keene.edu/dir_alpha.html>
doesn't show an e-mail address for everyone. A comprehensive student
directory is available only internally, but there is a less comprehensive
world-accessible directory at

Kent State University (Kent, OH, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kent.edu/>.
See the faculty, staff, and student phone book at

Kenyon College (Gambier, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kenyon.edu/>.
See the faculty, staff, and student directory at
***@kenyon.edu. Username is usually the last name, sometimes with
initials tacked onto the end.

Knox College (Galesburg, IL, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
Students, faculty, and admin: flllllll@@knox.edu

LaGrange College (Lagrange, GA, USA): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lagrange.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and administration directory available at

Lakehead University (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lakeheadu.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:gopher://gopher.lakeheadu.ca:105/2>;
mailboxes appear to be ***@lakeheadu.ca.

Langara College (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada):Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.langara.bc.ca/>.
Faculty/staff directory at

Lappeenranta University of Technology (Lappeenranta, Finland): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lut.fi/>.
People finder at <URL:http://info.lut.fi/home/persons.htm> (English).
Finger available.

LaSalle University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Host hp800.lasalle.edu
Faculty, Staff, and student staff: use last name, eg. jones (llllllll)
Course accounts: xnnn0mmm or xnnnamm, where x is 1-letter course name (e.g.
c for computer science), nnn is 3 digit course id, 0 or a is entered
exactly as shown, and mmm or mm is the student's individual number within
the course)
Incoming finger (from the Internet) does not yet work.

Laurentian University (Sudbury, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.laurentian.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.laurentian.ca/www/lu/util/eUserFrm.htm>.
For most staff the convention is: ***@nickel.laurentian.ca.
Undergraduate/graduate students: S/G followed by numbers.

Lebanon Valley College (Annville, PA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lvc.edu/>.
Faculty, staff and students: ***@acad.lvc.edu

Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/people/>, including
e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.lehigh.edu/find/email.html>.

Lenoir-Rhyne College (Hickory, NC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
E-mail address is ***@alice.lrc.edu or ***@mike.lrc.edu.

London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lse.ac.uk/>.
E-mail: Students, Faculty, Staff: ***@vax.lse.ac.uk. For students with
last names under 8 characters, the format is usually
***@vax.lse.ac.uk. All students have accounts, although not all may
actually use them.
Online directory available at <URL:http://www.blpes.lse.ac.uk/cgi-
Finger: Appears to require an exact username.

Longwood College (Farmville, VA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Math & Computer Science faculty have addresses of the form
***@lwcnet.lwc.edu (e.g. Fred Smith -> ***@lwcnet.lwc.edu). I
believe that other faculty have address of the same form on the same
domain. There are other domains. No domains support remote finger.

Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, LA, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@tiger.lsu.edu; user ids are flastname (or flastname# if there
is a conflict).
CS: csvax.csc.lsu.edu
EE: max.ee.lsu.edu
SNCC (S/m Network Comp Center): lsu500.sncc.lsu.edu

Louisiana Tech University (Ruston, LA, USA): Created: Mon Apr 12 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.latech.edu/>.
Web search at <URL:http://www.latech.edu/tech/phone.html>. User IDs are
***@latech.edu except for legacy UNIX users, who received their UNIX id
instead when the names were changed over in 1996; these UNIX id's are
either initials or combinations of initials and names.

Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Created: Mon Aug 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lmu.edu/>.
Students: F(L7)@stdntpop.lmu.edu. Faculty: F(L7)@lmumail.lmu.edu. Law
school faculty and staff: F(L7)@lmulaw.lmu.edu.
Web pages for some faculty at
<URL:http://www.lmu.edu/acad/personal/faculty/faculty.htm> and staff at
<URL:http://www.lmu.edu/admin/personal/staff/index.htm>. Directory of
student pages at <URL:http://WWW.ASLMU.ORG/students/>.

Loyalist College (Belleville, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.loyalistc.on.ca/>.
I found a list of E-mail contacts at
<URL:http://www.loyalistc.on.ca/contact.html>, but no general directory.

Lubbock Christian University (Lubbock, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lcu.edu/>.
Student user names appear to be ***@mail.lcu.edu (first 4 letters of
last name, followed by a 4-digit number). E-mail directory at
Faculty and staff user names are not yet listed.

Luther College (Decorah, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://luther.edu/>.
Mail to llllff##@luther.edu, where ## is currently 01 and increases to
distinguish duplicates. Campus directory at

Macalester College (Saint Paul, MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Every student and faculty member has an account on the college's VAX system.
Many students have additional accounts on departmental machines. These
instructions are for finding someone on the VAX.
Finger ***@macalstr.edu, where userid is of the form flllllll for
students, and lname for faculty. Numbers are added to the end of the
userid in case of name conflicts.

Macquarie University (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mq.edu.au/>.

Manhattan College (Bronx, NY, USA): Created: Thu Dec 30 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.manhattan.edu/>.
E-mail directory for faculty, staff, and students at
<URL:http://www.manhattan.edu/email/>; Students must first activate their
email account before they can receive mail.

Marlboro College (Marlboro, VT, USA): Created: Wed Mar 31 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.marlboro.edu/>.
There does not appear to be a universal pattern for malbox names; I have
seen FL(7)@marlboro.edu, FML(6)@marlboro.edu, ***@marlboro.edu, and
F(7)***@marlboro.edu. There is a search form at

Mars Hill College (Mars Hill, NC, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
Students: ***@MHC.edu.
Faculty and staff: ***@MHC.edu.

Mary Washington College (Fredricksburg, VA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mwc.edu/>.
Most students have an account at MWC, and all faculty. Userids are
finger ***@oregano.mwc.edu.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] (Cambridge, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
Finger ***@mit.edu for info about the person and mail address. This is the
same info that's used to create the MIT phonebook, so it is as accurate.
(One can finger ***@mit.edu for instructions in using this service.) For
backwards compatibility, mail to ***@athena.mit.edu will still work.
Finger @ai.mit.edu for AI graduate students, faculty, and some undergrads.
Also try @media-lab.mit.edu (= media-lab.media.mit.edu) for the MIT Media
Try @lcs.mit.edu for Laboratory of Computer Science faculty, staff, and
Also, MIT math professors can be found on math.mit.edu (a.k.a.
bourbaki.mit.edu; however, this information is already accessible from
fingering mit.edu information.
MITVMA.MIT.EDU is the gateway to bitnet.

Mayville State University (Mayville, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.masu.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty at
<URL:http://www.masu.nodak.edu/directories/faculty.htm> See also North
Dakota Network.

McGill University (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcgill.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.mcgill.ca>.
Many faculty, staff, and graduate students have accounts on departmental
subnetworks. For example:
Computer Science: ***@cs.mcgill.ca (mail forwards to the correct
machine. Currently profs have their accounts on opus.cs.mcgill.ca,
stuents on binkley.cs.mcgill.ca.
Electrical Engineering: ***@ee.mcgill.ca
Some faculty members and students have accounts on musica.mcgill.ca. Most
undergraduate accounts are on musicb.mcgill.ca. Music user names are for
all practical purposes completely arbitrary. There is no finger server.
Many undergraduates, especially in arts, use the Faculty of Arts Computer
Lab. FACL users have addresses of the form ***@facl.lan.mcgill.ca.
Most non-cs, non-ee undergrads, however, are on musicb if they have
accounts at all.

McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcmaster.ca/>.
Online phone book at <URL:http://www.mcmaster.ca/cgi-bin/WebPhBk?DB=csnet-

Medical College of Wisconsin (Wauwatosa, WI, USA): Created: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mcw.edu/>.
Medical students only: mcw.edu.

Medical University of South Carolina (Charleston, SC, USA): Created: Tue Nov 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.musc.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.musc.edu>.

Medizinisches Hochschulrechenzent, Hannover (Hannover, Germany): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
(Hannover Academy/School of Medicine)
Bitnet address: ***@DHVMHH1.BITNET
Internet address: ***@vm.mhrz.mh-hannover.de

Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada): Changed: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mun.ca/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.mun.ca/phone/>.

Mercer University (Macon, GA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mercer.peachnet.edu/>.
There is also a campus in Atlanta.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.mercer.edu/asp_folder/email.asp>.
Student users' addresses are of the form: ***@mercer.peachnet.edu.

Merrimack College (North Andover, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.merrimack.edu/>.
Inquiries to ***@merrimack.edu welcome.
Faculty: except in extraordinary circumstances ***@merrimack.edu
Undergrads: Aliases exist for most students as ***@merrimack.edu.
REAL ids are usually ***@merrimack.edu with dups getting
***@merrimack.edu. For example:
Jane A. Smith -> jane.a.smith and ***@merrimack.edu
Joe L. Smith -> joe.l.smith and ***@merrimack.edu

Messiah College (Grantham, PA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.messiah.edu/>.
General: fl######@mcis.messiah.edu

Miami University (Oxford, OH, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
***@MIAVX1.ACS.MUOHIO.EDU or @MIAMIU.MUOHIO.EDU. Until 1994, userids
were FMLastname. Now they are LLLLLLFM.

Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msu.edu/>.
Finger ***@msu.edu; mail to ***@pilot.msu.edu. For students, send
mail to ***@student.msu.edu. Most user IDs are lastnamefirstname,
truncated to 8 letters; common names are numbered.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.msu.edu>.

Michigan Technological University (Houghton, MI, USA):Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtu.edu/>.
Finger ***@mtu.edu or use the online directory at

Mills College (Oakland, CA, USA): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Most student have accounts at: ***@ella.mills.edu

Millsaps College (Jackson, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.millsaps.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.millsaps.edu/www/uinfo/>.

Minnesota State University System (MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Faculty (all campuses): ***@msus1.bitnet
Faculty/Students (Mankato State University): ***@vax1.mankato.msus.edu

Mississippi College (Clinton, MS, USA): Changed: Sat Nov 8 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mc.edu/>.
Mailboxes are of the form ***@csc.mc.edu or ***@csc.mc.edu.
There is an online searchable phonebook at

Minot State University (Minot, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/>.
There is also a campus in Bottineau.
Faculty/staff search at
<URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/pages/fac_index.html>; student . at
<URL:http://www.misu.nodak.edu/pages/std_index.html> Both directories are
browsable. See also North Dakota Network.

Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science (Columbus, MS, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msms.doe.k12.ms.us/>.
A public state-supported high school for intellectually gifted 11th and 12th

Mississippi State University (Mississippi State, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msstate.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.msstate.edu/cgi-bin/lookup>; e-
mail directory at <URL:http://msuinfo.ur.msstate.edu/search/email.htm> for
most students.
There is also a campus in Brantford.

Montana State University/Bozeman (Bozeman, MT, USA): Created: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.montana.edu/>. Faculty, staff,
and student directories are accessible from the Web page.

Morgan State University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.morgan.edu/>.

Montclair State University (Upper Montclair, NJ, USA):Created: Wed Nov 19 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.montclair.edu/>.
Most usernames are ***@alpha.montclair.edu. Student directory at
Faculty/staff directory at
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
2007-10-14 09:30:04 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part3

Morehead State University (Morehead, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.morehead-st.edu/>.
Faculty web pages at <URL:http:people.morehead-st.edu/fs/index.html>.
Student web pages at <URL:http://people.morehead-
st.edu/students/index.html> by login ID, which seem to be of the form
FMLLLL##@moreheadstate.edu or possibly FMLLLL##@morehead-st.edu, where ##
starts at 01 and is for distinguishing otherwise identical mailboxes.

Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB, Canada): Changed: Tue Jan 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mta.ca/>.
Faculty and staff: usually ***@mta.ca (or ***@mta.ca in case of
duplicates); there is a phone directory at
You can also find faculty, staff, and student names by fingering
mailserv.mta.ca with firstname or lastname; there is Web-based finger
server at <URL:http://www.mta.ca/cgi-bin/finger>.

Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtholyoke.edu/>.
Directory of directories,, at <URL:http://www.mtholyoke.edu/dir/>.

Mount Royal College (Calgary, AB, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtroyal.ab.ca/>.
Student's userids are of the form llllll#### where # are the first four
digits of the student id. Staff userids are of the form flastname.

Mount Saint Mary's College (Emmitsburg, MD, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msmary.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and students: finger ***@msmary.edu.

Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msvu.ca/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://www.msvu.ca/findphonebook.html>.

Murray State University (Murray, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.murraystate.edu/>.
Faculty/staff and student search at

Muskingum College (New Concord, OH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Mail to ***@muskingum.edu. As of fall 1992 userids are usually
flastname; previously ff_lastname, possibly with a trailing 1. The finger
server just shows who is logged in; ***@muskingum.edu is willing to
handle inquiries.

National Cheng Kung University (Tainan City, Taiwan): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ncku.edu.tw/>.
General: e#######@dec3.ncku.edu.tw.

National University of Singapore (Singapore): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nus.sg/>.
CS Department Faculty or Staff: ***@leonis.nus.sg, where fas is
fas (faculty and staff), lastname is full lastname, f is first name, m is
middle name.
CS students: cz3.nus.sg or solar.nus.sg.
Art Department has numbered accounts, e.g. ***@leonis.nus.sg.

Nesna College (Nesna, Norway): Created: Fri Dec 3 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hinesna.no/>.
Faculty, staff, students: browsable directory at

New England State (Henniker, NH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nec.edu/>.
At one time student mailboxes had the form FirstnameM_Lastname.

New Jersey Institute of Technology (Newark, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.njit.edu/>.
Phone book and e-mail search at <URL:http://www.njit.edu/Phone/>.

New Mexico Institute Of Mining And Technology (Socorro, NM, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nmt.edu/>.
List of people directories at <URL:http://www.nmt.edu/mainpage/people.html>,
including student phone book at
<URL:http://www.nmt.edu/mainpage/dir/phonebook.html> and faculty/staff
phone book at <URL:http://phonebook.nmt.edu/viewbyname.asp>.
Try finger ***@nmt.edu or finger ***@jupiter.nmt.edu. Jupiter is the main
server; CS students generally have accounts on minos.nmt.edu. Accounts
generally seem to be of the form FLLLLLLL.

New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nmsu.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://aams.nmsu.edu/phonebook/>.

New York University [NYU] (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nyu.edu/>.
Web directory at <URL:http://www.nyu.edu/search.nyu>.

Niagara College (Welland, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.niagarac.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in Niagara Region.
Student e-mail addresses are not published. Faculty e-mail is usually

Nipissing University (North Bay, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unipissing.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:http://www.unipissing.ca/phone.htm>
Students: ***@student.unipissing.ca; there is no directory for

North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ncsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@eos.ncsu.edu, or use the whois server on
infopoint.cc.ncsu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.ncsu.edu>.
CS faculty/staff: accounts on adm.csc.ncsu.edu. No specific naming
convention for faculty accounts.
There are currently 4 active AFS cells within the NCSU realm.
unity.ncsu.edu: The NCSU Computing Center. Eventually all non-engineering
students will be here.
eos.ncsu.edu: NCSU Project Eos (all engineering accounts - faculty, staff,
and students). Student userids are usually fmllllll.
tx.ncsu.edu: NCSU College of Textiles
catt.ncsu.edu: NCSU CATT program, students and computers in a dorm
CS Graduate Students: used to have accounts on druid.csc.ncsu.edu, but are
now moving over to AFS. login names were gr-xxx where xxx are the initials
of the person. However, using the person first or last name will also

North Dakota Network (ND, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nodak.edu/>.
This section describes how to find email addresses for students who attend
Public Colleges and Universities in North Dakota. On all systems, userids
are lastname, possibly with first or middle initials if the last name is
not unique; you can finger lastname on all system.
General use machines: plains.bitnet, plains.nodak.edu, badlands.nodak.edu,
Faculty reseach: vision.nodak.edu.
sendit.nodak.edu is for North Dakota public education (teachers, school
districts, and professors of education and educational administration).
Agricultural extension: ndsuext.nodak.edu
ND HECN CMS (@ndsuvm1.bitnet) -or- (@vm1.nodak.edu). This is a VM/SP (CMS)
system. Userids are a bit more complicated here... The ND HECN (No-Dak
Higher Education Computer Network) consists of the following schools..
Their 2-letter school code follows.
Bismarck State College: BJ
North Dakota State University: NU
University of North Dakota: UD
Dickinson State College: DS
Williston State College: WS
Bottineau State College: BT
Lake Region Community College: LR
Valley City State College: VC
Mayville State College: MV
Minot State College: MN
State School of Science: SS
Userids given out prior to (approximately) August 1991 are assigned a
userid according to the following: Userids are in the form of LL######.
LL is the "School Code" (see above). The #'s are the first 6 digits of
the user's NAID number.
Userids given out after August 1991 are assigned according to last name,
or with part of their first name in front if the account is already
taken. They are trying to give you the same userid as your plain's id
(if you have one). Also, people with the 'old id' can request to have
their account renamed to the new format. You are able to finger
accounts on ndsuvm1, but as of 02-26-92 student names are not yet
available to finger. (It will tell you if the account at least exists
tho). Faculty/Staff names are available to finger. Each college has an
'administrative' account with the form LL0ADMIN. (LL = School Code). I
don't know if they will give out userids, but it's worth a try.
UND School of Medicine: try ***@medicine.und.nodak.edu for staff and
faculty; no student accounts as of Fall 1992. For help finding someone,
try 'finger' or contact ***@medicine.und.nodak.edu

North Dakota State College of Science (Wahpeton, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty/staff at
<URL:http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/people/directory/>. See also North Dakota

North Dakota State University (Fargo, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/phonebook/>. See also North
Dakota Network.

Northeastern University (Boston, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.northeastern.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.northeastern.edu/directory>.
Finger ***@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu where <name> is a first-name, last-
name, or username. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni can have
accounts, but they have to be requested.
Student usernames are usually flllllll, but many students pick there own
variations. Many students never log in again once their class is through.

Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff, AZ, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
You can use any of the following ways to locate people at Northern Arizona
University. If one doesn't work, try the next. NOTE: not everyone at NAU
has an electronic mailbox.
1. finger ***@info.nau.edu where PERSON is any part of a person's name
that you know. You may have to use quotes, as in: finger "Jane
Doe"@info.nau.edu. This is a "white pages" style database. For more help
on this system: finger @info.nau.edu
2. mail ***@nau.edu where FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME are the
person you're trying to reach. You may need to specify
3. send mail to the site postmaster: mail ***@nau.edu Some
subdomains have postmasters e.g. ***@cse.nau.edu for the Computer
Science and Engineering department.

Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.niu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@niu.edu will reach anyone registered with the ph server.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.niu.edu>. Student accounts are of
the form ZXXYYYYY where XX is 90,91,92 (year of entrance to NIU and YYYYY
is random.
Engineering: finger ***@eiger.ceet.niu.edu
Encore MultiMax (mp.cs.niu.edu). CSCI students may have accounts on this
UNIX-based machine if their classes require it. Class accounts are of the
form 'T90nnnn' where 'nnnn' is a randomly-assigned four-digit number.
Undergraduate and graduate TA's may have accounts of the form 'T90fml1',
where f=first initial, m=middle initial, and l=last initial. Substitute
the letter 'X' for a missing middle initial. Older TA's may have an '8'
or '9' substituted for the '1'. Students who work for Academic Computing
Services, or are of a major other than CSCI, may also have accounts. Use
'finger' for more info.
CSCI LAN (csci.niu.edu) All CSCI faculty members and some graduate students
have accounts on this Novell LAN of the form 'T90fml1', same as above.
Amdahl 5890 (vm.cso.niu.edu) CSCI students may have accounts on this
mainframe running MVS and VM if their classes require it. Class accounts
are of the form 'T90nnnn', same as above. All TA's have an account of the
form 'T90fml1'.

Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.nku.edu/findit.php>.

Northwest Missouri State University (Maryville, MO, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwmissouri.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone directory at
student phone directory at
Mail to ***@northwest.missouri.edu. Unfortunately usernames are
random numbers, starting with 01 for professors and 02 for students.

Northwestern College (Orange City, IA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwciowa.edu/>.
Students,and faculty/staff after July 1995: ***@nwciowa.edu.
Faculty and staff before July 1995 may use firstname or lastname.

Northwestern State University (Natchitoches, LA, USA):Created: Wed Jun 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nsula.edu/>.
There is a voluntary Web page registry at
Student e-mail addresses appear to be nslll####@alpha.nsula.edu, where ns is
the literal letters, lll the first three letters of last name, and #### a
4-digit number.
The college provides an online directory at
<URL:http://www.nsula.edu/departments/newweb/fax.htm> of phone numbers for
departments and centres.

Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwu.edu/>.
PH service at ns.nwu.edu or via the online directory at <URL:http://www-
gate.it-services.nwu.edu/it/query-ph/query.cgi>. Students are
automatically entered on registration, usually F-Lastname#@nwu.edu where
number # is used only for disambiguation; users can change this to
whatever they like.
General e-mail services are shared by four machines: casbah.acns.nwu.edu,
plus lulu, hecky, and merle. Both Casbah and Merle support finger

Norwegian University of Technology (Trondheim, Norway): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unit.no/>.
See University of Trondheim.

Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nstu.nsk.su/>.
630092, K. Marx Prospekt 20
Usernames can be hard to discover; ***@nstu.nsk.su is willing to be
helpful in tracking usernames.

Oakland University (Rochester, MI, USA): Changed: Thu Mar 25 1993
Hosts: vela.acs.oakland.edu, argo.acs.oakland.edu
Many departments maintain their own systems but their users usually have
accounts on either vela or argo as well.
Userids: Students: FMlastname Faculty: Lastname
Finger: on vela, use any portion of the name. On argo, you can only finger
the userid.

Oberlin College (Oberlin, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
<URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/fussers/facstaff_directory.html>. Student
directory at <URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/fussers/student_directory.html>.

Occidental College (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Created: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oxy.edu/>.
Usually the email address is ***@oxy.edu, but in some cases the first
initial or first part of the first name is used, Addressses are not
All incoming students as of '92 get an email account, but not everyone uses

Ohio Northern University (Ada, OH, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.onu.edu/>.
Online phonebook at <URL:http://www.onu.edu/cgi-bin/carr-ph>. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.onu.edu>.

Ohio State University (Columbus, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.osu.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff, Graduate students: ***@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/osu_inquiry>.
Searching the online directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/cgi-
bin/osu_inquiry> (or whois -h osu.edu) should find all students, faculty,
and staff, as should telnetting to osu.edu.
CS Students, Faculty and Staff: cis.ohio-state.edu, with username lastname,
fllllll, llllll-f, fml, firstname or lllll-fm.
Faculty and staff are mostly first or last name.
Also, some students have their accounts aliased so that you can send
mail/finger to lastname.#@osu.edu where # is required and is anything from
1 on up to infinity (these numbers can get very large for names like
Smith, i.e. in the thousands).

Ohio University (Athens, OH, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ohiou.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.ohiou.edu>, including links for
student and staff whois servers.
CS (UNIX): ***@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu
CS (VMS): oucsduce.cs.ohiou.edu
EE (grad students): ***@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu, @redskins.ent.ohiou.edu
Undergrads (class accounts): OUACCVMB.BITNET. Students are given accounts
of the form FL######@oak.cats.ohiou.edu; finger by ID or lastname.

Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, OH, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Finger ***@cc.owu.edu. All usernames (student/faculty/staff) are of
the form FMLLLLLL; if no middle initial, first initial is repeated.

Oklahoma State/Stillwater (Stillwater, OK, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.okstate.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://eguide.okstate.edu/eGuide/servlet/eGuide>.
***@rsc.ceat.okstate.edu or ***@osuunx.ucc.okstate.edu.

Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (Beaverton, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ogi.edu/>.
Only Graduate Students. Their host, ogccse, is @cse.ogc.edu.
This recently changed to cse.ogi.edu.

Oregon State System of Higher Education (OR, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.osshe.edu/>.

Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.orst.edu/>.
Any student can get an account on ucs.orst.edu
CS: mist.cs.orst.edu, prism.cs.orst.edu
Admissions office: ***@ccmail.orst.edu.

Otterbein College (Westerville, OH, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.otterbein.edu/>.
Faculty/staff . at
<URL:http://www.otterbein.edu:8080/lookup/getNameOffCampus.jsp> Mailboxes
appear to be FLastname#@otterbein.edu or FMLastname#@otterbein.edu, where
#, if present, is a disambiguating number.

Our Lady of Holy Cross College (New Orleans, LA, USA):Created: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.olhcc.edu/>.
Web pages for some people are available at

Oxford University (Oxford, United Kingdom): Changed: Tue Nov 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ox.ac.uk/>.
Forms-based online directory at
If you happen to have an account at Oxford, you can telnet to info.ox.ac.uk,
which presents you with an online information system, one of whose
subsystems is an electronic mail directory showing all authorized users
who are willing to be so listed.

Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.plu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@plu.edu or @salt.plu.edu. The first is used by students,
faculty, etc for general or basic networking functions. Salt is used for
the Computer Science department and the Administration. Many students are
likely to have accounts on both machines.

Park College (Parkville, MO, USA): Created: Sat Dec 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.park.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.park.edu/fac/facdir.htm>.

Penn State University (State College, PA, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.psu.edu/>.
Anyone can get mail on email.psu.edu (or psu.edu); addresses are fml###.
Course accounts may be fml###@psuvm.psu.edu.
PH service at ph.psu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://info.psu.edu>,
including telephone and other directories at
Computer Science: cse.psu.edu (UNIX), crayola.cse.psu.edu (Ultrix)
Math: math.psu.edu

Philadelphia Biblical University (Langhorne, PA, USA):Changed: Thu Mar 15 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pbu.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff: ***@pbu.edu. Students: ***@pbu.edu. Directory
of directories at <URL:http://www.pbu.edu/info/sendmail.htm>.

Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.philacol.edu/>.
Mail to (L8)(F3)@hardy.texsci.edu; faculty at (L8)***@laurel.texsci.edu.

Pitzer College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/>.
Some student Web pages at
<URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/studentlife/homepages.html>. Faculty Web pages
at <URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/academics/faculty.html>.
finger ***@pitvax.claremont.edu

Plattsburgh State University (Plattsburgh, NY, USA): Created: Mon Jan 11 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.plattsburgh.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and administration directory at
Formerly known as SUNY Plattsburgh. Admissions ***@plattsburgh.edu.

Plymouth State College (Plymouth, NH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Faculty & staff: ***@plymouth.edu or
***@psc.plymouth.edu or ***@psc.plymouth.edu
Students: finger ***@oz.plymouth.edu or finger

Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 10 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.poly.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Farmingdale (Polytechnic University Long Island
Campus) and and Hawthorne (Westchester Graduate Center).
Most login names follow the pattern FL(5)***@poly.edu. For students there
does not appear to be an e-mail directory; consult the student web page
directories at <URL:http://www.poly.edu/computing/index.cfm?men=m6>. For
faculty and staff, use the phone book at

Pomona College (Claremont, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Internet: ***@pomona.claremont.edu (bitnet ***@pomona.bitnet)
Usernames are the first character of the first name, followed by the full
last name (John Doe would be JDOE). In case of conflicts, the middle
initial is used between first and last name. (If JDOE already has an
account, James A. Doe would be JADOE). Finger works.

Portland State University (Portland, OR, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Students: odin.cc.pdx.edu

Prairie View A&M University (Waller County, TX, USA): Created: Tue Jun 17 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://http://www.pvamu.edu//>.
The e-mail Web page at <URL:http://www.pvamu.edu/emailsd.html> has links to
faculty and staff directories, and to a form for students to use to add
their entries to the student e-mail database.
Faculty seem to have mailboxes of the form F(L7)@pvamu.edu or sometimes

Presbyterian College (Clinton, SC, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
All student and faculty, except for a few, are ***@cs1.presby.edu.

Princeton University (Princeton, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.princeton.edu/>.
Use the people search on the main web page.

Providence College (Providence, RI, USA): Created: Thu Nov 11 1999
Faculty/staff usernames are usually FMLLLLLL, sometimes LLLLLLLL or
FFFFFFFL. Undergraduate students: FL(5)***@providence.edu where nn is two-
digit year of graduation.

Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.purdue.edu/>.
Student, faculty, and staff directory at

Purdue University Calumet (Hammond, IN, USA): Created: Tue Oct 6 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calumet.purdue.edu/>.
Use the main Purdue University directory service at
<URL:http://directory.purdue.edu/ph-query.html>, which you can restrict to
Calumet if you like.

Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://info.queensu.ca/>.
Our e-mail directory for faculty, student, and staff is at
For e-mail access to the directory, send a message to ***@queensu.ca
placing on the first line of the message body the command
find surname
Spelling of the surname must be exact. To restrict the search, you can add
a comma and an initial or given name, for example
find smith,d
For a detailed description of the service, send the command
Computing and Information Science: finger ***@cs.queensu.ca, where userid
is usually lastname or firstname.

Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.qut.edu.au/>.
Mail to ***@qut.edu.au
For the Faculty of Information Technology you also can use:
***@fit.qut.edu.au OR ***@fit.qut.edu.au OR

Quincy University (Quincy, IL, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994

Ramapo College (Mahwah, NJ, USA): Created: Wed Nov 19 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ramapo.edu/>.

Reed College (Portland, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.reed.edu/>.
***@reed.edu, where username is of the form flllllll
Some personal Web pages are listed at <URL:http://www.reed.edu/reed/users/>.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI; Troy, NY, USA):Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/>.
Search the online directory at <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/phserver.html> of
staff and students, or telnet to infotrax.rpi.edu. Go to CAM, then DIR,
then STU, then
find name <username>
Rensselaer Computing System: rpi.edu. Open to all students, faculty and
staff. Userids are ***@rpi.edu with digits added to break ties.
finger ***@rpi.edu to verify userid only. but finger @rpi.edu
doesn't yield any login information.
Department Machine or Domain Names
========================================== ==========================
Computer Science: cs.rpi.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ecse.rpi.edu
Mechanical Engineering: meche.rpi.edu
Design Reseach Center: rdrc.rpi.edu
Robotics Automation Lab: ral.rpi.edu
Image Processing Lab: ipl.rpi.edu
Center for Advanced Technology: cat.rpi.edu
Integrated Electronic Arts Studio: iear.arts.rpi.edu
Engineering Computing Services: vm.ecs.rpi.edu,

Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Aachen, Germany): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
(Technical Institute of Aachen)
Format: ***@reze-1.rz.rwth-aachen.de

Rhodes College (Memphis, TN, USA): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rhhodes.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff: ***@rhodes.edu or ***@rhodes.edu in case of
Students: ***@rhodes.edu or LLLFM#@rhodes.edu in case of duplicates.
Browsable e-mail directory at
<URL:http://alpha.rhodes.edu/email/emaildir.html>. Try finger

Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ru.ac.za/>.
Searchable e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ru.ac.za/cgi-bin/whois.cgi>
Students: All undergraduate and postgraduate students are registered for
mail on centralised servers, but not everyone is active. The address is
of the form ***@campus.ru.ac.za, where USERID is the student number,
with the first character replaced with a "G" for students registered at
the Grahamstown campus, or with an "E" for students registered at the East
London campus. Students may additionally be registered on departmental
servers, or on systems run by RUCUS, the Rhodes University Computer Users
Staff: All academic, administrative and service staff (including members of
their immediate family) may obtain an email account on centralised servers
- but not all do so. There is a concerted attempt at standardising email
addresses to be of the form ***@ru.ac.za, but not everyone
has yet converted, and many are registered on departmental servers where
anything goes.

Rice University (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rice.edu/>.
Finger ***@rice.edu, where name is firstname or lastname. This should
return a definitive answer for the person unless an individual has
requested not to be listed. Mail sent to ***@rice.edu will be
correctly routed regardless of which network the student is on -- Owlnet
for undergrads, RUF for grads and faculty, CS, ECE, SPAC, etc.
Alumni may be reached at ***@alumni.rice.edu after they graduate. There
is currently no convenient method to search for alumni user IDs, but they
are generally the same as when the person was a student.

Rochester Institute of Technology [RIT] (Rochester, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rit.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://inside.rit.edu/directories/>.
Student accounts: fml####@rit.edu (student initials followed by 4 randomly
generated digits).

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute, IN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rose-hulman.edu/.ITEM>. There are
three major systems on which students are given accounts:
Academic VAXcluster: rosevc.rose-hulman.edu. All students have accounts.
NeXT workstation network: nextwork.rose-hulman.edu. All students have
CS department network: cs.rose-hulman.edu. Any student can get an account
upon request.
Student usernames are consistent across the systems, in the form llllllfm.
Mail addresses of the form: ***@rose-hulman.edu are also
accepted; mail is directed to a preferred address.

Rowan College of New Jersey (NJ, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rowan.edu/>.
(formerly Glassboro State College, renamed in 1993)
Below is a list of computers and who uses them. For help, send mail to
postmaster on whichever one seems the most appropriate. If you're not
sure, send it to ***@rowan.edu. Current email info (including most
of the electronic mail addresses on campus) is available on our Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gboro.rowan.edu:150>.
heroes.rowan.edu: administrative departments, secretaries, some faculty
saturn.rowan.edu: Academic Computing, students, some faculty
elan.rowan.edu: all School of Business faculty, students
irp.rowan.edu: Institutional Research and Planning
gboro.rowan.edu: Computer Science faculty, students
There is no on-line catalog of student e-mail addresses. If you send a
message to ***@rowan.edu you should get back the address (if there
is one) by the next business day.

Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kth.se/>.
All computer science students (belonging to NADA, the dept of numerical
analysis and computer science) have e-mail addresses of the form dNN-
***@nada.kth.se. NN is a two digit number telling what year the the
student was admitted to the computer science program. xxx is a 3 letter
code constructed from the first letter from the first name and the two
first letters from the last name.
Finger is available too.
All RIT staff can be found via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://kth.se>.

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Computer Science Dept: ***@cs.rmit.oz.au
Computer Science class has format: ***@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au, where s is
s, yy is year, mm is month, dd is day of acct expiration. x is some random

Royal Military College (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Oct 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rmc.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.rmc.ca>.
Online directory at <URL:gopher://ns.rmc.ca:105/2>.
PH service at ns.rmc.ca. An email entry in the 'ph' system does not
guarantee that an individual uses email regularly.

Ruhr-Universtität Bochum (Bochum, Germany): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/>.
Any student who applies for an e-mail adress gets one, normally
***@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de, but it can be changed by request

Rutgers (New Brunswick, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rutgers.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Camden and and Newark and
Faculty, staff and student search at

Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.shsu.edu/>. ***@shsu.edu. You
can finger but only by userid.

San Diego State University (San Diego, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sdsu.edu/>.
Faculty and Staff: ***@sciences.sdsu.edu where f is the first initial
followed by the last name.
General: ***@rohan.sdsu.edu or ucssun1.sdsu.edu.
To access the campus phone directory:
(1) whois -h sciences.sdsu.edu name
where name is the last name of the person you want.
(2) telnet to sciences.sdsu.edu and log in as whois
telnet sciences.sdsu.edu
SunOS UNIX (sciences)
login: whois
***** College of Sciences Online Phone Directory *****
You may:
* Enter a name the way you think it is spelled.
* Enter '=' followed by the first part of a correctly
spelled name.
* Enter '+' followed by an E-mail address.
* Enter '#' followed by a telephone number.
* Enter '*' followed by any part of a name.
* Enter '$' followed by a first name (sound alike)
* Enter '!' followed by a first name.
* Enter '?' or 'help' to display this message.
* Enter ^D or a blank line to terminate.

San Francisco State University (San Francisco, CA, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 9 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfsu.edu/>.
Login IDs can be just about anything, though ***@sfsu.edu and
***@sfsu.edu seem moderately common. Online directory at

San Jose State University (San Jose, CA, USA): Created: Mon Nov 24 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sjsu.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.sjsu.edu/employee/directory/>

Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.scu.edu/>.
Students and faculty with accounts there, at least in some cases, may be
reached as F(L7)@scuacc.scu.edu.
Personal home pages directory at <URL:http://www-

Sault College (Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.saultc.on.ca/>.

Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine (Chicago, IL, USA): Created: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.scholl.edu/>.
Students maintain a community directory at
<URL:http://orion.it.luc.edu/~jrost/ipmsastu.html>, and an alumni
directory at <URL:http://orion.it.luc.edu/~jrost/ipmsaalm.html>;
participation in each is voluntary.

Scripps College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Jul 3 1993
Finger ***@grover.claremont.edu.
Mail to: ***@scripps.claremont.edu (Novell network)
Finger at: charon.claremont.edu (Charon mail server)
Charon knows nothing about users unless they're logged in (and crashes

Seattle Pacific University (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/dirs/index.html>,
including online white pages at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/cgi-

Seattle University (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.seattleu.edu/>.
Directory of home pages at <URL:http://www.seattleu.edu/general/html.html>.

Selçuk Üniversitesi (Konya, Turkey): Created: Wed Feb 28 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/>.
To search for e-mail addresses, visit at
<URL:http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/personel/bilgi/giris.htm> and click on
"Personel Arama"; enter the given name and surname in box "Adý Soyadý" and
click button "Tamam".

Seneca College (Toronto, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.senecac.on.ca/>.

Sheridan College (Oakville, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in Brampton.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/cgi-
bin/cgiwrap/~ian/find/finduser.pl>; Web page directories for staff at
<URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/people/emppages.htm> and students at

Siena College (Loudonville, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
Bitnet addresses are of the form ***@siena.bitnet where f is 1st
initial, l is last initial, xxxx are the last 4 digits of the student's
social security number. The S stands for "student" and begins every
student email address.
Faculty's usernames are simply ***@siena.bitnet. The first initial is
added at the beginning of the username to break ties.
Special accounts for CS and other classes requiring heavy computer use exist
but are off-limits for Bitnet use.

Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC, Canada): Changed: Wed Nov 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfu.ca/>.
All email addresses at SFU (unless the person has requested otherwise) are
in a gopher directory, which can be accessed off the main page. Mail
addresses are usually either FM(L6)@sfu.ca or
***@sfu.edu. Some addresses are in subdomains like

Sir Sandford Fleming College (Peterborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.flemingc.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Cobourg, Lindsay, and Haliburton. Staff search
at <URL:http://ellington.flemingc.on.ca/staff/main.cfm>; student search at

Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
General use: beothuk.swgc.mun.ca. Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://cwis.ucs.mun.ca/11/Sir Wilfred Grenfell College>.

Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
zipcode: 12866. phone: (518) 584-5000.
All e-mail is collected by scott.skidmore.edu.
Usernames normally take the form first initial and first seven characters
of the last name. You can also employ "fname.lname", giving the complete
first and last names separated by a dot.
Contact ***@SCOTT.SKIDMORE.EDU for any delivery problems or other questions
about the College.

Slippery Rock University (Slippery Rock, PA, USA): Created: Thu Apr 9 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sru.edu/>.
Faculty/staff: ***@sru.edu. Students: ***@sru.edu, where
nnnn are last 4 digits of Social Security number.
There is a directory of directories at

Smith College (Northampton, MA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smith.edu/>.
Try the online directory at <URL:http://www.smith.edu/people/>. Usernames
are usually F(L7)@smith.edu (or FM(L6)@smith.edu to prevent duplicate
Not everyone registers their preferred address with smith.edu. Faculty are
often on sophia.smith.edu, or science.smith.edu; administrative staff are
on ais.smith.edu.

Soka University of America (Aliso Viejo, CA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.soka.edu/>.
Students: ***@soka.edu.

Sonoma State University (Sonoma, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sonoma.edu/>.

Southeast Missouri State University (Cape Girardeau, MO, USA): Created: Wed Jun 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.semo.edu/>.
Student IDs are essentially random; few students have Web pages. Once you
look up a userid in the online directory at
<URL:http://semovm.semo.edu/a960/http/campus.dir.html>, mail to
A few departments have their own pages and/or servers, e.g. Biology
department at <URL:http://biology.semo.edu/>.

Southeastern Louisiana University (Hammond, LA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.selu.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.selu.edu/emailsearch.php>.

Southern Connecticut State University (New Haven, CT. USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.southernct.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.southernct.edu/search/email/>.

Southern Illinois University/Edwardsville (Edwardsville, IL, USA): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.siue.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.library.siue.edu/irs/empfind.html>;
student directory at <URL:http://www.library.siue.edu/irs/stdfind.html>.

Southern Oregon University (Ashland, OR, USA): Changed: Thu May 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sou.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.sou.edu/direct/>.

Southwest Missouri State University (Springield, MO, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smsu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.smsu.edu>.

Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos, TX, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 4 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.swt.edu/>.
Directories for faculty, staff at
<URL:http://www.swt.edu/catsweb/pe/pewbbddir_index.htm>, and students at
<URL:http://www.swt.edu/catsweb/rg/rgwbbddir_index.htm> are browsable but

Spelman College (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.auc.edu/>.
Try ***@auc.edu. Finger works.

St. Alban's College (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Created: Tue Jan 27 1998
Ramon Falcon 250 1832 - Lomas de Zamora ***@ssdnet.com.ar

St. Ambrose University (Davenport, IA, USA): Created: Tue Apr 10 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sau.edu/>.
There is a faculty/staff directory at
<URL:http://infotech.sau.edu/directory/>, bit I didn't find any student e-
mail directory. Some mailboxes appear to be FL(7)@sau.edu, but, instead
of truncating a lastname to 7, sometimes an internal vowel was eliminated
instead, e.g. X Anderson to xandersn.

St. Anselm College (Manchester, NH, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.anselm.edu/>.
Students, Faculty, Staff: ***@anselm.edu
Usernames are of the form flllllll, where f is the first letter of the first
name and lllllll are the first seven letters of the last name. If a last
name has less than 7 letters, the entire last name is used.

St. Clair College (Windsor, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stclair.on.ca/>.

St. Francis Xavier University (Antigonish, NS, Canada): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stfx.ca/>.
Faculty and some students: ***@juliet.stfx.ca.
Most students have userids of the form xyyabc, where x is the letter x, yy
is their freshman year, and abc are three arbitrary letters.

St. John's College (Santa Fe, NM, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stjohns-nm.edu/>.
Domain stjohns-nm.edu. There is no reliable system for finding addresses
because students are free to choose their own codeword as a name. Often
it consists of their first initial and last name, but not always.

St. John's University (Collegeville, MN, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 4 1994
Same domain as College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN, USA)
Students: ***@csbsju.edu
Faculty: ***@csbsju.edu

St. John's University (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Nov 27 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stjohns.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.stjohns.edu/directory/index.asp>.

St. Joseph University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sju.edu/>.

St. Lawrence College (Kingston, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stlawrencec.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Brockville and and Cornwall.

St. Louis University (St. Louis, MO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.slu.edu/>.
Main system: sluvca.slu.edu. Most userids are lastname or lastnameF or
lastnameFM. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.slu.edu>.

St. Mary's College of Maryland (St. Mary's City, MD, USA): Changed: Wed Jan 22 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/>.
Students: ***@osprey.smcm.edu. Some students have personal web pages
at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/StuLife/stupages.htm>.
There was once a faculty and staff directory available via Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://gopher.smcm.edu>, but it has disappeared. Some faculty and
staff have web pages at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/Academics/facstaff.htm>.

St. Michael's College (Colchester, VT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
General use: smcvax.smcvt.edu

St. Olaf College (Northfield, MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
UNIX accounts are created for all students upon their admission to the
College. Not all faculty and staff have accounts yet, but we're working
on that.
General address form: ***@stolaf.edu. Last name conflicts are usually
resolved by adding first and/or middle initials to the end of the last
Try fingering ***@stolaf.edu (note the capital letter).
Try using the St. Olaf Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.stolaf.edu>.
Phonebook information can be found under "St. Olaf Information".
Try sending email to ***@stolaf.edu describing the person you're
trying to contact.
CSO phone book server at cso.stolaf.edu.

Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stanford.edu/>.
Stanford has implemented a finger service for its whois database. Try
"finger ***@stanford.edu" first -- most students and lots of staff and
faculty now have their e-mail addresses registered with this service.
Name can be lastname, or for better results flastname or fmllllll.
Alternatively, this service can be accessed via whois:
whois -h stanford.edu name
If that doesn't work, most students (and lots of staff and faculty) have
accounts on leland.stanford.edu. The finger daemon on leland refuses off-
site finger.
A couple of other machines to try:
CS (Grad and undergrad): cs.stanford.edu
Geology/Earth sciences: pangea.stanford.edu
EE: sierra.stanford.edu
Psychology: psych.stanford.edu

Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches, TX, USA): Created: Wed Nov 20 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfasu.edu/>.
As of 1996.11.20, the e-mail search engine at
<URL:http://www.sfasu.edu/search1.htm> is temporarily unavailable.

Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stevens-tech.edu/>.
User name search at <URL:http://www.stevens-
Send mail to ***@SITVAX.STEVENS-TECH.EDU, where username is of the form
"first initial lastname" truncated to 8 characters, with a uniqueness
number. For example, John Smith would have the username JSMITH, but Jane
Smith (who's account was added after John's) would have JSMITH1.

SUNY/Albany (Albany, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jan 4 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.albany.edu/>.
There is a directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.albany.edu/directory/index.html>, which links to the
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.albany.edu/whois/>. There is no
student e-mail directory, but some students list their Web pages at

SUNY/Alfred (Alfred, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
(SUNY College of Technology at Alfred)
Students and faculty: ***@snyalfva.cc.alfredtech.edu (lastname,
firstname, middlename, though middle name sometimes isn't used).

SUNY/Binghamton (Binghamton, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
Renamed to Binghamton University

SUNY/Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Sep 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.buffalo.edu/>.
Use the online directory at <URL:http://ldap.buffalo.edu/query.html>.

SUNY/Canton (Canton, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
students: ***@scanva.bitnet, also try @snycanva.bitnet

SUNY/College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Syracuse, NY, USA): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.esf.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.esf.edu>.
Faculty, staff, and student email accounts are all handled by the Syracuse
University email system.

SUNY/Geneseo (Geneseo, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.geneseo.edu/>.
students: ***@uno.cc.geneseo.edu; yy is graduation year
Faculty are usually ***@geneseo.bitnet or @uno.cc.geneseo.edu, with
some exceptions for duplicate or extra-long last names.

SUNY/New Paltz (New Paltz, NY, USA): Created: Mon Feb 20 1995
Domain is newpaltz.edu, but they don't allow finger access from off campus.

SUNY/Oswego (Oswego, NY, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oswego.edu/>.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
2007-10-14 09:30:05 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part4

SUNY/Potsdam (Potsdam, NY, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.potsdam.edu/>.
students: ***@potsdam.edu, where ss are last 2 digits of SS#
faculty: ***@potsdam.edu

SUNY/Stony Brook (Stony Brook, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
***@ccvm.sunysb.edu (sbccvm.bitnet)
***@ccmail.sunysb.edu (sbccmail.bitnet) (servers ccsinc.bitnet and
***@ic.sunysb.edu (servers are libserv1, csserv1, csserv2, eeserv1;
can't finger).
CS Folks: cs.sunysb.edu (cs is an alias to the host sbcs)
You can also use the campus "white pages", whois -h sunysb.edu ... or try
fingering at ***@sunysb.edu

Swarthmore College (Swarthmore, PA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.swarthmore.edu/>.
Most Students/Faculty/Staff: ***@cc.swarthmore.edu, where F is the
user's first initial, and LLLLLL is the first six letters of their last
name. A '1' (one) is appended in most cases, though for duplicates the
number is incremented. To find people, send mail to postmaster. You can
also finger people by their last name.
As of fall 1993: some students may be reached at
Computing Centre staff: usually ***@cc.swarthmore.edu
CS: Usually, ***@cs.swarthmore.edu
Engineering: usually ***@engin.swarthmore.edu

Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.syr.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.syr.edu/cgi-bin/ph>. Users can create
their own home pages at <URL:http://web.syr.edu>.
mailbox.syr.edu is the central mail server -- the most widely used by
faculty and students, and much of the staff. The pattern for userids is:
first-initial + middle-initial + as much of the last name as possible.
Mail to ***@syr.edu forwards to the user's actual mail system, if the
user has asked for forwarding.
CompSci Grads/Faculty: top.cis.syr.edu Many CompSci graduates and faculty
have accounts on this machine; the usual username pattern is
Some faculty and staff: suadmin.syr.edu
White-Pages: "finger ***@syr.edu" will search the online catalog white
pages for a registered user that has his/her information public. Mutliple
matches produces multiple output. "finger @syr.edu" for more details.
The same information is available via whois -h syr.edu
Phone Book: The Syracuse Phone book has the same e-mail addresses as are
available in the White pages, but as it's only printed once a year they
are usually out of date. Dialing (315) 443-1870 is campus information;
if the userid exists in the phonebook, the people there will be happy to
give it out.
***@mailbox.syr.edu -- If the username exists, and that person doesn't
mind having it handed out, this userid will check into it beforehand and
reply via mail.

Tampere University of Technology (Tampere, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: tut.fi. Finger available.

Technical University of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.epfl.ch/>.

Technical University of Nova Scotia (Halifax, NS, Canada): Changed: Wed Mar 31 1999
TUNS merged with Dalhousie University. on 1 April 1997.

Technical University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ethz.ch/>.

Texas A&M University (College Station, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tamu.edu/>.
All students can have an account on a VAX cluster, a heterogeneous set of
UNIX boxes, or a VM/CMS machine. Probably less than 30% of the student
body (40K students) takes advantage of this. The format of the usernames
is FML#### where fml are the initials and #### is the last four digits of
the SSN. If a student has no middle initial then '0' (Zero) is used.
These domain is "tamu.edu" and the machine could be any of several choices
like venus, rigel, summa, sigma, etc.
General Unix: tam2000.tamu.edu, tamaix.tamu.edu, tamsun.tamu.edu
General VAX/VMS: zeus.tamu.edu, venus.tamu.edu, summa.tamu.edu,
sigma.tamu.edu, rigel.tamu.edu
General VM/CMS: tamvm1.tamu.edu
Finding addresses: Try fingering ***@tamu.edu (which uses ph, the CSO
Nameserver). This depends on users logging in to the database to make
their own entry.
The computer science department's domain is "cs.tamu.edu". The statistics
dept is "stat.tamu.edu". The username format on these machines is usually
fffffffl or flllllll. Some old accounts may have first names or last
names only.
The math department's domain is math.tamu.edu.
There are about a million other departmental machines with varying names but
I believe they are all in the form "xxx.tamu.edu".

Texas Southern University (Houston, TX, USA): Created: Thu Dec 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tsu.edu/>.
There is a list of faculty members at
<URL:http://www.tsu.edu/Acaffairs/faculty.html> but no e-mail contact

Texas Tech University (Lubbock, TX, USA): Created: Fri Dec 13 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.texastech.edu/>.
An e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/alias.cso.tcsh> lists
people who have volunteered to be listed.

Thomas College (Waterville, ME, USA): Created: Sat Oct 23 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.thomas.edu/>.
Telephone and e-mail addresses for faculty and staff at
<URL:http://www2.thomas.edu/geninfo/usernames.htm>. E-mail and web
address for students at <URL:http://www.thomas.edu/stuaff1/stuusers.htm>
and alumni at <URL:http://www.thomas.edu/alumni1/alumusers.htm>.

Towson State University (Baltimore, MD, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.towson.edu/>.
Part of the University of Maryland System. Domain: towson.edu.

Transylvania University (Lexington, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.transy.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.transy.edu/about/content/search.asp-folder-

Trent University (Peterborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.trentu.ca/>.
See the online directory at <URL:http://www.trentu.ca/telephone>.

Trinity College (Hartford, CT, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.trincoll.edu/>.
Students, staff, and faculty: ***@mail.trincoll.edu
mail.trincoll.edu is currently equivalent to trincoll.edu
PH service at ns.trincoll.edu. A few people have home pages at

Trinity University (San Antonio, TX, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.trinity.edu/>.
Mail to F(L7)@trinity.edu. Online directory at

Triton College (River Grove, IL, USA): Created: Tue Jun 25 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.triton.cc.il.us/>.
Students, faculty, and staff: Usually ***@trojans.triton.cc.il.us
(trojans. in domain name optional)
Finger real name or username @trojans.triton.cc.il.us.

Tufts University (Medford, MA, USA): Changed: Thu Dec 30 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tufts.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Boston and and Grafton.
Undergraduates: some have the old pattern of F(L7)@tufts.edu, or possibly
F(L6)#@tufts.edu where # is a sequence number. Recent mailboxes have the
pattern F(L5)##@tufts.edu, where the ## are 2-digit sequence numbers
starting at 01.
Faculty, staff, and student search at <URL:http://directory.tufts.edu/>.

Tulane University (New Orleans, LA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.tulane.edu/>.
General use: mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu

Union College (Schenectady, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.union.edu/>.

United Arab Emirates University (Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uaeu.ac.ae/>.
There is a directory of directories at <URL:http://www.uaeu.ac.ae/find/>,
some of which are under construction.

United States Air Force Academy (CO, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usafa.af.mil/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.usafa.af.mil>.
Cadets: you must know the cadet's last name, first and middle initials,
class year, and cadet squadron. For example, John Ivan Smith, class year
96, squadron CS-17, gives SmithJI96%CS17%***@cadetmail2.usafa.af.mil The
cadetmail# portion is based on groups, which are in turn based on
squadrons. Squadrons 1-10 are group 1, 11-20 are group 2, 21-30 are group
3, and 31-40 are group 4.
Instructors and faculty: class year is not applicable, and squadron is
replaced with the department they work in. All academic departments are
preceded by DF and then the department's abbreviation is placed. The
cadetmail2 is also dropped. For example, an instructor, Smith, J I who
works in the English department, would be denoted as:
Computer science: host kirk.usafa.af.mil. Finger works.

United States Military Academy (West Point, NY, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usma.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.usma.edu>.
Host names are of the form usmaX.usma.edu, for X from 1 to 18 based on
Company as follows: X=1 for companies A1,B1; 2: C1,D1; 3: E1,F1; 4: G1,H1;
5: I1,A2; 6: B2,C2; 7: D2,E2; 8: F2,G2; 9: H2,I2; 10: A3,B3; 11: C3,D3;
12: E3,F3; 13: G3,H3; 14: I3,A4; 15: B4,C4; 16: D4,E4; 17: F4,G4; 18:
Actual mailboxes for cadets are of the form xYNNNNCC where x is the letter
x, Y is last digit of graduating year (e.g. 6 for 1996), NNNN is a student
ID code, and CC is company (letter-digit, e.g. D4).

United States Naval Academy (Annapolis, MD, USA): Created: Mon Nov 3 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usna.edu/>.
Access to the telepone database at
<URL:http://www.scs.usna.navy.mil/phone.html> is restricted to the
nadn.navy.mil and usna.navy.mil domains.

Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Facultad Regional Mendoza (Argentina): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
Domain: @cel.satlink.net
Students do not have accounts yet, but they'll have soon. Some faculty do in
the format fllllll.
Some departments have addresses (short name followed by _utnfrm):
Secretaria Academica - sacademica_utnfrm
Departamento de Sistemas (CS, USA) - dsistemas_utnfrm
Decanato - decanato_utnfrm
No finger available, but you can write to: ***@cel.satlink.net for
help finding addresses.

Universidade de Fortaleza (Fortaleza, Brasil): Created: Wed Feb 27 2002
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unifor.br/>.
Name search at <URL:http://www.unifor.br/hp/contatenos.shtml>.

Universidade Federal do Ceará (Fortaleza, Brasil): Created: Wed Feb 27 2002
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ufc.br/>.

Universität Basel (Basel, Switzerland): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unibas.ch/>.

Université de Moncton (Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umoncton.ca/>.

Université de Montréal (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Changed: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umontreal.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.UMontreal.CA/diter/bottin/>. Usernames
are often (L7)***@ere.umontreal.ca.

Université de Neuchatel (Neuchatel, Switzerland): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unine.ch/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www2.unine.ch/annuaire>.

Université de Provence (Aix-en-Provence, France): Created: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/>.
Staff directory at <URL:http://www.up.univ-

Université du Québec à Montréal (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uqam.ca/>.
See the directory of directories at <URL:http://www.uqam.ca/repertoi.htm>,
which includes links for finding students at <URL:https://www-
s.uqam.ca/regis/reper.html> and staff at

Université de Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada):Created: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usherb.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://cyrano.si.usherb.ca>.
Applied Science: ***@andrew.sca.usherb.ca

Université Laval (Québec, Québec, Canada): Changed: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ulaval.ca/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.ulaval.ca/Al/annuaire.html> (in French;
the form is for people search).

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Faculty and staff only. Computer architecture department:

University College Cork (Cork, Ireland): Created: Thu Sep 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ucc.ie/>.
Mail address at <URL:http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/dirs/uccdir.html> lookup.
Telephone number at <URL:http://www.ucc.ie/ucc/dirs/uccdir.html> lookup.
Please note that, although ALL our undergraduates are listed, quite a lot
of them do NOT regularly use the e-mail facilities. Hence, don't hold
your breath awaiting a reply!

University College London (London, United Kingdom): Changed: Thu Nov 27 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ucl.ac.uk/>.
Faculty: ***@ucl.ac.uk. Phone and e-mail directory at

University College of Cape Breton (Sydney, NS, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uccb.ns.ca/>.
Index of e-mail directories at <URL:http://www.uccb.ns.ca/rolodex/>.

University College Utrecht (Utrecht, Netherlands): Created: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ucu.uu.nl/>.
Use both ***@ucu.uu.nl and ***@ucu.uu.nl. if the
student has a name with infixes, as often happens in Dutch, for example
Pieter-Jan van den Grootenberghe, the infixes would be omitted in the
second form (grootenberghe) and probably something like pieter-
jan.van.den.grotenberghe as well, but the first is advisable. They try to
apply this to foreign infixes as well. For Chinese students, either their
Chinese first name or their anglicized first name might be used.

University of Aarhus (Aarhus, Dennmark): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.au.dk/>.
Telephone and email search at <URL:http://www.au.dk/en/staffdir.htm>.
Computer Science: @daimi.au.dk

University of Akron (Akron, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uakron.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.uakron.edu/directories.html>,
including self-subscribed student e-mail at
<URL:http://GoZips.uakron.edu/zid/index/student-dir/>, and faculty/staff
e-mail at <URL:http://GoZips.uakron.edu/zid/index/staff-dir/>

University of Alabama at Huntsville (Huntsville, AL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uah.edu/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.uah.edu/email.html>.

University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa (Tuscaloosa, AL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ua.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
For a student e-mail accounts: F(L6)#@ua1vm.ua.edu where # is 1 for an
undergraduate, 3 for a graduate student.
College of Engineering: ***@buster.eng.ua.edu
Others: cs.ua.edu, asncray.asc.edu etc.
Help: ***@ua1vm.ua.edu

University of Alaska (Anchorage, AK, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alaska.edu/>.
With campuses in Fairbanks and and Juneau (University of Alaska Southeast).
System-wide people search at <URL:https://edir.alaska.edu/> (requires login
for some information).

University of Alberta (Edmonton, AB, Canada): Created: Sat Jul 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ualberta.ca/>.
Staff: ***@UALBERTA.CA; consult the directory service at
Students: ***@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA. No directory service yet.
For help, send a message to: ***@UALBERTA.CA

University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.arizona.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://ns.arizona.edu/>.

University of Baltimore (Baltimore, MD, USA): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ubalt.edu/>.
Part of the University of Maryland System.

University of British Columbia (Vancouver, BC, Canada): Changed: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ubc.ca/>.
As of September 1994 all students can get mailboxes of the form
***@unixg.ubc.ca (not fingerable from other machines)
Computer Science is cs.ubc.ca.
For 2nd, 3rd and 4th year undergrad CS students try
***@ugrad.cs.ubc.ca. Finger ***@fs1.rick.cs.ubc.ca.
For 1st year undergrad CS students try ***@martin.cs.ubc.ca; finger
CS students may also have accounts on unixg.

University of Calgary (Calgary, Alberta, Canada): Changed: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ucalgary.ca/>.
General (Students/Faculty): FM(L6)@acs.ucalgary.ca or F(L7)@acs.ucalgary.ca.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/cgi-bin/emailbook>.
CS students/faculty: @cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Faculty of Medicine students: F(L7)@ume.med.ucalgary.ca.

University of California/Berkeley (Berkeley, CA, USA):Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://berkeley.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at <URL:directory.berkeley.edu> (or
use the people finder on the main page).
Try finger ***@berkeley.edu (a new server as of early 1995; finger
***@berkeley.edu for instructions).

University of California/Davis (Davis, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Nov 10 1994
whois -h ucdavis.edu <name>
@ucdavis.edu -- works if you know their account name. userids are of the
form fmlllll.
@clover.ucdavis.edu -- works for anyone in the CS department
CS: ***@cs.ucdavis.edu
Engineering/CS: ***@ee.ucdavis.edu or ***@eecs.ucdavis.edu
othello and bullwinkle.ucdavis.edu are for general use. Userids are
ez0xxxxx, where xxxxx is a 5 digit assigned number.

University of California/Irvine (Irvine, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Aug 14 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uci.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.

University of California/Los Angeles [UCLA] (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 1 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ucla.edu"/>.
See the online directory at <URL:http://www.ucla.edu/directory>.

University of California/Riverside (Riverside, CA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ucr.edu/>.
General: ***@watserv.ucr.edu or @watmail.ucr.edu.

University of California/San Diego [UCSD] (San Diego, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
The primary mail gateway is ucsd.edu. This machine also has a smart finger
program, which will look up names that sound similar to the one you
fingered. Just "finger ***@ucsd.edu".
Most usernames are the initial of the first name followed by the last name,
truncated to 8 characters, ie. "***@ucsd.edu", but this is not always
the case (because most people don't like their names truncated).
Machine sdcc13 houses the student personal accounts at present, but mail to
ucsd.edu will reach (almost) everyone on sdcc13.ucsd.edu.
If the person is a graduate student, faculty member, or staff member try:
weber (social sciences), cogsci (guess), bend (linguistics), crl (some
developmental psychology people). There are many other subdomains for
other subjects (math, cs, ee, etc.).
Many, many other machines house course, faculty, staff, and research
accounts. Your best bet is to look the name up at ucsd.edu.

University of California/Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Undergrads: ucscb.ucsc.edu
Other hosts include ucsc{c-e,o}.ucsc.edu, ucscvm.ucsc.edu, etc. All these
hosts (except for ucscb) are on bitnet as the first part of their domain
A new host, cats.ucsc.edu, has been added as the mail address for UCSC's
version of Athena. Users can be fingered by username, first name, or last
name. Undergrads, grads, faculty, and some staff may have accounts on
cats. Users choose their own IDs, so you must use finger to get an
account name.
As of late fall 1992, the name space of cats and ucscb have been merged, so
that almost all students have the same userid on both systems. However,
there are (and will likely always be, USA) separate accounts on the 2
systmes that use the same name - so there will remain differences between
mailing to ***@cats and ***@ucscb.

University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uct.ac.za/>.
There is a partial e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.uct.ac.za/cgi-
bin/ph>; a more comprehensive one is being prepared.

University of Central Florida (Orlando, FL, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
CS dept: only grad students are given accounts. finger
Engineering: finger ***@apocalypse.engr.ucf.edu
General: ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu. (A bitnet node, so you cannot finger)

University of Chicago (Chicago, IL, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 15 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uchicago.edu/>.
University-wide email forwarding: F-***@uchicago.edu or FM-
***@uchicago.edu, sometimes with a number at the end to resolve
ambiguity. This should work for all undergraduates entering since Fall
97, for many other undergraduates and grad students, and some faculty and
staff. CSO phone book via Gopher service at
Most actual accounts for undergraduates: FML(6)@harper.uchicago.edu or
FL(7)@harper.uchicago.edu; a number is added at the end to resolve
ambiguity. Grads and faculty may also or instead use the following (most
of which accept "finger"):
CS Grads: gargoyle.uchicago.edu
Math: zaphod.uchicago.edu
Education: paideia.uchicago.edu
Chemistry: pico.uchicago.edu
Astronomy: oddjob.uchicago.edu (finger lastname)
Social sciences (Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science):
High Energy Physics: hep.uchicago.edu.
Many researchers have accounts on rainbow.uchicago.edu, in addition to
having accounts on their own workstations.

University of Chile (Santiago, Chile): Changed: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uchile.cl/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.uchile.cl/telefonos/> including
white pages at <URL:http://www.blancas.uchile.cl>.
The following dates from the early 1990's.
Mathematics and Physical Sciences Campus (includes engineering)
All students that ask for an account can get one on araucaria:
araucaria.cec.uchile.cl (Sun 690MP, USA), uchcecvm.bitnet (IBM 390)
All students that have a class involving computers get an account on:
cipres.cec.uchile.cl (Sun 690MP, USA)
Professors, researchers, and research assistents: tamarugo.cec.uchile.cl
(Sun 690MP, USA)
Computer Science (Departamento Ciencia de la Computacion)
All Computer Science students and professors have an account on:
dcc.uchile.cl (Sun 4/470)
Professors, researchers, and grad students of Computer Science
tortel.dcc.uchile.cl (Sun SS II, USA)

University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uc.edu/>.
Finger ucunix.san.uc.edu or ucbeh.san.uc.edu to find most people. Student
accounts usually begin lastnamef; faculty accounts usually begin lastname@
Use the whois server at thor.ece.uc.edu for e_mail address and the online
directory at <URL:http://www.uc.edu/www/dir-services/dirfacul.htm> for
faculty. There is currently no student directory.

University of Colorado/Boulder (Boulder, CO, USA): Changed: Tue Feb 23 1993
Finger ***@colorado.edu, where name is lastname, firstname, or firstname-
lastname. At the upper right of the directory information is a username
and machine; their address is then ***@machine.colorado.edu
Telnet to directory.colorado.edu, using username "directory".
This lets you access the online phonebook/email address book.

University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT, USA): Changed: Tue Oct 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uconn.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:gopher://phonebk.uconn.edu:105/2>.
Mail to ***@uconnvm.uconn.edu or ***@resnet.uconn.edu. uconnvm ids
are fml#####, where ##### is an unguessable sequence number.

University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Dennmark): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ku.dk/>.
Phone book (english at <URL:http://garm.adm.ku.dk/phone-e.html>) (danish at
Computer Science: @ling.cphling.dk

University of Dayton (Dayton, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.udayton.edu/>.
School of Engineering: udecc.engr.udayton.edu
CPS (the Tower): ***@udcps3.cps.udayton.edu
General: ***@udavxb.oca.udayton.edu. If the lastname has less than 6
characters, more letters are used from the firstname.

University of Delaware (Newark, DE, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.udel.edu/>.
All undergraduate students, graduate students and faculty have accounts on
the university system at strauss.udel.edu. Also there are bach, brahms,
and chopin{.udel.edu}.
The login name is a random 5-digit number until the user changes it, then it
is whatever the user picks. Fingering last names will work to find the
login name, but since there are thousands of accounts, it may produce an
overload of information.
Faculty are best reached at ***@mvs.udel.edu, though some
have accounts on the "composers" machines.
The College of Marine Studies maintains a computer system. Students and
faculty have accounts with login names of their choosing on several
computers, such as earthview.cms.udel.edu mingming.cms.udel.edu
There are several other sparcstations around but they share accounts with
the ones named above.

University of Dortmund (Dortmund, Germany): Created: Mon Aug 23 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-dortmund.de/>.
Staff directory (german at <URL:http://www.uni-
Students: ***@ls<#chair>.<faculty>.uni-dortmund.de
#chair faculty
1-12 informatik (= computer science)
1-?? mathematik
1-?? physik

University of East London (Dagenham, Essex, United Kingdom): Created: Wed Apr 15 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uel.ac.uk/>.
Staff directory at <URL:http://www.uel.ac.uk/cgi-bin/netw/search_staff>.

University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom): Created: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ed.ac.uk/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.ed.ac.uk/search/directory/> of staff and
postgraduate students, whose mailboxes are often of the form
***@ed.ac.uk. Contains only people who elect to be listed.
Undergraduate details are not released for privacy.

University of Exeter (Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
exeter.ac.uk. Various departments have their own mail servers, e.g.:
Computer Science: dcs.exeter.ac.uk
Mathematics: maths.exeter.ac.uk
Camborne School of Mines: csm.exeter.ac.uk

University of Findlay (Findlay, OH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.findlay.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.findlay.edu/directory/>.

University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 16 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ufl.edu/>.
Use the online directory at <URL:http://www.ufl.edu:80/cgi-

University of Fribourg (Fribourg, Switzerland): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unifr.ch/>.

University of Geneva (Geneva, Switzerland): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unige.ch/>.

University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg, Sweden): Created: Thu Nov 27 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.gu.se/>. Online directory of
students and staff at <URL:http://www.student.gu.se>.

University of Guelph (Guelph, Ontario, Canada): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoguelph.ca/>.

University of Hawaii (HI, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hawaii.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.hawaii.edu/directories/>.

University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Hosts: klaava.helsinki.fi, plootu.helsinki.fi. Finger available.

University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hku.hk/>.
Dept. of Computer Science: ***@csd.hku.hk (Fingering lastname works).

University of Houston (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uh.edu/>.
Many users have accounts on bayou.uh.edu.
Computer Science: cs.uh.edu.: All graduate students, staff, and faculty in
the CS dept. have accounts on cs.uh.edu. Undergrads have accounts on
either menudo.uh.edu (Unix) or jetson.uh.edu (VAX). Try "finger
***@cs.uh.edu" for information on graduate students, staff, or
faculty. Use "finger ***@menudo.uh.edu" or "finger
***@jetson.uh.edu" for undergrads.
Engineering students: fml#####@tree.egr.uh.edu
Anonymous ftp host: beethoven.cs.uh.edu ( Undergraduate and
graduate information can be found under pub/gradinfo.
To request for information and/or application forms, send name and address
to ***@cs.uh.edu

University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uiuc.edu/>.
Use the directory at <URL:http://www.uiuc.edu/cgi-bin/ph> or finger
***@uiuc.edu, where name can be firstname, lastname, or firstname-
Campus: try f-***@uiuc.edu and firstname-***@uiuc.edu. It is
usually possible to send mail to f-***@uiuc.edu or firstname-
***@uiuc.edu. If that fails, you will get a message which tells you
why the email could not be sent.
Student Accounts: As of Fall 1996: students.uiuc.edu. Every freshman gets
an account on this machine. Usernames are usually flastname (pre-1992
accounts were the user's three initials, followed by five random
Faculty: staff.uiuc.edu
Alumni can keep their mailboxes for two years after leaving; some get
accounts at alumni.uiuc.edu.

University of Illinois/Chicago (Chicago, IL, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 5 1993
uic.edu (Most userids of the form Uxxxxx)
For Staff and Faculty info, use 'finger ***@uic.edu' or Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://uic.edu>, and select "The Campus" menu entry, then
"Phonebook". Use the e-mail alias for best response.
Student Info: Not yet easily available. However, if you know the person's
userid, you can 'finger ***@uic.edu' which will give you stats on the
account, if active.
Engineering: Use 'finger ***@bert.eecs.uic.edu'
The PostMaster will NOT help you in finding people, as the only resources
available are described above.

University of Iowa (Iowa City, IA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uiowa.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at

University of Joensuu (Joensuu, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Hosts: cc.joensuu.fi, joensuu.fi. Finger available.

University of Jyvaskyla (Jyvaskyla, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Hosts: tukki.jyu.fi, network.cc.jyu.fi. Finger with first or last name.

University of Kansas (Lawrence, KS, USA): Created: Tue Nov 8 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ukans.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Kansas City (Kansas University Medical Center),
Overland Park (University of Kansas, Edwards Campus), Topeka, and Wichita
(Kansas University School of Medicine - Wichita).
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.ukans.edu/kufacts/directories.shtml>, including e-mail
addresses at <URL:http://qi.cc.ukans.edu/cgiwrap/nameserv/webph>.

University of Kent (Canterbury, United Kingdom): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ukc.ac.uk/>.
General: ***@ukc.ac.uk

University of Kentucky (Lexington, KY, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uky.edu/>.
E-mail search at <URL:http://ukcc.uky.edu/directory.html>.

University of Kuopio (Kuopio, Finland): Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uku.fi/>.

University of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unil.ch/>.

University Of Lethbridge (Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uleth.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://home.uleth.ca/www/email.htm>.

University of Limerick (Limerick, Ireland): Created: Fri Aug 8 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ul.ie/>.
Faculty, staff, postgrads: ***@ul.ie or
***@ul.ie in case of duplicates. Telephone directory at
<URL:http://www.ul.ie/ITD/PhoneBook.html> may also list e-mail addresses.
Students: ***@ul.ie; student numbers appear to consist of 7 digits.

University of Louisville (Louisville, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.louisville.edu/>.
People finder at <URL:http://www.louisville.edu/find.html>.

University of Maine System (ME, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.maine.edu/>.
The University of Maine System comprises seven campuses, at Orono,
Farmington, Machias, Augusta, Fort Kent, Presque Isle, and Southern Maine
(Portland and Gorham).

University of Maine/Farmington (Farmington, ME, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995

University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umanitoba.ca/>.
Dept. of Computer Science: Staff & Graduate Students:
Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering: ***@ee.umanitoba.ca
All other depts and undergraduate students: ***@cc.umanitoba.ca
Fingering lastname or firstname works; use the following specific sites:
Dept. of Computer Science: smtp.cs.umanitoba.ca
Electrical & Computer Eng: eeserv.ee.umanitoba.ca
Others (Computer Center): smtp.cc.umanitoba.ca

University of Maryland (MD, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umd.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone book search of some campuses at
<URL:gopher://gopher.minc.umed.edu:105/2>; this covers Bowie State
University, Coppin State, Frostburg State, Salisbury State, Towson State
University, University of Baltimore, University of Maryland Eastern Shore.
There is also a Munich campus; an alumnus has provided a browsable list of
e-mail addresses at <URL:http://cpcug.org/user/cwoodell/>.

University of Maryland at Baltimore (Baltimore, MD, USA): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://trout.ab.umd.edu/11>. Faculty/staff phone
book search at <URL:gopher://umabnet.ab.umd.edu:105/2>.

University of Maryland/Baltimore County (Catonsville, MD, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umbc.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.umbc.edu>. Faculty/Staff phone book
search at <URL:gopher://gopher.umbc.edu:105/2>. If a user has set up
mail forwarding, use ***@umbc.edu; you can finger firstname
or ***@umbc.edu.
As of September 1993, undergrad accounts are flllll#, where # is a single
digit, and would be on either ubmc2.umbc.edu or umbc8.umbc.edu. Finger
and whois work at both sites.

University of Maryland/College Park (College Park, MD, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umcp.umd.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.umd.edu>.
Employees (faculty and staff): Finger ***@umail.umd.edu. Names are usually
flnumber or firstname_MI_LASTNAME (e.g. dm17 or David_L_MATTHEWS)
All students (grad and undergrad) may request an account on wam.umd.edu
(Workstations At Maryland). Finger at that address. You can also finger
a specific account by appending a "+" (e.g. joe+@wam.umd.edu gives you
info for the "joe" account, not info on everyone named Joe). Starting
Fall '95 or Fall '96, all incoming undergrads should be getting WAM
All students may also request accounts on glue.umd.edu (originally
eng.umd.edu). Most engineering graduate students have accounts there, but
so do non-engineering students. Finger using the lastname at these hosts.
CS Faculty/Staff/Graduate Students: cs.umd.edu. World-Wide Web service at
<URL:http://www.cs.umd.edu/>. The following research departments are
closely affiliated with CS:
UMIACS at <URL:http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/> = University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
CFAR at <URL:http://www.cfar.umd.edu> = Center For Automation Research
ISR at <URL:http://www.isr.umd.edu> = Institute for Systems Research
(originally src.umd.edu, SRC = Systems Research Center)
telnet umail.umd.edu and login as lookup for faculty/staff E-mail directory.
Campus has universal faculty/staff E-mail on info.umd.edu (aka
umail.umd.edu). Whois and finger do not work off campus for this
computer, though. If you know the name, try
Faculty/staff Phone Book CSO Search at <URL:gopher://lookup.umd.edu:105/2>
and WWW form interface at <URL:http://inform.umd.edu/cgi-bin/phf>.

University of Maryland/University College (College Park, MD, USA): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umuc.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff Phone Book CSO Search at

University of Massachusetts/Amherst (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umass.edu/>.
Students/Faculty: first.{mi.}***@student.umass.edu Many people, especially
faculty, have a departmental abbreviation in place of "student." Another
possible form is ***@titan.ucs.umass.edu
Graduate CS students: cs.umass.edu Username is person's lastname.
Intro CS courses: S#######@tethys.ucc.umass.edu, where ####### is a 7-digit
student number.
Engineering: {fi}***@ecs.umass.edu. Names defaults to last name, but
may include the first initial if the last name is not unique.
Student directory service: (413)-545-1515 for finding a phone number.

University of Massachusetts/Lowell (Lowell, MA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
All CS students and University UNIX users are generally addressable as
***@cs.ulowell.edu. Adjustments are made for conflicts such as adding
the middle initial after the first, or adding additional letters from the
first name.
Not all students automatically get accounts on the VMS system, but if they
do they can be addressed as ***@woods.ulowell.edu. Finger works on
this machine, but isn't very informative. If there is a name conflict,
they will add letters from the first name or numeric digits (1, 2, etc.)
until it is unique.

University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (Newark, NJ, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umdnj.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.umdnj.edu/home2web/search/>,
including e-mail search.

University of Memphis (Memphis, TN, USA): Changed: Thu May 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.memphis.edu/>.
Electronic phone book at <URL:http://www.memphis.edu/phbook.html>.

University of Miami (Coral Gables, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.miami.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.miami.edu/directories/>,
including faculty/staff e-mail at
<URL:http://www.miami.edu/directories/employees.html> and student e-mail
at <URL:http://www.miami.edu/directories/students.html>.

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umich.edu/>.
There is an online directory at <URL:http://directory.umich.edu/>, but it
allows individuals to modify information contained in their own entry
(including names).

University of Minnesota (MN, USA): Changed: Fri Nov 25 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umn.edu/>.
Includes campuses in the Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris, and Crookston.
Faculty, staff and student directory at <URL:http://umn.edu/lookup>.

University of Mississippi (Oxford, MS, USA): Changed: Fri Feb 23 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.olemiss.edu/>.
Mail is usually ***@olemiss.edu but students can select their own
usernames. Also try the finger service at sunset.backbone.olemiss.edu.

University of Missouri System (MO, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.system.missouri.edu/>.

University of Missouri/Columbia (Columbia, MO, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.missouri.edu/>.
Phone and Email directory at <URL:http://www.missouri.edu/cgi-bin/phf>.

University of Missouri/Kansas City (Kansas City, MO, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umkc.edu/>.
Students & some faculty/staff: ***@umkc.edu. Faculty/staff:
***@smtpgate.umkc.edu; directory at
<URL:http://www.umkc.edu/bin/umkc.exe?lookup>. Computer science:

University of Missouri/Rolla (Rolla, MO, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umr.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher-server.cc.umr.edu>. Finger: No Off-
Site Access.
Comp.Sci: ***@cs.umr.edu
Elec. Eng: ***@ee.umr.edu
Physics: ***@physics.umr.edu
Faculty/Staff: @umr.edu, alot still @umrvmb.umr.edu
Student: ***@umr.edu, a few are @umrvmb.umr.edu
Addresses at umr.edu are usually some permutation of the persons name.
Addresses at umrvmb at S###### for students, and C#### most employees.
UMR will not release any student information, including their email address,
or whether or not the student even exists.

University of Missouri/St. Louis (St. Louis, MO, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
CS: arch.umsl.edu. This machine isn't fingerable, but its address info is
available by fingering at aber.umsl.edu.
Undergrads: clemens.umsl.edu, twain.umsl.edu
The id can be obtained by fingering either of these machines using the last
name of the student.

University of Montana - Missoula (Missoula, MT, USA): Created: Mon Apr 12 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.umt.edu/>.
E-mail search at <URL:http://toole.umt.edu/e-mail/>.

University of Natal (Durban, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nu.ac.za/>.
Also has a campus in Pietermaritzburg.
There is an e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.und.ac.za/search_staff.htm>
for staff.

University of Nebraska at Lincoln (Lincoln, NE, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unl.edu/>.
Engineering: engvms.unl.edu
Computing Staff and some students: crcvms.unl.edu
CS students: cse.unl.edu
All students above the classification of sophomore have name accounts on
cse.unl.edu (first initial appended to the last name) but you can also
finger the machine.

University of Nebraska at Omaha (Omaha, NE, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unomaha.edu/>.
Any currently enrolled UNO student and faculty and staff may obtain accounts
on CWIS (Campus Wide Information System), host cwis.unomaha.edu
The university no longer subscribes to Bitnet, only Internet.
Undergraduate Students and Faculty: zeus.unomaha.edu. Main academic VAX
running VMS. All computer science students receive academic accounts of
the form CCXXX where CC is a 2-character class code and XXX is a number
from 000 (usually the instructor) up to 999 (usually smaller than 050 in
practice). These accounts are reset each semester.
Permanent accounts are also on Zeus, usually a last name or nickname.
Permanent student accounts are of the form ZAXXX for unaffiliated
students, or organizational forms like ACMXXX and IEEEXXX for members of
their respective student organizations. Any undergraduate student who
asks nicely can get a ZA account, or an organizational account if they are
a member.
UNO Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery: acm.unomaha.edu.
All members have accounts, usually some form of the name (not fingerable,
this computer is also the former unocss.unomaha.edu in case you haven't
guessed). Polite mail to ***@acm.unomaha.edu may yield information
about an ACM member or math/CS student.

University of Nevada/Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unlv.edu/>.
Student Accounts: pioneer.nevada.edu. They can choose their login names, so
there's no pattern.
CS students use domain cs.unlv.edu; for TALK you need the exact sub-host
(e.g. snooky.cs.unlv.edu).

University of Nevada/Reno (Reno, NV, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://http://www.scs.unr.edu/unr//>.
General: ***@scs.unr.edu. If fingering there doesn't work, try

University of New Brunswick (Fredericton, NB, Canada):Changed: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unb.ca/>.
Phone/e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.unb.ca/ph/>.

University of New Hampshire (NH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
Includes campuses in Durham and and Manchester, plus Keene State College,
Plymouth State College, and the College for Lifelong Learning. Searchable
directories at <URL:http://usnh.unh.edu/#People> are available for each

University of New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM, USA): Changed: Mon Mar 6 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unm.edu/>.
Search the phone directory at <URL:http://www.unm.edu/ph.html> or e-mail
search at <URL:http://www.unm.edu/search.html>.
Try finger ***@unm.edu. User names are often of the form FLLLLLLL (8
characters max).

University of New Orleans (New Orleans, LA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uno.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.uno.edu/fastfind2.htm>,
including faculty/staff at
<URL:http://www.uno.edu/search/unosearch2.shtml> and student at
<URL:http://www.uno.edu/ssearch/unosearch2.shtml> search.
Faculty accounts: ***@uno.edu, using X for m if no middle initial. student
accounts: Initials followed by 2 letter name of department, e.g.
***@uno.edu; uses X or 9 if no middle initial.
Class Accounts: Two letters signifying department that issued account, 6
numbers or letters signifying a unique id and then the four digits of the
class e.g. EE_123tt2551

University of New South Wales (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Created: Thu Jul 1 1993
Faculty and staff: ***@UNSW.edu.au
Students: ***@UNSW.edu.au, where Y is U for undergrads and P for
graduates/postgraduates, and xxxxxxx represents the student ID number

University of Nijmegen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kun.nl/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uci.kun.nl>. X500 directory service
Addresses of employees and students at

University of North Carolina at Asheville (Asheville, NC, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unca.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.unca.edu>.
Mail to ***@unca.edu. Username is either the last name or the last
name preceded by an initial. unca.edu runs VMS, so usernames aren't
limited to 8 characters.
Upper-level Computer Science Students also receive accounts on the UNIX
system, cs.unca.edu. User ID's are usually lastname or lastnamef.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unc.edu/>.
Generally, mail to ***@email.unc.edu; customized login names are
possible. Finger ***@email.unc.edu.
The UNC BBS is ***@launchpad.unc.edu
CS: All CS students get an account on the network of workstations. The
login is usually just the first 8 characters of the student's last name.
Name conflicts are usually resolved by appending the first initial and/or
the middle initial to the last name. Mail may be sent to
***@cs.unc.edu. You may finger both by userid and real name at
Faculty and Staff: One can get an email address from the online phonebook.
Telnet to info.oit.unc.edu, login as info, and follow the menus to Campus
Medical School: students, staff, and faculty. Finger ***@who.med.unc.edu OR
send mail to ***@med.unc.edu asking for the address. Once you find
the login name, send mail to ***@med.unc.edu

University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Charlotte, NC, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uncc.edu/>.
Userids are of the form fmlastname.

University of North Carolina at Pembroke (Pembroke, NC, USA): Created: Thu Aug 14 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uncp.edu/>.
There is an unsearchable directory of faculty and staff at

University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, ND, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.und.nodak.edu/>.
Student search at <URL:http://www.und.nodak.edu/unddir/studentsearch.html>;
faculty/staff search at
<URL:http://www.und.nodak.edu/unddir/staffsearch.html>. See also North
Dakota Network.

University of North Dakota/Lake Region (Devils Lake, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.und-lr.nodak.edu/>.
As of April 1998, still working on their Web policy. See North Dakota
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
2007-10-14 09:30:05 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part5

University of North Dakota/Williston (Williston, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.und-w.nodak.edu/>.
See North Dakota Network.

University of North Florida (Jacksonville, FL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unf.edu/>.
Alphabetical list of faculty at
<URL:http://www.unf.edu/facstaff/directory/byname/>; home pages for some .
at <URL:http://www.unf.edu/students/>
CS undergrads, grads, faculty: ***@unf6.cis.unf.edu, where last may be
limited to 6-8 characters.
Information Science undergrads: unf1vm.cis.unf.edu. Unfortunately names are
assigned randomly, so it's nearly impossible to guess unless you already
have contact with someone.
Others generally don't have accounts unless they ask for them.

University of Northern British Columbia (Prince George, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unbc.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://quarles.unbc.edu/keen/srchmail.htm>.

University of Northern Iowa (Cedar Falls, IA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://access.uni.edu/phone/phone.cgi?DB=csnet-ns>.

University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nd.edu/>.
You can search at <URL:http://www.nd.edu/NDHomePage/Search/> for personal
web pages, or query the CSO phone/e-mail database at
The University of Notre Dame now supports full name human readable e-mail
addresses, such as ***@nd.edu. All members of the Notre Dame
community have e-mail addresses on nd.edu; however, at this time (June,
1992) the vast majority of them are "uninitialized". This means the user
has not specifically told the server how to deliver e-mail to this user,
so e-mail to this user will fail.
All members of the Notre Dame community also have userids in our AFS file
space. Userids in this file space tend to be of the form flllllll or
flllllln. Some users who use the AFS file system might not have
initialized their entries on the nd.edu name server; conversely, many
community members who can receive mail via nd.edu ignore their AFS
Notre Dame also has many other central and departmental computer systems
which can send and receive e-mail. As more and more users initialize
their nameserver accounts there will be less need to remember these
specific local systems and userids. However, for the time being, they are
often the best addresses for some members of the Notre Dame community.
All students are given accounts on darwin.cc.nd.edu, but not all students
use them. Usernames are of the form flllllll. In case of name conflicts,
numbers are added to the end to disambiguate.
Questions can be sent to ***@nd.edu.

University of Oklahoma/Norman (Norman, OK, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoknor.edu/>.
Free accounts are available to everyone at aardvark.ucs.uoknor.edu; userids
are usually lastname, flastname, or fmlastname. Online phonebook at
Engineering students: vinson, lincoln, jfk, or roosevelt.ecn.uoknor.edu.
Also try ***@exuokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu

University of Oregon (Eugene, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uoregon.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~jqj/phone/index.html> for
faculty, staff, and students who haven't requested that their information
be restricted.
CS Grads and Faculty: <username>@cs.uoregon.edu
CS Undergrads/CIE: <username>@cie.uoregon.edu (this is only for CS
undergrads subscribing to the campus information exchange)
Others?: ***@oregon.uoregon.edu for those with email accounts
E-mail: ***@oregon.uoregon.edu for those without email. Such
letters are printed out with a cover sheet and delivered through the
normal campus mail system (graduate students, staff, and faculty only --
undergrads do not have on-campus addresses).

University of Oslo (Oslo, Norway): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uio.no/>.
Department of Informatics: ***@ifi.uio.no. Faculty and staff mailboxes
may be f.lastname or firstname.lastname or f.m.lastname

University of Ottawa (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Mar 7 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uottawa.ca/>.
The staff directory at <URL:http://www.uottawa.ca/phonebook/> has English
and French versions. There is no student directory.

University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.upenn.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.upenn.edu/directories/>.

University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pitt.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.pitt.edu/NewPittInfo/dir_services.html>
Students as of 2001 are fml#@pitt.edu where # is a disambiguating number.

University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.up.ac.za/>.
Directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.up.ac.za/directories/directory.html>; there is no
information on students at the moment.

University of Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.upei.ca/>.
List of directories at <URL:http://www.upei.ca/phonebook.html>.

University of Puget Sound (Tacoma, WA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Try ***@ups.edu or ***@ups.edu.

University of Regina (Regina, SK, Canada): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uregina.ca/>.
Student e-mail directory at <URL:http://meena.cc.uregina.ca/www/uofr-
Phone directory at <URL:http://www.uregina.ca/cgi-

University of Richmond (Richmond, VA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 29 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.richmond.edu/>.
White pages at <URL:http://www.tech.urich.edu/cgi-bin/WebPh?DB=ns>; Web page
meta-directory at <URL:http://www.urich.edu/directory.html>

University of Rochester (Rochester, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.urochester.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:>. Faculty/staff mailboxes are often
***@umc.rochester.edu. Undergraduate students are
fl###***@mail.rochester.edu where ### is a number distinguishing duplicates
and x is a letter denoting the year the student entered the school. Fall
1999 was i, fall 2000 j, and so on.

University of Saskatchewan (Saskatoon, SK, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usask.edu/>.
White pages at <URL:http://www.usask.ca/mlookup/white.html>.

University of Scranton (Scranton, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uofs.edu/>.
Students 1995 and after: LastnameF#@uofs.edu where # is a number to
distinguish duplicates. Students prior to 1995: fml#@uofs.edu where # is
a number usually between 1 and 20, but sometimes higher. Student
directory at <URL:http://www.uofs.edu/admin/stpbook.html>.
Faculty: ***@uofs.edu; directory at
<URL:http://www.uofs.edu/admin/fspbook.html>. Lastname is sometimes
followed by a number but usually not.

University of South Carolina (Columbia, SC, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sc.edu/>.
Graduate CS : usceast.cs.sc.edu, calvin.cs.sc.edu
Graduate ECE: charlie.ece.sc.edu
School of Medicine: dcsmserver.med.sc.edu

University of South Florida (Tampa, FL, USA): Created: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usf.edu/>.
There are also campuses in St. Petersburg, Sarasota, and Lakeland.
Finger firstname or ***@usf.edu. Gopher service at

University of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usc.edu/>.
Faculty and staff directory at
<URL:http://www.usc.edu/Library/FacultyStaff/directory.html>. Access to
the student directory is restricted to USC faculty, staff, and students.

University of Southern Maine (ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usm.maine.edu/>.
Campuses in Portland and and Gorham.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.usm.maine.edu/staff.html>;
directory of some student web pages at

University of Southern Mississippi (Hattiesburg, MS, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usm.edu/>.
Try finger ***@whale.st.usm.edu
All students have an account on USMCP6.BITNET but many don't know it. The
student must make a special request to use bitnet mail and there is no way
to tell if he/she has been so set up. This machine is soon to acquire
TCP/IP software, which may then provide finger.

University of Southwestern Louisiana (Lafayette, LA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usl.edu/>.
The entire campus population has the option to participate in electronic
mail. Name look-up at
<URL:http://www.usl.edu/People/Bluekey/94-95/form.html> Mail to
***@usl.edu; accounts typically are initials and last four digits of
university ID #
If your intended recipient has never initialized his or her e-mail account
on the usl.edu machine, your mail will be returned, marked "user unknown."
Users may also define easy-to-remember mail aliases which can be used as
alternatives to their user-IDs. Ask about this when you make contact.

University of Sydney (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia): Created: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usyd.edu.au/>.
See the online phonebook at <URL:http://www.usyd.edu.au/is/phlookup>.

University of Tampere (Tampere, Finland): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Host: uta.fi. Finger available.

University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN, USA): Created: Fri Mar 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utk.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and student directory at <URL:http://www.utk.edu/ph/>.

University of Texas/Austin (Austin, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jan 4 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utexas.edu/>.
The University of Texas at Austin maintains an X.500 directory containing e-
mail, phone, and address information for students, faculty, and staff
supplied by those individuals. The directory can be accessed through any
X.500 client software participating in the Internet White Pages Pilot
project and though numerous gateways including:
Web directory at <URL:http://directory.utexas.edu/>
finger ***@directory.utexas.edu
LDAP service at ldap.utexas.edu, port 389, base: o=The University of Texas
at Austin,c=US
mail to: ***@directory.utexas.edu with subject: find ffffff m llllllll
subject: help

University of Texas/Dallas (Dallas, TX, USA): Changed: Tue Feb 23 1993
finger <part of person's name>@utdallas.edu lists all the matching full
names and the corresponding user ids.
For more information about most of the graduate students (irrespetive of
major), staff and professors, use: finger <user id>@apache.utdallas.edu

University of Texas/San Antonio (San Antonio, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utsa.edu/>.
Most faculty and staff: ***@utsa.edu. The directory at
<URL:http://www.lib.utsa.edu/cgi-bin/ph> currently lists full-time faculty
and staff; eventually it may have part-timers and students also.
Students: lonestar.utsa.edu

University of Texas Medical Branch (Galveston, TX, USA): Created: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utmb.edu/>.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.utmb.edu/directory/>.

University of the Pacific (Stockton, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 3 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pacific.edu/>.
Faculty and staff: usually ***@pacific.edu.

University of the South (Sewanee, TN, USA): Created: Thu Dec 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sewanee.edu/>.
Faculty and staff: try ***@sewanee.edu
Anyone on campus: ***@sewanee.edu
Finger available @seraph1.sewanee.edu.

University of the Witwatersrand (Johannesburg, South Africa): Created: Thu Feb 4 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wits.ac.za/>.
Staff and postgraduate e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.wits.ac.za/email/email.html>; information is supplied by
users, so may not list everyone.

University of Toledo (Toledo, OH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utoledo.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.utoledo.edu/index.asp?id=137>.

University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/>.
The University has two domains: toronto.edu and utoronto.ca. Most students
have accounts of the form ***@utoronto.ca (or equivalently
@toronto.edu; these are the same address).
Directory of @utoronto.ca addresses at
<URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/mailboxsearch.html>. Faculty and staff phone
directory at <URL:http://www.utoronto.ca/phonebook/>.

University of Trondheim (Trondheim, Norway): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Telephone directory (Norwegian) at <URL:http://www.ntnu.no/telefonkat/>.
Students at the University of Trondheim can be reached at the following mail
NTH (Norw. Inst of Techn.) : ***@solan.unit.no
AVH (Coll. of Arts and Science) ***@avh.unit.no
A postmaster service exists at both sites. Employees and students at AVH
can also be found in the EAN Directory Service.
The Norwegian Institute of Technology, aka NTH (Norges Tekniske Hoegskole).
All students at NTH have the right to open an account on the the email
machines, but this right is not very heavily advertized, so most people
don't use the machines. Login names may be FLLLLLLL, LLLLLLLL, FFFFFFFF,
FMLLLLLL, or (for people with very common first and last names) MMMMMMMM
(8 characters maximum). FLLLLLLL is probably the most common; MMMMMMMM
and especially FMLLLLLL is probably quite rare. LLLLLLLL and FFFFFFFFF
may be used if the user's last or first names are not not very common,
especially if they are foreign.
NTH Department of Computer Systems and Telematics: @idt.unit.no

University of Turku (Turku, Finland): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/>.
Finger ***@utu.fi or ***@utu.fi or ***@utu.fi
Web user search at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/luettelot/users/>. University
phonebook at <URL:http://www.utu.fi/luettelot/puhelin/luettelo.cgi>.
Postal address: person, department, 20014 University of Turku, Finland.
University Information Office: ***@utu.fi
University Guidance Centre: ***@utu.fi
Questions to a public newsgroup: ***@utu.fi
University telephone exchange: +358 2 333 51
Computing centre operators: +358 2 333 5928
Computing centre office time (GMT +2) help line: +358 2 333 6000

University of Ulm (Ulm, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uni-ulm.de/>.
Directory at <URL:http://ab.uni-ulm.de/ab/search.pl>.

University of Utah (Salt Lake City, UT, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.utah.edu/>.
For accounts being managed by the University of Utah Computer Center, and
any accounts that the department have turned in to the center, the
directory is available via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://PH.CC.UTAH.EDU>
and also via the internet PH protocol. A limited version is availiable
via the finger server at PH.CC.UTAH.EDU. It is from this directory that
the printed e-mail directory is made.
CS Graduate Students: asylum.utah.edu
CS Undergraduate Students: peruvian.utah.edu
Pre-majors: cadehp0.eng.utah.edu
CS Department: cs.utah.edu is the cs department main machine, for faculty,
staff, and grads.
Lots of departments have machines: [Very incomplete list]
Elec. Eng.: ee.utah.edu
Mathematics: math.utah.edu
Physics: physics.utah.edu
Chemistry: chemistry.utah.edu
Chem. Eng.: che.utah.edu
Mech. Eng.: mech.utah.edu
Civ. Eng.: civil.utah.edu
Biology: biology.utah.edu
Mining: mines.utah.edu
***@xanadu.cc.utah.edu is the postmaster for more than half of the
email accounts on campus, but not any cs machines.
***@cs.utah.edu is postmaster for CS machines
***@m.cc.utah.edu is postmaster for most unassigned students
***@science.utah.edu is postmaster for College of Science Machines.
***@cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned departments.
***@m.cc.utah.edu gets most unassigned students.
***@cave.cc.utah.edu gets cavers and most imaginary users.
The medical center handles their own stuff separately, but they often appear
in the online directory at ph.cc.utah.edu.

University of Vaasa (Vaasa, Finland): Created: Wed Sep 8 1993
Host: uwasa.fi. Finger available.

University of Vermont (Burlington, VT, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uvm.edu/>.
Electronic phone book at <URL:http://cit.uvm.edu/cgi-bin/WebPh/WebPh?DB=ns>.
There are two main computing organizations on campus: UCS (University
Computing Services) and EMBA-CF (Division of Engineering, Mathematics, and
Business Administration, Computer Facility). As a general rule, people
with accounts at EMBA-CF do not bother to obtain accounts at UCS. UVM's
domain name is `uvm.edu', and sub-domains are not generally used. Most of
the UVM network has most TCP ports blocked off, but one machine,
emily.uvm.edu, can serve as a gateway for, for example, the finger
program, (i.e., finger ***@somehost@emily.uvm.edu.)
UCS has three main machines: uvmvax.uvm.edu (UVMVAX.BITNET), uvmvm.uvm.edu
(UVMVM.BITNET), and UVMADMIN.BITNET. Accounts on UVMVAX (a VMS system)
are generally of the form Lastname_F; accounts on UVMVM and UVMADMIN don't
seem to follow any particular scheme, but Lastname and LastnameF seem to
be popular. Many UCS staff people use their initials. UVMVAX supports
unspecified finger only; UVMVM doesn't support finger at all.
EMBA-CF supports computing for the departments of Math/Stat, Business
Administration, CS/EE, and Civil/Mechanical Engineering, as well as the
administration of the College of Engineering and Mathematics; all
students, faculty, and staff in the Division are entitled to an account,
although many students do not bother to get a non-class account.
Sometimes, other people may be given accounts on EMBA-CF machines.
EMBA-CF has three separate mail-spool servers, and users are free to forward
their mail to whichever one they happen to prefer; these machines are uvm-
gen.uvm.edu, hal.uvm.edu, and trantor.uvm.edu. uvm-gen is also known as
just plain UVM.EDU, and most faculty and staff with accounts at EMBA-CF
have a alias of the form Firstname{.M}.Lastname installed at uvm-gen. All
other users, except for class and staff accounts, are assigned by last
name, with a numeric suffix in case of collision. Staff accounts for
work-study employees are usually of the form operfml. Class accounts are
of the form ddNNNfml, where dd is the department (cs,ce,me,ee,ma,st,ba,
USA) and NNN is the class number; in case of collision, the class number
or middle initial may be changed.
There are two sub-domains: msg.uvm.edu belongs to Mach Systems Group, a
group of graduate students involved porting operating systems (most
notably, Mach 2.5 and 3.0) to local hardware; and med.uvm.edu belongs to
the UVM School of Medicine, which is not very well networked as yet.

University of Victoria (Victoria, BC, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uvic.ca/>.
There are several directories at <URL:http://www.uvic.ca/directories.html>.

University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.virginia.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.virginia.edu/dir.html>.

University Of Waikato (Hamilton, New Zealand): Created: Thu Apr 9 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.waikato.ac.nz/>.
Generally email addresses are of the format: ***@waikato.ac.nz. Search
for all staff and student email addresses, via the user directory at
Search for comprehensive staff contact details via the Campus Directory at
<URL:http://search.waikato.ac.nz/>. Contact the University of Waikato
International Centre directly at: ***@waikato.ac.nz.

University of Wales (Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom): Created: Thu Dec 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aber.ac.uk/>.
Directory of computer users at <URL:http://www.aber.ac.uk/cgi-

University of Washington (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.washington.edu/>.
The directory for faculty, staff, and students at
<URL:http://www.washington.edu/home/peopledir.cgi> only includes currently
enrolled students who approve public release of their information.
Most users have accounts on the Uniform Access Hosts, domain
u.washington.edu; individual departments may have their own subdomains.
CS students, grads, and faculty can generally be looked up by last name at
cs.washington.edu; if not, try june.cs.washington.edu for grads and
faculty, and wolf.cs.washington.edu for undergrads.

University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
Userids are of of the form <initials>+<surname> (e.g. mbmulroney, ghwbush),
and may be any length (for most machines; some still restrict them to 8
characters. Mail servers send you back a list of possible userids if the
one you tried doesn't match any known user.
Math/CS undergraduates: undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
CS graduate students: neumann.uwaterloo.ca
CS and Math Graduate Students: violet.uwaterloo.ca and jeeves.uwaterloo.ca
CS faculty may be found on one or more of the primary machines {watdragon,
maytag, watcgl, daisy, jeeves, grand, poppy, vlsi, watmsg, math,
watserv1}.uwaterloo.ca (there are lots more)
Engineering undergraduate students: userid usually of form
<surname>+<initials> or <initials>+<surname>, at one of {chemical, civil,
electrical, mechanical}.watstar.uwaterloo.ca Also try @1302 and @108 for
chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering -- these are used
mainly for lower-year students from all engineering departments.
Systems Design Engineering: watnow.uwaterloo.ca
Physics students: physics.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.
Art Students: artspas.watstar.uwaterloo.ca.

University of Western Australia (Perth, Western Australia, Australia): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwa.edu.au/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwa.edu.au> is available, but may not
list CS students.
Undergraduates: finger firstname or ***@tartarus.uwa.edu.au or
Computer science undergraduates: ***@cs.uwa.edu.au (first 6 of
lastname, then first initial). Grad students and staff use firstname as
their username.
Physics staff and students can have accounts on earwax.pd.uwa.edu.au.

University of Western Ontario (London, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwo.ca/>.
Computing and Communications Services operates a campus directory service at
<URL:http://www.uwo.ca/whois/> as well as a campus E-mail forwarding
service. This covers all of the faculty and staff listed in the campus
telephone directory as well as many students. Registration is voluntary
but for faculty and staff is reasonably complete and accurate.
% whois -h whois.uwo.ca name
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca j.smith
eg. whois -h whois.uwo.ca john.smith
The mail forwarding service works for common names as well:
% mail common-***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
eg. mail ***@uwo.ca
Mail will either be forwarded to the user with that common name, or if the
name is not unique, you will receive a returned message listing all users
with that common name.

University of Western Sydney (Nepean, New South Wales, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uws.edu.au/>.
There are also campuses in Hawkesbury and and Macarthur.
finger ***@uws.edu.au, where id is a lastname or a userID, or use the staff
directory at
Hawkesbury staff: ***@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au.
Hawkesbury students: ***@student.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au.
Nepean students: ***@xx.uws.edu.au, where xx is st for science and
technology, eng for engineering, and harpo for music and humanities.
Nepean staff: ***@nepean.uws.edu.au.

