2009-08-03 20:09:36 UTC
"I was ILLEGALLY! ARRESTED on Yonge Street by Yonge+Dundas
Square opposite the Eaton Centre for OPPOSING! the presence of
the Canadian Armed Forces at the Toronto Turkish Festival and giving
the two Yonge+Dundas Square security guards standing *intentionally*
in front on me THE FULL 135 degree FASCIST SALUTE" says the
President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada)
Chronology of Events
- Left Seaton House shelter for homeless men at 8:55 a.m.
- Arrived at Yonge+Dundas Square (http://www.ydsquare.ca)
at 9:10 a.m.
- A female African-Canadian security guard WITHOUT NAME A
TAG arrives minutes later to say that I caN'T put one leg up
on the edge of the table which I have been in the habit of
doing because it was against the rules.
- "What rules? Show me the rules because I'll wipe Mayor Miller's
arse with them," (The place is owned by the City of Toronto.) I
want to see them. I want your name because you're harassing
me." I say.
- She refuses to give it.
- A fullback-type African-Canadian security guard WITHOUT A
NAME TAG comes and tells to get my leg off the table
because it's against the rules.
- He ALSO refuses to give his name.
- "Show me the rules," I say.
- "I AM THE RULES and I say that you have to take your leg off
the table."
- He pulls the table from under me and goes away.
- I go to another table and wait a bit before putting my leg
back up.
- He comes back and tells me that I have to leave.
- Then, an African-Canadian sergeant in the Canadian Armed
Forces ALSO WITHOUT A NAME TAG comes over to tell this
fullback-looking security guard that he could have me arrested
(as if that was NOT the plan of the Toronto Police in the first
- So I left for a coffee a MacDonald's in the Toronto Eaton Centre.
- Time of departure: 9:20 a.m.
- Time of arrival at MacDonald's: 9:25 a.m.
- Had two (2) cups of coffee and read from "Mulroney: The Politics
of Ambition" written by journalist John Sawatsky published in
August 1992, 17 years ago when the Conservatives were in power.
- Stood on the Yonge Street (NOT! on the Square, but the street
adjacent to the Square across from the Toronto Eaton Centre
across from side of the Canadian Armed Forces tent-both at
the Toronto Turkish Festival.(http://www.torontoturkishfestival.org)
- Time of arrival: 11:10 a.m.
- Two (2) Yonge+Dundas Square security guards including the
full-back looking one who told to leave or I'd be arrested come
over and stand on the edge of the Square a few feet from me.
- I told them they were harassing me and that's because Canada
is a FASCIST POLICE STATE and gave them THE FULL 135
- I handed out my promotional slip of paper (http://eh-ok.ca/card.htm)
to a few passersby and asked them if the Canadian Armed Forces
should be GATE-CRASHING! the Toronto Turkish Festival. (I did NOT!
see them at the last two (2) Toronto Turkish Festivals.) It's hard
imagine that they were invited, isn't it?
- I also asked other if the Canadian Armed Forces should be killing
Muslims in Afghanistan.
- To BOTH QUESTIONS **everyone** said: NO!
- Cops arrive in LESS THAN 10 minutes.
- Cop puts hand on my shoulder several times as I walked away each
time saying it was harassment.
- They, then, put me against the car, handcuffed me, emptied my
and put me in the back seat of a the Police cruiser.
- I was told NOT! to come there for the whole day and that they'd
drive me
to wherever I wanted to go which was Spadina+College as I wanted to
use the Internet at a Cyber Cafe by there.
- Time of arrival at Spadina+College: 11: 25 a.m.
- The Cops said I was arrested for NOT leaving when asked and gave me
offence notice #0142700A: a $65 fine or appear in Court to contest
- Offence of Notice reads: "Fail to leave premises when directed."
- I told the Cops that this was NOT! true as I has left the Yonge
Square to go to MacDonald's.
- Both smirked and one said: "Take it up with the mayor as far as I
- I had told them in the cruiser that if charged I'd have to go to the
and ask people for the $$$.
