New White Flight?
(too old to reply)
2005-11-26 23:01:09 UTC
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.



The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1

(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)

CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.

But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.

Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal

The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.

Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.

In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.

But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.

This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.

Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.

The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.

"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."

Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]

She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.

"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.

When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.

Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."

While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.

In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.

Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.

As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.

Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School

Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.

"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."

Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.

Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."

On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic

At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.

"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."

On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.

"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.

Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.

Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.

Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."

Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg

To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.

Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]

Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."

Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.

"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.

Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.

The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.

"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."

Write to Suein Hwang at ***@wsj.com

Corrections & Amplifications:

In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
2005-11-27 02:17:49 UTC
***@hotmail.com wrote:
Post by r***@hotmail.com
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools.
Again, reminds me of the "Japan Inc." swipe at Japanese during the
80's. Asians taint the school with better, more competitive learning
environment? Sounds like the kids who are leaving simply can't compete,
or are not willing to truely compete for the privilege of an (used to
be easy) 'A'?

In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".

Don't fall for it.
Post by r***@hotmail.com
More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
2005-11-27 03:51:45 UTC
Post by c***@my-deja.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools.
Again, reminds me of the "Japan Inc." swipe at Japanese during the
80's. Asians taint the school with better, more competitive learning
environment? Sounds like the kids who are leaving simply can't compete,
or are not willing to truely compete for the privilege of an (used to
be easy) 'A'?
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Direct criticisms towards the Asian author pleez......but yeah see your
Orwellian point though - if freedom's slavery, then victimhood aka
weakness must be power!! :)
Jim Walsh
2005-11-28 07:02:48 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.com
.... That's why the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to
join the "anti reverse discrimination" cause .... - To protect White
America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Direct criticisms towards the Asian author pleez......but yeah see your
Orwellian point though - if freedom's slavery, then victimhood aka
weakness must be power!! :)
Your reasoning is so weird I can't figure out where to begin. Oh, yeah,
now I remember. You are a bigot. You don't need to reason logically.
Love, Jim

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2005-11-30 01:39:29 UTC
Post by Jim Walsh
Post by r***@hotmail.com
.... That's why the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to
join the "anti reverse discrimination" cause .... - To protect White
America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Direct criticisms towards the Asian author pleez......but yeah see your
Orwellian point though - if freedom's slavery, then victimhood aka
weakness must be power!! :)
Your reasoning is so weird I can't figure out where to begin. Oh, yeah,
now I remember. You are a bigot. You don't need to reason logically.
thank you jim for your compliment.
Post by Jim Walsh
Love, Jim
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Chairman Mao
2005-11-30 13:04:19 UTC
Anyone that doesn't tow the liberal mentality of "victims" and tells the
truth is a bigot.

How Clintonial of you...
Post by Jim Walsh
Post by r***@hotmail.com
.... That's why the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to
join the "anti reverse discrimination" cause .... - To protect White
America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Direct criticisms towards the Asian author pleez......but yeah see your
Orwellian point though - if freedom's slavery, then victimhood aka
weakness must be power!! :)
Your reasoning is so weird I can't figure out where to begin. Oh, yeah,
now I remember. You are a bigot. You don't need to reason logically.
Love, Jim
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2005-12-01 04:49:13 UTC
Actually he can be Susan Cohen of these ngs ... like 'you're a bigot'!
Premature & childlike behavior!
Post by Chairman Mao
Anyone that doesn't tow the liberal mentality of "victims" and tells the
truth is a bigot.
How Clintonial of you...
Post by Jim Walsh
Post by r***@hotmail.com
.... That's why the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to
join the "anti reverse discrimination" cause .... - To protect White
America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Direct criticisms towards the Asian author pleez......but yeah see your
Orwellian point though - if freedom's slavery, then victimhood aka
weakness must be power!! :)
Your reasoning is so weird I can't figure out where to begin. Oh, yeah,
now I remember. You are a bigot. You don't need to reason logically.
Love, Jim
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Chairman Mao
2005-12-09 06:31:15 UTC
Susie mentioned she married some Jew for money but prefers "fuzzy bumping"
her girlfriends when hubby is in the office thinking up the next

Whatever floats Susan's boat...er or in her toilet bowl...
Post by RichAsianKid
Actually he can be Susan Cohen of these ngs ... like 'you're a bigot'!
Premature & childlike behavior!
Post by Chairman Mao
Anyone that doesn't tow the liberal mentality of "victims" and tells the
truth is a bigot.
How Clintonial of you...
Post by Jim Walsh
Post by r***@hotmail.com
.... That's why the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to
join the "anti reverse discrimination" cause .... - To protect White
America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Direct criticisms towards the Asian author pleez......but yeah see your
Orwellian point though - if freedom's slavery, then victimhood aka
weakness must be power!! :)
Your reasoning is so weird I can't figure out where to begin. Oh, yeah,
now I remember. You are a bigot. You don't need to reason logically.
Love, Jim
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2005-12-09 12:09:11 UTC
Chairman Mao goes into a socio-politico-pathological seizure and
Post by Chairman Mao
Anyone that doesn't tow the liberal mentality of "victims" and tells the
truth is a bigot.
Using mud-slinging labels such as conservative, liberal, patriotic,
revolutionary, and counter-revolution is counter-productive in a
rational effort
face and solve the issues because it obscure the issues and facts
and leads the discussion into a blame-game scenario.


A bigot is one who obstinately following his or her own opinions and
prejudices (rather than seek the facts and considering the ideas
of others ).

To hold onto to a particular opinion or authoritative tenet or doctrine
without adequate grounds (truth/facts) is to be dogmatic.
Chairman Mao
2005-12-09 16:41:18 UTC
Truth is the truth that liberals ignore..period!
Post by drydem
Chairman Mao goes into a socio-politico-pathological seizure and
Post by Chairman Mao
Anyone that doesn't tow the liberal mentality of "victims" and tells the
truth is a bigot.
Using mud-slinging labels such as conservative, liberal, patriotic,
revolutionary, and counter-revolution is counter-productive in a
rational effort
face and solve the issues because it obscure the issues and facts
and leads the discussion into a blame-game scenario.
A bigot is one who obstinately following his or her own opinions and
prejudices (rather than seek the facts and considering the ideas
of others ).
To hold onto to a particular opinion or authoritative tenet or doctrine
without adequate grounds (truth/facts) is to be dogmatic.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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2005-12-10 13:06:55 UTC
Post by Chairman Mao
Truth is the truth that liberals ignore..period!

Truth exists regardless of whether liberal or conservative ignores it.
Hence liberals and conservatives are irrelevant, so
Occam's razor eliminates that criteria from your definition.
Your resulting definition of the Truth hence
becomes tautological failure.

Jim Walsh
2005-11-28 07:00:51 UTC
On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 18:17:49 -0800, charles_liu thought carefully and
Post by c***@my-deja.com
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtle
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Well said Mr. Liu. Your comments are on right on the mark.

May I add one proviso?

The word "white" refers to a culturally defined group, which has no
biological significance. There is no white race.
Love, Jim

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2005-11-30 04:58:12 UTC
I dont think any rational person can deny that the average asians are
at least slightly smarter than the average white, but that isnt
everything. White people invented pretty much everything and have all
the money and are physically stronger with bigger balls to boot. I'll
take it.
2005-11-30 05:29:24 UTC
Post by TXZZ
I dont think any rational person can deny that the average asians are
at least slightly smarter than the average white, but that isnt
everything. White people invented pretty much everything and have all
the money and are physically stronger with bigger balls to boot. I'll
take it.
Take a look at the list of nobel prize winners of the last 50 years, and
more. Then compare the number of asians to non asians.
2005-12-16 22:55:58 UTC
Post by beernuts
Post by TXZZ
I dont think any rational person can deny that the average asians are
at least slightly smarter than the average white, but that isnt
everything. White people invented pretty much everything and have all
the money and are physically stronger with bigger balls to boot. I'll
take it.
Take a look at the list of nobel prize winners of the last 50 years, and
more. Then compare the number of asians to non asians.
Nobel prize winners are not what's being compared.
What's being compared is the *average* person.
A better comparison might be the educational attainment
level of like populations .
2005-12-17 01:51:07 UTC
Post by drydem
Post by beernuts
Post by TXZZ
I dont think any rational person can deny that the average asians are
at least slightly smarter than the average white, but that isnt
everything. White people invented pretty much everything and have all
the money and are physically stronger with bigger balls to boot. I'll
take it.
Take a look at the list of nobel prize winners of the last 50 years, and
more. Then compare the number of asians to non asians.
Nobel prize winners are not what's being compared.
What's being compared is the *average* person.
A better comparison might be the educational attainment
level of like populations .
I don't believe I was making the comparison based on any reference to
"average" white kids (or Asians) made in the article (although I don't
think there was a sense of average, anyway - the article was about
white flight en masse, no average about it, really).

What I was addressing is RichAsianKid's notions of race, genetics and
accomplishment. He even *thought* I was talking about *Asians* with
most of the nobel prizes...

I guess you entered the conversation late, so it's pointless to go back
and talk about the article vs tangential conversations...
Chairman Mao
2005-11-28 07:29:34 UTC
The Man Higher Up
(A Chapter from the Pardes)

By Israel Shamir

Three thieves, lucky enough to escape their pursuers but broke and
despondent, find their ways crossed in a small Midwest town - opens a droll
short story. The Man Higher Up by the American virtuoso of the genre, O.
Henry. They represent three kinds of graft: Bill is a burglar, Jeff is a
cheat, while Alfred sells junk shares. Eventually, Bill robbed a bank and
opened a poker room. Jeff spiked cards and cleaned out Bill, 'leaving him a
black cat and wanderlust'. But Jeff's joy was short-lived: he invested the
profits of his 'business' operations in gold mine shares, only to discover
too late that the shares are signed by the CEO A.L. Fredericks, who is
nobody but his fellow felon Alfred E. Ricks. Thus, the profits of the
burglary went to a businessman and ended up with a speculator, at which
point Jeff the cheat exclaimed: Wall Street speculation and burglary ought
to be wiped out by law!

This story could be read as a parable of the American fortunes. Bill
the Burglar symbolizes the primary acquisition. The original pioneers killed
off the natives and robbed the new continent. They dug for gold and oil,
turned prairies into corn fields and remained on the Marlboro billboards as
intrepid cowboys. Jeff the Yankee, a typical American businessman, skinned
Bill, opened shops and banks, marketed Coca Cola, created oil companies,
carpet-bagged the South, turned Latin America into his banana-producing
backyard, only to find his money invested with A.L. Fredericks a.k.a.
Goldman Sachs, Marc Rich, Michael Milken, Andrew Fastow et al.

In real life as in the short story, A.L. Fredericks had cheated Jeff
the Cheat. He took his real dollar and turned it into 'funny money',
'unredeemable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes of the Fed, that are
not backed by anything other than the confidence of the credulous', in the
words of one Internet wit. For 650 billion dollars issued, the Fed has just
17 billion dollars worth of equity, 'the real cover'. The US has now $38
trillion of aggregate debt incurred by Alfred in relation to a GDP of $10
trillion produced by Bill and Jeff. The greatest pyramid of all is built on
the same principles as the Albanian pyramid that ruined this small Balkan
country a few years ago. Sooner rather than later, Jeff, the American middle
class, will feel the pinch of AN approaching crisis that threatens to dwarf
1929. Bill, the American worker, feels it already. The ruination of the
American working class and even its middle class is unavoidable, for the
incredible riches of the US have disappeared into Alfred's black hole.

Can we try and identify 'Alfred', the Man Higher Up, with greater
precision than as simply a 'bad rich man'? Who are the net gainers of the
pyramid? A new national study
(http://www.osu.edu/researchnews/archive/relgwlth.htm) by Lisa Keister,
associate professor of sociology at Ohio State University, says that 'the
wealth (or median net worth) of Jewish people in the US is $150,890, more
than three times the average wealth of Americans ($48,200). (In comparison,
in 1956 the median net worth of a Jew was just below average). The wealth of
conservative Protestants (Bill of the story) IS $26,200, or about half the
overall average. The wealth of mainstream Protestants and Catholics (Jeff of
the story) is about the average for the whole sample. Thus, the Jew has
three times more wealth than the much-maligned Jeff the WASP, and six times
more wealth than even more despised Bill the Redneck.

'What parcels out the world is the fact of belonging or not belonging
to a given species. The cause is the consequence; you are rich because you
are a Jew, you are a Jew because you are rich', in the ringing words of a
prominent Marxist scholar of colonialism, Frantz Fanon (mutatis mutandis: he
spoke of 'whites' in the colonial reality of Africa).

Lenni Brenner, the Trotskyite author of the book Jews in America wrote
recently: "Why then is the Zionist lobby so powerful when their own scholars
write endlessly about the alienation of their youth from the movement? The
answer is simple: the Jews are the richest ethnic or religious stratum in
the US. Because their standard of living is so high, they are the most
educated. Because they are the most educated, they are the most
scientifically oriented, hence most inclined towards atheism or religious
scepticism. But the true believer minority still has an unbelievable amount
of money to throw at the politicians."

Keister found that full "one-third of the Jews invest in high-risk,
high-return assets such as stocks and bonds, compared with none of the
conservative Protestants, and 4 percent of Catholics." While the Jews have
no monopoly on Wall Street speculation, they do constitute the hard core of
the collective A.L. Fredericks. It is a part of their tradition: Jay Gould
and Joseph Seligman caused the "Black Friday" stock market crash in the late
19th century, while Jacob Schiff caused the notorious 'Black Thursday' panic
that led to a nationwide economic depression. Seligman was also the mover
behind the Panama affair, a stock market swindle that became proverbial in

"During Prohibition," notes Robert Rockaway, the author of an
apologetic book on Jewish gangsters, "fifty per cent of the leading
bootleggers were Jewish, and Jewish criminals financed and directed much of
the nation's narcotics traffic". The present leadership of American Jewry
are to a large extent the sons of Jewish gangsters, killers, smugglers and
fraudsters; for instance, the Bronfmans, sons of Bronfman the Bootlegger, or
Michael Steinhardt, the son of a mafioso "Red Steinhardt", one of Democratic
presidential hopeful Joseph Lieberman's key backers.

Dr. William Pierce wrote an interesting piece on Jewish crooks. Oh
yes, Dr Pierce is a far-right racialist, but this does not invalidate his
observations. Half of the antizionist discourse was build upon books of
Benny Morris, an Israeli Nazi, who extolled ethnic cleansing of Palestinians
and regretted that Palestine is not Goy-free. If we use the works of Morris,
we have no reason to disregard Dr Pierce, who wrote:

"It's not that Jews are the only crooks who steal from the American
people. George Bush is a crook, and he's not a Jew. Bill and Hillary Clinton
are crooks, and they're not Jews either. There probably are more Gentile
swindlers in America than Jewish swindlers, simply because Gentiles
outnumber Jews 40 to one in the overall population.

"No, Jews aren't the only crooks, but they're certainly the biggest
crooks. If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be
anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know that
it has to be a Jew."

It will be a mistake to see these data as 'racist'. The ideologists of
Jewry indignantly deny any connection between the 'religion' or 'ethnicity'
or 'origins' of the crooks, and their crooked deeds. This is to be
expected - that is what they are paid for. But as a matter of fact, A.L.
Fredericks is devoted to the Jews, whether he is a Jew or not. Enron's chief
financial officer was Andrew Fastow, described by the rabbi of his synagogue
as 'a mentsh, a very committed member of the community. He's active in
supporting Jewish causes, is a devoted supporter of Israel', while his wife
Lea (now plea bargaining) Weingarten, who 'hails from a prominent and
well-respected philanthropic family', did not miss a lesson in the

But Kenneth Lay, the Goy top man of Enron scandal, was equally devoted
to the Jewish cause. He and his equally Gentile wife Linda chipped in
$850,000 at a fund-raising event last year for the Holocaust Museum in
Houston, Texas, informed the Jerusalem Report, and concluded: "in all, Enron
was connected with about a third of the $3.5 million raised at the event,
which honoured former Texas senator Lloyd Bentsen and Holocaust chronicler
Ruth Gruber.

We see again this uncanny, mind-boggling, closely-knit connection of
crooks and - not Jews, but Jewish causes, be it the Holocaust cult or the
Zionist cause. Lay and Fastow stole billions of dollars from Jeff the
Investor; they stole even more from Bill the Worker while Lea
Fastow-Weingarten siphoned their money into tax shelters on the Cayman
Islands. But when it came to charity, they did not care for poor Americans,
or starving Africans. They gave their tithe to the Jewish cause.

Kenneth Lay is not alone. 'Sir' Conrad Black, a Goy media baron,
(admittedly married to a nasty Jewish supremacy columnist) is totally
devoted to the Jewish and Zionist cause. He owns the Jerusalem Post, an
extreme Zionist paper which criticizes Sharon for his lack of fervour.
Expectedly, he turned out to be a crook. He stripped the assets of companies
he chaired and stole hundreds millions of dollars. But a wealthy man who
likes the Jews and spends so much on the Jewish causes is invariably a
crook, whether he is a Jew like Fastow or a Goy like Lay.

A Jewish crook is pushed by society-enforced feeling of victimhood,
for as perennial victim, the Jew feels the need to correct 'injustice' by
some extra-legal action. Theft of Palestinian lands was explained (by Rabbi
Lerner, among others) by the need to correct the 'injustice' of the Roman
occupation of Palestine 2000 years ago. Establishment of the Jewish state is
explained by the 'injustice' of Arabs having 22 states, while the Jews had
none. Daylight robbery of Swiss banks corrected the 'injustice' of Nazi
confiscations, though the banks never held Jewish deposits. In a way, the
Holocaust museums are an important factor in the growth of Jewish
criminality, for they enforce the feeling of Jewish victimhood.

Extreme combativeness, the state of war with [Gentile] society, a
constant feature of the Jewish tendency, provides another explanation of
Jewish criminality. The state of war which allowed the Jews to charge
interest, collect exorbitant taxes, deal with slums accommodation and stolen
property, has became to an extent the norm of neo-liberal 'open society',
where everyone is at war with everybody else.

These features of the Jewish setup appeal to certain non-Jews whom we
call 'Mammonites'; they prefer the somewhat Luciferian paradigm of an
outsider, at war with the society, free from the moral constraints imposed
by the majority, and yet still chosen by a higher entity. These 'copycat
Jews' rightly feel that they will prosper in the Jewish-arranged world. That
is why they support the Jewish cause and admire the State of Israel, the
country of no moral restraints, a wholesale assassin and nature destroyer,
black money launderer, mass killer, and a leading exporter of weapons and
torture equipment.

Jacob Ben Efrat, an Israeli pro-democracy activist, calls us to "look
at Tel Aviv, a fourth of whose population now consists of migrant workers
from East Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Capitalist globalisers want a
flexible labour force, which they can transport at will from country to
country. As the result, the gap between haves and have-nots increases.
Israel is a shining example. Here the topmost fifth of the population earn
21 times more than the bottommost fifth (compared with 11 times more in the
US)". This quality makes Israel much loved by the Gentile Mammonites.

Thus, for an American, European or Russian the conclusion is clear:
their pro-Israel, pro-Jewish politicians are the worst for the people and
the best for the crooks. A potential investor in Enron, equipped with this
short essay, could just check Enron's contributions to the Holocaust museum
and he would know enough to carry his money elsewhere, unless he wants to
lose it for tax purposes. A California voter could just ask for Diane
Feinstein's opinion about the Jewish state, and vote for her, if he likes
the War in Iraq, expensive privatised electricity and a flood of illegal

Indeed, Diane Feinstein, a nominal Democrat, contributed to the War in
Iraq more than the average Republican: "Within minutes of Powell's war
speech, leading Senate Democrats such as Joseph Biden of Delaware and Diane
Feinstein of California were proclaiming it an unanswerable indictment of
Iraq, preparing the way for their party to line up behind the war that is
now only days or weeks away", noted The World Socialist Web Site in February
2003. The present competition for the Jewish and Mammonite vote in the US
Presidency elections is a bad sign for Bill and Jeff, for they are competing
who will skin them better.

In Sweden, their unique welfare state entrenched by the antizionist
Prime Minister Olof Palme is being undone by Göran Larsson, their present
Prime Minister, perennial organiser of holocaust conferences.

When voting or investing, a prudent American, European or Russian
should pick the company or the candidate that does not support the Jewish or
the Zionist cause. For sure, it can be a vote for a politician of Jewish
origin, like Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a
well-timed plane crash in October 2002. Wellstone was the strongest voice
against the war in Iraq, and supported Palestinian struggle. Michael Howard,
the new leader of the Conservative Party, is another good example. Indeed, a
non-Jew who likes the Jewish cause - like Tony Blair or Condoleezza Rice,
Bill Clinton or George Bush - is much more dangerous than a Jew who keeps
clear of the Jewish causes.

Immanuel Wallerstein compares the events of 1968 to a 'ship-wreck', in
aftermath of which the talented A.L. Fredericks scrambled to shore,
'undeterred by the thought of drowning companions', but (to continue
Wallerstein's parable in our terms) the drowning Bill and Jeff came to
interpret the ability of the talented to swim to shore as evidence of hope
for them. Wallerstein missed the point: this interpretation was not made by
Bill and Jeff, but by the wholly-owned subsidiary of A.L. Fredericks, the
Jewish-owned media with its Jewish pundits. Without this tool, Fredericks
would have been tarred and feathered, if not lynched in the best American

The financial capital of speculators and banks exceeded the industrial
and agricultural capacities and created the giant dollar bubble soon to
burst. This explains the hysterical campaign against 'antisemites': A.L.
Fredericks does not want his name and address to be known to Bill and Jeff;
he prefers to hide behind an anonymous 'rich white man' front. To be on the
safe side, 'antisemites' are always lumped with 'racists' and Jews - with
Blacks or other immigrant minorities, as if struggle against Alfred has
anything to do with the racial or other qualities of Jim, the Black
half-brother of Bill, or Ahmed, a powerless outsider.

Why should we care who pocketed Bill's cash - an all-American Jeff the
Cheat, or cosmopolitan Alfred the Swindler? However, Alfred the Jew is in a
class by himself, and not because of his cruelty. The Sultan of Brunei
builds a palace and gives a Boeing to his daughter. Paul Getty locks himself
up in a far away place. Wealthy Jews buy media, and media is a mind-altering
tool. Thus, their influence goes way beyond market dominance into previously
uncharted waters of mind control.

This pattern is seen all over the world. Sulzberger and Zuckerman own
a string of newspapers in the US from the NY Times to the USA Today, while
their brethren have monopolised editorial and other prominent positions in
the discourse. Connecting wealth and media influence, Benjamin Ginsberg,
Professor of Political Science at John Hopkins University wrote in 1993:

"Today, though barely 2% of the nation's population is Jewish, close
to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three
major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are
the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and most influential
newspaper, the New York Times."

This makes supreme sense, for otherwise, the free media would point
its accusing finger in their direction. The people of America would demand
from Alfred that he pull out his pockets and fully refund the stolen goods.
However, such a remedy does not even occur to them today. The reason is the
Jewish involvement in the discourse. Thus, we can complete the first level
of our analysis on a purely materialistic note, so dear to the hearts of
vulgar Marxists. The rich Jews buy media so it will cover up their (and
their brethren's) misdeeds. The Jews in the media are giving protection to
the rich Jews: in the right-wing media, they protect all rich and powerful
men; in the left-wing media, they blur the distinction between Jeff and

Is that what the Jews want?


{This question is answered in the following chapters of the PARDES.
The Full text is available to donors or active contributors of this list
just for asking. Send an email to ***@home.se with subject 'pardes' to
receive the PDF file}.

Posted February 24, 2004
Post by c***@my-deja.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools.
Again, reminds me of the "Japan Inc." swipe at Japanese during the
80's. Asians taint the school with better, more competitive learning
environment? Sounds like the kids who are leaving simply can't compete,
or are not willing to truely compete for the privilege of an (used to
be easy) 'A'?
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Post by r***@hotmail.com
More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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2005-12-09 17:05:27 UTC
Nice post. I think I even agree with it, mostly.

But I like Jews! So I hope you're wrong. =)

BTW -- what's with your Jewish obsession? I find it so damned
odd...you find many Jews (that should probably be "Jews") like Noam
Chomsky who are just as anti-capitalistic, etc. Besides, as a
community they have much to be proud of, let's face it.
Post by Chairman Mao
The Man Higher Up
(A Chapter from the Pardes)
By Israel Shamir
Three thieves, lucky enough to escape their pursuers but broke and
despondent, find their ways crossed in a small Midwest town - opens a droll
short story. The Man Higher Up by the American virtuoso of the genre, O.
Henry. They represent three kinds of graft: Bill is a burglar, Jeff is a
cheat, while Alfred sells junk shares. Eventually, Bill robbed a bank and
opened a poker room. Jeff spiked cards and cleaned out Bill, 'leaving him a
black cat and wanderlust'. But Jeff's joy was short-lived: he invested the
profits of his 'business' operations in gold mine shares, only to discover
too late that the shares are signed by the CEO A.L. Fredericks, who is
nobody but his fellow felon Alfred E. Ricks. Thus, the profits of the
burglary went to a businessman and ended up with a speculator, at which
point Jeff the cheat exclaimed: Wall Street speculation and burglary ought
to be wiped out by law!
This story could be read as a parable of the American fortunes. Bill
the Burglar symbolizes the primary acquisition. The original pioneers killed
off the natives and robbed the new continent. They dug for gold and oil,
turned prairies into corn fields and remained on the Marlboro billboards as
intrepid cowboys. Jeff the Yankee, a typical American businessman, skinned
Bill, opened shops and banks, marketed Coca Cola, created oil companies,
carpet-bagged the South, turned Latin America into his banana-producing
backyard, only to find his money invested with A.L. Fredericks a.k.a.
Goldman Sachs, Marc Rich, Michael Milken, Andrew Fastow et al.
In real life as in the short story, A.L. Fredericks had cheated Jeff
the Cheat. He took his real dollar and turned it into 'funny money',
'unredeemable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes of the Fed, that are
not backed by anything other than the confidence of the credulous', in the
words of one Internet wit. For 650 billion dollars issued, the Fed has just
17 billion dollars worth of equity, 'the real cover'. The US has now $38
trillion of aggregate debt incurred by Alfred in relation to a GDP of $10
trillion produced by Bill and Jeff. The greatest pyramid of all is built on
the same principles as the Albanian pyramid that ruined this small Balkan
country a few years ago. Sooner rather than later, Jeff, the American middle
class, will feel the pinch of AN approaching crisis that threatens to dwarf
1929. Bill, the American worker, feels it already. The ruination of the
American working class and even its middle class is unavoidable, for the
incredible riches of the US have disappeared into Alfred's black hole.
Can we try and identify 'Alfred', the Man Higher Up, with greater
precision than as simply a 'bad rich man'? Who are the net gainers of the
pyramid? A new national study
(http://www.osu.edu/researchnews/archive/relgwlth.htm) by Lisa Keister,
associate professor of sociology at Ohio State University, says that 'the
wealth (or median net worth) of Jewish people in the US is $150,890, more
than three times the average wealth of Americans ($48,200). (In comparison,
in 1956 the median net worth of a Jew was just below average). The wealth of
conservative Protestants (Bill of the story) IS $26,200, or about half the
overall average. The wealth of mainstream Protestants and Catholics (Jeff of
the story) is about the average for the whole sample. Thus, the Jew has
three times more wealth than the much-maligned Jeff the WASP, and six times
more wealth than even more despised Bill the Redneck.
'What parcels out the world is the fact of belonging or not belonging
to a given species. The cause is the consequence; you are rich because you
are a Jew, you are a Jew because you are rich', in the ringing words of a
prominent Marxist scholar of colonialism, Frantz Fanon (mutatis mutandis: he
spoke of 'whites' in the colonial reality of Africa).
recently: "Why then is the Zionist lobby so powerful when their own scholars
write endlessly about the alienation of their youth from the movement? The
answer is simple: the Jews are the richest ethnic or religious stratum in
the US. Because their standard of living is so high, they are the most
educated. Because they are the most educated, they are the most
scientifically oriented, hence most inclined towards atheism or religious
scepticism. But the true believer minority still has an unbelievable amount
of money to throw at the politicians."
Keister found that full "one-third of the Jews invest in high-risk,
high-return assets such as stocks and bonds, compared with none of the
conservative Protestants, and 4 percent of Catholics." While the Jews have
no monopoly on Wall Street speculation, they do constitute the hard core of
the collective A.L. Fredericks. It is a part of their tradition: Jay Gould
and Joseph Seligman caused the "Black Friday" stock market crash in the late
19th century, while Jacob Schiff caused the notorious 'Black Thursday' panic
that led to a nationwide economic depression. Seligman was also the mover
behind the Panama affair, a stock market swindle that became proverbial in
"During Prohibition," notes Robert Rockaway, the author of an
apologetic book on Jewish gangsters, "fifty per cent of the leading
bootleggers were Jewish, and Jewish criminals financed and directed much of
the nation's narcotics traffic". The present leadership of American Jewry
are to a large extent the sons of Jewish gangsters, killers, smugglers and
fraudsters; for instance, the Bronfmans, sons of Bronfman the Bootlegger, or
Michael Steinhardt, the son of a mafioso "Red Steinhardt", one of Democratic
presidential hopeful Joseph Lieberman's key backers.
Dr. William Pierce wrote an interesting piece on Jewish crooks. Oh
yes, Dr Pierce is a far-right racialist, but this does not invalidate his
observations. Half of the antizionist discourse was build upon books of
Benny Morris, an Israeli Nazi, who extolled ethnic cleansing of Palestinians
and regretted that Palestine is not Goy-free. If we use the works of Morris,
"It's not that Jews are the only crooks who steal from the American
people. George Bush is a crook, and he's not a Jew. Bill and Hillary Clinton
are crooks, and they're not Jews either. There probably are more Gentile
swindlers in America than Jewish swindlers, simply because Gentiles
outnumber Jews 40 to one in the overall population.
"No, Jews aren't the only crooks, but they're certainly the biggest
crooks. If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be
anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know that
it has to be a Jew."
It will be a mistake to see these data as 'racist'. The ideologists of
Jewry indignantly deny any connection between the 'religion' or 'ethnicity'
or 'origins' of the crooks, and their crooked deeds. This is to be
expected - that is what they are paid for. But as a matter of fact, A.L.
Fredericks is devoted to the Jews, whether he is a Jew or not. Enron's chief
financial officer was Andrew Fastow, described by the rabbi of his synagogue
as 'a mentsh, a very committed member of the community. He's active in
supporting Jewish causes, is a devoted supporter of Israel', while his wife
Lea (now plea bargaining) Weingarten, who 'hails from a prominent and
well-respected philanthropic family', did not miss a lesson in the
But Kenneth Lay, the Goy top man of Enron scandal, was equally devoted
to the Jewish cause. He and his equally Gentile wife Linda chipped in
$850,000 at a fund-raising event last year for the Holocaust Museum in
Houston, Texas, informed the Jerusalem Report, and concluded: "in all, Enron
was connected with about a third of the $3.5 million raised at the event,
which honoured former Texas senator Lloyd Bentsen and Holocaust chronicler
Ruth Gruber.
We see again this uncanny, mind-boggling, closely-knit connection of
crooks and - not Jews, but Jewish causes, be it the Holocaust cult or the
Zionist cause. Lay and Fastow stole billions of dollars from Jeff the
Investor; they stole even more from Bill the Worker while Lea
Fastow-Weingarten siphoned their money into tax shelters on the Cayman
Islands. But when it came to charity, they did not care for poor Americans,
or starving Africans. They gave their tithe to the Jewish cause.
Kenneth Lay is not alone. 'Sir' Conrad Black, a Goy media baron,
(admittedly married to a nasty Jewish supremacy columnist) is totally
devoted to the Jewish and Zionist cause. He owns the Jerusalem Post, an
extreme Zionist paper which criticizes Sharon for his lack of fervour.
Expectedly, he turned out to be a crook. He stripped the assets of companies
he chaired and stole hundreds millions of dollars. But a wealthy man who
likes the Jews and spends so much on the Jewish causes is invariably a
crook, whether he is a Jew like Fastow or a Goy like Lay.
A Jewish crook is pushed by society-enforced feeling of victimhood,
for as perennial victim, the Jew feels the need to correct 'injustice' by
some extra-legal action. Theft of Palestinian lands was explained (by Rabbi
Lerner, among others) by the need to correct the 'injustice' of the Roman
occupation of Palestine 2000 years ago. Establishment of the Jewish state is
explained by the 'injustice' of Arabs having 22 states, while the Jews had
none. Daylight robbery of Swiss banks corrected the 'injustice' of Nazi
confiscations, though the banks never held Jewish deposits. In a way, the
Holocaust museums are an important factor in the growth of Jewish
criminality, for they enforce the feeling of Jewish victimhood.
Extreme combativeness, the state of war with [Gentile] society, a
constant feature of the Jewish tendency, provides another explanation of
Jewish criminality. The state of war which allowed the Jews to charge
interest, collect exorbitant taxes, deal with slums accommodation and stolen
property, has became to an extent the norm of neo-liberal 'open society',
where everyone is at war with everybody else.
These features of the Jewish setup appeal to certain non-Jews whom we
call 'Mammonites'; they prefer the somewhat Luciferian paradigm of an
outsider, at war with the society, free from the moral constraints imposed
by the majority, and yet still chosen by a higher entity. These 'copycat
Jews' rightly feel that they will prosper in the Jewish-arranged world. That
is why they support the Jewish cause and admire the State of Israel, the
country of no moral restraints, a wholesale assassin and nature destroyer,
black money launderer, mass killer, and a leading exporter of weapons and
torture equipment.
Jacob Ben Efrat, an Israeli pro-democracy activist, calls us to "look
at Tel Aviv, a fourth of whose population now consists of migrant workers
from East Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Capitalist globalisers want a
flexible labour force, which they can transport at will from country to
country. As the result, the gap between haves and have-nots increases.
Israel is a shining example. Here the topmost fifth of the population earn
21 times more than the bottommost fifth (compared with 11 times more in the
US)". This quality makes Israel much loved by the Gentile Mammonites.
their pro-Israel, pro-Jewish politicians are the worst for the people and
the best for the crooks. A potential investor in Enron, equipped with this
short essay, could just check Enron's contributions to the Holocaust museum
and he would know enough to carry his money elsewhere, unless he wants to
lose it for tax purposes. A California voter could just ask for Diane
Feinstein's opinion about the Jewish state, and vote for her, if he likes
the War in Iraq, expensive privatised electricity and a flood of illegal
Indeed, Diane Feinstein, a nominal Democrat, contributed to the War in
Iraq more than the average Republican: "Within minutes of Powell's war
speech, leading Senate Democrats such as Joseph Biden of Delaware and Diane
Feinstein of California were proclaiming it an unanswerable indictment of
Iraq, preparing the way for their party to line up behind the war that is
now only days or weeks away", noted The World Socialist Web Site in February
2003. The present competition for the Jewish and Mammonite vote in the US
Presidency elections is a bad sign for Bill and Jeff, for they are competing
who will skin them better.
In Sweden, their unique welfare state entrenched by the antizionist
Prime Minister Olof Palme is being undone by Göran Larsson, their present
Prime Minister, perennial organiser of holocaust conferences.
When voting or investing, a prudent American, European or Russian
should pick the company or the candidate that does not support the Jewish or
the Zionist cause. For sure, it can be a vote for a politician of Jewish
origin, like Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a
well-timed plane crash in October 2002. Wellstone was the strongest voice
against the war in Iraq, and supported Palestinian struggle. Michael Howard,
the new leader of the Conservative Party, is another good example. Indeed, a
non-Jew who likes the Jewish cause - like Tony Blair or Condoleezza Rice,
Bill Clinton or George Bush - is much more dangerous than a Jew who keeps
clear of the Jewish causes.
Immanuel Wallerstein compares the events of 1968 to a 'ship-wreck', in
aftermath of which the talented A.L. Fredericks scrambled to shore,
'undeterred by the thought of drowning companions', but (to continue
Wallerstein's parable in our terms) the drowning Bill and Jeff came to
interpret the ability of the talented to swim to shore as evidence of hope
for them. Wallerstein missed the point: this interpretation was not made by
Bill and Jeff, but by the wholly-owned subsidiary of A.L. Fredericks, the
Jewish-owned media with its Jewish pundits. Without this tool, Fredericks
would have been tarred and feathered, if not lynched in the best American
The financial capital of speculators and banks exceeded the industrial
and agricultural capacities and created the giant dollar bubble soon to
burst. This explains the hysterical campaign against 'antisemites': A.L.
Fredericks does not want his name and address to be known to Bill and Jeff;
he prefers to hide behind an anonymous 'rich white man' front. To be on the
safe side, 'antisemites' are always lumped with 'racists' and Jews - with
Blacks or other immigrant minorities, as if struggle against Alfred has
anything to do with the racial or other qualities of Jim, the Black
half-brother of Bill, or Ahmed, a powerless outsider.
Why should we care who pocketed Bill's cash - an all-American Jeff the
Cheat, or cosmopolitan Alfred the Swindler? However, Alfred the Jew is in a
class by himself, and not because of his cruelty. The Sultan of Brunei
builds a palace and gives a Boeing to his daughter. Paul Getty locks himself
up in a far away place. Wealthy Jews buy media, and media is a mind-altering
tool. Thus, their influence goes way beyond market dominance into previously
uncharted waters of mind control.
This pattern is seen all over the world. Sulzberger and Zuckerman own
a string of newspapers in the US from the NY Times to the USA Today, while
their brethren have monopolised editorial and other prominent positions in
the discourse. Connecting wealth and media influence, Benjamin Ginsberg,
"Today, though barely 2% of the nation's population is Jewish, close
to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three
major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are
the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and most influential
newspaper, the New York Times."
This makes supreme sense, for otherwise, the free media would point
its accusing finger in their direction. The people of America would demand
from Alfred that he pull out his pockets and fully refund the stolen goods.
However, such a remedy does not even occur to them today. The reason is the
Jewish involvement in the discourse. Thus, we can complete the first level
of our analysis on a purely materialistic note, so dear to the hearts of
vulgar Marxists. The rich Jews buy media so it will cover up their (and
their brethren's) misdeeds. The Jews in the media are giving protection to
the rich Jews: in the right-wing media, they protect all rich and powerful
men; in the left-wing media, they blur the distinction between Jeff and
Is that what the Jews want?
{This question is answered in the following chapters of the PARDES.
The Full text is available to donors or active contributors of this list
receive the PDF file}.
Posted February 24, 2004
Post by c***@my-deja.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools.
Again, reminds me of the "Japan Inc." swipe at Japanese during the
80's. Asians taint the school with better, more competitive learning
environment? Sounds like the kids who are leaving simply can't compete,
or are not willing to truely compete for the privilege of an (used to
be easy) 'A'?
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Post by r***@hotmail.com
More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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Chairman Mao
2005-12-10 07:14:31 UTC
Not all Jew$ or Niggers...

But you must admit the bad niggers over shadow the good ones 90% of the time
well the same thing can be said about the Jew$.

Look at the assholes on this list:

How many are control freak, leftist-liberals, Zionist types or crooks only
out for $$ or the Jewi$h cause?


23 Jews in U.S. House of

Gary Ackerman (D-N.Y.)
Shelley Berkley (D-Nev.)*
Howard Berman (D-Calif.)
Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.)
Peter Deutsch (D-Fla.)
Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.)
Bob Filner (D-Calif.)
Barney Frank (D-Mass.)
Martin Frost (D-Texas)
Sam Gejdensen (D-Conn.)
Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.)
Tom Lantos (D-Calif.)
Sander Levin (D-Mich.)
Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.)
Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.)
Steve Rothman (D-N.J.)
Bernard Sanders (I-Vt.)
Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)*
Brad Sherman (D-Calif.)
Norman Sisisky (D-Va.)
Henry Waxman (D-Calif.)
Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)*
Robert Wexler (D-Fla.)

11 Jews in U.S. Senate
Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)*
Russell Feingold (D-Wisc.)*
Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)
Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.)
Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
Carl Levin (D-Mich.)
Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.)
Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)*
Arlen Specter (R-Pa.)*
Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.)
Ron Wyden (D-Ore.)*

United States: Supreme Court Justices

Abe Fortas - Appointed by Pres Johnson, 1965-1969
Arthur J. Goldberg - Appointed by Pres Kennedy, 1962-
Benjamin Cardozo - Associate justice of the Supreme
Court (1932-1938)
Felix Frankfurter - Founder of ACLU and an associate
justice of the US Supreme Court (1939-1962)
Louis Brandies - American jurist who served as an
associate justice of the US Supreme Court (1916-1939).

Ruth Bader-Ginsberg - Supreme Court justice
Steven Breyer - Appointed to the Supreme Court in
1994 by President Clinton

The Jewish US. Ambassadors:
Ambassador John C. Kornblum
Germany has long been seen as an adversary of the Jews. Thus
a Jewish
Ambassador places them under direct Jewish pressure.
Ambassador Felix Rohatyn
Rohatyn is a former partner in the Jewish Lazard Freres
investment bank.
In September the French oil company, "Total," invested $2
billion in the
production of oil in Iran. Rohatyn is seeking to Veto this
project due to
Israel's hostility toward Iran. Rohatyn said; "Globalization
doesn't carry a
threat, but it carries discipline."
Ambassador Daniel Fried
Chester Grabowski, editor of "The Polish Post Eagle", and
others urged
Clinton to name a Polish American. This plea was ignored.
There has
never been a Jew ambassador to Poland before as Jews hold an
toward Poles. This is considered as a gross insult. Regardless, Fried
jokingly said: "I will now have to brush up on their language."
Ambassador Edward E. Elson
Dr. Fields attended Marist High. School in Atlanta with the Elson
brothers. He learned that their family made a fortune in the textile
business and are big contributors to the Democratic Party.
Ambassador Donald M. Blinken
This country has long been considered "anti-Semitic".
Budapest has the
largest Jewish population in Europe, some 125,000 Jews, only
exceeded by
Paris Thus Blinken can protect their financial interests.
Ambassador Alfred H. Moses
At one time Romania was ruled by an allJewish Communist
Party under
Anna Pauka. Romania is closely allied with Israel. Six
members of the
Rumanian Senate, three of them priests, objected to Clinton's 1994
appointment of Moses stating that he was closely connected to
the fallen
Communist Ceausescu regime.
Ambassador Alan J. Blinken
Antwerp, Belgium is the diamond capital of the world next to
Tel Aviv.
The diamond business is totally Jew-controlled. Blinken is in a
position to
further protect their interests. He is related to the Blinken
ambassador to
Ambassador Kenneth S. Yalowitz
Belarus is located between Poland and Russia. It once had a
huge Jewish
population.. They still have interests there.
South Africa:
Ambassador James A. Joseph
The Jewish Oppenheimer family controls this gold mining
capital of the
world. The Jewish-run South African Communist Party and the
ANC now
control the government and loyally do the bidding of the gold
Ambassador Frank G. Wisner
This economic powerhouse has long sided with the Arabs
against Israel
and needs more Zionist control
Ambassador Marc Grossman
The "Kemalist" Turkey is the only Middle East border country
with a
military alliance with Israel. They pose a threat to Syria and
Iraq over
long simmering border disputes. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was a secret
Jewish infiltrator ! This explains the alliance between the
Ataturk-influenced military regime in Turkey and the
fraudulent and
criminal state of Israel! This also explains the opposition of the
junta against the rennaisance of Islam amongst the muslim
people of
Turkey! About the jewish Ataturk: visit the jewish home page "Famous
New Zealand:
Ambassador Josiah H. Beeman
Ambassador Daniel C. Kurtzer
Egypt is the recipient of the second largest amount of US
foreign aid. This
is to "buy off" Israel's southern front. Any hostility toward
Israel would
end the aid.)
Ambassador Thomas L. Siebert
Ambassador Marc C. Ginsberg
Ambassador Timothy A. Chorba
Ambassador Arlene Render
Ambassador Melvyn Levitsky
This is South America's largest country and economic
powerhouse. Jews
have huge investments here.
Ambassador Curt W. Kamman
This is another mineral rich country; copper, magnesium, lead,
Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow
Davidow was formerly Assistant Secy. Of State for South
America under
Albright. Mexico sends the US more immigrants and trade
than any other
Ambassador Gordon Giffin
Thus Clinton has given both our border neighbors, Mexico and
Canada, to
Jewish operatives.
US Interest Head, Michael G. Kozak
One would think that this nation would have a Spanish Catholi "Interest

Chief" instead of a Jew???
Ambassador David B. Hermelin
Hermelin is a Michigan multi-millionaire real estate developer and
president of the World Jewish ORT Union. Re owns Palace
Sports and
Entertainment, "The Palace" of


ABC, Disney: Mike Eisner CEO = Jew

Rupert Murdoch: Times of London and other British papers; and, in the
United States, HarperCollins book publishers, the New York Post, and TV

Guide. He also acquired 20th Century Fox film studios and home video
and built the Fox Television network, as well as television stations in

Australia. His other communications ventures include direct-broadcast
satellite television and cable networks, and he has purchased broadcast

rights to major sports events in Britain, the United States, Australia,

and India.= JEW

RICHARD BERNSTEIN jew Western Publishing. childrens books

STUART BLOOMBERG jew ABC Head of Entertainment Division.

PETER CHERNIN jew 20th Century Fox. dec. 1992 new CEO

MARTIN S. DAVIS jew Paramount Comm. CEO

BARRY DILLER jew 20th Century Fox. CEO


STEVEN FRIEDMAN jew NBC Executive Producer Nightly News. Hired may

1990 under G.E. (gentile) owned NBC.

LEONARD HARRY GOLDENSON jew ABC (Capital Cities ABC TV) (upto 1985.

Thomas Murphy now CEO but with same Jewish management)

KATHERINE MEYER GRAHAM jew Newsweek, Washington Post. Daughter of

Eugene Meyer.
PETER GUBER jew Columbia Pictures. 1989. Bought by SONY, Guber

replaced Kaufman as CEO.
PETER KALIKOW jew New York Post. Real estate devloper.

PETER R. KANN jew Dow Jones, Wall St Journal, Barrons
VICTOR A. KAUFMAN jew Columbia Pictures. CEO


GARY HERSH jew Capitol Records CEO


ROBERT MAXWELL aka Ludvik Hoch jew. Daily News.

RONNESSEN jew MBS. Mutual Broadcasting SYS.

SAMUEL NEWHOUSE russian jew Random House, Advanced Publications,

Newhouse Broadcasting, (CTV), New Yorker Vogue, Mademoiselle, Glamour,

Vanity Fair, HQ, Bride's, Gentleman's Quarterly, Self, House & Garden.
Newspapers & mags.

MICHAEL OVITZ jew Media magnate.
WILLIAM S. PALEY russian jew CBS CEO & founder of CBS. 1927. 1983

Partially retired.
SUMNER M. REDSTONE jew Viacom MTV Nickelodeon QVC. CEO.

JEFF SAGANSKY russian jew CBS Head Entertainment Division.

DAVID SARNOFF russian jew RCA NBC head entertainment div.

ROBERT SARNOFF russian jew RCA NBC CEO (son of D. Sarnoff). RCA and

NBC were bought by G.E. in 1986 but Jewish management still exists.
MICHAEL P. SCHULHOF jew SONY. Vice chairman.

RICHARD SNYDER jew Simon & Schuster.


ROBERT STRAUSS jew Large investor, President Bush's Moscow ambassador.

ARTHUR OCHS SULZBERGER jew New York Times, family circle. McCall's, M.
Frankel, J. Lelyveld, J. Rosenthal - all Jews.
BRANDON TARTIKOFF russian jew Paramount pictures. Chairman.

LAWRENCE A. TISCH russian jew CBS CEO TV, theaters, hotels, insurance.
(Before him was 1928 William S. Paley son of russian jews. Retired

LEW WASSERMAN jew MCA Inc. CEO. 1991. Bought by SONY. but Wasserman
still is CEO.
MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN jew US News and World Report, DAILY NEWS. New ceo.

1). Richard Perle----One of Bush's foreign policy advisors, he is the
chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board. A very likely Israeli
government agent, Perle was expelled from Senator Henry Jackson's
office in
the 1970's after the National Security Agency (NSA) caught him passing
Highly-Classified (National Security) documents to the Israeli Embassy.
later worked for the Israeli weapons firm, Soltam. Perle is one of the
leading pro-Israeli fanatics leading this Iraq war mongering within the

administration and now in the media.

2). Paul Wolfowitz----Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's
Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate
Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His
lives in Israel. Wolfowitz is the number two leader within the
administration behind this Iraq war mongering.

3). Douglas Feith----Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at
Pentagon. He is a close associate of Perle and served as his Special
Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist,
has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated
the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even
attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith
speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell,

which only has one
International office, in Israel. The majority of their legal work is
representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website stated, prior to
appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer."
basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith, like Perle and
Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against

4). Edward Luttwak----Member of the National Security Study Group of
Department of Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli

citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for Israeli and
pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist
main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging
against Iraq.

5). Henry Kissinger-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits
on the
Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle. For detailed information
Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersch's book (Price of Power:
Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger had a part in the
Southeast Asia mass murders, Chile dictatorship, and more recently
served as
Serbian Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He consistently
going to war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S.

6). Dov Zakheim----Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense. He is an
rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim attended
Jew's College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in

1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva University.

Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby.

7). Kenneth Adelman-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also
sits on
the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle, and is another
pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Adelman
frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist and
ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his hatred or
he actually called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001), when
could have looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs by
definition are Semites.

8). I. Lewis Libby -----Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff.
chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, it helps explains why Cheney
so gun-ho to invade Iraq. Libby is longtime associate of Wolfowitz.
was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich, whom
Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president.

9). Robert Satloff----U.S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff
the executive director of the Israeli lobby's "think tank," Washington
Institute for Near East Policy. Many of the Israeli lobby's "experts"
from this front group, like Martin Indyk.

10). Elliott Abrams-----National Security Council Advisor. He
worked at Washington-based "Think Tank" Ethics and Public Policy
During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant Secretary of
State,handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an

important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally
U.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq, and illegally funding the contra
fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He also
deceived three congressional committees about his involvement and
faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991
two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours
community service. A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted

Abrams a full pardon. He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in
Reagan Administration's State Department.

11). Marc Grossman-----Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.
was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human
at the Department of State. Grossman is one of many of the pro-Israel
Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that Bush has promoted
higher posts.

12). Richard Haass-----Director of Policy Planning at the State
and Ambassador at large. He is also Director of National Security
and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one
the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr) Administration
sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates
to war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's

National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

13). Robert Zoellick-----U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level
position.He is also one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Bush
Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying a portion of
country in order to set up setting up a Vichy-style puppet government.
consistently advocates going to war against Iraq.

14). Ari Fleischer----Official White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr)
Administration. Prominent in the Jewish community, some reports state
he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected to the
extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow
Qabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews.
was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the
Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October,

15). James Schlesinger-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger
sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another
extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq.
Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense Department's National

Security Study Group, at the Pentagon.

16). Mel Sembler-----President of the Export-Import Bank of the United
States. A Prominent Jewish Republican and Former National Finance
of the Republican National Committee. The Export-Import Bank
trade relationships between U.S. businesses and foreign countries,
specifically those with financial problems.

17). Michael Chertoff ----Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal
Division, at the Justice Department.

18). Joshua Bolten----Bush's Chief Policy Director, banker and former
legislative aide. Prominent in the Jewish community.

19). Steve Goldsmith----Senior Advisor to the President, and Bush's
domestic policy advisor. He also serves as liaison in the White House
Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (White House OFBCI)
the Executive Office of the President. He was the former mayor of
Indianapolis. He is also friends with Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Ehud
and often visits Israel to coach mayors on privatization initiatives.

20). Adam Goldman-----White House's Special Liaison to the Jewish

21). Joseph Gildenhorn-----Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the
Community. He was the DC finance chairman for the Bush campaign, as
well as
campaign coordinator, and former ambassador to Switzerland.

22). Christopher Gersten-----Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary,
Administration for Children and Families at HHS. Gersten was the former

Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Husband of Labor

Secretary, Linda Chavez, and reportedly very pro-Israel. Their children
being raised Jewish.

23). Mark Weinberger-----Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax

24). Samuel Bodman-----Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was the
Chairman and
CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts.

25). Bonnie Cohen-----Under Secretary of State for Management.

26). Ruth Davis-----Director of Foreign Service Institute, who reports
the Office of Under Secretary for Management. This Office is
for training all Department of State staff (including ambassadors).

27). Lincoln Bloomfield-----Assistant Secretary of State for Political
Military Affairs.

28). Jay Lefkowitz-----General Counsel of the Office of Budget and

29). David Frum-----White House speechwriter.

30). Ken Melman-----White House Political Director.

31). Brad Blakeman------White House Director of Scheduling

"NYC XYZ" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...

Nice post. I think I even agree with it, mostly.

But I like Jews! So I hope you're wrong. =)

BTW -- what's with your Jewish obsession? I find it so damned
odd...you find many Jews (that should probably be "Jews") like Noam
Chomsky who are just as anti-capitalistic, etc. Besides, as a
community they have much to be proud of, let's face it.
Post by Chairman Mao
The Man Higher Up
(A Chapter from the Pardes)
By Israel Shamir
Three thieves, lucky enough to escape their pursuers but broke and
despondent, find their ways crossed in a small Midwest town - opens a droll
short story. The Man Higher Up by the American virtuoso of the genre, O.
Henry. They represent three kinds of graft: Bill is a burglar, Jeff is a
cheat, while Alfred sells junk shares. Eventually, Bill robbed a bank and
opened a poker room. Jeff spiked cards and cleaned out Bill, 'leaving him a
black cat and wanderlust'. But Jeff's joy was short-lived: he invested the
profits of his 'business' operations in gold mine shares, only to discover
too late that the shares are signed by the CEO A.L. Fredericks, who is
nobody but his fellow felon Alfred E. Ricks. Thus, the profits of the
burglary went to a businessman and ended up with a speculator, at which
point Jeff the cheat exclaimed: Wall Street speculation and burglary ought
to be wiped out by law!
This story could be read as a parable of the American fortunes. Bill
the Burglar symbolizes the primary acquisition. The original pioneers killed
off the natives and robbed the new continent. They dug for gold and oil,
turned prairies into corn fields and remained on the Marlboro billboards as
intrepid cowboys. Jeff the Yankee, a typical American businessman, skinned
Bill, opened shops and banks, marketed Coca Cola, created oil companies,
carpet-bagged the South, turned Latin America into his banana-producing
backyard, only to find his money invested with A.L. Fredericks a.k.a.
Goldman Sachs, Marc Rich, Michael Milken, Andrew Fastow et al.
In real life as in the short story, A.L. Fredericks had cheated Jeff
the Cheat. He took his real dollar and turned it into 'funny money',
'unredeemable, non-interest-bearing promissory notes of the Fed, that are
not backed by anything other than the confidence of the credulous', in the
words of one Internet wit. For 650 billion dollars issued, the Fed has just
17 billion dollars worth of equity, 'the real cover'. The US has now $38
trillion of aggregate debt incurred by Alfred in relation to a GDP of $10
trillion produced by Bill and Jeff. The greatest pyramid of all is built on
the same principles as the Albanian pyramid that ruined this small Balkan
country a few years ago. Sooner rather than later, Jeff, the American middle
class, will feel the pinch of AN approaching crisis that threatens to dwarf
1929. Bill, the American worker, feels it already. The ruination of the
American working class and even its middle class is unavoidable, for the
incredible riches of the US have disappeared into Alfred's black hole.
Can we try and identify 'Alfred', the Man Higher Up, with greater
precision than as simply a 'bad rich man'? Who are the net gainers of the
pyramid? A new national study
(http://www.osu.edu/researchnews/archive/relgwlth.htm) by Lisa Keister,
associate professor of sociology at Ohio State University, says that 'the
wealth (or median net worth) of Jewish people in the US is $150,890, more
than three times the average wealth of Americans ($48,200). (In comparison,
in 1956 the median net worth of a Jew was just below average). The wealth of
conservative Protestants (Bill of the story) IS $26,200, or about half the
overall average. The wealth of mainstream Protestants and Catholics (Jeff of
the story) is about the average for the whole sample. Thus, the Jew has
three times more wealth than the much-maligned Jeff the WASP, and six times
more wealth than even more despised Bill the Redneck.
'What parcels out the world is the fact of belonging or not belonging
to a given species. The cause is the consequence; you are rich because you
are a Jew, you are a Jew because you are rich', in the ringing words of a
prominent Marxist scholar of colonialism, Frantz Fanon (mutatis mutandis: he
spoke of 'whites' in the colonial reality of Africa).
recently: "Why then is the Zionist lobby so powerful when their own scholars
write endlessly about the alienation of their youth from the movement? The
answer is simple: the Jews are the richest ethnic or religious stratum in
the US. Because their standard of living is so high, they are the most
educated. Because they are the most educated, they are the most
scientifically oriented, hence most inclined towards atheism or religious
scepticism. But the true believer minority still has an unbelievable amount
of money to throw at the politicians."
Keister found that full "one-third of the Jews invest in high-risk,
high-return assets such as stocks and bonds, compared with none of the
conservative Protestants, and 4 percent of Catholics." While the Jews have
no monopoly on Wall Street speculation, they do constitute the hard core of
the collective A.L. Fredericks. It is a part of their tradition: Jay Gould
and Joseph Seligman caused the "Black Friday" stock market crash in the late
19th century, while Jacob Schiff caused the notorious 'Black Thursday' panic
that led to a nationwide economic depression. Seligman was also the mover
behind the Panama affair, a stock market swindle that became proverbial in
"During Prohibition," notes Robert Rockaway, the author of an
apologetic book on Jewish gangsters, "fifty per cent of the leading
bootleggers were Jewish, and Jewish criminals financed and directed much of
the nation's narcotics traffic". The present leadership of American Jewry
are to a large extent the sons of Jewish gangsters, killers, smugglers and
fraudsters; for instance, the Bronfmans, sons of Bronfman the Bootlegger, or
Michael Steinhardt, the son of a mafioso "Red Steinhardt", one of Democratic
presidential hopeful Joseph Lieberman's key backers.
Dr. William Pierce wrote an interesting piece on Jewish crooks. Oh
yes, Dr Pierce is a far-right racialist, but this does not invalidate his
observations. Half of the antizionist discourse was build upon books of
Benny Morris, an Israeli Nazi, who extolled ethnic cleansing of Palestinians
and regretted that Palestine is not Goy-free. If we use the works of Morris,
"It's not that Jews are the only crooks who steal from the American
people. George Bush is a crook, and he's not a Jew. Bill and Hillary Clinton
are crooks, and they're not Jews either. There probably are more Gentile
swindlers in America than Jewish swindlers, simply because Gentiles
outnumber Jews 40 to one in the overall population.
"No, Jews aren't the only crooks, but they're certainly the biggest
crooks. If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be
anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know that
it has to be a Jew."
It will be a mistake to see these data as 'racist'. The ideologists of
Jewry indignantly deny any connection between the 'religion' or 'ethnicity'
or 'origins' of the crooks, and their crooked deeds. This is to be
expected - that is what they are paid for. But as a matter of fact, A.L.
Fredericks is devoted to the Jews, whether he is a Jew or not. Enron's chief
financial officer was Andrew Fastow, described by the rabbi of his synagogue
as 'a mentsh, a very committed member of the community. He's active in
supporting Jewish causes, is a devoted supporter of Israel', while his wife
Lea (now plea bargaining) Weingarten, who 'hails from a prominent and
well-respected philanthropic family', did not miss a lesson in the
But Kenneth Lay, the Goy top man of Enron scandal, was equally devoted
to the Jewish cause. He and his equally Gentile wife Linda chipped in
$850,000 at a fund-raising event last year for the Holocaust Museum in
Houston, Texas, informed the Jerusalem Report, and concluded: "in all, Enron
was connected with about a third of the $3.5 million raised at the event,
which honoured former Texas senator Lloyd Bentsen and Holocaust chronicler
Ruth Gruber.
We see again this uncanny, mind-boggling, closely-knit connection of
crooks and - not Jews, but Jewish causes, be it the Holocaust cult or the
Zionist cause. Lay and Fastow stole billions of dollars from Jeff the
Investor; they stole even more from Bill the Worker while Lea
Fastow-Weingarten siphoned their money into tax shelters on the Cayman
Islands. But when it came to charity, they did not care for poor Americans,
or starving Africans. They gave their tithe to the Jewish cause.
Kenneth Lay is not alone. 'Sir' Conrad Black, a Goy media baron,
(admittedly married to a nasty Jewish supremacy columnist) is totally
devoted to the Jewish and Zionist cause. He owns the Jerusalem Post, an
extreme Zionist paper which criticizes Sharon for his lack of fervour.
Expectedly, he turned out to be a crook. He stripped the assets of companies
he chaired and stole hundreds millions of dollars. But a wealthy man who
likes the Jews and spends so much on the Jewish causes is invariably a
crook, whether he is a Jew like Fastow or a Goy like Lay.
A Jewish crook is pushed by society-enforced feeling of victimhood,
for as perennial victim, the Jew feels the need to correct 'injustice' by
some extra-legal action. Theft of Palestinian lands was explained (by Rabbi
Lerner, among others) by the need to correct the 'injustice' of the Roman
occupation of Palestine 2000 years ago. Establishment of the Jewish state is
explained by the 'injustice' of Arabs having 22 states, while the Jews had
none. Daylight robbery of Swiss banks corrected the 'injustice' of Nazi
confiscations, though the banks never held Jewish deposits. In a way, the
Holocaust museums are an important factor in the growth of Jewish
criminality, for they enforce the feeling of Jewish victimhood.
Extreme combativeness, the state of war with [Gentile] society, a
constant feature of the Jewish tendency, provides another explanation of
Jewish criminality. The state of war which allowed the Jews to charge
interest, collect exorbitant taxes, deal with slums accommodation and stolen
property, has became to an extent the norm of neo-liberal 'open society',
where everyone is at war with everybody else.
These features of the Jewish setup appeal to certain non-Jews whom we
call 'Mammonites'; they prefer the somewhat Luciferian paradigm of an
outsider, at war with the society, free from the moral constraints imposed
by the majority, and yet still chosen by a higher entity. These 'copycat
Jews' rightly feel that they will prosper in the Jewish-arranged world. That
is why they support the Jewish cause and admire the State of Israel, the
country of no moral restraints, a wholesale assassin and nature destroyer,
black money launderer, mass killer, and a leading exporter of weapons and
torture equipment.
Jacob Ben Efrat, an Israeli pro-democracy activist, calls us to "look
at Tel Aviv, a fourth of whose population now consists of migrant workers
from East Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. Capitalist globalisers want a
flexible labour force, which they can transport at will from country to
country. As the result, the gap between haves and have-nots increases.
Israel is a shining example. Here the topmost fifth of the population earn
21 times more than the bottommost fifth (compared with 11 times more in the
US)". This quality makes Israel much loved by the Gentile Mammonites.
their pro-Israel, pro-Jewish politicians are the worst for the people and
the best for the crooks. A potential investor in Enron, equipped with this
short essay, could just check Enron's contributions to the Holocaust museum
and he would know enough to carry his money elsewhere, unless he wants to
lose it for tax purposes. A California voter could just ask for Diane
Feinstein's opinion about the Jewish state, and vote for her, if he likes
the War in Iraq, expensive privatised electricity and a flood of illegal
Indeed, Diane Feinstein, a nominal Democrat, contributed to the War in
Iraq more than the average Republican: "Within minutes of Powell's war
speech, leading Senate Democrats such as Joseph Biden of Delaware and Diane
Feinstein of California were proclaiming it an unanswerable indictment of
Iraq, preparing the way for their party to line up behind the war that is
now only days or weeks away", noted The World Socialist Web Site in February
2003. The present competition for the Jewish and Mammonite vote in the US
Presidency elections is a bad sign for Bill and Jeff, for they are competing
who will skin them better.
In Sweden, their unique welfare state entrenched by the antizionist
Prime Minister Olof Palme is being undone by Göran Larsson, their present
Prime Minister, perennial organiser of holocaust conferences.
When voting or investing, a prudent American, European or Russian
should pick the company or the candidate that does not support the Jewish or
the Zionist cause. For sure, it can be a vote for a politician of Jewish
origin, like Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a
well-timed plane crash in October 2002. Wellstone was the strongest voice
against the war in Iraq, and supported Palestinian struggle. Michael Howard,
the new leader of the Conservative Party, is another good example. Indeed, a
non-Jew who likes the Jewish cause - like Tony Blair or Condoleezza Rice,
Bill Clinton or George Bush - is much more dangerous than a Jew who keeps
clear of the Jewish causes.
Immanuel Wallerstein compares the events of 1968 to a 'ship-wreck', in
aftermath of which the talented A.L. Fredericks scrambled to shore,
'undeterred by the thought of drowning companions', but (to continue
Wallerstein's parable in our terms) the drowning Bill and Jeff came to
interpret the ability of the talented to swim to shore as evidence of hope
for them. Wallerstein missed the point: this interpretation was not made by
Bill and Jeff, but by the wholly-owned subsidiary of A.L. Fredericks, the
Jewish-owned media with its Jewish pundits. Without this tool, Fredericks
would have been tarred and feathered, if not lynched in the best American
The financial capital of speculators and banks exceeded the industrial
and agricultural capacities and created the giant dollar bubble soon to
burst. This explains the hysterical campaign against 'antisemites': A.L.
Fredericks does not want his name and address to be known to Bill and Jeff;
he prefers to hide behind an anonymous 'rich white man' front. To be on the
safe side, 'antisemites' are always lumped with 'racists' and Jews - with
Blacks or other immigrant minorities, as if struggle against Alfred has
anything to do with the racial or other qualities of Jim, the Black
half-brother of Bill, or Ahmed, a powerless outsider.
Why should we care who pocketed Bill's cash - an all-American Jeff the
Cheat, or cosmopolitan Alfred the Swindler? However, Alfred the Jew is in a
class by himself, and not because of his cruelty. The Sultan of Brunei
builds a palace and gives a Boeing to his daughter. Paul Getty locks himself
up in a far away place. Wealthy Jews buy media, and media is a
tool. Thus, their influence goes way beyond market dominance into previously
uncharted waters of mind control.
This pattern is seen all over the world. Sulzberger and Zuckerman own
a string of newspapers in the US from the NY Times to the USA Today, while
their brethren have monopolised editorial and other prominent positions in
the discourse. Connecting wealth and media influence, Benjamin Ginsberg,
"Today, though barely 2% of the nation's population is Jewish, close
to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three
major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are
the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and most influential
newspaper, the New York Times."
This makes supreme sense, for otherwise, the free media would point
its accusing finger in their direction. The people of America would demand
from Alfred that he pull out his pockets and fully refund the stolen goods.
However, such a remedy does not even occur to them today. The reason is the
Jewish involvement in the discourse. Thus, we can complete the first level
of our analysis on a purely materialistic note, so dear to the hearts of
vulgar Marxists. The rich Jews buy media so it will cover up their (and
their brethren's) misdeeds. The Jews in the media are giving protection to
the rich Jews: in the right-wing media, they protect all rich and powerful
men; in the left-wing media, they blur the distinction between Jeff and
Is that what the Jews want?
{This question is answered in the following chapters of the PARDES.
The Full text is available to donors or active contributors of this list
receive the PDF file}.
Posted February 24, 2004
Post by c***@my-deja.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools.
Again, reminds me of the "Japan Inc." swipe at Japanese during the
80's. Asians taint the school with better, more competitive learning
environment? Sounds like the kids who are leaving simply can't compete,
or are not willing to truely compete for the privilege of an (used to
be easy) 'A'?
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Post by r***@hotmail.com
More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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2005-12-10 08:07:23 UTC
"Chairman Mao" <***@shanghai.com> wrote in message news:***@news3.uncensored-news.com...
This "list" of yours only goes to prove that Jews are more qualified and
have better aptitude for the job.
Chairman Mao
2005-12-13 04:54:45 UTC
The list shows some of the worst politicians and crooks AmeriKa has to

Of course you liberals use these types to promote your world agenda.
Post by Jensen
This "list" of yours only goes to prove that Jews are more qualified and
have better aptitude for the job.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Chairman Mao
2005-12-13 04:54:45 UTC
The list shows some of the worst politicians and crooks AmeriKa has to

Of course you liberals use these types to promote your world agenda.
Post by Jensen
This "list" of yours only goes to prove that Jews are more qualified and
have better aptitude for the job.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-10 17:17:22 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
Not all Jew$ or Niggers...
But you must admit the bad niggers over shadow the good ones 90% of the time
well the same thing can be said about the Jew$.
Can you substantiate this with something more than your opinion? I'd
love to see it. But of course, we know you're accustomed to making
statements, then ignoring challenges to them when you can't back them

So let's see the facts -- if you have any.

2005-12-10 17:39:57 UTC
Post by Vernon North
So let's see the facts -- if you have any.
It is a fact, sad though it may be, that people who never visited the United
States have only Hollywood films and TV series to learn about situations and
conditions there. Hollywood is now doing their utmost to portray the Blacks
as an ethnic group that is equal in every way to the Whites, but the
impression from past decades have been so in-grown into the heads (note I
didn't say "brains") of peoples in the Near and Far East that the Black
people are mere criminals. This symptom will take decades to erase. The same
can be said about impressions about the Far East of Westerners who never
visited China, Japan, or any of the other countries you care to mention -
negative. I still see comic books in the United States depicting the Chinese
as small, yellow sub-humans terrorising helpless White women: these are
invariably drawn and written by old war veterans with a deep hatred and
grudge for the Chinese people after having encountered them either during
the Korean or the Vietnam war, and they are too old to learn or accept that
things are not so.
Vernon North
2005-12-10 20:22:20 UTC
Post by Jensen
Post by Vernon North
So let's see the facts -- if you have any.
It is a fact, sad though it may be, that people who never visited the United
States have only Hollywood films and TV series to learn about situations and
conditions there. Hollywood is now doing their utmost to portray the Blacks
as an ethnic group that is equal in every way to the Whites, but the
impression from past decades have been so in-grown into the heads (note I
didn't say "brains") of peoples in the Near and Far East that the Black
people are mere criminals. This symptom will take decades to erase. The same
can be said about impressions about the Far East of Westerners who never
visited China, Japan, or any of the other countries you care to mention -
negative. I still see comic books in the United States depicting the Chinese
as small, yellow sub-humans terrorising helpless White women: these are
invariably drawn and written by old war veterans with a deep hatred and
grudge for the Chinese people after having encountered them either during
the Korean or the Vietnam war, and they are too old to learn or accept that
things are not so.
Stereotyping is natural and seductively easy, which is why the patterns
you describe above exist. And there are facts that reinforce the
prejudices people drawn from media and popular culture. In the US, for
example, blacks are convicted of murder at a much higher rate per capita
than any other ethnic group.

Some might use these stats to support such statements as "bad niggers
over shadow the good ones 90% of the time". The stats tell us that in
2002, the black murder rate was ~ 25 per 100,000 of population, while
the white murder rate was ~ 3.5 per 100,000 of population.

Source: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm

The higher black murder rate makes a huge difference in the number of
blacks on death row. But the critical question is what inferences we
are smart enough to draw from these facts. If you want to look at
populations and risk, in any given year 99.975% of blacks DON'T commit
murders. With whites, it's 99.9965% who don't commit murders in any
given year.

Yet, some take the data as justification that "a lot of blacks are
murderers". This illustrates how murder rates and imprisonment rates
dramatically skew people's perceptions of entire population groups, even
when an intelligent look at the data shows just the opposite.

So, is the black murder rate a problem? Damn right it is! A murderous,
violent black sub-culture exists in parts of the US. But is the average
black likely to be a murderer? No, in fact, it's very, very unlikely
that the average black you see on the street, at work, etc. is likely to
commit murder.

Unfortunately, most people aren't particularly good at critical
thinking, so they draw conclusions like "bad niggers over shadow the
good ones 90% of the time". But of course, these are the same people
who buy lottery tickets -- which have been called "a voluntary tax on
poor math skills".

Vernon North
2005-12-13 17:55:43 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose you start making excuses for the facts.
BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAHAAAAA! You've posted that before, oh forgetful one!

Now, let's see if you can FINALLY answer this question:

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.

If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.


What's the matter, Chairman? Why won't you answer?

Put up or shut up.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.

So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?

Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".

Do you think you can handle that?

Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!

Post by Vernon North
Post by Jensen
Post by Vernon North
So let's see the facts -- if you have any.
It is a fact, sad though it may be, that people who never visited the United
States have only Hollywood films and TV series to learn about situations and
conditions there. Hollywood is now doing their utmost to portray the Blacks
as an ethnic group that is equal in every way to the Whites, but the
impression from past decades have been so in-grown into the heads (note I
didn't say "brains") of peoples in the Near and Far East that the Black
people are mere criminals. This symptom will take decades to erase. The same
can be said about impressions about the Far East of Westerners who never
visited China, Japan, or any of the other countries you care to mention -
negative. I still see comic books in the United States depicting the Chinese
as small, yellow sub-humans terrorising helpless White women: these are
invariably drawn and written by old war veterans with a deep hatred and
grudge for the Chinese people after having encountered them either during
the Korean or the Vietnam war, and they are too old to learn or accept that
things are not so.
Stereotyping is natural and seductively easy, which is why the patterns
you describe above exist. And there are facts that reinforce the
prejudices people drawn from media and popular culture. In the US, for
example, blacks are convicted of murder at a much higher rate per capita
than any other ethnic group.
Some might use these stats to support such statements as "bad niggers
over shadow the good ones 90% of the time". The stats tell us that in
2002, the black murder rate was ~ 25 per 100,000 of population, while
the white murder rate was ~ 3.5 per 100,000 of population.
Source: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm
The higher black murder rate makes a huge difference in the number of
blacks on death row. But the critical question is what inferences we
are smart enough to draw from these facts. If you want to look at
populations and risk, in any given year 99.975% of blacks DON'T commit
murders. With whites, it's 99.9965% who don't commit murders in any
given year.
Yet, some take the data as justification that "a lot of blacks are
murderers". This illustrates how murder rates and imprisonment rates
dramatically skew people's perceptions of entire population groups, even
when an intelligent look at the data shows just the opposite.
So, is the black murder rate a problem? Damn right it is! A murderous,
violent black sub-culture exists in parts of the US. But is the average
black likely to be a murderer? No, in fact, it's very, very unlikely
that the average black you see on the street, at work, etc. is likely to
commit murder.
Unfortunately, most people aren't particularly good at critical
thinking, so they draw conclusions like "bad niggers over shadow the
good ones 90% of the time". But of course, these are the same people
who buy lottery tickets -- which have been called "a voluntary tax on
poor math skills".
Chairman Mao
2005-12-14 06:16:53 UTC
The title of this thread reads , "White flight and the death of the 4 people
your liberal icon/hero caused."

Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...

Do you support the Hollywood liberals and dirt-ball groups that feel violent
criminals should get off or not?
Will you place blame on the victims or poverty or some other bullshit reason
instead of responsibility.

We want to know how credible your liberal-Clintonial views are.

Thus, out comes your agenda and that correlates to your bullshit diatribes.

You liberals are now trying to pass off as "normal" posters due to the large
amount of nuts in your own backyard.

This makes your post seem more credible to read. However, you show a pattern
of skirting key issues that indicate the typical liberal mantra.

We want to know how far to the left you are...until I get real answers I'll
peg you as another idiotic liberal nut.

You like to make excuses and ignore facts, this is a concept that leftist
use. This also shows you have no real life experiences, maybe you are
posting from some igloo in Canuck land.

If so, you lack the correct background and experience to dispute the facts
and to make a valid argument on 90% of the threads you reply to.
Post by Vernon North
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAHAAAAA! You've posted that before, oh forgetful one!
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
What's the matter, Chairman? Why won't you answer?
Put up or shut up.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
Post by Vernon North
Post by Jensen
Post by Vernon North
So let's see the facts -- if you have any.
It is a fact, sad though it may be, that people who never visited the United
States have only Hollywood films and TV series to learn about situations and
conditions there. Hollywood is now doing their utmost to portray the Blacks
as an ethnic group that is equal in every way to the Whites, but the
impression from past decades have been so in-grown into the heads (note I
didn't say "brains") of peoples in the Near and Far East that the Black
people are mere criminals. This symptom will take decades to erase. The same
can be said about impressions about the Far East of Westerners who never
visited China, Japan, or any of the other countries you care to mention -
negative. I still see comic books in the United States depicting the Chinese
as small, yellow sub-humans terrorising helpless White women: these are
invariably drawn and written by old war veterans with a deep hatred and
grudge for the Chinese people after having encountered them either during
the Korean or the Vietnam war, and they are too old to learn or accept that
things are not so.
Stereotyping is natural and seductively easy, which is why the patterns
you describe above exist. And there are facts that reinforce the
prejudices people drawn from media and popular culture. In the US, for
example, blacks are convicted of murder at a much higher rate per capita
than any other ethnic group.
Some might use these stats to support such statements as "bad niggers
over shadow the good ones 90% of the time". The stats tell us that in
2002, the black murder rate was ~ 25 per 100,000 of population, while
the white murder rate was ~ 3.5 per 100,000 of population.
Source: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/race.htm
The higher black murder rate makes a huge difference in the number of
blacks on death row. But the critical question is what inferences we
are smart enough to draw from these facts. If you want to look at
populations and risk, in any given year 99.975% of blacks DON'T commit
murders. With whites, it's 99.9965% who don't commit murders in any
given year.
Yet, some take the data as justification that "a lot of blacks are
murderers". This illustrates how murder rates and imprisonment rates
dramatically skew people's perceptions of entire population groups, even
when an intelligent look at the data shows just the opposite.
So, is the black murder rate a problem? Damn right it is! A murderous,
violent black sub-culture exists in parts of the US. But is the average
black likely to be a murderer? No, in fact, it's very, very unlikely
that the average black you see on the street, at work, etc. is likely to
commit murder.
Unfortunately, most people aren't particularly good at critical
thinking, so they draw conclusions like "bad niggers over shadow the
good ones 90% of the time". But of course, these are the same people
who buy lottery tickets -- which have been called "a voluntary tax on
poor math skills".
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-14 07:33:54 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
The title of this thread reads , "White flight and the death of the 4 people
your liberal icon/hero caused."
You changed the thread title only two posts ago. I just changed it to
something more relevant.

Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Post by Chairman Mao
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Do you support the Hollywood liberals and dirt-ball groups that feel violent
criminals should get off or not?
Will you place blame on the victims or poverty or some other bullshit reason
instead of responsibility.
We want to know how credible your liberal-Clintonial views are.
Thus, out comes your agenda and that correlates to your bullshit diatribes.
You liberals are now trying to pass off as "normal" posters due to the large
amount of nuts in your own backyard.
This makes your post seem more credible to read. However, you show a pattern
of skirting key issues that indicate the typical liberal mantra.
We want to know how far to the left you are...until I get real answers I'll
peg you as another idiotic liberal nut.
You like to make excuses and ignore facts, this is a concept that leftist
use. This also shows you have no real life experiences, maybe you are
posting from some igloo in Canuck land.
If so, you lack the correct background and experience to dispute the facts
and to make a valid argument on 90% of the threads you reply to.
Now we have two posts you're too gutless to answer. A pattern is
developing. Every time I challenge you to substantiate what you posted,
you can't. You run and hide.

You're starting to look like a simpleton who makes statements he can't
back up.

Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.

If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.

So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?

Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".

Do you think you can handle that?

Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!

Well, now we know. You can't handle a simple challenge to put up or
shut up. You can't substantiate what you said. Are you in the habit of
lying, or is this just a "special case"?

Chairman Mao
2005-12-14 11:27:04 UTC
I only see this topic White flight?

What thread are you reading?
Post by Vernon North
Post by Chairman Mao
The title of this thread reads , "White flight and the death of the 4 people
your liberal icon/hero caused."
You changed the thread title only two posts ago. I just changed it to
something more relevant.
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Post by Chairman Mao
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Do you support the Hollywood liberals and dirt-ball groups that feel violent
criminals should get off or not?
Will you place blame on the victims or poverty or some other bullshit reason
instead of responsibility.
We want to know how credible your liberal-Clintonial views are.
Thus, out comes your agenda and that correlates to your bullshit diatribes.
You liberals are now trying to pass off as "normal" posters due to the large
amount of nuts in your own backyard.
This makes your post seem more credible to read. However, you show a pattern
of skirting key issues that indicate the typical liberal mantra.
We want to know how far to the left you are...until I get real answers I'll
peg you as another idiotic liberal nut.
You like to make excuses and ignore facts, this is a concept that leftist
use. This also shows you have no real life experiences, maybe you are
posting from some igloo in Canuck land.
If so, you lack the correct background and experience to dispute the facts
and to make a valid argument on 90% of the threads you reply to.
Now we have two posts you're too gutless to answer. A pattern is
developing. Every time I challenge you to substantiate what you posted,
you can't. You run and hide.
You're starting to look like a simpleton who makes statements he can't
back up.
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
Well, now we know. You can't handle a simple challenge to put up or
shut up. You can't substantiate what you said. Are you in the habit of
lying, or is this just a "special case"?
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-14 16:41:29 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
I only see this topic White flight?
What thread are you reading?
Yours -- the one that is unravelling by the day as you refuse to answer
questions about what you post.

You know -- these ones:

Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.

If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.

So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?

Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".

Do you think you can handle that?

Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!

Cat got your tongue, Mao?

Post by Chairman Mao
Post by Vernon North
Post by Chairman Mao
The title of this thread reads , "White flight and the death of the 4 people
your liberal icon/hero caused."
You changed the thread title only two posts ago. I just changed it to
something more relevant.
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Post by Chairman Mao
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Do you support the Hollywood liberals and dirt-ball groups that feel violent
criminals should get off or not?
Will you place blame on the victims or poverty or some other bullshit reason
instead of responsibility.
We want to know how credible your liberal-Clintonial views are.
Thus, out comes your agenda and that correlates to your bullshit diatribes.
You liberals are now trying to pass off as "normal" posters due to the large
amount of nuts in your own backyard.
This makes your post seem more credible to read. However, you show a pattern
of skirting key issues that indicate the typical liberal mantra.
We want to know how far to the left you are...until I get real answers I'll
peg you as another idiotic liberal nut.
You like to make excuses and ignore facts, this is a concept that leftist
use. This also shows you have no real life experiences, maybe you are
posting from some igloo in Canuck land.
If so, you lack the correct background and experience to dispute the facts
and to make a valid argument on 90% of the threads you reply to.
Now we have two posts you're too gutless to answer. A pattern is
developing. Every time I challenge you to substantiate what you posted,
you can't. You run and hide.
You're starting to look like a simpleton who makes statements he can't
back up.
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
Well, now we know. You can't handle a simple challenge to put up or
shut up. You can't substantiate what you said. Are you in the habit of
lying, or is this just a "special case"?
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-16 17:05:34 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Here new thread:

Ponder this . . . who won't answer questions about his own posts?
Post by Vernon North
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
Cat got your tongue, Mao?
2005-12-17 03:27:27 UTC

Ponder this ..Who are the real racist in your utopia?
Black Rappers Call on Blacks to Murder and rape Whites
Here's what black rappers say, and what their followers do. Keep
in mind that most of this is produced and distributed by Jewish
run companies. Jews are the foremost promoters of "hate crime"
laws intended to be used mainly against whites, while at the
same time looking with smiling approval upon black criminals
who openly call for murder and mayhem against white people.
[~!Rap Lyrics!~]
Kill the white people; we gonna make them hurt; kill the white
people; but buy my record first; ha, ha, ha"; "Kill d'White People";
--Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music, Time Warner, USA.
Denver, CO- A white female teenager, Brandy DuvaI, is
raped, sodomized, tortured with a broomstick and stabbed 28 times by
a gang of six blacks and Hispanics. Her skull is caved in and corpse
dumped into a ditch. Police confiscate a blood soaked mattress as
evidence. The murder trial started on the same day as the James Byrd
"Niggas in the church say: kill whitey all night long. .
. the white man is the devil. . . . the CRIPS and Bloods are
soldiers I'm recruiting with no dispute; drive-by shooting on this
white genetic mutant. . . . let's go and kill some rednecks. . . .
Menace Clan ain't afraid. . . . I got the .380; the homies think I'm
crazy because I shot a white baby; I said; I said; I said: kill
whitey all night long. . . . a nigga dumping on your white ass; fuck
this rap shit, nigga, I'm gonna blast. . . . I beat a white boy to
the motherfucking ground"; "Kill Whitey"; --Menace Clan, Da Hood,
1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records, subsidiaries of what was
called Thorn EMI and now is called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"Devils fear this brand new shit. . . . I bleed them
next time I see them. . . . I prey on these devils. . . . look what
it has come to; who you gonna run to when we get to mobbing. . . .
filling his body up with lead, yah; cracker in my way; slitting, slit
his throat; watch his body shake; watch his body shake; that's how we
do it in the motherfucking [San Francisco] Bay. . . . Sitting on the
dock of the dirty with my AK"; "Heat-featuring Jet and Spice1"; --
Paris, Unleashed, 1998, Unleashed Records, Whirling Records.
Killeen, TX - A white couple, Todd and Stacy Bagley are
kidnapped on the way to church, lit on fire, burned to death and shot
in the head by four blacks.
"These devils make me sick; I love to fill them full of
holes; kill them all in the daytime, broad motherfucking daylight; 12
o'clock, grab the Glock; why wait for night"; "Sweatin Bullets"; --
Brand Nubian, Everything Is Everything, 1994, Elektra Entertainment,
Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
"A fight, a fight, a nigger and a white, if the nigger
don't win then we all jump in. . . . smoking all [of] America's white
boys"; --"A Fight"; Apache, Apache Ain't Shit, 1993, Tommy Boy Music,
Time Warner, USA.
Flint,Michigan - Three white teenagers, Michael Carter,
Dustin Kaiser and (girl's name withheld by police) are attacked by
six black youths. Carter is shot and killed. Kaiser is beaten and
shot in the head, but recovers. The girl is forced to perform oral
sex on her black attackers, pistol whipped and shot in the face.
"I kill a devil right now. . . . I say kill whitey all
nightey long. . . .I stabbed a fucking Jew with a steeple. . . . I
would kill a cracker for nothing, just for the fuck of it. . . .
Menace Clan kill a cracker; jack 'em even quicker. . . . catch that
devil slipping; blow his fucking brains out"; "Fuck a Record Deal";
-- Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records,
subsidiaries of Thorn EMI; called The EMI Group since 1997, United
South Carolina - A white female, Melissa McLaughlin, is
raped, tortured and skinned alive in a tub of bleach by seven blacks.
"Now I'm black but black people trip 'cause white people
like me; white people like me I but don't like them. . . . I don't
hate whites, I just gotta death wish for motherfuckers that ain't
right"; --"Race War"; Ice-T, Home Invasion, 1993, Priority Records,
Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"To all my Universal Soldier's: stay at attention while
I strategize an invasion; the mission be assassination, snipers
hitting Caucasians with semi-automatic shots heard around the world;
my plot is to control the globe and hold the world hostage. . . .
see, I got a war plan more deadlier than Hitler. . . . lyrical
specialist, underworld terrorist. . . . keep the unity thick like
mud. . . . I pulling out gats , launching deadly attacks"; --"Blood
for Blood"; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang
Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
Jacksonville, FL - A mentally retarded white man,
Gregory Griffith, is beaten and stomped unconscious by blacks and
died a few days later. The blacks admitted to the police beating
Griffith because "he was white".
"Lead to the head of you devils"; "Lick Dem
Muthaphuckas-Remix"; --Brand Nubian, Everything Is Everything, 1994,
Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
"This will all be over in '99, so, niggas, give devils
the crime; gonna be more devils dying"; --"No Surrender"; Bone Thugs-
N-Harmony, Creepin on ah Come Up, 1994, Ruthless Records, Epic
Records, Sony Music Entertainment, Sony, Japan.
Kansas City, MO - A black male shoots two white co-
workers, Micheal Scott and Traci Riehle. Scott is killed and Riehle
is critically injured. Police find a note referring to "blood sucker
supreme white people".
"Won't be satisfied until the devils-I see them all
dead. . . . my brother is sending me more guns from down South. . . .
pale face. . . . it's all about brothers rising up, wising up, sizing
up our situation. . . . you be fucking with my turf when you be
fucking with my race; now face your maker and take your last breath;
the time is half-past death. . . . it's the Armageddon. . . . go into
the garage; find that old camouflage. . . . cracker-shooting
nightly"; --"What the Fuck"; Brand Nubian, Everything Is Everything,
1994, Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
".44 ways to get paid. . . . I'm through with talking to
these devils; now I'm ready to blast"; --"44 Wayz-featuring Mystic";
Paris, Unleashed, 1998, Unleashed Records, Whirling Records.
Alexandria, VA - An eight year old white child, Kevin
Shiffiet, is killed when his throat is slit by a black who also stabs
his 80 year old great grandmother and punches her in the chest.
Police find a hand rambling note stating. "Kill them raceess whiate
kidd's anyway".
"Like my niggas from South Central Los Angeles they
found that they couldn't handle us; Bloods, CRIPS, on the same squad,
with the Essays up, and nigga, it's time to rob and mob and break the
white man off something lovely"; --"The Day the Niggaz Took Over"; Dr
Dre, The Chronic, 1993, Interscope Records, under Time Warner in
Burlington, NC - A ten year old white child, Tiffany
Long, is raped, sodomized, sexually tortured and murdered by two
black males and a black female. The black female rams a broomstick up
her vagina and rectum. The parents were prohibited from seeing their
dead daughter's body.
"Bust a Glock; devils get shot. . . . when God give the
word me herd like the buffalo through the neighborhood; watch me
blast. . . . I'm killing more crackers than Bosnia-Herzegovina, each
and everyday. . . . don't bust until you see the whites of his eyes,
the whites of his skin. . . . Louis Farrakhan . . . Bloods and CRIPS,
and little old me, and we all getting ready for the enemy"; --
"Enemy"; Ice Cube, Lethal Injection, 1993, Priority Records, Thorn
EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"Devil, to gangbanging there's a positive side and the
positive side is this-sooner than later the brothers will come to
Islam, and they will be the soldiers for the war; what war, you ask;
Armageddon; ha, ha, ha, ha, ha"; "Armageddon"; -- RBX, The RBX Files,
1995, Premeditated Records, Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA.
"Subtract the devils that get smoked. . . . we're
people, black people; steal your mind back, don't die in their
wilderness. . . . let's point our heaters the other way"; --"Dial 7";
Digable Planets, Blowout Comb, 1994, Pendulum Records, Thorn EMI; now
called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"Get them devil-made guns and leave them demons
bleeding; give them back whips, and just feed them bullets";
--"Wicked Ways"; Sunz of Man, One Million Strong: The Album, 1995,
Mergela Records, Solar/Hines Co., Prolific Records.
Fayetteville, NC - Two white women, Tracy Lambert and
Susan Moore, are carjacked by a group of seven blacks and Hispanics
and shot execution style in the head. This murder was part of a gang
initiation. The bullets found in the victims' heads were painted
blue, the Crips' gang color.
"It's time to send the devil to the essence. . . this is
a must because there ain't no reform or trust; you got a Glock and
you see a devil, bust... . they'll be calling us the trigger men, the
nappy-knotty red-beard devil-assassin; Lord make a law; at midnight
I'll be bashing. . . . field niggas [are] locked in until 2005";
--"Field Nigguhz in a Huddle"; Professor Griff, Blood of the Prophet;
1998, Lethal Records, Mercury Records, PolyGram, Phillips'
Electronics NV, Netherlands. PolyGram merged with Universal Music
Group in 1998, the parent being The Seagram Company of Canada, owned
by Edgar Bronfman.
Alton, Illinois - A white male, Richard Skelton, is
attacked and stomped to death by a group of 25 blacks while black
onlookers yell, "Kill the cracker".
"He preys on old white ladies [who] drive the Mercedes
with the windows cracked. . . . you should've heard the bitch
screaming. . . . sticking guns in crackers' mouths. . . . the cops
can't stop it. . . . remember 4-29-92, come on; Florence and Normandy
coming to a corner near you, cracker; we've been through your area,
mass hysteria; led by your motherfucking Menace Clan"; --"Mad Nigga";
Menace Clan, Da Hood, 1995, Rap-A-Lot Records, Noo Trybe Records,
Time Warner, USA.
"The black man is god. . . . buy a Tec [and] let loose
in the Vatican. . . I love the black faces; so put your Bible in the
attic"; --"Ain't No Mystery"; Brand Nubian, In God We Trust, 1992,
Elektra Entertainment, Warner Communications, Time Warner, USA.
Cleveland, OH - A five year old white girl, Devon
Duniver, was stabbed to death by a black teenager who said after the
murder, "She got what she deserved."
"Rhymes is rugged like burnt buildings in Harlem; the Ol
Dirty Bastard. . . . I'm also militant. . . . snatching devils up by
the hair, then cut his head off"; --"Cuttin Headz"; Ol Dirty Bastard,
Return of the 36 Chambers: the Dirty Version; 1995, Elektra
Entertainment, Time Warner, USA.
Kansas City, MO - A six year old white child, Jake
Robel, is dragged to death by a black carjacker who drove away even
as the boy being dragged screamed outside of the car door while still
partially attached to the seat belt.
"Listen to this black visionary, bringing war like a
revolutionary. . . . go on a killing spree, putting devils out their
misery; hearing screams, sounds of agony; my hostility takes over me.
. . camouflaged ninjas avenging"; --"Under Seige"; Killarmy, Silent
Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The
EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"Swing by on the pale guy. . . . break him in the neck.
. . the guerrilla with the poison tip. . . . shaking pinky up on a
dull-ass ice-pick . . . this is Lench Mob. . . . devil, what you want
to do; when you see the boot, knew your head is hoohoo "; --"King of
the Jungle"; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records,
Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
Buffalo, NY - A white man, Gary Traska, is stomped to
death by three blacks. Many of his organs were actually split apart
from the savage beating.
"Dropping verses, casting curses, throwing these hexes
on the devils. . . . respect to Farrakhan, but I'm the jungle-don,
the new guerrilla, top-ranked honky killer. . . . what do blacks do;
they just keep on blowing devils away. . . . evil fucking cracker. .
. I'm tightening up the laces to my steel-toed boots, so I can
walk, stomp; we stomp this devil down in the park"; --"Planet of da
Apes"; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn
EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
Fayetteville, NC - A white male, Donald Lange, is
stomped by ten black males. Lange is now brain dead and a complete
"We're having thoughts of overthrowing the government. .
. the brothers and sisters threw their fists in the air. . . . it's
open season on crackers, you know; the morgue will be full of
Caucasian John Doe's. . . . I make the Riot shit look like a fairy
tale. . . . oh my god, Allah, have mercy; I'm killing them devils
because they're not worthy to walk the earth with the original black
man; they must be forgetting; it's time for Armageddon, and I won't
rest until they're all dead"; --"Goin Bananas"; Da Lench Mob, Planet
of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI
Group, United Kingdom.
Salt Lake City, UT - A black man breaks into the house
of two white women, Amy Clinton and Aaron Warren. The black man stabs
both women, killing Amy Clinton and seriously injuring Aaron Warren.
"The crackers ain't shit; chase them out of the jungle;
now raise up off the planet. . . . we get the 12 gauge; shot to the
chest. . . . we hitting devils up. . . . Da Lench Mob, environmental
terrorist. . . . I gripped the Glock and had to knock his head from
his shoulders. . . . I got the .30[6] on the rooftop; pop; pop; so
many devils die. . . . make sure I kill them. . . lynch a thousand a
week if it's necessary"; --"Environmental Terrorist"; Da Lench Mob,
Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The
EMI Group, United Kingdom.
Bloomington, IL - A white female, Patricia Stansfield is
dragged two miles to her death during a carjacking by a black male.
"Like an armed struggle. . . . I come with the New Wu
Order. . . . waging war on the devils' community. . . . whipped
cardinals and one Pope"; --"Universal Soldiers"; Killarmy, Silent
Weapons for Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The
EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"Swinging out of the trees, is the blood-spilling,
devil-killing, nappy-headed g.'s. . . . blacks and Mexicans must take
a stand. . . . I'm down with Chico, and not with the man"; --"Set the
Shit Straight"; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority
Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
Reno, NV - A Polynesian immigrant kills a white police
officer, George Sullivan, with a hatchet Sullivan is struck 20 times.
The immigrant admits to killing Sullivan because "he was a white
police officer".
"Fuck them laws, because the Mob is coming raw; nigga,
is you down because it's the Final Call. . . . grab your gat; know
the three will start busting; I'm trying to take them down. . . . the
war of wars with no fucking scores. . . . April 29 was a chance to
realize . . . the g.'s are out to kill. . . . we got crackers to
kill; sending them back in on a ship to Europe. . . . they deserve
it. . . . a nation-wide riot across America. . . . this is the Final
Call on black man and black woman, rich and poor; rise up"; --"Final
Call"; Da Lench Mob, Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn
EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"I come with the wicked style. . . . I got everybody
jumping to the voodoo. . . . I got a gat and I'm looking out the
window like Malcolm. . . . April 29 was power to the people, and we
just might see a sequel"; --"Wicked"; Ice Cube, The Predator, 1992,
Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United
Boulder, CO - A white college student, "Jane Doe", is
gang-raped at gun-point by six Asians. Because of court proceedings
and fear of retaliation by the "Asian Crips", she is referred to as
"Jane Doe". The Asians admit to raping the girl "because she was
blonde and white".
"Deal with the devil with my motherfucking steel. . . .
white man is something I tried to study, but I got my hands bloody,
yeah. . . . I met Farrakhan and had dinner"; --"When Will They
Shoot"; Ice Cube, The Predator, 1992, Priority Records, Thorn EMI;
now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.
"Actual fact you need to be black. . . . everyday I
fight a devil. . . . I grab a shovel to bury a devil. . . . the
battle with the beast, Mr. 666. . . . my mind rolled to a 7th level;
grab my bazooka and nuke a devil. . . . with black, I build; for
black, I kill"; --"Fightin the Devil"; RBX, The RBX Files, 1995,
Premeditated Records, Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA.
Racine, WI- A black gang member, Nazeer Ghani, fires
into a crowd of white concert-goers while shouting racial epithets,
killing father of two Joe Rowan. Although identified by 30 witnesses,
police release the killer for "lack of evidence."
"I pledge allegiance to only the black. . . . black, you
had best prepare for the coming of war. . . . look at you devil; now
you're sweating; I'm telling you: you can't run from the hand of
Armageddon. . . . he eats his pig-steak rare so he can taste the
blood"; --"No Time"; RBX, The RBX Files, 1995, Premeditated Records,
Warner Brother Records, Time Warner, USA.
"Killing devils [and] scatter they ashes over the sea of
Mediterranean . . . . open your eyes to the revolution. . . . unite
with the black coalition"; --"Wake Up"; Killarmy, Silent Weapons for
Quiet Wars, 1997, Wu-Tang Records, Priority Records, The EMI Group,
United Kingdom.
"My own kind blind, brain-trained on the devil-level. . . . chasing
down loot, Dole or Newt, who do you shoot. . . . rough stuff to the
babies, spread like rabies"; --"Niggativity . . . Do I Dare Disturb
the Universe"; Chuck D, Autobiography of MistaChuck, 1996, Mercury
Records, PolyGram, Phillips' Electronics NV, Netherlands. PolyGram
merged within Universal Music Group in 1998, the parent being The
Seagram Company, Canada.
"Buck the devil; boom. . . . shoot you with my .22; I got plenty of
crew; I take out white boys. . . . we got big toys with the one-mile
scope, taking whitey's throat"; --"Buck tha Devil"; Da Lench Mob,
Guerrillas in tha Mist, 1992, Eastwest Records America, Elektra,
Atlantic, Time Warner, USA.
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, SD- A white man is dragged to his
death by Indians. Federal officials hesitate to call it a "hate
"Little devils don't go to heaven. . . . the AK forty . . . hold a
fifty clip, and I'll shoot until it's empty. . . . I'm killing only
seven million civilians. . . . one dead devil"; "Freedom Got an AK";
Da Lench Mob, Guerrillas in tha Mist, 1992, Eastwest Records America,
Elektra, Atlantic, Time Warner, USA.
"Grab your deep-ass crews. . . . we gotta make them ends, even if it
means Jack and friends. . . . now you're doomed, hollow-points to the
dome; once again it's on. . . . out comes my .22. . . . I'm the cut-
throat; now I got to cut you . . . '94 is the season for lynching;
from out of the dark is the South Central g., ready-hand steady on a
bloody machete. . . . a devil is on my shoulder; should I kill it;
hell yah. . . . I slice Jack. . . . took an axe, and gave that bitch,
Jill, forty wacks. . . . with my hip hop . . . it don't stop, until
heads roll off the cutting block"; --"Cut Throats"; Da Lench Mob,
Planet of da Apes, 1994, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The
Miami, FL - Seven whites are murdered by the Yahweh Cult whose leader
orders the members to cut off and return the ears of the victims as
proof of the murders. The trial was conducted at the same time as the
Rodney King trial!
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Post by Vernon North
Post by Chairman Mao
I only see this topic White flight?
What thread are you reading?
Yours -- the one that is unravelling by the day as you refuse to answer
questions about what you post.
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
Cat got your tongue, Mao?
Post by Chairman Mao
Post by Vernon North
Post by Chairman Mao
The title of this thread reads , "White flight and the death of the 4 people
your liberal icon/hero caused."
You changed the thread title only two posts ago. I just changed it to
something more relevant.
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Post by Chairman Mao
Do not try to skirt away from the thread topic...
Do you support the Hollywood liberals and dirt-ball groups that feel violent
criminals should get off or not?
Will you place blame on the victims or poverty or some other bullshit reason
instead of responsibility.
We want to know how credible your liberal-Clintonial views are.
Thus, out comes your agenda and that correlates to your bullshit diatribes.
You liberals are now trying to pass off as "normal" posters due to the large
amount of nuts in your own backyard.
This makes your post seem more credible to read. However, you show a pattern
of skirting key issues that indicate the typical liberal mantra.
We want to know how far to the left you are...until I get real answers I'll
peg you as another idiotic liberal nut.
You like to make excuses and ignore facts, this is a concept that leftist
use. This also shows you have no real life experiences, maybe you are
posting from some igloo in Canuck land.
If so, you lack the correct background and experience to dispute the facts
and to make a valid argument on 90% of the threads you reply to.
Now we have two posts you're too gutless to answer. A pattern is
developing. Every time I challenge you to substantiate what you posted,
you can't. You run and hide.
You're starting to look like a simpleton who makes statements he can't
back up.
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
Well, now we know. You can't handle a simple challenge to put up or
shut up. You can't substantiate what you said. Are you in the habit of
lying, or is this just a "special case"?
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Chairman Mao
2005-12-13 04:58:28 UTC
Yes you liberals hide the facts, but these facts have a way of coming out
(like when you came out of the closet)


Another outstanding citizen you liberals embrace mentioned above...

You idiots amaze me..

Facts are facts you loser-libs, you cannot hide the facts 4ever.
Post by Jensen
Post by Vernon North
So let's see the facts -- if you have any.
It is a fact, sad though it may be, that people who never visited the
United States have only Hollywood films and TV series to learn about
situations and conditions there. Hollywood is now doing their utmost to
portray the Blacks as an ethnic group that is equal in every way to the
Whites, but the impression from past decades have been so in-grown into
the heads (note I didn't say "brains") of peoples in the Near and Far East
that the Black people are mere criminals. This symptom will take decades
to erase. The same can be said about impressions about the Far East of
Westerners who never visited China, Japan, or any of the other countries
you care to mention - negative. I still see comic books in the United
States depicting the Chinese as small, yellow sub-humans terrorising
helpless White women: these are invariably drawn and written by old war
veterans with a deep hatred and grudge for the Chinese people after having
encountered them either during the Korean or the Vietnam war, and they are
too old to learn or accept that things are not so.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Chairman Mao
2005-12-13 04:58:28 UTC
Yes you liberals hide the facts, but these facts have a way of coming out
(like when you came out of the closet)


Another outstanding citizen you liberals embrace mentioned above...

You idiots amaze me..

Facts are facts you loser-libs, you cannot hide the facts 4ever.
Post by Jensen
Post by Vernon North
So let's see the facts -- if you have any.
It is a fact, sad though it may be, that people who never visited the
United States have only Hollywood films and TV series to learn about
situations and conditions there. Hollywood is now doing their utmost to
portray the Blacks as an ethnic group that is equal in every way to the
Whites, but the impression from past decades have been so in-grown into
the heads (note I didn't say "brains") of peoples in the Near and Far East
that the Black people are mere criminals. This symptom will take decades
to erase. The same can be said about impressions about the Far East of
Westerners who never visited China, Japan, or any of the other countries
you care to mention - negative. I still see comic books in the United
States depicting the Chinese as small, yellow sub-humans terrorising
helpless White women: these are invariably drawn and written by old war
veterans with a deep hatred and grudge for the Chinese people after having
encountered them either during the Korean or the Vietnam war, and they are
too old to learn or accept that things are not so.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2005-12-12 21:56:17 UTC
Post by Chairman Mao
Not all Jew$ or Niggers...
But you must admit the bad niggers over shadow the good ones 90% of the time
well the same thing can be said about the Jew$.
How many are control freak, leftist-liberals, Zionist types or crooks only
out for $$ or the Jewi$h cause?
I know what you mean...it's disgusting how hard people work to let
loose criminals:


When it comes to Israel, yeah, too many Jews in the media, in politics,
etc. On all other issues, though, there seems to be no particular
"Jewish" position.

Whew! =D

Blacks and hispanics, though...tsk, tsk...still haven't graduated yet
-- still left back in the ol' "racism! racism! poor me!" rancor as a

So, it's like this -- watch out for Jews when it comes to
Israel...can't expect most of them to be objective...when it comes to
blacks and hispanics, watch out for affirmative action, crime, and
education -- for starters!
2005-11-30 05:42:05 UTC
Post by c***@my-deja.com
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily.
Post by c***@my-deja.com
That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.

Discrimination of any kind based on 'race' is not conducive to a multi-
racial society. It's bad. Period.
Chairman Mao
2005-11-30 13:08:06 UTC
To the liberal mindset only White males are racist and need punished with
some sort of reverse-discrimination scheme.
Post by MHK
Post by c***@my-deja.com
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily.
Post by c***@my-deja.com
That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Discrimination of any kind based on 'race' is not conducive to a multi-
racial society. It's bad. Period.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2005-12-01 06:45:03 UTC
Post by Chairman Mao
To the liberal mindset only White males are racist and need punished with
some sort of reverse-discrimination scheme.
we're all equal, but some are more equal than others......
Post by Chairman Mao
Post by MHK
Post by c***@my-deja.com
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily.
Post by c***@my-deja.com
That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
Discrimination of any kind based on 'race' is not conducive to a multi-
racial society. It's bad. Period.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2005-12-09 16:58:21 UTC
Post by c***@my-deja.com
Again, reminds me of the "Japan Inc." swipe at Japanese during the
80's. Asians taint the school with better, more competitive learning
environment? Sounds like the kids who are leaving simply can't compete,
or are not willing to truely compete for the privilege of an (used to
be easy) 'A'?
In America white folks historically, and still do today, enjoy
advantages minorities don't have or aren't given so easily. That's why
the white majority is recruiting Asian Americans to join the "anti
reverse discrimination" cause against multi-culturalism with this "you
people are smart, you don't need affirmative action" kind of subtile
racism - To protect White America's "unearned privileges".
Don't fall for it.
I agree with what you say, except that I want to point out that
affirmative action does harm Asians in certain limited circumstances.
I don't know if this "harm," as I say, warrants our "communal stance"
against it, but it seems that some Asian college applicants are
actually rejected in the interests of "diversity" by having the bar for
them as Asian applicants raised even higher.

"Chinaman's Chance," this "half-penny place" (that is, between a rock
and a hard place) -- you have whites and their recruitment drive on the
one side and blacks and hispanics on the other and their recruitment
drive. (Anyone remember Native Americans? LOL!)

I do not like the idea of lowered admissions standards -- for
minorities, for athletes, for children of alumni; not for anyone!

On the other hand, there does exist set-asides already, and unless they
are also gotten rid of, what's wrong with set-asides for groups which
traditionally have been oppressed?


Anyway, I do think that too much of a math science focus is harmful --
but the emphasis is correctly more on the math and science side,
especially in this country, this culture.

Well, whatever...let the whites go away if they want; it's a big
country, and whether they can't compete or just don't want to (in that
math and science stuff), it's okay.
2005-11-27 06:42:26 UTC
Apparently, it's white kids who can't measure up, it's their parents
who hold racial stereotypes, and it's these (now) predominately Asian
schools which are better off for it (the standards have gone up). It
goes on...white kids at majority white schools of similar (though
lesser) educational excellence can do well; but it follows that
standards should be lower there, or, white kids suddenly compete
bettter once united with their own, majority, race.

Replace "white" with "black" and you've got a very controversial piece
of journalism, to put it lightly. But it is controversial, it's just
that it's the majority white (minority white in this report) being
singled out. Ironically, Asians at 4% nationally and dwindling numbers
of whites in CA seem to both suffer from the effects of "minority"
status, one way or another.

"The shrinking number of white students hasn't hurt the academic
standards of Cupertino's schools -- in fact the opposite is true."

The article seems to leverage the notion that higher standards are
aligned with race (in this case, Asian) for purposes of framing this
new "white flight". However, it then circles back around and seems to
balance that notion with anti-Asian racism fueling the new "white
flight". Which is it, or is it both?

One question here is, were the teachers using more advanced math and
science instruction once the white kids left (with or without the same
textbook)? That alone seems a bit odd, because either the teacher
purposely held back the entire class for fear of allowing white kids to
fail (which would be a huge problem for the school if true), or decided
not to even try until the white kids did leave, again which hardly
seems fair to the students as a group.

"This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. "

Well, a legit concern here at least.

"The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive."

So, no matter how it's put, it seems the message is that whites are at
fault; their kids can't hack the material (and by their leaving, the
standards go up anyway), and the white parents are racially
insensitive, ignorant or even racist. Sweet.

"Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says."

Well how nice; and people wonder white the white families aren't
putting their kids there?

"Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children."

I'd like to know how this changes the "standards" exactly. Higher test
scores to compete with, yeah, possibly.

Changing schools to remain in a higher graduating tier is justified -
not too long ago there was an article about Asians in NJ doing the same
thing to boost their academic standings.
2005-11-28 04:02:26 UTC
It's great you dissected this, and details and specifics are debatable,
but I think it highlights just how different ethnic groups are - some
factors are cultural, but you wonder if you see this everywhere around
the world whether it's something deeper. (Likewise, with the
(Ashkenazi) Jewish population - it seems that they are successful
practically everywhere.) If you see blacks moving into a school it is
difficult to imagine that the school's standard will rise (no matter
how controversial this is this is a ng, and there are a number of stats
on the web, if you care to look).

Just read another article about the changing face of the professional
elite in Australia due to East Asian immigration. Hmmm. Walking into a
new calculus class in September, when seeing the almost 75% East ASian
faces, many are FOB as their accents are so bad and some don't even
speak English with 1970s dress codes - one Asian member from another
group of students (white/ASian) who, based on his accent, is native
born but who still obviously want to do well (i.e. 1st generation
overachieving geek mentality still holds for him) muttered,

Everyone knew what he meant.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Apparently, it's white kids who can't measure up, it's their parents
who hold racial stereotypes, and it's these (now) predominately Asian
schools which are better off for it (the standards have gone up). It
goes on...white kids at majority white schools of similar (though
lesser) educational excellence can do well; but it follows that
standards should be lower there, or, white kids suddenly compete
bettter once united with their own, majority, race.
Replace "white" with "black" and you've got a very controversial piece
of journalism, to put it lightly. But it is controversial, it's just
that it's the majority white (minority white in this report) being
singled out. Ironically, Asians at 4% nationally and dwindling numbers
of whites in CA seem to both suffer from the effects of "minority"
status, one way or another.
"The shrinking number of white students hasn't hurt the academic
standards of Cupertino's schools -- in fact the opposite is true."
The article seems to leverage the notion that higher standards are
aligned with race (in this case, Asian) for purposes of framing this
new "white flight". However, it then circles back around and seems to
balance that notion with anti-Asian racism fueling the new "white
flight". Which is it, or is it both?
One question here is, were the teachers using more advanced math and
science instruction once the white kids left (with or without the same
textbook)? That alone seems a bit odd, because either the teacher
purposely held back the entire class for fear of allowing white kids to
fail (which would be a huge problem for the school if true), or decided
not to even try until the white kids did leave, again which hardly
seems fair to the students as a group.
"This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. "
Well, a legit concern here at least.
"The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive."
So, no matter how it's put, it seems the message is that whites are at
fault; their kids can't hack the material (and by their leaving, the
standards go up anyway), and the white parents are racially
insensitive, ignorant or even racist. Sweet.
"Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says."
Well how nice; and people wonder white the white families aren't
putting their kids there?
"Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children."
I'd like to know how this changes the "standards" exactly. Higher test
scores to compete with, yeah, possibly.
Changing schools to remain in a higher graduating tier is justified -
not too long ago there was an article about Asians in NJ doing the same
thing to boost their academic standings.
2005-11-28 07:31:06 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.com
It's great you dissected this, and details and specifics are debatable,
but I think it highlights just how different ethnic groups are - some
factors are cultural, but you wonder if you see this everywhere around
the world whether it's something deeper.
I don't think so, since mostly non Asians founded the schools and much
of the material taught in them (including science and math). What's
happened since then? The quality of education has gone down across the
board, reading rates have gone down (replaced largely by TV and
electronic games), drugs are a factor, broken families, crime, a lack
of parental direction, the two-income family, lots of things. The
cultural differences between the nuclear families of the 1950s and AA
families today aren't so wide.

My father graduated Catholic highschool in inner city Philidelphia in
1950 - you should see the textbooks they used then. They're all
squarely in the Freshman to Junior college math and science levels.
And back then, there was no concept of "advanced placement".

People 100 years ago seemed to have a much better command of the
English language than they do today. Hell, even letters written by
common Civil war soldiers seem like Shakespeare compared to today's
kids. It's no wonder many of them cried when they heard the new SAT
would include a writing section.

(Likewise, with the
Post by r***@hotmail.com
(Ashkenazi) Jewish population - it seems that they are successful
practically everywhere.) If you see blacks moving into a school it is
difficult to imagine that the school's standard will rise (no matter
how controversial this is this is a ng, and there are a number of stats
on the web, if you care to look).
Even if you're right, that assumes it is the race of the kids who are
driving the standards, not the schools. That's the issue I have with
the article - how is it that race drive the standards? Shouldn't these
schools be aiming for excellence and advanced learning from the get-go,
regardless of race? Why deny a student the opportunity to learn? At
what point did the schools featured in the article decide it's high
time to teach strong math and science? It's ridiculous. Now, it's a
totally different matter when schools purposely dumb down the material
to make *themselves* look better, and that does happen, but that, too,
is also wrong.

Not all kids are interested in math/science, and that's understandable.
Not everyone wants or has to be an engineer or computer scientist,
especially since your chances of your future job getting outsourced are
pretty high. The article did mention some parents missed the lack of
emphasis on the liberal arts, which is a completely legitimate concern,
which makes it quite unfortunate that they seem to be lumped together
with the "many" white folks who are supposedly stereotyping AA as they
pull their kids out of these schools.
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Just read another article about the changing face of the professional
elite in Australia due to East Asian immigration. Hmmm. Walking into a
new calculus class in September, when seeing the almost 75% East ASian
faces, many are FOB as their accents are so bad and some don't even
speak English with 1970s dress codes - one Asian member from another
group of students (white/ASian) who, based on his accent, is native
born but who still obviously want to do well (i.e. 1st generation
overachieving geek mentality still holds for him) muttered,
Everyone knew what he meant.
How many are in advanced literature, or creative writing? Not everyone
puts the same amount of emphasis on Calculus, especially when the kinds
of jobs where you would use it, truly use it, are ones that won't pay
much. So yeah, not surprising that developing countries and their
people still hold the Calculus books close to their vests - they're the
ones who can go work and live in these countries and still live
relatively high off the hog. I'd have to have a PhD in mathematics to
pay my property taxes, and then some (but I don't).

BTW, if these schools are so gung ho on teaching advanced math and
science, I've got a few books I'd like to recommend, including one on
the Riemann Hypothesis, and set theory.
2005-11-30 01:38:52 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
It's great you dissected this, and details and specifics are debatable,
but I think it highlights just how different ethnic groups are - some
factors are cultural, but you wonder if you see this everywhere around
the world whether it's something deeper.
I don't think so, since mostly non Asians founded the schools and much
of the material taught in them (including science and math). What's
happened since then? The quality of education has gone down across the
board, reading rates have gone down (replaced largely by TV and
electronic games), drugs are a factor, broken families, crime, a lack
of parental direction, the two-income family, lots of things. The
cultural differences between the nuclear families of the 1950s and AA
families today aren't so wide.
My father graduated Catholic highschool in inner city Philidelphia in
1950 - you should see the textbooks they used then. They're all
squarely in the Freshman to Junior college math and science levels.
And back then, there was no concept of "advanced placement".
People 100 years ago seemed to have a much better command of the
English language than they do today. Hell, even letters written by
common Civil war soldiers seem like Shakespeare compared to today's
kids. It's no wonder many of them cried when they heard the new SAT
would include a writing section.
The main idea here is whether percentiles cross. It's the journey, not
the destination. (I know some may be so surprised that I say that) How
do you score compared to your peers? That's the most important factor
in validating the basic human instinct in societal hierarchy.

And that's why I say it again & again, the thrust of the modern
egalitarian movement - no matter how well you sugarcoat it, is doomed.
(oh but I get it, it's what they covet that gives them power! ok...)
It's not about absolute wealth, stupid! It's about relative wealth.
That's why rich people I see 'round & 'round (or rather near rich
people or upper middle class people) are just so unhappy. Meaning that
there will be winners and losers. For if there aren't, and outcome
don't matter, we may not even try. It does not matter if your
neighbors have a single parent family living below poverty line. It
only mattes if you win in your local - not national - competition.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
(Likewise, with the
Post by r***@hotmail.com
(Ashkenazi) Jewish population - it seems that they are successful
practically everywhere.) If you see blacks moving into a school it is
difficult to imagine that the school's standard will rise (no matter
how controversial this is this is a ng, and there are a number of stats
on the web, if you care to look).
Even if you're right, that assumes it is the race of the kids who are
driving the standards, not the schools. That's the issue I have with
the article - how is it that race drive the standards? Shouldn't these
schools be aiming for excellence and advanced learning from the get-go,
regardless of race? Why deny a student the opportunity to learn? At
what point did the schools featured in the article decide it's high
time to teach strong math and science? It's ridiculous. Now, it's a
totally different matter when schools purposely dumb down the material
to make *themselves* look better, and that does happen, but that, too,
is also wrong.
No it's the kids who are driving the standards (wow I can be a parent)
but I think many parents are just too optimistic. No matter how dumb
your kid is, they still push hard and are trying to so desperately
believe that that would make a difference. I am just saying that yes
you should try your best, but don't be afraid -- and in fact expect --
different outcomes. Funny how this generation gap thing plays out in
the context of a racial gap, huh? And btw that's why the doctrine of
equality is so pernicious. Yes no doubt, every school should try their
best to 'liberate' the genetic constraints I guess, but eventually they
expect the same results.

I don't. I think people are just different. And therefore whenever you
see equal results between mass groups of people you have reason to
suspect that the result's rigged!

People underestimate that simplicity's elegance. You know what people
used to call this? Introspection. They called this introspection. I for
example really don't try very hard, and yet I still score reasonably
(not outstanding - many people smarter than me - but I still 'score'
great - scoring, heh, playing other peoples' rules - but I don't feel
that way....). Hmmm, maybe I should do it a little bit more. But what I
see is that there are many who try much harder than myself and still
score worse. How do you explain that? (or vice versa)
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Not all kids are interested in math/science, and that's understandable.
Not everyone wants or has to be an engineer or computer scientist,
especially since your chances of your future job getting outsourced are
pretty high. The article did mention some parents missed the lack of
emphasis on the liberal arts, which is a completely legitimate concern,
which makes it quite unfortunate that they seem to be lumped together
with the "many" white folks who are supposedly stereotyping AA as they
pull their kids out of these schools.
People do what they like, not because of how much $ they earn. Make the
rules. Don't necessarily follow.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Just read another article about the changing face of the professional
elite in Australia due to East Asian immigration. Hmmm. Walking into a
new calculus class in September, when seeing the almost 75% East ASian
faces, many are FOB as their accents are so bad and some don't even
speak English with 1970s dress codes - one Asian member from another
group of students (white/ASian) who, based on his accent, is native
born but who still obviously want to do well (i.e. 1st generation
overachieving geek mentality still holds for him) muttered,
Everyone knew what he meant.
How many are in advanced literature, or creative writing? Not everyone
puts the same amount of emphasis on Calculus, especially when the kinds
of jobs where you would use it, truly use it, are ones that won't pay
much. So yeah, not surprising that developing countries and their
people still hold the Calculus books close to their vests - they're the
ones who can go work and live in these countries and still live
relatively high off the hog. I'd have to have a PhD in mathematics to
pay my property taxes, and then some (but I don't).
BTW, if these schools are so gung ho on teaching advanced math and
science, I've got a few books I'd like to recommend, including one on
the Riemann Hypothesis, and set theory.
recommend it please. Which book is that (for my extracurricular read,
if I get a chance heh!) As I said, people love what they do because
they're good at it. The fact that you're assuming that you're to *work*
to achieve ... that is already middle class at best. I sort of still
admire them because I think they have the greatest chance of success.
The lower middle class or lower class dummies??!! No way!!!! Yes I
think a PhD is great, but as I learn at best that'll get you to middle
class. Still if I can get it why not? Maybe it's really great I'm no
longer plagued by these desires. Because you know what, the edges are
exciting and unpredictable.
2005-11-30 05:26:53 UTC
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
It's great you dissected this, and details and specifics are debatable,
but I think it highlights just how different ethnic groups are - some
factors are cultural, but you wonder if you see this everywhere around
the world whether it's something deeper.
I don't think so, since mostly non Asians founded the schools and much
of the material taught in them (including science and math). What's
happened since then? The quality of education has gone down across the
board, reading rates have gone down (replaced largely by TV and
electronic games), drugs are a factor, broken families, crime, a lack
of parental direction, the two-income family, lots of things. The
cultural differences between the nuclear families of the 1950s and AA
families today aren't so wide.
My father graduated Catholic highschool in inner city Philidelphia in
1950 - you should see the textbooks they used then. They're all
squarely in the Freshman to Junior college math and science levels.
And back then, there was no concept of "advanced placement".
People 100 years ago seemed to have a much better command of the
English language than they do today. Hell, even letters written by
common Civil war soldiers seem like Shakespeare compared to today's
kids. It's no wonder many of them cried when they heard the new SAT
would include a writing section.
The main idea here is whether percentiles cross. It's the journey, not
the destination. (I know some may be so surprised that I say that) How
do you score compared to your peers? That's the most important factor
in validating the basic human instinct in societal hierarchy.
What difference does it make as long as my personal goals are achieved?
That's the individualist - something America is famous for - coming
out. I don't have to be a slave to the standardized testing-as-sport
mindset, unless that is my goal, i.e. to spend every waking moment
eating, breathing and sleeping SAT prep work. We're turning out armies
of kids who know a lot of word analogies and canned math problems (and
the smart way to take a multiple choice test) and probably very little
in the way of a unique, critical and original thought between them.

But I agree, people's lives are ruled by what the own (materially)
compared to their neighbors, and that usually includes where they went
to school and what they got on their SAT.

Anyway, I don't think that's the main idea of the article, rather it's
about a new type of "white flight", but this time motivated by 1.) more
competition in the form of Asian American students, many of whom are
1st generation and 2.) the majority white student body suddenly finding
themselves the minority - a pretty strange experience, I'm sure.
Post by RichAsianKid
And that's why I say it again & again, the thrust of the modern
egalitarian movement - no matter how well you sugarcoat it, is doomed.
(oh but I get it, it's what they covet that gives them power! ok...)
It's not about absolute wealth, stupid! It's about relative wealth.
That's why rich people I see 'round & 'round (or rather near rich
people or upper middle class people) are just so unhappy. Meaning that
there will be winners and losers. For if there aren't, and outcome
don't matter, we may not even try. It does not matter if your
neighbors have a single parent family living below poverty line. It
only mattes if you win in your local - not national - competition.
Ok, but what does that have to do with the white kids checking out of
their school. What are you talking about here?
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by b***@yahoo.com
(Likewise, with the
Post by r***@hotmail.com
(Ashkenazi) Jewish population - it seems that they are successful
practically everywhere.) If you see blacks moving into a school it is
difficult to imagine that the school's standard will rise (no matter
how controversial this is this is a ng, and there are a number of stats
on the web, if you care to look).
Even if you're right, that assumes it is the race of the kids who are
driving the standards, not the schools. That's the issue I have with
the article - how is it that race drive the standards? Shouldn't these
schools be aiming for excellence and advanced learning from the get-go,
regardless of race? Why deny a student the opportunity to learn? At
what point did the schools featured in the article decide it's high
time to teach strong math and science? It's ridiculous. Now, it's a
totally different matter when schools purposely dumb down the material
to make *themselves* look better, and that does happen, but that, too,
is also wrong.
No it's the kids who are driving the standards (wow I can be a parent)
but I think many parents are just too optimistic. No matter how dumb
your kid is, they still push hard and are trying to so desperately
believe that that would make a difference. I am just saying that yes
you should try your best, but don't be afraid -- and in fact expect --
different outcomes. Funny how this generation gap thing plays out in
the context of a racial gap, huh? And btw that's why the doctrine of
equality is so pernicious. Yes no doubt, every school should try their
best to 'liberate' the genetic constraints I guess, but eventually they
expect the same results.
So I guess you're on the nature, and not nuture side? Not me, I
believe nuture plays a strong role. If it didn't (using purely the
genetic argument), you wouldn't have many of the modern devices you
have today, compliments of non asian advances in theory and
Post by RichAsianKid
I don't. I think people are just different. And therefore whenever you
see equal results between mass groups of people you have reason to
suspect that the result's rigged!
Of course, that's why all such results usually, if not always, follow a
bell shaped distribution curve. For Whites, and Asians. In this case,
it sounds like the Asians in the school were father to the right than
their non Asian peers. You can thank culture, or lack of one, for
that, mostly. A culture that encourages everything BUT studying.
Post by RichAsianKid
People underestimate that simplicity's elegance. You know what people
used to call this? Introspection. They called this introspection. I for
example really don't try very hard, and yet I still score reasonably
(not outstanding - many people smarter than me - but I still 'score'
great - scoring, heh, playing other peoples' rules - but I don't feel
that way....). Hmmm, maybe I should do it a little bit more. But what I
see is that there are many who try much harder than myself and still
score worse. How do you explain that? (or vice versa)
Tests are different, some focus on certain areas, others are more
general. There are IQ tests, and then there are really hard IQ tests.
I've taken a few online tests, I spent barely any time on them, had my
daughter on my lap, balanced a laptop in the other, and watched tv
simulataneously...a still scored in the top 5% of the country. Big
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Not all kids are interested in math/science, and that's understandable.
Not everyone wants or has to be an engineer or computer scientist,
especially since your chances of your future job getting outsourced are
pretty high. The article did mention some parents missed the lack of
emphasis on the liberal arts, which is a completely legitimate concern,
which makes it quite unfortunate that they seem to be lumped together
with the "many" white folks who are supposedly stereotyping AA as they
pull their kids out of these schools.
People do what they like, not because of how much $ they earn. Make the
rules. Don't necessarily follow.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Just read another article about the changing face of the professional
elite in Australia due to East Asian immigration. Hmmm. Walking into a
new calculus class in September, when seeing the almost 75% East ASian
faces, many are FOB as their accents are so bad and some don't even
speak English with 1970s dress codes - one Asian member from another
group of students (white/ASian) who, based on his accent, is native
born but who still obviously want to do well (i.e. 1st generation
overachieving geek mentality still holds for him) muttered,
Everyone knew what he meant.
How many are in advanced literature, or creative writing? Not everyone
puts the same amount of emphasis on Calculus, especially when the kinds
of jobs where you would use it, truly use it, are ones that won't pay
much. So yeah, not surprising that developing countries and their
people still hold the Calculus books close to their vests - they're the
ones who can go work and live in these countries and still live
relatively high off the hog. I'd have to have a PhD in mathematics to
pay my property taxes, and then some (but I don't).
BTW, if these schools are so gung ho on teaching advanced math and
science, I've got a few books I'd like to recommend, including one on
the Riemann Hypothesis, and set theory.
recommend it please. Which book is that (for my extracurricular read,
if I get a chance heh!)
"Stalking the Reimann Hypothesis". A study of the centuries old
attempts to predict Prime number distribution, From the Greeks, to
Euler, To Reimann, and on.

As I said, people love what they do because
Post by RichAsianKid
they're good at it. The fact that you're assuming that you're to *work*
to achieve ... that is already middle class at best. I sort of still
admire them because I think they have the greatest chance of success.
The lower middle class or lower class dummies??!! No way!!!! Yes I
think a PhD is great, but as I learn at best that'll get you to middle
class. Still if I can get it why not? Maybe it's really great I'm no
longer plagued by these desires. Because you know what, the edges are
exciting and unpredicta
You're right, it is a "middle class" mentality. However, it pays the
2005-12-01 05:43:33 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
It's great you dissected this, and details and specifics are debatable,
but I think it highlights just how different ethnic groups are - some
factors are cultural, but you wonder if you see this everywhere around
the world whether it's something deeper.
I don't think so, since mostly non Asians founded the schools and much
of the material taught in them (including science and math). What's
happened since then? The quality of education has gone down across the
board, reading rates have gone down (replaced largely by TV and
electronic games), drugs are a factor, broken families, crime, a lack
of parental direction, the two-income family, lots of things. The
cultural differences between the nuclear families of the 1950s and AA
families today aren't so wide.
My father graduated Catholic highschool in inner city Philidelphia in
1950 - you should see the textbooks they used then. They're all
squarely in the Freshman to Junior college math and science levels.
And back then, there was no concept of "advanced placement".
People 100 years ago seemed to have a much better command of the
English language than they do today. Hell, even letters written by
common Civil war soldiers seem like Shakespeare compared to today's
kids. It's no wonder many of them cried when they heard the new SAT
would include a writing section.
The main idea here is whether percentiles cross. It's the journey, not
the destination. (I know some may be so surprised that I say that) How
do you score compared to your peers? That's the most important factor
in validating the basic human instinct in societal hierarchy.
What difference does it make as long as my personal goals are achieved?
That's the individualist - something America is famous for - coming
out. I don't have to be a slave to the standardized testing-as-sport
mindset, unless that is my goal, i.e. to spend every waking moment
eating, breathing and sleeping SAT prep work. We're turning out armies
of kids who know a lot of word analogies and canned math problems (and
the smart way to take a multiple choice test) and probably very little
in the way of a unique, critical and original thought between them.
Yes but again it's hierarchy that matters. Let me be honest. I like
this hierarchy. I do well in it. I'm no originator LOL. You can even
say I follow rigid cognitive rules. But as they say 'I like it this
way'. :)
Post by b***@yahoo.com
But I agree, people's lives are ruled by what the own (materially)
compared to their neighbors, and that usually includes where they went
to school and what they got on their SAT.
Where they're sired is more important! lol!
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Anyway, I don't think that's the main idea of the article, rather it's
about a new type of "white flight", but this time motivated by 1.) more
competition in the form of Asian American students, many of whom are
1st generation and 2.) the majority white student body suddenly finding
themselves the minority - a pretty strange experience, I'm sure.
This is a little bit too FOB for me
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
And that's why I say it again & again, the thrust of the modern
egalitarian movement - no matter how well you sugarcoat it, is doomed.
(oh but I get it, it's what they covet that gives them power! ok...)
It's not about absolute wealth, stupid! It's about relative wealth.
That's why rich people I see 'round & 'round (or rather near rich
people or upper middle class people) are just so unhappy. Meaning that
there will be winners and losers. For if there aren't, and outcome
don't matter, we may not even try. It does not matter if your
neighbors have a single parent family living below poverty line. It
only mattes if you win in your local - not national - competition.
Ok, but what does that have to do with the white kids checking out of
their school. What are you talking about here?
Differences matter.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by b***@yahoo.com
(Likewise, with the
Post by r***@hotmail.com
(Ashkenazi) Jewish population - it seems that they are successful
practically everywhere.) If you see blacks moving into a school it is
difficult to imagine that the school's standard will rise (no matter
how controversial this is this is a ng, and there are a number of stats
on the web, if you care to look).
Even if you're right, that assumes it is the race of the kids who are
driving the standards, not the schools. That's the issue I have with
the article - how is it that race drive the standards? Shouldn't these
schools be aiming for excellence and advanced learning from the get-go,
regardless of race? Why deny a student the opportunity to learn? At
what point did the schools featured in the article decide it's high
time to teach strong math and science? It's ridiculous. Now, it's a
totally different matter when schools purposely dumb down the material
to make *themselves* look better, and that does happen, but that, too,
is also wrong.
Chill. I'm just saying that even with all your best intentions, you
won't necessarily get equality of results - we're not talking about
equality of op, heh
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
No it's the kids who are driving the standards (wow I can be a parent)
but I think many parents are just too optimistic. No matter how dumb
your kid is, they still push hard and are trying to so desperately
believe that that would make a difference. I am just saying that yes
you should try your best, but don't be afraid -- and in fact expect --
different outcomes. Funny how this generation gap thing plays out in
the context of a racial gap, huh? And btw that's why the doctrine of
equality is so pernicious. Yes no doubt, every school should try their
best to 'liberate' the genetic constraints I guess, but eventually they
expect the same results.
So I guess you're on the nature, and not nuture side? Not me, I
believe nuture plays a strong role. If it didn't (using purely the
genetic argument), you wouldn't have many of the modern devices you
have today, compliments of non asian advances in theory and
Oh we agree. I just don't think that nurture is everything. Please
think more clearly. You're simplifying things too much. You must be
really old, thinking this either-or. You know, what modern paradigm is
like, it's all GRAY, man.....
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
I don't. I think people are just different. And therefore whenever you
see equal results between mass groups of people you have reason to
suspect that the result's rigged!
Of course, that's why all such results usually, if not always, follow a
bell shaped distribution curve. For Whites, and Asians. In this case,
it sounds like the Asians in the school were father to the right than
their non Asian peers. You can thank culture, or lack of one, for
that, mostly. A culture that encourages everything BUT studying.
And why don't they succeed? Why are there not that many Nobel winners
as you said before? Are you now beginning to think like me?
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
People underestimate that simplicity's elegance. You know what people
used to call this? Introspection. They called this introspection. I for
example really don't try very hard, and yet I still score reasonably
(not outstanding - many people smarter than me - but I still 'score'
great - scoring, heh, playing other peoples' rules - but I don't feel
that way....). Hmmm, maybe I should do it a little bit more. But what I
see is that there are many who try much harder than myself and still
score worse. How do you explain that? (or vice versa)
Tests are different, some focus on certain areas, others are more
general. There are IQ tests, and then there are really hard IQ tests.
I've taken a few online tests, I spent barely any time on them, had my
daughter on my lap, balanced a laptop in the other, and watched tv
simulataneously...a still scored in the top 5% of the country. Big
If you're a father and you spend time on newsgroups, then god help us.
God!! Just for saying that I think I should just quit, no? ;)
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Not all kids are interested in math/science, and that's understandable.
Not everyone wants or has to be an engineer or computer scientist,
especially since your chances of your future job getting outsourced are
pretty high. The article did mention some parents missed the lack of
emphasis on the liberal arts, which is a completely legitimate concern,
which makes it quite unfortunate that they seem to be lumped together
with the "many" white folks who are supposedly stereotyping AA as they
pull their kids out of these schools.
People do what they like, not because of how much $ they earn. Make the
rules. Don't necessarily follow.
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Just read another article about the changing face of the professional
elite in Australia due to East Asian immigration. Hmmm. Walking into a
new calculus class in September, when seeing the almost 75% East ASian
faces, many are FOB as their accents are so bad and some don't even
speak English with 1970s dress codes - one Asian member from another
group of students (white/ASian) who, based on his accent, is native
born but who still obviously want to do well (i.e. 1st generation
overachieving geek mentality still holds for him) muttered,
Everyone knew what he meant.
How many are in advanced literature, or creative writing? Not everyone
puts the same amount of emphasis on Calculus, especially when the kinds
of jobs where you would use it, truly use it, are ones that won't pay
much. So yeah, not surprising that developing countries and their
people still hold the Calculus books close to their vests - they're the
ones who can go work and live in these countries and still live
relatively high off the hog. I'd have to have a PhD in mathematics to
pay my property taxes, and then some (but I don't).
BTW, if these schools are so gung ho on teaching advanced math and
science, I've got a few books I'd like to recommend, including one on
the Riemann Hypothesis, and set theory.
recommend it please. Which book is that (for my extracurricular read,
if I get a chance heh!)
"Stalking the Reimann Hypothesis". A study of the centuries old
attempts to predict Prime number distribution, From the Greeks, to
Euler, To Reimann, and on.
As I said, people love what they do because
Post by RichAsianKid
they're good at it. The fact that you're assuming that you're to *work*
to achieve ... that is already middle class at best. I sort of still
admire them because I think they have the greatest chance of success.
The lower middle class or lower class dummies??!! No way!!!! Yes I
think a PhD is great, but as I learn at best that'll get you to middle
class. Still if I can get it why not? Maybe it's really great I'm no
longer plagued by these desires. Because you know what, the edges are
exciting and unpredicta
You're right, it is a "middle class" mentality. However, it pays the
in your case, hahahaha!!! That's why I'm beginning to like myself. I
think that geez, if there are all these people trying their damn
hardest and I don't but yeah I know I should then it is really a
backhand compliment.

Thank you. You have just motivated me. Serious.
2005-12-01 12:52:30 UTC
Post by RichAsianKid
And why don't they succeed? Why are there not that many Nobel winners
as you said before? Are you now beginning to think like me?
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners. Have fun...
2005-12-01 13:25:49 UTC
Post by beernuts
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners.
This is a topic upon which my friends and I have often pondered. Given the
huge pool from which China can draw talents and potential, there should
really be a relatively larger number of "world champions" in fields of art,
sport, literature and science; but there isn't. Why ? Even table-tennis, in
which the Chinese excelled for decades, has a Swede on top for the past 6 or
7 years. We don't mean that there *aren't* any Chinese who are on the top,
we merely noticed that there aren't as many relative to the population China
has compared to other nations. Many theories were put forth, one of which is
the Chinese schooling system. Chinese schools teach pupils to learn almost
everything by heart, thus doing away the pupils' ability to think and reason
things out: everything becomes parrot-fashion repetition. Another theory is
that the Chinese do not have thick enough skin on their elbows to brush
aside obstacles the way Westerners do, so they become the ones who are being
brushed aside. Another theory is that the Chinese have throughout the
centuries been taught obedience and respect to the point that their self
confidence is hampered, and when faced with opposition from Westerners, they
gladly give way. One indisputable fact is that opportunities in China to do
high level research that is rewarded with Nobel Prizes is very limited,
compared to those in the West. All these obstacles are slowly being taken
away, and that in time, China will produce her share of "world champions".
2005-12-02 01:14:07 UTC
Post by Jensen
Post by beernuts
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners.
This is a topic upon which my friends and I have often pondered. Given the
huge pool from which China can draw talents and potential, there should
really be a relatively larger number of "world champions" in fields of art,
sport, literature and science; but there isn't. Why ? Even table-tennis, in
which the Chinese excelled for decades, has a Swede on top for the past 6 or
7 years. We don't mean that there *aren't* any Chinese who are on the top,
we merely noticed that there aren't as many relative to the population China
has compared to other nations. Many theories were put forth, one of which is
the Chinese schooling system. Chinese schools teach pupils to learn almost
everything by heart, thus doing away the pupils' ability to think and reason
things out: everything becomes parrot-fashion repetition. Another theory is
that the Chinese do not have thick enough skin on their elbows to brush
aside obstacles the way Westerners do, so they become the ones who are being
brushed aside. Another theory is that the Chinese have throughout the
centuries been taught obedience and respect to the point that their self
confidence is hampered, and when faced with opposition from Westerners, they
gladly give way. One indisputable fact is that opportunities in China to do
high level research that is rewarded with Nobel Prizes is very limited,
compared to those in the West. All these obstacles are slowly being taken
away, and that in time, China will produce her share of "world champions".
Post by beernuts
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners.
This is a topic upon which my friends and I have often pondered. Given the
huge pool from which China can draw talents and potential, there should
really be a relatively larger number of "world champions" in fields of art,
sport, literature and science; but there isn't. Why ? Even table-tennis, in
which the Chinese excelled for decades, has a Swede on top for the past 6 or
7 years. We don't mean that there *aren't* any Chinese who are on the top,
we merely noticed that there aren't as many relative to the population China
has compared to other nations. Many theories were put forth, one of which is
the Chinese schooling system. Chinese schools teach pupils to learn almost
everything by heart, thus doing away the pupils' ability to think and reason
things out: everything becomes parrot-fashion repetition. Another theory is
that the Chinese do not have thick enough skin on their elbows to brush
aside obstacles the way Westerners do, so they become the ones who are being
brushed aside. Another theory is that the Chinese have throughout the
centuries been taught obedience and respect to the point that their self
confidence is hampered, and when faced with opposition from Westerners, they
gladly give way. One indisputable fact is that opportunities in China to do
high level research that is rewarded with Nobel Prizes is very limited,
compared to those in the West. All these obstacles are slowly being taken
away, and that in time, China will produce her share of "world champions".
Totally agree, 100%. My comment wasn't about what AA can't do, but
what non AA can do, and HAVE done...for centuries. Yes, there are a
myriad of theories, but nobody knows for sure. Look what Newton did,
couped up in a cabin, during the Plague. It hasn't always been about
lots of resources.

Notwithstanding RichAsian whatever-his-name-is quasi trolling (or maybe
full bore trolling), the issue of genetics does factor in, I'm sure.
But if it does, then you would think LESS inventions, theories, prizes,
etc, etc, would have been put forth by NON Asians.

Another possibility is that non Asian geniuses of past and present are
consistent with the small percentage of every race that has that kind
of mental gift, but that the white percentage realized the fruits
whereas the Chinese percentage have not, but in time, may. We will see.
2005-12-02 06:03:56 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Totally agree, 100%.
Thar y'go.
2005-12-04 04:25:04 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
Post by Jensen
Post by beernuts
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners.
This is a topic upon which my friends and I have often pondered. Given the
huge pool from which China can draw talents and potential, there should
really be a relatively larger number of "world champions" in fields of art,
sport, literature and science; but there isn't. Why ? Even table-tennis, in
which the Chinese excelled for decades, has a Swede on top for the past 6 or
7 years. We don't mean that there *aren't* any Chinese who are on the top,
we merely noticed that there aren't as many relative to the population China
has compared to other nations. Many theories were put forth, one of which is
the Chinese schooling system. Chinese schools teach pupils to learn almost
everything by heart, thus doing away the pupils' ability to think and reason
things out: everything becomes parrot-fashion repetition. Another theory is
that the Chinese do not have thick enough skin on their elbows to brush
aside obstacles the way Westerners do, so they become the ones who are being
brushed aside. Another theory is that the Chinese have throughout the
centuries been taught obedience and respect to the point that their self
confidence is hampered, and when faced with opposition from Westerners, they
gladly give way. One indisputable fact is that opportunities in China to do
high level research that is rewarded with Nobel Prizes is very limited,
compared to those in the West. All these obstacles are slowly being taken
away, and that in time, China will produce her share of "world champions".
Post by beernuts
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners.
This is a topic upon which my friends and I have often pondered. Given the
huge pool from which China can draw talents and potential, there should
really be a relatively larger number of "world champions" in fields of art,
sport, literature and science; but there isn't. Why ? Even table-tennis, in
which the Chinese excelled for decades, has a Swede on top for the past 6 or
7 years. We don't mean that there *aren't* any Chinese who are on the top,
we merely noticed that there aren't as many relative to the population China
has compared to other nations. Many theories were put forth, one of which is
the Chinese schooling system. Chinese schools teach pupils to learn almost
everything by heart, thus doing away the pupils' ability to think and reason
things out: everything becomes parrot-fashion repetition. Another theory is
that the Chinese do not have thick enough skin on their elbows to brush
aside obstacles the way Westerners do, so they become the ones who are being
brushed aside. Another theory is that the Chinese have throughout the
centuries been taught obedience and respect to the point that their self
confidence is hampered, and when faced with opposition from Westerners, they
gladly give way. One indisputable fact is that opportunities in China to do
high level research that is rewarded with Nobel Prizes is very limited,
compared to those in the West. All these obstacles are slowly being taken
away, and that in time, China will produce her share of "world champions".
Totally agree, 100%. My comment wasn't about what AA can't do, but
what non AA can do, and HAVE done...for centuries. Yes, there are a
myriad of theories, but nobody knows for sure. Look what Newton did,
couped up in a cabin, during the Plague. It hasn't always been about
lots of resources.
Notwithstanding RichAsian whatever-his-name-is quasi trolling (or maybe
full bore trolling), the issue of genetics does factor in, I'm sure.
But if it does, then you would think LESS inventions, theories, prizes,
etc, etc, would have been put forth by NON Asians.
Another possibility is that non Asian geniuses of past and present are
consistent with the small percentage of every race that has that kind
of mental gift, but that the white percentage realized the fruits
whereas the Chinese percentage have not, but in time, may. We will see.
Yes, because creativity cannot yet be quantified, unlike IQ, and IQ is
not 100% synonymous with creativity either. Also when you're talking
about Nobel winners, the so-called Lotka curve takes precedence over
the Bell Curve. That's one theory.
Chairman Mao
2005-12-09 01:50:37 UTC
Chinese schools need change, that is for sure.

However , you need Communist party position and $$$ to get into one of the
better schools.

Maybe 1% of millions can do this...
Post by Jensen
Post by beernuts
Um, I was talking about the lack of Asian names relative to Non Asian
Nobel prize winners.
This is a topic upon which my friends and I have often pondered. Given the
huge pool from which China can draw talents and potential, there should
really be a relatively larger number of "world champions" in fields of
art, sport, literature and science; but there isn't. Why ? Even
table-tennis, in which the Chinese excelled for decades, has a Swede on
top for the past 6 or 7 years. We don't mean that there *aren't* any
Chinese who are on the top, we merely noticed that there aren't as many
relative to the population China has compared to other nations. Many
theories were put forth, one of which is the Chinese schooling system.
Chinese schools teach pupils to learn almost everything by heart, thus
doing away the pupils' ability to think and reason things out: everything
becomes parrot-fashion repetition. Another theory is that the Chinese do
not have thick enough skin on their elbows to brush aside obstacles the
way Westerners do, so they become the ones who are being brushed aside.
Another theory is that the Chinese have throughout the centuries been
taught obedience and respect to the point that their self confidence is
hampered, and when faced with opposition from Westerners, they gladly give
way. One indisputable fact is that opportunities in China to do high level
research that is rewarded with Nobel Prizes is very limited, compared to
those in the West. All these obstacles are slowly being taken away, and
that in time, China will produce her share of "world champions".
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
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Chairman Mao
2005-11-28 07:29:22 UTC
Brief Glimpse Behind the Jewsmedia Curtain

by E. Thomson

8 July 2005

We recall the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" in which the bankster-wizard is
exposed when the little dog pulls the curtain aside, exposing the wizard's
fakery for all to see. Well, we sometimes wonder how the jewsmedia connect
with the ZOG. The connections is simple: the jewsmedia serve to baffle & to
distract honest people, just as the curtain concealed the scam perpetrated
by the fake wizard. The jewsmedia are liars-for-hire on behalf of the
criminal parasites who rule us: the ZOG. It is a cozy criminal connection in
which bankster-jews control the money supply, which they create out of
nothing, for which they charge us principal & interest. The money controls
the ZOG, who are the banksters' hitmen & it also controls the jewsmedia on
behalf of the ZOG. What's really clever, is that we pay for all this evil by
dint of our honesty & hard work! Such a deal! We are really paying crooks to
buy th erop with which we are to be hanged, as the jewsmedia jesters dance
around the gallows, to make us think this is other than an execution. The
jewsmedia tell us that it's really a waterslide for our enjoyment, & that
the rope is for our safety. Maybe we'd catch on if thye offered us th
eBrooklyn Bridge, too, on 'reasonable terms,' or some Florida real estate.
But there are so many who never catch on, mainly because they don't want to.

The jewsmedia comprise 'our' media of education, entertainment &
information. Naturally, there is overlap, as with "docu-dramas" &
"info-mercials." A feature may be entertaining, as well as educational &
informative, but what we receive is mainly ZOG-prop ("prole-feed" per
Orwell) into which the ZOG message is woven throughout. Whites can perceive
the anti-White part of that message, because it is ubiquitous, as well as
iniquitous, like the jews themselves. The key to success of the jewmedia
scam is that the victims of this con-game, like most victmis, don't want to
think that they are being or have been conned. It is human nature,
seemingly, to want to believe that the "gold brick" is real & that it is not
a lead ingot, just as millions of suckers give of their worldly-wealth to
gain admission to a celestial paradise by purchasing tickets from 'holy'
hucksters, rascals using the cloak of religion to disguise their true
intentions: "My kingdom is not of this earth, so gimme your dought!" Maybe
holdup men can use that message in lieu of guns, since the churches have
done so for centuries. I mention these scams to show that few are immune to
media-borne prevarications designed to benefit the prevaricators.

My most recent peek behind the kosher media curtain revealed an oft-used
tactic known as dissimulation by distraction. In debate, it is called the
"strawman" tactic, in which a a bogus issue is raised & then knocked down.
This is a ruse to distract listeners from the real issues. When proper
debates are held, with judges who enforce rules, such a ploy would count
against the party who makes use of it, since it is invalid in support of an
argument. But in the 'free market of ideas' anything goes, in the belief
that the public will swallow it. The fact that ZOG exists proves that the
public is willing to swallow lots of kosher crap, while they identify their
own interests with the alien interests of the ZOG. "They Live," after all.
Recently, I was analyzing a sonorous sheeny's "analysis" of events in regard
to the "quagmire" in Iraq. the media jew described the "syndromes" by which
we have blundered into one bloody conflict after another, such as the "no
more Munich" slogan, the "domino theory" slogan & the "Vietnam Quagmire"
slogan. He conveniently omitted the "make the world safe for democracy"
slogan which led to the "no more Munich" slogan. You note that I use
"slogan," while the jew used "syndrome." According to the sheeny, our
leaders & the public are "victims" of these "syndromes," which are summed up
by the slogans he mentioned. This is typical jew-jitsu or sheeny sophistry,
for who created these slogans, if not the jewsmedia? The jew avoided all
mention of the source of our "syndromes." If there is a cycle in historical
slogans or "syndromes," it appears tha tBush #2 is harking back to Wilson
with his bogus babble about "spreading democracy," which are the words the
jewsmedia have fed him, specificically his jew speech-writer, Gerson. This
slogan is designed to perpetrate the same disasters which followed the
slogan fed to Woodrow Wilson, for such slogans are labels for policies
adopted by the ZOG. The media jew alleges that slogans or "syndromes"
control the ZOG, rather than vice versa, as I have indicated.

In "The Eternal Jew," certain talmudic themes are pointed out, one such
being the reversal of the role of perpetrator & victim. One example is that
portion of the movie, "M," starring the jew actor, Peter Lorre, as the
serial child-murderer, who 'explains' that his inocent, defenseless victims
"made him do it," because they were so innocent & defenseless! In
jew-'logic,' the prey is 'gulity' for the predations of the predator. But
the media jew did not identify the authros of the "syndromes" by which "we
were all victimized," & by which we are still victimized, according to his
analysis. As the sheeny's sophistry wound down to his 'warm-fuzzy'
CONclusion, no perpetrator was indicated, so the listener is free to
conclude that we have been "self-victimized." If this is true, as it comes
from a jew, the U.S. government & the voters are in desperate need of
commitment into institutions for the criminally-insane, to cure them of
their murderous "syndromes," which the dictionary defines as 1. "...a
disease or abnormal condition." In law, an insane person was defined as "one
who constitutes a danger to himself &/or to others." This definition
certainly applies to the U.S.A.'s government & voters, so all patriots
should do their bit to 'make the world safe for sanity.' The great thing
about this new "syndrome," which the dictionary defines as 2. "a combination
of opinions, behavior, &c. that are characteristic of a particular
condition," is its ability to cure the first syndrome! Now is the time for
all good patriots to don their white coats & fetch their nets so we can save
the victims from themselves!

Unfortunately, the jewsmedia sheeny's views are skewed, as I stated
previously, so patriotic efforts on behalf of the insane would meet with the
ZOG's violent defense of its criminal enterprises, as we have sen at Ruby
Ridge & Waco, et al. For now, all I can present is this glimpse behind the
jewsmedia curtain, so as to reveal this particular set of tactics which are
concocted to inoculate us with additional sheeny spirochetes of
misinformation. The jew does his job of spreading lies & I do my job of
striving to undo them. ORION!

* * *


25 June 05. Dear [X]: My late friend & comrade, Robert Frens, likened ZOG
racial policy to an insane attempt to keep oil mixed with water. As long as
ZOG keeps shaking & stirring the mixture, at taxpayers' expense, the
violence will continue. "Freedom of Association" must be guaranteed as a
basic human right. It was so obvious that our founding felons didn't bother
to write it down in The U.S. CON-stitution. The new hispano-mestizo mayor of
L.A. is faced with Black vs. mestizo fighting in local schools. I do not
capitalize mestizos, for they are not a race, but mongrels, like jews. A
mestizo is a Eurasian & a jew is an Afro-Eurasian, if we wish to revert to
geographical terms for races, instead of biological ones: Black, White &
Yellow. The spic-mayor wondered why "people don't get along, when they want
the same things." He was obviously deprived of proper education when he was
a member of MECHA in school, although he did learn that U.S. territory is
"Aztlan," which the gringos 'stole' from Mexico. Proper education teaches
that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at once, nor can a limited
supply of space, goods, services & jobs satisfy an infinitely increasing
number of people. As a rule, two hungry strangers + one loaf of bread = a
fight. But as he said, L.A. is the U.S.A. in microcosm, with its demographic
diversity (Asians, Blacks, Moslems, mestizos; forget Whites) & its economic
extremes of poverty for the many & wealth for the very, very few. It reminds
me of an announcer introducing the opponents in a 'no holds barred'
"wrassling" match, in which the 'fighting' occurs mainly out of th ering. As
this turf battle heats up, Tom chittum's conditions for "Civil War Two" will
come to pass. Chittum also served as an anti-Communist combatant in
Rhodesia, so he knows the meaning of the term sellout. In South Africa,
however, the Whites sold themselves out. One of the Pretorius brothers is my
twin, when I was in my teens, so the old Chinese expression must be true:
"All Caucasian look alike!" Ha! Good luck to them, in any case. The Boers
schemed to "save the Boer people," but not the White people whom they needed
to save themselves. Too bad! The Boers believed that they were the
true-jews, as they told me, & that other Whties were 'just' Gentiles. They
also claimed they were "not racists," but "anti-Communists." What they were
was White supremacists who had a jewish attitude toward honorable work, like
the White supremacists of the U.S. South. Both of these groups hated Nazis,
because Nazis believed in doing their own "nigger work" & Boers liked a bit
of nigger-nooky on the side, as I saw in Africa. White supremacists are
addicted to non-Whites, within their own livingspace. There is no such thing
as "cheap labor." My impression of White Africans was that their
bible-banging & interracial fornication was as great, percentage-wise, as
their penchant for divorce & alcoholism. It was not a healthy society, in
other words. African veldt & fauna can obscure social & racial realities to
the casual observer, by distracting him from the featherless bipeds. I was
able to see what others preferred NOT to see, for truth is my hobby & my
chief interest.

I hope the federal court ruling on Religious Land Use &c. works in your
favor. I also heard a radio report that a federal court has ruled that
prisoners slated for super-max deserve "fair hearings" in regard to their
confinement therein. The mills of ZOG grind selectively & at variable
speeds, indeed.

Thanks for informing me that people are getting the message out, by actually
co-operating with one another. Why, that's like having two miracles at once!
"Double-double good!" as Orwell would say in Newspeak. In our 'politically
correct' world, that is 'jewspeak.' Listening to the jews jabber on NPR
jewsradio is like attending 'shul,' but that's what the jewsmedia are for:
to further spread jewish cultural imperialism. I am rereading An Empire of
Their Own, when I can stand it, which gives details about jew domination of
movies, as well as radio, TV & big jewspapers. Such a deal! Ugh! Henry Ford
opined that most sheeple would be surprised to know the source of most
things they take for granted in 'our' media of information, education &
entertainment, & that most content is 'kosher,' in origin & intent. I
further recommend The Green Felt Jungle, which names so many jew gangsters &
politicians, as well as their Goy connections, that I seemed to be reading a
synagogue members' list. Never would I wish to visit Las Vegas again,
although I knew gambling was a mob-run racket, even when the games are
honest. Been there, done that. Please take good care of yourself, ZOG
willing. All the best & ORION! -- Eric

25 June 05. Hail [X]! Many thanks for your letter of June 16th & the great
photo of you & yours! I'll circulate the latest addresses of the people you
listed on your Appeal to White Separatists. I am, of course, NOT a "White
Supremacist," nor am I a "White Separatist." I am a White Nationalist. This
is because I do not wish to continue living under ZOG. To change that dire
situation, I propose that we establish a White Nationstate. This is why I
say one thing only: ORION! (Our Race Is Our Nation!). That must be our
focus: the establishment of our state within the ZOG empire, & then our
independence from ZOG-misrule. Nothing else will do. Some ostensible Whites
put all sorts of ideas ahead of our biopolitical necessity: our own nation.
As Hitler said, "The state protects the race & the race protects the
individual." Nations are peoples, not places, contrary to ZOG lies. Peoples
must have their own livingspace, a country of their own, of any size they
are fit to capture & rule. To achieve these worthy goals, a people must also
have its own government, so even when we lack our own country & state
(government), we must learn the meanings & methods required for

As you say, there will be much to do when you depart the ZOG-gulag for the
Land of ZOG. I am glad you are making the most of your time in the gulag,
despite restraints. that proves you have a worthy & excellent character.
Fewer than one out of 20 people have such gifts, as you have observed from
your stay in the gulag. The same applies to those on the outside.

As a rule, comrades with whom I've corresponded in the ZOG-gulags do not
continue their correspondence after they get out. I quite understand, since
people & sheeple living in non-institutional situations are hard-pressed in
every waking moment of their lives, & they are lucky when they can ever
catch up on sleep. I've been a part-time, minimum-wage coolie ever since I
returned to the Jew Ass Oy Veh in 1992, & I know how hard it is for those
who must also support a car & children, many of them as single parents. Time
for correspondence & for political activism must be given up for the demands
of bare, minimum survival, &, as you know, jobs are scarce for U.S.
citizens, especially Whites. Jobs which do not leave for India, China et al.
are more & more frequently taken by illegal aliens, chiefly
hispano-mestizos. Don't let that discourage you, however, for life has
always been a struggle. When one has the will, he'll surely find his way to
achieve his goals in life. The irony is that we must be rugged individuals,
who are family & community-oriented, especially in terms of racial

It is better to have uncertified skills & knowledge than it is to have
certificates without the substance to back them up. The more knowledge &
skills you acquire, the better! Under ZOG, the underground economy is
thriving. Aliens & citizens are selling their skills & labor 'under the
table' whenever possible in this country & elsewhere. Employers pay for
results, & they prefer to avoid ZOG-bites (taxes) whenever possible. ZOG
knows, so it is creating inflation, along with increased sales taxes. With
price inflation, low wages or no wages, survival is th ebig job for most
people, & savings is a dream. To make matters much worse, most people are in
debt to banksters & credit card loan sharks, so they must struggle even
harder to live & to retain such possessions as they have borrowed zogbucks
to purchase. As it says in The Protocols of Zion: a loan of 5% on anything,
over 20 years, DOUBLES the price of what is purchased. Such a deal! Most
sheeple would think they were in heaven at 5%. Under ZOG, public & private
debts are enslaving present and future generations, just as jew-banksters
planned all along. That's why the most revolutionary act under ZOG is to
stay debt-free & shun TV while we work for White Community. Yes, you will
have lots of interesting things to do whne you depart the small gulag for
the Big One on the "outside." Life is sure exciting!

Debt is talmudic. Jews are not supposed to lend money at interest to other
jews, just as they are not supposed to eat pork or cheeseburgers (milk &
meat). Interest charges conform to the number-magic of the cabala, in which
evil spells are cast & victims destroyed &/or enslaved. "One ring to rule
them all, & in the darkness bind them," as Tolkien would say. We learn that
things which are not hidden, but out in plain sight, are not obvious to
sheeple. Interest compounds the kosher tax on our daily lives, just as the U
& K tax on our foods & food-related items. How can people claim that "there
is no ZOG"?

I enjoy public-speaking & live audiences because our communication is
immediate. Audience reactions tell me if I have spoken effectively, whether
or not they approve of my ideas, which I array for their consumption &
consideration. I speak, not for myself, but for them. When I shared a stage
with Paul Fromm in Toronto, he lost his teaching job for speaking at a
"racist gathering, next to Eric Thomson, a 'Nazi theoretician.'" Poor Paul!
As you know, Canada or "China-duh," has its ZOG which imposes thought-crime
laws, so all residents of Soviet Canuckistan must conform or else. It is
forbidden to use the term ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), for it
offends jew-supremacists (Zionists). Orwell's 1984 is alive & well in
Canada, & its subjects are accountable for what they say outside the
country. All the best & ORION! -- Eric


Tyranny begins with the abuse of language, as Orwell truly said. The latest
is used by ZOG as its pretext for abducting & detaining U.S. citizens
without due process of law, in cases deemed by ZOG to involve "terrorism"
(undefined) & "material witnesses" to words &/or deeds deemed
"terrorist"-related by ZOG, he or she may be abducted without charge nor
'right' of habeas corpus, for an indefinite period in solitary confinement.
The ZOG's logic is that a material witness may abscond, to avoid giving
testimony &/or may be intimidated or killed by the alleged "terrorists."
Since the material witness is innocent, the Anglo-Saxon concept of "innocent
until proven guilty" does not apply, & cannot be used to gain the witness'
freedom. Since the alleged witness need not be tried, to see if he or she is
indeed a "material witness," the ZOG's allegations may be used to detain the
person indefinitely, & secretly, if the ZOG deems it a matter of "Homeland
Security." This procedure may be applied to anyone whom the ZOG deems "a
material witness."

Now is certainly the time for pro-White Whites to watch out for ZOG-fronts,
agents provocateurs, phoney combat cells, &c. It is also time for us to
watch our words & deeds, & with whom we associate. Three is no guarantee
that we can avoid ZOG-traps, but it would be to our advantage if we did not
willfully jump into them! ORION!

27 June 05. Jewsradio reports mucho conflicto in Richmond, CA, which is on
S.F. Bay, north of Red Berkeley, which is north of Black Oakland. The
violent conflict is expressed in shooting deaths & the parties to the battle
are spics & nigs, although no racial identities were mentioned. I just went
by the names & accents on the radio. Spic members of Richmond City Council
have called for declaration of a state of emergency. This violence appears
to be gang & race-related, so it could spread outside CA. Stay tuned!

ZOG-LOGIC: We kill Arab Moslems in their countries as we let them populate
North America. This would mean that those who are here are 'good,' while
those who live in their own Arab Moslem countries are 'bad.' Since ZOG
believes that one's place makes one 'good' or 'bad,' we should be able to
stop the war in Iraq by bringing all the Arab Moslems in Iraq here. Then we
could embrace more diversity.

ZOG says: Homogeneity bad; homosexuality good.
JEWS say: Diversity is 'good' for Gentiles, but 'bad' for jews. Therefore,
ZOG says: Gentiles must be inclusive, while jews can be exclusive, unless
they are non-White Gentiles!



Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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2005-11-30 01:41:52 UTC
History eventually - and will always - repeat itself.
Post by Chairman Mao
Brief Glimpse Behind the Jewsmedia Curtain
by E. Thomson
8 July 2005
We recall the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" in which the bankster-wizard is
exposed when the little dog pulls the curtain aside, exposing the wizard's
fakery for all to see. Well, we sometimes wonder how the jewsmedia connect
with the ZOG. The connections is simple: the jewsmedia serve to baffle & to
distract honest people, just as the curtain concealed the scam perpetrated
by the fake wizard. The jewsmedia are liars-for-hire on behalf of the
criminal parasites who rule us: the ZOG. It is a cozy criminal connection in
which bankster-jews control the money supply, which they create out of
nothing, for which they charge us principal & interest. The money controls
the ZOG, who are the banksters' hitmen & it also controls the jewsmedia on
behalf of the ZOG. What's really clever, is that we pay for all this evil by
dint of our honesty & hard work! Such a deal! We are really paying crooks to
buy th erop with which we are to be hanged, as the jewsmedia jesters dance
around the gallows, to make us think this is other than an execution. The
jewsmedia tell us that it's really a waterslide for our enjoyment, & that
the rope is for our safety. Maybe we'd catch on if thye offered us th
eBrooklyn Bridge, too, on 'reasonable terms,' or some Florida real estate.
But there are so many who never catch on, mainly because they don't want to.
The jewsmedia comprise 'our' media of education, entertainment &
information. Naturally, there is overlap, as with "docu-dramas" &
"info-mercials." A feature may be entertaining, as well as educational &
informative, but what we receive is mainly ZOG-prop ("prole-feed" per
Orwell) into which the ZOG message is woven throughout. Whites can perceive
the anti-White part of that message, because it is ubiquitous, as well as
iniquitous, like the jews themselves. The key to success of the jewmedia
scam is that the victims of this con-game, like most victmis, don't want to
think that they are being or have been conned. It is human nature,
seemingly, to want to believe that the "gold brick" is real & that it is not
a lead ingot, just as millions of suckers give of their worldly-wealth to
gain admission to a celestial paradise by purchasing tickets from 'holy'
hucksters, rascals using the cloak of religion to disguise their true
intentions: "My kingdom is not of this earth, so gimme your dought!" Maybe
holdup men can use that message in lieu of guns, since the churches have
done so for centuries. I mention these scams to show that few are immune to
media-borne prevarications designed to benefit the prevaricators.
My most recent peek behind the kosher media curtain revealed an oft-used
tactic known as dissimulation by distraction. In debate, it is called the
"strawman" tactic, in which a a bogus issue is raised & then knocked down.
This is a ruse to distract listeners from the real issues. When proper
debates are held, with judges who enforce rules, such a ploy would count
against the party who makes use of it, since it is invalid in support of an
argument. But in the 'free market of ideas' anything goes, in the belief
that the public will swallow it. The fact that ZOG exists proves that the
public is willing to swallow lots of kosher crap, while they identify their
own interests with the alien interests of the ZOG. "They Live," after all.
Recently, I was analyzing a sonorous sheeny's "analysis" of events in regard
to the "quagmire" in Iraq. the media jew described the "syndromes" by which
we have blundered into one bloody conflict after another, such as the "no
more Munich" slogan, the "domino theory" slogan & the "Vietnam Quagmire"
slogan. He conveniently omitted the "make the world safe for democracy"
slogan which led to the "no more Munich" slogan. You note that I use
"slogan," while the jew used "syndrome." According to the sheeny, our
leaders & the public are "victims" of these "syndromes," which are summed up
by the slogans he mentioned. This is typical jew-jitsu or sheeny sophistry,
for who created these slogans, if not the jewsmedia? The jew avoided all
mention of the source of our "syndromes." If there is a cycle in historical
slogans or "syndromes," it appears tha tBush #2 is harking back to Wilson
with his bogus babble about "spreading democracy," which are the words the
jewsmedia have fed him, specificically his jew speech-writer, Gerson. This
slogan is designed to perpetrate the same disasters which followed the
slogan fed to Woodrow Wilson, for such slogans are labels for policies
adopted by the ZOG. The media jew alleges that slogans or "syndromes"
control the ZOG, rather than vice versa, as I have indicated.
In "The Eternal Jew," certain talmudic themes are pointed out, one such
being the reversal of the role of perpetrator & victim. One example is that
portion of the movie, "M," starring the jew actor, Peter Lorre, as the
serial child-murderer, who 'explains' that his inocent, defenseless victims
"made him do it," because they were so innocent & defenseless! In
jew-'logic,' the prey is 'gulity' for the predations of the predator. But
the media jew did not identify the authros of the "syndromes" by which "we
were all victimized," & by which we are still victimized, according to his
analysis. As the sheeny's sophistry wound down to his 'warm-fuzzy'
CONclusion, no perpetrator was indicated, so the listener is free to
conclude that we have been "self-victimized." If this is true, as it comes
from a jew, the U.S. government & the voters are in desperate need of
commitment into institutions for the criminally-insane, to cure them of
their murderous "syndromes," which the dictionary defines as 1. "...a
disease or abnormal condition." In law, an insane person was defined as "one
who constitutes a danger to himself &/or to others." This definition
certainly applies to the U.S.A.'s government & voters, so all patriots
should do their bit to 'make the world safe for sanity.' The great thing
about this new "syndrome," which the dictionary defines as 2. "a combination
of opinions, behavior, &c. that are characteristic of a particular
condition," is its ability to cure the first syndrome! Now is the time for
all good patriots to don their white coats & fetch their nets so we can save
the victims from themselves!
Unfortunately, the jewsmedia sheeny's views are skewed, as I stated
previously, so patriotic efforts on behalf of the insane would meet with the
ZOG's violent defense of its criminal enterprises, as we have sen at Ruby
Ridge & Waco, et al. For now, all I can present is this glimpse behind the
jewsmedia curtain, so as to reveal this particular set of tactics which are
concocted to inoculate us with additional sheeny spirochetes of
misinformation. The jew does his job of spreading lies & I do my job of
striving to undo them. ORION!
* * *
25 June 05. Dear [X]: My late friend & comrade, Robert Frens, likened ZOG
racial policy to an insane attempt to keep oil mixed with water. As long as
ZOG keeps shaking & stirring the mixture, at taxpayers' expense, the
violence will continue. "Freedom of Association" must be guaranteed as a
basic human right. It was so obvious that our founding felons didn't bother
to write it down in The U.S. CON-stitution. The new hispano-mestizo mayor of
L.A. is faced with Black vs. mestizo fighting in local schools. I do not
capitalize mestizos, for they are not a race, but mongrels, like jews. A
mestizo is a Eurasian & a jew is an Afro-Eurasian, if we wish to revert to
geographical terms for races, instead of biological ones: Black, White &
Yellow. The spic-mayor wondered why "people don't get along, when they want
the same things." He was obviously deprived of proper education when he was
a member of MECHA in school, although he did learn that U.S. territory is
"Aztlan," which the gringos 'stole' from Mexico. Proper education teaches
that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at once, nor can a limited
supply of space, goods, services & jobs satisfy an infinitely increasing
number of people. As a rule, two hungry strangers + one loaf of bread = a
fight. But as he said, L.A. is the U.S.A. in microcosm, with its demographic
diversity (Asians, Blacks, Moslems, mestizos; forget Whites) & its economic
extremes of poverty for the many & wealth for the very, very few. It reminds
me of an announcer introducing the opponents in a 'no holds barred'
"wrassling" match, in which the 'fighting' occurs mainly out of th ering. As
this turf battle heats up, Tom chittum's conditions for "Civil War Two" will
come to pass. Chittum also served as an anti-Communist combatant in
Rhodesia, so he knows the meaning of the term sellout. In South Africa,
however, the Whites sold themselves out. One of the Pretorius brothers is my
"All Caucasian look alike!" Ha! Good luck to them, in any case. The Boers
schemed to "save the Boer people," but not the White people whom they needed
to save themselves. Too bad! The Boers believed that they were the
true-jews, as they told me, & that other Whties were 'just' Gentiles. They
also claimed they were "not racists," but "anti-Communists." What they were
was White supremacists who had a jewish attitude toward honorable work, like
the White supremacists of the U.S. South. Both of these groups hated Nazis,
because Nazis believed in doing their own "nigger work" & Boers liked a bit
of nigger-nooky on the side, as I saw in Africa. White supremacists are
addicted to non-Whites, within their own livingspace. There is no such thing
as "cheap labor." My impression of White Africans was that their
bible-banging & interracial fornication was as great, percentage-wise, as
their penchant for divorce & alcoholism. It was not a healthy society, in
other words. African veldt & fauna can obscure social & racial realities to
the casual observer, by distracting him from the featherless bipeds. I was
able to see what others preferred NOT to see, for truth is my hobby & my
chief interest.
I hope the federal court ruling on Religious Land Use &c. works in your
favor. I also heard a radio report that a federal court has ruled that
prisoners slated for super-max deserve "fair hearings" in regard to their
confinement therein. The mills of ZOG grind selectively & at variable
speeds, indeed.
Thanks for informing me that people are getting the message out, by actually
co-operating with one another. Why, that's like having two miracles at once!
"Double-double good!" as Orwell would say in Newspeak. In our 'politically
correct' world, that is 'jewspeak.' Listening to the jews jabber on NPR
to further spread jewish cultural imperialism. I am rereading An Empire of
Their Own, when I can stand it, which gives details about jew domination of
movies, as well as radio, TV & big jewspapers. Such a deal! Ugh! Henry Ford
opined that most sheeple would be surprised to know the source of most
things they take for granted in 'our' media of information, education &
entertainment, & that most content is 'kosher,' in origin & intent. I
further recommend The Green Felt Jungle, which names so many jew gangsters &
politicians, as well as their Goy connections, that I seemed to be reading a
synagogue members' list. Never would I wish to visit Las Vegas again,
although I knew gambling was a mob-run racket, even when the games are
honest. Been there, done that. Please take good care of yourself, ZOG
willing. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
25 June 05. Hail [X]! Many thanks for your letter of June 16th & the great
photo of you & yours! I'll circulate the latest addresses of the people you
listed on your Appeal to White Separatists. I am, of course, NOT a "White
Supremacist," nor am I a "White Separatist." I am a White Nationalist. This
is because I do not wish to continue living under ZOG. To change that dire
situation, I propose that we establish a White Nationstate. This is why I
say one thing only: ORION! (Our Race Is Our Nation!). That must be our
focus: the establishment of our state within the ZOG empire, & then our
independence from ZOG-misrule. Nothing else will do. Some ostensible Whites
put all sorts of ideas ahead of our biopolitical necessity: our own nation.
As Hitler said, "The state protects the race & the race protects the
individual." Nations are peoples, not places, contrary to ZOG lies. Peoples
must have their own livingspace, a country of their own, of any size they
are fit to capture & rule. To achieve these worthy goals, a people must also
have its own government, so even when we lack our own country & state
(government), we must learn the meanings & methods required for
As you say, there will be much to do when you depart the ZOG-gulag for the
Land of ZOG. I am glad you are making the most of your time in the gulag,
despite restraints. that proves you have a worthy & excellent character.
Fewer than one out of 20 people have such gifts, as you have observed from
your stay in the gulag. The same applies to those on the outside.
As a rule, comrades with whom I've corresponded in the ZOG-gulags do not
continue their correspondence after they get out. I quite understand, since
people & sheeple living in non-institutional situations are hard-pressed in
every waking moment of their lives, & they are lucky when they can ever
catch up on sleep. I've been a part-time, minimum-wage coolie ever since I
returned to the Jew Ass Oy Veh in 1992, & I know how hard it is for those
who must also support a car & children, many of them as single parents. Time
for correspondence & for political activism must be given up for the demands
of bare, minimum survival, &, as you know, jobs are scarce for U.S.
citizens, especially Whites. Jobs which do not leave for India, China et al.
are more & more frequently taken by illegal aliens, chiefly
hispano-mestizos. Don't let that discourage you, however, for life has
always been a struggle. When one has the will, he'll surely find his way to
achieve his goals in life. The irony is that we must be rugged individuals,
who are family & community-oriented, especially in terms of racial
It is better to have uncertified skills & knowledge than it is to have
certificates without the substance to back them up. The more knowledge &
skills you acquire, the better! Under ZOG, the underground economy is
thriving. Aliens & citizens are selling their skills & labor 'under the
table' whenever possible in this country & elsewhere. Employers pay for
results, & they prefer to avoid ZOG-bites (taxes) whenever possible. ZOG
knows, so it is creating inflation, along with increased sales taxes. With
price inflation, low wages or no wages, survival is th ebig job for most
people, & savings is a dream. To make matters much worse, most people are in
debt to banksters & credit card loan sharks, so they must struggle even
harder to live & to retain such possessions as they have borrowed zogbucks
to purchase. As it says in The Protocols of Zion: a loan of 5% on anything,
over 20 years, DOUBLES the price of what is purchased. Such a deal! Most
sheeple would think they were in heaven at 5%. Under ZOG, public & private
debts are enslaving present and future generations, just as jew-banksters
planned all along. That's why the most revolutionary act under ZOG is to
stay debt-free & shun TV while we work for White Community. Yes, you will
have lots of interesting things to do whne you depart the small gulag for
the Big One on the "outside." Life is sure exciting!
Debt is talmudic. Jews are not supposed to lend money at interest to other
jews, just as they are not supposed to eat pork or cheeseburgers (milk &
meat). Interest charges conform to the number-magic of the cabala, in which
evil spells are cast & victims destroyed &/or enslaved. "One ring to rule
them all, & in the darkness bind them," as Tolkien would say. We learn that
things which are not hidden, but out in plain sight, are not obvious to
sheeple. Interest compounds the kosher tax on our daily lives, just as the U
& K tax on our foods & food-related items. How can people claim that "there
is no ZOG"?
I enjoy public-speaking & live audiences because our communication is
immediate. Audience reactions tell me if I have spoken effectively, whether
or not they approve of my ideas, which I array for their consumption &
consideration. I speak, not for myself, but for them. When I shared a stage
with Paul Fromm in Toronto, he lost his teaching job for speaking at a
"racist gathering, next to Eric Thomson, a 'Nazi theoretician.'" Poor Paul!
As you know, Canada or "China-duh," has its ZOG which imposes thought-crime
laws, so all residents of Soviet Canuckistan must conform or else. It is
forbidden to use the term ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), for it
offends jew-supremacists (Zionists). Orwell's 1984 is alive & well in
Canada, & its subjects are accountable for what they say outside the
country. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
Tyranny begins with the abuse of language, as Orwell truly said. The latest
is used by ZOG as its pretext for abducting & detaining U.S. citizens
without due process of law, in cases deemed by ZOG to involve "terrorism"
(undefined) & "material witnesses" to words &/or deeds deemed
"terrorist"-related by ZOG, he or she may be abducted without charge nor
'right' of habeas corpus, for an indefinite period in solitary confinement.
The ZOG's logic is that a material witness may abscond, to avoid giving
testimony &/or may be intimidated or killed by the alleged "terrorists."
Since the material witness is innocent, the Anglo-Saxon concept of "innocent
until proven guilty" does not apply, & cannot be used to gain the witness'
freedom. Since the alleged witness need not be tried, to see if he or she is
indeed a "material witness," the ZOG's allegations may be used to detain the
person indefinitely, & secretly, if the ZOG deems it a matter of "Homeland
Security." This procedure may be applied to anyone whom the ZOG deems "a
material witness."
Now is certainly the time for pro-White Whites to watch out for ZOG-fronts,
agents provocateurs, phoney combat cells, &c. It is also time for us to
watch our words & deeds, & with whom we associate. Three is no guarantee
that we can avoid ZOG-traps, but it would be to our advantage if we did not
willfully jump into them! ORION!
27 June 05. Jewsradio reports mucho conflicto in Richmond, CA, which is on
S.F. Bay, north of Red Berkeley, which is north of Black Oakland. The
violent conflict is expressed in shooting deaths & the parties to the battle
are spics & nigs, although no racial identities were mentioned. I just went
by the names & accents on the radio. Spic members of Richmond City Council
have called for declaration of a state of emergency. This violence appears
to be gang & race-related, so it could spread outside CA. Stay tuned!
ZOG-LOGIC: We kill Arab Moslems in their countries as we let them populate
North America. This would mean that those who are here are 'good,' while
those who live in their own Arab Moslem countries are 'bad.' Since ZOG
believes that one's place makes one 'good' or 'bad,' we should be able to
stop the war in Iraq by bringing all the Arab Moslems in Iraq here. Then we
could embrace more diversity.
ZOG says: Homogeneity bad; homosexuality good.
JEWS say: Diversity is 'good' for Gentiles, but 'bad' for jews. Therefore,
ZOG says: Gentiles must be inclusive, while jews can be exclusive, unless
they are non-White Gentiles!
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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Chairman Mao
2005-11-30 13:07:33 UTC
If you research into why the Jew$ (not all, but the extreme hateful liberal
Zionist type$) you will find many reasons and examples. This dislike
spreads across all nations, races, and classes.

