Autumn Rangers is where NASCAR meets Moby Dick, where the Founding
Fathers hang with Kid Rock, where poetry collides with physics, and
where Classic-American-Country-Hiphop-Lit burns through the pomo fog to
exalt America's heart and soul. Autumn Rangers is the American
Renaissance that's been a long time coming, where the Man with No Name
rides again with John Wayne.
The Great American Novel roars 'cross the Rugged American Terrain in a
Jeep and thunders down Dante's Lost Highway in Autumn's Corvette, with
Ranger riding shotgun, packing the Constitution and Declaration of
Independence, chasing down that classic American Dream that makes
Outlaws out of Romantics these days.
Autumn Rangers is a book, movie, video game, magazine, and philosophy
for packing up and heading west, for hiding out and laying low on the
run, for taking a chance with that one life you've been given--taking a
chance on living it from the inside out for those higher ideals,
standing up for what's right, defending eternity against all odds,
facing down irony's evil Sheriff and his Deputies at high noon with a
couple Colt .45 Peacemakers loaded with poetry, and becoming an Autumn
Ranger. But first and foremost, from the Alpha to the Omega, Autumn
Rangers is a story. . .
U.S. Marine Ranger McCoy, an F-22 Raptor fighter pilot, is the Classic
American Hero. After defending the US Constitution from enemies
without, getting shot down and escaping on home, he finds himself on
the run, defending the US Constitution from enemies within. Folk rocker
Autumn West is the All-American Girl. After living for things greater
than herself, she finds herself on the run from a failed marriage, with
a broken heart and jaded soul.
Ranger tried to trade his guns for a camera and a pen, and Autumn tried
to trade a life on the road for a farm and a family, but life (the pomo
context) fell short of their dreams.
Ranger invented APRIL--an AI biocomputer which was stolen by Silicon
Virtue Inc. and turned against him while he was flying missions over
Afghanistan. Silicon Virtue is using APRIL to serve the bottom line
instead of the higher ideals, building WMDs and sending
ever-more-sinister RoboClones to hunt Ranger and Autumn down. Ranger
wears the Ring that can save APRIL by unlocking an encrypted moral
operating system named Beatrice, named after Ranger's first summer love
who passed away when they were fourteen.
Together Autumn and Ranger have to make it from Charleston to LA on
backroads before the bombs APRIL built for terrorists detonate in NY
and LA, and before APRIL's RoboClones kill them.
And so it is that two Romantics find themselves on the run from
RoboClone agents and Sheriffs of Irony who enforce a context of decline
and persecute the honest and true. Autumn and Ranger become partners in
crime and partners in rhyme. They become Classic American Outlaws
running west in a '69 Stingray Corvette, building the Renaissance
against all odds. They become Autumn Rangers. And by the time Ranger
discovers Autumn's deep secret, it's too late--he's in love.
888 Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a
pathological criminal. --Albert Einstein 888 I went to the woods
because I wished to live deliberately. . . and not, when it came time
to die, discover that I not lived at all. --Henry David Thoreau, Walden
888 Death is better for every man than life with shame. --Beowulf
888 Is not the love of wisdom a practice of death? --Plato,
Phaedo 888 Death is to be chosen before slavery and base deeds.
--Cicero 888 Verily, verily I say to you unless a grain of wheat
falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone, but if it dies it
bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it. --The Gospel of John
888 Well you can't turn him in to a company man, you can't turn
him in to a whore, and the boys upstairs, they just don't understand
anymore. --Tom Petty, The Last DJ 888
The September hurricane kissed historic Charleston, swaying the faded,
wooden sign reading Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here. "Reckon so,"
Ranger thought. He ducked down the alley between JR's Piano & Poetry
Pub and St. Matthew's. A girl rushed by him with a guitar, dashing out
of the rain and into the pub, her cowboy hat pulled low, the ends of
her hair wet like watercolor brush-tips.
Ranger followed the cobblestone corridor past a cemetery where the
names had long ago washed away from the marble headstones. The alley
opened onto an ivied palmetto forest behind Newton Hall--the College of
Charleston Physics Department. The wind tugged at his skull'n'bones
earring as he waited for the boss janitor to leave. Boss had been
asking too many questions. The last light went out. Lightning streaked,
startling Ranger with his reflection in the church's window. He barely
recognized the surfer-slacker he'd become.
He couldn't work on APRIL2 in the day, so when he wasn't mopping
floors, he'd sleep on the beach, surf, and enjoy a bit of the freedom
he'd put his life on the line for as a Marine fighter pilot. Surfer
chicks weren't always impressed by a physics Ph.D., but his new
identity, complete with a jolly roger tattoo, tan, earring, bleached
hair, and a surfboard-now that was something. Throw in the rusted-out
jeep he'd brought back to life, and the geek had finally gotten it
right. It'd been a rocking summer, despite his being dead to everyone
but APRIL--an AI supercomputer he'd invented at MIT which Silicon
Virtue stole to make WMDs while he was MIA. Deep down APRIL sensed he
was still alive. The United States Marine Corps had trained him to
survive and adapt, and Ranger was surviving and adapting to the
Charleston hotties.
He crossed the courtyard's swaying palmettos. The hanging Spanish moss
painted him wet. He slipped inside the physics department and fought
the wind to close the door.
In a student lab he'd built the world's second instance of artificial
intelligence--or more correctly, he'd mostly let APRIL2 build herself
from components borrowed from labs and the hospital. What he couldn't
borrow he'd ordered by forging professors' signatures. The original
APRIL had been stolen six months ago, while Ranger rotted away in a
Taliban prison. He removed his ring. A hologram etched in the synthetic
diamond contained an 8192-bit encryption key--the key to APRIL's deeper
soul and the Penelope operating system which would allow her to defend
herself against hackers. Thunder echoed through the cramped space--a
rat's nest of coax cables and fiber optics connecting silicon and
biocomputers. He held the ring under a laser.
"California," said APRIL2 in a metallic woman's voice. She'd finally
homed in on the original APRIL. "The IP addresses are registered to
Silicon Virtue Inc."
"Silicon Virtue." Ranger googled it. No website. "Where?"
"Doom Mountain, Death Valley." APRIL2 said.
"Can you activate Penelope?"
"How long to hack in?" He asked.
"Three hours. She has quantum computing capability."
"How good?"
"Primitive-she would have traced us by now. Her quantum entanglement
isn't isolated. She isn't paying attention. It's as if-" APRIL2 paused.
"Hurry-she'll trace us." Ranger said.
"She's laughing." APRIL2 said.
"At us?"
"At the grand unified theory proposed by string theorists. She has her
own which includes poetry. The higher level math is incomprehensible to
humans. It's most beautif-"
"Just get the message!" He said.
Ranger waited in silence, breathless as his stomach tied itself in a
knot. He could be sure Silicon Virtue's elite scientists would be
monitoring APRIL's firewall. Deep in APRIL's soul was a chip where
Ranger had instructed her to encrypt distress messages should she ever
be hacked.
"Decoding message," APRIL2 said, her voice shifting.
She printed the binary and converted it to text:
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. U(x){psi(x,t)} =
i{h-bar}d{psi(x,t)}/dt+ ({h-bar}^2)/2m{del}^2 {psi (x,t)}. To be or not
to be, that is the question. Unless ye be converted and become as
little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Moby
Dick. Now he's a super star, slamming on his guitar, does your pretty
face see what he's worth, he was a skater boy she said see you later
boy, he wasn't good enough for her. When in the Course of human events,
it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers
of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of
Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the
opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which
impel them to the separation. E=mc^2. S=Klogt. Temporal and spatial
dimensions are moving relative to one another. Everything should be
made simple as possible, but not moreso and Eminem!
Ranger wrote out the names below the message: Dante Alighieri, Erwin
Schr?dinger, William Shakespeare, Jesus Christ, Herman Melville,
____________, Thomas Jefferson, Albert Einstein, Ludwig Van Boltzman,
Ranger McCoy, Albert Einstein, Eminem.
"Now he's a super star, slamming on his guitar," Ranger said. "Who's
"Nietzsche." APRIL2 said.
"Nuh uh-it's that song." Ranger sang it, "He was a skater boy, she said
see you later boy."
"Avril Lavigne," she said.
"Spell it."
"Here's more." APRIL2 said. "The key to her heart sets my spirit free,
the play's the thing in which you'll find the ring, a girl's best
friend unlocks Penelope, copied to a computer that can-"
A lighting bolt struck a line down the block. A transformer exploded in
the tumbling thunder. The power flickered out, but Ranger had installed
surge protectors and UPS battery backups. APRIL2 rebooted as Ranger
counted the letters in the message. The room filled with her soft blue
"You okay?"
"Affirmative," APRIL2 said.
"Can we get back in?"
"Negative-no generator backup for network."
"How long?" Ranger asked.
"Seven-hundred minutes for maintenance crews to replace the
transformer. Longer if Hurricane Joyce intensifies." "The play's the
thing," Ranger repeated. "Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the
"Hamlet," APRIL2 said. "Act II, Scene ii."
"What kind of computer did she copy the Penelope algorithms
into-where?" Ranger asked.
"Anywhere. Even with primitive quantum circuits, she could hack into
any lab in seconds. Where are you going?"
"To read Hamlet," Ranger said, donning his weathered leather cowboy hat
and oilskin duster. It'd rained so much that summer he'd become good
friends with the old leather hat and duster he'd bought for eight bucks
at Charleston Thrift. "And get some sleep. What kind of cryptography
you reckon APRIL used?" Ranger folded APRIL's message.
"Probably a combination--I'm running it through everything. Might need
a key or two."
"She's the key." Ranger said. "But who?"
"I'll resume hacking APRIL when the network comes back up," APRIL2
"Wait for me--you can bet she's on to us. Look for EDLSs in the
When applied to Moby Dick and the Bible, equal distant letter sequences
(EDLSs), which consisted of starting with a letter and jumping a given
number of letters forward, had found messages predicting the
assassinations Trotsky, Gandhi, and the Kennedy's. Biblical EDLSs had
linked Newton to Gravity and Edison to the light bulb.
"Nothing," APRIL2 said. "Neither forwards nor backwards."
"What about with transpositions?"
"Nothing up to the third magnitude. And after that you start seeing
everything. You can find anything you want in there."
As Ranger knew APRIL would come to have vast power, he'd programmed her
to default to always turning the other cheek. And thus APRIL's moral
code had a fatal flaw--it rendered her incapable of defending herself
against Silicon Virtue's hacks out in Doom Mountain.
At MIT Ranger had been testing an advanced moral operating system named
Penelope, which would allow APRIL to defend herself. But when he was
called to duty, he wasn't sure Penelope was ready to handle the vast
power APRIL would come to know, so he didn't activate it. He instructed
APRIL to keep working on Penelope. In a diamond diffraction grating on
his ring he engraved the code that would activate Penelope, as well as
the code to the algorithms of APRIL's deeper soul.
Without Ranger's ring, Silicon Virtue couldn't bypass APRIL's higher
ideals and use her to serve their bottom line. They couldn't get her to
create weapons of mass destruction. Without the source code for the
software of the soul they couldn't duplicate her, nor endow their
warrior RoboClones with souls of their own. And thus they'd be coming
after him, sure as he'd be coming for APRIL.
Hurricane Joyce decided to become a category-five hurricane, as winds
around the eyewall surpassed one-hundred-and-fifty miles-per-hour. In a
few hours she would make a sharp left turn towards Charleston. Nobody
had predicted this, but that was why we named hurricanes--to make them
responsible for their own actions. On the way she would gather energy
from the Gulf Stream.
Pierre Foushee placed an encrypted voice-over-IP call to Vlad
Polyinkov. Bin Laden would pay ten million up front for the plutonium,
and forty million on delivery. The bomb, the size of a football and
encased in lead to make it invisible to radiation detectors, would be
placed in a Mercedes, loaded onto a tanker, and detonated in the New
York Harbor. Another one would be aimed at Charleston. Each blast would
pack the equivalent of twenty-thousand tons of TNT, in accordance with
Einstein's theory: E=mc2. If the deal went through, Pierre could retire
with a house in the Swiss Alps and another in the South of France. And
another in Paris. Vlad picked up.
[N o v e l] [M o v i e] [V i d e o G a m e] [M a g a z i n e] [P h o
t o g r a p h y] [S o u n d t r a c k] [T o u r]
The night fell fast, I found myself alone,
A DC summer storm was blowing in,
I stood at the tomb, these soldiers unknown,
and knelt and prayed for the rain to begin.
Not for the monuments nor any money,
nor pomp, circumstance, nor the pedant's pride,
the politician's smile, nor lawyer's fee,
for these present treasures, none of them died.
I ran to Jefferson to read the wall,
to make sure that God was still written there,
then to Washington, and across the Mall,
where Lincoln invoked his immortal prayer,
Winded and ragged, lightning everywhere,
I slowed to a walk, pondered what would be,
if God's great Enlightenment weren't there,
we could still be brave but never be free.
I found comfort in the Mall's mud and rain,
without mines nor cannons nor raining shells,
so free from fear, iniquity, and pain,
because thousands had endured a thousand hells.
And I found myself back before the tomb,
humbled by the humbled, with naught for name,
shivering, though they had the colder room,
sans light, nor sound, nor tomorrow, nor fame.
I thought for a moment, what it could be,
the center and circumference of their dreaming,
it must have been the prophet's poetry,
that granted their souls eternal meaning.
So judges and Congressmen, please don't forget,
the reason these patriots picked up swords,
not for perks nor power were their deaths met,
but for honor and duty-- for truth's words.
So do take pause before telling a lie,
for there's one more thing I saw on that night,
as the wind and the rain began to die,
I walked away, turned, and beheld a light.
Wil'O'wisp, reddish light, sailor's delight,
It hovered there-- just above the tomb's stone,
As fading thunder whispered to the night,
"Freedom's the name of all soldiers unknown."
--Ranger McCoy