The Trumpet of the Lord Ministry
2005-06-14 18:45:26 UTC
Florida Bible College
For Immediate Release:
Great News!
Flordia Bible College has begun a ten year process to re-open!
Florida Bible College is a religiously oriented, private, coeducational
Bible College that was founded in 1962.Florida Bible College has been
THE NEED for FBC TODAY IS GREAT. The new board of trustees for Florida
Bible College have set into motion a ten year plan and process to
re-establish Florida Bible College as a world leader in the crystal
clear gospel and solid biblical Education that you can trust. They are
believing God for a bright future for FBC! The need is greater today
than it ever has been in the past for Florida Bible College. We need
your help, prayers and donations to see to it that the "Word of God
NEVER leaves the halls of Florida Bible College". Why do we need
Florida Bible College? Because the FBC mission is one too great to
allow to die. So many lives have been changed for the better for Jesus
Christ because of Florida Bible College. Florida Bible College is a
school that you can trust. People need Florida Bible College more than
ever because FBC was founded on the teachings of the Bible, not man's
opinions. FBC lives what it preaches! FBC students are encouraged to
have a personal relationship with Jesus, to live a Christian lifestyle,
to be productive members of society and local Bible believing churches,
to learn the Bible and use it properly, to build healthy relationships
with others, and to develop and live by a proper Christian ethic with
honor. Pastors today desire students who are well trained in formal
biblical Education for preparation to serve in Christian service in the
ministry. Florida Bible College provides solid trustworthy well rounded
biblical Education based on the Bible , with high standards of
accademic excellence. FBC desires to see its graduates trained to
reach a lost and dying world through aggressive evangelism and
discipleship. Today their are an estimated 4-5 billion people on earth
who remain unsaved. FBC is once again needed to boldly proclaim its
crystal clear gospel message to reach as many of these billions for
Christ who are lost as we can.
Sadly, FBC was closed from 1996-2003. In 2003 a ten year process was
prayerfully started to restore and re-open Florida Bible College.
Florida Bible College was officialy and legally re-opened under the IRS
tax code 508 guidelines with the blessings of its founder and retired
President Emeritus Dr. A. Ray Stanford on December 14th, 2004. A new
board of trustees was established in the fall of 2004 for Florida Bible
College, made up of Florida Bible College graduates, sucsessful
buisinessmen and leaders of ministries and not for profit
Florida Bible College is a living family of faith, and it is a living
organism that exists to: Have a heart for lost people that witnesses to
the lost with zeal and shows God's love, forgiveness and compassion to
them. FBC faculty , staff and students share with love and compassion
the crystal clear gospel with those who are not saved, and trains those
who are saved in personal evangelism to be effective soul winners.FBC
exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ's death on the cross for
each persons sin, and that if we shalt repent of our sins(Change our
mind, but not "turn from sin" as all Christians sin, and it is
impossible in our old nature/sinful body to 100% turn from sin to the
point where we no longer sin, this will not happen until we receive our
new bodies after the rapture or after we die),confess,and place our
faith in the Lord (We must believe that Jesus himself is Lord God to
truly be saved ) Jesus Christ alone, plus or minus nothing, that we can
know for sure that we are going to go to heaven when we die. And that
is great news! Salvation has been offered to everyone!No matter what we
have done, if we will change our minds from unbelief to belief, confess
that Jesus Christ is himself the Lord God, and believe that Christ died
on the cross and arose from the dead for our sins we can and will be
forever saved. Once we are saved we are always saved. We can not lose
our salvation, but we also do not have a license to sin. FBC does not
believe that saved people have a license to sin, and FBC does not allow
its students or faculty to live in sin doing unbiblical things such as
to drink alcoholic beverages, use illegal drugs, smoke, or participate
in adultry.
Once a person accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior,
Florida Bible College disciples and mentors them, and helps them find
and join a solid local Bible believing church. FBC is a missions minded
school that exists to support missions work and missionaries. FBC
believes that only men should be prepared to be senior pastors, but it
respects a womans needed role in ministry, and thus prepares both men
and women to do the work of the ministry. FBC exists to have healthy
relationships with local bible believing churches , and FBC exists to
be church planters and supporters of church growth in existing
churches. FBC students are doers of the word, not just hearers of the
word only. Florida Bible College does not believe that Christian
service is a an option for those who are saved, and FBC students serve
God not to be saved, but because the saved are called to Christian
service, which is the duty of every person who is saved.
FBC students not only learn from text books, but they also make
practical applications of doing what they learn in class in local
churches, ministries and missions. Florida Bible College teaches the
crystal clear message of salvation which is offered to all people not
just to a called out special select few; the verbal , plenarily,
inspired, inerannt word of God; the virgin birth, sinless life
,substitutionary death, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead; and pretribulational , premillenial coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ. The views expressed at Florida Bible College are those which
are found in the Bible, not man's opinion. Florida Bible College admits
students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.
For more information about Florida Bible College please visit the
official Florida Bible College website located at:
Florida Bible College
For Immediate Release:
Great News!
Flordia Bible College has begun a ten year process to re-open!
Florida Bible College is a religiously oriented, private, coeducational
Bible College that was founded in 1962.Florida Bible College has been
THE NEED for FBC TODAY IS GREAT. The new board of trustees for Florida
Bible College have set into motion a ten year plan and process to
re-establish Florida Bible College as a world leader in the crystal
clear gospel and solid biblical Education that you can trust. They are
believing God for a bright future for FBC! The need is greater today
than it ever has been in the past for Florida Bible College. We need
your help, prayers and donations to see to it that the "Word of God
NEVER leaves the halls of Florida Bible College". Why do we need
Florida Bible College? Because the FBC mission is one too great to
allow to die. So many lives have been changed for the better for Jesus
Christ because of Florida Bible College. Florida Bible College is a
school that you can trust. People need Florida Bible College more than
ever because FBC was founded on the teachings of the Bible, not man's
opinions. FBC lives what it preaches! FBC students are encouraged to
have a personal relationship with Jesus, to live a Christian lifestyle,
to be productive members of society and local Bible believing churches,
to learn the Bible and use it properly, to build healthy relationships
with others, and to develop and live by a proper Christian ethic with
honor. Pastors today desire students who are well trained in formal
biblical Education for preparation to serve in Christian service in the
ministry. Florida Bible College provides solid trustworthy well rounded
biblical Education based on the Bible , with high standards of
accademic excellence. FBC desires to see its graduates trained to
reach a lost and dying world through aggressive evangelism and
discipleship. Today their are an estimated 4-5 billion people on earth
who remain unsaved. FBC is once again needed to boldly proclaim its
crystal clear gospel message to reach as many of these billions for
Christ who are lost as we can.
Sadly, FBC was closed from 1996-2003. In 2003 a ten year process was
prayerfully started to restore and re-open Florida Bible College.
Florida Bible College was officialy and legally re-opened under the IRS
tax code 508 guidelines with the blessings of its founder and retired
President Emeritus Dr. A. Ray Stanford on December 14th, 2004. A new
board of trustees was established in the fall of 2004 for Florida Bible
College, made up of Florida Bible College graduates, sucsessful
buisinessmen and leaders of ministries and not for profit
Florida Bible College is a living family of faith, and it is a living
organism that exists to: Have a heart for lost people that witnesses to
the lost with zeal and shows God's love, forgiveness and compassion to
them. FBC faculty , staff and students share with love and compassion
the crystal clear gospel with those who are not saved, and trains those
who are saved in personal evangelism to be effective soul winners.FBC
exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ's death on the cross for
each persons sin, and that if we shalt repent of our sins(Change our
mind, but not "turn from sin" as all Christians sin, and it is
impossible in our old nature/sinful body to 100% turn from sin to the
point where we no longer sin, this will not happen until we receive our
new bodies after the rapture or after we die),confess,and place our
faith in the Lord (We must believe that Jesus himself is Lord God to
truly be saved ) Jesus Christ alone, plus or minus nothing, that we can
know for sure that we are going to go to heaven when we die. And that
is great news! Salvation has been offered to everyone!No matter what we
have done, if we will change our minds from unbelief to belief, confess
that Jesus Christ is himself the Lord God, and believe that Christ died
on the cross and arose from the dead for our sins we can and will be
forever saved. Once we are saved we are always saved. We can not lose
our salvation, but we also do not have a license to sin. FBC does not
believe that saved people have a license to sin, and FBC does not allow
its students or faculty to live in sin doing unbiblical things such as
to drink alcoholic beverages, use illegal drugs, smoke, or participate
in adultry.
Once a person accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior,
Florida Bible College disciples and mentors them, and helps them find
and join a solid local Bible believing church. FBC is a missions minded
school that exists to support missions work and missionaries. FBC
believes that only men should be prepared to be senior pastors, but it
respects a womans needed role in ministry, and thus prepares both men
and women to do the work of the ministry. FBC exists to have healthy
relationships with local bible believing churches , and FBC exists to
be church planters and supporters of church growth in existing
churches. FBC students are doers of the word, not just hearers of the
word only. Florida Bible College does not believe that Christian
service is a an option for those who are saved, and FBC students serve
God not to be saved, but because the saved are called to Christian
service, which is the duty of every person who is saved.
FBC students not only learn from text books, but they also make
practical applications of doing what they learn in class in local
churches, ministries and missions. Florida Bible College teaches the
crystal clear message of salvation which is offered to all people not
just to a called out special select few; the verbal , plenarily,
inspired, inerannt word of God; the virgin birth, sinless life
,substitutionary death, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
dead; and pretribulational , premillenial coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ. The views expressed at Florida Bible College are those which
are found in the Bible, not man's opinion. Florida Bible College admits
students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin.
For more information about Florida Bible College please visit the
official Florida Bible College website located at: