2007-05-27 09:30:04 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part3
Morehead State University (Morehead, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.morehead-st.edu/>.
Faculty web pages at <URL:http:people.morehead-st.edu/fs/index.html>.
Student web pages at <URL:http://people.morehead-
st.edu/students/index.html> by login ID, which seem to be of the form
FMLLLL##@moreheadstate.edu or possibly FMLLLL##@morehead-st.edu, where ##
starts at 01 and is for distinguishing otherwise identical mailboxes.
Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB, Canada): Changed: Tue Jan 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mta.ca/>.
Faculty and staff: usually ***@mta.ca (or ***@mta.ca in case of
duplicates); there is a phone directory at
You can also find faculty, staff, and student names by fingering
mailserv.mta.ca with firstname or lastname; there is Web-based finger
server at <URL:http://www.mta.ca/cgi-bin/finger>.
Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtholyoke.edu/>.
Directory of directories,, at <URL:http://www.mtholyoke.edu/dir/>.
Mount Royal College (Calgary, AB, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtroyal.ab.ca/>.
Student's userids are of the form llllll#### where # are the first four
digits of the student id. Staff userids are of the form flastname.
Mount Saint Mary's College (Emmitsburg, MD, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msmary.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and students: finger ***@msmary.edu.
Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msvu.ca/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://www.msvu.ca/findphonebook.html>.
Murray State University (Murray, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.murraystate.edu/>.
Faculty/staff and student search at
Muskingum College (New Concord, OH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Mail to ***@muskingum.edu. As of fall 1992 userids are usually
flastname; previously ff_lastname, possibly with a trailing 1. The finger
server just shows who is logged in; ***@muskingum.edu is willing to
handle inquiries.
National Cheng Kung University (Tainan City, Taiwan): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ncku.edu.tw/>.
General: e#######@dec3.ncku.edu.tw.
National University of Singapore (Singapore): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nus.sg/>.
CS Department Faculty or Staff: ***@leonis.nus.sg, where fas is
fas (faculty and staff), lastname is full lastname, f is first name, m is
middle name.
CS students: cz3.nus.sg or solar.nus.sg.
Art Department has numbered accounts, e.g. ***@leonis.nus.sg.
Nesna College (Nesna, Norway): Created: Fri Dec 3 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hinesna.no/>.
Faculty, staff, students: browsable directory at
New England State (Henniker, NH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nec.edu/>.
At one time student mailboxes had the form FirstnameM_Lastname.
New Jersey Institute of Technology (Newark, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.njit.edu/>.
Phone book and e-mail search at <URL:http://www.njit.edu/Phone/>.
New Mexico Institute Of Mining And Technology (Socorro, NM, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nmt.edu/>.
List of people directories at <URL:http://www.nmt.edu/mainpage/people.html>,
including student phone book at
<URL:http://www.nmt.edu/mainpage/dir/phonebook.html> and faculty/staff
phone book at <URL:http://phonebook.nmt.edu/viewbyname.asp>.
Try finger ***@nmt.edu or finger ***@jupiter.nmt.edu. Jupiter is the main
server; CS students generally have accounts on minos.nmt.edu. Accounts
generally seem to be of the form FLLLLLLL.
New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nmsu.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://aams.nmsu.edu/phonebook/>.
New York University [NYU] (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nyu.edu/>.
Web directory at <URL:http://www.nyu.edu/search.nyu>.
Niagara College (Welland, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.niagarac.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in Niagara Region.
Student e-mail addresses are not published. Faculty e-mail is usually
Nipissing University (North Bay, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unipissing.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:http://www.unipissing.ca/phone.htm>
Students: ***@student.unipissing.ca; there is no directory for
North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ncsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@eos.ncsu.edu, or use the whois server on
infopoint.cc.ncsu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.ncsu.edu>.
CS faculty/staff: accounts on adm.csc.ncsu.edu. No specific naming
convention for faculty accounts.
There are currently 4 active AFS cells within the NCSU realm.
unity.ncsu.edu: The NCSU Computing Center. Eventually all non-engineering
students will be here.
eos.ncsu.edu: NCSU Project Eos (all engineering accounts - faculty, staff,
and students). Student userids are usually fmllllll.
tx.ncsu.edu: NCSU College of Textiles
catt.ncsu.edu: NCSU CATT program, students and computers in a dorm
CS Graduate Students: used to have accounts on druid.csc.ncsu.edu, but are
now moving over to AFS. login names were gr-xxx where xxx are the initials
of the person. However, using the person first or last name will also
North Dakota Network (ND, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nodak.edu/>.
This section describes how to find email addresses for students who attend
Public Colleges and Universities in North Dakota. On all systems, userids
are lastname, possibly with first or middle initials if the last name is
not unique; you can finger lastname on all system.
General use machines: plains.bitnet, plains.nodak.edu, badlands.nodak.edu,
Faculty reseach: vision.nodak.edu.
sendit.nodak.edu is for North Dakota public education (teachers, school
districts, and professors of education and educational administration).
Agricultural extension: ndsuext.nodak.edu
ND HECN CMS (@ndsuvm1.bitnet) -or- (@vm1.nodak.edu). This is a VM/SP (CMS)
system. Userids are a bit more complicated here... The ND HECN (No-Dak
Higher Education Computer Network) consists of the following schools..
Their 2-letter school code follows.
Bismarck State College: BJ
North Dakota State University: NU
University of North Dakota: UD
Dickinson State College: DS
Williston State College: WS
Bottineau State College: BT
Lake Region Community College: LR
Valley City State College: VC
Mayville State College: MV
Minot State College: MN
State School of Science: SS
Userids given out prior to (approximately) August 1991 are assigned a
userid according to the following: Userids are in the form of LL######.
LL is the "School Code" (see above). The #'s are the first 6 digits of
the user's NAID number.
Userids given out after August 1991 are assigned according to last name,
or with part of their first name in front if the account is already
taken. They are trying to give you the same userid as your plain's id
(if you have one). Also, people with the 'old id' can request to have
their account renamed to the new format. You are able to finger
accounts on ndsuvm1, but as of 02-26-92 student names are not yet
available to finger. (It will tell you if the account at least exists
tho). Faculty/Staff names are available to finger. Each college has an
'administrative' account with the form LL0ADMIN. (LL = School Code). I
don't know if they will give out userids, but it's worth a try.
UND School of Medicine: try ***@medicine.und.nodak.edu for staff and
faculty; no student accounts as of Fall 1992. For help finding someone,
try 'finger' or contact ***@medicine.und.nodak.edu
North Dakota State College of Science (Wahpeton, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty/staff at
<URL:http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/people/directory/>. See also North Dakota
North Dakota State University (Fargo, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/phonebook/>. See also North
Dakota Network.
Northeastern University (Boston, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.northeastern.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.northeastern.edu/directory>.
Finger ***@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu where <name> is a first-name, last-
name, or username. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni can have
accounts, but they have to be requested.
Student usernames are usually flllllll, but many students pick there own
variations. Many students never log in again once their class is through.
Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff, AZ, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
You can use any of the following ways to locate people at Northern Arizona
University. If one doesn't work, try the next. NOTE: not everyone at NAU
has an electronic mailbox.
1. finger ***@info.nau.edu where PERSON is any part of a person's name
that you know. You may have to use quotes, as in: finger "Jane
Doe"@info.nau.edu. This is a "white pages" style database. For more help
on this system: finger @info.nau.edu
2. mail ***@nau.edu where FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME are the
person you're trying to reach. You may need to specify
3. send mail to the site postmaster: mail ***@nau.edu Some
subdomains have postmasters e.g. ***@cse.nau.edu for the Computer
Science and Engineering department.
Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.niu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@niu.edu will reach anyone registered with the ph server.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.niu.edu>. Student accounts are of
the form ZXXYYYYY where XX is 90,91,92 (year of entrance to NIU and YYYYY
is random.
Engineering: finger ***@eiger.ceet.niu.edu
Encore MultiMax (mp.cs.niu.edu). CSCI students may have accounts on this
UNIX-based machine if their classes require it. Class accounts are of the
form 'T90nnnn' where 'nnnn' is a randomly-assigned four-digit number.
Undergraduate and graduate TA's may have accounts of the form 'T90fml1',
where f=first initial, m=middle initial, and l=last initial. Substitute
the letter 'X' for a missing middle initial. Older TA's may have an '8'
or '9' substituted for the '1'. Students who work for Academic Computing
Services, or are of a major other than CSCI, may also have accounts. Use
'finger' for more info.
CSCI LAN (csci.niu.edu) All CSCI faculty members and some graduate students
have accounts on this Novell LAN of the form 'T90fml1', same as above.
Amdahl 5890 (vm.cso.niu.edu) CSCI students may have accounts on this
mainframe running MVS and VM if their classes require it. Class accounts
are of the form 'T90nnnn', same as above. All TA's have an account of the
form 'T90fml1'.
Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.nku.edu/findit.php>.
Northwest Missouri State University (Maryville, MO, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwmissouri.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone directory at
student phone directory at
Mail to ***@northwest.missouri.edu. Unfortunately usernames are
random numbers, starting with 01 for professors and 02 for students.
Northwestern College (Orange City, IA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwciowa.edu/>.
Students,and faculty/staff after July 1995: ***@nwciowa.edu.
Faculty and staff before July 1995 may use firstname or lastname.
Northwestern State University (Natchitoches, LA, USA):Created: Wed Jun 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nsula.edu/>.
There is a voluntary Web page registry at
Student e-mail addresses appear to be nslll####@alpha.nsula.edu, where ns is
the literal letters, lll the first three letters of last name, and #### a
4-digit number.
The college provides an online directory at
<URL:http://www.nsula.edu/departments/newweb/fax.htm> of phone numbers for
departments and centres.
Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwu.edu/>.
PH service at ns.nwu.edu or via the online directory at <URL:http://www-
gate.it-services.nwu.edu/it/query-ph/query.cgi>. Students are
automatically entered on registration, usually F-Lastname#@nwu.edu where
number # is used only for disambiguation; users can change this to
whatever they like.
General e-mail services are shared by four machines: casbah.acns.nwu.edu,
plus lulu, hecky, and merle. Both Casbah and Merle support finger
Norwegian University of Technology (Trondheim, Norway): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unit.no/>.
See University of Trondheim.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nstu.nsk.su/>.
630092, K. Marx Prospekt 20
Usernames can be hard to discover; ***@nstu.nsk.su is willing to be
helpful in tracking usernames.
Oakland University (Rochester, MI, USA): Changed: Thu Mar 25 1993
Hosts: vela.acs.oakland.edu, argo.acs.oakland.edu
Many departments maintain their own systems but their users usually have
accounts on either vela or argo as well.
Userids: Students: FMlastname Faculty: Lastname
Finger: on vela, use any portion of the name. On argo, you can only finger
the userid.
Oberlin College (Oberlin, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
<URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/fussers/facstaff_directory.html>. Student
directory at <URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/fussers/student_directory.html>.
Occidental College (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Created: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oxy.edu/>.
Usually the email address is ***@oxy.edu, but in some cases the first
initial or first part of the first name is used, Addressses are not
All incoming students as of '92 get an email account, but not everyone uses
Ohio Northern University (Ada, OH, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.onu.edu/>.
Online phonebook at <URL:http://www.onu.edu/cgi-bin/carr-ph>. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.onu.edu>.
Ohio State University (Columbus, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.osu.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff, Graduate students: ***@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/osu_inquiry>.
Searching the online directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/cgi-
bin/osu_inquiry> (or whois -h osu.edu) should find all students, faculty,
and staff, as should telnetting to osu.edu.
CS Students, Faculty and Staff: cis.ohio-state.edu, with username lastname,
fllllll, llllll-f, fml, firstname or lllll-fm.
Faculty and staff are mostly first or last name.
Also, some students have their accounts aliased so that you can send
mail/finger to lastname.#@osu.edu where # is required and is anything from
1 on up to infinity (these numbers can get very large for names like
Smith, i.e. in the thousands).
Ohio University (Athens, OH, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ohiou.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.ohiou.edu>, including links for
student and staff whois servers.
CS (UNIX): ***@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu
CS (VMS): oucsduce.cs.ohiou.edu
EE (grad students): ***@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu, @redskins.ent.ohiou.edu
Undergrads (class accounts): OUACCVMB.BITNET. Students are given accounts
of the form FL######@oak.cats.ohiou.edu; finger by ID or lastname.
Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, OH, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Finger ***@cc.owu.edu. All usernames (student/faculty/staff) are of
the form FMLLLLLL; if no middle initial, first initial is repeated.
Oklahoma State/Stillwater (Stillwater, OK, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.okstate.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://eguide.okstate.edu/eGuide/servlet/eGuide>.
***@rsc.ceat.okstate.edu or ***@osuunx.ucc.okstate.edu.
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (Beaverton, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ogi.edu/>.
Only Graduate Students. Their host, ogccse, is @cse.ogc.edu.
This recently changed to cse.ogi.edu.
Oregon State System of Higher Education (OR, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.osshe.edu/>.
Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.orst.edu/>.
Any student can get an account on ucs.orst.edu
CS: mist.cs.orst.edu, prism.cs.orst.edu
Admissions office: ***@ccmail.orst.edu.
Otterbein College (Westerville, OH, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.otterbein.edu/>.
Faculty/staff . at
<URL:http://www.otterbein.edu:8080/lookup/getNameOffCampus.jsp> Mailboxes
appear to be FLastname#@otterbein.edu or FMLastname#@otterbein.edu, where
#, if present, is a disambiguating number.
Our Lady of Holy Cross College (New Orleans, LA, USA):Created: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.olhcc.edu/>.
Web pages for some people are available at
Oxford University (Oxford, United Kingdom): Changed: Tue Nov 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ox.ac.uk/>.
Forms-based online directory at
If you happen to have an account at Oxford, you can telnet to info.ox.ac.uk,
which presents you with an online information system, one of whose
subsystems is an electronic mail directory showing all authorized users
who are willing to be so listed.
Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.plu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@plu.edu or @salt.plu.edu. The first is used by students,
faculty, etc for general or basic networking functions. Salt is used for
the Computer Science department and the Administration. Many students are
likely to have accounts on both machines.
Park College (Parkville, MO, USA): Created: Sat Dec 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.park.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.park.edu/fac/facdir.htm>.
Penn State University (State College, PA, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.psu.edu/>.
Anyone can get mail on email.psu.edu (or psu.edu); addresses are fml###.
Course accounts may be fml###@psuvm.psu.edu.
PH service at ph.psu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://info.psu.edu>,
including telephone and other directories at
Computer Science: cse.psu.edu (UNIX), crayola.cse.psu.edu (Ultrix)
Math: math.psu.edu
Philadelphia Biblical University (Langhorne, PA, USA):Changed: Thu Mar 15 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pbu.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff: ***@pbu.edu. Students: ***@pbu.edu. Directory
of directories at <URL:http://www.pbu.edu/info/sendmail.htm>.
Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.philacol.edu/>.
Mail to (L8)(F3)@hardy.texsci.edu; faculty at (L8)***@laurel.texsci.edu.
Pitzer College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/>.
Some student Web pages at
<URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/studentlife/homepages.html>. Faculty Web pages
at <URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/academics/faculty.html>.
finger ***@pitvax.claremont.edu
Plattsburgh State University (Plattsburgh, NY, USA): Created: Mon Jan 11 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.plattsburgh.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and administration directory at
Formerly known as SUNY Plattsburgh. Admissions ***@plattsburgh.edu.
Plymouth State College (Plymouth, NH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Faculty & staff: ***@plymouth.edu or
***@psc.plymouth.edu or ***@psc.plymouth.edu
Students: finger ***@oz.plymouth.edu or finger
Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 10 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.poly.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Farmingdale (Polytechnic University Long Island
Campus) and and Hawthorne (Westchester Graduate Center).
Most login names follow the pattern FL(5)***@poly.edu. For students there
does not appear to be an e-mail directory; consult the student web page
directories at <URL:http://www.poly.edu/computing/index.cfm?men=m6>. For
faculty and staff, use the phone book at
Pomona College (Claremont, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Internet: ***@pomona.claremont.edu (bitnet ***@pomona.bitnet)
Usernames are the first character of the first name, followed by the full
last name (John Doe would be JDOE). In case of conflicts, the middle
initial is used between first and last name. (If JDOE already has an
account, James A. Doe would be JADOE). Finger works.
Portland State University (Portland, OR, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Students: odin.cc.pdx.edu
Prairie View A&M University (Waller County, TX, USA): Created: Tue Jun 17 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://http://www.pvamu.edu//>.
The e-mail Web page at <URL:http://www.pvamu.edu/emailsd.html> has links to
faculty and staff directories, and to a form for students to use to add
their entries to the student e-mail database.
Faculty seem to have mailboxes of the form F(L7)@pvamu.edu or sometimes
Presbyterian College (Clinton, SC, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
All student and faculty, except for a few, are ***@cs1.presby.edu.
Princeton University (Princeton, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.princeton.edu/>.
Use the people search on the main web page.
Providence College (Providence, RI, USA): Created: Thu Nov 11 1999
Faculty/staff usernames are usually FMLLLLLL, sometimes LLLLLLLL or
FFFFFFFL. Undergraduate students: FL(5)***@providence.edu where nn is two-
digit year of graduation.
Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.purdue.edu/>.
Student, faculty, and staff directory at
Purdue University Calumet (Hammond, IN, USA): Created: Tue Oct 6 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calumet.purdue.edu/>.
Use the main Purdue University directory service at
<URL:http://directory.purdue.edu/ph-query.html>, which you can restrict to
Calumet if you like.
Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://info.queensu.ca/>.
Our e-mail directory for faculty, student, and staff is at
For e-mail access to the directory, send a message to ***@queensu.ca
placing on the first line of the message body the command
find surname
Spelling of the surname must be exact. To restrict the search, you can add
a comma and an initial or given name, for example
find smith,d
For a detailed description of the service, send the command
Computing and Information Science: finger ***@cs.queensu.ca, where userid
is usually lastname or firstname.
Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.qut.edu.au/>.
Mail to ***@qut.edu.au
For the Faculty of Information Technology you also can use:
***@fit.qut.edu.au OR ***@fit.qut.edu.au OR
Quincy University (Quincy, IL, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Ramapo College (Mahwah, NJ, USA): Created: Wed Nov 19 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ramapo.edu/>.
Reed College (Portland, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.reed.edu/>.
***@reed.edu, where username is of the form flllllll
Some personal Web pages are listed at <URL:http://www.reed.edu/reed/users/>.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI; Troy, NY, USA):Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/>.
Search the online directory at <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/phserver.html> of
staff and students, or telnet to infotrax.rpi.edu. Go to CAM, then DIR,
then STU, then
find name <username>
Rensselaer Computing System: rpi.edu. Open to all students, faculty and
staff. Userids are ***@rpi.edu with digits added to break ties.
finger ***@rpi.edu to verify userid only. but finger @rpi.edu
doesn't yield any login information.
Department Machine or Domain Names
========================================== ==========================
Computer Science: cs.rpi.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ecse.rpi.edu
Mechanical Engineering: meche.rpi.edu
Design Reseach Center: rdrc.rpi.edu
Robotics Automation Lab: ral.rpi.edu
Image Processing Lab: ipl.rpi.edu
Center for Advanced Technology: cat.rpi.edu
Integrated Electronic Arts Studio: iear.arts.rpi.edu
Engineering Computing Services: vm.ecs.rpi.edu,
Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Aachen, Germany): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
(Technical Institute of Aachen)
Format: ***@reze-1.rz.rwth-aachen.de
Rhodes College (Memphis, TN, USA): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rhhodes.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff: ***@rhodes.edu or ***@rhodes.edu in case of
Students: ***@rhodes.edu or LLLFM#@rhodes.edu in case of duplicates.
Browsable e-mail directory at
<URL:http://alpha.rhodes.edu/email/emaildir.html>. Try finger
Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ru.ac.za/>.
Searchable e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ru.ac.za/cgi-bin/whois.cgi>
Students: All undergraduate and postgraduate students are registered for
mail on centralised servers, but not everyone is active. The address is
of the form ***@campus.ru.ac.za, where USERID is the student number,
with the first character replaced with a "G" for students registered at
the Grahamstown campus, or with an "E" for students registered at the East
London campus. Students may additionally be registered on departmental
servers, or on systems run by RUCUS, the Rhodes University Computer Users
Staff: All academic, administrative and service staff (including members of
their immediate family) may obtain an email account on centralised servers
- but not all do so. There is a concerted attempt at standardising email
addresses to be of the form ***@ru.ac.za, but not everyone
has yet converted, and many are registered on departmental servers where
anything goes.
Rice University (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rice.edu/>.
Finger ***@rice.edu, where name is firstname or lastname. This should
return a definitive answer for the person unless an individual has
requested not to be listed. Mail sent to ***@rice.edu will be
correctly routed regardless of which network the student is on -- Owlnet
for undergrads, RUF for grads and faculty, CS, ECE, SPAC, etc.
Alumni may be reached at ***@alumni.rice.edu after they graduate. There
is currently no convenient method to search for alumni user IDs, but they
are generally the same as when the person was a student.
Rochester Institute of Technology [RIT] (Rochester, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rit.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://inside.rit.edu/directories/>.
Student accounts: fml####@rit.edu (student initials followed by 4 randomly
generated digits).
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute, IN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rose-hulman.edu/.ITEM>. There are
three major systems on which students are given accounts:
Academic VAXcluster: rosevc.rose-hulman.edu. All students have accounts.
NeXT workstation network: nextwork.rose-hulman.edu. All students have
CS department network: cs.rose-hulman.edu. Any student can get an account
upon request.
Student usernames are consistent across the systems, in the form llllllfm.
Mail addresses of the form: ***@rose-hulman.edu are also
accepted; mail is directed to a preferred address.
Rowan College of New Jersey (NJ, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rowan.edu/>.
(formerly Glassboro State College, renamed in 1993)
Below is a list of computers and who uses them. For help, send mail to
postmaster on whichever one seems the most appropriate. If you're not
sure, send it to ***@rowan.edu. Current email info (including most
of the electronic mail addresses on campus) is available on our Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gboro.rowan.edu:150>.
heroes.rowan.edu: administrative departments, secretaries, some faculty
saturn.rowan.edu: Academic Computing, students, some faculty
elan.rowan.edu: all School of Business faculty, students
irp.rowan.edu: Institutional Research and Planning
gboro.rowan.edu: Computer Science faculty, students
There is no on-line catalog of student e-mail addresses. If you send a
message to ***@rowan.edu you should get back the address (if there
is one) by the next business day.
Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kth.se/>.
All computer science students (belonging to NADA, the dept of numerical
analysis and computer science) have e-mail addresses of the form dNN-
***@nada.kth.se. NN is a two digit number telling what year the the
student was admitted to the computer science program. xxx is a 3 letter
code constructed from the first letter from the first name and the two
first letters from the last name.
Finger is available too.
All RIT staff can be found via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://kth.se>.
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Computer Science Dept: ***@cs.rmit.oz.au
Computer Science class has format: ***@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au, where s is
s, yy is year, mm is month, dd is day of acct expiration. x is some random
Royal Military College (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Oct 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rmc.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.rmc.ca>.
Online directory at <URL:gopher://ns.rmc.ca:105/2>.
PH service at ns.rmc.ca. An email entry in the 'ph' system does not
guarantee that an individual uses email regularly.
Ruhr-Universtität Bochum (Bochum, Germany): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/>.
Any student who applies for an e-mail adress gets one, normally
***@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de, but it can be changed by request
Rutgers (New Brunswick, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rutgers.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Camden and and Newark and
Faculty, staff and student search at
Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.shsu.edu/>. ***@shsu.edu. You
can finger but only by userid.
San Diego State University (San Diego, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sdsu.edu/>.
Faculty and Staff: ***@sciences.sdsu.edu where f is the first initial
followed by the last name.
General: ***@rohan.sdsu.edu or ucssun1.sdsu.edu.
To access the campus phone directory:
(1) whois -h sciences.sdsu.edu name
where name is the last name of the person you want.
(2) telnet to sciences.sdsu.edu and log in as whois
telnet sciences.sdsu.edu
SunOS UNIX (sciences)
login: whois
***** College of Sciences Online Phone Directory *****
You may:
* Enter a name the way you think it is spelled.
* Enter '=' followed by the first part of a correctly
spelled name.
* Enter '+' followed by an E-mail address.
* Enter '#' followed by a telephone number.
* Enter '*' followed by any part of a name.
* Enter '$' followed by a first name (sound alike)
* Enter '!' followed by a first name.
* Enter '?' or 'help' to display this message.
* Enter ^D or a blank line to terminate.
San Francisco State University (San Francisco, CA, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 9 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfsu.edu/>.
Login IDs can be just about anything, though ***@sfsu.edu and
***@sfsu.edu seem moderately common. Online directory at
San Jose State University (San Jose, CA, USA): Created: Mon Nov 24 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sjsu.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.sjsu.edu/employee/directory/>
Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.scu.edu/>.
Students and faculty with accounts there, at least in some cases, may be
reached as F(L7)@scuacc.scu.edu.
Personal home pages directory at <URL:http://www-
Sault College (Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.saultc.on.ca/>.
Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine (Chicago, IL, USA): Created: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.scholl.edu/>.
Students maintain a community directory at
<URL:http://orion.it.luc.edu/~jrost/ipmsastu.html>, and an alumni
directory at <URL:http://orion.it.luc.edu/~jrost/ipmsaalm.html>;
participation in each is voluntary.
Scripps College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Jul 3 1993
Finger ***@grover.claremont.edu.
Mail to: ***@scripps.claremont.edu (Novell network)
Finger at: charon.claremont.edu (Charon mail server)
Charon knows nothing about users unless they're logged in (and crashes
Seattle Pacific University (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/dirs/index.html>,
including online white pages at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/cgi-
Seattle University (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.seattleu.edu/>.
Directory of home pages at <URL:http://www.seattleu.edu/general/html.html>.
Selçuk Üniversitesi (Konya, Turkey): Created: Wed Feb 28 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/>.
To search for e-mail addresses, visit at
<URL:http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/personel/bilgi/giris.htm> and click on
"Personel Arama"; enter the given name and surname in box "Adý Soyadý" and
click button "Tamam".
Seneca College (Toronto, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.senecac.on.ca/>.
Sheridan College (Oakville, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in Brampton.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/cgi-
bin/cgiwrap/~ian/find/finduser.pl>; Web page directories for staff at
<URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/people/emppages.htm> and students at
Siena College (Loudonville, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
Bitnet addresses are of the form ***@siena.bitnet where f is 1st
initial, l is last initial, xxxx are the last 4 digits of the student's
social security number. The S stands for "student" and begins every
student email address.
Faculty's usernames are simply ***@siena.bitnet. The first initial is
added at the beginning of the username to break ties.
Special accounts for CS and other classes requiring heavy computer use exist
but are off-limits for Bitnet use.
Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC, Canada): Changed: Wed Nov 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfu.ca/>.
All email addresses at SFU (unless the person has requested otherwise) are
in a gopher directory, which can be accessed off the main page. Mail
addresses are usually either FM(L6)@sfu.ca or
***@sfu.edu. Some addresses are in subdomains like
Sir Sandford Fleming College (Peterborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.flemingc.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Cobourg, Lindsay, and Haliburton. Staff search
at <URL:http://ellington.flemingc.on.ca/staff/main.cfm>; student search at
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
General use: beothuk.swgc.mun.ca. Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://cwis.ucs.mun.ca/11/Sir Wilfred Grenfell College>.
Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
zipcode: 12866. phone: (518) 584-5000.
All e-mail is collected by scott.skidmore.edu.
Usernames normally take the form first initial and first seven characters
of the last name. You can also employ "fname.lname", giving the complete
first and last names separated by a dot.
Contact ***@SCOTT.SKIDMORE.EDU for any delivery problems or other questions
about the College.
Slippery Rock University (Slippery Rock, PA, USA): Created: Thu Apr 9 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sru.edu/>.
Faculty/staff: ***@sru.edu. Students: ***@sru.edu, where
nnnn are last 4 digits of Social Security number.
There is a directory of directories at
Smith College (Northampton, MA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smith.edu/>.
Try the online directory at <URL:http://www.smith.edu/people/>. Usernames
are usually F(L7)@smith.edu (or FM(L6)@smith.edu to prevent duplicate
Not everyone registers their preferred address with smith.edu. Faculty are
often on sophia.smith.edu, or science.smith.edu; administrative staff are
on ais.smith.edu.
Soka University of America (Aliso Viejo, CA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.soka.edu/>.
Students: ***@soka.edu.
Sonoma State University (Sonoma, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sonoma.edu/>.
Southeast Missouri State University (Cape Girardeau, MO, USA): Created: Wed Jun 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.semo.edu/>.
Student IDs are essentially random; few students have Web pages. Once you
look up a userid in the online directory at
<URL:http://semovm.semo.edu/a960/http/campus.dir.html>, mail to
A few departments have their own pages and/or servers, e.g. Biology
department at <URL:http://biology.semo.edu/>.
Southeastern Louisiana University (Hammond, LA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.selu.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.selu.edu/emailsearch.php>.
Southern Connecticut State University (New Haven, CT. USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.southernct.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.southernct.edu/search/email/>.
Southern Illinois University/Edwardsville (Edwardsville, IL, USA): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.siue.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.library.siue.edu/irs/empfind.html>;
student directory at <URL:http://www.library.siue.edu/irs/stdfind.html>.
Southern Oregon University (Ashland, OR, USA): Changed: Thu May 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sou.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.sou.edu/direct/>.
Southwest Missouri State University (Springield, MO, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smsu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.smsu.edu>.
Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos, TX, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 4 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.swt.edu/>.
Directories for faculty, staff at
<URL:http://www.swt.edu/catsweb/pe/pewbbddir_index.htm>, and students at
<URL:http://www.swt.edu/catsweb/rg/rgwbbddir_index.htm> are browsable but
Spelman College (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.auc.edu/>.
Try ***@auc.edu. Finger works.
St. Alban's College (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Created: Tue Jan 27 1998
Ramon Falcon 250 1832 - Lomas de Zamora ***@ssdnet.com.ar
St. Ambrose University (Davenport, IA, USA): Created: Tue Apr 10 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sau.edu/>.
There is a faculty/staff directory at
<URL:http://infotech.sau.edu/directory/>, bit I didn't find any student e-
mail directory. Some mailboxes appear to be FL(7)@sau.edu, but, instead
of truncating a lastname to 7, sometimes an internal vowel was eliminated
instead, e.g. X Anderson to xandersn.
St. Anselm College (Manchester, NH, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.anselm.edu/>.
Students, Faculty, Staff: ***@anselm.edu
Usernames are of the form flllllll, where f is the first letter of the first
name and lllllll are the first seven letters of the last name. If a last
name has less than 7 letters, the entire last name is used.
St. Clair College (Windsor, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stclair.on.ca/>.
St. Francis Xavier University (Antigonish, NS, Canada): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stfx.ca/>.
Faculty and some students: ***@juliet.stfx.ca.
Most students have userids of the form xyyabc, where x is the letter x, yy
is their freshman year, and abc are three arbitrary letters.
St. John's College (Santa Fe, NM, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stjohns-nm.edu/>.
Domain stjohns-nm.edu. There is no reliable system for finding addresses
because students are free to choose their own codeword as a name. Often
it consists of their first initial and last name, but not always.
St. John's University (Collegeville, MN, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 4 1994
Same domain as College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN, USA)
Students: ***@csbsju.edu
Faculty: ***@csbsju.edu
St. John's University (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Nov 27 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stjohns.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.stjohns.edu/directory/index.asp>.
St. Joseph University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sju.edu/>.
St. Lawrence College (Kingston, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stlawrencec.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Brockville and and Cornwall.
St. Louis University (St. Louis, MO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.slu.edu/>.
Main system: sluvca.slu.edu. Most userids are lastname or lastnameF or
lastnameFM. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.slu.edu>.
St. Mary's College of Maryland (St. Mary's City, MD, USA): Changed: Wed Jan 22 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/>.
Students: ***@osprey.smcm.edu. Some students have personal web pages
at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/StuLife/stupages.htm>.
There was once a faculty and staff directory available via Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://gopher.smcm.edu>, but it has disappeared. Some faculty and
staff have web pages at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/Academics/facstaff.htm>.
St. Michael's College (Colchester, VT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
General use: smcvax.smcvt.edu
St. Olaf College (Northfield, MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
UNIX accounts are created for all students upon their admission to the
College. Not all faculty and staff have accounts yet, but we're working
on that.
General address form: ***@stolaf.edu. Last name conflicts are usually
resolved by adding first and/or middle initials to the end of the last
Try fingering ***@stolaf.edu (note the capital letter).
Try using the St. Olaf Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.stolaf.edu>.
Phonebook information can be found under "St. Olaf Information".
Try sending email to ***@stolaf.edu describing the person you're
trying to contact.
CSO phone book server at cso.stolaf.edu.
Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stanford.edu/>.
Stanford has implemented a finger service for its whois database. Try
"finger ***@stanford.edu" first -- most students and lots of staff and
faculty now have their e-mail addresses registered with this service.
Name can be lastname, or for better results flastname or fmllllll.
Alternatively, this service can be accessed via whois:
whois -h stanford.edu name
If that doesn't work, most students (and lots of staff and faculty) have
accounts on leland.stanford.edu. The finger daemon on leland refuses off-
site finger.
A couple of other machines to try:
CS (Grad and undergrad): cs.stanford.edu
Geology/Earth sciences: pangea.stanford.edu
EE: sierra.stanford.edu
Psychology: psych.stanford.edu
Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches, TX, USA): Created: Wed Nov 20 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfasu.edu/>.
As of 1996.11.20, the e-mail search engine at
<URL:http://www.sfasu.edu/search1.htm> is temporarily unavailable.
Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stevens-tech.edu/>.
User name search at <URL:http://www.stevens-
Send mail to ***@SITVAX.STEVENS-TECH.EDU, where username is of the form
"first initial lastname" truncated to 8 characters, with a uniqueness
number. For example, John Smith would have the username JSMITH, but Jane
Smith (who's account was added after John's) would have JSMITH1.
SUNY/Albany (Albany, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jan 4 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.albany.edu/>.
There is a directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.albany.edu/directory/index.html>, which links to the
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.albany.edu/whois/>. There is no
student e-mail directory, but some students list their Web pages at
SUNY/Alfred (Alfred, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
(SUNY College of Technology at Alfred)
Students and faculty: ***@snyalfva.cc.alfredtech.edu (lastname,
firstname, middlename, though middle name sometimes isn't used).
SUNY/Binghamton (Binghamton, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
Renamed to Binghamton University
SUNY/Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Sep 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.buffalo.edu/>.
Use the online directory at <URL:http://ldap.buffalo.edu/query.html>.
SUNY/Canton (Canton, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
students: ***@scanva.bitnet, also try @snycanva.bitnet
SUNY/College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Syracuse, NY, USA): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.esf.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.esf.edu>.
Faculty, staff, and student email accounts are all handled by the Syracuse
University email system.
SUNY/Geneseo (Geneseo, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.geneseo.edu/>.
students: ***@uno.cc.geneseo.edu; yy is graduation year
Faculty are usually ***@geneseo.bitnet or @uno.cc.geneseo.edu, with
some exceptions for duplicate or extra-long last names.
SUNY/New Paltz (New Paltz, NY, USA): Created: Mon Feb 20 1995
Domain is newpaltz.edu, but they don't allow finger access from off campus.
SUNY/Oswego (Oswego, NY, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oswego.edu/>.
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part3
Morehead State University (Morehead, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.morehead-st.edu/>.
Faculty web pages at <URL:http:people.morehead-st.edu/fs/index.html>.
Student web pages at <URL:http://people.morehead-
st.edu/students/index.html> by login ID, which seem to be of the form
FMLLLL##@moreheadstate.edu or possibly FMLLLL##@morehead-st.edu, where ##
starts at 01 and is for distinguishing otherwise identical mailboxes.
Mount Allison University (Sackville, NB, Canada): Changed: Tue Jan 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mta.ca/>.
Faculty and staff: usually ***@mta.ca (or ***@mta.ca in case of
duplicates); there is a phone directory at
You can also find faculty, staff, and student names by fingering
mailserv.mta.ca with firstname or lastname; there is Web-based finger
server at <URL:http://www.mta.ca/cgi-bin/finger>.
Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtholyoke.edu/>.
Directory of directories,, at <URL:http://www.mtholyoke.edu/dir/>.
Mount Royal College (Calgary, AB, Canada): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mtroyal.ab.ca/>.
Student's userids are of the form llllll#### where # are the first four
digits of the student id. Staff userids are of the form flastname.
Mount Saint Mary's College (Emmitsburg, MD, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msmary.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and students: finger ***@msmary.edu.
Mount Saint Vincent University (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.msvu.ca/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://www.msvu.ca/findphonebook.html>.
Murray State University (Murray, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.murraystate.edu/>.
Faculty/staff and student search at
Muskingum College (New Concord, OH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Mail to ***@muskingum.edu. As of fall 1992 userids are usually
flastname; previously ff_lastname, possibly with a trailing 1. The finger
server just shows who is logged in; ***@muskingum.edu is willing to
handle inquiries.
National Cheng Kung University (Tainan City, Taiwan): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ncku.edu.tw/>.
General: e#######@dec3.ncku.edu.tw.
National University of Singapore (Singapore): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nus.sg/>.
CS Department Faculty or Staff: ***@leonis.nus.sg, where fas is
fas (faculty and staff), lastname is full lastname, f is first name, m is
middle name.
CS students: cz3.nus.sg or solar.nus.sg.
Art Department has numbered accounts, e.g. ***@leonis.nus.sg.
Nesna College (Nesna, Norway): Created: Fri Dec 3 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.hinesna.no/>.
Faculty, staff, students: browsable directory at
New England State (Henniker, NH, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nec.edu/>.
At one time student mailboxes had the form FirstnameM_Lastname.
New Jersey Institute of Technology (Newark, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.njit.edu/>.
Phone book and e-mail search at <URL:http://www.njit.edu/Phone/>.
New Mexico Institute Of Mining And Technology (Socorro, NM, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nmt.edu/>.
List of people directories at <URL:http://www.nmt.edu/mainpage/people.html>,
including student phone book at
<URL:http://www.nmt.edu/mainpage/dir/phonebook.html> and faculty/staff
phone book at <URL:http://phonebook.nmt.edu/viewbyname.asp>.
Try finger ***@nmt.edu or finger ***@jupiter.nmt.edu. Jupiter is the main
server; CS students generally have accounts on minos.nmt.edu. Accounts
generally seem to be of the form FLLLLLLL.
New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nmsu.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://aams.nmsu.edu/phonebook/>.
New York University [NYU] (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 7 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nyu.edu/>.
Web directory at <URL:http://www.nyu.edu/search.nyu>.
Niagara College (Welland, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.niagarac.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in Niagara Region.
Student e-mail addresses are not published. Faculty e-mail is usually
Nipissing University (North Bay, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unipissing.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:http://www.unipissing.ca/phone.htm>
Students: ***@student.unipissing.ca; there is no directory for
North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ncsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@eos.ncsu.edu, or use the whois server on
infopoint.cc.ncsu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.ncsu.edu>.
CS faculty/staff: accounts on adm.csc.ncsu.edu. No specific naming
convention for faculty accounts.
There are currently 4 active AFS cells within the NCSU realm.
unity.ncsu.edu: The NCSU Computing Center. Eventually all non-engineering
students will be here.
eos.ncsu.edu: NCSU Project Eos (all engineering accounts - faculty, staff,
and students). Student userids are usually fmllllll.
tx.ncsu.edu: NCSU College of Textiles
catt.ncsu.edu: NCSU CATT program, students and computers in a dorm
CS Graduate Students: used to have accounts on druid.csc.ncsu.edu, but are
now moving over to AFS. login names were gr-xxx where xxx are the initials
of the person. However, using the person first or last name will also
North Dakota Network (ND, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nodak.edu/>.
This section describes how to find email addresses for students who attend
Public Colleges and Universities in North Dakota. On all systems, userids
are lastname, possibly with first or middle initials if the last name is
not unique; you can finger lastname on all system.
General use machines: plains.bitnet, plains.nodak.edu, badlands.nodak.edu,
Faculty reseach: vision.nodak.edu.
sendit.nodak.edu is for North Dakota public education (teachers, school
districts, and professors of education and educational administration).
Agricultural extension: ndsuext.nodak.edu
ND HECN CMS (@ndsuvm1.bitnet) -or- (@vm1.nodak.edu). This is a VM/SP (CMS)
system. Userids are a bit more complicated here... The ND HECN (No-Dak
Higher Education Computer Network) consists of the following schools..
Their 2-letter school code follows.
Bismarck State College: BJ
North Dakota State University: NU
University of North Dakota: UD
Dickinson State College: DS
Williston State College: WS
Bottineau State College: BT
Lake Region Community College: LR
Valley City State College: VC
Mayville State College: MV
Minot State College: MN
State School of Science: SS
Userids given out prior to (approximately) August 1991 are assigned a
userid according to the following: Userids are in the form of LL######.
LL is the "School Code" (see above). The #'s are the first 6 digits of
the user's NAID number.
Userids given out after August 1991 are assigned according to last name,
or with part of their first name in front if the account is already
taken. They are trying to give you the same userid as your plain's id
(if you have one). Also, people with the 'old id' can request to have
their account renamed to the new format. You are able to finger
accounts on ndsuvm1, but as of 02-26-92 student names are not yet
available to finger. (It will tell you if the account at least exists
tho). Faculty/Staff names are available to finger. Each college has an
'administrative' account with the form LL0ADMIN. (LL = School Code). I
don't know if they will give out userids, but it's worth a try.
UND School of Medicine: try ***@medicine.und.nodak.edu for staff and
faculty; no student accounts as of Fall 1992. For help finding someone,
try 'finger' or contact ***@medicine.und.nodak.edu
North Dakota State College of Science (Wahpeton, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical listing of faculty/staff at
<URL:http://www.ndscs.nodak.edu/people/directory/>. See also North Dakota
North Dakota State University (Fargo, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/>.
Phone book at <URL:http://www.ndsu.nodak.edu/phonebook/>. See also North
Dakota Network.
Northeastern University (Boston, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.northeastern.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://www.northeastern.edu/directory>.
Finger ***@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu where <name> is a first-name, last-
name, or username. All students, faculty, staff, and alumni can have
accounts, but they have to be requested.
Student usernames are usually flllllll, but many students pick there own
variations. Many students never log in again once their class is through.
Northern Arizona University (Flagstaff, AZ, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
You can use any of the following ways to locate people at Northern Arizona
University. If one doesn't work, try the next. NOTE: not everyone at NAU
has an electronic mailbox.
1. finger ***@info.nau.edu where PERSON is any part of a person's name
that you know. You may have to use quotes, as in: finger "Jane
Doe"@info.nau.edu. This is a "white pages" style database. For more help
on this system: finger @info.nau.edu
2. mail ***@nau.edu where FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME are the
person you're trying to reach. You may need to specify
3. send mail to the site postmaster: mail ***@nau.edu Some
subdomains have postmasters e.g. ***@cse.nau.edu for the Computer
Science and Engineering department.
Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.niu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@niu.edu will reach anyone registered with the ph server.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.niu.edu>. Student accounts are of
the form ZXXYYYYY where XX is 90,91,92 (year of entrance to NIU and YYYYY
is random.
Engineering: finger ***@eiger.ceet.niu.edu
Encore MultiMax (mp.cs.niu.edu). CSCI students may have accounts on this
UNIX-based machine if their classes require it. Class accounts are of the
form 'T90nnnn' where 'nnnn' is a randomly-assigned four-digit number.
Undergraduate and graduate TA's may have accounts of the form 'T90fml1',
where f=first initial, m=middle initial, and l=last initial. Substitute
the letter 'X' for a missing middle initial. Older TA's may have an '8'
or '9' substituted for the '1'. Students who work for Academic Computing
Services, or are of a major other than CSCI, may also have accounts. Use
'finger' for more info.
CSCI LAN (csci.niu.edu) All CSCI faculty members and some graduate students
have accounts on this Novell LAN of the form 'T90fml1', same as above.
Amdahl 5890 (vm.cso.niu.edu) CSCI students may have accounts on this
mainframe running MVS and VM if their classes require it. Class accounts
are of the form 'T90nnnn', same as above. All TA's have an account of the
form 'T90fml1'.
Northern Kentucky University (Highland Heights, KY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nku.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.nku.edu/findit.php>.
Northwest Missouri State University (Maryville, MO, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwmissouri.edu/>.
Faculty/staff phone directory at
student phone directory at
Mail to ***@northwest.missouri.edu. Unfortunately usernames are
random numbers, starting with 01 for professors and 02 for students.
Northwestern College (Orange City, IA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwciowa.edu/>.
Students,and faculty/staff after July 1995: ***@nwciowa.edu.
Faculty and staff before July 1995 may use firstname or lastname.
Northwestern State University (Natchitoches, LA, USA):Created: Wed Jun 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nsula.edu/>.
There is a voluntary Web page registry at
Student e-mail addresses appear to be nslll####@alpha.nsula.edu, where ns is
the literal letters, lll the first three letters of last name, and #### a
4-digit number.
The college provides an online directory at
<URL:http://www.nsula.edu/departments/newweb/fax.htm> of phone numbers for
departments and centres.
Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nwu.edu/>.
PH service at ns.nwu.edu or via the online directory at <URL:http://www-
gate.it-services.nwu.edu/it/query-ph/query.cgi>. Students are
automatically entered on registration, usually F-Lastname#@nwu.edu where
number # is used only for disambiguation; users can change this to
whatever they like.
General e-mail services are shared by four machines: casbah.acns.nwu.edu,
plus lulu, hecky, and merle. Both Casbah and Merle support finger
Norwegian University of Technology (Trondheim, Norway): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.unit.no/>.
See University of Trondheim.
Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk, Russia): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.nstu.nsk.su/>.
630092, K. Marx Prospekt 20
Usernames can be hard to discover; ***@nstu.nsk.su is willing to be
helpful in tracking usernames.
Oakland University (Rochester, MI, USA): Changed: Thu Mar 25 1993
Hosts: vela.acs.oakland.edu, argo.acs.oakland.edu
Many departments maintain their own systems but their users usually have
accounts on either vela or argo as well.
Userids: Students: FMlastname Faculty: Lastname
Finger: on vela, use any portion of the name. On argo, you can only finger
the userid.
Oberlin College (Oberlin, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at
<URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/fussers/facstaff_directory.html>. Student
directory at <URL:http://www.oberlin.edu/fussers/student_directory.html>.
Occidental College (Los Angeles, CA, USA): Created: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oxy.edu/>.
Usually the email address is ***@oxy.edu, but in some cases the first
initial or first part of the first name is used, Addressses are not
All incoming students as of '92 get an email account, but not everyone uses
Ohio Northern University (Ada, OH, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.onu.edu/>.
Online phonebook at <URL:http://www.onu.edu/cgi-bin/carr-ph>. Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gopher.onu.edu>.
Ohio State University (Columbus, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.osu.edu/>.
Faculty, Staff, Graduate students: ***@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/cgi-bin/osu_inquiry>.
Searching the online directory at <URL:http://www.acs.ohio-state.edu/cgi-
bin/osu_inquiry> (or whois -h osu.edu) should find all students, faculty,
and staff, as should telnetting to osu.edu.
CS Students, Faculty and Staff: cis.ohio-state.edu, with username lastname,
fllllll, llllll-f, fml, firstname or lllll-fm.
Faculty and staff are mostly first or last name.
Also, some students have their accounts aliased so that you can send
mail/finger to lastname.#@osu.edu where # is required and is anything from
1 on up to infinity (these numbers can get very large for names like
Smith, i.e. in the thousands).
Ohio University (Athens, OH, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ohiou.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.ohiou.edu>, including links for
student and staff whois servers.
CS (UNIX): ***@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu
CS (VMS): oucsduce.cs.ohiou.edu
EE (grad students): ***@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu, @redskins.ent.ohiou.edu
Undergrads (class accounts): OUACCVMB.BITNET. Students are given accounts
of the form FL######@oak.cats.ohiou.edu; finger by ID or lastname.
Ohio Wesleyan University (Delaware, OH, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Finger ***@cc.owu.edu. All usernames (student/faculty/staff) are of
the form FMLLLLLL; if no middle initial, first initial is repeated.
Oklahoma State/Stillwater (Stillwater, OK, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.okstate.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://eguide.okstate.edu/eGuide/servlet/eGuide>.
***@rsc.ceat.okstate.edu or ***@osuunx.ucc.okstate.edu.
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology (Beaverton, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ogi.edu/>.
Only Graduate Students. Their host, ogccse, is @cse.ogc.edu.
This recently changed to cse.ogi.edu.
Oregon State System of Higher Education (OR, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.osshe.edu/>.
Oregon State University (Corvallis, OR, USA): Changed: Sat Jun 10 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.orst.edu/>.
Any student can get an account on ucs.orst.edu
CS: mist.cs.orst.edu, prism.cs.orst.edu
Admissions office: ***@ccmail.orst.edu.
Otterbein College (Westerville, OH, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 21 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.otterbein.edu/>.
Faculty/staff . at
<URL:http://www.otterbein.edu:8080/lookup/getNameOffCampus.jsp> Mailboxes
appear to be FLastname#@otterbein.edu or FMLastname#@otterbein.edu, where
#, if present, is a disambiguating number.
Our Lady of Holy Cross College (New Orleans, LA, USA):Created: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.olhcc.edu/>.
Web pages for some people are available at
Oxford University (Oxford, United Kingdom): Changed: Tue Nov 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ox.ac.uk/>.
Forms-based online directory at
If you happen to have an account at Oxford, you can telnet to info.ox.ac.uk,
which presents you with an online information system, one of whose
subsystems is an electronic mail directory showing all authorized users
who are willing to be so listed.
Pacific Lutheran University (Tacoma, WA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.plu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@plu.edu or @salt.plu.edu. The first is used by students,
faculty, etc for general or basic networking functions. Salt is used for
the Computer Science department and the Administration. Many students are
likely to have accounts on both machines.
Park College (Parkville, MO, USA): Created: Sat Dec 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.park.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.park.edu/fac/facdir.htm>.
Penn State University (State College, PA, USA): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.psu.edu/>.
Anyone can get mail on email.psu.edu (or psu.edu); addresses are fml###.
Course accounts may be fml###@psuvm.psu.edu.
PH service at ph.psu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://info.psu.edu>,
including telephone and other directories at
Computer Science: cse.psu.edu (UNIX), crayola.cse.psu.edu (Ultrix)
Math: math.psu.edu
Philadelphia Biblical University (Langhorne, PA, USA):Changed: Thu Mar 15 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pbu.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff: ***@pbu.edu. Students: ***@pbu.edu. Directory
of directories at <URL:http://www.pbu.edu/info/sendmail.htm>.
Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.philacol.edu/>.
Mail to (L8)(F3)@hardy.texsci.edu; faculty at (L8)***@laurel.texsci.edu.
Pitzer College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/>.
Some student Web pages at
<URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/studentlife/homepages.html>. Faculty Web pages
at <URL:http://www.pitzer.edu/academics/faculty.html>.
finger ***@pitvax.claremont.edu
Plattsburgh State University (Plattsburgh, NY, USA): Created: Mon Jan 11 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.plattsburgh.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, and administration directory at
Formerly known as SUNY Plattsburgh. Admissions ***@plattsburgh.edu.
Plymouth State College (Plymouth, NH, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Faculty & staff: ***@plymouth.edu or
***@psc.plymouth.edu or ***@psc.plymouth.edu
Students: finger ***@oz.plymouth.edu or finger
Polytechnic University (Brooklyn, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 10 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.poly.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Farmingdale (Polytechnic University Long Island
Campus) and and Hawthorne (Westchester Graduate Center).
Most login names follow the pattern FL(5)***@poly.edu. For students there
does not appear to be an e-mail directory; consult the student web page
directories at <URL:http://www.poly.edu/computing/index.cfm?men=m6>. For
faculty and staff, use the phone book at
Pomona College (Claremont, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Internet: ***@pomona.claremont.edu (bitnet ***@pomona.bitnet)
Usernames are the first character of the first name, followed by the full
last name (John Doe would be JDOE). In case of conflicts, the middle
initial is used between first and last name. (If JDOE already has an
account, James A. Doe would be JADOE). Finger works.
Portland State University (Portland, OR, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Students: odin.cc.pdx.edu
Prairie View A&M University (Waller County, TX, USA): Created: Tue Jun 17 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://http://www.pvamu.edu//>.
The e-mail Web page at <URL:http://www.pvamu.edu/emailsd.html> has links to
faculty and staff directories, and to a form for students to use to add
their entries to the student e-mail database.
Faculty seem to have mailboxes of the form F(L7)@pvamu.edu or sometimes
Presbyterian College (Clinton, SC, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
All student and faculty, except for a few, are ***@cs1.presby.edu.
Princeton University (Princeton, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.princeton.edu/>.
Use the people search on the main web page.
Providence College (Providence, RI, USA): Created: Thu Nov 11 1999
Faculty/staff usernames are usually FMLLLLLL, sometimes LLLLLLLL or
FFFFFFFL. Undergraduate students: FL(5)***@providence.edu where nn is two-
digit year of graduation.
Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.purdue.edu/>.
Student, faculty, and staff directory at
Purdue University Calumet (Hammond, IN, USA): Created: Tue Oct 6 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calumet.purdue.edu/>.
Use the main Purdue University directory service at
<URL:http://directory.purdue.edu/ph-query.html>, which you can restrict to
Calumet if you like.
Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://info.queensu.ca/>.
Our e-mail directory for faculty, student, and staff is at
For e-mail access to the directory, send a message to ***@queensu.ca
placing on the first line of the message body the command
find surname
Spelling of the surname must be exact. To restrict the search, you can add
a comma and an initial or given name, for example
find smith,d
For a detailed description of the service, send the command
Computing and Information Science: finger ***@cs.queensu.ca, where userid
is usually lastname or firstname.
Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.qut.edu.au/>.
Mail to ***@qut.edu.au
For the Faculty of Information Technology you also can use:
***@fit.qut.edu.au OR ***@fit.qut.edu.au OR
Quincy University (Quincy, IL, USA): Created: Wed Nov 9 1994
Ramapo College (Mahwah, NJ, USA): Created: Wed Nov 19 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ramapo.edu/>.
Reed College (Portland, OR, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.reed.edu/>.
***@reed.edu, where username is of the form flllllll
Some personal Web pages are listed at <URL:http://www.reed.edu/reed/users/>.
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI; Troy, NY, USA):Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/>.
Search the online directory at <URL:http://www.rpi.edu/phserver.html> of
staff and students, or telnet to infotrax.rpi.edu. Go to CAM, then DIR,
then STU, then
find name <username>
Rensselaer Computing System: rpi.edu. Open to all students, faculty and
staff. Userids are ***@rpi.edu with digits added to break ties.
finger ***@rpi.edu to verify userid only. but finger @rpi.edu
doesn't yield any login information.
Department Machine or Domain Names
========================================== ==========================
Computer Science: cs.rpi.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ecse.rpi.edu
Mechanical Engineering: meche.rpi.edu
Design Reseach Center: rdrc.rpi.edu
Robotics Automation Lab: ral.rpi.edu
Image Processing Lab: ipl.rpi.edu
Center for Advanced Technology: cat.rpi.edu
Integrated Electronic Arts Studio: iear.arts.rpi.edu
Engineering Computing Services: vm.ecs.rpi.edu,
Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Aachen, Germany): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
(Technical Institute of Aachen)
Format: ***@reze-1.rz.rwth-aachen.de
Rhodes College (Memphis, TN, USA): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rhhodes.edu/>.
Faculty/Staff: ***@rhodes.edu or ***@rhodes.edu in case of
Students: ***@rhodes.edu or LLLFM#@rhodes.edu in case of duplicates.
Browsable e-mail directory at
<URL:http://alpha.rhodes.edu/email/emaildir.html>. Try finger
Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa): Created: Sat Mar 20 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ru.ac.za/>.
Searchable e-mail directory at <URL:http://www.ru.ac.za/cgi-bin/whois.cgi>
Students: All undergraduate and postgraduate students are registered for
mail on centralised servers, but not everyone is active. The address is
of the form ***@campus.ru.ac.za, where USERID is the student number,
with the first character replaced with a "G" for students registered at
the Grahamstown campus, or with an "E" for students registered at the East
London campus. Students may additionally be registered on departmental
servers, or on systems run by RUCUS, the Rhodes University Computer Users
Staff: All academic, administrative and service staff (including members of
their immediate family) may obtain an email account on centralised servers
- but not all do so. There is a concerted attempt at standardising email
addresses to be of the form ***@ru.ac.za, but not everyone
has yet converted, and many are registered on departmental servers where
anything goes.
Rice University (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 29 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rice.edu/>.
Finger ***@rice.edu, where name is firstname or lastname. This should
return a definitive answer for the person unless an individual has
requested not to be listed. Mail sent to ***@rice.edu will be
correctly routed regardless of which network the student is on -- Owlnet
for undergrads, RUF for grads and faculty, CS, ECE, SPAC, etc.
Alumni may be reached at ***@alumni.rice.edu after they graduate. There
is currently no convenient method to search for alumni user IDs, but they
are generally the same as when the person was a student.
Rochester Institute of Technology [RIT] (Rochester, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rit.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://inside.rit.edu/directories/>.
Student accounts: fml####@rit.edu (student initials followed by 4 randomly
generated digits).
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute, IN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rose-hulman.edu/.ITEM>. There are
three major systems on which students are given accounts:
Academic VAXcluster: rosevc.rose-hulman.edu. All students have accounts.
NeXT workstation network: nextwork.rose-hulman.edu. All students have
CS department network: cs.rose-hulman.edu. Any student can get an account
upon request.
Student usernames are consistent across the systems, in the form llllllfm.
Mail addresses of the form: ***@rose-hulman.edu are also
accepted; mail is directed to a preferred address.
Rowan College of New Jersey (NJ, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rowan.edu/>.
(formerly Glassboro State College, renamed in 1993)
Below is a list of computers and who uses them. For help, send mail to
postmaster on whichever one seems the most appropriate. If you're not
sure, send it to ***@rowan.edu. Current email info (including most
of the electronic mail addresses on campus) is available on our Gopher
service at <URL:gopher://gboro.rowan.edu:150>.
heroes.rowan.edu: administrative departments, secretaries, some faculty
saturn.rowan.edu: Academic Computing, students, some faculty
elan.rowan.edu: all School of Business faculty, students
irp.rowan.edu: Institutional Research and Planning
gboro.rowan.edu: Computer Science faculty, students
There is no on-line catalog of student e-mail addresses. If you send a
message to ***@rowan.edu you should get back the address (if there
is one) by the next business day.
Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.kth.se/>.
All computer science students (belonging to NADA, the dept of numerical
analysis and computer science) have e-mail addresses of the form dNN-
***@nada.kth.se. NN is a two digit number telling what year the the
student was admitted to the computer science program. xxx is a 3 letter
code constructed from the first letter from the first name and the two
first letters from the last name.
Finger is available too.
All RIT staff can be found via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://kth.se>.
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Computer Science Dept: ***@cs.rmit.oz.au
Computer Science class has format: ***@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au, where s is
s, yy is year, mm is month, dd is day of acct expiration. x is some random
Royal Military College (Kingston, Ontario, Canada): Created: Fri Oct 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rmc.ca/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.rmc.ca>.
Online directory at <URL:gopher://ns.rmc.ca:105/2>.
PH service at ns.rmc.ca. An email entry in the 'ph' system does not
guarantee that an individual uses email regularly.
Ruhr-Universtität Bochum (Bochum, Germany): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/>.
Any student who applies for an e-mail adress gets one, normally
***@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de, but it can be changed by request
Rutgers (New Brunswick, NJ, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.rutgers.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Camden and and Newark and
Faculty, staff and student search at
Sam Houston State University (Huntsville, TX, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.shsu.edu/>. ***@shsu.edu. You
can finger but only by userid.
San Diego State University (San Diego, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sdsu.edu/>.
Faculty and Staff: ***@sciences.sdsu.edu where f is the first initial
followed by the last name.
General: ***@rohan.sdsu.edu or ucssun1.sdsu.edu.
To access the campus phone directory:
(1) whois -h sciences.sdsu.edu name
where name is the last name of the person you want.
(2) telnet to sciences.sdsu.edu and log in as whois
telnet sciences.sdsu.edu
SunOS UNIX (sciences)
login: whois
***** College of Sciences Online Phone Directory *****
You may:
* Enter a name the way you think it is spelled.
* Enter '=' followed by the first part of a correctly
spelled name.
* Enter '+' followed by an E-mail address.
* Enter '#' followed by a telephone number.
* Enter '*' followed by any part of a name.
* Enter '$' followed by a first name (sound alike)
* Enter '!' followed by a first name.
* Enter '?' or 'help' to display this message.
* Enter ^D or a blank line to terminate.
San Francisco State University (San Francisco, CA, USA): Changed: Wed Feb 9 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfsu.edu/>.
Login IDs can be just about anything, though ***@sfsu.edu and
***@sfsu.edu seem moderately common. Online directory at
San Jose State University (San Jose, CA, USA): Created: Mon Nov 24 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sjsu.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.sjsu.edu/employee/directory/>
Santa Clara University (Santa Clara, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.scu.edu/>.
Students and faculty with accounts there, at least in some cases, may be
reached as F(L7)@scuacc.scu.edu.
Personal home pages directory at <URL:http://www-
Sault College (Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.saultc.on.ca/>.
Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine (Chicago, IL, USA): Created: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.scholl.edu/>.
Students maintain a community directory at
<URL:http://orion.it.luc.edu/~jrost/ipmsastu.html>, and an alumni
directory at <URL:http://orion.it.luc.edu/~jrost/ipmsaalm.html>;
participation in each is voluntary.
Scripps College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Jul 3 1993
Finger ***@grover.claremont.edu.
Mail to: ***@scripps.claremont.edu (Novell network)
Finger at: charon.claremont.edu (Charon mail server)
Charon knows nothing about users unless they're logged in (and crashes
Seattle Pacific University (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/dirs/index.html>,
including online white pages at <URL:http://www.spu.edu/cgi-
Seattle University (Seattle, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.seattleu.edu/>.
Directory of home pages at <URL:http://www.seattleu.edu/general/html.html>.
Selçuk Üniversitesi (Konya, Turkey): Created: Wed Feb 28 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/>.
To search for e-mail addresses, visit at
<URL:http://www.selcuk.edu.tr/personel/bilgi/giris.htm> and click on
"Personel Arama"; enter the given name and surname in box "Adý Soyadý" and
click button "Tamam".
Seneca College (Toronto, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.senecac.on.ca/>.
Sheridan College (Oakville, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in Brampton.
Online directory at <URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/cgi-
bin/cgiwrap/~ian/find/finduser.pl>; Web page directories for staff at
<URL:http://www.sheridanc.on.ca/people/emppages.htm> and students at
Siena College (Loudonville, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
Bitnet addresses are of the form ***@siena.bitnet where f is 1st
initial, l is last initial, xxxx are the last 4 digits of the student's
social security number. The S stands for "student" and begins every
student email address.
Faculty's usernames are simply ***@siena.bitnet. The first initial is
added at the beginning of the username to break ties.
Special accounts for CS and other classes requiring heavy computer use exist
but are off-limits for Bitnet use.
Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, BC, Canada): Changed: Wed Nov 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfu.ca/>.