- They said I'd be charged for pan-handling.
- I said that I'd be raising $$$ for my political party to which they
- I have $2 in my bank account which means I'll have to go to a
Court to fight this.
Is this FAIR?
What about FREE SPEECH?
NOT! if you attack the Canadian Armed Forces.
In fact, you canN'T find out what THE COST of
the war in Afghanistan is: THAT INFORMATION
Did the Police use these security guards to harass
I strongly believe so.
It happened BEFORE! (See : http://eh-ok.ca/Toronto_Life.htm).
Yesterday Morning
Yesterday morning around 10:30 at College+Yonge the 9/11
Inside Job Believer who can be found with his little gang in
front of the Eaton Centre [with all sorts of sophisticated media
material (courtesy of the Canadian Government - in my
opinion) for passersby] stands 4' tall and THE MAIN INSTI-
GATOR. (A Government-paid PROVOCATEUR like those
that infiltrate peaceful protest to cause violence and havoc
as far as I'm concerned.) starts calling me "a commie".
(I've been labeled an international socialist, but consider myself
a left-wing liberal as I'm a former member of the Liberal Party
until the Liberal Government took ALL! the money out of my
bank account alleging back taxes of over 10 years: see
I ZIG-ZAG up Yonge Street to the Toronto Reference Library,
one block north of Yonge+Bloor with him at my heels.
ONLY! Alternative
The ONLY! political alternative to Canada's self-serving "behind
doors" FASCIST! Police State apparatus that GROWS LIKE CANCER
mercilessly BLEEDING the taxpayer with its SECRET BILLION! $$$
UNDERCOVER POLICE dragnet that puts ONLY! THE POOR and
HOMELESS (NOT! members of Bay Street Organized Crime, NOT!
THE CROOKS in the Government of Canada) in jail who are each
paid MORE than any Member of Parliament is the ÉPC.
Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin.,
B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude"
President/Party Leader of the ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada)
the ÉPC:
4 a bet-ter life
le PÉC :
pour une vie meil-leure
"talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman)
Square opposite the Eaton Centre for OPPOSING! the presence of
the Canadian Armed Forces at the Toronto Turkish Festival and giving
the two Yonge+Dundas Square security guards standing *intentionally*
in front on me THE FULL 135 degree FASCIST SALUTE" says the
President/Party Leader of the É(eh)PC (Égalité Party of Canada)
Chronology of Events
- Left Seaton House shelter for homeless men at 8:55 a.m.
- Arrived at Yonge+Dundas Square (http://www.ydsquare.ca)
at 9:10 a.m.
- A female African-Canadian security guard WITHOUT NAME A
TAG arrives minutes later to say that I caN'T put one leg up
on the edge of the table which I have been in the habit of
doing because it was against the rules.
- "What rules? Show me the rules because I'll wipe Mayor Miller's
arse with them," (The place is owned by the City of Toronto.) I
want to see them. I want your name because you're harassing
me." I say.
- She refuses to give it.
- A fullback-type African-Canadian security guard WITHOUT A
NAME TAG comes and tells to get my leg off the table
because it's against the rules.
- He ALSO refuses to give his name.
- "Show me the rules," I say.
- "I AM THE RULES and I say that you have to take your leg off
the table."
- He pulls the table from under me and goes away.
- I go to another table and wait a bit before putting my leg
back up.
- He comes back and tells me that I have to leave.
- Then, an African-Canadian sergeant in the Canadian Armed
Forces ALSO WITHOUT A NAME TAG comes over to tell this
fullback-looking security guard that he could have me arrested
(as if that was NOT the plan of the Toronto Police in the first
- So I left for a coffee a MacDonald's in the Toronto Eaton Centre.
- Time of departure: 9:20 a.m.
- Time of arrival at MacDonald's: 9:25 a.m.
- Had two (2) cups of coffee and read from "Mulroney: The Politics
of Ambition" written by journalist John Sawatsky published in
August 1992, 17 years ago when the Conservatives were in power.