University of Wisconsin Colleges (WI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwc.edu/>.
A system of 13, two-year liberal arts "feeder" colleges to the 4-year
Universities. There are about 7000 students.
Students do not have addresses; most faculty do.
Faculty: usually ***@uwcmail.uwc.edu

University of Wisconsin/Eau Claire (Eau Claire, WI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwec.edu/>.
Finger ***@uwec.edu. About 2/3 of students have accounts. People
search at <URL:http://www.uwec.edu/Contact/contact.htm>.
CS students: usually ***@csunix.cs.uwec.edu.

University of Wisconsin/La Crosse (La Crosse, WI, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Usernames are arbitrary. Try fingering by the lastname.

University of Wisconsin/Madison (Madison, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wisc.edu/>.
Phone book server: finger ***@wisc.edu
CS: ***@cs.wisc.edu.
Engineering: ***@cae.wisc.edu
General campus supported email (undergrad, grad, all departments):
***@students.wisc.edu. In case of conflicts, userids are sometimes
llllllll or flllllll or llllllln where n is a number.
Some grad students also on macc.wisc.edu. Most faculty/staff were on
macc.wisc.edu; as of February 1995, most are migrating to
facstaff.wisc.edu, with the same name pattern as students.wisc.edu.
For other departments, you can sometimes guess the hostname from the
department name. Thus: meteor.wisc.edu for Meteorology, math.wisc.edu for

University of Wisconsin/Milwaukee (Milwaukee, WI, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwm.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwm.edu>; white pages directory
service via <URL:telnet://wp.uwm.edu/>; login directions are given in the
Many students, faculty and staff: Logins starting a-l are on
alpha1.csd.uwm.edu, m-z on alpha2.csd.uwm.edu. Finger ***@csd.uwm.edu.
EE ugrad and grad - ee.uwm.edu
Computer Science:
CS grad - point.cs.uwm.edu
CS fac - blatz.cs.uwm.edu
Undergraduates are for the most part on miller.cs.uwm.edu. Graduate
students are usually on cvax.cs.uwm.edu. To get a complete list of cs-
faculty, finger ***@cs.uwm.edu.

University of Wisconsin/River Falls (River Falls, WI, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwrf.edu/>.
***@uwrf.edu. Directory at <URL:http://lists.uwrf.edu/cgi-

University of Wisconsin/Superior (Superior, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwsuper.edu/>.
Campus directory at <URL:http://www.uwsuper.edu/maps/default.php>.

University of Wyoming (Laramie, WY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.uwyo.edu/>.
Mail to ***@uwyo.edu; you can discover e-mail addresses via the Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.uwyo.edu>.

University of Zurich (Zurich, Switzerland): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unizh.ch/>.

University System of Georgia (GA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.peachnet.edu/>.
PeachNet is a statewide electronic information network, providing access to
information resources and services which support the academic, research,
and administrative needs of educational communities in Georgia. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.peachnet.edu>.
Individual campuses often have their own WWW and Gopher services.

Ursinus College (Collegeville, PA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
finger ***@acad.ursinus.edu. Usernames are often fflastname.

Utah State University (Logan, UT, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/>.
Meta-directory at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/director.htm>, including e-mail
search at <URL:http://www.usu.edu/e-search.htm>.

Valley City State University (Valley City, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/>.
Student and employee directory at
<URL:http://www.vcsu.nodak.edu/directory/>. See also North Dakota

Valparaiso University (Valparaiso, IN, USA): Changed: Thu Jul 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.valpo.edu/>.
As of Fall 1995, new students will be ***@athena.valpo.edu (fmllllll
in case of duplicates). Returning students are being encouraged to move
to Athena.
Older address takes the form of fml####@exodus.valpo.edu, where fml are
the student's initials and #### are the last four numbers of the
student's ID number. remote finger is only supported if you know the
actualy login (finger ***@exodus.valpo.edu will not work). The
system is currently a VAX.
Some students have address based on a class they are currently enrolled in,
and these are done by a course number and their lastnames: ie.
A few students have accounts because of their jobs or because they are
involved in research. Two examples are: Student Consultants for the
university have ***@exodus.valpo.edu and students doing research have
Faculty/Staff: on the same system as the students. Address takes the form
of flllllll
Additional machines: there also exists a unix-based system with the address
of gellerson.valpo.edu, which is based in the college of Engineering.
Students can pick their own userid's. This system supports finger, so a
few tries with lastname or firstname should do the trick. Only
mathematics and engineering students and faculty will have accounts on
this system.

Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN, USA): Changed: Tue Nov 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vanderbilt.edu/>.
Undergrads, grads, faculty, and staff are
***@vanderbilt.edu. Users can add their own aliases,
although the preceding will continue to work. Email addresses of users
who have not requested anonymity are available via the online directory at
<URL:http://directory.vanderbilt.edu/>. Policy prevents any response to
requests for email addresses asked of postmaster, userserv, etc.
Engineering faculty and grad students: ***@vuse.vanderbilt.edu, though many
have regular university accounts.

Vassar (Poughkeepsie, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vassar.edu/>.
Students: ***@vassar.edu. (Formerly FMLLLLLLLLLL). Most students
have accounts.
Faculty: Faculty must request an account in order to get it, but most of
those who have accounts use them. Recent faculty usernames are of the same
form as students; previously they were lastnames followed by enough
letters of the first name to ensure uniqueness. Their accounts are also on
Fingering with the username or the lastname will usually work.

Vesalius College (Brussels, Belgium): Created: Mon Jun 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vub.ac.be/VECO/VECO-intro.html>.
An English-language US-style 4-year undergraduate liberal arts college at
the Vrije Universiteit-Brussel (VUB).
Students: d#######@vnet3.vub.ac.be or d#######@vub.ac.be. String d
indicates the department at the VUB: For Vesalius College: d = 'v'. Other
depts: d='hw','tw','we',... The '#' are digits.
Staff or students on special projects: username has <=8 chars
***@vnet3.vub.ac.be or ***@vub.ac.be
Some labs at the VUB have their own subdomain, e.g., info (computer
engineering lab), arti (AI lab), etro (electronics), prog (programming
techn. lab). Staff and students' usernames are <=8 chars and sometimes
have aliases of the form first.last: <user or alias>@<domain>.vub.ac.be
Inquiries/Campus Info System: ***@vub.ac.be

Villanova University (Villanova, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.villanova.edu/>.
There are online search engines for students at
<URL:http://www.villanova.edu/webview/banner_prod.cgi?form=sEmail1> and
faculty and staff at

Virginia Tech (Blacksburg, VA, USA): Changed: Mon Aug 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vt.edu/>.
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, normally just called
Virginia Tech.
E-mail directory service at <URL:http://www.vt.edu/directories.html>.
As of June 7, 1993, try finger ***@finger.vt.edu first. It replaces
the older SSImail system, and augments the stuff described in the rest of
this entry.
CS faculty/staff: ***@cs.vt.edu
CS grad students: ***@csgrad.cs.vt.edu
CS undergrads: try ***@csugrad.cs.vt.edu first
non-CS: To find CoSY users: CoSY users can only get mail from other CoSY
users; become one by telnetting to vtcosy.cns.vt.edu and following
directions. Find people by finger @vtcosy
Physics students: try ***@vtcc1.cc.vt.edu
Physics staff: try ***@vtvm2.cc.vt.edu

Vrije Universiteit-Brussel (Brussels, Belgium): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.vub.ac.be/>.

Wake Forest University (Winston-Salem, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wfu.edu/>.

Washington and Lee University (Lexington, VA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wlu.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www2.wlu.edu/web/page/normal/267.html>.

Washington State University (Pullman, WA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wsu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Spokane, Tri-Cities, and Vancouver.
E-mail and phone directory at <URL:http://www.wsu.edu/UNIX_Systems/cgi-

Washington University (St. Louis, MO, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wustl.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.wustl.edu/directory.html>. Usernames seem to
be fml(6)@wustl.edu or ***@wustl.edu.

Wayne State University (Detroit, MI, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wayne.edu/>.
Searchable directory at <URL:http://www.wayne.edu/cgi-bin/x500finger>
includes all employees (faculty, staff, and some students), and students
who have chosen to make their listings visible.
All students in the University, regardless of their major or college can
have access to an account.
Engineering: ss0.eng.wayne.edu (or nova, or ece, or any solar planet, e.g.
sun, venus, ...) CS: jupiter.cs.wayne.edu, zeus.cs.wayne.edu These
machines support finger. Most other students' accounts are on
wu.cc.wayne.edu; try 'finger partial-***@wu.cc.wayne.edu' to find
information about anyone with "partial-name" in their name.

Weber State University (Ogden, UT, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.weber.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://str.www.weber.edu/html/gwdir.html>; staff
directory at <URL:http://str.www.weber.edu/html/directory.html>.
F(L7)@cc.weber.edu (undergrads and faculty) or @cs.weber.edu (computer
science students). All students and faculty have access and email
addresses free of charge after logging on the system campus-wide.

Wellesley College (Wellesley, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Jan 13 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wellesley.edu/>.
Directory services appear to be limited to Wellesley, but there is an index
of faculty profiles at
FLastname#@lucy.wellesley.edu, where F is first initial, and digit # is used
only to disambiguate (e.g. JSMITH1). Finger not accepted from remote
sites. Faculty names never get the #.

Wesleyan College (Macon, GA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 23 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wesleyancollege.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at

Wesleyan University (Middletown, CT, USA): Changed: Fri Oct 6 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wesleyan.edu/>.
***@wesleyan.edu will direct mail to preferred maildrop. If a new
username should duplicate an already existing one, the new username
becomes FMLastname.
Fingerable accounts using the same naming scheme are on eagle.wesleyan.edu
(academic) and willet.wesleyan.edu (administrative).

West Chester University (West Chester, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wcupa.edu/>.
Users (at least undergraduates, if not others) are given accounts on a
machine whose name is the same as the first letter of their last name.
Usernames are of the form fllllll. So John Doe would be
jdoe%d%***@isn.wcupa.edu. Send mail to ***@isn.wcupa.edu if you
have questions.

West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wvu.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://directory.wvu.edu/>.

Western Kentucky University (Bowling Green, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:https://acsapps.wku.edu/pls/prod/dirpkg.prompt>.

Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, MI, USA): Created: Mon Mar 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wmich.edu/>.
The E-mail directory at <URL:http://vms.cc.wmich.edu/www/emailform.html>
contains information on faculty and staff as soon as they request
accounts, but students have to register individually so may not be in the

Western Montana College (Dillon, MT, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wmc.edu/>.
Try F_(L8)@wmc.edu. This site has no finger server.

Western Washington University (Bellingham, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wwu.edu/>.
General use: #######@nessie.cc.wwu.edu or n#######@waldorf.cc.wwu.edu

Westminster College (Fulton, MO, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wcmo.edu/>.
Undergraduates: ***@micro.wcmo.edu

Wheaton College (Norton, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wheatonma.edu/>.
Students: ***@wheatonma.edu, which is usually an alias for
the login ID. Login IDs are ***@wheatonma.edu, where yy=graduation

Wheaton College (Wheaton, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wheaton.edu/>.
Online directory via Gopher service at
Students: ***@acnet.wheaton.edu
Faculty: ***@david.wheaton.edu OR ***@david.wheaton.edu

Whitman College (Walla Walla, WA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 1 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.whitman.edu/>.
Mailboxes are usually of the form ***@whitman.edu; in case of dupliates
the last letter is replaced by a digit. For accounts created up to 1993,
***@whitman.edu. Finger works..

Wichita State University (Wichita, KS, USA): Created: Mon Nov 20 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.twsu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@wsuhub.uc.twsu.edu.
Faculty and staff directory via Gopher service at

Widener University (Chester, PA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.widener.edu/>.
The faculty and student directories have apparently been eliminated.
Mailboxed used to generally be PATTERN First.Last cyber.widener.edu (it
may also need a middle initial) but that site no longer exists.
CS used to be ***@cs.widener.edu.

Wilfrid Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wlu.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.wlu.ca/wlu-hp/info/email.shtml>. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://info.wlu.ca>.

Willamette University (Salem, OR, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.willamette.edu/>.
All students, faculty and staff: ***@willamette.edu, or fmllllll in
case of duplicates; also check the phone book at

Williams College (Williamstown, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.williams.edu/>.
Students: ***@williams.edu, possibly with _N (N a number)
to disambiguate. Directory at <URL:http://www.williams.edu/ph/>.
Usernames *used to be* YYFML (YY = year, F = first initial, M = middle
initial, L = last initial); these can still be found by fingering
@bigbird.cc.williams.edu. You *must* finger one of these IDs to get
Finger information; fingering by names doesn't work.
Williams' postmaster will not give out user ids to outside requests.

Winona State University (Winona, MN, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.winona.msus.edu/>.
E-mail and phone directories at <URL:http://VAX2.WINONA.MSUS.EDU:8888/>.
Students: as of Fall 1994, all get e-mail accounts of the form
***@vax2.winona.msus.edu, where nnnn is the last four digits of
their social security number.

Wittenberg University (Springfield, OH, USA): Changed: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wittenberg.edu/>.
Many student mailboxes are ***@wittenberg.edu; you can search the
student directory at <URL:http://www.wittenberg.edu/cgi-bin/dirsearch_stu>
Many faculty/staff mailboxes are ***@wittenberg.edu; there is no
faculty directory, but the postmaster is willing to forward to them on

Wofford College (Spartanburg, SC, USA): Created: Fri Dec 5 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wofford.edu/>.
Wofford College does not publish e-mail addresses for faculty, staff or
students. Inquiries addressed to PostMaster will be forwarded locally.
Generally e-mail addresses are (L10)***@mail.wofford.edu
Faculty and staff roster at
<URL:http://truth.wofford.edu/www/information/listing.htm>; no e-mail
information available.

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, MA, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/>.
People meta-directory at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/Campus/">, including white
pages at <URL:http://www.wpi.edu/Campus/whitepages.html>.

Wright State University (Dayton, OH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.wright.edu/>.
***@discover.wright.edu or @desire.wright.edu. Faculty/staff
directory at <URL:http://www.media.wright.edu/wsu.html>; student e-mail
directory at <URL:http://www.wright.edu/directories/students.html>.
Discover supports finger.

Xavier University (Cincinnati, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.xu.edu/>.
E-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.xu.edu/registrar/cgi_source/whois2.html>. Students:
***@xavier.xu.edu, where the ID is a six-digit number assigned by
the university. Faculty: ***@xavier.xu.edu Administration:
These sites support whois and finger.

Yale (New Haven, CT, USA): Changed: Mon Aug 21 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yale.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://yaleinfo.yale.edu>.
Faculty, staff, students: ***@yale.edu. Finger firstname or
***@yale.edu for more information.

York University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Sat Dec 18 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yorku.ca/>.
Almost all faculty, grad students, and a majority of undergrads, have e-mail
accounts. Directory at <URL:http://www.yorku.ca/search>.

Young Harris College (Young Harris, GA, USA): Created: Wed Nov 18 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.yhc.edu/>.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)