2007-01-07 10:30:03 UTC
Url: http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/college.html
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part1
This is a summary of how to find email addresses for undergraduate and
graduate students, faculty and staff at various colleges and universities. It
is available on the World-Wide Web (via browsers such as Mosaic or lynx) at
A chronological list of changes is available at
If your university is not listed, send me a detailed description of how to
find email addresses there, in a format similar to what I have here, and I'll
add it to this list. Please mail ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, and
OTHER INFORMATION to me at ***@spamcop.net. I will *not* answer requests
for help finding a specific address; if the school is not listed in this
posting, I do not have any information about the site.
For general information about finding e-mail addresses, check the FAQ on How
to find people's E-mail addresses at
<URL:http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/finding.html>, posted regularly to
soc.net-people and comp.mail.misc.
An updated version of this list is posted every once in a while to the
newsgroups soc.college, soc.net-people and news.answers. The version date for
this list is located at the top of the file. The list is also available via
anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.queensu.ca in directory pub/dalamb/email as the
files faq1.txt, ..., faqN.txt, where N is the current number of parts. You
can get all the FAQs posted to soc.college by sending a message to "mail-
***@rtfm.mit.edu" whose body contains
send usenet/soc.college/*
We present detailed information on locating the email addresses of students,
faculty and staff at various universities. As of Feb 1993 I've started to tag
entries with the date I last changed them, so you have some clue as to how
stale the information might be.
Disclaimer: Most universities have restrictions on the uses of directory
information. So don't use this info for commercial purposes or whatnot without
securing permission from the individual colleges and universities.
* College Indexes on the Web *
The following items are collections of links to university home pages.
* American College and University Admissions Offices (USA) at
* American Colleges and Universities by State (USA) at
* American Community Colleges (USA Only) at <URL:http://www.community-
* American Universities (USA only) at
* Canadian Universities (Canada only) at
* Canadian Universities, Colleges, and Schools (Canada Only) at
* College and university admission office e-mail addresses (USA) at
* College and university admission office phone numbers (USA) at
* College and University Home Pages (Worldwide) at
* CollegeNET - Internet Guide to Colleges and Universities (USA and Canada)
at <URL:http://www.collegenet.com/>.
* CollegeFind - American College Index at
* Community Colleges (USA only) at
* Current students and alumni (USA only) at
* Educational institutions seeking to recruit international students
(Worldwide) at <URL:http://www.worldofstudy.com/>.
* Finnish Universities at
* Historically Black Colleges and Universities (primarily USA) at
* International Education (18 countries) at
* U101 College Search (USA and Canada) at <URL:http://U101.com/>.
* UK Academic Sites (UK only; map-based) at
* University Home Pages (USA only) at <URL:http://isl-
* Student home pages by School at
* General Information *
To avoid repeating long explanations, the entries for individual universities
use a generic acronym for user IDs, formed from F's for characters from the
front of the first name, M's for characters from the front of the middle name,
L's for characters from the front of the last name. Examples are given for
two full names: "Mark Kantrowitz" (no middle initial, long last name) and
"John C Smith".
* Many UNIX sites limit userids to 8 characters, so try the first 8
characters of the last name. [smith or kantrowi] LLLLLLLL or L(8)
* If there are two people with the same last name, the first initial (and
possibly the middle initial as well) are appended at the front of the
name. [jsmith or jcsmith] FLLLLLLL FMLLLLLL or FL(7) FML(6)
* Try appending the initials at the end of the name. [smithj or smithjc]
* Try the initials of the users name. [jcs] FML
* Some sites allow longer "aliases" for finger and for mailboxes. Aliases
might be arbitrary, but some sites allow some form of the user's full
name, such as Firstname.Lastname [John.Smith or Mark.Kantrowitz] or
* Email Database *
Aalborg University (Aalborg, Dennmark): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aau.dk/>.
There is a people search field on the home page.
Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 7 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acu.edu/>.
Email addresses may be found via a search page at
College of Biblical Studies at <URL:http://bible.acu.edu/>: Email to
***@bible.acu.edu. Anonymous FTP available; listserv at
Abo Akademi University (Turku, Finland): Changed: Tue Jan 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.abo.fi/>.
e-mail: ***@abo.fi, or ***@abo.fi. finger:
***@ra.abo.fi, or ***@ra.abo.fi.
Postal address: Abo Akademi, FIN-20500 Abo
University operator: +358 (0)2 215 31
Computing centre help desk: ***@abo.fi
Acadia University (Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acadiau.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://mail.acadiau.ca/emailsearch/>.
Ajman Univirsity Of Science And Technology (Ajman City, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ajman.ac.ae/>.
Albion College (Albion, MI, USA): Created: Tue Oct 19 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.albion.edu/>.
Students: ***@albion.edu, where xx is a unique 2-digit number. Faculty:
Alfred University (Alfred, NY, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alfred.edu/>.
Alphabetical list of students at
<URL:http://www.alfred.edu/students/html/student_directory.html">, staff
Almost all students and faculty have email adresses in the form
***@bigvax.alfred.edu, but exceptions abound. Connecting via
telnet to bigvax.alfred.edu and logging on as GENERAL will connect to the
GENERAL account, which supports username searches. Outside finger is not
Algonquin College (Nepean, ON, Canada): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at
Phone directory at <URL:http://www.algonquincollege.com/cgi-
bin/WebPh?DB=csnet-ns> (requires full name).
Allegheny College (Meadville, PA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alleg.edu/>.
Students: (L6)***@alleg.edu. In case of duplicates, a digit (2-9) is added.
Faculty and staff: F(L7)@alleg.edu.
Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales (Center Valley, PA, USA): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.allencol.edu/>.
Mail to fml#@pooch1.allencol.edu; or fl##@pooch1.allencol.edu; operators may
have ***@pooch1.allencol.edu.
Some users may have accounts on accnov.allencol.edu, with the same naming
American University (Washington, DC, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.american.edu/>.
Finger ***@american.edu or ***@american.edu works for some
faculty and the occasional student. You generally need to know social
security numbers to find people (!)
Userids since about 1992 have been ***@american.edu, where nnnn is last
four digits of social security number, and X is a letter used to
distinguish duplicates (starts with A for the first name, then B, etc.)
Older userids (e.g for many administrators and faculty) may be FLLLLLL or
Lastnam (7 characters).
American University of Beirut (Beirut, Lebanon): Created: Tue Apr 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aub.edu.lb/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.aub.edu.lb/cgi-bin/ldap/ldapgw>.
Amherst College (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.amherst.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.amherst.edu/people/>, including
people search at <URL:https://directory.amherst.edu/>.
Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH, USA): Changed: Mon Oct 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.antioch-college.edu/>.
All students, faculty, administrators, staff, and alum who request accounts
can get them; almost all have ***@antioch-college.edu. Offices,
such as ADMISSIONS, COOP etc have alias accounts.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.antioch-
college.edu/Database/directory/>. Best bet if you're having trouble is to
send mail to ***@antioch-college.edu.
Antwerp University : UFSIA (Antwerp, Belgium): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ufsia.ac.be/>.
Faculty and staff: ***@alpha.ufsia.ac.be
Students: ***@beta.ufsia.ac.be
Search via our SCO nameserver: PH service at ns.ufsia.ac.be. Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://gopher.ufsia.ac.be>.
Appalachian State University (Boone, NC, USA): Created: Mon Aug 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.appstate.edu/>.
Use the directory search at
<URL:http://www1.appstate.edu/~jmm/forms/newcso.html>. Faculty are
sometimes L(6)***@appstate.edu; student userIDs are FL#####, where the
numbers appear to an outsider to be unpredictable.
Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI, USA): Created: Thu Sep 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aquinas.edu/>.
Students: try (L5)(F3)@aquinas.edu. Alimni can register their e-mail
addresses at
Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ, USA): Changed: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.asu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Phoenix and Mesa.
Finger ***@asu.edu; all persons (students or staff)
registered in ASU can be "finger"ed. Email addresses are unreliable
though since not everyone has started using accounts yet. But most grads
and computer/Usenet literate undergrads do.
The engineering grads/ugrads are on enuxsa.eas.asu.edu. Most other machine
info should be available from netfind's seed database search.
Athabasca University (Athabasca, AB, Canada): Created: Sat Aug 23 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.athabascau.ca/>. Phone list at
Atlanta Christian College (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acc.edu/>.
There is a directory for alumni e-mail at
<URL:http://www.acc.edu/alumniad.htm>, but I couldn't find one for people
still there.
Atlantic Computer Institute (Halifax, NS, Canada): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Students: (F7)***@aci1.aci.ns.ca. If the first name is less than 7
characters, the userid is in the form Firstname-***@aci1.aci.ns.ca, e.g.
Richard Doe would be richardd, John Doe would be john-d.
Auburn University (Auburn, AL, USA): Changed: Fri Nov 26 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.auburn.edu/>.
Addresses are of the form ***@auburn.edu. Faculty, staff, and students
are listed in the directory. at
Augustana College (Rock Island, IL, USA): Changed: Wed Dec 7 1994
Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD, USA): Created: Fri Oct 8 1993
Students: ***@inst.augie.edu; Faculty: ***@inst.augie.edu.
Australian Defence Force Academy (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.adfa.oz.au/>.
Faculty and staff: ***@ADFA.oz.au. See the online directories at
Australian National University [ANU] (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.anu.edu.au/>.
There are several online directories at <URL:http://www.anu.edu.au/dirs/>.
Undergrad: lllfxxxx@, where xxxx is course name/unit number. e.g. stuaca11
is A.Student doing Computer Science unit A11.
fac3.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
fac4.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
Computer Science:
boris.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
Ball State University (Muncie, IN, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@bsu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.bsu.edu>.
Barnard College (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/>.
Barnard College, affiliated with Columbia.
Students and staff get free accounts on a PC-based system running cc:mail
(no finger, gopher, etc.) There is no known way of looking up addresses.
They can also request accounts on Columbia's systems.
Students: ***@barnard.columbia.edu (or @smtplink.barnard.columbia.edu)
As of October 1993, Columbia will list Barnard directory information, so
mail to ***@columbia.edu will probably reach Barnard
Bates College (Lewiston, ME, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bates.edu/>.
Students and Faculty: F(L6)@abacus.bates.edu or, in case of conflicts,
F(L6)#@abacus.bates.edu e.g. asmith, asmith2, asmith3
If the name is unique you can use ***@bates.edu. Faculty,
staff, and student e-mail and phone directory at
Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/>.
E-mail and phone directory at <URL:http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/directory/>;
addresses are often ***@bcm.tmc.edu or ***@bcm.tmc.edu.
Baylor University (Waco, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.baylor.edu/>.
Mail to ***@baylor.edu. Gopher service at
Computer Science and Engineering students: ***@bilbo.baylor.edu
Computer Science: gandalf.baylor.edu
Work-study students and journalism staff: baylor.edu
Belmont Abbey College (Belmont, NC, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 11 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bac.edu/>.
Students: ***@crusader.bac.edu.
Faculty & Staff: ***@crusader.bac.edu (duplicate last names add the
first initial to the start of the id).
Offices, such as ADMISSIONS, REGISTRAR, etc. have alias accounts.
Beloit College (Beloit, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.beloit.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://www.beloit.edu/studentfingerfrm.html>;
faculty directory at <URL:http://beloit.edu/fingerfrm.html>.
***@beloit.edu or ***@beloit.edu@.
Bemidji State University (Bemidji, MN, USA): Created: Fri Nov 25 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bemidji.msus.edu/>.
Alphabetical faculty/staff listing at
Finger first or last name @vax1.bemidji.msus.edu. Logins are chosen by
students and are normally less than 8 characters.
Bentley College (Waltham, MA, USA): Created: Fri Nov 25 1994
Graduate and undergraduate students: ***@bentley.edu
Faculty and staff: ***@bentley.edu
Whois, etc. aren't available; to find an email address or other
information, call our information desk at 617-891-2255 or send an e-mail
to ***@bentley.edu.
Bethel Univ (St. Paul, MN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bethel.edu/>.
General: ***@homer.acs.bethel.edu
Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, FL, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Faculty, staff, students: ***@cookman.edu
To learn a particular email name at the college, it is best to send to:
Binghamton University (Binghamton, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.binghamton.edu/>.
Formerly SUNY Binghamton.
Use the online directory at
<URL:http://www.binghamton.edu/home/about/email.html>; there is no other
way of figuring out a student's address given their name, as the mapping
is random (sequential in the order people apply for accounts). The
directory does not cover faculty and staff who use systems other than the
main mail server.
Undergrads: ***@binghamton.edu where X is a letter depending on what
year they got their account: 91/92: A 92/93: B(?); NNNNN are random
digits, almost always starting with 0.
Biola University (La Mirada, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.biola.edu/>.
Mail to ***@luke.biola.edu
***@bubbs.biola.edu. Not available for fingering from some
Postmaster located at: ***@john.biola.edu.
Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsc.edu/>.
Mail to F(L7)@bsc.edu. Campus directory at <URL:http://www.bsc.edu/cgi-
bin/counter.pl/director/dirform.htm>. Postmaster is ***@bsc.edu
Bishop's University (Lennoxville, Québec, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ubishops.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at
Bismarck State College (Bismarck, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsc.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical faculty/staff e-mail listing at
<URL:http://www.bsc.nodak.edu/emailadr.htm>. See also North Dakota
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg, PA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bloomu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@planetx.bloomu.edu
Boston University (Boston, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 31 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://web.bu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.bu.edu>; finger @bu.edu accepts
usernames, first.last, OR index_ids; the usual way to do this is to do a
full name query (i.e. first.last), then finger using individual index_id
numbers to get more information (including the person's E-mail address).
Main campus system: acs.bu.edu. Everyone can get accounts on this machine,
but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may never log on even
if they have an account). Student Directory 617-353-3700, Faculty
617-353-2000. Usernames are any "socially acceptable" 8-character name.
Unix accounts: Mail or finger ***@bu.edu or ***@bu.edu.
There is a PH service at bu.edu; replace spaces in names with dashes.
CS: cs.bu.edu
Undergrad CS: csa.bu.edu.
Engineering: buenga.bu.edu (faculty/admin)
Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, UK): Created: Fri Jun 12 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/>.
Students and staff are listed in the e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/cgi-bin/email.pl>. Email enquiries to
Chris Curran ***@bournemouth.ac.uk.
Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bowdoin.edu/>.
Online directory currently limited to on-campus access. There are a few
faculty/staff home pages at
Students: F(L7)@polar.bowdoin.edu
Administrative staff: @henry.bowdoin.edu. Mailboxes are as above, or
Faculty: either of the above depending on personal preference.
Bowie State University (Bowie, MD, USA): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsu.umd.edu/>.
Part of the University of Maryland System.
Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, OH, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bgsu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@bgnet.bgsu.edu; there is no standard way to derive a userid
from a name. Index of on-line directories at
Bradley University (Peoria, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bradley.edu/>.
Generally, mail to ***@bradley.edu. Online directory at
Faculty: bradley.bradley.edu
Students: camelot.bradley.edu, squirrel.bradley.edu. Usernames are chosen
by the user and may be from three to eight characters long.
Heartland Freenet: heartland.bradley.edu. Free use to the public, used
mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'bbguest'. login names are usually
***@heartland.bradley.edu or ***@heartland.bradley.edu.
CS: bucs1.bradley.edu, cssun1, cssun2
Physics: truth.bradley.edu, beauty.bradley.edu
Engineering: CEGTxxx.bradley.edu (where xxx IS 100-400). Electrical, for
example, is CEGT200-2.
Brandeis (Waltham, MA, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 3 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brandeis.edu/>.
White pages are accesible via Gopher service at
Undergraduates: ***@undergrad.brandeis.edu or ***@brandeis.edu,
where user names are student-selected. CS students (grad and undergrad)
have accounts on cs.brandeis.edu, which is fingerable.
For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an
automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day, or
during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736 2000.
Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus
information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours.
Brandon University (Brandon, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/>.
Faculty: online directory at <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/BUPhone/>.
***@brandonu.ca or ***@brandonu.ca. The initial is appended
for common names (Joe Blue = blue; Tom Smith = smitht)
Students: $***@brandonu.ca or $***@brandonu.ca (Helen Rice =
$riceh; Tim Albert Klassen = $klassenta)
No online phone directory. Finger support but does not search.
Bridgewater State College (Bridgewater, MA, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bridgew.edu/>.
Use the online directories at
British Columbia Institute of Technology (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bcit.bc.ca/>.
There is no online directory. According to their FAQ, you should contact
the BCIT main switchboard at (604) 434-5734.
Brock University (St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.BrockU.CA/>.
The faculty and staff phone directory at <URL:http://nexus.brocku.ca/cgi-
bin/phones/phonex.cgi> currently lacks e-mail information.
Brooklyn College (Brooklyn, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/>.
Brown University (Providence, RI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brown.edu/>.
Electronic address book at <URL:http://www.brown.edu/cgi-local/webph>.
You can send mail to ***@Brown.Edu if the user uses email and
it will forward the mail to him or her. To find out whether the user has
an email address, finger their name at brown.edu. This will return their
preferred phone number, address, and email address if they use it.
You can also try looking for undergrads on: brownvm.brown.edu
(brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics.
CS: cs.brown.edu (userids are usually initials)
Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brynmawr.edu/>.
***@cc.brynmawr.edu (***@BRYNMAWR.BITNET) The former is
fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This machine is mostly used by
Alphabetical listing of some students' web pages at
Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bucknell.edu/>.
Ph-based directory at <URL:http://www.bucknell.edu/directory.html>.
general: ***@bucknell.edu usernames are typically last names, but if
the last name is 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are
tacked onto the front.
First initials are frequently used in usernames. The first user with any
given last name who gets an account gets just his last name as the
username. Every subsequent person with that name gets a first initial and
then middle initials are used.
Buffalo State College (Buffalo, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Jan 11 2003
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.buffalostate.edu/>.
There is a searchable faculty/staff directory at
For security, the student directory requires a login and so is limited to
people at the college.
California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.caltech.edu/>.
Links to personal home pages at
CCO accounts (undergrad/grad/general): ***@cco.caltech.edu CCO means
campus computing org.
Try "whois -h finger.caltech.edu name" to find user names; it doesn't
necessarily find every account for a particular user.
Undergrad Computer Science (also used by a lot of people who don't fit this
discription. a fairly well used cluster). The name ugcs.caltech.edu
references the entire cluster, and can be used for mail, finger, etc. If
you don't know the username, finger search-***@ugcs.caltech.edu to
look for realname.
CS department (grad/undergrad/fac....) cs.caltech.edu.
California Maritime Academy (Vallejo, CA, USA): Created: Tue Jul 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csum.edu/>.
Faculty, staff and students: F(L8)@csum.edu. Faculty and staff telephone
directory at <URL:http://www.csum.edu/Resources/>.
California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Dec 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calpoly.edu/>.
IDs are ***@oboe.calpoly.edu (or, in case of duplicates,
Everyone gets an e-mail account, which is frozen if unused for six months.
California State Polytechnic University/Pomona (Pomona, CA, USA): Created: Thu Sep 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csupomona.edu/>.
***@csupomona.edu (or, in case of duplicates, the first gets the
standard address, and later ones get FMLastname#@csupomona.edu). There is
no finger capacity, but there is a faculty, staff, and student search open
to the public (although students have the option of not listing their
address) at the main Web page. Click on "faculty, staff, and student
searches." The link changes occasionally to foil spammers, so going to
the home page is best.
California State University/Chico (Chico, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
California State University/Fresno (Fresno, CA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csufresno.edu/>.
finger @csufresno.edu
Student accounts can be found on lennon.pub.csufresno.edu. Finger requests
on lennon aren't accepted from outside.
Account names are usually in the form namenum, e.g. bob13.
Faculty/staff names might be found at zimmer.csufresno.edu.
California State University/Fullerton (Fullerton, CA, USA): Created: Thu Dec 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fullerton.edu/>.
California State University/Hayward (Hayward, CA, USA): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
host: .calstate.edu
School of Business and Economics: ***@barney.sbe.csuhayward.edu.
Computer Info System: s1.csuhayward.edu
Fingering: gandalf.csuhayward.edu
Warning: ***@eis.calstate.edu is format for the Electronic Info
Exchange, ONLY for local High School students. I don't believe any Hayward
State Students can get into this account.
Faculty, staff, and department directory at
California State University/Sacramento (Sacramento, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csus.edu/>.
California State University/San Marcos (San Marcos, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Dec 5 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csusm.edu/>.
All faculty, staff, and students have an Internet account of the form
***@mailhost1.csusm.edu; however, there is no convention for
determining user names. There are several electronic directories at
<URL:http://www.csusm.edu/tools/search.html>, one each for faculty/staff,
students, guests, and Web pages.
Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calvin.edu/>.
Use 'finger ***@calvin.edu' (eg firstname or lastname) to find addresses,
since userids include parts of student numbers, so are hard to guess.
Students: flllllnn (first intitial, first 5 of last name, last 2 digits of
student number; except lastnames starting with Dutch prefixes Van Vander
Vande etc., where just the v and first 4 letters of second part of
lastname. Thus Henk Vander Bos, #123456, becomes hvbos56, Al Shoemaker,
#987654, becomes ashoem54)
(formerly s0###### where ###### is the student id number)
Faculty/staff: ***@calvin.edu where "xxxx" is the standard faculty
abbrevation, often lastname
Cambrian College (Sudbury, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cambrianc.on.ca/>.
Cambridge University (Cambridge, United Kingdom): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cam.ac.uk/>.
A central directory of e-mail addresses is available from the Web service.
Students: All undergraduates are registered for mail on hermes.cam.ac.uk,
but not all use it.
Staff and postgraduate students: some on central systems cus.cam.ac.uk or
hermes.cam.ac.uk, but many (especially in scientific subjects) are on a
variety of departmental systems.
Cameron University (Lawton, OK, USA): Created: Sat Oct 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cameron.edu/>.
Students: FM(L6)@wolverine.cameron.edu All students are registered for e-
mail but accounts are removed after approximately a month into the
semester if they have not been accessed.
Staff: ***@cameron.edu. Duplicates may need to add extra letters to
last name eg. John Doe - ***@cameron.edu; John Duhn -
There is a directory of all employees and their e-mail at
<URL:http://www.cameron.edu/people/directory/index.html>. It also
includes info for students who allow directory information release but
does not include their e-mail addresses.
Admissions e-mail: ***@cameron.edu
Canadore College (North Bay, Ontario, Canada): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at
Faculty and staff: often ***@cdrive.canadorec.on.ca; staff directory at
Carleton College (Northfield, MN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.carleton.edu/>.
The most widely used system is carleton.edu, which runs VMS. Student
usernames are usually lastnamf, while staff, alum, faculty usernames are
In cases where two usernames would be identical there is no real pattern as
to how a valid username is constructed. The easiest way to find someone
is to try fingering what you think their username would be, i.e.
***@carleton.edu (for the student Jon Smith) or ***@carleton.edu
(for student Pipi Longstocking). Only an exact match will return
Other systems include:
mathcs.carleton.edu: This system is growing in popularity and currently
runs NeXTStep. NeXT-mail can be accepted.
physics.carleton.edu: This system runs some sort of UNIX and is generally
limited to physics faculty and majors.
Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.carleton.ca/>.
There is a list of directories at
Most graduate students and faculty are F(L7)@ccs.carleton.ca; try fingering
***@superior.carleton.ca to check. Some faculty/staff can be reached
as ***@carleton.ca.
Most undergraduates are [same username as above]@chat.carleton.ca
Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Jul 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cmu.edu/>.
Finger @cmu.edu to find people. You can try mailing to
***@cmu.edu@, but if there are a lot of John Smiths, you'll
get a bounce message with a list of all the John Smiths.
All undergraduate students and some faculty, staff, and graduate students:
Mail sent to ***@andrew.cmu.edu works, even if the name was
slightly misspelled. As of July 1995 users can also pick arbitrary vanity
IDs. Most Andrew login IDs are two initials followed by two characters
that will appear random to outsiders, but since you can send mail based on
their actual names, this shouldn't matter.
Login IDs are arbitrary; to tell the mailer you're supplying an exact ID,
not to be pattern-matched with closely matching names, add a + at the end
of the name: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu. If you try an ambiguous name, you'll get
mail back with a list of matches.
In some departments (e.g CS, Robotics) everybody gets a departmental
account. In others (e.g. English) very few get them. Departmental
addresses include:
Chemical Engineering: cheme.cmu.edu
Computational Linguistics: lcl.cmu.edu
Computer Science Grad: ***@cs.cmu.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ece.cmu.edu
English: english.hss.cmu.edu
Humanities & Social Sciences: hss.cmu.edu
Mathematics: math.cmu.edu
Psychology: psy.cmu.edu
Robotics Grad: ***@ri.cmu.edu.
Statistics: stat.cmu.edu
Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Use 'whois -h whois.cwru.edu' to find usernames. It supports substring and
soundex searches. If there is a * beside an address, it has not been
po.cwru.edu is the post office. Every student, professor, and staff member
has access to email through this machine, as do alumni who activated their
accounts while students. (Not everybody activates their account, however.)
User ids are of the form fml##, where ## is a number, probably less than
30. The number is omitted if equal to 1. If there's no middle initial, m
is an 'x'.
skybridge.scl.cwru.edu is the server for the undergraduate Unix lab. The
user ids on that machine are the full last name, for the most part.
(Mainly Computer Engineering and EE's on this machine.)
You can also search the Cleveland Freenet user list for CWRU people by any
part of the name; telnet to freenet-in-a.cwru.edu, choose "Visitor",
"Explore the system" and at the prompt, "go directory"
CS/computer engineering majors may have accounts on the CS cluster; finger
any part of the name @alpha.ces.cwru.edu. Userids are usually full last
EE majors and those in related courses may have accounts on the EE HP/UX
cluster; finger @snowhite.eeap.cwru.edu. Userids are usually the first
six letters of the last name.
Catholic University of America (Washington, DC, USA): Changed: Sun Mar 20 1994
Send mail to ***@cua.edu (Internet) or ***@cua.bitnet (BITNet).
There is no finger service.
All usernames are limited to 12 characters. For students, names are 2
digits followed by lastname. For faculty and staff, usernames are the
last name, occasionally with the first initial tacked on at the end.
Centennial College (Scarborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cencol.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in East York.
Central College (Pella, IA, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.central.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://www.central.edu/Directry/students.htm>;
faculty and staff directory at
Central Missouri State University (Warrensburg, MO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
General: fl####@cmsuvmb.cmsu.edu
Centre College (Danville, KY, USA): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.centre.edu/>.
Mail to ***@centre.edu.
Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden): Created: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.chalmers.se/>.
Finger @chalmers.se.
Champlain College (Burlington, VT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.champlain.edu/>.
Faculty/staff search at
Chatham College (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Created: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.chatham.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, students: ***@rachel.chatham.edu
Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cuhk.hk/>.
Dept. of Computer Science: ***@cs.cuhk.hk. (For information, contact:
***@cs.cuhk.hk, USA)
Cité Collégiale (Ottawa, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lacitec.on.ca/>.
City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Fri Mar 31 1995
***@cphkvx.cphk.hk, where userid is the 8-digit number of a student, or
the initials of a staff member (possibly followed by a digit).
City University London (London, United Kingdom): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.city.ac.uk/>. E-mail addresses
are in the form of ***@city.ac.uk. For staff e-mail addresses are in the
form of ***@city.ac.uk.
Postmaster offers support (***@city.ac.uk), Finger available via
City University of New York [CUNY] (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cuny.edu/>.
CUNY is (as of July 1995) beginning to decentralize, with Hunter College
being the first to get its own server.
Students, faculty, and most staff: ***@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu
Computin Services (ACS) staff: ***@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu, where fml are
initials and hc is exactly those letters.
Web server at <URL:http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/>
Older accounts might be found on cunyvm.cuny.edu, with userids of the form:
Students: A99SC
Faculty: AAASC
Liasons: LIASC
Where A is any letter from A to Z, 9 is any number from 1 to 9, and SC
is the initals for the college within City University.
For example:
HC - Hunter College. Hunter also also allows userIDs of the form
QC - Queens College. Finger at qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu. Web server at
BC - Brooklyn College
SI - College of Staten Island
LG - Laguardia Community College
BB - Bernard Baruch College.
YC - York College
Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Jul 3 1993
finger ***@cmcvax.claremont.edu
Clark College (Vancouver, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clark.edu/>.
***@clark.edu, or ***@clark.edu. Send mail to
***@clark.edu if you have difficulty.
Note: this is not Clark University (clarku.edu).
Clark Atlanta University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/cau/search2.html>; student
directory at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/cau/student_directory.html>.
Clark University (Worcester, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clarku.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.clarku.edu/faculty/>. Alphabetical
list of some student web pages at
Students, employees, alumni: ***@VAX.CLARKU.EDU (up to 12 characters,
unique in the first 8). Duplicate userids are resolved with a trailing
digit. This address isn't fingerable. ***@vax.clarku.edu is
willing to be helpful in tracking usernames.
An ULTRIX machines, black.clarku.edu can also be used by anyone. It is
Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Sep 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clarkson.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://heron.tc.clarkson.edu/~web/faculty/>.
Alphabetical listing of some student web pages at
For faculty, staff, and students: finger ***@clarkson.edu to find e-
mail addresses.
Clemson University (Clemson, SC, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clemson.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.clemson.edu>.
All students have accounts assigned through various butcherings of their
names on the machine at clemson.clemson.edu (an IBM/390). Most
students/faculty that use the Internet, or those that just want to use
USENET, have accounts with identical account names on hubcap.clemson.edu
(currently a VAX, but will be an Alpha by early '94, UNIX at any rate).
The various academic departments with domains are:
Department Domain
Computer Science cs.clemson.edu
Mathematics math.clemson.edu
Engineering eng.clemson.edu
Chemistry indigo.clemson.edu
All department domains support UNIX finger and have postmasters.
Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csuohio.edu/>.
Directory available via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://ns.csuohio.edu>.
CIS faculty may be reached at ***@cis.csuohio.edu.
Engineering students with an account on the vax cluster may be reached at
the following address: ***@csvaxd.csuohio.edu, where xxx is the first
three letters of their last name and 9999 is the last four digits of their
social security number.
Colby College (Waterville, ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.colby.edu/>.
E-mail directory and alphabetical list of web pages at
<URL:http://www.colby.edu/o/cp.html>. Mailboxes are
***@colby.edu You can finger username, firstname, or lastname.
Collège Boréal (Sudbury, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.borealc.on.ca/>.
Collège des Grands Lacs (Welland, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.grandslacs.on.ca/>.
College of Charleston (Charleston, SC, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cofc.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.
College of Marin (Kentfield, CA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
***@marin.cc.ca.us Userids are usually lastname, flastname, or fml.
Most accounts don't last very long.
College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csbsju.edu/>.
Same domain as St. John's University (Collegeville, MN, USA).
Students: ***@csbsju.edu
Faculty: ***@csbsju.edu
College of St. Rose (Albany, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jul 14 1995
Finger ***@rosnet.strose.edu.
College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.holycross.edu/>.
Students: ***@HCACAD.HOLYCROSS.EDU All students have accounts on the
college's VAX systems. Students must activite their accounts to receive
College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
All students and academic faculty & staff have e-mail addresses of the form
***@mail.wm.edu. Finger also supports partial name searches.
The Department of Computer Science has its own domain. Addresses are of the
form ***@cs.wm.du. userid is user-selectable, and of no standard form.
Finger supports partial name searches.
Some other departments (e.g. Physics) have their own domains.
Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface (St. Boniface, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/>.
The only francophone post-secondary instutution in Manitoba. List of
personnell at <URL:http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/listec_pers.html>.
Collégio Santa Maria (Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil): Created: Mon Apr 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stamaria.com.br/>.
At the moment (April 1998) there is only a single e-mail address:
***@truenet.com.br. Specify for whom your e-mail is really intended.
Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cc.colorado.edu/>.
E-mail directory at
Students: F_(L9)@cc.colorado.edu; staff, faculty: F(L10)@cc.colorado.edu.
In case of duplicate names: Fm_llllllll or FmLLLLLLLLLL.
By administrative policy does not support finger.
Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO, USA): Created: Tue Mar 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mines.edu/>.
Students & Faculty: F(L7)@mines.edu (or FM(L8)@mines.edu in case of
duplicates). See the personnel directory at
<URL:http://www.mines.edu/directory/personnel.html>; it includes students
as well as faculty and staff.
Colorado State University (Ft. Collins, CO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.colostate.edu/>.
Directory search at
Columbia University (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.columbia.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.
Concordia University (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.concordia.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:http://mac-
Conestoga College (Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.conestogac.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Guelph and and Cambridge.
Online directory for employees at <URL:http://www.conestogac.on.ca/cgi-
bin/search-email>. Mailboxes appear to be ***@conestogac.on.ca.
Confederation College (Thunder Bay, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.confederationc.on.ca/>.
Connecticut College (New London, CT, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.conncoll.edu/>.
***@conncoll.edu (or fllll if no middle name)
Cornell College (Mount Vernon, IA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Mail to ***@cornell-iowa.edu. Most Usernames are FLLLLLL, some may be
CS: turing.csc.cornell-iowa.edu
Others: hera.acn.cornell-iowa.edu, zeus.acn.cornell-iowa.edu
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 17 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cornell.edu/>.
On-line directory service at
<URL:http://www.cornell.edu/Direct/search_ph.html>. Anyone associated
with Cornell can get a Network ID, but not everyone does. As of Fall 1993,
all students are assigned netids, which consist of first, middle and last
initials, plus a number. Mail should be sent to ***@cornell.edu. If the
person's name is unique, mail can also be sent to
E-mail addresses can be searched by using finger on cornell.edu. Use
variations such as finger ***@cornell.edu or finger "firstname
Online directories make available name listings, where street addresses,
phone and FAX numbers can be found.
The CIT HelpDesk at ***@cornell.edu (607/255-8990) is willing to help
find e-mail addresses.
Copyright: 1993-2005 David Alex Lamb
Version: 4.90
Last-Modified: Thu 30 Jun 2005 14:43:31 EDT by dalamb on innovate.cs.queensu.ca
Archive-name: mail/college-email/part1
This is a summary of how to find email addresses for undergraduate and
graduate students, faculty and staff at various colleges and universities. It
is available on the World-Wide Web (via browsers such as Mosaic or lynx) at
A chronological list of changes is available at
If your university is not listed, send me a detailed description of how to
find email addresses there, in a format similar to what I have here, and I'll
add it to this list. Please mail ADDITIONS, CORRECTIONS, SUGGESTIONS, and
OTHER INFORMATION to me at ***@spamcop.net. I will *not* answer requests
for help finding a specific address; if the school is not listed in this
posting, I do not have any information about the site.
For general information about finding e-mail addresses, check the FAQ on How
to find people's E-mail addresses at
<URL:http://www.cs.queensu.ca/FAQs/email/finding.html>, posted regularly to
soc.net-people and comp.mail.misc.
An updated version of this list is posted every once in a while to the
newsgroups soc.college, soc.net-people and news.answers. The version date for
this list is located at the top of the file. The list is also available via
anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.queensu.ca in directory pub/dalamb/email as the
files faq1.txt, ..., faqN.txt, where N is the current number of parts. You
can get all the FAQs posted to soc.college by sending a message to "mail-
***@rtfm.mit.edu" whose body contains
send usenet/soc.college/*
We present detailed information on locating the email addresses of students,
faculty and staff at various universities. As of Feb 1993 I've started to tag
entries with the date I last changed them, so you have some clue as to how
stale the information might be.
Disclaimer: Most universities have restrictions on the uses of directory
information. So don't use this info for commercial purposes or whatnot without
securing permission from the individual colleges and universities.
* College Indexes on the Web *
The following items are collections of links to university home pages.
* American College and University Admissions Offices (USA) at
* American Colleges and Universities by State (USA) at
* American Community Colleges (USA Only) at <URL:http://www.community-
* American Universities (USA only) at
* Canadian Universities (Canada only) at
* Canadian Universities, Colleges, and Schools (Canada Only) at
* College and university admission office e-mail addresses (USA) at
* College and university admission office phone numbers (USA) at
* College and University Home Pages (Worldwide) at
* CollegeNET - Internet Guide to Colleges and Universities (USA and Canada)
at <URL:http://www.collegenet.com/>.
* CollegeFind - American College Index at
* Community Colleges (USA only) at
* Current students and alumni (USA only) at
* Educational institutions seeking to recruit international students
(Worldwide) at <URL:http://www.worldofstudy.com/>.
* Finnish Universities at
* Historically Black Colleges and Universities (primarily USA) at
* International Education (18 countries) at
* U101 College Search (USA and Canada) at <URL:http://U101.com/>.
* UK Academic Sites (UK only; map-based) at
* University Home Pages (USA only) at <URL:http://isl-
* Student home pages by School at
* General Information *
To avoid repeating long explanations, the entries for individual universities
use a generic acronym for user IDs, formed from F's for characters from the
front of the first name, M's for characters from the front of the middle name,
L's for characters from the front of the last name. Examples are given for
two full names: "Mark Kantrowitz" (no middle initial, long last name) and
"John C Smith".
* Many UNIX sites limit userids to 8 characters, so try the first 8
characters of the last name. [smith or kantrowi] LLLLLLLL or L(8)
* If there are two people with the same last name, the first initial (and
possibly the middle initial as well) are appended at the front of the
name. [jsmith or jcsmith] FLLLLLLL FMLLLLLL or FL(7) FML(6)
* Try appending the initials at the end of the name. [smithj or smithjc]
* Try the initials of the users name. [jcs] FML
* Some sites allow longer "aliases" for finger and for mailboxes. Aliases
might be arbitrary, but some sites allow some form of the user's full
name, such as Firstname.Lastname [John.Smith or Mark.Kantrowitz] or
* Email Database *
Aalborg University (Aalborg, Dennmark): Changed: Thu Feb 17 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aau.dk/>.
There is a people search field on the home page.
Abilene Christian University (Abilene, TX, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 7 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acu.edu/>.
Email addresses may be found via a search page at
College of Biblical Studies at <URL:http://bible.acu.edu/>: Email to
***@bible.acu.edu. Anonymous FTP available; listserv at
Abo Akademi University (Turku, Finland): Changed: Tue Jan 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.abo.fi/>.
e-mail: ***@abo.fi, or ***@abo.fi. finger:
***@ra.abo.fi, or ***@ra.abo.fi.
Postal address: Abo Akademi, FIN-20500 Abo
University operator: +358 (0)2 215 31
Computing centre help desk: ***@abo.fi
Acadia University (Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acadiau.ca/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://mail.acadiau.ca/emailsearch/>.
Ajman Univirsity Of Science And Technology (Ajman City, United Arab Emirates): Created: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ajman.ac.ae/>.
Albion College (Albion, MI, USA): Created: Tue Oct 19 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.albion.edu/>.
Students: ***@albion.edu, where xx is a unique 2-digit number. Faculty:
Alfred University (Alfred, NY, USA): Changed: Wed Apr 22 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alfred.edu/>.
Alphabetical list of students at
<URL:http://www.alfred.edu/students/html/student_directory.html">, staff
Almost all students and faculty have email adresses in the form
***@bigvax.alfred.edu, but exceptions abound. Connecting via
telnet to bigvax.alfred.edu and logging on as GENERAL will connect to the
GENERAL account, which supports username searches. Outside finger is not
Algonquin College (Nepean, ON, Canada): Changed: Thu Jun 30 2005
World-Wide Web service at
Phone directory at <URL:http://www.algonquincollege.com/cgi-
bin/WebPh?DB=csnet-ns> (requires full name).
Allegheny College (Meadville, PA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 26 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.alleg.edu/>.
Students: (L6)***@alleg.edu. In case of duplicates, a digit (2-9) is added.
Faculty and staff: F(L7)@alleg.edu.
Allentown College of Saint Francis de Sales (Center Valley, PA, USA): Created: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.allencol.edu/>.
Mail to fml#@pooch1.allencol.edu; or fl##@pooch1.allencol.edu; operators may
have ***@pooch1.allencol.edu.
Some users may have accounts on accnov.allencol.edu, with the same naming
American University (Washington, DC, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.american.edu/>.
Finger ***@american.edu or ***@american.edu works for some
faculty and the occasional student. You generally need to know social
security numbers to find people (!)
Userids since about 1992 have been ***@american.edu, where nnnn is last
four digits of social security number, and X is a letter used to
distinguish duplicates (starts with A for the first name, then B, etc.)
Older userids (e.g for many administrators and faculty) may be FLLLLLL or
Lastnam (7 characters).
American University of Beirut (Beirut, Lebanon): Created: Tue Apr 14 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aub.edu.lb/>.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.aub.edu.lb/cgi-bin/ldap/ldapgw>.
Amherst College (Amherst, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.amherst.edu/>.
Directory of directories at <URL:http://www.amherst.edu/people/>, including
people search at <URL:https://directory.amherst.edu/>.
Antioch College (Yellow Springs, OH, USA): Changed: Mon Oct 6 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.antioch-college.edu/>.
All students, faculty, administrators, staff, and alum who request accounts
can get them; almost all have ***@antioch-college.edu. Offices,
such as ADMISSIONS, COOP etc have alias accounts.
E-mail directory at <URL:http://www.antioch-
college.edu/Database/directory/>. Best bet if you're having trouble is to
send mail to ***@antioch-college.edu.
Antwerp University : UFSIA (Antwerp, Belgium): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ufsia.ac.be/>.
Faculty and staff: ***@alpha.ufsia.ac.be
Students: ***@beta.ufsia.ac.be
Search via our SCO nameserver: PH service at ns.ufsia.ac.be. Gopher service
at <URL:gopher://gopher.ufsia.ac.be>.
Appalachian State University (Boone, NC, USA): Created: Mon Aug 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.appstate.edu/>.
Use the directory search at
<URL:http://www1.appstate.edu/~jmm/forms/newcso.html>. Faculty are
sometimes L(6)***@appstate.edu; student userIDs are FL#####, where the
numbers appear to an outsider to be unpredictable.
Aquinas College (Grand Rapids, MI, USA): Created: Thu Sep 4 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.aquinas.edu/>.
Students: try (L5)(F3)@aquinas.edu. Alimni can register their e-mail
addresses at
Arizona State University (Tempe, AZ, USA): Changed: Mon Sep 6 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.asu.edu/>.
There are also campuses in Phoenix and Mesa.
Finger ***@asu.edu; all persons (students or staff)
registered in ASU can be "finger"ed. Email addresses are unreliable
though since not everyone has started using accounts yet. But most grads
and computer/Usenet literate undergrads do.
The engineering grads/ugrads are on enuxsa.eas.asu.edu. Most other machine
info should be available from netfind's seed database search.
Athabasca University (Athabasca, AB, Canada): Created: Sat Aug 23 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.athabascau.ca/>. Phone list at
Atlanta Christian College (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.acc.edu/>.
There is a directory for alumni e-mail at
<URL:http://www.acc.edu/alumniad.htm>, but I couldn't find one for people
still there.
Atlantic Computer Institute (Halifax, NS, Canada): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
Students: (F7)***@aci1.aci.ns.ca. If the first name is less than 7
characters, the userid is in the form Firstname-***@aci1.aci.ns.ca, e.g.
Richard Doe would be richardd, John Doe would be john-d.
Auburn University (Auburn, AL, USA): Changed: Fri Nov 26 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.auburn.edu/>.
Addresses are of the form ***@auburn.edu. Faculty, staff, and students
are listed in the directory. at
Augustana College (Rock Island, IL, USA): Changed: Wed Dec 7 1994
Augustana College (Sioux Falls, SD, USA): Created: Fri Oct 8 1993
Students: ***@inst.augie.edu; Faculty: ***@inst.augie.edu.
Australian Defence Force Academy (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.adfa.oz.au/>.
Faculty and staff: ***@ADFA.oz.au. See the online directories at
Australian National University [ANU] (Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia): Changed: Wed May 24 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.anu.edu.au/>.
There are several online directories at <URL:http://www.anu.edu.au/dirs/>.
Undergrad: lllfxxxx@, where xxxx is course name/unit number. e.g. stuaca11
is A.Student doing Computer Science unit A11.
fac3.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
fac4.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
Computer Science:
boris.anu.edu.au -- Unix -- finger on usernames only
Ball State University (Muncie, IN, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsu.edu/>.
Finger ***@bsu.edu. Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.bsu.edu>.
Barnard College (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/>.
Barnard College, affiliated with Columbia.
Students and staff get free accounts on a PC-based system running cc:mail
(no finger, gopher, etc.) There is no known way of looking up addresses.
They can also request accounts on Columbia's systems.
Students: ***@barnard.columbia.edu (or @smtplink.barnard.columbia.edu)
As of October 1993, Columbia will list Barnard directory information, so
mail to ***@columbia.edu will probably reach Barnard
Bates College (Lewiston, ME, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bates.edu/>.
Students and Faculty: F(L6)@abacus.bates.edu or, in case of conflicts,
F(L6)#@abacus.bates.edu e.g. asmith, asmith2, asmith3
If the name is unique you can use ***@bates.edu. Faculty,
staff, and student e-mail and phone directory at
Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/>.
E-mail and phone directory at <URL:http://www.bcm.tmc.edu/directory/>;
addresses are often ***@bcm.tmc.edu or ***@bcm.tmc.edu.
Baylor University (Waco, TX, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.baylor.edu/>.
Mail to ***@baylor.edu. Gopher service at
Computer Science and Engineering students: ***@bilbo.baylor.edu
Computer Science: gandalf.baylor.edu
Work-study students and journalism staff: baylor.edu
Belmont Abbey College (Belmont, NC, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 11 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bac.edu/>.
Students: ***@crusader.bac.edu.
Faculty & Staff: ***@crusader.bac.edu (duplicate last names add the
first initial to the start of the id).
Offices, such as ADMISSIONS, REGISTRAR, etc. have alias accounts.
Beloit College (Beloit, WI, USA): Changed: Thu Apr 23 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.beloit.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://www.beloit.edu/studentfingerfrm.html>;
faculty directory at <URL:http://beloit.edu/fingerfrm.html>.
***@beloit.edu or ***@beloit.edu@.
Bemidji State University (Bemidji, MN, USA): Created: Fri Nov 25 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bemidji.msus.edu/>.
Alphabetical faculty/staff listing at
Finger first or last name @vax1.bemidji.msus.edu. Logins are chosen by
students and are normally less than 8 characters.
Bentley College (Waltham, MA, USA): Created: Fri Nov 25 1994
Graduate and undergraduate students: ***@bentley.edu
Faculty and staff: ***@bentley.edu
Whois, etc. aren't available; to find an email address or other
information, call our information desk at 617-891-2255 or send an e-mail
to ***@bentley.edu.
Bethel Univ (St. Paul, MN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bethel.edu/>.
General: ***@homer.acs.bethel.edu
Bethune-Cookman College (Daytona Beach, FL, USA): Created: Mon Sep 6 1993
Faculty, staff, students: ***@cookman.edu
To learn a particular email name at the college, it is best to send to:
Binghamton University (Binghamton, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jan 27 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.binghamton.edu/>.
Formerly SUNY Binghamton.
Use the online directory at
<URL:http://www.binghamton.edu/home/about/email.html>; there is no other
way of figuring out a student's address given their name, as the mapping
is random (sequential in the order people apply for accounts). The
directory does not cover faculty and staff who use systems other than the
main mail server.
Undergrads: ***@binghamton.edu where X is a letter depending on what
year they got their account: 91/92: A 92/93: B(?); NNNNN are random
digits, almost always starting with 0.
Biola University (La Mirada, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 23 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.biola.edu/>.
Mail to ***@luke.biola.edu
***@bubbs.biola.edu. Not available for fingering from some
Postmaster located at: ***@john.biola.edu.
Birmingham-Southern College (Birmingham, AL, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsc.edu/>.
Mail to F(L7)@bsc.edu. Campus directory at <URL:http://www.bsc.edu/cgi-
bin/counter.pl/director/dirform.htm>. Postmaster is ***@bsc.edu
Bishop's University (Lennoxville, Québec, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ubishops.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at
Bismarck State College (Bismarck, ND, USA): Created: Sat Apr 25 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsc.nodak.edu/>.
Alphabetical faculty/staff e-mail listing at
<URL:http://www.bsc.nodak.edu/emailadr.htm>. See also North Dakota
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg, PA, USA): Created: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bloomu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@planetx.bloomu.edu
Boston University (Boston, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Mar 31 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://web.bu.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.bu.edu>; finger @bu.edu accepts
usernames, first.last, OR index_ids; the usual way to do this is to do a
full name query (i.e. first.last), then finger using individual index_id
numbers to get more information (including the person's E-mail address).
Main campus system: acs.bu.edu. Everyone can get accounts on this machine,
but not everyone does. Call the person and ask (they may never log on even
if they have an account). Student Directory 617-353-3700, Faculty
617-353-2000. Usernames are any "socially acceptable" 8-character name.
Unix accounts: Mail or finger ***@bu.edu or ***@bu.edu.
There is a PH service at bu.edu; replace spaces in names with dashes.
CS: cs.bu.edu
Undergrad CS: csa.bu.edu.
Engineering: buenga.bu.edu (faculty/admin)
Bournemouth University (Bournemouth, UK): Created: Fri Jun 12 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/>.
Students and staff are listed in the e-mail directory at
<URL:http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/cgi-bin/email.pl>. Email enquiries to
Chris Curran ***@bournemouth.ac.uk.
Bowdoin College (Brunswick, ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bowdoin.edu/>.
Online directory currently limited to on-campus access. There are a few
faculty/staff home pages at
Students: F(L7)@polar.bowdoin.edu
Administrative staff: @henry.bowdoin.edu. Mailboxes are as above, or
Faculty: either of the above depending on personal preference.
Bowie State University (Bowie, MD, USA): Created: Tue Jun 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bsu.umd.edu/>.
Part of the University of Maryland System.
Bowling Green State University (Bowling Green, OH, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bgsu.edu/>.
Mail to ***@bgnet.bgsu.edu; there is no standard way to derive a userid
from a name. Index of on-line directories at
Bradley University (Peoria, IL, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bradley.edu/>.
Generally, mail to ***@bradley.edu. Online directory at
Faculty: bradley.bradley.edu
Students: camelot.bradley.edu, squirrel.bradley.edu. Usernames are chosen
by the user and may be from three to eight characters long.
Heartland Freenet: heartland.bradley.edu. Free use to the public, used
mostly by the Peoria public. Use login 'bbguest'. login names are usually
***@heartland.bradley.edu or ***@heartland.bradley.edu.
CS: bucs1.bradley.edu, cssun1, cssun2
Physics: truth.bradley.edu, beauty.bradley.edu
Engineering: CEGTxxx.bradley.edu (where xxx IS 100-400). Electrical, for
example, is CEGT200-2.
Brandeis (Waltham, MA, USA): Changed: Sat Apr 3 1999
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brandeis.edu/>.
White pages are accesible via Gopher service at
Undergraduates: ***@undergrad.brandeis.edu or ***@brandeis.edu,
where user names are student-selected. CS students (grad and undergrad)
have accounts on cs.brandeis.edu, which is fingerable.
For phone information: On-campus students can be reached by dialing an
automated "spell-the-name" server at +1 617 736 3000 , 24 hours a day, or
during business hours through the Brandeis operator at +1 617 736 2000.
Off-campus students' numbers can be obtained through the campus
information booth at +1 617 736 4770 during business hours.
Brandon University (Brandon, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/>.
Faculty: online directory at <URL:http://www.brandonu.ca/BUPhone/>.
***@brandonu.ca or ***@brandonu.ca. The initial is appended
for common names (Joe Blue = blue; Tom Smith = smitht)
Students: $***@brandonu.ca or $***@brandonu.ca (Helen Rice =
$riceh; Tim Albert Klassen = $klassenta)
No online phone directory. Finger support but does not search.
Bridgewater State College (Bridgewater, MA, USA): Created: Wed Mar 24 1993
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bridgew.edu/>.
Use the online directories at
British Columbia Institute of Technology (Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada): Created: Sat May 20 2000
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bcit.bc.ca/>.
There is no online directory. According to their FAQ, you should contact
the BCIT main switchboard at (604) 434-5734.
Brock University (St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada): Created: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.BrockU.CA/>.
The faculty and staff phone directory at <URL:http://nexus.brocku.ca/cgi-
bin/phones/phonex.cgi> currently lacks e-mail information.
Brooklyn College (Brooklyn, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brooklyn.cuny.edu/>.
Brown University (Providence, RI, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brown.edu/>.
Electronic address book at <URL:http://www.brown.edu/cgi-local/webph>.
You can send mail to ***@Brown.Edu if the user uses email and
it will forward the mail to him or her. To find out whether the user has
an email address, finger their name at brown.edu. This will return their
preferred phone number, address, and email address if they use it.
You can also try looking for undergrads on: brownvm.brown.edu
(brownvm.bitnet) Username is some random alphanumerics.
CS: cs.brown.edu (userids are usually initials)
Bryn Mawr College (Bryn Mawr, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.brynmawr.edu/>.
***@cc.brynmawr.edu (***@BRYNMAWR.BITNET) The former is
fingerable, unlike the .bitnet address. This machine is mostly used by
Alphabetical listing of some students' web pages at
Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.bucknell.edu/>.
Ph-based directory at <URL:http://www.bucknell.edu/directory.html>.
general: ***@bucknell.edu usernames are typically last names, but if
the last name is 4 letters or shorter, the first and middle initials are
tacked onto the front.
First initials are frequently used in usernames. The first user with any
given last name who gets an account gets just his last name as the
username. Every subsequent person with that name gets a first initial and
then middle initials are used.
Buffalo State College (Buffalo, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Jan 11 2003
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.buffalostate.edu/>.
There is a searchable faculty/staff directory at
For security, the student directory requires a login and so is limited to
people at the college.
California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 27 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.caltech.edu/>.
Links to personal home pages at
CCO accounts (undergrad/grad/general): ***@cco.caltech.edu CCO means
campus computing org.
Try "whois -h finger.caltech.edu name" to find user names; it doesn't
necessarily find every account for a particular user.
Undergrad Computer Science (also used by a lot of people who don't fit this
discription. a fairly well used cluster). The name ugcs.caltech.edu
references the entire cluster, and can be used for mail, finger, etc. If
you don't know the username, finger search-***@ugcs.caltech.edu to
look for realname.
CS department (grad/undergrad/fac....) cs.caltech.edu.
California Maritime Academy (Vallejo, CA, USA): Created: Tue Jul 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csum.edu/>.
Faculty, staff and students: F(L8)@csum.edu. Faculty and staff telephone
directory at <URL:http://www.csum.edu/Resources/>.
California Polytechnic State University (San Luis Obispo, CA, USA): Changed: Thu Dec 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calpoly.edu/>.
IDs are ***@oboe.calpoly.edu (or, in case of duplicates,
Everyone gets an e-mail account, which is frozen if unused for six months.
California State Polytechnic University/Pomona (Pomona, CA, USA): Created: Thu Sep 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csupomona.edu/>.
***@csupomona.edu (or, in case of duplicates, the first gets the
standard address, and later ones get FMLastname#@csupomona.edu). There is
no finger capacity, but there is a faculty, staff, and student search open
to the public (although students have the option of not listing their
address) at the main Web page. Click on "faculty, staff, and student
searches." The link changes occasionally to foil spammers, so going to
the home page is best.
California State University/Chico (Chico, CA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
California State University/Fresno (Fresno, CA, USA): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csufresno.edu/>.
finger @csufresno.edu
Student accounts can be found on lennon.pub.csufresno.edu. Finger requests
on lennon aren't accepted from outside.
Account names are usually in the form namenum, e.g. bob13.
Faculty/staff names might be found at zimmer.csufresno.edu.
California State University/Fullerton (Fullerton, CA, USA): Created: Thu Dec 18 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.fullerton.edu/>.
California State University/Hayward (Hayward, CA, USA): Created: Thu Nov 10 1994
host: .calstate.edu
School of Business and Economics: ***@barney.sbe.csuhayward.edu.
Computer Info System: s1.csuhayward.edu
Fingering: gandalf.csuhayward.edu
Warning: ***@eis.calstate.edu is format for the Electronic Info
Exchange, ONLY for local High School students. I don't believe any Hayward
State Students can get into this account.
Faculty, staff, and department directory at
California State University/Sacramento (Sacramento, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Oct 7 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csus.edu/>.
California State University/San Marcos (San Marcos, CA, USA): Changed: Fri Dec 5 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csusm.edu/>.
All faculty, staff, and students have an Internet account of the form
***@mailhost1.csusm.edu; however, there is no convention for
determining user names. There are several electronic directories at
<URL:http://www.csusm.edu/tools/search.html>, one each for faculty/staff,
students, guests, and Web pages.
Calvin College (Grand Rapids, MI, USA): Changed: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.calvin.edu/>.
Use 'finger ***@calvin.edu' (eg firstname or lastname) to find addresses,
since userids include parts of student numbers, so are hard to guess.
Students: flllllnn (first intitial, first 5 of last name, last 2 digits of
student number; except lastnames starting with Dutch prefixes Van Vander
Vande etc., where just the v and first 4 letters of second part of
lastname. Thus Henk Vander Bos, #123456, becomes hvbos56, Al Shoemaker,
#987654, becomes ashoem54)
(formerly s0###### where ###### is the student id number)
Faculty/staff: ***@calvin.edu where "xxxx" is the standard faculty
abbrevation, often lastname
Cambrian College (Sudbury, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cambrianc.on.ca/>.
Cambridge University (Cambridge, United Kingdom): Changed: Mon Jul 3 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cam.ac.uk/>.
A central directory of e-mail addresses is available from the Web service.
Students: All undergraduates are registered for mail on hermes.cam.ac.uk,
but not all use it.
Staff and postgraduate students: some on central systems cus.cam.ac.uk or
hermes.cam.ac.uk, but many (especially in scientific subjects) are on a
variety of departmental systems.
Cameron University (Lawton, OK, USA): Created: Sat Oct 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cameron.edu/>.
Students: FM(L6)@wolverine.cameron.edu All students are registered for e-
mail but accounts are removed after approximately a month into the
semester if they have not been accessed.
Staff: ***@cameron.edu. Duplicates may need to add extra letters to
last name eg. John Doe - ***@cameron.edu; John Duhn -
There is a directory of all employees and their e-mail at
<URL:http://www.cameron.edu/people/directory/index.html>. It also
includes info for students who allow directory information release but
does not include their e-mail addresses.
Admissions e-mail: ***@cameron.edu
Canadore College (North Bay, Ontario, Canada): Created: Sat Oct 28 1995
World-Wide Web service at
Faculty and staff: often ***@cdrive.canadorec.on.ca; staff directory at
Carleton College (Northfield, MN, USA): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.carleton.edu/>.
The most widely used system is carleton.edu, which runs VMS. Student
usernames are usually lastnamf, while staff, alum, faculty usernames are
In cases where two usernames would be identical there is no real pattern as
to how a valid username is constructed. The easiest way to find someone
is to try fingering what you think their username would be, i.e.
***@carleton.edu (for the student Jon Smith) or ***@carleton.edu
(for student Pipi Longstocking). Only an exact match will return
Other systems include:
mathcs.carleton.edu: This system is growing in popularity and currently
runs NeXTStep. NeXT-mail can be accepted.
physics.carleton.edu: This system runs some sort of UNIX and is generally
limited to physics faculty and majors.
Carleton University (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada): Changed: Thu Dec 25 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.carleton.ca/>.
There is a list of directories at
Most graduate students and faculty are F(L7)@ccs.carleton.ca; try fingering
***@superior.carleton.ca to check. Some faculty/staff can be reached
as ***@carleton.ca.
Most undergraduates are [same username as above]@chat.carleton.ca
Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Changed: Wed Jul 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cmu.edu/>.
Finger @cmu.edu to find people. You can try mailing to
***@cmu.edu@, but if there are a lot of John Smiths, you'll
get a bounce message with a list of all the John Smiths.
All undergraduate students and some faculty, staff, and graduate students:
Mail sent to ***@andrew.cmu.edu works, even if the name was
slightly misspelled. As of July 1995 users can also pick arbitrary vanity
IDs. Most Andrew login IDs are two initials followed by two characters
that will appear random to outsiders, but since you can send mail based on
their actual names, this shouldn't matter.
Login IDs are arbitrary; to tell the mailer you're supplying an exact ID,
not to be pattern-matched with closely matching names, add a + at the end
of the name: mkant+@cs.cmu.edu. If you try an ambiguous name, you'll get
mail back with a list of matches.
In some departments (e.g CS, Robotics) everybody gets a departmental
account. In others (e.g. English) very few get them. Departmental
addresses include:
Chemical Engineering: cheme.cmu.edu
Computational Linguistics: lcl.cmu.edu
Computer Science Grad: ***@cs.cmu.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ece.cmu.edu
English: english.hss.cmu.edu
Humanities & Social Sciences: hss.cmu.edu
Mathematics: math.cmu.edu
Psychology: psy.cmu.edu
Robotics Grad: ***@ri.cmu.edu.
Statistics: stat.cmu.edu
Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, OH, USA): Changed: Wed Mar 24 1993
Use 'whois -h whois.cwru.edu' to find usernames. It supports substring and
soundex searches. If there is a * beside an address, it has not been
po.cwru.edu is the post office. Every student, professor, and staff member
has access to email through this machine, as do alumni who activated their
accounts while students. (Not everybody activates their account, however.)
User ids are of the form fml##, where ## is a number, probably less than
30. The number is omitted if equal to 1. If there's no middle initial, m
is an 'x'.
skybridge.scl.cwru.edu is the server for the undergraduate Unix lab. The
user ids on that machine are the full last name, for the most part.
(Mainly Computer Engineering and EE's on this machine.)
You can also search the Cleveland Freenet user list for CWRU people by any
part of the name; telnet to freenet-in-a.cwru.edu, choose "Visitor",
"Explore the system" and at the prompt, "go directory"
CS/computer engineering majors may have accounts on the CS cluster; finger
any part of the name @alpha.ces.cwru.edu. Userids are usually full last
EE majors and those in related courses may have accounts on the EE HP/UX
cluster; finger @snowhite.eeap.cwru.edu. Userids are usually the first
six letters of the last name.
Catholic University of America (Washington, DC, USA): Changed: Sun Mar 20 1994
Send mail to ***@cua.edu (Internet) or ***@cua.bitnet (BITNet).
There is no finger service.
All usernames are limited to 12 characters. For students, names are 2
digits followed by lastname. For faculty and staff, usernames are the
last name, occasionally with the first initial tacked on at the end.
Centennial College (Scarborough, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cencol.on.ca/>.
There is also a campus in East York.
Central College (Pella, IA, USA): Created: Thu Feb 20 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.central.edu/>.
Student directory at <URL:http://www.central.edu/Directry/students.htm>;
faculty and staff directory at
Central Missouri State University (Warrensburg, MO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
General: fl####@cmsuvmb.cmsu.edu
Centre College (Danville, KY, USA): Created: Thu Jun 15 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.centre.edu/>.
Mail to ***@centre.edu.
Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden): Created: Wed Jun 14 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.chalmers.se/>.
Finger @chalmers.se.
Champlain College (Burlington, VT, USA): Created: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.champlain.edu/>.
Faculty/staff search at
Chatham College (Pittsburgh, PA, USA): Created: Sat Dec 14 1996
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.chatham.edu/>.
Faculty, staff, students: ***@rachel.chatham.edu
Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Thu Jun 8 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cuhk.hk/>.
Dept. of Computer Science: ***@cs.cuhk.hk. (For information, contact:
***@cs.cuhk.hk, USA)
Cité Collégiale (Ottawa, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.lacitec.on.ca/>.
City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (Hong Kong): Created: Fri Mar 31 1995
***@cphkvx.cphk.hk, where userid is the 8-digit number of a student, or
the initials of a staff member (possibly followed by a digit).
City University London (London, United Kingdom): Created: Fri Jun 9 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.city.ac.uk/>. E-mail addresses
are in the form of ***@city.ac.uk. For staff e-mail addresses are in the
form of ***@city.ac.uk.
Postmaster offers support (***@city.ac.uk), Finger available via
City University of New York [CUNY] (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Mon Nov 13 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cuny.edu/>.
CUNY is (as of July 1995) beginning to decentralize, with Hunter College
being the first to get its own server.
Students, faculty, and most staff: ***@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu
Computin Services (ACS) staff: ***@shiva.hunter.cuny.edu, where fml are
initials and hc is exactly those letters.
Web server at <URL:http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/>
Older accounts might be found on cunyvm.cuny.edu, with userids of the form:
Students: A99SC
Faculty: AAASC
Liasons: LIASC
Where A is any letter from A to Z, 9 is any number from 1 to 9, and SC
is the initals for the college within City University.
For example:
HC - Hunter College. Hunter also also allows userIDs of the form
QC - Queens College. Finger at qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu. Web server at
BC - Brooklyn College
SI - College of Staten Island
LG - Laguardia Community College
BB - Bernard Baruch College.
YC - York College
Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, CA, USA): Changed: Sat Jul 3 1993
finger ***@cmcvax.claremont.edu
Clark College (Vancouver, WA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clark.edu/>.
***@clark.edu, or ***@clark.edu. Send mail to
***@clark.edu if you have difficulty.
Note: this is not Clark University (clarku.edu).
Clark Atlanta University (Atlanta, GA, USA): Created: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/cau/search2.html>; student
directory at <URL:http://www.cau.edu/cau/student_directory.html>.
Clark University (Worcester, MA, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clarku.edu/>.
Faculty directory at <URL:http://www.clarku.edu/faculty/>. Alphabetical
list of some student web pages at
Students, employees, alumni: ***@VAX.CLARKU.EDU (up to 12 characters,
unique in the first 8). Duplicate userids are resolved with a trailing
digit. This address isn't fingerable. ***@vax.clarku.edu is
willing to be helpful in tracking usernames.
An ULTRIX machines, black.clarku.edu can also be used by anyone. It is
Clarkson University (Potsdam, NY, USA): Changed: Thu Sep 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clarkson.edu/>.
Faculty/staff directory at <URL:http://heron.tc.clarkson.edu/~web/faculty/>.
Alphabetical listing of some student web pages at
For faculty, staff, and students: finger ***@clarkson.edu to find e-
mail addresses.
Clemson University (Clemson, SC, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.clemson.edu/>.
Gopher service at <URL:gopher://gopher.clemson.edu>.
All students have accounts assigned through various butcherings of their
names on the machine at clemson.clemson.edu (an IBM/390). Most
students/faculty that use the Internet, or those that just want to use
USENET, have accounts with identical account names on hubcap.clemson.edu
(currently a VAX, but will be an Alpha by early '94, UNIX at any rate).
The various academic departments with domains are:
Department Domain
Computer Science cs.clemson.edu
Mathematics math.clemson.edu
Engineering eng.clemson.edu
Chemistry indigo.clemson.edu
All department domains support UNIX finger and have postmasters.
Cleveland State University (Cleveland, OH, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csuohio.edu/>.
Directory available via Gopher service at <URL:gopher://ns.csuohio.edu>.
CIS faculty may be reached at ***@cis.csuohio.edu.
Engineering students with an account on the vax cluster may be reached at
the following address: ***@csvaxd.csuohio.edu, where xxx is the first
three letters of their last name and 9999 is the last four digits of their
social security number.
Colby College (Waterville, ME, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.colby.edu/>.
E-mail directory and alphabetical list of web pages at
<URL:http://www.colby.edu/o/cp.html>. Mailboxes are
***@colby.edu You can finger username, firstname, or lastname.
Collège Boréal (Sudbury, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.borealc.on.ca/>.
Collège des Grands Lacs (Welland, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.grandslacs.on.ca/>.
College of Charleston (Charleston, SC, USA): Changed: Fri Jun 24 2005
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cofc.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.
College of Marin (Kentfield, CA, USA): Created: Sun Mar 20 1994
***@marin.cc.ca.us Userids are usually lastname, flastname, or fml.
Most accounts don't last very long.
College of St. Benedict (St. Joseph, MN, USA): Changed: Thu Oct 12 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.csbsju.edu/>.
Same domain as St. John's University (Collegeville, MN, USA).
Students: ***@csbsju.edu
Faculty: ***@csbsju.edu
College of St. Rose (Albany, NY, USA): Created: Fri Jul 14 1995
Finger ***@rosnet.strose.edu.
College of the Holy Cross (Worcester, MA, USA): Created: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.holycross.edu/>.
Students: ***@HCACAD.HOLYCROSS.EDU All students have accounts on the
college's VAX systems. Students must activite their accounts to receive
College of William & Mary (Williamsburg, VA, USA): Changed: Wed Nov 9 1994
All students and academic faculty & staff have e-mail addresses of the form
***@mail.wm.edu. Finger also supports partial name searches.
The Department of Computer Science has its own domain. Addresses are of the
form ***@cs.wm.du. userid is user-selectable, and of no standard form.
Finger supports partial name searches.
Some other departments (e.g. Physics) have their own domains.
Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface (St. Boniface, Manitoba, Canada): Changed: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/>.
The only francophone post-secondary instutution in Manitoba. List of
personnell at <URL:http://www.ustboniface.mb.ca/listec_pers.html>.
Collégio Santa Maria (Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil): Created: Mon Apr 13 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.stamaria.com.br/>.
At the moment (April 1998) there is only a single e-mail address:
***@truenet.com.br. Specify for whom your e-mail is really intended.
Colorado College (Colorado Springs, CO, USA): Changed: Fri Apr 24 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cc.colorado.edu/>.
E-mail directory at
Students: F_(L9)@cc.colorado.edu; staff, faculty: F(L10)@cc.colorado.edu.
In case of duplicate names: Fm_llllllll or FmLLLLLLLLLL.
By administrative policy does not support finger.
Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO, USA): Created: Tue Mar 3 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.mines.edu/>.
Students & Faculty: F(L7)@mines.edu (or FM(L8)@mines.edu in case of
duplicates). See the personnel directory at
<URL:http://www.mines.edu/directory/personnel.html>; it includes students
as well as faculty and staff.
Colorado State University (Ft. Collins, CO, USA): Created: Thu Jun 22 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.colostate.edu/>.
Directory search at
Columbia University (New York, NY, USA): Changed: Sat Mar 25 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.columbia.edu/>.
There is a people search on the main web page.
Concordia University (Montréal, Québec, Canada): Created: Fri Dec 26 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.concordia.ca/>.
Faculty and staff directory at <URL:http://mac-
Conestoga College (Kitchener-Waterloo, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.conestogac.on.ca/>.
There are also campuses in Guelph and and Cambridge.
Online directory for employees at <URL:http://www.conestogac.on.ca/cgi-
bin/search-email>. Mailboxes appear to be ***@conestogac.on.ca.
Confederation College (Thunder Bay, ON, Canada): Created: Wed Oct 28 1998
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.confederationc.on.ca/>.
Connecticut College (New London, CT, USA): Changed: Mon Jun 19 1995
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.conncoll.edu/>.
***@conncoll.edu (or fllll if no middle name)
Cornell College (Mount Vernon, IA, USA): Created: Prior to February 1993
Mail to ***@cornell-iowa.edu. Most Usernames are FLLLLLL, some may be
CS: turing.csc.cornell-iowa.edu
Others: hera.acn.cornell-iowa.edu, zeus.acn.cornell-iowa.edu
Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA): Changed: Tue Jun 17 1997
World-Wide Web service at <URL:http://www.cornell.edu/>.
On-line directory service at
<URL:http://www.cornell.edu/Direct/search_ph.html>. Anyone associated
with Cornell can get a Network ID, but not everyone does. As of Fall 1993,
all students are assigned netids, which consist of first, middle and last
initials, plus a number. Mail should be sent to ***@cornell.edu. If the
person's name is unique, mail can also be sent to
E-mail addresses can be searched by using finger on cornell.edu. Use
variations such as finger ***@cornell.edu or finger "firstname
Online directories make available name listings, where street addresses,
phone and FAX numbers can be found.
The CIT HelpDesk at ***@cornell.edu (607/255-8990) is willing to help
find e-mail addresses.
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)
"Yo' ideas need to be thinked befo' they are say'd" - Ian Lamb, age 3.5
http://www.cs.queensu.ca/~dalamb/ qucis->cs to reply (it's a long story...)