2008-05-29 19:28:37 UTC
He arrived on the grounds of the Ontario Legislature at 9:40 a.m. on
May 28th to speak with 1st Nation people who came to urge the Gov't
to release Gordon Lovelace from jail.
Quickly, he was surrounded in a semicircle formation by five (5)
claiming to the members of the Christian Peace Team (CPT).
Threatened with being charged for creating a disturbance, they told
that he had to deal with them, the CPT, if he wanted to speak with
(By the way he already heard this very same threat, being charged for
creating a disturbance at Ryerson University in September 2007 during
the Toronto Film Festival when he was he illegally detained for over
(2) hours the Police and brutally interrogated with HANDCUFFS ON! all
for writing with chalk in front of the Ryerson University Bookstore:
REVOLUTION eh-ok.ca.)
(In the end, after the Police added an EXTRA! pair of hand cuffs that
were painfully much tighter than the first pair, he was escorted to
cruiser, and thrown in the intentionally cramp back seat like a log
BOTH! pairs of handcuffs on.)
(Unable to move, he had extreme difficulty breathing; then, he was
driven back to Seaton House where the head staff member questioned
his sanity because of the incident and strongly suggested that he
needed psychiatrict help which was no longer optional on his part.
This caused him to leave for Montreal.)
Incredibly, he heard the CPT at Queen's Park telling the 1st Nation
people there that they, the CPT, were the ones in charge of "this
event". In other words, the Gov't has effectively shanghaied the
The CPT informed the 1st Nation people there that the Court Room
that they were going to go to was *unfortunately* VERY! small and
therefore, only a VERY! few people would be allowed inside.
The President/Party Leader of the Églaité Party of Canada upon
hearing this YELLED! that the Court room was INTENTIONALLY!
SMALL, that they were victims of a VERY! EFFECTIVE Gov't
PROGRAM OF PASSIVE GENOCIDE, that the so-called members
of the CPT were more than likely Gov't OPERATIVES as far as he
was concerned, and consequently, each one of them is under
Not allowed by the CPT to speak to any 1st Nation person and
his freedom of movement ILLEGALLY curtailed (a criminal offence)
by the CPT, he walked away telling the CPT that he was satisfied
in WARNING! the 1st Nation members there that they, the CPT,
are more than likely Gov't operatives and that they were under
heavy surveillance by the Gov't of Canada.
Background Information
Robert Lovelace from the Northern Western Ontario community
of Ardoch jailed for six (6) months for contempt of court for PRO-
HIBITING! mining exploration on their traditional 1st Nation's lands.
Incidentally, the Court of Canada has unequivocally stated that
the Gov't of Canada must consult with Aboriginal Nations *before*
the licensing mining exploration on 1st Nation lands can proceed.
The judge rejected Robert Lovelace’s testimony that he was
defending Algonquin Law on his territory saying: "This is a land
issue based on our sovereignty."
The Goverment's response has been to jail Robert Lovelace and
those opposing the mining company and to impose a $50,000
fine on the 1st Nation community.
"Is this kind of ILLEGAL! and ARBITRARY! Police State FASCIST!
response FAIR?" asks the President/Party Leader of the Égalité
Party of Canada.
He rebukes it saying: "Absolutely, NOT!"
He says" "Premier Dalton McGuinty MUST! DO THE RIGHT
THING: withdraw the licenses issued to these mining companies
and free Robert Lovelace and his associates."
BOYCOTT! of Gov't Events
DUE TO his continual harrassment by undercover cops at Seaton
(Only last week the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of
Canada was threatened to be thrown out of Seaton House if he did
not agree to see a psychiatrist on staff: no justification was given
this. His responded by saying that Seaton House will need to put
this demand in writing.)
of the Poor in Canada using a multi-billion dollar full-time
undercover Police apparatus whose notoreity is the rampant use
entrampment to jail people.
DUE TO 100% CROOKED! Gov't.
Tthe the President/Party Leader of the Églaité Party of Canada is
encouraging ALL! Canadians NOT only to NOT! VOTE, BUT ALSO
to BOYCOTT! all Gov't events.
BY! the People FOR! the People
For CLEAN! Gov't by the People and for the People, support and
join the Églaité Party of Canada.
Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin.,
B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude"
President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada
( http://www.eh-ok.ca)
Let's DEcriminalize Government in order to end proverty.
DÉcriminalisons le Gouvernement afin d'enrayer la pauvreté.
"talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman)
May 28th to speak with 1st Nation people who came to urge the Gov't
to release Gordon Lovelace from jail.
Quickly, he was surrounded in a semicircle formation by five (5)
claiming to the members of the Christian Peace Team (CPT).
Threatened with being charged for creating a disturbance, they told
that he had to deal with them, the CPT, if he wanted to speak with
(By the way he already heard this very same threat, being charged for
creating a disturbance at Ryerson University in September 2007 during
the Toronto Film Festival when he was he illegally detained for over
(2) hours the Police and brutally interrogated with HANDCUFFS ON! all
for writing with chalk in front of the Ryerson University Bookstore:
REVOLUTION eh-ok.ca.)
(In the end, after the Police added an EXTRA! pair of hand cuffs that
were painfully much tighter than the first pair, he was escorted to
cruiser, and thrown in the intentionally cramp back seat like a log
BOTH! pairs of handcuffs on.)
(Unable to move, he had extreme difficulty breathing; then, he was
driven back to Seaton House where the head staff member questioned
his sanity because of the incident and strongly suggested that he
needed psychiatrict help which was no longer optional on his part.
This caused him to leave for Montreal.)
Incredibly, he heard the CPT at Queen's Park telling the 1st Nation
people there that they, the CPT, were the ones in charge of "this
event". In other words, the Gov't has effectively shanghaied the
The CPT informed the 1st Nation people there that the Court Room
that they were going to go to was *unfortunately* VERY! small and
therefore, only a VERY! few people would be allowed inside.
The President/Party Leader of the Églaité Party of Canada upon
hearing this YELLED! that the Court room was INTENTIONALLY!
SMALL, that they were victims of a VERY! EFFECTIVE Gov't
PROGRAM OF PASSIVE GENOCIDE, that the so-called members
of the CPT were more than likely Gov't OPERATIVES as far as he
was concerned, and consequently, each one of them is under
Not allowed by the CPT to speak to any 1st Nation person and
his freedom of movement ILLEGALLY curtailed (a criminal offence)
by the CPT, he walked away telling the CPT that he was satisfied
in WARNING! the 1st Nation members there that they, the CPT,
are more than likely Gov't operatives and that they were under
heavy surveillance by the Gov't of Canada.
Background Information
Robert Lovelace from the Northern Western Ontario community
of Ardoch jailed for six (6) months for contempt of court for PRO-
HIBITING! mining exploration on their traditional 1st Nation's lands.
Incidentally, the Court of Canada has unequivocally stated that
the Gov't of Canada must consult with Aboriginal Nations *before*
the licensing mining exploration on 1st Nation lands can proceed.
The judge rejected Robert Lovelace’s testimony that he was
defending Algonquin Law on his territory saying: "This is a land
issue based on our sovereignty."
The Goverment's response has been to jail Robert Lovelace and
those opposing the mining company and to impose a $50,000
fine on the 1st Nation community.
"Is this kind of ILLEGAL! and ARBITRARY! Police State FASCIST!
response FAIR?" asks the President/Party Leader of the Égalité
Party of Canada.
He rebukes it saying: "Absolutely, NOT!"
He says" "Premier Dalton McGuinty MUST! DO THE RIGHT
THING: withdraw the licenses issued to these mining companies
and free Robert Lovelace and his associates."
BOYCOTT! of Gov't Events
DUE TO his continual harrassment by undercover cops at Seaton
(Only last week the President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of
Canada was threatened to be thrown out of Seaton House if he did
not agree to see a psychiatrist on staff: no justification was given
this. His responded by saying that Seaton House will need to put
this demand in writing.)
of the Poor in Canada using a multi-billion dollar full-time
undercover Police apparatus whose notoreity is the rampant use
entrampment to jail people.
DUE TO 100% CROOKED! Gov't.
Tthe the President/Party Leader of the Églaité Party of Canada is
encouraging ALL! Canadians NOT only to NOT! VOTE, BUT ALSO
to BOYCOTT! all Gov't events.
BY! the People FOR! the People
For CLEAN! Gov't by the People and for the People, support and
join the Églaité Party of Canada.
Kenneth Selin (say'leen)
B.A.(Psychology), B.A.(Spanish), B.Admin.,
B.Comm.(Honours), B.A.(Italian) "magna cum laude"
President/Party Leader of the Égalité Party of Canada
( http://www.eh-ok.ca)
Let's DEcriminalize Government in order to end proverty.
DÉcriminalisons le Gouvernement afin d'enrayer la pauvreté.
"talking about a revolution" (Tracy Chapman)