Yes History will repeat itself and because of the Jewi$h styled
control-freak mentality, the good Jews will suffer the same fate as the bad
Post by RichAsianKid
History eventually - and will always - repeat itself.
Post by Chairman Mao
Brief Glimpse Behind the Jewsmedia Curtain
by E. Thomson
8 July 2005
We recall the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" in which the bankster-wizard is
exposed when the little dog pulls the curtain aside, exposing the wizard's
fakery for all to see. Well, we sometimes wonder how the jewsmedia connect
with the ZOG. The connections is simple: the jewsmedia serve to baffle & to
distract honest people, just as the curtain concealed the scam perpetrated
by the fake wizard. The jewsmedia are liars-for-hire on behalf of the
criminal parasites who rule us: the ZOG. It is a cozy criminal connection in
which bankster-jews control the money supply, which they create out of
nothing, for which they charge us principal & interest. The money controls
the ZOG, who are the banksters' hitmen & it also controls the jewsmedia on
behalf of the ZOG. What's really clever, is that we pay for all this evil by
dint of our honesty & hard work! Such a deal! We are really paying crooks to
buy th erop with which we are to be hanged, as the jewsmedia jesters dance
around the gallows, to make us think this is other than an execution. The
jewsmedia tell us that it's really a waterslide for our enjoyment, & that
the rope is for our safety. Maybe we'd catch on if thye offered us th
eBrooklyn Bridge, too, on 'reasonable terms,' or some Florida real estate.
But there are so many who never catch on, mainly because they don't want to.
The jewsmedia comprise 'our' media of education, entertainment &
information. Naturally, there is overlap, as with "docu-dramas" &
"info-mercials." A feature may be entertaining, as well as educational &
informative, but what we receive is mainly ZOG-prop ("prole-feed" per
Orwell) into which the ZOG message is woven throughout. Whites can perceive
the anti-White part of that message, because it is ubiquitous, as well as
iniquitous, like the jews themselves. The key to success of the jewmedia
scam is that the victims of this con-game, like most victmis, don't want to
think that they are being or have been conned. It is human nature,
seemingly, to want to believe that the "gold brick" is real & that it is not
a lead ingot, just as millions of suckers give of their worldly-wealth to
gain admission to a celestial paradise by purchasing tickets from 'holy'
hucksters, rascals using the cloak of religion to disguise their true
intentions: "My kingdom is not of this earth, so gimme your dought!" Maybe
holdup men can use that message in lieu of guns, since the churches have
done so for centuries. I mention these scams to show that few are immune to
media-borne prevarications designed to benefit the prevaricators.
My most recent peek behind the kosher media curtain revealed an oft-used
tactic known as dissimulation by distraction. In debate, it is called the
"strawman" tactic, in which a a bogus issue is raised & then knocked down.
This is a ruse to distract listeners from the real issues. When proper
debates are held, with judges who enforce rules, such a ploy would count
against the party who makes use of it, since it is invalid in support of an
argument. But in the 'free market of ideas' anything goes, in the belief
that the public will swallow it. The fact that ZOG exists proves that the
public is willing to swallow lots of kosher crap, while they identify their
own interests with the alien interests of the ZOG. "They Live," after all.
Recently, I was analyzing a sonorous sheeny's "analysis" of events in regard
to the "quagmire" in Iraq. the media jew described the "syndromes" by which
we have blundered into one bloody conflict after another, such as the "no
more Munich" slogan, the "domino theory" slogan & the "Vietnam Quagmire"
slogan. He conveniently omitted the "make the world safe for democracy"
slogan which led to the "no more Munich" slogan. You note that I use
"slogan," while the jew used "syndrome." According to the sheeny, our
leaders & the public are "victims" of these "syndromes," which are summed up
by the slogans he mentioned. This is typical jew-jitsu or sheeny sophistry,
for who created these slogans, if not the jewsmedia? The jew avoided all
mention of the source of our "syndromes." If there is a cycle in historical
slogans or "syndromes," it appears tha tBush #2 is harking back to Wilson
with his bogus babble about "spreading democracy," which are the words the
jewsmedia have fed him, specificically his jew speech-writer, Gerson. This
slogan is designed to perpetrate the same disasters which followed the
slogan fed to Woodrow Wilson, for such slogans are labels for policies
adopted by the ZOG. The media jew alleges that slogans or "syndromes"
control the ZOG, rather than vice versa, as I have indicated.
In "The Eternal Jew," certain talmudic themes are pointed out, one such
being the reversal of the role of perpetrator & victim. One example is that
portion of the movie, "M," starring the jew actor, Peter Lorre, as the
serial child-murderer, who 'explains' that his inocent, defenseless victims
"made him do it," because they were so innocent & defenseless! In
jew-'logic,' the prey is 'gulity' for the predations of the predator. But
the media jew did not identify the authros of the "syndromes" by which "we
were all victimized," & by which we are still victimized, according to his
analysis. As the sheeny's sophistry wound down to his 'warm-fuzzy'
CONclusion, no perpetrator was indicated, so the listener is free to
conclude that we have been "self-victimized." If this is true, as it comes
from a jew, the U.S. government & the voters are in desperate need of
commitment into institutions for the criminally-insane, to cure them of
their murderous "syndromes," which the dictionary defines as 1. "...a
disease or abnormal condition." In law, an insane person was defined as "one
who constitutes a danger to himself &/or to others." This definition
certainly applies to the U.S.A.'s government & voters, so all patriots
should do their bit to 'make the world safe for sanity.' The great thing
about this new "syndrome," which the dictionary defines as 2. "a combination
of opinions, behavior, &c. that are characteristic of a particular
condition," is its ability to cure the first syndrome! Now is the time for
all good patriots to don their white coats & fetch their nets so we can save
the victims from themselves!
Unfortunately, the jewsmedia sheeny's views are skewed, as I stated
previously, so patriotic efforts on behalf of the insane would meet with the
ZOG's violent defense of its criminal enterprises, as we have sen at Ruby
Ridge & Waco, et al. For now, all I can present is this glimpse behind the
jewsmedia curtain, so as to reveal this particular set of tactics which are
concocted to inoculate us with additional sheeny spirochetes of
misinformation. The jew does his job of spreading lies & I do my job of
striving to undo them. ORION!
* * *
25 June 05. Dear [X]: My late friend & comrade, Robert Frens, likened ZOG
racial policy to an insane attempt to keep oil mixed with water. As long as
ZOG keeps shaking & stirring the mixture, at taxpayers' expense, the
violence will continue. "Freedom of Association" must be guaranteed as a
basic human right. It was so obvious that our founding felons didn't bother
to write it down in The U.S. CON-stitution. The new hispano-mestizo mayor of
L.A. is faced with Black vs. mestizo fighting in local schools. I do not
capitalize mestizos, for they are not a race, but mongrels, like jews. A
mestizo is a Eurasian & a jew is an Afro-Eurasian, if we wish to revert to
geographical terms for races, instead of biological ones: Black, White &
Yellow. The spic-mayor wondered why "people don't get along, when they want
the same things." He was obviously deprived of proper education when he was
a member of MECHA in school, although he did learn that U.S. territory is
"Aztlan," which the gringos 'stole' from Mexico. Proper education teaches
that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at once, nor can a limited
supply of space, goods, services & jobs satisfy an infinitely increasing
number of people. As a rule, two hungry strangers + one loaf of bread = a
fight. But as he said, L.A. is the U.S.A. in microcosm, with its demographic
diversity (Asians, Blacks, Moslems, mestizos; forget Whites) & its economic
extremes of poverty for the many & wealth for the very, very few. It reminds
me of an announcer introducing the opponents in a 'no holds barred'
"wrassling" match, in which the 'fighting' occurs mainly out of th ering. As
this turf battle heats up, Tom chittum's conditions for "Civil War Two" will
come to pass. Chittum also served as an anti-Communist combatant in
Rhodesia, so he knows the meaning of the term sellout. In South Africa,
however, the Whites sold themselves out. One of the Pretorius brothers is my
"All Caucasian look alike!" Ha! Good luck to them, in any case. The Boers
schemed to "save the Boer people," but not the White people whom they needed
to save themselves. Too bad! The Boers believed that they were the
true-jews, as they told me, & that other Whties were 'just' Gentiles. They
also claimed they were "not racists," but "anti-Communists." What they were
was White supremacists who had a jewish attitude toward honorable work, like
the White supremacists of the U.S. South. Both of these groups hated Nazis,
because Nazis believed in doing their own "nigger work" & Boers liked a bit
of nigger-nooky on the side, as I saw in Africa. White supremacists are
addicted to non-Whites, within their own livingspace. There is no such thing
as "cheap labor." My impression of White Africans was that their
bible-banging & interracial fornication was as great, percentage-wise, as
their penchant for divorce & alcoholism. It was not a healthy society, in
other words. African veldt & fauna can obscure social & racial realities to
the casual observer, by distracting him from the featherless bipeds. I was
able to see what others preferred NOT to see, for truth is my hobby & my
chief interest.
I hope the federal court ruling on Religious Land Use &c. works in your
favor. I also heard a radio report that a federal court has ruled that
prisoners slated for super-max deserve "fair hearings" in regard to their
confinement therein. The mills of ZOG grind selectively & at variable
speeds, indeed.
Thanks for informing me that people are getting the message out, by actually
co-operating with one another. Why, that's like having two miracles at once!
"Double-double good!" as Orwell would say in Newspeak. In our
correct' world, that is 'jewspeak.' Listening to the jews jabber on NPR
to further spread jewish cultural imperialism. I am rereading An Empire of
Their Own, when I can stand it, which gives details about jew domination of
movies, as well as radio, TV & big jewspapers. Such a deal! Ugh! Henry Ford
opined that most sheeple would be surprised to know the source of most
things they take for granted in 'our' media of information, education &
entertainment, & that most content is 'kosher,' in origin & intent. I
further recommend The Green Felt Jungle, which names so many jew gangsters &
politicians, as well as their Goy connections, that I seemed to be reading a
synagogue members' list. Never would I wish to visit Las Vegas again,
although I knew gambling was a mob-run racket, even when the games are
honest. Been there, done that. Please take good care of yourself, ZOG
willing. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
25 June 05. Hail [X]! Many thanks for your letter of June 16th & the great
photo of you & yours! I'll circulate the latest addresses of the people you
listed on your Appeal to White Separatists. I am, of course, NOT a "White
Supremacist," nor am I a "White Separatist." I am a White Nationalist. This
is because I do not wish to continue living under ZOG. To change that dire
situation, I propose that we establish a White Nationstate. This is why I
say one thing only: ORION! (Our Race Is Our Nation!). That must be our
focus: the establishment of our state within the ZOG empire, & then our
independence from ZOG-misrule. Nothing else will do. Some ostensible Whites
put all sorts of ideas ahead of our biopolitical necessity: our own nation.
As Hitler said, "The state protects the race & the race protects the
individual." Nations are peoples, not places, contrary to ZOG lies. Peoples
must have their own livingspace, a country of their own, of any size they
are fit to capture & rule. To achieve these worthy goals, a people must also
have its own government, so even when we lack our own country & state
(government), we must learn the meanings & methods required for
As you say, there will be much to do when you depart the ZOG-gulag for the
Land of ZOG. I am glad you are making the most of your time in the gulag,
despite restraints. that proves you have a worthy & excellent character.
Fewer than one out of 20 people have such gifts, as you have observed from
your stay in the gulag. The same applies to those on the outside.
As a rule, comrades with whom I've corresponded in the ZOG-gulags do not
continue their correspondence after they get out. I quite understand, since
people & sheeple living in non-institutional situations are hard-pressed in
every waking moment of their lives, & they are lucky when they can ever
catch up on sleep. I've been a part-time, minimum-wage coolie ever since I
returned to the Jew Ass Oy Veh in 1992, & I know how hard it is for those
who must also support a car & children, many of them as single parents. Time
for correspondence & for political activism must be given up for the demands
of bare, minimum survival, &, as you know, jobs are scarce for U.S.
citizens, especially Whites. Jobs which do not leave for India, China et al.
are more & more frequently taken by illegal aliens, chiefly
hispano-mestizos. Don't let that discourage you, however, for life has
always been a struggle. When one has the will, he'll surely find his way to
achieve his goals in life. The irony is that we must be rugged individuals,
who are family & community-oriented, especially in terms of racial
It is better to have uncertified skills & knowledge than it is to have
certificates without the substance to back them up. The more knowledge &
skills you acquire, the better! Under ZOG, the underground economy is
thriving. Aliens & citizens are selling their skills & labor 'under the
table' whenever possible in this country & elsewhere. Employers pay for
results, & they prefer to avoid ZOG-bites (taxes) whenever possible. ZOG
knows, so it is creating inflation, along with increased sales taxes. With
price inflation, low wages or no wages, survival is th ebig job for most
people, & savings is a dream. To make matters much worse, most people are in
debt to banksters & credit card loan sharks, so they must struggle even
harder to live & to retain such possessions as they have borrowed zogbucks
to purchase. As it says in The Protocols of Zion: a loan of 5% on anything,
over 20 years, DOUBLES the price of what is purchased. Such a deal! Most
sheeple would think they were in heaven at 5%. Under ZOG, public & private
debts are enslaving present and future generations, just as jew-banksters
planned all along. That's why the most revolutionary act under ZOG is to
stay debt-free & shun TV while we work for White Community. Yes, you will
have lots of interesting things to do whne you depart the small gulag for
the Big One on the "outside." Life is sure exciting!
Debt is talmudic. Jews are not supposed to lend money at interest to other
jews, just as they are not supposed to eat pork or cheeseburgers (milk &
meat). Interest charges conform to the number-magic of the cabala, in which
evil spells are cast & victims destroyed &/or enslaved. "One ring to rule
them all, & in the darkness bind them," as Tolkien would say. We learn that
things which are not hidden, but out in plain sight, are not obvious to
sheeple. Interest compounds the kosher tax on our daily lives, just as the U
& K tax on our foods & food-related items. How can people claim that "there
is no ZOG"?
I enjoy public-speaking & live audiences because our communication is
immediate. Audience reactions tell me if I have spoken effectively, whether
or not they approve of my ideas, which I array for their consumption &
consideration. I speak, not for myself, but for them. When I shared a stage
with Paul Fromm in Toronto, he lost his teaching job for speaking at a
"racist gathering, next to Eric Thomson, a 'Nazi theoretician.'" Poor Paul!
As you know, Canada or "China-duh," has its ZOG which imposes
laws, so all residents of Soviet Canuckistan must conform or else. It is
forbidden to use the term ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), for it
offends jew-supremacists (Zionists). Orwell's 1984 is alive & well in
Canada, & its subjects are accountable for what they say outside the
country. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
Tyranny begins with the abuse of language, as Orwell truly said. The latest
is used by ZOG as its pretext for abducting & detaining U.S. citizens
without due process of law, in cases deemed by ZOG to involve "terrorism"
(undefined) & "material witnesses" to words &/or deeds deemed
"terrorist"-related by ZOG, he or she may be abducted without charge nor
'right' of habeas corpus, for an indefinite period in solitary confinement.
The ZOG's logic is that a material witness may abscond, to avoid giving
testimony &/or may be intimidated or killed by the alleged "terrorists."
Since the material witness is innocent, the Anglo-Saxon concept of "innocent
until proven guilty" does not apply, & cannot be used to gain the witness'
freedom. Since the alleged witness need not be tried, to see if he or she is
indeed a "material witness," the ZOG's allegations may be used to detain the
person indefinitely, & secretly, if the ZOG deems it a matter of "Homeland
Security." This procedure may be applied to anyone whom the ZOG deems "a
material witness."
Now is certainly the time for pro-White Whites to watch out for ZOG-fronts,
agents provocateurs, phoney combat cells, &c. It is also time for us to
watch our words & deeds, & with whom we associate. Three is no guarantee
that we can avoid ZOG-traps, but it would be to our advantage if we did not
willfully jump into them! ORION!
27 June 05. Jewsradio reports mucho conflicto in Richmond, CA, which is on
S.F. Bay, north of Red Berkeley, which is north of Black Oakland. The
violent conflict is expressed in shooting deaths & the parties to the battle
are spics & nigs, although no racial identities were mentioned. I just went
by the names & accents on the radio. Spic members of Richmond City Council
have called for declaration of a state of emergency. This violence appears
to be gang & race-related, so it could spread outside CA. Stay tuned!
ZOG-LOGIC: We kill Arab Moslems in their countries as we let them populate
North America. This would mean that those who are here are 'good,' while
those who live in their own Arab Moslem countries are 'bad.' Since ZOG
believes that one's place makes one 'good' or 'bad,' we should be able to
stop the war in Iraq by bringing all the Arab Moslems in Iraq here. Then we
could embrace more diversity.
ZOG says: Homogeneity bad; homosexuality good.
JEWS say: Diversity is 'good' for Gentiles, but 'bad' for jews. Therefore,
ZOG says: Gentiles must be inclusive, while jews can be exclusive, unless
they are non-White Gentiles!
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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2005-12-01 04:59:47 UTC
Post by Chairman Mao
If you research into why the Jew$ (not all, but the extreme hateful liberal
Zionist type$) you will find many reasons and examples. This dislike
spreads across all nations, races, and classes.
Yes History will repeat itself and because of the Jewi$h styled
control-freak mentality, the good Jews will suffer the same fate as the bad
Hahaha I thought you're gonna quote the holocaust. But what you said is
true. Yes lots of people hated and don't like (some) Jews. Some or
maybe a lot of this is envy. Jewish people obviously do not conspire to
this but there is no denying that a multicultural society is
practically beneficial for them (less rallying from the majority group,
no distinct cleveage/gap etc) LIberals can be right though: practical
liberal solution if I ever see one - intermarriage.
Post by Chairman Mao
Post by RichAsianKid
History eventually - and will always - repeat itself.
Post by Chairman Mao
Brief Glimpse Behind the Jewsmedia Curtain
by E. Thomson
8 July 2005
We recall the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" in which the bankster-wizard is
exposed when the little dog pulls the curtain aside, exposing the wizard's
fakery for all to see. Well, we sometimes wonder how the jewsmedia connect
with the ZOG. The connections is simple: the jewsmedia serve to baffle & to
distract honest people, just as the curtain concealed the scam perpetrated
by the fake wizard. The jewsmedia are liars-for-hire on behalf of the
criminal parasites who rule us: the ZOG. It is a cozy criminal connection in
which bankster-jews control the money supply, which they create out of
nothing, for which they charge us principal & interest. The money controls
the ZOG, who are the banksters' hitmen & it also controls the jewsmedia on
behalf of the ZOG. What's really clever, is that we pay for all this evil by
dint of our honesty & hard work! Such a deal! We are really paying crooks to
buy th erop with which we are to be hanged, as the jewsmedia jesters dance
around the gallows, to make us think this is other than an execution. The
jewsmedia tell us that it's really a waterslide for our enjoyment, & that
the rope is for our safety. Maybe we'd catch on if thye offered us th
eBrooklyn Bridge, too, on 'reasonable terms,' or some Florida real estate.
But there are so many who never catch on, mainly because they don't want to.
The jewsmedia comprise 'our' media of education, entertainment &
information. Naturally, there is overlap, as with "docu-dramas" &
"info-mercials." A feature may be entertaining, as well as educational &
informative, but what we receive is mainly ZOG-prop ("prole-feed" per
Orwell) into which the ZOG message is woven throughout. Whites can perceive
the anti-White part of that message, because it is ubiquitous, as well as
iniquitous, like the jews themselves. The key to success of the jewmedia
scam is that the victims of this con-game, like most victmis, don't want to
think that they are being or have been conned. It is human nature,
seemingly, to want to believe that the "gold brick" is real & that it is not
a lead ingot, just as millions of suckers give of their worldly-wealth to
gain admission to a celestial paradise by purchasing tickets from 'holy'
hucksters, rascals using the cloak of religion to disguise their true
intentions: "My kingdom is not of this earth, so gimme your dought!" Maybe
holdup men can use that message in lieu of guns, since the churches have
done so for centuries. I mention these scams to show that few are immune to
media-borne prevarications designed to benefit the prevaricators.
My most recent peek behind the kosher media curtain revealed an oft-used
tactic known as dissimulation by distraction. In debate, it is called the
"strawman" tactic, in which a a bogus issue is raised & then knocked down.
This is a ruse to distract listeners from the real issues. When proper
debates are held, with judges who enforce rules, such a ploy would count
against the party who makes use of it, since it is invalid in support of an
argument. But in the 'free market of ideas' anything goes, in the belief
that the public will swallow it. The fact that ZOG exists proves that the
public is willing to swallow lots of kosher crap, while they identify their
own interests with the alien interests of the ZOG. "They Live," after all.
Recently, I was analyzing a sonorous sheeny's "analysis" of events in regard
to the "quagmire" in Iraq. the media jew described the "syndromes" by which
we have blundered into one bloody conflict after another, such as the "no
more Munich" slogan, the "domino theory" slogan & the "Vietnam Quagmire"
slogan. He conveniently omitted the "make the world safe for democracy"
slogan which led to the "no more Munich" slogan. You note that I use
"slogan," while the jew used "syndrome." According to the sheeny, our
leaders & the public are "victims" of these "syndromes," which are summed up
by the slogans he mentioned. This is typical jew-jitsu or sheeny sophistry,
for who created these slogans, if not the jewsmedia? The jew avoided all
mention of the source of our "syndromes." If there is a cycle in historical
slogans or "syndromes," it appears tha tBush #2 is harking back to Wilson
with his bogus babble about "spreading democracy," which are the words the
jewsmedia have fed him, specificically his jew speech-writer, Gerson. This
slogan is designed to perpetrate the same disasters which followed the
slogan fed to Woodrow Wilson, for such slogans are labels for policies
adopted by the ZOG. The media jew alleges that slogans or "syndromes"
control the ZOG, rather than vice versa, as I have indicated.
In "The Eternal Jew," certain talmudic themes are pointed out, one such
being the reversal of the role of perpetrator & victim. One example is that
portion of the movie, "M," starring the jew actor, Peter Lorre, as the
serial child-murderer, who 'explains' that his inocent, defenseless victims
"made him do it," because they were so innocent & defenseless! In
jew-'logic,' the prey is 'gulity' for the predations of the predator. But
the media jew did not identify the authros of the "syndromes" by which "we
were all victimized," & by which we are still victimized, according to his
analysis. As the sheeny's sophistry wound down to his 'warm-fuzzy'
CONclusion, no perpetrator was indicated, so the listener is free to
conclude that we have been "self-victimized." If this is true, as it comes
from a jew, the U.S. government & the voters are in desperate need of
commitment into institutions for the criminally-insane, to cure them of
their murderous "syndromes," which the dictionary defines as 1. "...a
disease or abnormal condition." In law, an insane person was defined as "one
who constitutes a danger to himself &/or to others." This definition
certainly applies to the U.S.A.'s government & voters, so all patriots
should do their bit to 'make the world safe for sanity.' The great thing
about this new "syndrome," which the dictionary defines as 2. "a combination
of opinions, behavior, &c. that are characteristic of a particular
condition," is its ability to cure the first syndrome! Now is the time for
all good patriots to don their white coats & fetch their nets so we can save
the victims from themselves!
Unfortunately, the jewsmedia sheeny's views are skewed, as I stated
previously, so patriotic efforts on behalf of the insane would meet with the
ZOG's violent defense of its criminal enterprises, as we have sen at Ruby
Ridge & Waco, et al. For now, all I can present is this glimpse behind the
jewsmedia curtain, so as to reveal this particular set of tactics which are
concocted to inoculate us with additional sheeny spirochetes of
misinformation. The jew does his job of spreading lies & I do my job of
striving to undo them. ORION!
* * *
25 June 05. Dear [X]: My late friend & comrade, Robert Frens, likened ZOG
racial policy to an insane attempt to keep oil mixed with water. As long as
ZOG keeps shaking & stirring the mixture, at taxpayers' expense, the
violence will continue. "Freedom of Association" must be guaranteed as a
basic human right. It was so obvious that our founding felons didn't bother
to write it down in The U.S. CON-stitution. The new hispano-mestizo mayor of
L.A. is faced with Black vs. mestizo fighting in local schools. I do not
capitalize mestizos, for they are not a race, but mongrels, like jews. A
mestizo is a Eurasian & a jew is an Afro-Eurasian, if we wish to revert to
geographical terms for races, instead of biological ones: Black, White &
Yellow. The spic-mayor wondered why "people don't get along, when they want
the same things." He was obviously deprived of proper education when he was
a member of MECHA in school, although he did learn that U.S. territory is
"Aztlan," which the gringos 'stole' from Mexico. Proper education teaches
that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at once, nor can a limited
supply of space, goods, services & jobs satisfy an infinitely increasing
number of people. As a rule, two hungry strangers + one loaf of bread = a
fight. But as he said, L.A. is the U.S.A. in microcosm, with its demographic
diversity (Asians, Blacks, Moslems, mestizos; forget Whites) & its economic
extremes of poverty for the many & wealth for the very, very few. It reminds
me of an announcer introducing the opponents in a 'no holds barred'
"wrassling" match, in which the 'fighting' occurs mainly out of th ering. As
this turf battle heats up, Tom chittum's conditions for "Civil War Two" will
come to pass. Chittum also served as an anti-Communist combatant in
Rhodesia, so he knows the meaning of the term sellout. In South Africa,
however, the Whites sold themselves out. One of the Pretorius brothers is my
"All Caucasian look alike!" Ha! Good luck to them, in any case. The Boers
schemed to "save the Boer people," but not the White people whom they needed
to save themselves. Too bad! The Boers believed that they were the
true-jews, as they told me, & that other Whties were 'just' Gentiles. They
also claimed they were "not racists," but "anti-Communists." What they were
was White supremacists who had a jewish attitude toward honorable work, like
the White supremacists of the U.S. South. Both of these groups hated Nazis,
because Nazis believed in doing their own "nigger work" & Boers liked a bit
of nigger-nooky on the side, as I saw in Africa. White supremacists are
addicted to non-Whites, within their own livingspace. There is no such thing
as "cheap labor." My impression of White Africans was that their
bible-banging & interracial fornication was as great, percentage-wise, as
their penchant for divorce & alcoholism. It was not a healthy society, in
other words. African veldt & fauna can obscure social & racial realities to
the casual observer, by distracting him from the featherless bipeds. I was
able to see what others preferred NOT to see, for truth is my hobby & my
chief interest.
I hope the federal court ruling on Religious Land Use &c. works in your
favor. I also heard a radio report that a federal court has ruled that
prisoners slated for super-max deserve "fair hearings" in regard to their
confinement therein. The mills of ZOG grind selectively & at variable
speeds, indeed.
Thanks for informing me that people are getting the message out, by actually
co-operating with one another. Why, that's like having two miracles at once!
"Double-double good!" as Orwell would say in Newspeak. In our 'politically
correct' world, that is 'jewspeak.' Listening to the jews jabber on NPR
to further spread jewish cultural imperialism. I am rereading An Empire of
Their Own, when I can stand it, which gives details about jew domination of
movies, as well as radio, TV & big jewspapers. Such a deal! Ugh! Henry Ford
opined that most sheeple would be surprised to know the source of most
things they take for granted in 'our' media of information, education &
entertainment, & that most content is 'kosher,' in origin & intent. I
further recommend The Green Felt Jungle, which names so many jew gangsters &
politicians, as well as their Goy connections, that I seemed to be reading a
synagogue members' list. Never would I wish to visit Las Vegas again,
although I knew gambling was a mob-run racket, even when the games are
honest. Been there, done that. Please take good care of yourself, ZOG
willing. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
25 June 05. Hail [X]! Many thanks for your letter of June 16th & the great
photo of you & yours! I'll circulate the latest addresses of the people you
listed on your Appeal to White Separatists. I am, of course, NOT a "White
Supremacist," nor am I a "White Separatist." I am a White Nationalist. This
is because I do not wish to continue living under ZOG. To change that dire
situation, I propose that we establish a White Nationstate. This is why I
say one thing only: ORION! (Our Race Is Our Nation!). That must be our
focus: the establishment of our state within the ZOG empire, & then our
independence from ZOG-misrule. Nothing else will do. Some ostensible Whites
put all sorts of ideas ahead of our biopolitical necessity: our own nation.
As Hitler said, "The state protects the race & the race protects the
individual." Nations are peoples, not places, contrary to ZOG lies. Peoples
must have their own livingspace, a country of their own, of any size they
are fit to capture & rule. To achieve these worthy goals, a people must also
have its own government, so even when we lack our own country & state
(government), we must learn the meanings & methods required for
As you say, there will be much to do when you depart the ZOG-gulag for the
Land of ZOG. I am glad you are making the most of your time in the gulag,
despite restraints. that proves you have a worthy & excellent character.
Fewer than one out of 20 people have such gifts, as you have observed from
your stay in the gulag. The same applies to those on the outside.
As a rule, comrades with whom I've corresponded in the ZOG-gulags do not
continue their correspondence after they get out. I quite understand, since
people & sheeple living in non-institutional situations are hard-pressed in
every waking moment of their lives, & they are lucky when they can ever
catch up on sleep. I've been a part-time, minimum-wage coolie ever since I
returned to the Jew Ass Oy Veh in 1992, & I know how hard it is for those
who must also support a car & children, many of them as single parents. Time
for correspondence & for political activism must be given up for the demands
of bare, minimum survival, &, as you know, jobs are scarce for U.S.
citizens, especially Whites. Jobs which do not leave for India, China et al.
are more & more frequently taken by illegal aliens, chiefly
hispano-mestizos. Don't let that discourage you, however, for life has
always been a struggle. When one has the will, he'll surely find his way to
achieve his goals in life. The irony is that we must be rugged individuals,
who are family & community-oriented, especially in terms of racial
It is better to have uncertified skills & knowledge than it is to have
certificates without the substance to back them up. The more knowledge &
skills you acquire, the better! Under ZOG, the underground economy is
thriving. Aliens & citizens are selling their skills & labor 'under the
table' whenever possible in this country & elsewhere. Employers pay for
results, & they prefer to avoid ZOG-bites (taxes) whenever possible. ZOG
knows, so it is creating inflation, along with increased sales taxes. With
price inflation, low wages or no wages, survival is th ebig job for most
people, & savings is a dream. To make matters much worse, most people are in
debt to banksters & credit card loan sharks, so they must struggle even
harder to live & to retain such possessions as they have borrowed zogbucks
to purchase. As it says in The Protocols of Zion: a loan of 5% on anything,
over 20 years, DOUBLES the price of what is purchased. Such a deal! Most
sheeple would think they were in heaven at 5%. Under ZOG, public & private
debts are enslaving present and future generations, just as jew-banksters
planned all along. That's why the most revolutionary act under ZOG is to
stay debt-free & shun TV while we work for White Community. Yes, you will
have lots of interesting things to do whne you depart the small gulag for
the Big One on the "outside." Life is sure exciting!
Debt is talmudic. Jews are not supposed to lend money at interest to other
jews, just as they are not supposed to eat pork or cheeseburgers (milk &
meat). Interest charges conform to the number-magic of the cabala, in which
evil spells are cast & victims destroyed &/or enslaved. "One ring to rule
them all, & in the darkness bind them," as Tolkien would say. We learn that
things which are not hidden, but out in plain sight, are not obvious to
sheeple. Interest compounds the kosher tax on our daily lives, just as the U
& K tax on our foods & food-related items. How can people claim that "there
is no ZOG"?
I enjoy public-speaking & live audiences because our communication is
immediate. Audience reactions tell me if I have spoken effectively, whether
or not they approve of my ideas, which I array for their consumption &
consideration. I speak, not for myself, but for them. When I shared a stage
with Paul Fromm in Toronto, he lost his teaching job for speaking at a
"racist gathering, next to Eric Thomson, a 'Nazi theoretician.'" Poor Paul!
As you know, Canada or "China-duh," has its ZOG which imposes thought-crime
laws, so all residents of Soviet Canuckistan must conform or else. It is
forbidden to use the term ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), for it
offends jew-supremacists (Zionists). Orwell's 1984 is alive & well in
Canada, & its subjects are accountable for what they say outside the
country. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
Tyranny begins with the abuse of language, as Orwell truly said. The latest
is used by ZOG as its pretext for abducting & detaining U.S. citizens
without due process of law, in cases deemed by ZOG to involve "terrorism"
(undefined) & "material witnesses" to words &/or deeds deemed
"terrorist"-related by ZOG, he or she may be abducted without charge nor
'right' of habeas corpus, for an indefinite period in solitary confinement.
The ZOG's logic is that a material witness may abscond, to avoid giving
testimony &/or may be intimidated or killed by the alleged "terrorists."
Since the material witness is innocent, the Anglo-Saxon concept of "innocent
until proven guilty" does not apply, & cannot be used to gain the witness'
freedom. Since the alleged witness need not be tried, to see if he or she is
indeed a "material witness," the ZOG's allegations may be used to detain the
person indefinitely, & secretly, if the ZOG deems it a matter of "Homeland
Security." This procedure may be applied to anyone whom the ZOG deems "a
material witness."
Now is certainly the time for pro-White Whites to watch out for ZOG-fronts,
agents provocateurs, phoney combat cells, &c. It is also time for us to
watch our words & deeds, & with whom we associate. Three is no guarantee
that we can avoid ZOG-traps, but it would be to our advantage if we did not
willfully jump into them! ORION!
27 June 05. Jewsradio reports mucho conflicto in Richmond, CA, which is on
S.F. Bay, north of Red Berkeley, which is north of Black Oakland. The
violent conflict is expressed in shooting deaths & the parties to the battle
are spics & nigs, although no racial identities were mentioned. I just went
by the names & accents on the radio. Spic members of Richmond City Council
have called for declaration of a state of emergency. This violence appears
to be gang & race-related, so it could spread outside CA. Stay tuned!
ZOG-LOGIC: We kill Arab Moslems in their countries as we let them populate
North America. This would mean that those who are here are 'good,' while
those who live in their own Arab Moslem countries are 'bad.' Since ZOG
believes that one's place makes one 'good' or 'bad,' we should be able to
stop the war in Iraq by bringing all the Arab Moslems in Iraq here. Then we
could embrace more diversity.
ZOG says: Homogeneity bad; homosexuality good.
JEWS say: Diversity is 'good' for Gentiles, but 'bad' for jews. Therefore,
ZOG says: Gentiles must be inclusive, while jews can be exclusive, unless
they are non-White Gentiles!
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's parent-teacher
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young Asian-Americans.
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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Chairman Mao
2005-12-09 01:49:11 UTC
Sweden is having a nigger problem it seems..

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Fredag 9 December 2005

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Våldtäktsoffer utsatt för utpressning och hot av massmedia


Året 2005 kunde inte ha börjat sämre än vad det gjorde för de
två unga kvinnor som våldtogs och misshandlades av fyra somalier på
nyårsnatten i Göteborg. Under 2004 års sista timmar och det nya årets första
timmar genomlider de två väninnorna Jenny och Linda alla helvetets kval när
de tvingas ta del av den oönskade mångkulturen.

Slumpartat möte med invandrargäng
På en spårvagnsplats möter Linda och Jenny fyra invandrare som
söker kontakt med dem. När de unga kvinnorna svarar att de är på väg till en
fest i närheten säger sig invandrargänget ha planer på att gå på samma fest
och erbjuder sig att visa vägen och slår följe med Linda och Jenny. Snart
märker de båda att gänget tycks ha andra planer än att följa med på fest. De
värsta mardrömmarna besannas i ett skogsområde vid Biskopsgården när de två
vänninorna plötsligt slits åt ett varsitt håll. En ur invandrargänget tar
fram en batong och börjar att slå mot de unga kvinnornas huvuden, ansikten
och kroppar. Tillsammans med sparkar och knytnävsslag från ytterligare en
invandrare förlorar snart Jenny sitt medvetande.

På Sjumilastigen vid Biskopsgården i Göteborg överfölls
Linda och Jenny av invandrargänget.

Misshandlad, våldtagen och rånad
När hon vaknar upp och sakta återfår medvetandet efter den grova
misshandeln märker hon att hon befinner sig mitt i en våldtäkt. En av
somalierna bänder med våld isär hennes ben medan en annan invandrare håller
fast henne. Efter att främlingarna är klara med våldtäkten rånar de Jenny
och sparkar henne i underlivet innan de skrattade går ifrån platsen. När
gänget lämnat Jenny åt sitt öde tar det henne ytterligare en stund innan
kroppen har kraft nog att kunna resa sig. Med staplande steg och händerna på
huvudet för att försöka stoppa blödningarna möter Jenny ett äldre par i ett
bostadsområde i närheten som hjälper henne att ringa efter ambulans.

Stjäl offrens tillbehörigheter
Även Linda blir brutalt misshandlad och rånad av
invandrargänget. Bland annat stjäl gänget mobiltelefoner från sina offer som
de genast börjar ringa ifrån. Med Linda och Jennys telefoner ringer de sina
vänner och skryter om hur de våldtagit, misshandlat och rånat två "svennehoror".

Efter en grov misshandel där en av kvinnorna slås
medvetslös våldtas hon av somalierna. Därefter fortsätter misshandeln.

Aftonbladet - en lögnmaskin
Det bestialiska överfallet på Linda och Jenny fick till en
början inte mer uppmärksamhet i massmedia än ett par rader och ord. När
däremot de båda offren gick till media med sina sjukhusfotografier som visar
två unga kvinnor dränkta i sitt eget blod nappade tidningar som
Göteborgsposten och Expressen. I Expressen tillåts till och med något så
ovanligt som gängets afrikanska etnicitet komma fram i en artikel om och med
Linda och Jenny. När rättegången inleddes i Göteborg i måndags satte
pedofilanstrukna Aftonbladet ett nytt lågvattenmärke med artiklar om
rättegången som illustrerades av siluetter med kort text om de åtalade.

I samband med varje siluett skrev Aftonbladet med feta
bokstäver "Svensk" på två av de fyra åtalade - trots vetskapen om att
samtliga åtalade är afrikaner. En av de åtalade påstås till och med vara en
finländare trots det faktum att han är från Somalia. Det är enkla, beprövade
och allmänt vedertagna arbetsmetoder hos den etablerade median. Att ljuga,
förvilla och sprida okunskap kring "känsliga ämnen" som att invandrare är
groteskt överrepresenterade i brottsstatistik och då synnerligen våldtäkter.
Att peka ut tre av de fyra åtalade afrikanerna som nordbor ligger för
Aftonbladet perfekt i tiden för deras tandlösa floskelkampanj mot
våldtäkter. En kampanj som givetvis är byggd på politiskt korrekta lögner om
att "svenska män våldtar" och ett manipulerande med statistiska siffror och
egenhändigt genomförda "undersökningar" som skall fungera som "bevis" mot
de "fördomsfulla rasister" som hävdar annat än vad media och politiker

Politiska dogmer går före medmänsklighet
Fräckheten, omänskligheten och oförskämdheten hos media har inga
gränser. Ett par månader efter den brutala behandlingen Linda och Jenny
utsattes för av det afrikanska gänget utlyser en nybildad förening, kallad
TrygghetFrihet, en demonstration i området där överfallet skedde. Till stöd
för de båda offren, hette det. Stödet var inte mycket värt då TrygghetFrihet
kort efter unannonserandet av demonstrationen ställde in demonstrationen
sedan Nationaldemokraterna (ND) uttalat sitt stöd för föreningen och dess
kommande aktivitet. Linda och Jenny var inte intressanta längre för
TrygghetFrihet som inte gjort någonting mot våldtäkter sedan dess. Rädslan
över att bli förknippad med sunda svenska värderingar och bli jagade av
samvetslösa journalister var högre än viljan att hjälpa de unga kvinnorna
och andra i liknande situationer.

SVT och TV3 pressar och hotar brottsoffer
Kort efter uppståndelsen med TrygghetFrihets
demonstrationsplaner kontaktades Jenny av SVT som ville göra ett
nyhetsinslag om händelsen. SVT hade dock krav, villkor och förutsättningar
för att sända inslaget. Kravet var att Jenny skulle ta avstånd från
Nationaldemokraterna och säga att hon var ledsen över att ND kommenterat
händelserna - om hon inte gjorde det var inte SVT intresserade.
- Dom bad mig ta avstånd från Nationaldemokraterna för deras
åsikter gick inte hand i hand med deras, säger Jenny till info-14.

Tiden läker inte såren
Under info-14:s kontakt med Jenny framkommer det att även
programmet Efterlyst på TV3 använde samma utpressningsmetoder mot henne och
hotade med att ignorera hennes öde om hon inte följde deras riktlinjer.
Jenny är besviken över hur massmedia behandlat henne och hennes vännina.
- När de våldförde sig på mig var det viktigare att framföra
vart gärningsmännen inte kom från än att belysa vad som hänt med mig,
konstaterar Jenny.

Jenny är av naturliga skäl fortfarande skärrad och såren läker,
efter vad hon utsatts för, knappast med tiden. De själsliga ärren kommer för
alltid att finnas kvar och rädslan för att gå utomhus kommer hon att få
bearbeta under en lång tid. Hon vill bara ta sig igenom rättegången och
fortsätta att försöka leva ett så normalt liv som möjligt.

Djävulens hantlangare
Mångkulturens beskyddare, de ryggradslösa individer på tv- och
tidningsredaktionerna, politikerna i maktens korridorer och deras nyttiga
idioter, avslöjar sig själva som djävulens hantlangare när de bokstavligen
går över lik och sargade kroppar för att sprida sin lögnpropaganda. Lögner
som blir allt mer uppenbara för den gemene svensken, inte många normalt
tänkande människor kan på fullaste allvar tro på Aftonbladets uppdiktade
historia om att överfallet på Linda och Jenny utfördes av ett gäng där
majoriteten var etniska svenskar.

När samma journalister, professorer och politiker breder ut sig
i medierna och högfärdigt "upplyser" det svenska folket att "även svenskar
våldtar" är det personer som Omar Mohamed Omar, Mursal Mohamud Abdullahi,
Jassin Abdikarim Mahmud och Abdulgadir Mohamed Khalif som de refererar till
som "svenskar".

Skribent: Redaktionen. Datum: 2005-12-02

info-14Information in englishInformation auf
deutschNyhetsarkivArtikelarkivI-fokusarkivSalemfondenGula KorsetNordvindFler
Post by RichAsianKid
Post by Chairman Mao
If you research into why the Jew$ (not all, but the extreme hateful liberal
Zionist type$) you will find many reasons and examples. This dislike
spreads across all nations, races, and classes.
Yes History will repeat itself and because of the Jewi$h styled
control-freak mentality, the good Jews will suffer the same fate as the bad
Hahaha I thought you're gonna quote the holocaust. But what you said is
true. Yes lots of people hated and don't like (some) Jews. Some or
maybe a lot of this is envy. Jewish people obviously do not conspire to
this but there is no denying that a multicultural society is
practically beneficial for them (less rallying from the majority group,
no distinct cleveage/gap etc) LIberals can be right though: practical
liberal solution if I ever see one - intermarriage.
Post by Chairman Mao
Post by RichAsianKid
History eventually - and will always - repeat itself.
Post by Chairman Mao
Brief Glimpse Behind the Jewsmedia Curtain
by E. Thomson
8 July 2005
We recall the scene in "The Wizard of Oz" in which the bankster-wizard is
exposed when the little dog pulls the curtain aside, exposing the wizard's
fakery for all to see. Well, we sometimes wonder how the jewsmedia connect
with the ZOG. The connections is simple: the jewsmedia serve to baffle
distract honest people, just as the curtain concealed the scam perpetrated
by the fake wizard. The jewsmedia are liars-for-hire on behalf of the
criminal parasites who rule us: the ZOG. It is a cozy criminal
which bankster-jews control the money supply, which they create out of
nothing, for which they charge us principal & interest. The money controls
the ZOG, who are the banksters' hitmen & it also controls the
behalf of the ZOG. What's really clever, is that we pay for all this
dint of our honesty & hard work! Such a deal! We are really paying
buy th erop with which we are to be hanged, as the jewsmedia jesters dance
around the gallows, to make us think this is other than an execution. The
jewsmedia tell us that it's really a waterslide for our enjoyment, & that
the rope is for our safety. Maybe we'd catch on if thye offered us th
eBrooklyn Bridge, too, on 'reasonable terms,' or some Florida real estate.
But there are so many who never catch on, mainly because they don't
The jewsmedia comprise 'our' media of education, entertainment &
information. Naturally, there is overlap, as with "docu-dramas" &
"info-mercials." A feature may be entertaining, as well as educational &
informative, but what we receive is mainly ZOG-prop ("prole-feed" per
Orwell) into which the ZOG message is woven throughout. Whites can perceive
the anti-White part of that message, because it is ubiquitous, as well as
iniquitous, like the jews themselves. The key to success of the jewmedia
scam is that the victims of this con-game, like most victmis, don't
think that they are being or have been conned. It is human nature,
seemingly, to want to believe that the "gold brick" is real & that it
a lead ingot, just as millions of suckers give of their worldly-wealth to
gain admission to a celestial paradise by purchasing tickets from 'holy'
hucksters, rascals using the cloak of religion to disguise their true
intentions: "My kingdom is not of this earth, so gimme your dought!" Maybe
holdup men can use that message in lieu of guns, since the churches have
done so for centuries. I mention these scams to show that few are
media-borne prevarications designed to benefit the prevaricators.
My most recent peek behind the kosher media curtain revealed an oft-used
tactic known as dissimulation by distraction. In debate, it is called the
"strawman" tactic, in which a a bogus issue is raised & then knocked down.
This is a ruse to distract listeners from the real issues. When proper
debates are held, with judges who enforce rules, such a ploy would count
against the party who makes use of it, since it is invalid in support
argument. But in the 'free market of ideas' anything goes, in the belief
that the public will swallow it. The fact that ZOG exists proves that the
public is willing to swallow lots of kosher crap, while they identify their
own interests with the alien interests of the ZOG. "They Live," after all.
Recently, I was analyzing a sonorous sheeny's "analysis" of events in regard
to the "quagmire" in Iraq. the media jew described the "syndromes" by which
we have blundered into one bloody conflict after another, such as the "no
more Munich" slogan, the "domino theory" slogan & the "Vietnam Quagmire"
slogan. He conveniently omitted the "make the world safe for democracy"
slogan which led to the "no more Munich" slogan. You note that I use
"slogan," while the jew used "syndrome." According to the sheeny, our
leaders & the public are "victims" of these "syndromes," which are
by the slogans he mentioned. This is typical jew-jitsu or sheeny sophistry,
for who created these slogans, if not the jewsmedia? The jew avoided all
mention of the source of our "syndromes." If there is a cycle in historical
slogans or "syndromes," it appears tha tBush #2 is harking back to Wilson
with his bogus babble about "spreading democracy," which are the words the
jewsmedia have fed him, specificically his jew speech-writer, Gerson. This
slogan is designed to perpetrate the same disasters which followed the
slogan fed to Woodrow Wilson, for such slogans are labels for policies
adopted by the ZOG. The media jew alleges that slogans or "syndromes"
control the ZOG, rather than vice versa, as I have indicated.
In "The Eternal Jew," certain talmudic themes are pointed out, one such
being the reversal of the role of perpetrator & victim. One example is that
portion of the movie, "M," starring the jew actor, Peter Lorre, as the
serial child-murderer, who 'explains' that his inocent, defenseless victims
"made him do it," because they were so innocent & defenseless! In
jew-'logic,' the prey is 'gulity' for the predations of the predator. But
the media jew did not identify the authros of the "syndromes" by which "we
were all victimized," & by which we are still victimized, according to his
analysis. As the sheeny's sophistry wound down to his 'warm-fuzzy'
CONclusion, no perpetrator was indicated, so the listener is free to
conclude that we have been "self-victimized." If this is true, as it comes
from a jew, the U.S. government & the voters are in desperate need of
commitment into institutions for the criminally-insane, to cure them of
their murderous "syndromes," which the dictionary defines as 1. "...a
disease or abnormal condition." In law, an insane person was defined
who constitutes a danger to himself &/or to others." This definition
certainly applies to the U.S.A.'s government & voters, so all patriots
should do their bit to 'make the world safe for sanity.' The great thing
about this new "syndrome," which the dictionary defines as 2. "a combination
of opinions, behavior, &c. that are characteristic of a particular
condition," is its ability to cure the first syndrome! Now is the time for
all good patriots to don their white coats & fetch their nets so we
the victims from themselves!
Unfortunately, the jewsmedia sheeny's views are skewed, as I stated
previously, so patriotic efforts on behalf of the insane would meet
ZOG's violent defense of its criminal enterprises, as we have sen at Ruby
Ridge & Waco, et al. For now, all I can present is this glimpse behind the
jewsmedia curtain, so as to reveal this particular set of tactics
concocted to inoculate us with additional sheeny spirochetes of
misinformation. The jew does his job of spreading lies & I do my job of
striving to undo them. ORION!
* * *
25 June 05. Dear [X]: My late friend & comrade, Robert Frens, likened ZOG
racial policy to an insane attempt to keep oil mixed with water. As
ZOG keeps shaking & stirring the mixture, at taxpayers' expense, the
violence will continue. "Freedom of Association" must be guaranteed as a
basic human right. It was so obvious that our founding felons didn't bother
to write it down in The U.S. CON-stitution. The new hispano-mestizo
L.A. is faced with Black vs. mestizo fighting in local schools. I do not
capitalize mestizos, for they are not a race, but mongrels, like jews. A
mestizo is a Eurasian & a jew is an Afro-Eurasian, if we wish to
geographical terms for races, instead of biological ones: Black, White &
Yellow. The spic-mayor wondered why "people don't get along, when they want
the same things." He was obviously deprived of proper education when
a member of MECHA in school, although he did learn that U.S. territory is
"Aztlan," which the gringos 'stole' from Mexico. Proper education teaches
that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at once, nor can a limited
supply of space, goods, services & jobs satisfy an infinitely increasing
number of people. As a rule, two hungry strangers + one loaf of bread = a
fight. But as he said, L.A. is the U.S.A. in microcosm, with its demographic
diversity (Asians, Blacks, Moslems, mestizos; forget Whites) & its economic
extremes of poverty for the many & wealth for the very, very few. It reminds
me of an announcer introducing the opponents in a 'no holds barred'
"wrassling" match, in which the 'fighting' occurs mainly out of th
this turf battle heats up, Tom chittum's conditions for "Civil War
come to pass. Chittum also served as an anti-Communist combatant in
Rhodesia, so he knows the meaning of the term sellout. In South Africa,
however, the Whites sold themselves out. One of the Pretorius brothers
"All Caucasian look alike!" Ha! Good luck to them, in any case. The Boers
schemed to "save the Boer people," but not the White people whom they needed
to save themselves. Too bad! The Boers believed that they were the
true-jews, as they told me, & that other Whties were 'just' Gentiles. They
also claimed they were "not racists," but "anti-Communists." What they were
was White supremacists who had a jewish attitude toward honorable
the White supremacists of the U.S. South. Both of these groups hated Nazis,
because Nazis believed in doing their own "nigger work" & Boers liked
of nigger-nooky on the side, as I saw in Africa. White supremacists are
addicted to non-Whites, within their own livingspace. There is no such thing
as "cheap labor." My impression of White Africans was that their
bible-banging & interracial fornication was as great, percentage-wise, as
their penchant for divorce & alcoholism. It was not a healthy society, in
other words. African veldt & fauna can obscure social & racial
the casual observer, by distracting him from the featherless bipeds. I was
able to see what others preferred NOT to see, for truth is my hobby & my
chief interest.
I hope the federal court ruling on Religious Land Use &c. works in your
favor. I also heard a radio report that a federal court has ruled that
prisoners slated for super-max deserve "fair hearings" in regard to their
confinement therein. The mills of ZOG grind selectively & at variable
speeds, indeed.
Thanks for informing me that people are getting the message out, by actually
co-operating with one another. Why, that's like having two miracles at once!
"Double-double good!" as Orwell would say in Newspeak. In our 'politically
correct' world, that is 'jewspeak.' Listening to the jews jabber on NPR
to further spread jewish cultural imperialism. I am rereading An
Their Own, when I can stand it, which gives details about jew
movies, as well as radio, TV & big jewspapers. Such a deal! Ugh! Henry Ford
opined that most sheeple would be surprised to know the source of most
things they take for granted in 'our' media of information, education &
entertainment, & that most content is 'kosher,' in origin & intent. I
further recommend The Green Felt Jungle, which names so many jew gangsters &
politicians, as well as their Goy connections, that I seemed to be reading a
synagogue members' list. Never would I wish to visit Las Vegas again,
although I knew gambling was a mob-run racket, even when the games are
honest. Been there, done that. Please take good care of yourself, ZOG
willing. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
25 June 05. Hail [X]! Many thanks for your letter of June 16th & the great
photo of you & yours! I'll circulate the latest addresses of the
listed on your Appeal to White Separatists. I am, of course, NOT a "White
Supremacist," nor am I a "White Separatist." I am a White Nationalist. This
is because I do not wish to continue living under ZOG. To change that dire
situation, I propose that we establish a White Nationstate. This is why I
say one thing only: ORION! (Our Race Is Our Nation!). That must be our
focus: the establishment of our state within the ZOG empire, & then our
independence from ZOG-misrule. Nothing else will do. Some ostensible Whites
put all sorts of ideas ahead of our biopolitical necessity: our own nation.
As Hitler said, "The state protects the race & the race protects the
individual." Nations are peoples, not places, contrary to ZOG lies. Peoples
must have their own livingspace, a country of their own, of any size they
are fit to capture & rule. To achieve these worthy goals, a people
have its own government, so even when we lack our own country & state
(government), we must learn the meanings & methods required for
As you say, there will be much to do when you depart the ZOG-gulag for the
Land of ZOG. I am glad you are making the most of your time in the gulag,
despite restraints. that proves you have a worthy & excellent character.
Fewer than one out of 20 people have such gifts, as you have observed from
your stay in the gulag. The same applies to those on the outside.
As a rule, comrades with whom I've corresponded in the ZOG-gulags do not
continue their correspondence after they get out. I quite understand, since
people & sheeple living in non-institutional situations are
every waking moment of their lives, & they are lucky when they can ever
catch up on sleep. I've been a part-time, minimum-wage coolie ever
returned to the Jew Ass Oy Veh in 1992, & I know how hard it is for those
who must also support a car & children, many of them as single
for correspondence & for political activism must be given up for the demands
of bare, minimum survival, &, as you know, jobs are scarce for U.S.
citizens, especially Whites. Jobs which do not leave for India, China
are more & more frequently taken by illegal aliens, chiefly
hispano-mestizos. Don't let that discourage you, however, for life has
always been a struggle. When one has the will, he'll surely find his
achieve his goals in life. The irony is that we must be rugged individuals,
who are family & community-oriented, especially in terms of racial
It is better to have uncertified skills & knowledge than it is to have
certificates without the substance to back them up. The more knowledge &
skills you acquire, the better! Under ZOG, the underground economy is
thriving. Aliens & citizens are selling their skills & labor 'under the
table' whenever possible in this country & elsewhere. Employers pay for
results, & they prefer to avoid ZOG-bites (taxes) whenever possible. ZOG
knows, so it is creating inflation, along with increased sales taxes. With
price inflation, low wages or no wages, survival is th ebig job for most
people, & savings is a dream. To make matters much worse, most people
debt to banksters & credit card loan sharks, so they must struggle even
harder to live & to retain such possessions as they have borrowed zogbucks
to purchase. As it says in The Protocols of Zion: a loan of 5% on anything,
over 20 years, DOUBLES the price of what is purchased. Such a deal! Most
sheeple would think they were in heaven at 5%. Under ZOG, public & private
debts are enslaving present and future generations, just as jew-banksters
planned all along. That's why the most revolutionary act under ZOG is to
stay debt-free & shun TV while we work for White Community. Yes, you will
have lots of interesting things to do whne you depart the small gulag for
the Big One on the "outside." Life is sure exciting!
Debt is talmudic. Jews are not supposed to lend money at interest to other
jews, just as they are not supposed to eat pork or cheeseburgers (milk &
meat). Interest charges conform to the number-magic of the cabala, in which
evil spells are cast & victims destroyed &/or enslaved. "One ring to rule
them all, & in the darkness bind them," as Tolkien would say. We learn that
things which are not hidden, but out in plain sight, are not obvious to
sheeple. Interest compounds the kosher tax on our daily lives, just as the U
& K tax on our foods & food-related items. How can people claim that "there
is no ZOG"?
I enjoy public-speaking & live audiences because our communication is
immediate. Audience reactions tell me if I have spoken effectively, whether
or not they approve of my ideas, which I array for their consumption &
consideration. I speak, not for myself, but for them. When I shared a stage
with Paul Fromm in Toronto, he lost his teaching job for speaking at a
"racist gathering, next to Eric Thomson, a 'Nazi theoretician.'" Poor Paul!
As you know, Canada or "China-duh," has its ZOG which imposes thought-crime
laws, so all residents of Soviet Canuckistan must conform or else. It is
forbidden to use the term ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government), for it
offends jew-supremacists (Zionists). Orwell's 1984 is alive & well in
Canada, & its subjects are accountable for what they say outside the
country. All the best & ORION! -- Eric
Tyranny begins with the abuse of language, as Orwell truly said. The latest
is used by ZOG as its pretext for abducting & detaining U.S. citizens
without due process of law, in cases deemed by ZOG to involve "terrorism"
(undefined) & "material witnesses" to words &/or deeds deemed
"terrorist"-related by ZOG, he or she may be abducted without charge nor
'right' of habeas corpus, for an indefinite period in solitary confinement.
The ZOG's logic is that a material witness may abscond, to avoid giving
testimony &/or may be intimidated or killed by the alleged
Since the material witness is innocent, the Anglo-Saxon concept of "innocent
until proven guilty" does not apply, & cannot be used to gain the witness'
freedom. Since the alleged witness need not be tried, to see if he or
indeed a "material witness," the ZOG's allegations may be used to
person indefinitely, & secretly, if the ZOG deems it a matter of "Homeland
Security." This procedure may be applied to anyone whom the ZOG deems "a
material witness."
Now is certainly the time for pro-White Whites to watch out for ZOG-fronts,
agents provocateurs, phoney combat cells, &c. It is also time for us to
watch our words & deeds, & with whom we associate. Three is no guarantee
that we can avoid ZOG-traps, but it would be to our advantage if we
willfully jump into them! ORION!
27 June 05. Jewsradio reports mucho conflicto in Richmond, CA, which
S.F. Bay, north of Red Berkeley, which is north of Black Oakland. The
violent conflict is expressed in shooting deaths & the parties to the battle
are spics & nigs, although no racial identities were mentioned. I just went
by the names & accents on the radio. Spic members of Richmond City Council
have called for declaration of a state of emergency. This violence appears
to be gang & race-related, so it could spread outside CA. Stay tuned!
ZOG-LOGIC: We kill Arab Moslems in their countries as we let them populate
North America. This would mean that those who are here are 'good,' while
those who live in their own Arab Moslem countries are 'bad.' Since ZOG
believes that one's place makes one 'good' or 'bad,' we should be able to
stop the war in Iraq by bringing all the Arab Moslems in Iraq here.
could embrace more diversity.
ZOG says: Homogeneity bad; homosexuality good.
JEWS say: Diversity is 'good' for Gentiles, but 'bad' for jews. Therefore,
ZOG says: Gentiles must be inclusive, while jews can be exclusive, unless
they are non-White Gentiles!
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
(See Corrections & Amplifications item below.)
CUPERTINO, Calif. -- By most measures, Monta Vista High here and
Lynbrook High, in nearby San Jose, are among the nation's top public
high schools. Both boast stellar test scores, an array of
advanced-placement classes and a track record of sending graduates from
the affluent suburbs of Silicon Valley to prestigious colleges.
But locally, they're also known for something else: white flight. Over
the past 10 years, the proportion of white students at Lynbrook has
fallen by nearly half, to 25% of the student body. At Monta Vista,
white students make up less than one-third of the population, down from
45% -- this in a town that's half white. Some white Cupertino parents
are instead sending their children to private schools or moving them to
other, whiter public schools. More commonly, young white families in
Silicon Valley say they are avoiding Cupertino altogether.
White students are far outnumbered by Asians at Monta Vista High School
in Cupertino, Calif.
Whites aren't quitting the schools because the schools are failing
academically. Quite the contrary: Many white parents say they're
leaving because the schools are too academically driven and too
narrowly invested in subjects such as math and science at the expense
of liberal arts and extracurriculars like sports and other personal
The two schools, put another way that parents rarely articulate so
bluntly, are too Asian.
Cathy Gatley, co-president of Monta Vista High School's
association, recently dissuaded a family with a young child from moving
to Cupertino because there are so few young white kids left in the
public schools. "This may not sound good," she confides, "but their
child may be the only Caucasian kid in the class." All of Ms. Gatley's
four children have attended or are currently attending Monta Vista. One
son, Andrew, 17 years old, took the high-school exit exam last summer
and left the school to avoid the academic pressure. He is currently
working in a pet-supply store. Ms. Gatley, who is white, says she
probably wouldn't have moved to Cupertino if she had anticipated how
much it would change.
In the 1960s, the term "white flight" emerged to describe the rapid
exodus of whites from big cities into the suburbs, a process that often
resulted in the economic degradation of the remaining community. Back
then, the phenomenon was mostly believed to be sparked by the growth in
the population of African-Americans, and to a lesser degree Hispanics,
in some major cities.
But this modern incarnation is different. Across the country,
Asian-Americans have by and large been successful and accepted into
middle- and upper-class communities. Silicon Valley has kept
Cupertino's economy stable, and the town is almost indistinguishable
from many of the suburbs around it. The shrinking number of white
students hasn't hurt the academic standards of Cupertino's schools --
in fact the opposite is true.
This time the effect is more subtle: Some Asians believe that the
resulting lack of diversity creates an atmosphere that is too
sheltering for their children, leaving then unprepared for life in a
country that is only 4% Asian overall. Moreover, many Asians share some
of their white counterpart's concerns. Both groups finger newer Asian
immigrants for the schools' intense competitiveness.
Some whites fear that by avoiding schools with large Asian populations
parents are short-changing their own children, giving them the idea
that they can't compete with Asian kids. "My parents never let me think
that because I'm Caucasian, I'm not going to succeed," says Jessie
Hogin, a white Monta Vista graduate.
The white exodus clearly involves race-based presumptions, not all of
which are positive. One example: Asian parents are too competitive.
That sounds like racism to many of Cupertino's Asian residents, who
resent the fact that their growing numbers and success are causing many
white families to boycott the town altogether.
"It's a stereotype of Asian parents," says Pei-Pei Yow, a
Hewlett-Packard Co. manager and Chinese-American community leader who
sent two kids to Monta Vista. It's like other familiar biases, she
says: "You can't say everybody from the South is a redneck."
Jane Doherty, a retirement-community administrator, chose to send her
two boys elsewhere. When her family moved to Cupertino from Indiana
over a decade ago, Ms. Doherty says her top priority was moving into a
good public-school district. She paid no heed to a real-estate agent
who told her of the town's burgeoning Asian population.
[Jane Doherty]
She says she began to reconsider after her elder son, Matthew, entered
Kennedy, the middle school that feeds Monta Vista. As he played soccer,
Ms. Doherty watched a line of cars across the street deposit Asian kids
for after-school study. She also attended a Monta Vista parents' night
and came away worrying about the school's focus on test scores and the
big-name colleges its graduates attend.
"My sense is that at Monta Vista you're competing against the child
beside you," she says. Ms. Doherty says she believes the issue stems
more from recent immigrants than Asians as a whole. "Obviously, the
concentration of Asian students is really high, and it does flavor the
school," she says.
When Matthew, now a student at Notre Dame, finished middle school eight
years ago, Ms. Doherty decided to send him to Bellarmine College
Preparatory, a Jesuit school that she says has a culture that "values
the whole child." It's also 55% white and 24% Asian. Her younger son,
Kevin, followed suit.
Kevin Doherty, 17, says he's happy his mother made the switch. Many of
his old friends at Kennedy aren't happy at Monta Vista, he says. "Kids
at Bellarmine have a lot of pressure to do well, too, but they want to
learn and do something they want to do."
While California has seen the most pronounced cases of suburban
segregation, some of the developments in Cupertino are also starting to
surface in other parts of the U.S. At Thomas S. Wootton High School in
Rockville, Md., known flippantly to some locals as "Won Ton," roughly
35% of students are of Asian descent. People who don't know the school
tend to make assumptions about its academics, says Principal Michael
Doran. "Certain stereotypes come to mind -- 'those people are good at
math,' " he says.
In Tenafly, N.J., a well-to-do bedroom community near New York, the
local high school says it expects Asian students to make up about 36%
of its total in the next five years, compared with 27% today. The
district still attracts families of all backgrounds, but Asians are
particularly intent that their kids work hard and excel, says Anat
Eisenberg, a local Coldwell Banker real-estate agent. "Everybody is
caught into this process of driving their kids." Lawrence Mayer,
Tenafly High's vice principal, says he's never heard such concerns.
Perched on the western end of the Santa Clara valley, Cupertino was for
many years a primarily rural area known for its many fruit orchards.
The beginnings of the tech industry brought suburbanization, and
Cupertino then became a very white, quintessentially middle-class town
of mostly modest ranch homes, populated by engineers and their
families. Apple Computer Inc. planted its headquarters there.
As the high-tech industry prospered, so did Cupertino. Today, the
orchards are a memory, replaced by numerous shopping malls and
subdivisions that are home to Silicon Valley's prosperous upper-middle
class. While the architecture in Cupertino is largely the same as in
neighboring communities, the town of about 50,000 people now boasts
Indian restaurants, tutoring centers and Asian grocers. Parents say
Cupertino's top schools have become more academically intense over the
past 10 years.
Asian immigrants have surged into the town, granting it a reputation --
particularly among recent Chinese and South Asian immigrants -- as a
Bay Area locale of choice. Cupertino is now 41% Asian, up from 24% in
Students in the library at Lynbrook High School
Some students struggle in Cupertino's high schools who might not
elsewhere. Monta Vista's Academic Performance Index, which compares the
academic performance of California's schools, reached an all-time high
of 924 out of 1,000 this year, making it one of the highest-scoring
high schools in Northern California. Grades are so high that a 'B'
average puts a student in the bottom third of a class.
"We have great students, which has a lot of upsides," says April Scott,
Monta Vista's principal. "The downside is what the kids with a 3.0 GPA
think of themselves."
Ms. Scott and her counterpart at Lynbrook know what's said about their
schools being too competitive and dominated by Asians. "It's easy to
buy into those kinds of comments because they're loaded and powerful,"
says Ms. Scott, who adds that they paint an inaccurate picture of Monta
Vista. Ms. Scott says many athletic programs are thriving and points to
the school's many extracurricular activities. She also points out that
white students represented 20% of the school's 29 National Merit
Semifinalists this year.
Judy Hogin, Jessie's mother and a Cupertino real-estate agent, believes
the school was good for her daughter, who is now a freshman at the
University of California at San Diego. "I know it's frustrating to some
people who have moved away," says Ms. Hogin, who is white. Jessie, she
says, "rose to the challenge."
On a recent autumn day at Lynbrook, crowds of students spilled out of
classrooms for midmorning break. Against a sea of Asian faces, the few
white students were easy to pick out. One boy sat on a wall, his
lighter hair and skin making him stand out from dozens of others around
him. In another corner, four white male students lounged at a picnic
At Cupertino's top schools, administrators, parents and students say
white students end up in the stereotyped role often applied to other
minority groups: the underachievers. In one 9th-grade algebra class,
Lynbrook's lowest-level math class, the students are an eclectic mix of
whites, Asians and other racial and ethnic groups.
"Take a good look," whispered Steve Rowley, superintendent of the
Fremont Union High School District, which covers the city of Cupertino
as well as portions of other neighboring cities. "This doesn't look
like the other classes we're going to."
On the second floor, in advanced-placement chemistry, only a couple of
the 32 students are white and the rest are Asian. Some white parents,
and even some students, say they suspect teachers don't take white kids
as seriously as Asians.
"Many of my Asian friends were convinced that if you were Asian, you
had to confirm you were smart. If you were white, you had to prove it,"
says Arar Han, a Monta Vista graduate who recently co-edited "Asian
American X," a book of coming-of-age essays by young
Ms. Gatley, the Monta Vista PTA president, is more blunt: "White kids
are thought of as the dumb kids," she says.
Cupertino's administrators and faculty, the majority of whom are white,
adamantly say there's no discrimination against whites. The
administrators say students of all races get along well. In fact,
there's little evidence of any overt racial tension between students or
between their parents.
Mr. Rowley, the school superintendent, however, concedes that a
perception exists that's sometimes called "the white-boy syndrome." He
describes it as: "Kids who are white feel themselves a distinct
minority against a majority culture."
Mr. Rowley, who is white, enrolled his only son, Eddie, at Lynbrook.
When Eddie started freshman geometry, the boy was frustrated to learn
that many of the Asian students in his class had already taken the
course in summer school, Mr. Rowley recalls. That gave them a big leg
To many of Cupertino's Asians, some of the assumptions made by white
parents -- that Asians are excessively competitive and
single-minded --
play into stereotypes. Top schools in nearby, whiter Palo Alto, which
also have very high test scores, also feature heavy course loads, long
hours of homework and overly stressed students, says Denise Pope,
director of Stressed Out Students, a Stanford University program that
has worked with schools in both Palo Alto and Cupertino. But whites
don't seem to be avoiding those institutions, or making the same
negative generalizations, Asian families note, suggesting that it's not
academic competition that makes white parents uncomfortable but
academic competition with Asian-Americans.
Some of Cupertino's Asian residents say they don't blame white families
for leaving. After all, many of the town's Asians are fretting about
the same issues. While acknowledging that the term Asian embraces a
wide diversity of countries, cultures and languages, they say there's
some truth to the criticisms levied against new immigrant parents,
particularly those from countries such as China and India, who often
put a lot of academic pressure on their children.
[Mark Seto]
Some parents and students say these various forces are creating an
unhealthy cultural isolation in the schools. Monta Vista graduate Mark
Seto says he wouldn't send his kids to his alma mater. "It was a
sheltered little world that didn't bear a whole lot of resemblance to
what the rest of the country is like," says Mr. Seto, a
Chinese-American who recently graduated from Yale University. As a
result, he says, "college wasn't an academic adjustment. It was a
cultural adjustment."
Hung Wei, a Chinese-American living in Cupertino, has become an active
campaigner in the community, encouraging Asian parents to be more aware
of their children's emotional development. Ms. Wei, who is co-president
of Monta Vista's PTA with Ms. Gatley, says her activism stems from the
suicide of her daughter, Diana. Ms. Wei says life in Cupertino and at
Monta Vista didn't prepare the young woman for life at New York
University. Diana moved there in 2004 and jumped to her death from a
Manhattan building two months later.
"We emphasize academics so much and protect our kids, I feel there's
something lacking in our education," Ms. Wei says.
Cupertino schools are trying to address some of these issues. Monta
Vista recently completed a series of seminars focused on such issues as
helping parents communicate better with their kids, and Lynbrook last
year revised its homework guidelines with the goal of eliminating
excessive and unproductive assignments.
The moves haven't stemmed the flow of whites out of the schools. Four
years ago, Lynn Rosener, a software consultant, transferred her elder
son from Monta Vista to Homestead High, a Cupertino school with
slightly lower test scores. At the new school, the white student body
is declining at a slower rate than at Monta Vista and currently stands
at 52% of the total. Friday-night football is a tradition, with big
half-time shows and usually 1,000 people packing the stands. The school
offers boys' volleyball, a sport at which Ms. Rosener's son was
particularly talented. Monta Vista doesn't.
"It does help to have a lower Asian population," says Homestead PTA
President Mary Anne Norling. "I don't think our parents are as uptight
as if my kids went to Monta Vista."
In this article, 9th-grade algebra class described was held at Monta
Vista High School. The article incorrectly placed the scene at Lynbrook
High School in Cupertino, Calif.
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2005-12-09 05:59:54 UTC
Post by Chairman Mao
Sweden is having a nigger problem it seems..
That was an isolated incident involving 4 Somalians. Somalians have been a
problem in Scandinavia, but only minor. The real problem is Islam.
2005-12-12 19:05:13 UTC
First, THE WORLD would surely be a better, more peaceful place, if
christianity, judaism, and islam were eradicated. Or at least under
the control of a consortium of comedians.

Organized religion, as any rational thinker agrees, is, always has
been, and will forever be humankind's GREAT DIVIDER. But you knew

Anyway, second, HOW DOES Condi Rice keep a straight face when writing
and uttering garbagey lies, such as are propounded in the following
piece of bull-shit?

This is obviously a pre-packaged collection of bald-faced falsehoods
aimed at convincing the most gullible audiences. Such hypocritical
hogwash barely deserves any comment. But such incredible lies are what
propelled us into Iraq!

Let's go over the Bush "democracy" rationale one more time, for those
of you who are weak-minded enough to believe it.

Except for a one-sentence toss-in utterance in a pre-2004 presidential
race speech, Bush NEVER spoke of spreading democracy any where in the
world! He spoke of fighting terrorism and other challenges, but
knowing as he did that oil was Cheney's, Rumsfeld's and his true reason
for wanting to attack and control Iraq, democracy seldom crossed the
the chimp's shallow, un-nuanced mind.

Now comes Rice, armed with Karen Hughes-style "public relations" pith,
spewing the democracy upchuck. But I hope she and Hughes don't think
Condi's Middle East audiences of tyrannical potentates actually buy
this spittle. If so, that makes Condi and Karen as dumb as Bush. And
we know how dumb that is.


"The Promise of Democratic Peace"

Why Promoting Freedom Is the Only Realistic Path to Security

By Condoleezza Rice
Sunday, December 11, 2005; Page B07
The Washington Post

Soon after arriving at the State Department earlier this year, I hung a
portrait of Dean Acheson in my office. Over half a century ago, as
America sought to create the world anew in the aftermath of World War
II, Acheson sat in the office that I now occupy. And I hung his picture
where I did for a reason.

Like Acheson and his contemporaries, we live in an extraordinary time
-- one in which the terrain of international politics is shifting
beneath our feet and the pace of historical change outstrips even the
most vivid imagination. My predecessor's portrait is a reminder that in
times of unprecedented change, the traditional diplomacy of crisis
management is insufficient. Instead, we must transcend the doctrines
and debates of the past and transform volatile status quos that no
longer serve our interests. What is needed is a realistic statecraft
for a transformed world.

President Bush outlined the vision for it in his second inaugural
address: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the
growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and
culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world." This
is admittedly a bold course of action, but it is consistent with the
proud tradition of American foreign policy, especially such recent
presidents as Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. Most important: Like the
ambitious policies of Truman and Reagan, our statecraft will succeed
not simply because it is optimistic and idealistic but also because it
is premised on sound strategic logic and a proper understanding of the
new realities we face.

Our statecraft today recognizes that centuries of international
practice and precedent have been overturned in the past 15 years.
Consider one example: For the first time since the Peace of Westphalia
in 1648, the prospect of violent conflict between great powers is
becoming ever more unthinkable. Major states are increasingly competing
in peace, not preparing for war. To advance this remarkable trend, the
United States is transforming our partnerships with nations such as
Japan and Russia, with the European Union, and especially with China
and India. Together we are building a more lasting and durable form of
global stability: a balance of power that favors freedom.

This unprecedented change has supported others. Since its creation more
than 350 years ago, the modern state system has always rested on the
concept of sovereignty. It was assumed that states were the primary
international actors and that every state was able and willing to
address the threats emerging from its territory. Today, however, we
have seen that these assumptions no longer hold, and as a result the
greatest threats to our security are defined more by the dynamics
within weak and failing states than by the borders between strong and
aggressive ones.

The phenomenon of weak and failing states is not new, but the danger
they now pose is unparalleled. When people, goods and information
traverse the globe as fast as they do today, transnational threats such
as disease or terrorism can inflict damage comparable to the standing
armies of nation-states. Absent responsible state authority, threats
that would and should be contained within a country's borders can now
melt into the world and wreak untold havoc. Weak and failing states
serve as global pathways that facilitate the spread of pandemics, the
movement of criminals and terrorists, and the proliferation of the
world's most dangerous weapons.

Our experience of this new world leads us to conclude that the
fundamental character of regimes matters more today than the
international distribution of power. Insisting otherwise is imprudent
and impractical. The goal of our statecraft is to help create a world
of democratic, well-governed states that can meet the needs of their
citizens and conduct themselves responsibly in the international
system. Attempting to draw neat, clean lines between our security
interests and our democratic ideals does not reflect the reality of
today's world. Supporting the growth of democratic institutions in all
nations is not some moralistic flight of fancy; it is the only
realistic response to our present challenges.

In one region of the world, however, the problems emerging from the
character of regimes are more urgent than in any other. The "freedom
deficit" in the broader Middle East provides fertile ground for the
growth of an ideology of hatred so vicious and virulent that it leads
people to strap suicide bombs to their bodies and fly airplanes into
buildings. When the citizens of this region cannot advance their
interests and redress their grievances through an open political
process, they retreat hopelessly into the shadows to be preyed upon by
evil men with violent designs. In these societies, it is illusory to
encourage economic reform by itself and hope that the freedom deficit
will work itself out over time.

Though the broader Middle East has no history of democracy, this is not
an excuse for doing nothing. If every action required a precedent,
there would be no firsts. We are confident that democracy will succeed
in this region not simply because we have faith in our principles but
because the basic human longing for liberty and democratic rights has
transformed our world. Dogmatic cynics and cultural determinists were
once certain that "Asian values," or Latin culture, or Slavic
despotism, or African tribalism would each render democracy impossible.
But they were wrong, and our statecraft must now be guided by the
undeniable truth that democracy is the only assurance of lasting peace
and security between states, because it is the only guarantee of
freedom and justice within states.

Implicit within the goals of our statecraft are the limits of our power
and the reasons for our humility. Unlike tyranny, democracy by its very
nature is never imposed. Citizens of conviction must choose it -- and
not just in one election. The work of democracy is a daily process to
build the institutions of democracy: the rule of law, an independent
judiciary, free media and property rights, among others. The United
States cannot manufacture these outcomes, but we can and must create
opportunities for individuals to assume ownership of their own lives
and nations. Our power gains its greatest legitimacy when we support
the natural right of all people, even those who disagree with us, to
govern themselves in liberty.

The statecraft that America is called to practice in today's world is
ambitious, even revolutionary, but it is not imprudent. A conservative
temperament will rightly be skeptical of any policy that embraces
change and rejects the status quo, but that is not an argument against
the merits of such a policy. As Truman once said, "The world is not
static, and the status quo is not sacred." In times of extraordinary
change such as ours, when the costs of inaction outweigh the risks of
action, doing nothing is not an option. If the school of thought called
"realism" is to be truly realistic, it must recognize that stability
without democracy will prove to be false stability, and that fear of
change is not a positive prescription for policy.

After all, who truly believes, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
that the status quo in the Middle East was stable, beneficial and worth
defending? How could it have been prudent to preserve the state of
affairs in a region that was incubating and exporting terrorism; where
the proliferation of deadly weapons was getting worse, not better;
where authoritarian regimes were projecting their failures onto
innocent nations and peoples; where Lebanon suffered under the boot
heel of Syrian occupation; where a corrupt Palestinian Authority cared
more for its own preservation than for its people's aspirations; and
where a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein was free to slaughter his
citizens, destabilize his neighbors and undermine the hope of peace
between Israelis and Palestinians? It is sheer fantasy to assume that
the Middle East was just peachy before America disrupted its alleged

Had we believed this, and had we done nothing, consider all that we
would have missed in just the past year: A Lebanon that is free of
foreign occupation and advancing democratic reform. A Palestinian
Authority run by an elected leader who openly calls for peace with
Israel. An Egypt that has amended its constitution to hold multiparty
elections. A Kuwait where women are now full citizens. And, of course,
an Iraq that in the face of a horrific insurgency has held historic
elections, drafted and ratified a new national charter, and will go to
the polls again in coming days to elect a new constitutional

At this time last year, such unprecedented progress seemed impossible.
One day it will all seem to have been inevitable. This is the nature of
extraordinary times, which Acheson understood well and described
perfectly in his memoirs. "The significance of events," he wrote, "was
shrouded in ambiguity. We groped after interpretations of them,
sometimes reversed lines of action based on earlier views, and
hesitated long before grasping what now seems obvious." When Acheson
left office in 1953, he could not know the fate of the policies he
helped to create. He certainly could never have predicted that nearly
four decades later, war between Europe's major powers would be
unthinkable, or that America and the world would be harvesting the
fruits of his good decisions and managing the collapse of communism.
But because leaders such as Acheson steered American statecraft with
our principles when precedents for action were lacking, because they
dealt with their world as it was but never believed they were powerless
to change it for the better, the promise of democratic peace is now a
reality in all of Europe and in much of Asia.

When I walk past Acheson's portrait upon departing my office for the
last time, no one will be able to know the full scope of what our
statecraft has achieved. But I have an abiding confidence that we will
have laid a firm foundation of principle -- a foundation on which
future generations will realize our nation's vision of a fully free,
democratic and peaceful world.

The writer is secretary of state.

2005-12-12 19:18:28 UTC
"MissSouth" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com...
Ever pondered upon the lyrics of The Beatles' song called "Imagine There Is
No Heaven"?
Chairman Mao
2005-12-13 05:08:05 UTC
Because all of you liberals hate her, "She be not Black enuff"
Post by MissSouth
First, THE WORLD would surely be a better, more peaceful place, if
christianity, judaism, and islam were eradicated. Or at least under
the control of a consortium of comedians.
Organized religion, as any rational thinker agrees, is, always has
been, and will forever be humankind's GREAT DIVIDER. But you knew
Anyway, second, HOW DOES Condi Rice keep a straight face when writing
and uttering garbagey lies, such as are propounded in the following
piece of bull-shit?
This is obviously a pre-packaged collection of bald-faced falsehoods
aimed at convincing the most gullible audiences. Such hypocritical
hogwash barely deserves any comment. But such incredible lies are what
propelled us into Iraq!
Let's go over the Bush "democracy" rationale one more time, for those
of you who are weak-minded enough to believe it.
Except for a one-sentence toss-in utterance in a pre-2004 presidential
race speech, Bush NEVER spoke of spreading democracy any where in the
world! He spoke of fighting terrorism and other challenges, but
knowing as he did that oil was Cheney's, Rumsfeld's and his true reason
for wanting to attack and control Iraq, democracy seldom crossed the
the chimp's shallow, un-nuanced mind.
Now comes Rice, armed with Karen Hughes-style "public relations" pith,
spewing the democracy upchuck. But I hope she and Hughes don't think
Condi's Middle East audiences of tyrannical potentates actually buy
this spittle. If so, that makes Condi and Karen as dumb as Bush. And
we know how dumb that is.
"The Promise of Democratic Peace"
Why Promoting Freedom Is the Only Realistic Path to Security
By Condoleezza Rice
Sunday, December 11, 2005; Page B07
The Washington Post
Soon after arriving at the State Department earlier this year, I hung a
portrait of Dean Acheson in my office. Over half a century ago, as
America sought to create the world anew in the aftermath of World War
II, Acheson sat in the office that I now occupy. And I hung his picture
where I did for a reason.
Like Acheson and his contemporaries, we live in an extraordinary time
-- one in which the terrain of international politics is shifting
beneath our feet and the pace of historical change outstrips even the
most vivid imagination. My predecessor's portrait is a reminder that in
times of unprecedented change, the traditional diplomacy of crisis
management is insufficient. Instead, we must transcend the doctrines
and debates of the past and transform volatile status quos that no
longer serve our interests. What is needed is a realistic statecraft
for a transformed world.
President Bush outlined the vision for it in his second inaugural
address: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the
growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and
culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world." This
is admittedly a bold course of action, but it is consistent with the
proud tradition of American foreign policy, especially such recent
presidents as Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. Most important: Like the
ambitious policies of Truman and Reagan, our statecraft will succeed
not simply because it is optimistic and idealistic but also because it
is premised on sound strategic logic and a proper understanding of the
new realities we face.
Our statecraft today recognizes that centuries of international
practice and precedent have been overturned in the past 15 years.
Consider one example: For the first time since the Peace of Westphalia
in 1648, the prospect of violent conflict between great powers is
becoming ever more unthinkable. Major states are increasingly competing
in peace, not preparing for war. To advance this remarkable trend, the
United States is transforming our partnerships with nations such as
Japan and Russia, with the European Union, and especially with China
and India. Together we are building a more lasting and durable form of
global stability: a balance of power that favors freedom.
This unprecedented change has supported others. Since its creation more
than 350 years ago, the modern state system has always rested on the
concept of sovereignty. It was assumed that states were the primary
international actors and that every state was able and willing to
address the threats emerging from its territory. Today, however, we
have seen that these assumptions no longer hold, and as a result the
greatest threats to our security are defined more by the dynamics
within weak and failing states than by the borders between strong and
aggressive ones.
The phenomenon of weak and failing states is not new, but the danger
they now pose is unparalleled. When people, goods and information
traverse the globe as fast as they do today, transnational threats such
as disease or terrorism can inflict damage comparable to the standing
armies of nation-states. Absent responsible state authority, threats
that would and should be contained within a country's borders can now
melt into the world and wreak untold havoc. Weak and failing states
serve as global pathways that facilitate the spread of pandemics, the
movement of criminals and terrorists, and the proliferation of the
world's most dangerous weapons.
Our experience of this new world leads us to conclude that the
fundamental character of regimes matters more today than the
international distribution of power. Insisting otherwise is imprudent
and impractical. The goal of our statecraft is to help create a world
of democratic, well-governed states that can meet the needs of their
citizens and conduct themselves responsibly in the international
system. Attempting to draw neat, clean lines between our security
interests and our democratic ideals does not reflect the reality of
today's world. Supporting the growth of democratic institutions in all
nations is not some moralistic flight of fancy; it is the only
realistic response to our present challenges.
In one region of the world, however, the problems emerging from the
character of regimes are more urgent than in any other. The "freedom
deficit" in the broader Middle East provides fertile ground for the
growth of an ideology of hatred so vicious and virulent that it leads
people to strap suicide bombs to their bodies and fly airplanes into
buildings. When the citizens of this region cannot advance their
interests and redress their grievances through an open political
process, they retreat hopelessly into the shadows to be preyed upon by
evil men with violent designs. In these societies, it is illusory to
encourage economic reform by itself and hope that the freedom deficit
will work itself out over time.
Though the broader Middle East has no history of democracy, this is not
an excuse for doing nothing. If every action required a precedent,
there would be no firsts. We are confident that democracy will succeed
in this region not simply because we have faith in our principles but
because the basic human longing for liberty and democratic rights has
transformed our world. Dogmatic cynics and cultural determinists were
once certain that "Asian values," or Latin culture, or Slavic
despotism, or African tribalism would each render democracy impossible.
But they were wrong, and our statecraft must now be guided by the
undeniable truth that democracy is the only assurance of lasting peace
and security between states, because it is the only guarantee of
freedom and justice within states.
Implicit within the goals of our statecraft are the limits of our power
and the reasons for our humility. Unlike tyranny, democracy by its very
nature is never imposed. Citizens of conviction must choose it -- and
not just in one election. The work of democracy is a daily process to
build the institutions of democracy: the rule of law, an independent
judiciary, free media and property rights, among others. The United
States cannot manufacture these outcomes, but we can and must create
opportunities for individuals to assume ownership of their own lives
and nations. Our power gains its greatest legitimacy when we support
the natural right of all people, even those who disagree with us, to
govern themselves in liberty.
The statecraft that America is called to practice in today's world is
ambitious, even revolutionary, but it is not imprudent. A conservative
temperament will rightly be skeptical of any policy that embraces
change and rejects the status quo, but that is not an argument against
the merits of such a policy. As Truman once said, "The world is not
static, and the status quo is not sacred." In times of extraordinary
change such as ours, when the costs of inaction outweigh the risks of
action, doing nothing is not an option. If the school of thought called
"realism" is to be truly realistic, it must recognize that stability
without democracy will prove to be false stability, and that fear of
change is not a positive prescription for policy.
After all, who truly believes, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
that the status quo in the Middle East was stable, beneficial and worth
defending? How could it have been prudent to preserve the state of
affairs in a region that was incubating and exporting terrorism; where
the proliferation of deadly weapons was getting worse, not better;
where authoritarian regimes were projecting their failures onto
innocent nations and peoples; where Lebanon suffered under the boot
heel of Syrian occupation; where a corrupt Palestinian Authority cared
more for its own preservation than for its people's aspirations; and
where a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein was free to slaughter his
citizens, destabilize his neighbors and undermine the hope of peace
between Israelis and Palestinians? It is sheer fantasy to assume that
the Middle East was just peachy before America disrupted its alleged
Had we believed this, and had we done nothing, consider all that we
would have missed in just the past year: A Lebanon that is free of
foreign occupation and advancing democratic reform. A Palestinian
Authority run by an elected leader who openly calls for peace with
Israel. An Egypt that has amended its constitution to hold multiparty
elections. A Kuwait where women are now full citizens. And, of course,
an Iraq that in the face of a horrific insurgency has held historic
elections, drafted and ratified a new national charter, and will go to
the polls again in coming days to elect a new constitutional
At this time last year, such unprecedented progress seemed impossible.
One day it will all seem to have been inevitable. This is the nature of
extraordinary times, which Acheson understood well and described
perfectly in his memoirs. "The significance of events," he wrote, "was
shrouded in ambiguity. We groped after interpretations of them,
sometimes reversed lines of action based on earlier views, and
hesitated long before grasping what now seems obvious." When Acheson
left office in 1953, he could not know the fate of the policies he
helped to create. He certainly could never have predicted that nearly
four decades later, war between Europe's major powers would be
unthinkable, or that America and the world would be harvesting the
fruits of his good decisions and managing the collapse of communism.
But because leaders such as Acheson steered American statecraft with
our principles when precedents for action were lacking, because they
dealt with their world as it was but never believed they were powerless
to change it for the better, the promise of democratic peace is now a
reality in all of Europe and in much of Asia.
When I walk past Acheson's portrait upon departing my office for the
last time, no one will be able to know the full scope of what our
statecraft has achieved. But I have an abiding confidence that we will
have laid a firm foundation of principle -- a foundation on which
future generations will realize our nation's vision of a fully free,
democratic and peaceful world.
The writer is secretary of state.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2005-12-16 01:37:39 UTC
The chinese think thus about Rice: (very ironic, considering the last
name) LOL!!!!

He says that of 800 messages he has read about her visit, no less than
70 involved racist comments about her colour: of these, only two were
relatively moderate; the rest were vicious, describing Rice as a "black
ghost", "black dog", "black woman" and "black bitch". One stated, "You
are not even like a black ghost, a really low form of life," and
another, "Her brain is even more black than her skin." One writer said:
"I don't support racism, but this black ghost really makes people
angry, the appearance of a little black who has made good."
"How come the United States selects a female chimpanzee as Secretary of

"This black woman thinks rather a lot of herself."

"She's so ugly she's losing face. Even a dog would be put off its
dinner while she's being fed."
Post by Chairman Mao
Because all of you liberals hate her, "She be not Black enuff"
Post by MissSouth
First, THE WORLD would surely be a better, more peaceful place, if
christianity, judaism, and islam were eradicated. Or at least under
the control of a consortium of comedians.
Organized religion, as any rational thinker agrees, is, always has
been, and will forever be humankind's GREAT DIVIDER. But you knew
Anyway, second, HOW DOES Condi Rice keep a straight face when writing
and uttering garbagey lies, such as are propounded in the following
piece of bull-shit?
This is obviously a pre-packaged collection of bald-faced falsehoods
aimed at convincing the most gullible audiences. Such hypocritical
hogwash barely deserves any comment. But such incredible lies are what
propelled us into Iraq!
Let's go over the Bush "democracy" rationale one more time, for those
of you who are weak-minded enough to believe it.
Except for a one-sentence toss-in utterance in a pre-2004 presidential
race speech, Bush NEVER spoke of spreading democracy any where in the
world! He spoke of fighting terrorism and other challenges, but
knowing as he did that oil was Cheney's, Rumsfeld's and his true reason
for wanting to attack and control Iraq, democracy seldom crossed the
the chimp's shallow, un-nuanced mind.
Now comes Rice, armed with Karen Hughes-style "public relations" pith,
spewing the democracy upchuck. But I hope she and Hughes don't think
Condi's Middle East audiences of tyrannical potentates actually buy
this spittle. If so, that makes Condi and Karen as dumb as Bush. And
we know how dumb that is.
"The Promise of Democratic Peace"
Why Promoting Freedom Is the Only Realistic Path to Security
By Condoleezza Rice
Sunday, December 11, 2005; Page B07
The Washington Post
Soon after arriving at the State Department earlier this year, I hung a
portrait of Dean Acheson in my office. Over half a century ago, as
America sought to create the world anew in the aftermath of World War
II, Acheson sat in the office that I now occupy. And I hung his picture
where I did for a reason.
Like Acheson and his contemporaries, we live in an extraordinary time
-- one in which the terrain of international politics is shifting
beneath our feet and the pace of historical change outstrips even the
most vivid imagination. My predecessor's portrait is a reminder that in
times of unprecedented change, the traditional diplomacy of crisis
management is insufficient. Instead, we must transcend the doctrines
and debates of the past and transform volatile status quos that no
longer serve our interests. What is needed is a realistic statecraft
for a transformed world.
President Bush outlined the vision for it in his second inaugural
address: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the
growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and
culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world." This
is admittedly a bold course of action, but it is consistent with the
proud tradition of American foreign policy, especially such recent
presidents as Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. Most important: Like the
ambitious policies of Truman and Reagan, our statecraft will succeed
not simply because it is optimistic and idealistic but also because it
is premised on sound strategic logic and a proper understanding of the
new realities we face.
Our statecraft today recognizes that centuries of international
practice and precedent have been overturned in the past 15 years.
Consider one example: For the first time since the Peace of Westphalia
in 1648, the prospect of violent conflict between great powers is
becoming ever more unthinkable. Major states are increasingly competing
in peace, not preparing for war. To advance this remarkable trend, the
United States is transforming our partnerships with nations such as
Japan and Russia, with the European Union, and especially with China
and India. Together we are building a more lasting and durable form of
global stability: a balance of power that favors freedom.
This unprecedented change has supported others. Since its creation more
than 350 years ago, the modern state system has always rested on the
concept of sovereignty. It was assumed that states were the primary
international actors and that every state was able and willing to
address the threats emerging from its territory. Today, however, we
have seen that these assumptions no longer hold, and as a result the
greatest threats to our security are defined more by the dynamics
within weak and failing states than by the borders between strong and
aggressive ones.
The phenomenon of weak and failing states is not new, but the danger
they now pose is unparalleled. When people, goods and information
traverse the globe as fast as they do today, transnational threats such
as disease or terrorism can inflict damage comparable to the standing
armies of nation-states. Absent responsible state authority, threats
that would and should be contained within a country's borders can now
melt into the world and wreak untold havoc. Weak and failing states
serve as global pathways that facilitate the spread of pandemics, the
movement of criminals and terrorists, and the proliferation of the
world's most dangerous weapons.
Our experience of this new world leads us to conclude that the
fundamental character of regimes matters more today than the
international distribution of power. Insisting otherwise is imprudent
and impractical. The goal of our statecraft is to help create a world
of democratic, well-governed states that can meet the needs of their
citizens and conduct themselves responsibly in the international
system. Attempting to draw neat, clean lines between our security
interests and our democratic ideals does not reflect the reality of
today's world. Supporting the growth of democratic institutions in all
nations is not some moralistic flight of fancy; it is the only
realistic response to our present challenges.
In one region of the world, however, the problems emerging from the
character of regimes are more urgent than in any other. The "freedom
deficit" in the broader Middle East provides fertile ground for the
growth of an ideology of hatred so vicious and virulent that it leads
people to strap suicide bombs to their bodies and fly airplanes into
buildings. When the citizens of this region cannot advance their
interests and redress their grievances through an open political
process, they retreat hopelessly into the shadows to be preyed upon by
evil men with violent designs. In these societies, it is illusory to
encourage economic reform by itself and hope that the freedom deficit
will work itself out over time.
Though the broader Middle East has no history of democracy, this is not
an excuse for doing nothing. If every action required a precedent,
there would be no firsts. We are confident that democracy will succeed
in this region not simply because we have faith in our principles but
because the basic human longing for liberty and democratic rights has
transformed our world. Dogmatic cynics and cultural determinists were
once certain that "Asian values," or Latin culture, or Slavic
despotism, or African tribalism would each render democracy impossible.
But they were wrong, and our statecraft must now be guided by the
undeniable truth that democracy is the only assurance of lasting peace
and security between states, because it is the only guarantee of
freedom and justice within states.
Implicit within the goals of our statecraft are the limits of our power
and the reasons for our humility. Unlike tyranny, democracy by its very
nature is never imposed. Citizens of conviction must choose it -- and
not just in one election. The work of democracy is a daily process to
build the institutions of democracy: the rule of law, an independent
judiciary, free media and property rights, among others. The United
States cannot manufacture these outcomes, but we can and must create
opportunities for individuals to assume ownership of their own lives
and nations. Our power gains its greatest legitimacy when we support
the natural right of all people, even those who disagree with us, to
govern themselves in liberty.
The statecraft that America is called to practice in today's world is
ambitious, even revolutionary, but it is not imprudent. A conservative
temperament will rightly be skeptical of any policy that embraces
change and rejects the status quo, but that is not an argument against
the merits of such a policy. As Truman once said, "The world is not
static, and the status quo is not sacred." In times of extraordinary
change such as ours, when the costs of inaction outweigh the risks of
action, doing nothing is not an option. If the school of thought called
"realism" is to be truly realistic, it must recognize that stability
without democracy will prove to be false stability, and that fear of
change is not a positive prescription for policy.
After all, who truly believes, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
that the status quo in the Middle East was stable, beneficial and worth
defending? How could it have been prudent to preserve the state of
affairs in a region that was incubating and exporting terrorism; where
the proliferation of deadly weapons was getting worse, not better;
where authoritarian regimes were projecting their failures onto
innocent nations and peoples; where Lebanon suffered under the boot
heel of Syrian occupation; where a corrupt Palestinian Authority cared
more for its own preservation than for its people's aspirations; and
where a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein was free to slaughter his
citizens, destabilize his neighbors and undermine the hope of peace
between Israelis and Palestinians? It is sheer fantasy to assume that
the Middle East was just peachy before America disrupted its alleged
Had we believed this, and had we done nothing, consider all that we
would have missed in just the past year: A Lebanon that is free of
foreign occupation and advancing democratic reform. A Palestinian
Authority run by an elected leader who openly calls for peace with
Israel. An Egypt that has amended its constitution to hold multiparty
elections. A Kuwait where women are now full citizens. And, of course,
an Iraq that in the face of a horrific insurgency has held historic
elections, drafted and ratified a new national charter, and will go to
the polls again in coming days to elect a new constitutional
At this time last year, such unprecedented progress seemed impossible.
One day it will all seem to have been inevitable. This is the nature of
extraordinary times, which Acheson understood well and described
perfectly in his memoirs. "The significance of events," he wrote, "was
shrouded in ambiguity. We groped after interpretations of them,
sometimes reversed lines of action based on earlier views, and
hesitated long before grasping what now seems obvious." When Acheson
left office in 1953, he could not know the fate of the policies he
helped to create. He certainly could never have predicted that nearly
four decades later, war between Europe's major powers would be
unthinkable, or that America and the world would be harvesting the
fruits of his good decisions and managing the collapse of communism.
But because leaders such as Acheson steered American statecraft with
our principles when precedents for action were lacking, because they
dealt with their world as it was but never believed they were powerless
to change it for the better, the promise of democratic peace is now a
reality in all of Europe and in much of Asia.
When I walk past Acheson's portrait upon departing my office for the
last time, no one will be able to know the full scope of what our
statecraft has achieved. But I have an abiding confidence that we will
have laid a firm foundation of principle -- a foundation on which
future generations will realize our nation's vision of a fully free,
democratic and peaceful world.
The writer is secretary of state.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Chairman Mao
2005-12-16 07:24:07 UTC
Yes Negro's are not high on the welcome list.

When you see a few here they are always in a large group, yelling and
screaming and saying crude remarks to every woman that walks by (just like
dee hood)

Others ask you if you want a "hoe, hash, or a rock"

You can take the jig out of the jungle but cannot take the jungle out of dee

No JEW diversity groups here to make excuses for them.
Post by RichAsianKid
The chinese think thus about Rice: (very ironic, considering the last
name) LOL!!!!
He says that of 800 messages he has read about her visit, no less than
70 involved racist comments about her colour: of these, only two were
relatively moderate; the rest were vicious, describing Rice as a "black
ghost", "black dog", "black woman" and "black bitch". One stated, "You
are not even like a black ghost, a really low form of life," and
"I don't support racism, but this black ghost really makes people
angry, the appearance of a little black who has made good."
"How come the United States selects a female chimpanzee as Secretary of
"This black woman thinks rather a lot of herself."
"She's so ugly she's losing face. Even a dog would be put off its
dinner while she's being fed."
Post by Chairman Mao
Because all of you liberals hate her, "She be not Black enuff"
Post by MissSouth
First, THE WORLD would surely be a better, more peaceful place, if
christianity, judaism, and islam were eradicated. Or at least under
the control of a consortium of comedians.
Organized religion, as any rational thinker agrees, is, always has
been, and will forever be humankind's GREAT DIVIDER. But you knew
Anyway, second, HOW DOES Condi Rice keep a straight face when writing
and uttering garbagey lies, such as are propounded in the following
piece of bull-shit?
This is obviously a pre-packaged collection of bald-faced falsehoods
aimed at convincing the most gullible audiences. Such hypocritical
hogwash barely deserves any comment. But such incredible lies are what
propelled us into Iraq!
Let's go over the Bush "democracy" rationale one more time, for those
of you who are weak-minded enough to believe it.
Except for a one-sentence toss-in utterance in a pre-2004 presidential
race speech, Bush NEVER spoke of spreading democracy any where in the
world! He spoke of fighting terrorism and other challenges, but
knowing as he did that oil was Cheney's, Rumsfeld's and his true reason
for wanting to attack and control Iraq, democracy seldom crossed the
the chimp's shallow, un-nuanced mind.
Now comes Rice, armed with Karen Hughes-style "public relations" pith,
spewing the democracy upchuck. But I hope she and Hughes don't think
Condi's Middle East audiences of tyrannical potentates actually buy
this spittle. If so, that makes Condi and Karen as dumb as Bush. And
we know how dumb that is.
"The Promise of Democratic Peace"
Why Promoting Freedom Is the Only Realistic Path to Security
By Condoleezza Rice
Sunday, December 11, 2005; Page B07
The Washington Post
Soon after arriving at the State Department earlier this year, I hung a
portrait of Dean Acheson in my office. Over half a century ago, as
America sought to create the world anew in the aftermath of World War
II, Acheson sat in the office that I now occupy. And I hung his picture
where I did for a reason.
Like Acheson and his contemporaries, we live in an extraordinary time
-- one in which the terrain of international politics is shifting
beneath our feet and the pace of historical change outstrips even the
most vivid imagination. My predecessor's portrait is a reminder that in
times of unprecedented change, the traditional diplomacy of crisis
management is insufficient. Instead, we must transcend the doctrines
and debates of the past and transform volatile status quos that no
longer serve our interests. What is needed is a realistic statecraft
for a transformed world.
President Bush outlined the vision for it in his second inaugural
address: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the
growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and
culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world." This
is admittedly a bold course of action, but it is consistent with the
proud tradition of American foreign policy, especially such recent
presidents as Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. Most important: Like the
ambitious policies of Truman and Reagan, our statecraft will succeed
not simply because it is optimistic and idealistic but also because it
is premised on sound strategic logic and a proper understanding of the
new realities we face.
Our statecraft today recognizes that centuries of international
practice and precedent have been overturned in the past 15 years.
Consider one example: For the first time since the Peace of Westphalia
in 1648, the prospect of violent conflict between great powers is
becoming ever more unthinkable. Major states are increasingly competing
in peace, not preparing for war. To advance this remarkable trend, the
United States is transforming our partnerships with nations such as
Japan and Russia, with the European Union, and especially with China
and India. Together we are building a more lasting and durable form of
global stability: a balance of power that favors freedom.
This unprecedented change has supported others. Since its creation more
than 350 years ago, the modern state system has always rested on the
concept of sovereignty. It was assumed that states were the primary
international actors and that every state was able and willing to
address the threats emerging from its territory. Today, however, we
have seen that these assumptions no longer hold, and as a result the
greatest threats to our security are defined more by the dynamics
within weak and failing states than by the borders between strong and
aggressive ones.
The phenomenon of weak and failing states is not new, but the danger
they now pose is unparalleled. When people, goods and information
traverse the globe as fast as they do today, transnational threats such
as disease or terrorism can inflict damage comparable to the standing
armies of nation-states. Absent responsible state authority, threats
that would and should be contained within a country's borders can now
melt into the world and wreak untold havoc. Weak and failing states
serve as global pathways that facilitate the spread of pandemics, the
movement of criminals and terrorists, and the proliferation of the
world's most dangerous weapons.
Our experience of this new world leads us to conclude that the
fundamental character of regimes matters more today than the
international distribution of power. Insisting otherwise is imprudent
and impractical. The goal of our statecraft is to help create a world
of democratic, well-governed states that can meet the needs of their
citizens and conduct themselves responsibly in the international
system. Attempting to draw neat, clean lines between our security
interests and our democratic ideals does not reflect the reality of
today's world. Supporting the growth of democratic institutions in all
nations is not some moralistic flight of fancy; it is the only
realistic response to our present challenges.
In one region of the world, however, the problems emerging from the
character of regimes are more urgent than in any other. The "freedom
deficit" in the broader Middle East provides fertile ground for the
growth of an ideology of hatred so vicious and virulent that it leads
people to strap suicide bombs to their bodies and fly airplanes into
buildings. When the citizens of this region cannot advance their
interests and redress their grievances through an open political
process, they retreat hopelessly into the shadows to be preyed upon by
evil men with violent designs. In these societies, it is illusory to
encourage economic reform by itself and hope that the freedom deficit
will work itself out over time.
Though the broader Middle East has no history of democracy, this is not
an excuse for doing nothing. If every action required a precedent,
there would be no firsts. We are confident that democracy will succeed
in this region not simply because we have faith in our principles but
because the basic human longing for liberty and democratic rights has
transformed our world. Dogmatic cynics and cultural determinists were
once certain that "Asian values," or Latin culture, or Slavic
despotism, or African tribalism would each render democracy impossible.
But they were wrong, and our statecraft must now be guided by the
undeniable truth that democracy is the only assurance of lasting peace
and security between states, because it is the only guarantee of
freedom and justice within states.
Implicit within the goals of our statecraft are the limits of our power
and the reasons for our humility. Unlike tyranny, democracy by its very
nature is never imposed. Citizens of conviction must choose it -- and
not just in one election. The work of democracy is a daily process to
build the institutions of democracy: the rule of law, an independent
judiciary, free media and property rights, among others. The United
States cannot manufacture these outcomes, but we can and must create
opportunities for individuals to assume ownership of their own lives
and nations. Our power gains its greatest legitimacy when we support
the natural right of all people, even those who disagree with us, to
govern themselves in liberty.
The statecraft that America is called to practice in today's world is
ambitious, even revolutionary, but it is not imprudent. A conservative
temperament will rightly be skeptical of any policy that embraces
change and rejects the status quo, but that is not an argument against
the merits of such a policy. As Truman once said, "The world is not
static, and the status quo is not sacred." In times of extraordinary
change such as ours, when the costs of inaction outweigh the risks of
action, doing nothing is not an option. If the school of thought called
"realism" is to be truly realistic, it must recognize that stability
without democracy will prove to be false stability, and that fear of
change is not a positive prescription for policy.
After all, who truly believes, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
that the status quo in the Middle East was stable, beneficial and worth
defending? How could it have been prudent to preserve the state of
affairs in a region that was incubating and exporting terrorism; where
the proliferation of deadly weapons was getting worse, not better;
where authoritarian regimes were projecting their failures onto
innocent nations and peoples; where Lebanon suffered under the boot
heel of Syrian occupation; where a corrupt Palestinian Authority cared
more for its own preservation than for its people's aspirations; and
where a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein was free to slaughter his
citizens, destabilize his neighbors and undermine the hope of peace
between Israelis and Palestinians? It is sheer fantasy to assume that
the Middle East was just peachy before America disrupted its alleged
Had we believed this, and had we done nothing, consider all that we
would have missed in just the past year: A Lebanon that is free of
foreign occupation and advancing democratic reform. A Palestinian
Authority run by an elected leader who openly calls for peace with
Israel. An Egypt that has amended its constitution to hold multiparty
elections. A Kuwait where women are now full citizens. And, of course,
an Iraq that in the face of a horrific insurgency has held historic
elections, drafted and ratified a new national charter, and will go to
the polls again in coming days to elect a new constitutional
At this time last year, such unprecedented progress seemed impossible.
One day it will all seem to have been inevitable. This is the nature of
extraordinary times, which Acheson understood well and described
perfectly in his memoirs. "The significance of events," he wrote, "was
shrouded in ambiguity. We groped after interpretations of them,
sometimes reversed lines of action based on earlier views, and
hesitated long before grasping what now seems obvious." When Acheson
left office in 1953, he could not know the fate of the policies he
helped to create. He certainly could never have predicted that nearly
four decades later, war between Europe's major powers would be
unthinkable, or that America and the world would be harvesting the
fruits of his good decisions and managing the collapse of communism.
But because leaders such as Acheson steered American statecraft with
our principles when precedents for action were lacking, because they
dealt with their world as it was but never believed they were powerless
to change it for the better, the promise of democratic peace is now a
reality in all of Europe and in much of Asia.
When I walk past Acheson's portrait upon departing my office for the
last time, no one will be able to know the full scope of what our
statecraft has achieved. But I have an abiding confidence that we will
have laid a firm foundation of principle -- a foundation on which
future generations will realize our nation's vision of a fully free,
democratic and peaceful world.
The writer is secretary of state.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 -
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-16 17:06:44 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
Yes Negro's are not high on the welcome list.
When you see a few here they are always in a large group, yelling and
screaming and saying crude remarks to every woman that walks by (just like
dee hood)
Others ask you if you want a "hoe, hash, or a rock"
You can take the jig out of the jungle but cannot take the jungle out of dee
No JEW diversity groups here to make excuses for them.
What are these "excuses" you keep mentioning?

Chairman Mao
2005-12-17 04:29:17 UTC
What excuses do you use?

They are the same.
Post by Vernon North
Post by Chairman Mao
Yes Negro's are not high on the welcome list.
When you see a few here they are always in a large group, yelling and
screaming and saying crude remarks to every woman that walks by (just like
dee hood)
Others ask you if you want a "hoe, hash, or a rock"
You can take the jig out of the jungle but cannot take the jungle out of dee
No JEW diversity groups here to make excuses for them.
What are these "excuses" you keep mentioning?
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-17 20:30:55 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
What excuses do you use?
I'm still waiting for you to post examples of "excuses" I have posted.
Why the delay?

You won't back up what you posted, but you won't admit you're wrong.
That's dishonest and cowardly. But you already know that, don't you.

Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.

If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.

In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.

So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?

Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".

Do you think you can handle that?

Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!

So, what are these "excuses", Chairman? Your "Humpty Dumpty"-like
statements are sounding more and more like the real Chairman Mao's every
day. You know -- "when I use a word . . . it means just what I choose
it to mean--neither more nor less".

So, Chairman Humpty, what does "excuses" mean to you? Provide examples.

Chairman Mao
2005-12-18 05:06:40 UTC
You are an excuse maker by default, and you avoid direct questions.

By default this becomes "excuse making" (liberalism style).

1. Do you support Black racism against others?
2. Can only Whites be racist?
3. Do you support liberalism that promotes hate in a "payback" sense
Affirmative Action ect.

We can start with these...
Post by Vernon North
Post by Chairman Mao
What excuses do you use?
I'm still waiting for you to post examples of "excuses" I have posted.
Why the delay?
You won't back up what you posted, but you won't admit you're wrong.
That's dishonest and cowardly. But you already know that, don't you.
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
Post by Chairman Mao
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Post by Chairman Mao
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
Post by Chairman Mao
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
So, what are these "excuses", Chairman? Your "Humpty Dumpty"-like
statements are sounding more and more like the real Chairman Mao's every
day. You know -- "when I use a word . . . it means just what I choose
it to mean--neither more nor less".
So, Chairman Humpty, what does "excuses" mean to you? Provide examples.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
Vernon North
2005-12-18 07:11:46 UTC
In article <***@news3.uncensored-news.com>, ***@shanghai.com
You are an excuse maker by default, and you avoid direct questions.
Well done, Chairman Humpty. You didn't let me down.

From the Chairman's Daffy-nitions:

Excuse maker: Someone who doesn't answer the Chairman's questions.
By default this becomes "excuse making" (liberalism style).
1. Do you support Black racism against others?
What makes you think I do?
2. Can only Whites be racist?
Only if people start creating their own vocabulary, as you do.
3. Do you support liberalism that promotes hate in a "payback" sense
Affirmative Action ect.
We can start with these...
Now that we've established that you're a liar, I'll answer your
questions after you apologize.
Post by Vernon North
Here are two posts you don't have the guts to answer.
I have a question... are Niggers and Jew$ racist and hateful too?
Of course some of them are. Just as there are racist and hateful people
in all ethnic groups.
Or by your logic only White males can be racist (liberal mantra)
Let the excuses roll.
IF you can find a post in which I have said or implied that, find it.
Post a link to it. If you can, I will admit you are right and will
apologize to you, in writing, here.
If you cannot find it, I expect an admission from you that YOU were
wrong, that I did NOT say that, and I will also expect your apology, in
writing, here.
You are a dense moron, even with statistics in front of your hooked nose
you start making excuses for the facts.
Yes you are a liberal excuse maker that needs a dose of world reality.
Can you make excuses for the Nigger that did this?
Your fellow Hollywood libs and other shit-liberals are making excuses right now.
You dirt-balls amaze me! You world turds are losing the war on
misinformation and diversity speeches.
Your post is a joke, isn't it? As usual, you spew the "racist hater's
official vocabulary" but you don't seem able to connect it with what I
posted. Can you? You haven't yet.
So let's try a little test. It should be easy if your IQ is higher than
90. Ready?
Look through my posts and find specific "excuses" I have made "for the
facts". Be specific. Post my "excuses" in quotations. Say why they
are "excuses".
Do you think you can handle that?
Do your best. Be very specific. Come on, Chairman! Show us what you're
made of!
So, what are these "excuses", Chairman? Your "Humpty Dumpty"-like
statements are sounding more and more like the real Chairman Mao's every
day. You know -- "when I use a word . . . it means just what I choose
it to mean--neither more nor less".
So, Chairman Humpty, what does "excuses" mean to you? Provide examples.
Chairman Mao
2005-12-13 05:08:05 UTC
Because all of you liberals hate her, "She be not Black enuff"
Post by MissSouth
First, THE WORLD would surely be a better, more peaceful place, if
christianity, judaism, and islam were eradicated. Or at least under
the control of a consortium of comedians.
Organized religion, as any rational thinker agrees, is, always has
been, and will forever be humankind's GREAT DIVIDER. But you knew
Anyway, second, HOW DOES Condi Rice keep a straight face when writing
and uttering garbagey lies, such as are propounded in the following
piece of bull-shit?
This is obviously a pre-packaged collection of bald-faced falsehoods
aimed at convincing the most gullible audiences. Such hypocritical
hogwash barely deserves any comment. But such incredible lies are what
propelled us into Iraq!
Let's go over the Bush "democracy" rationale one more time, for those
of you who are weak-minded enough to believe it.
Except for a one-sentence toss-in utterance in a pre-2004 presidential
race speech, Bush NEVER spoke of spreading democracy any where in the
world! He spoke of fighting terrorism and other challenges, but
knowing as he did that oil was Cheney's, Rumsfeld's and his true reason
for wanting to attack and control Iraq, democracy seldom crossed the
the chimp's shallow, un-nuanced mind.
Now comes Rice, armed with Karen Hughes-style "public relations" pith,
spewing the democracy upchuck. But I hope she and Hughes don't think
Condi's Middle East audiences of tyrannical potentates actually buy
this spittle. If so, that makes Condi and Karen as dumb as Bush. And
we know how dumb that is.
"The Promise of Democratic Peace"
Why Promoting Freedom Is the Only Realistic Path to Security
By Condoleezza Rice
Sunday, December 11, 2005; Page B07
The Washington Post
Soon after arriving at the State Department earlier this year, I hung a
portrait of Dean Acheson in my office. Over half a century ago, as
America sought to create the world anew in the aftermath of World War
II, Acheson sat in the office that I now occupy. And I hung his picture
where I did for a reason.
Like Acheson and his contemporaries, we live in an extraordinary time
-- one in which the terrain of international politics is shifting
beneath our feet and the pace of historical change outstrips even the
most vivid imagination. My predecessor's portrait is a reminder that in
times of unprecedented change, the traditional diplomacy of crisis
management is insufficient. Instead, we must transcend the doctrines
and debates of the past and transform volatile status quos that no
longer serve our interests. What is needed is a realistic statecraft
for a transformed world.
President Bush outlined the vision for it in his second inaugural
address: "It is the policy of the United States to seek and support the
growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and
culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world." This
is admittedly a bold course of action, but it is consistent with the
proud tradition of American foreign policy, especially such recent
presidents as Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan. Most important: Like the
ambitious policies of Truman and Reagan, our statecraft will succeed
not simply because it is optimistic and idealistic but also because it
is premised on sound strategic logic and a proper understanding of the
new realities we face.
Our statecraft today recognizes that centuries of international
practice and precedent have been overturned in the past 15 years.
Consider one example: For the first time since the Peace of Westphalia
in 1648, the prospect of violent conflict between great powers is
becoming ever more unthinkable. Major states are increasingly competing
in peace, not preparing for war. To advance this remarkable trend, the
United States is transforming our partnerships with nations such as
Japan and Russia, with the European Union, and especially with China
and India. Together we are building a more lasting and durable form of
global stability: a balance of power that favors freedom.
This unprecedented change has supported others. Since its creation more
than 350 years ago, the modern state system has always rested on the
concept of sovereignty. It was assumed that states were the primary
international actors and that every state was able and willing to
address the threats emerging from its territory. Today, however, we
have seen that these assumptions no longer hold, and as a result the
greatest threats to our security are defined more by the dynamics
within weak and failing states than by the borders between strong and
aggressive ones.
The phenomenon of weak and failing states is not new, but the danger
they now pose is unparalleled. When people, goods and information
traverse the globe as fast as they do today, transnational threats such
as disease or terrorism can inflict damage comparable to the standing
armies of nation-states. Absent responsible state authority, threats
that would and should be contained within a country's borders can now
melt into the world and wreak untold havoc. Weak and failing states
serve as global pathways that facilitate the spread of pandemics, the
movement of criminals and terrorists, and the proliferation of the
world's most dangerous weapons.
Our experience of this new world leads us to conclude that the
fundamental character of regimes matters more today than the
international distribution of power. Insisting otherwise is imprudent
and impractical. The goal of our statecraft is to help create a world
of democratic, well-governed states that can meet the needs of their
citizens and conduct themselves responsibly in the international
system. Attempting to draw neat, clean lines between our security
interests and our democratic ideals does not reflect the reality of
today's world. Supporting the growth of democratic institutions in all
nations is not some moralistic flight of fancy; it is the only
realistic response to our present challenges.
In one region of the world, however, the problems emerging from the
character of regimes are more urgent than in any other. The "freedom
deficit" in the broader Middle East provides fertile ground for the
growth of an ideology of hatred so vicious and virulent that it leads
people to strap suicide bombs to their bodies and fly airplanes into
buildings. When the citizens of this region cannot advance their
interests and redress their grievances through an open political
process, they retreat hopelessly into the shadows to be preyed upon by
evil men with violent designs. In these societies, it is illusory to
encourage economic reform by itself and hope that the freedom deficit
will work itself out over time.
Though the broader Middle East has no history of democracy, this is not
an excuse for doing nothing. If every action required a precedent,
there would be no firsts. We are confident that democracy will succeed
in this region not simply because we have faith in our principles but
because the basic human longing for liberty and democratic rights has
transformed our world. Dogmatic cynics and cultural determinists were
once certain that "Asian values," or Latin culture, or Slavic
despotism, or African tribalism would each render democracy impossible.
But they were wrong, and our statecraft must now be guided by the
undeniable truth that democracy is the only assurance of lasting peace
and security between states, because it is the only guarantee of
freedom and justice within states.
Implicit within the goals of our statecraft are the limits of our power
and the reasons for our humility. Unlike tyranny, democracy by its very
nature is never imposed. Citizens of conviction must choose it -- and
not just in one election. The work of democracy is a daily process to
build the institutions of democracy: the rule of law, an independent
judiciary, free media and property rights, among others. The United
States cannot manufacture these outcomes, but we can and must create
opportunities for individuals to assume ownership of their own lives
and nations. Our power gains its greatest legitimacy when we support
the natural right of all people, even those who disagree with us, to
govern themselves in liberty.
The statecraft that America is called to practice in today's world is
ambitious, even revolutionary, but it is not imprudent. A conservative
temperament will rightly be skeptical of any policy that embraces
change and rejects the status quo, but that is not an argument against
the merits of such a policy. As Truman once said, "The world is not
static, and the status quo is not sacred." In times of extraordinary
change such as ours, when the costs of inaction outweigh the risks of
action, doing nothing is not an option. If the school of thought called
"realism" is to be truly realistic, it must recognize that stability
without democracy will prove to be false stability, and that fear of
change is not a positive prescription for policy.
After all, who truly believes, after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
that the status quo in the Middle East was stable, beneficial and worth
defending? How could it have been prudent to preserve the state of
affairs in a region that was incubating and exporting terrorism; where
the proliferation of deadly weapons was getting worse, not better;
where authoritarian regimes were projecting their failures onto
innocent nations and peoples; where Lebanon suffered under the boot
heel of Syrian occupation; where a corrupt Palestinian Authority cared
more for its own preservation than for its people's aspirations; and
where a tyrant such as Saddam Hussein was free to slaughter his
citizens, destabilize his neighbors and undermine the hope of peace
between Israelis and Palestinians? It is sheer fantasy to assume that
the Middle East was just peachy before America disrupted its alleged
Had we believed this, and had we done nothing, consider all that we
would have missed in just the past year: A Lebanon that is free of
foreign occupation and advancing democratic reform. A Palestinian
Authority run by an elected leader who openly calls for peace with
Israel. An Egypt that has amended its constitution to hold multiparty
elections. A Kuwait where women are now full citizens. And, of course,
an Iraq that in the face of a horrific insurgency has held historic
elections, drafted and ratified a new national charter, and will go to
the polls again in coming days to elect a new constitutional
At this time last year, such unprecedented progress seemed impossible.
One day it will all seem to have been inevitable. This is the nature of
extraordinary times, which Acheson understood well and described
perfectly in his memoirs. "The significance of events," he wrote, "was
shrouded in ambiguity. We groped after interpretations of them,
sometimes reversed lines of action based on earlier views, and
hesitated long before grasping what now seems obvious." When Acheson
left office in 1953, he could not know the fate of the policies he
helped to create. He certainly could never have predicted that nearly
four decades later, war between Europe's major powers would be
unthinkable, or that America and the world would be harvesting the
fruits of his good decisions and managing the collapse of communism.
But because leaders such as Acheson steered American statecraft with
our principles when precedents for action were lacking, because they
dealt with their world as it was but never believed they were powerless
to change it for the better, the promise of democratic peace is now a
reality in all of Europe and in much of Asia.
When I walk past Acheson's portrait upon departing my office for the
last time, no one will be able to know the full scope of what our
statecraft has achieved. But I have an abiding confidence that we will
have laid a firm foundation of principle -- a foundation on which
future generations will realize our nation's vision of a fully free,
democratic and peaceful world.
The writer is secretary of state.
Posted Via Uncensored-News.Com - Accounts Starting At $6.95 - http://www.uncensored-news.com
<><><><><><><> The Worlds Uncensored News Source <><><><><><><><>
2006-01-03 07:02:01 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1

Those quoted by the article respond...

Vernon North
2006-01-03 17:13:53 UTC
In article <Jjpuf.41624$***@trnddc04>, ***@yahoo.com
Post by beernuts
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Hmmm, a wrinkle of diversity here? Joke: What do you call a smart
'white'? Jew! Honest answer though: people just love to do what they're
good at, no matter how middle class, no matter how geek. It's just
sooooo much easier to build on biological if not genetic momentum.
The New White Flight
In Silicon Valley, two high schools
with outstanding academic reputations
are losing white students
as Asian students move in. Why?
November 19, 2005; Page A1
Those quoted by the article respond...
So, richasiankid, what was I saying about the media . . . . ?

Ira Humperdink MD
2006-01-04 06:34:21 UTC
no true, russians and other arabs are pretty smart too. east indians
are classified as "white" by US census.
Ace Sinica
2006-01-04 15:12:27 UTC
Post by Ira Humperdink MD
no true, russians and other arabs are pretty smart too. east indians
are classified as "white" by US census.
I'd expect a Mac user to be more open to differences.
OK we get the picture. You're upset about the Asian-Americans and
picking topics to attack.

Care to explain more? So what if the Chinese-Americans or
Asian-Americans are restricted to certain career fields in the US?
What's it to you?

You have a handle, your postings, and your English composition doesn't
show your background. You jump in this NG recently and just start
blasting off.

Wait for the Intel Macs! Now that's something exciting to talk about.
Ace Sinica
2006-01-04 16:22:39 UTC
Post by Ace Sinica
You have a handle, your postings, and your English composition doesn't
show your background. You jump in this NG recently and just start
blasting off.
No, I take that back. Just read your previous postings, and you did say
you're white. All lowercase, double space after period, extremely
accurate grammar, very rare typo, and usage: I'm convinced.

If you care to see where I'm from just search on Google News group by my
handle. I've been posting here since 2004.

Welcome to the NG. You're probably new to this NG, and not somebody
who'd changed their handle. I see that you've been posting early in the
morning, a couple around noon, then in the evening, and some late at
night. My own habit is to never post while at work: company policies.

Sure, blast away and real Chinese cultural problems. That's one of the
purposes of this NG.

Certainly, Asian Americans are very rare in some professions: NFL, NBA,
fire dept., etc. Reasons are obvious.

Absolutely, bad habits like spitting, canine consumption, pot bellies,
apparent promiscuity in females, etc. I'd say you've been taken in by
stereotype. I'm sure you're also aware that said bad behaviors are
restricted to a minority of the huge Chinese population.

As for pot bellies, c'mon, America is the #1 obese nation. Promiscuous
Asian females? Have you been watching the "Asian" section of prOn sites
too much? That's is a misconception. Maybe among the foreign student
population, so far away from home, they'd be needing companionship. Have
you to tried to get laid w/ one on their own home front, w/o your US
citizenship? Try login on a chat site and claim you're a local or a
white w/o US citizenship. Let's see how many are willing to meet and give.

I'll throw in a couple of bad habits: squatting and bad teeth.
Ira Humperdink MD
2006-01-17 15:53:55 UTC
Wait for the Intel Macs! Now that's omething exciting to talk about.
somebody whos says what you just said immediately must be a techie
(probably a programmer or engineer) and also foreign born (probably
chinese). you are so obvious.