All email addresses at SFU (unless the person has requested otherwise) are
in a gopher directory, which can be accessed off the main page. Mail
addresses are usually either FM(L6)@sfu.ca or
***@sfu.edu. Some addresses are in subdomains like
Sir Sandford Fleming College (Peterborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.flemingc.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Cobourg, Lindsay, and Haliburton. Staff search
at <URL:http://ellington.flemingc.on.ca/staff/main.cfm>; student search at
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College (Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
General use: beothuk.swgc.mun.ca. Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://cwis.ucs.mun.ca/11/Sir Wilfred Grenfell College>.
Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
zipcode: 12866. phone: (518) 584-5000.
All e-mail is collected by scott.skidmore.edu.
Usernames normally take the form first initial and first seven characters
of the last name. You can also employ "fname.lname", giving the complete
first and last names separated by a dot.
Contact ***@SCOTT.SKIDMORE.EDU for any delivery problems or other questions
about the College.
Slippery Rock University (Slippery Rock, PA, USA): Created: Thu Apr 9 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sru.edu/>.
Faculty/staff: ***@sru.edu. Students: ***@sru.edu, where
nnnn are last 4 digits of Social Security number.
There is a directory of directories at
Smith College (Northampton, MA, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smith.edu/>.
Try the online directory at <URL:http://www.smith.edu/people/>. Usernames
are usually F(L7)@smith.edu (or FM(L6)@smith.edu to prevent duplicate
Not everyone registers their preferred address with smith.edu. Faculty are
often on sophia.smith.edu, or science.smith.edu; administrative staff are
on ais.smith.edu.
Soka University of America (Aliso Viejo, CA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.soka.edu/>.
Students: ***@soka.edu.
Sonoma State University (Sonoma, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sonoma.edu/>.
Southeast Missouri State University (Cape Girardeau, MO, USA): Created: Wed Jun 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.semo.edu/>.
Student IDs are essentially random; few students have Web pages. Once you
look up a userid in the online directory at
<URL:http://semovm.semo.edu/a960/http/campus.dir.html>, mail to
A few departments have their own pages and/or servers, e.g. Biology
department at <URL:http://biology.semo.edu/>.
Southeastern Louisiana University (Hammond, LA, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 16 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.selu.edu/>.
Directory at <URL:http://www.selu.edu/emailsearch.php>.
Southern Connecticut State University (New Haven, CT. USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.southernct.edu/>.
People search at <URL:http://www.southernct.edu/search/email/>.
Southern Illinois University/Edwardsville (Edwardsville, IL, USA): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.siue.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.library.siue.edu/irs/empfind.html>;
student directory at <URL:http://www.library.siue.edu/irs/stdfind.html>.
Southern Oregon University (Ashland, OR, USA): Changed: Thu May 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sou.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.sou.edu/direct/>.
Southwest Missouri State University (Springield, MO, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smsu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.smsu.edu>.
Southwest Texas State University (San Marcos, TX, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 4 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.swt.edu/>.
Directories for faculty, staff at
<URL:http://www.swt.edu/catsweb/pe/pewbbddir_index.htm>, and students at
<URL:http://www.swt.edu/catsweb/rg/rgwbbddir_index.htm> are browsable but
Spelman College (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.auc.edu/>.
Try ***@auc.edu. Finger works.
St. Alban's College (Buenos Aires, Argentina): Created: Tue Jan 27 1998
Ramon Falcon 250 1832 - Lomas de Zamora ***@ssdnet.com.ar
St. Ambrose University (Davenport, IA, USA): Created: Tue Apr 10 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sau.edu/>.
There is a faculty/staff directory at
<URL:http://infotech.sau.edu/directory/>, bit I didn't find any student e-
mail directory. Some mailboxes appear to be FL(7)@sau.edu, but, instead
of truncating a lastname to 7, sometimes an internal vowel was eliminated
instead, e.g. X Anderson to xandersn.
St. Anselm College (Manchester, NH, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.anselm.edu/>.
Students, Faculty, Staff: ***@anselm.edu
Usernames are of the form flllllll, where f is the first letter of the first
name and lllllll are the first seven letters of the last name. If a last
name has less than 7 letters, the entire last name is used.
St. Clair College (Windsor, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stclair.on.ca/>.
St. Francis Xavier University (Antigonish, NS, Canada): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stfx.ca/>.
Faculty and some students: ***@juliet.stfx.ca.
Most students have userids of the form xyyabc, where x is the letter x, yy
is their freshman year, and abc are three arbitrary letters.
St. John's College (Santa Fe, NM, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stjohns-nm.edu/>.
Domain stjohns-nm.edu. There is no reliable system for finding addresses
because students are free to choose their own codeword as a name. Often
it consists of their first initial and last name, but not always.
St. John's University (Collegeville, MN, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 4 1994
Same domain as College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN, USA)
Students: ***@csbsju.edu
Faculty: ***@csbsju.edu
St. John's University (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Nov 27 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stjohns.edu/>.
Employee directory at <URL:http://www.stjohns.edu/directory/index.asp>.
St. Joseph University (Philadelphia, PA, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sju.edu/>.
St. Lawrence College (Kingston, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stlawrencec.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Brockville and and Cornwall.
St. Louis University (St. Louis, MO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.slu.edu/>.
Main system: sluvca.slu.edu. Most userids are lastname or lastnameF or
lastnameFM. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.slu.edu>.
St. Mary's College of Maryland (St. Mary's City, MD, USA): Changed: Wed Jan 22 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/>.
Students: ***@osprey.smcm.edu. Some students have personal web pages
at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/StuLife/stupages.htm>.
There was once a faculty and staff directory available via Gopher service at
<URL:gopher://gopher.smcm.edu>, but it has disappeared. Some faculty and
staff have web pages at <URL:http://www.smcm.edu/Academics/facstaff.htm>.
St. Michael's College (Colchester, VT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 23 1995
General use: smcvax.smcvt.edu
St. Olaf College (Northfield, MN, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
UNIX accounts are created for all students upon their admission to the
College. Not all faculty and staff have accounts yet, but we're working
on that.
General address form: ***@stolaf.edu. Last name conflicts are usually
resolved by adding first and/or middle initials to the end of the last
Try fingering ***@stolaf.edu (note the capital letter).
Try using the St. Olaf Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.stolaf.edu>.
Phonebook information can be found under "St. Olaf Information".
Try sending email to ***@stolaf.edu describing the person you're
trying to contact.
CSO phone book server at cso.stolaf.edu.
Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stanford.edu/>.
Stanford has implemented a finger service for its whois database. Try
"finger ***@stanford.edu" first -- most students and lots of staff and
faculty now have their e-mail addresses registered with this service.
Name can be lastname, or for better results flastname or fmllllll.
Alternatively, this service can be accessed via whois:
whois -h stanford.edu name
If that doesn't work, most students (and lots of staff and faculty) have
accounts on leland.stanford.edu. The finger daemon on leland refuses off-
site finger.
A couple of other machines to try:
CS (Grad and undergrad): cs.stanford.edu
Geology/Earth sciences: pangea.stanford.edu
EE: sierra.stanford.edu
Psychology: psych.stanford.edu
Stephen F. Austin State University (Nacogdoches, TX, USA): Created: Wed Nov 20 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.sfasu.edu/>.
As of 1996.11.20, the e-mail search engine at
<URL:http://www.sfasu.edu/search1.htm> is temporarily unavailable.
Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NJ, USA): Changed: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stevens-tech.edu/>.
User name search at <URL:http://www.stevens-
Send mail to ***@SITVAX.STEVENS-TECH.EDU, where username is of the form
"first initial lastname" truncated to 8 characters, with a uniqueness
number. For example, John Smith would have the username JSMITH, but Jane
Smith (who's account was added after John's) would have JSMITH1.
SUNY/Albany (Albany, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Jan 4 2001
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.albany.edu/>.
There is a directory of directories at
<URL:http://www.albany.edu/directory/index.html>, which links to the
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.albany.edu/whois/>. There is no
student e-mail directory, but some students list their Web pages at
SUNY/Alfred (Alfred, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
(SUNY College of Technology at Alfred)
Students and faculty: ***@snyalfva.cc.alfredtech.edu (lastname,
firstname, middlename, though middle name sometimes isn't used).
SUNY/Binghamton (Binghamton, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
Renamed to Binghamton University
SUNY/Buffalo (Buffalo, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Sep 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.buffalo.edu/>.
Use the online directory at <URL:http://ldap.buffalo.edu/query.html>.
SUNY/Canton (Canton, NY, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
students: ***@scanva.bitnet, also try @snycanva.bitnet
SUNY/College of Environmental Science and Forestry (Syracuse, NY, USA): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.esf.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.esf.edu>.
Faculty, staff, and student email accounts are all handled by the Syracuse
University email system.
SUNY/Geneseo (Geneseo, NY, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.geneseo.edu/>.
students: ***@uno.cc.geneseo.edu; yy is graduation year
Faculty are usually ***@geneseo.bitnet or @uno.cc.geneseo.edu, with
some exceptions for duplicate or extra-long last names.
SUNY/New Paltz (New Paltz, NY, USA): Created: Mon Feb 20 1995
Domain is newpaltz.edu, but they don't allow finger access from off campus.
SUNY/Oswego (Oswego, NY, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.oswego.edu/>.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)