- Stood on the Yonge Street (NOT! on the Square, but the street
adjacent to the Square across from the Toronto Eaton Centre
across from side of the Canadian Armed Forces tent-both at
the Toronto Turkish Festival.(http://www.torontoturkishfestival.org)
- Time of arrival: 11:10 a.m.
- Two (2) Yonge+Dundas Square security guards including the
full-back looking one who told to leave or I'd be arrested come
over and stand on the edge of the Square a few feet from me.
- I told them they were harassing me and that's because Canada
is a FASCIST POLICE STATE and gave them THE FULL 135
- I handed out my promotional slip of paper (http://eh-ok.ca/card.htm)
to a few passersby and asked them if the Canadian Armed Forces
should be GATE-CRASHING! the Toronto Turkish Festival. (I did NOT!
see them at the last two (2) Toronto Turkish Festivals.) It's hard
imagine that they were invited, isn't it?
- I also asked other if the Canadian Armed Forces should be killing
Muslims in Afghanistan.
- To BOTH QUESTIONS **everyone** said: NO!
- Cops arrive in LESS THAN 10 minutes.
- Cop puts hand on my shoulder several times as I walked away each
time saying it was harassment.
- They, then, put me against the car, handcuffed me, emptied my
and put me in the back seat of a the Police cruiser.
- I was told NOT! to come there for the whole day and that they'd
drive me
to wherever I wanted to go which was Spadina+College as I wanted to
use the Internet at a Cyber Cafe by there.
- Time of arrival at Spadina+College: 11: 25 a.m.
- The Cops said I was arrested for NOT leaving when asked and gave me
offence notice #0142700A: a $65 fine or appear in Court to contest
- Offence of Notice reads: "Fail to leave premises when directed."
- I told the Cops that this was NOT! true as I has left the Yonge
Square to go to MacDonald's.
- Both smirked and one said: "Take it up with the mayor as far as I
- I had told them in the cruiser that if charged I'd have to go to the
and ask people for the $$$.
- They said I'd be charged for pan-handling.
- I said that I'd be raising $$$ for my political party to which they
- I have $2 in my bank account which means I'll have to go to a
Court to fight this.
Is this FAIR?
What about FREE SPEECH?
NOT! if you attack the Canadian Armed Forces.
In fact, you canN'T find out what THE COST of
the war in Afghanistan is: THAT INFORMATION
Did the Police use these security guards to harass
I strongly believe so.
It happened BEFORE! (See : http://eh-ok.ca/Toronto_Life.htm).
Yesterday Morning
Yesterday morning around 10:30 at College+Yonge the 9/11
Inside Job Believer who can be found with his little gang in
front of the Eaton Centre [with all sorts of sophisticated media
material (courtesy of the Canadian Government - in my
opinion) for passersby] stands 4' tall and THE MAIN INSTI-
GATOR. (A Government-paid PROVOCATEUR like those
that infiltrate peaceful protest to cause violence and havoc
as far as I'm concerned.) starts calling me "a commie".
(I've been labeled an international socialist, but consider myself
a left-wing liberal as I'm a former member of the Liberal Party
until the Liberal Government took ALL! the money out of my
bank account alleging back taxes of over 10 years: see
I ZIG-ZAG up Yonge Street to the Toronto Reference Library,
one block north of Yonge+Bloor with him at my heels.
ONLY! Alternative
The ONLY! political alternative to Canada's self-serving "behind
doors" FASCIST! Police State apparatus that GROWS LIKE CANCER
mercilessly BLEEDING the taxpayer with its SECRET BILLION! $$$
UNDERCOVER POLICE dragnet that puts ONLY! THE POOR and
HOMELESS (NOT! members of Bay Street Organized Crime, NOT!
THE CROOKS in the Government of Canada) in jail who are each
paid MORE than any Member of Parliament is the ÉPC.
Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin.,
B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude"
President/Party Leader of the ÉPC (Égalité Party of Canada)
the ÉPC:
4 a bet-ter life
le PÉC :
pour une vie meil-leure
"talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman)