James Redford
2005-07-13 18:53:24 UTC
WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story'
Sky High; Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower
Collapsed From Controlled Demolition
WTC janitor pulls burn victim to safety after basement explosion rocks
north tower seconds before jetliner hit top floors. Also, two other
men trapped and drowning in a basement elevator shaft, were also
pulled to safety from underground explosion.
June 24, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
What happened to William Rodriguez the morning of 9/11 is a miracle.
What happened to his story after-the-fact is a tragedy.
But with miracles and tragedies comes truth. And truth is exactly what
Rodriguez brings to the whole mystery surrounding 9/11.
Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the
janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock
the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the
jetliner struck the top floors.
He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first
sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were
cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of
Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions.
All these events occurred only seconds before and during the jetliner
strike above. And through it all, he now asks a simple question
everybody should be asking. How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above
and burn a man's arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within
seconds of impact?
Rodriguez claims this was impossible and clearly demonstrates a
controlled demolition brought down the WTC, saying "Let's see them
[the government] try to wiggle out of this one."
Well, they haven't wiggled out of it because the government continues
to act like Rodriguez doesn't exist, basically ignoring his statements
and the fact he rescued a man burnt and bleeding from the basement
His eye witness account, ignored by the media and the government,
points the finger squarely on an official cover-up at the highest
levels since the government contends the WTC fell only from burning
jet fuel. And after listening to Rodriguez, it's easy to see why the
Bush administration wants him kept quiet.
Bush wants him quiet because Rodriguez's account is 'proof positive'
the WTC was brought down by a controlled demolition, not burning jet
fuel. And Bush knows if he's caught lying about this or caught in a
cover-up, it's just a matter of time before the whole house of cards
comes tumbling down.
In fact, Rodriguez's story is so damaging--so damning--it literally
blows the lid off the government story, literally exposing the whole
9/11 investigation as a sham and a cover-up of the worst kind.
And it appears the cover-up also extends to the media.
NBC news knew about his story several years ago, even spending a full
day at his house taping his comments. But when push came to shove, his
story was never aired. Why?
His eyewitness account, backed up by at least 14 people at the scene
with him, isn't speculation or conjecture. It isn't a story that takes
a network out on a journalistic limb. It's a story that can be backed
up, a story that can be verified with hospital records and testimony
from many others.
It's a story about 14 people who felt and heard the same explosion and
even saw Rodriguez, moments after the airplane hit, take David to
safety, after he was burnt so bad from the basement explosion flesh
was hanging from his face and both arms.
So why didn't NBC or any other major news outlets cover the story?
They didn't run it because it shot the government story to hell and
back. They didn't run it because "the powers that be" wouldn't allow
Since 9/11, Rodriguez has stuck to his guns, never wavering from what
he said from day one. Left homeless at times, warned to keep quiet and
subtly harassed, he nevertheless has continued trying to get his
message out in the face of a country not willing to listen.
Here is his story:
The Miracle
It's a miracle Rodriguez, 44, who worked at the WTC for 20 years, is
even alive. Usually arriving to work at 8:00am, the morning of 9/11 he
reported 30 minutes late. If he'd arrived on time, it would have put
him at the top floors just about the same time the jetliner hit the
north tower.
"It was a miracle. If I arrived on time, like always, I'd probably be
dead. I would have been up at the top floors like every morning," said
Rodriguez about the quirk of fate that saved his life.
But since he was late, Rodriguez found himself checking into work in
an office on sub-level 1 when the north tower was hit, seemingly out
of harms way. However, the sound and concussion of a massive explosion
in the sub-levels right below his feet changed that.
"When I heard the sound of the explosion, the floor beneath my feet
vibrated, the walls started cracking and it everything started
shaking," said Rodriguez, who was huddled together with at least 14
other people in the office.
Rodriguez said Anthony Saltamachia, supervisor for the American
Maintenance Co., was one of the people in the room who stands ready to
verify his story.
"Seconds after the first massive explosion below in the basement still
rattled the floor, I hear another explosion from way above," said
Rodriguez. "Although I was unaware at the time, this was the airplane
hitting the tower, it occurred moments after the first explosion."
But before Rodriguez had time to think, co-worker Felipe David stormed
into the basement office with severe burns on his face and arms,
screaming for help and yelling "explosion! explosion! explosion!"
David had been in front of a nearby freight elevator on sub-level 1
about 400 feet from the office when fire burst out of the elevator
shaft, causing his injuries.
"He was burned terribly," said Rodriguez. "The skin was hanging off
his hands and arms. His injuries couldn't have come from the airplane
above, but only from a massive explosion below. I don't care what the
government says, what scientists say. I saw a man burned terribly from
a fire that was caused from an explosion below.
"I know there were explosives placed below the trade center. I helped
a man to safety who is living proof, living proof the government story
is a lie and a cover-up.
"I have tried to tell my story to everybody, but nobody wants to
listen. It is very strange what is going on here in supposedly the
most democratic country in the world. In my home country of Puerto
Rico and all the other Latin American countries, I have been allowed
to tell my story uncensored. But here, I can't even say a word."
After Rodriguez escorted David to safety outside the WTC, he returned
to lead the others in the basement to safety as well. While there, he
also helped two other men trapped and drowning in the basement
elevator shaft, another result he says of the explosives placed below
the tower.
In fact, after leading these men to safety, he even made another trip
back into the north tower, against police orders, in order to rescue
people from the top floors.
"I never could make it to the top, but I got up to the 33rd floor
after getting some of my equipment and a face mask out of the
janitor's closet," said Rodriguez, adding he heard a series of small
explosions going off between the 20th and 30th floors, unrelated to
the airplane strike, while making his way through the stairwell to the
top floors.
"Also, when I was on the 33rd floor, I heard strange sounds coming
form the 34th floor, loud noises like someone moving and thumping
heavy equipment and furniture. I knew this floor was empty and
stripped due to construction work so I avoided it and continued to
make my way up the stairs."
Rodriguez said he finally reached the 39th floor before being turned
back by fire fighters and then, reluctantly, started his descent back
down and his own flight to safety while, at the same time, hearing
explosions coming from the South Tower.
The Tragedy
The concerted effort by the media and the government to silence
Rodriguez is the tragedy behind this American hero's story. And there
is no question, Rodriguez is a "silent hero" for saving so many lives
and for having the courage to continue telling his story against
tremendous odds.
In an effort to open a fair and honest investigation as to why the WTC
collapsed, Rodriguez has been ignored by government officials, the
9/11 Commission and the National Institute of Safety and Technology
NIST, an independent investigative group funded by the government, put
the finishing touches this week on its 2 year $35 million 9/11
investigation. This week Rodriguez made his final plea to have his
story heard while testifying at the final public hearing held in New
"I disagree 100%with the government story," said Rodriguez. "I met
with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially
discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring
down the north tower.
"And I contacted NIST previously four times without a response.
Finally, this week I asked them before they came up with their
conclusion that jet fuel brought down the towers, if they ever
considered my statements or the statements of any of the other
survivors who heard the explosions. They just stared at me with blank
faces and didn't have any answers.
"Also, the FBI never followed up on my claims or on the other part of
my story when I told them before 9/11, I encountered one of the
hijackers casing the north tower."
Besides the explosions, Rodriguez also has provided testimony to the
9/11 Commission that he stumbled across one of the supposed 19 Arab
hijackers inside the WTC several months before 9/11.
"I had just finished cleaning the bathroom and this guy asks me,
'Excuse me, how many public bathrooms are in this area?'" Rodriguez
told the 9/11 Commission. "Coming from the school of the 1993 [Trade
Center] bombing, I found it very strange. I didn't forget about it."
Rodriguez claims he saw United Airlines Flight 175 hijacker Mohand
Alshehri in June 2001, telling an FBI agent about the incident a month
after the attacks. Never hearing back from the bureau, he later
learned agents never followed up on the story.
"I'm very certain, I'll give it 90%" that Alshehri was casing the
towers before the attacks, said Rodriguez.
Regarding the media's apathetic approach to his story, Rodriguez said
immediately after 9/11 some newspapers picked it up but his words were
never taken seriously and quickly forgotten.
"During the 9/11 hearings, NBC brought a crew out to my house and
spent a day taping my story but they never did air a word of it," said
Rodriguez. "Since then, some reporters and commentators have subtly
warned me to keep quiet, told me my life could be in jeopardy and
warned me that I really didn't understand who I was dealing with.
"I have been receiving this type of subtle harassment for years, but I
keep telling everybody I can't be intimidated because I am on a
mission. Whenever someone asks why I keep talking or warns me that I
could be killed, I just tell them I have nothing to lose.
"I tell them I lost 200 friends and I am their voice now. I tell them
I will do everything in my power to find out the truth since I am
living on borrowed time since I probably should be dead anyway."
Besides trying to tell his explosive story, Rodriguez has been active
raising money for 9/11 victims, being involved with charity groups
that have raised more than $122 million. He says he has used over
$60,000 of his own money, originally earmarked to buy a new house, in
order to get at the truth behind 9/11.
Also seeking justice at the highest level, Rodriguez is the lead
plaintiff in a federal RICO lawsuit filed against President Bush and
others, alleging conspiracy to commit murder and other crimes in the
deaths of more than 3,000 at the WTC.
The case, filed last November in a Philadelphia federal district
court, recently was moved to New York in a change of venue after a
government's motion to dismiss was overruled, allowing legal discovery
to continue.
"Even if the case goes no farther, I feel we have scored a victory by
winning this first battle," said Rodriguez. "At least the judge seems
willing to listen which is a victory of sorts. However, I sincerely
hope we can eventually take the case all the way to trial and reveal
the truth to the American people about 9/11."
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where kind
donations are also accepted to keep the truth flowing in the wake of
media apathy.
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
Media Big Shots at NBC and New York Times 'Hush Hush And Evasive'
About Why WTC Janitor Story Never Appeared, A Story That Blows The
Official 9/11 Account Sky High
Although 14 eye witnesses verify WTC janitor's story about a massive
basement explosion just seconds before the airline strike of the north
tower, major media reps. refuse to discuss why the story never ran or
claim the story provided nothing new, wasn't important or wasn't the
focus of their attention.
July 8, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
The media big shots, like a gang of school yard bullies taping shut a
little guy's mouth, have placed a big, black curtain around the 9/11
story of WTC janitor William Rodriguez, silencing him as if he screwed
up their fictitious plot in a television script already written.
Rodriguez has desperately tried to tell his story, but claims the
"bullies with money and power" have kept him quiet, the reporters
perpetuating a government fraud and the media bosses, acting like Tony
Soprano, sending orders to keep his mouth shut or else!
Although it's impossible for a working man like Rodriguez to pierce
the corporate veil and finger the top dogs, evasive comments by the
underlings from places like NBC and The New York Times when questioned
about the Rodriguez blackout, indicate somebody's hiding something
since all lips are zippered tight like a bunch of street thugs
protecting the "family name."
Across the board from all the major networks to all the so-called top
notch daily newspapers in the country, the ghost of janitor William
Rodriguez is now back alive, well and in the flesh four years later,
reminding all the big shots everywhere it doesn't pay to tell a lie,
especially with a man on a mission like Rodriguez.
Although the strange media blackout has left Rodriguez shaking his
head in disappointment and wondering why he has more freedom of speech
abroad than at home, he vows now, more than ever before, never to stop
talking until every last American has heard his story, listening to
the cold, hard facts how the north tower of the WTC came down from an
underground explosion not just burning jet fuel as the government
Admittedly perplexed by being written out of the tragic script by the
9/11 Commission and what he calls the media fiction writers even
though he is one of the main characters, Rodriguez now thinks the
American people are ready to listen since distrust for big media and
big government has reached epic proportions, even creeping into the
hinterland and heartland of America where the elite count on a passive
But most importantly, Rodriguez hopes his story will finally be told,
every last single morsel of truth, in memory of the 3,000 killed and
the 200 friends he lost at Ground Zero, adding they "deserve nothing
less than full truth."
A Nightmare for Government Officials
Rodriguez's story, verified by at least 14 eye witnesses and a burn
victim, has become a veritable nightmare for officials clinging to the
official story, probably deciding the only way to handle him is to
make the 'boogey man in the bad dream' go away.
And that's exactly how Rodriguez has been treated by the so-called big
shots in high places, being treated like the "bad guy riding the black
horse" instead of being heralded as the 'white knight' for saving
hundreds of lives on 9/11 and sticking to the truth.
In faith walks a man on a mission, but the government's problem with
Rodriguez doesn't lie in his moral convictions but rather in
corroborated eye-witness evidence which, in this case, is much
stronger than any scientific proof offered to support the government's
burning jet fuel theory.
So, instead of openly dealing with Rodriguez he is conveniently hidden
from the official 9/11 Commission record, even after testifying behind
closed doors. He also has conveniently been hidden by the mainstream
media, Rodriguez saying in countless interviews, his words have either
been deleted, manipulated or made to fit the official government
And the reason why Rodriguez is a walking time bomb, waiting to
explode the government story, is that his story makes complete sense,
something the government story has been lacking from day one.
"I've never believed the government story that two planes brought down
the towers. I know the truth because I experienced what happened that
day. By all rights, I should be dead, but luckily I am alive to tell
the truth if only someone would listen. I am here to tell the truth
for all those who died and especially for my 200 friends who I feel a
special obligation." said Rodriguez in a telephone conversation from
his New Jersey apartment.
"The American people aren't stupid. They have just been deprived of
the vital information. If they listen to me, the truth will set them
And for critics who doubt his honesty and sincerity, Rodriguez says
may he be struck by a lightening bolt if he isn't "telling the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
Rodriguez and 14 Other Witnesses Can't Be Wrong
In a nutshell, on the morning of 9/11 Rodriguez, 44, was huddled
together with 14 other people in a sub level 1 basement office,
preparing for a day's work like he did every day for 20 years at the
WTC. Without warning, suddenly the frightened group felt a tremendous
explosion emanating from somewhere below them in one of the five
remaining WTC sub levels.
Not only did the group hear the explosion, all 14 felt the floor
tremble and saw the walls crack just seconds before the group heard
another distant explosion coming from high above. Although unaware of
the cause, Rodriguez later learned the second explosion, occurring
seconds after the first basement blast, turned out to be the jetliner
Further evidence of a tremendous basement blast came moments later
when a man by the name of Felipe David, burnt on his face, arms and
hands, entered the office yelling "explosion, explosion, explosion!"
David had been standing at a nearby sub level 1 freight elevator shaft
when he was severely burned from fire coming up the shaft from the
basement explosion.
As Rodriguez pulled David to safety outside the WTC, there is
absolutely 100 per cent agreement and not one contradiction among the
14 people with Rodriguez, as to exactly what happened in those early
minutes before and after the jetliner strike on the morning of 9/11.
"Now, what really upsets me is that my story never appeared in the
9/11 Commission report after I told it to them behind closed doors,"
said Rodriguez about his 2004 meeting with commission members. "They
never followed up with verifying my testimony and basically when the
report came out, there was no mention of my statements and the other
evidence of a basement explosion when they decided only the airliner
brought down the towers.
"This is totally unacceptable and shows they are trying to cover up
something. How could anybody not believe there was a massive explosion
below ground level after talking with me and the other 14 people who
witnessed the very same thing. It refutes the government story point
blank and that's why they wanted me behind closed doors and why they
never mentioned my name or my story in their final report.
"I am asking the American people right now to demand another open and
fair investigation not for my sake, but for the memory of all those
good, innocent people who died. We can't allow the real perpetrators
of this crime to get away and I believe my testimony, if allowed to be
heard, will help bring the guilty parties to justice once and for
After Rodriguez's story first appeared two weeks ago in The Arctic
Beacon web site at www.arcticbeacon.com and The American Free Press,
two alternative news outlets, he has been deluged with interviews and
appearances by other alternative media sources, but again
categorically ignored by the mainstream press.
Summing up his feeling about the media blackout, Rodriguez this week
in a letter written to Bypass Media, another alternative source, while
trying to get an interview, wrote:
"Since I was pulled from the rubble after saving hundreds of lives, I
had the only master key available on that day (see documentary about
my experience at www.cinemar.com ), I realized that my original story
was changed constantly by the national networks. It was edited,
manipulated, completely deleted, etc. Never once have I had my
complete story told by a major news outlet in this country.
"I also testified behind closed doors to the 9/11 Commission and my
testimony does not shows up on the final report, mainly because I went
against the official story. I was there, I was made a 'National Hero'
here and in Puerto Rico. I have sued the President in an ongoing
federal lawsuit after realizing a major manipulation of the facts that
I experienced (see www.911forthetruth.com ). I have become, besides
the spokesperson for the families of 9/11, an activist in search for
the truth. My story has to be told."
Big Shots Respond To Media Blackout
When Doug Pasternak, head of NBC's investigative unit, was asked this
week in a telephone conversation why not one single second of
Rodriguez's story aired on the network after hours of footage was shot
at Rodriguez's house in June 2004 after the 9/11 Commission hearings,
he said:
"It simply didn't add anything new. The part about the basement
explosion wasn't the focus of our story. We were concerned about his
statements of a hijacker he supposedly encountered several months
prior to 9/11 in the World Trade Center. Again, it wasn't the focus of
our story and, like I said, his story didn't add anything new."
Asked why he didn't question the 9/11 Commission's overt error of
leaving Rodriguez's statements out of the final report, Pasternak
deferred all further questions to Barbara Levin, communications
director for the network.
In an email response, dated June 29, Levin said:
"Wanted to let you know that NBC News does not comment on our
Besides NBC's reluctance to air Rodriguez's story, he was pinning his
hopes of airing the truth in a recent NBC 9/11 mini series project
headed by screen writer Graham Yost and Hollywood producer/director
Ron Howard.
Although Rodriguez had spent a considerable amount of time
interviewing and escorting Yost throughout New York in an attempt to
interview survivors, he was recently notified by Yost that NBC had
pulled the plug on the project.
In an email sent to Rodriguez by Yost only weeks ago, he wrote in a
disappointed manner:
"To refresh your memory, my name is Graham Yost. I was the
writer/producer working on NBC's miniseries about 9/11. As you may
have heard, NBC has decided not to proceed with the miniseries. It was
primarily a financial decision. Dramatizing a story of this magnitude,
scope and importance is an expensive proposition. If we were to do
something like this at all, we knew we had to do it right. NBC,
Imagine (Ron Howard and Brian Grazer) and I decided it would be better
not to do it, than to do it in any but the best possible manner.
"The other writers and I had finished scripts for the first four
hours, chronicling the events leading up to the attacks. I was
half-way through writing a three hour section of the miniseries
depicting the day of the attacks when it became clear that the project
was not going to proceed.
"I am very proud of what we wrote and I was, of course, very
frustrated and disappointed that we were not going forward. But, as
upset as I was, it was one of the other writers (Chris Brancato) who
gave me the best perspective. 'Look at it this way,' he said, 'for
eight months it was your job to learn as much as you could about the
most significant event of our time.' For that I am truly grateful.
"Going into this, Ron Howard said that doing a miniseries about 9/11
could well be the most important project of our lives. He was right.
The fact that it wasn't produced doesn't change that.
"P.S. As far as I know, ABC is still working on their 9/11 miniseries.
I wish them all the good fortune in the world. I know the writer,
director and producers on their project take it every bit as seriously
as we did."
Although Yost thinks ABC is taking the project seriously, Rodriguez
thinks otherwise.
"I have made numerous attempts to get involved with the ABC project,
but they don't want to have anything to do with me. They won't return
my calls and I just wonder what kind of documentary they are doing?"
Rodriguez said not only has he been ignored by NBC and ABC, The New
York Times has also shut its doors on the Rodriguez name and story.
Times reporter Kevin Flynn and Jim Dwyer, who interviewed Rodriguez
numerous times before publishing their best seller called "102
Minutes: The Untold Story in the Fight to Survive in the Twin Towers,"
ended up publishing the book without using Rodriguez's name or fully
recounting his story.
After the book hit the stands, becoming extremely discouraged t and
disillusioned with the hypocrisy and lying in American journalism,
Rodriguez said this about Flynn and Dwyer's bestseller:
"If I was the last survivor out of the north tower, rescued hundreds
of people, almost killed three times and declared a national hero, how
could they leave my story out of the book? They mentioned nothing
about the basement explosion, the other 14 people or Felipe David who
was burned with skin hanging from his arms from the basement blast.
"I even brought a man down in a wheel chair from the 27th floor to the
lobby, although unfortunately he died there, but when the account of
his story came out, they didn't even mention it was me after I
specifically told them.
"Best seller! Right? Who are they trying to kid?"
Regarding the deletion of the Rodriguez story, Flynn in a telephone
conversation this week from his office at The Times, said:
"I don't think I should comment about any of this to a third party. If
Rodriguez wants to talk to me about it, have him call."
When Rodriguez was told about Flynn's invitation, he declined the
offer, saying he had no need to talk with someone obviously
perpetuating a fraud to the American people about a story of such
social and political importance.
And to make matters worse, regarding at least four stories by Times
reporters that Rodriguez said were either manipulated or changed,
Flynn referred all questions by email to media communications director
Katherine Mathis, who at the time of this writing did not respond to a
request for answers.
Not to be left out of the Rodriguez blackout, Susan Chun of CNN on
June 15, 2004, sent an email to Rodriguez, requesting an interview
after he testified before the 9/11 Commission. After making
arrangements for the taped session, Rodriguez said it was unexpectedly
cancelled at the last minute without an explanation.
Regarding the cancelled interview, Chun failed to respond to several
email requests and several phone messages asking for answers.
However, Francios Tonju of CNN's Latin broadcasting division in Miami,
said some of Rodriguez's statements aired in Puerto Rico in Spanish,
but added his story never appeared stateside in English.
And in the midst of the blackout continuing to date and remaining
frustrated about an untold story, Rodriguez said he remains patient
nonetheless and is still available for major network news and
television coverage despite the media's unwillingness to listen.
"Throughout the years, I have been wined and dined at the White House
and attended many official functions in an attempt to get me on their
side so I would shut up. But I have never succumbed to the subtle
intimidation over the years, even by reporters who have taken me aside
and said it is better that I keep quiet because I didn't realize who I
was dealing with.
"After they would take me aside, saying all those nasty things, I
would always just look every one of them square in the eye, saying I
would never waiver for one second from the truth in respect for my 200
friends who died. I am a man on a mission and I will never stop until
the truth is finally uncovered."
Rodriguez, the lead plaintiff in a federal RICO lawsuit filed against
Bush and others, is also on his way to Amsterdam, where he is going to
publish a book of his heroic 9/11 story, complete with the basement
explosion segment as well as other aspects of his story censored by
the mainstream media. The book is to be published in English and Dutch
and a publication date has yet to be finalized.
After pausing a moment about the difference between foreign and
domestic accounts of his story, Rodriguez said even though CNN's Larry
King has already been scooped by a number of third world country talk
show hosts, he still is available on a moment's notice for a guest
appearance, as long as he can tell his story in the unedited version,
which would be a first for a major American news network.
For more important stories, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where donations
are accepted in the wake of a media blackout. If you have any
questions for Rodriguez on this story, contact him through
***@aol.com .
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
Second WTC Janitor Comes Forward With Eye-Witness Testimony Of
'Bomb-Like' Explosion in North Tower Basement
Jose Sanchez, while working in a sub-level 4 workshop of the north
tower on 9/11, heard a bomb-like explosion, had his hair burned and
rescued a co-worker who had his leg and knee broken from the basement
blast taking place at the same time the jetliner struck the top
July 12, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
A second WTC maintenance worker has now come forward with eye-witness
testimony that a massive explosion erupted in the lower levels of the
north tower at approximately the same time the jetliner struck the
tower's top floors.
Jose Sanchez, 45, of New Jersey in a never-released tape recorded
statement made in early 2002 to William Rodriguez, the first WTC
maintenance man to claim a bomb exploded in the north tower basement,
said he heard what sounded like a "huge bomb," causing lights to
flicker on and off, while he worked in a small sub-level 4 workshop.
Sanchez, who worked for American Building Maintenance Co. at the WTC
for 14 years, was unavailable for comment, but made the taped 2002
statement to Rodriguez, recounting his 9/11 personal experience.
Sanchez, who fell on hard times after 9/11, revealed the details of a
basement bomb-like explosion while Rodriguez and two CNN interns,
Carolina Inojosa and Evita Zerebrinsky, interviewed victims and
documented information for the many unfortunate people having trouble
getting needed government assistance after 9/11.
Besides questioning the credibility of the official story that burning
jet fuel was the only factor in bringing down the towers, Rodriguez
formed an assistance organization called the Hispanic Victims Group
instrumental in helping hundreds of people get help after 9/11 left
many victims unemployed and homeless.
"I knew Jose very well since we worked for the same company," said
Rodriguez in a telephone conversation from his New Jersey apartment.
"At the time, I taped his statements, I was more concerned about
getting people needed assistance and, anyway, back then I really
thought the government was seriously investigating the WTC attacks.
"But since then I have learned otherwise. I realize now they are
covering-up the real truth and that's why I want to release Jose's
statement. What really upsets me and, you can take this message to the
White House, is that people like Jose and many others like him who
experienced what happened in the basement of the north tower were
simply ignored and never interviewed by the 9/11 Commission.
"If they really wanted to get at the truth, these are the very people
who should have been interviewed, not public officials who knew very
little about what occurred inside the buildings that tragic morning.
"However, instead we all have been ignored in order to cover up the
truth. The victims, those who died and the families who lost loved
ones deserve nothing less than the truth and I intend to keep talking
until the truth is finally told."
Sanchez's explosive comments, shooting another large hole in the
government story, now adds even more credibility to Rodriguez's recent
statements that he heard a massive explosion in the WTC basement just
seconds prior to the jetliner striking above while working in a
sub-level 1 office alongside 14 others, all who heard and felt the
very same thing as Rodriguez.
Since the outset, the government has stood firm that only burning jet
fuel brought down the towers, but has ignored mounting eye-witness
testimony and scientific data showing that a controlled demolition was
an additional cause.
The government also has not fully explained why it immediately
tampered with a crime scene, a criminal offense, by having all the
hard evidence from the WTC removed and shipped overseas before
independent investigators had a chance to study the structural
components of the towers in order to help determine the real cause of
the tower's collapse.
While arguments continue in the scientific community about the
structural cause of the WTC collapse, Sanchez's eye-witness testimony
adds more credibility that explosives were placed and detonated in the
lower level of the north tower.
In the 2002 taped statement, Sanchez recalls, at the same time
Rodriguez and the others heard the explosion, being in a small
sub-level 4 workshop with another man who he only knew by the name of
Chino when, out of nowhere, the blast sounded as the two men were
cutting a piece of metal.
"It sounded like a bomb and the lights went on and off," said Sanchez
in the tape recording. "We started to walk to the exit and a huge ball
of fire went through the freight elevator. The hot air from the ball
of fire dropped Chino to the floor and my hair got burned," said
Sanchez in the tape recording. "The room then got full of smoke and I
remember saying out loud 'I believe it was a bomb that blew up inside
the building.'
"I said 'Chino, let's go we gotta get out of here.' But Chino was
wounded and told me he needed help. I remember him saying that the hot
air came with such force that it broke his leg. We finally went out
through another exit and his leg and knee were both broken."
Sanchez, all the time helping Chino, then recalls exiting into a
parking lot on sub-level 4 where he encountered a group of other
people also trying to flee. In the parking lot, a person assisted the
pair, wrapping Chino's leg with a bandage from a first aid kit.
Chino was then driven in an SUV to safety while Sanchez decided to
walk up four flights of stairs through the stairwell, trying to exit
at the plaza level but being turned back by debris and falling glass.
"I went back down the stairwell to B-4 and encountered several people
coming up. I told them to turn back around and then went across the
parking lot up another stairwell, making a left and then finally
getting outside," said Sanchez. "It took about 15 or 20 minutes to get
outside and for me it was like a bomb with huge smoke all around. Then
when I got outside, the other plane hit the south tower. It looked and
felt like a war as I hid behind a wall to get out of the way of
falling debris."
Saying that he felt disoriented and "didn't know what was happening,"
Sanchez eventually made his way to safety, arriving at his New Jersey
home at about 3:30pm after fleeing down 34th St. and making his way to
the ferry boat.
Asked how he felt in the aftermath of the attacks, he said:
"I felt a sense of loss and despair. I worked there 14 years and I
worked through the whole complex, installing signs. I worked on all
floors and that day I just happened to be in the basement.
"I think I was lucky to get out of the basement because I was near the
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where
donations are accepted in the wake of media apathy.
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
Two More WTC Workers Come Forward, One Seriously Burned And The Other
Hurt While Trapped In Basement Elevator, Both Claiming Massive
Explosion Took Place In Lower Levels Of North Tower On 9/11
The two men's eye-witness testimony, never before released in America,
aired as part of a Spanish 2002 television 9/11 documentary in
Colombia; Total of four eye-witnesses have now surfaced, all claiming
a bomb exploded in the basement of the north tower just prior to
airplane strike 90 floors above. Although testimony is in the public
eye, it has been completely ignored by 9/11 Commission and mainstream
media.in what looks like a government cover-up aided by a media
July 13, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that
a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at
about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.
The pair not only reported hearing an underground blast, but were both
injured, one suffering severe burns to the face, arms and hands and
the other cuts and bruises after being trapped in a stalled basement
Burn victim, Felipe David, employed by Aramark Co. and Salvatore
Giambanco, a WTC office painter trapped in a basement elevator, were
both unavailable for comment, but made their explosive
testimony--never before released in America--to a Colombian television
station in 2002 on the first anniversary of 9/11.
Their comments eventually aired in Colombia in Spanish on the Red
Continental De Noticias (RNC) as a part of an in-depth 9/11
documentary after the foreign station spent a month in New York in
2002 shooting the project.
A copy of the original interview tapes with RCN reporter Claudia
Gurisatti questioning the WTC workers was made available this week by
WTC maintenance worker William Rodriguez, the first eye-witness to go
public about the north tower basement explosions.
Recently, Rodriguez, declared a national hero for helping save
numerous lives on the morning of 9/11, including David and Giambanco,
said he heard a massive basement explosion seconds before the jetliner
struck the top floors when he, along with 14 other co-workers, were
huddled in a sub-level 1 office.
Besides the trio, the taped statements of Jose Sanchez, another WTC
maintenance worker, recently came forward, saying he heard an
underground explosion at the same time the others reported it while
working in a small sub-level 4 workshop.
"What really upsets me is that we have all these people coming forward
with credible testimony about explosions and we have been completely
ignored by the 9/11 Commission and the major media," said Rodriguez in
a telephone conversation from his New Jersey apartment about what he
calls an obvious media and government blackout on any information
contrary to the official story that only jet fuel brought down the
towers, a theory adopted by the 9/11 Commission.
"They concluded jet fuel brought down the towers without even
considering the testimony of people like David, Giambanco and Sanchez.
Why would they do that unless they are covering up something?
"And, concerning the American press, they have locked their doors on
all of us, never allowing our stories to surface or even trying to
investigate why the 9/11 Commission didn't bother to include our
statements in the final report. Here we have a Colombian station in
2002 doing their work and three years later our story only has
appeared in South America in Spanish. What does that tell you?"
In the 2002 Colombian television taped interviews where Rodriguez also
adds his 9/11 account, both David and Giambanco, located in different
basement locations, tell gut-wrenching and heart breaking stories of
survival from what they both thought to be from a massive underground
explosion, not an airplane strike 90 floors above.
David's Story
Standing in front of a freight elevator on sub level 1 near the office
where Rodriguez and 14 others were huddled together when the explosion
erupted below, David said in the taped interview:
"That day I was in the basement in sub-level 1 sometime after 8:30am.
Everything happened so fast, everything moved so fast. The building
started shaking after I heard the explosion below, dust was flying
everywhere and all of a sudden it got real hot.
"I threw myself onto the floor, covered my face because I felt like I
was burned. I sat there for a couple of seconds on the floor and felt
like I was going to die, saying to myself 'God, please give me
Although severely burned on his face, arms and hands with skin hanging
from his body like pieces of cloth, David picked himself up, running
for help to the office were Rodriguez and others were gathered.
"When I went in, I told them it was an explosion," said David, who was
then helped out of the WTC by Rodriguez and eventually taken by
ambulance to New York Hospital. "When people looked at me with my skin
hanging, they started crying but I heard others say 'OK, good, good,
you made it alive.'"
Giambanco's Story
At the same time David, Rodriguez and the others heard the basement
explosion, Giambanco was in a completely different location on the
opposite side of sub level 1 by another elevator.
In the taped interview, Giambanco told Gurisatti, the Colombian
"We heard the explosion and the smoke all of a sudden came from all
over. There was an incredible force of wind that also swept everything
away. I remember hearing a scream of a woman, but I couldn't see her.
I had just gotten off the elevator and I was standing by it with
another man but didn't know his name.
"The doors of the elevator were still open and, I don't know why we
did, but we both jumped back in maybe because of the wind whipping
everything around in the hallway. Then, suddenly, the elevator doors
closed in front of us and we started going down. It all of a sudden
stopped and I could see through the cracks we were between B-2 and
B-3. We were both screaming and afraid. I remember seeing through the
slot of the elevator and seeing other people running and screaming.
"Then water started gushing in the elevator and I remember saying,
'God, please help us.' At that point, I was resigned to the fact I was
going to die."
But like a miracle, Giambanco's plea to God was answered as all of a
sudden he heard someone yelling from above, "How many people are down
The miracle above turned out to be Rodriguez who had returned into the
WTC after helping David to safety in order to help others after
disobeying police orders to remain outside.
"I remember rushing past police, telling them to go to hell as I was
going back to help my friends no matter what," recalls Rodriguez about
his basement search for survivors before eventually only making his
way to the 39th floor before being turned back in a desperate attempt
to reach the top floors.
In the basement, Rodriguez managed to find a construction ladder,
miraculously lowering it into the elevator after courageously
entering the darkened shaft and opening the top hatch on the elevator
where Giambanco and the other unidentified man now were standing
thigh-deep in water from the broken or activated sprinkler system
spewing water into the elevator shaft.
"I don't know he did it, but I felt him just pick me up and pull me
out," said Giambanco about Rodriguez's rescue efforts. "I didn't know
who he was then, but I do now and he definitely saved my life. If it
wasn't for William Rodriguez, I wouldn't be here today. For me,
William is like my brother. He single handedly saved my life."
After Rodriguez brought him to safety, Giambanco remembers being taken
to an ambulance and rushed to a hospital where in his hospital room,
he received news reports that both towers collapsed.
"I threw myself on the hospital floor in tears and I finally had to
get an injection to calm me down," said Giambanco. "For a long time
after, every time I would try to go to sleep I would get nightmares
about being trapped in the elevator."
Reflecting back on his 9/11 near death experience, he added:
"I remember riding in the ambulance that morning and looking back,
thinking it had to be a bomb."
"Later they told me it was an airplane that hit the towers, but how
could it just be an airplane? I know all the newspapers were saying
that, but it was just too incredible to believe if you heard and
experienced what I did. It had to be a bomb."
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where
donations are accepted in the wake of a media blackout.
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
For much, much more hardcore documentation on government-staged
terrorism, see the below websites:
WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story'
Sky High; Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower
Collapsed From Controlled Demolition
WTC janitor pulls burn victim to safety after basement explosion rocks
north tower seconds before jetliner hit top floors. Also, two other
men trapped and drowning in a basement elevator shaft, were also
pulled to safety from underground explosion.
June 24, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
What happened to William Rodriguez the morning of 9/11 is a miracle.
What happened to his story after-the-fact is a tragedy.
But with miracles and tragedies comes truth. And truth is exactly what
Rodriguez brings to the whole mystery surrounding 9/11.
Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at Ground Zero, he was the
janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock
the basement sub-levels of the north tower just seconds before the
jetliner struck the top floors.
He not only claims he felt explosions coming from below the first
sub-level while working in the basement, he says the walls were
cracking around him and he pulled a man to safety by the name of
Felipe David, who was severely burned from the basement explosions.
All these events occurred only seconds before and during the jetliner
strike above. And through it all, he now asks a simple question
everybody should be asking. How could a jetliner hit 90 floors above
and burn a man's arms and face to a crisp in the basement below within
seconds of impact?
Rodriguez claims this was impossible and clearly demonstrates a
controlled demolition brought down the WTC, saying "Let's see them
[the government] try to wiggle out of this one."
Well, they haven't wiggled out of it because the government continues
to act like Rodriguez doesn't exist, basically ignoring his statements
and the fact he rescued a man burnt and bleeding from the basement
His eye witness account, ignored by the media and the government,
points the finger squarely on an official cover-up at the highest
levels since the government contends the WTC fell only from burning
jet fuel. And after listening to Rodriguez, it's easy to see why the
Bush administration wants him kept quiet.
Bush wants him quiet because Rodriguez's account is 'proof positive'
the WTC was brought down by a controlled demolition, not burning jet
fuel. And Bush knows if he's caught lying about this or caught in a
cover-up, it's just a matter of time before the whole house of cards
comes tumbling down.
In fact, Rodriguez's story is so damaging--so damning--it literally
blows the lid off the government story, literally exposing the whole
9/11 investigation as a sham and a cover-up of the worst kind.
And it appears the cover-up also extends to the media.
NBC news knew about his story several years ago, even spending a full
day at his house taping his comments. But when push came to shove, his
story was never aired. Why?
His eyewitness account, backed up by at least 14 people at the scene
with him, isn't speculation or conjecture. It isn't a story that takes
a network out on a journalistic limb. It's a story that can be backed
up, a story that can be verified with hospital records and testimony
from many others.
It's a story about 14 people who felt and heard the same explosion and
even saw Rodriguez, moments after the airplane hit, take David to
safety, after he was burnt so bad from the basement explosion flesh
was hanging from his face and both arms.
So why didn't NBC or any other major news outlets cover the story?
They didn't run it because it shot the government story to hell and
back. They didn't run it because "the powers that be" wouldn't allow
Since 9/11, Rodriguez has stuck to his guns, never wavering from what
he said from day one. Left homeless at times, warned to keep quiet and
subtly harassed, he nevertheless has continued trying to get his
message out in the face of a country not willing to listen.
Here is his story:
The Miracle
It's a miracle Rodriguez, 44, who worked at the WTC for 20 years, is
even alive. Usually arriving to work at 8:00am, the morning of 9/11 he
reported 30 minutes late. If he'd arrived on time, it would have put
him at the top floors just about the same time the jetliner hit the
north tower.
"It was a miracle. If I arrived on time, like always, I'd probably be
dead. I would have been up at the top floors like every morning," said
Rodriguez about the quirk of fate that saved his life.
But since he was late, Rodriguez found himself checking into work in
an office on sub-level 1 when the north tower was hit, seemingly out
of harms way. However, the sound and concussion of a massive explosion
in the sub-levels right below his feet changed that.
"When I heard the sound of the explosion, the floor beneath my feet
vibrated, the walls started cracking and it everything started
shaking," said Rodriguez, who was huddled together with at least 14
other people in the office.
Rodriguez said Anthony Saltamachia, supervisor for the American
Maintenance Co., was one of the people in the room who stands ready to
verify his story.
"Seconds after the first massive explosion below in the basement still
rattled the floor, I hear another explosion from way above," said
Rodriguez. "Although I was unaware at the time, this was the airplane
hitting the tower, it occurred moments after the first explosion."
But before Rodriguez had time to think, co-worker Felipe David stormed
into the basement office with severe burns on his face and arms,
screaming for help and yelling "explosion! explosion! explosion!"
David had been in front of a nearby freight elevator on sub-level 1
about 400 feet from the office when fire burst out of the elevator
shaft, causing his injuries.
"He was burned terribly," said Rodriguez. "The skin was hanging off
his hands and arms. His injuries couldn't have come from the airplane
above, but only from a massive explosion below. I don't care what the
government says, what scientists say. I saw a man burned terribly from
a fire that was caused from an explosion below.
"I know there were explosives placed below the trade center. I helped
a man to safety who is living proof, living proof the government story
is a lie and a cover-up.
"I have tried to tell my story to everybody, but nobody wants to
listen. It is very strange what is going on here in supposedly the
most democratic country in the world. In my home country of Puerto
Rico and all the other Latin American countries, I have been allowed
to tell my story uncensored. But here, I can't even say a word."
After Rodriguez escorted David to safety outside the WTC, he returned
to lead the others in the basement to safety as well. While there, he
also helped two other men trapped and drowning in the basement
elevator shaft, another result he says of the explosives placed below
the tower.
In fact, after leading these men to safety, he even made another trip
back into the north tower, against police orders, in order to rescue
people from the top floors.
"I never could make it to the top, but I got up to the 33rd floor
after getting some of my equipment and a face mask out of the
janitor's closet," said Rodriguez, adding he heard a series of small
explosions going off between the 20th and 30th floors, unrelated to
the airplane strike, while making his way through the stairwell to the
top floors.
"Also, when I was on the 33rd floor, I heard strange sounds coming
form the 34th floor, loud noises like someone moving and thumping
heavy equipment and furniture. I knew this floor was empty and
stripped due to construction work so I avoided it and continued to
make my way up the stairs."
Rodriguez said he finally reached the 39th floor before being turned
back by fire fighters and then, reluctantly, started his descent back
down and his own flight to safety while, at the same time, hearing
explosions coming from the South Tower.
The Tragedy
The concerted effort by the media and the government to silence
Rodriguez is the tragedy behind this American hero's story. And there
is no question, Rodriguez is a "silent hero" for saving so many lives
and for having the courage to continue telling his story against
tremendous odds.
In an effort to open a fair and honest investigation as to why the WTC
collapsed, Rodriguez has been ignored by government officials, the
9/11 Commission and the National Institute of Safety and Technology
NIST, an independent investigative group funded by the government, put
the finishing touches this week on its 2 year $35 million 9/11
investigation. This week Rodriguez made his final plea to have his
story heard while testifying at the final public hearing held in New
"I disagree 100%with the government story," said Rodriguez. "I met
with the 9/11 Commission behind closed doors and they essentially
discounted everything I said regarding the use of explosives to bring
down the north tower.
"And I contacted NIST previously four times without a response.
Finally, this week I asked them before they came up with their
conclusion that jet fuel brought down the towers, if they ever
considered my statements or the statements of any of the other
survivors who heard the explosions. They just stared at me with blank
faces and didn't have any answers.
"Also, the FBI never followed up on my claims or on the other part of
my story when I told them before 9/11, I encountered one of the
hijackers casing the north tower."
Besides the explosions, Rodriguez also has provided testimony to the
9/11 Commission that he stumbled across one of the supposed 19 Arab
hijackers inside the WTC several months before 9/11.
"I had just finished cleaning the bathroom and this guy asks me,
'Excuse me, how many public bathrooms are in this area?'" Rodriguez
told the 9/11 Commission. "Coming from the school of the 1993 [Trade
Center] bombing, I found it very strange. I didn't forget about it."
Rodriguez claims he saw United Airlines Flight 175 hijacker Mohand
Alshehri in June 2001, telling an FBI agent about the incident a month
after the attacks. Never hearing back from the bureau, he later
learned agents never followed up on the story.
"I'm very certain, I'll give it 90%" that Alshehri was casing the
towers before the attacks, said Rodriguez.
Regarding the media's apathetic approach to his story, Rodriguez said
immediately after 9/11 some newspapers picked it up but his words were
never taken seriously and quickly forgotten.
"During the 9/11 hearings, NBC brought a crew out to my house and
spent a day taping my story but they never did air a word of it," said
Rodriguez. "Since then, some reporters and commentators have subtly
warned me to keep quiet, told me my life could be in jeopardy and
warned me that I really didn't understand who I was dealing with.
"I have been receiving this type of subtle harassment for years, but I
keep telling everybody I can't be intimidated because I am on a
mission. Whenever someone asks why I keep talking or warns me that I
could be killed, I just tell them I have nothing to lose.
"I tell them I lost 200 friends and I am their voice now. I tell them
I will do everything in my power to find out the truth since I am
living on borrowed time since I probably should be dead anyway."
Besides trying to tell his explosive story, Rodriguez has been active
raising money for 9/11 victims, being involved with charity groups
that have raised more than $122 million. He says he has used over
$60,000 of his own money, originally earmarked to buy a new house, in
order to get at the truth behind 9/11.
Also seeking justice at the highest level, Rodriguez is the lead
plaintiff in a federal RICO lawsuit filed against President Bush and
others, alleging conspiracy to commit murder and other crimes in the
deaths of more than 3,000 at the WTC.
The case, filed last November in a Philadelphia federal district
court, recently was moved to New York in a change of venue after a
government's motion to dismiss was overruled, allowing legal discovery
to continue.
"Even if the case goes no farther, I feel we have scored a victory by
winning this first battle," said Rodriguez. "At least the judge seems
willing to listen which is a victory of sorts. However, I sincerely
hope we can eventually take the case all the way to trial and reveal
the truth to the American people about 9/11."
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where kind
donations are also accepted to keep the truth flowing in the wake of
media apathy.
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
Media Big Shots at NBC and New York Times 'Hush Hush And Evasive'
About Why WTC Janitor Story Never Appeared, A Story That Blows The
Official 9/11 Account Sky High
Although 14 eye witnesses verify WTC janitor's story about a massive
basement explosion just seconds before the airline strike of the north
tower, major media reps. refuse to discuss why the story never ran or
claim the story provided nothing new, wasn't important or wasn't the
focus of their attention.
July 8, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
The media big shots, like a gang of school yard bullies taping shut a
little guy's mouth, have placed a big, black curtain around the 9/11
story of WTC janitor William Rodriguez, silencing him as if he screwed
up their fictitious plot in a television script already written.
Rodriguez has desperately tried to tell his story, but claims the
"bullies with money and power" have kept him quiet, the reporters
perpetuating a government fraud and the media bosses, acting like Tony
Soprano, sending orders to keep his mouth shut or else!
Although it's impossible for a working man like Rodriguez to pierce
the corporate veil and finger the top dogs, evasive comments by the
underlings from places like NBC and The New York Times when questioned
about the Rodriguez blackout, indicate somebody's hiding something
since all lips are zippered tight like a bunch of street thugs
protecting the "family name."
Across the board from all the major networks to all the so-called top
notch daily newspapers in the country, the ghost of janitor William
Rodriguez is now back alive, well and in the flesh four years later,
reminding all the big shots everywhere it doesn't pay to tell a lie,
especially with a man on a mission like Rodriguez.
Although the strange media blackout has left Rodriguez shaking his
head in disappointment and wondering why he has more freedom of speech
abroad than at home, he vows now, more than ever before, never to stop
talking until every last American has heard his story, listening to
the cold, hard facts how the north tower of the WTC came down from an
underground explosion not just burning jet fuel as the government
Admittedly perplexed by being written out of the tragic script by the
9/11 Commission and what he calls the media fiction writers even
though he is one of the main characters, Rodriguez now thinks the
American people are ready to listen since distrust for big media and
big government has reached epic proportions, even creeping into the
hinterland and heartland of America where the elite count on a passive
But most importantly, Rodriguez hopes his story will finally be told,
every last single morsel of truth, in memory of the 3,000 killed and
the 200 friends he lost at Ground Zero, adding they "deserve nothing
less than full truth."
A Nightmare for Government Officials
Rodriguez's story, verified by at least 14 eye witnesses and a burn
victim, has become a veritable nightmare for officials clinging to the
official story, probably deciding the only way to handle him is to
make the 'boogey man in the bad dream' go away.
And that's exactly how Rodriguez has been treated by the so-called big
shots in high places, being treated like the "bad guy riding the black
horse" instead of being heralded as the 'white knight' for saving
hundreds of lives on 9/11 and sticking to the truth.
In faith walks a man on a mission, but the government's problem with
Rodriguez doesn't lie in his moral convictions but rather in
corroborated eye-witness evidence which, in this case, is much
stronger than any scientific proof offered to support the government's
burning jet fuel theory.
So, instead of openly dealing with Rodriguez he is conveniently hidden
from the official 9/11 Commission record, even after testifying behind
closed doors. He also has conveniently been hidden by the mainstream
media, Rodriguez saying in countless interviews, his words have either
been deleted, manipulated or made to fit the official government
And the reason why Rodriguez is a walking time bomb, waiting to
explode the government story, is that his story makes complete sense,
something the government story has been lacking from day one.
"I've never believed the government story that two planes brought down
the towers. I know the truth because I experienced what happened that
day. By all rights, I should be dead, but luckily I am alive to tell
the truth if only someone would listen. I am here to tell the truth
for all those who died and especially for my 200 friends who I feel a
special obligation." said Rodriguez in a telephone conversation from
his New Jersey apartment.
"The American people aren't stupid. They have just been deprived of
the vital information. If they listen to me, the truth will set them
And for critics who doubt his honesty and sincerity, Rodriguez says
may he be struck by a lightening bolt if he isn't "telling the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God."
Rodriguez and 14 Other Witnesses Can't Be Wrong
In a nutshell, on the morning of 9/11 Rodriguez, 44, was huddled
together with 14 other people in a sub level 1 basement office,
preparing for a day's work like he did every day for 20 years at the
WTC. Without warning, suddenly the frightened group felt a tremendous
explosion emanating from somewhere below them in one of the five
remaining WTC sub levels.
Not only did the group hear the explosion, all 14 felt the floor
tremble and saw the walls crack just seconds before the group heard
another distant explosion coming from high above. Although unaware of
the cause, Rodriguez later learned the second explosion, occurring
seconds after the first basement blast, turned out to be the jetliner
Further evidence of a tremendous basement blast came moments later
when a man by the name of Felipe David, burnt on his face, arms and
hands, entered the office yelling "explosion, explosion, explosion!"
David had been standing at a nearby sub level 1 freight elevator shaft
when he was severely burned from fire coming up the shaft from the
basement explosion.
As Rodriguez pulled David to safety outside the WTC, there is
absolutely 100 per cent agreement and not one contradiction among the
14 people with Rodriguez, as to exactly what happened in those early
minutes before and after the jetliner strike on the morning of 9/11.
"Now, what really upsets me is that my story never appeared in the
9/11 Commission report after I told it to them behind closed doors,"
said Rodriguez about his 2004 meeting with commission members. "They
never followed up with verifying my testimony and basically when the
report came out, there was no mention of my statements and the other
evidence of a basement explosion when they decided only the airliner
brought down the towers.
"This is totally unacceptable and shows they are trying to cover up
something. How could anybody not believe there was a massive explosion
below ground level after talking with me and the other 14 people who
witnessed the very same thing. It refutes the government story point
blank and that's why they wanted me behind closed doors and why they
never mentioned my name or my story in their final report.
"I am asking the American people right now to demand another open and
fair investigation not for my sake, but for the memory of all those
good, innocent people who died. We can't allow the real perpetrators
of this crime to get away and I believe my testimony, if allowed to be
heard, will help bring the guilty parties to justice once and for
After Rodriguez's story first appeared two weeks ago in The Arctic
Beacon web site at www.arcticbeacon.com and The American Free Press,
two alternative news outlets, he has been deluged with interviews and
appearances by other alternative media sources, but again
categorically ignored by the mainstream press.
Summing up his feeling about the media blackout, Rodriguez this week
in a letter written to Bypass Media, another alternative source, while
trying to get an interview, wrote:
"Since I was pulled from the rubble after saving hundreds of lives, I
had the only master key available on that day (see documentary about
my experience at www.cinemar.com ), I realized that my original story
was changed constantly by the national networks. It was edited,
manipulated, completely deleted, etc. Never once have I had my
complete story told by a major news outlet in this country.
"I also testified behind closed doors to the 9/11 Commission and my
testimony does not shows up on the final report, mainly because I went
against the official story. I was there, I was made a 'National Hero'
here and in Puerto Rico. I have sued the President in an ongoing
federal lawsuit after realizing a major manipulation of the facts that
I experienced (see www.911forthetruth.com ). I have become, besides
the spokesperson for the families of 9/11, an activist in search for
the truth. My story has to be told."
Big Shots Respond To Media Blackout
When Doug Pasternak, head of NBC's investigative unit, was asked this
week in a telephone conversation why not one single second of
Rodriguez's story aired on the network after hours of footage was shot
at Rodriguez's house in June 2004 after the 9/11 Commission hearings,
he said:
"It simply didn't add anything new. The part about the basement
explosion wasn't the focus of our story. We were concerned about his
statements of a hijacker he supposedly encountered several months
prior to 9/11 in the World Trade Center. Again, it wasn't the focus of
our story and, like I said, his story didn't add anything new."
Asked why he didn't question the 9/11 Commission's overt error of
leaving Rodriguez's statements out of the final report, Pasternak
deferred all further questions to Barbara Levin, communications
director for the network.
In an email response, dated June 29, Levin said:
"Wanted to let you know that NBC News does not comment on our
Besides NBC's reluctance to air Rodriguez's story, he was pinning his
hopes of airing the truth in a recent NBC 9/11 mini series project
headed by screen writer Graham Yost and Hollywood producer/director
Ron Howard.
Although Rodriguez had spent a considerable amount of time
interviewing and escorting Yost throughout New York in an attempt to
interview survivors, he was recently notified by Yost that NBC had
pulled the plug on the project.
In an email sent to Rodriguez by Yost only weeks ago, he wrote in a
disappointed manner:
"To refresh your memory, my name is Graham Yost. I was the
writer/producer working on NBC's miniseries about 9/11. As you may
have heard, NBC has decided not to proceed with the miniseries. It was
primarily a financial decision. Dramatizing a story of this magnitude,
scope and importance is an expensive proposition. If we were to do
something like this at all, we knew we had to do it right. NBC,
Imagine (Ron Howard and Brian Grazer) and I decided it would be better
not to do it, than to do it in any but the best possible manner.
"The other writers and I had finished scripts for the first four
hours, chronicling the events leading up to the attacks. I was
half-way through writing a three hour section of the miniseries
depicting the day of the attacks when it became clear that the project
was not going to proceed.
"I am very proud of what we wrote and I was, of course, very
frustrated and disappointed that we were not going forward. But, as
upset as I was, it was one of the other writers (Chris Brancato) who
gave me the best perspective. 'Look at it this way,' he said, 'for
eight months it was your job to learn as much as you could about the
most significant event of our time.' For that I am truly grateful.
"Going into this, Ron Howard said that doing a miniseries about 9/11
could well be the most important project of our lives. He was right.
The fact that it wasn't produced doesn't change that.
"P.S. As far as I know, ABC is still working on their 9/11 miniseries.
I wish them all the good fortune in the world. I know the writer,
director and producers on their project take it every bit as seriously
as we did."
Although Yost thinks ABC is taking the project seriously, Rodriguez
thinks otherwise.
"I have made numerous attempts to get involved with the ABC project,
but they don't want to have anything to do with me. They won't return
my calls and I just wonder what kind of documentary they are doing?"
Rodriguez said not only has he been ignored by NBC and ABC, The New
York Times has also shut its doors on the Rodriguez name and story.
Times reporter Kevin Flynn and Jim Dwyer, who interviewed Rodriguez
numerous times before publishing their best seller called "102
Minutes: The Untold Story in the Fight to Survive in the Twin Towers,"
ended up publishing the book without using Rodriguez's name or fully
recounting his story.
After the book hit the stands, becoming extremely discouraged t and
disillusioned with the hypocrisy and lying in American journalism,
Rodriguez said this about Flynn and Dwyer's bestseller:
"If I was the last survivor out of the north tower, rescued hundreds
of people, almost killed three times and declared a national hero, how
could they leave my story out of the book? They mentioned nothing
about the basement explosion, the other 14 people or Felipe David who
was burned with skin hanging from his arms from the basement blast.
"I even brought a man down in a wheel chair from the 27th floor to the
lobby, although unfortunately he died there, but when the account of
his story came out, they didn't even mention it was me after I
specifically told them.
"Best seller! Right? Who are they trying to kid?"
Regarding the deletion of the Rodriguez story, Flynn in a telephone
conversation this week from his office at The Times, said:
"I don't think I should comment about any of this to a third party. If
Rodriguez wants to talk to me about it, have him call."
When Rodriguez was told about Flynn's invitation, he declined the
offer, saying he had no need to talk with someone obviously
perpetuating a fraud to the American people about a story of such
social and political importance.
And to make matters worse, regarding at least four stories by Times
reporters that Rodriguez said were either manipulated or changed,
Flynn referred all questions by email to media communications director
Katherine Mathis, who at the time of this writing did not respond to a
request for answers.
Not to be left out of the Rodriguez blackout, Susan Chun of CNN on
June 15, 2004, sent an email to Rodriguez, requesting an interview
after he testified before the 9/11 Commission. After making
arrangements for the taped session, Rodriguez said it was unexpectedly
cancelled at the last minute without an explanation.
Regarding the cancelled interview, Chun failed to respond to several
email requests and several phone messages asking for answers.
However, Francios Tonju of CNN's Latin broadcasting division in Miami,
said some of Rodriguez's statements aired in Puerto Rico in Spanish,
but added his story never appeared stateside in English.
And in the midst of the blackout continuing to date and remaining
frustrated about an untold story, Rodriguez said he remains patient
nonetheless and is still available for major network news and
television coverage despite the media's unwillingness to listen.
"Throughout the years, I have been wined and dined at the White House
and attended many official functions in an attempt to get me on their
side so I would shut up. But I have never succumbed to the subtle
intimidation over the years, even by reporters who have taken me aside
and said it is better that I keep quiet because I didn't realize who I
was dealing with.
"After they would take me aside, saying all those nasty things, I
would always just look every one of them square in the eye, saying I
would never waiver for one second from the truth in respect for my 200
friends who died. I am a man on a mission and I will never stop until
the truth is finally uncovered."
Rodriguez, the lead plaintiff in a federal RICO lawsuit filed against
Bush and others, is also on his way to Amsterdam, where he is going to
publish a book of his heroic 9/11 story, complete with the basement
explosion segment as well as other aspects of his story censored by
the mainstream media. The book is to be published in English and Dutch
and a publication date has yet to be finalized.
After pausing a moment about the difference between foreign and
domestic accounts of his story, Rodriguez said even though CNN's Larry
King has already been scooped by a number of third world country talk
show hosts, he still is available on a moment's notice for a guest
appearance, as long as he can tell his story in the unedited version,
which would be a first for a major American news network.
For more important stories, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where donations
are accepted in the wake of a media blackout. If you have any
questions for Rodriguez on this story, contact him through
***@aol.com .
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
Second WTC Janitor Comes Forward With Eye-Witness Testimony Of
'Bomb-Like' Explosion in North Tower Basement
Jose Sanchez, while working in a sub-level 4 workshop of the north
tower on 9/11, heard a bomb-like explosion, had his hair burned and
rescued a co-worker who had his leg and knee broken from the basement
blast taking place at the same time the jetliner struck the top
July 12, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
A second WTC maintenance worker has now come forward with eye-witness
testimony that a massive explosion erupted in the lower levels of the
north tower at approximately the same time the jetliner struck the
tower's top floors.
Jose Sanchez, 45, of New Jersey in a never-released tape recorded
statement made in early 2002 to William Rodriguez, the first WTC
maintenance man to claim a bomb exploded in the north tower basement,
said he heard what sounded like a "huge bomb," causing lights to
flicker on and off, while he worked in a small sub-level 4 workshop.
Sanchez, who worked for American Building Maintenance Co. at the WTC
for 14 years, was unavailable for comment, but made the taped 2002
statement to Rodriguez, recounting his 9/11 personal experience.
Sanchez, who fell on hard times after 9/11, revealed the details of a
basement bomb-like explosion while Rodriguez and two CNN interns,
Carolina Inojosa and Evita Zerebrinsky, interviewed victims and
documented information for the many unfortunate people having trouble
getting needed government assistance after 9/11.
Besides questioning the credibility of the official story that burning
jet fuel was the only factor in bringing down the towers, Rodriguez
formed an assistance organization called the Hispanic Victims Group
instrumental in helping hundreds of people get help after 9/11 left
many victims unemployed and homeless.
"I knew Jose very well since we worked for the same company," said
Rodriguez in a telephone conversation from his New Jersey apartment.
"At the time, I taped his statements, I was more concerned about
getting people needed assistance and, anyway, back then I really
thought the government was seriously investigating the WTC attacks.
"But since then I have learned otherwise. I realize now they are
covering-up the real truth and that's why I want to release Jose's
statement. What really upsets me and, you can take this message to the
White House, is that people like Jose and many others like him who
experienced what happened in the basement of the north tower were
simply ignored and never interviewed by the 9/11 Commission.
"If they really wanted to get at the truth, these are the very people
who should have been interviewed, not public officials who knew very
little about what occurred inside the buildings that tragic morning.
"However, instead we all have been ignored in order to cover up the
truth. The victims, those who died and the families who lost loved
ones deserve nothing less than the truth and I intend to keep talking
until the truth is finally told."
Sanchez's explosive comments, shooting another large hole in the
government story, now adds even more credibility to Rodriguez's recent
statements that he heard a massive explosion in the WTC basement just
seconds prior to the jetliner striking above while working in a
sub-level 1 office alongside 14 others, all who heard and felt the
very same thing as Rodriguez.
Since the outset, the government has stood firm that only burning jet
fuel brought down the towers, but has ignored mounting eye-witness
testimony and scientific data showing that a controlled demolition was
an additional cause.
The government also has not fully explained why it immediately
tampered with a crime scene, a criminal offense, by having all the
hard evidence from the WTC removed and shipped overseas before
independent investigators had a chance to study the structural
components of the towers in order to help determine the real cause of
the tower's collapse.
While arguments continue in the scientific community about the
structural cause of the WTC collapse, Sanchez's eye-witness testimony
adds more credibility that explosives were placed and detonated in the
lower level of the north tower.
In the 2002 taped statement, Sanchez recalls, at the same time
Rodriguez and the others heard the explosion, being in a small
sub-level 4 workshop with another man who he only knew by the name of
Chino when, out of nowhere, the blast sounded as the two men were
cutting a piece of metal.
"It sounded like a bomb and the lights went on and off," said Sanchez
in the tape recording. "We started to walk to the exit and a huge ball
of fire went through the freight elevator. The hot air from the ball
of fire dropped Chino to the floor and my hair got burned," said
Sanchez in the tape recording. "The room then got full of smoke and I
remember saying out loud 'I believe it was a bomb that blew up inside
the building.'
"I said 'Chino, let's go we gotta get out of here.' But Chino was
wounded and told me he needed help. I remember him saying that the hot
air came with such force that it broke his leg. We finally went out
through another exit and his leg and knee were both broken."
Sanchez, all the time helping Chino, then recalls exiting into a
parking lot on sub-level 4 where he encountered a group of other
people also trying to flee. In the parking lot, a person assisted the
pair, wrapping Chino's leg with a bandage from a first aid kit.
Chino was then driven in an SUV to safety while Sanchez decided to
walk up four flights of stairs through the stairwell, trying to exit
at the plaza level but being turned back by debris and falling glass.
"I went back down the stairwell to B-4 and encountered several people
coming up. I told them to turn back around and then went across the
parking lot up another stairwell, making a left and then finally
getting outside," said Sanchez. "It took about 15 or 20 minutes to get
outside and for me it was like a bomb with huge smoke all around. Then
when I got outside, the other plane hit the south tower. It looked and
felt like a war as I hid behind a wall to get out of the way of
falling debris."
Saying that he felt disoriented and "didn't know what was happening,"
Sanchez eventually made his way to safety, arriving at his New Jersey
home at about 3:30pm after fleeing down 34th St. and making his way to
the ferry boat.
Asked how he felt in the aftermath of the attacks, he said:
"I felt a sense of loss and despair. I worked there 14 years and I
worked through the whole complex, installing signs. I worked on all
floors and that day I just happened to be in the basement.
"I think I was lucky to get out of the basement because I was near the
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where
donations are accepted in the wake of media apathy.
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
Two More WTC Workers Come Forward, One Seriously Burned And The Other
Hurt While Trapped In Basement Elevator, Both Claiming Massive
Explosion Took Place In Lower Levels Of North Tower On 9/11
The two men's eye-witness testimony, never before released in America,
aired as part of a Spanish 2002 television 9/11 documentary in
Colombia; Total of four eye-witnesses have now surfaced, all claiming
a bomb exploded in the basement of the north tower just prior to
airplane strike 90 floors above. Although testimony is in the public
eye, it has been completely ignored by 9/11 Commission and mainstream
media.in what looks like a government cover-up aided by a media
July 13, 2005
By Greg Szymanski
Two more WTC workers have come forward with eye-witness testimony that
a huge explosion ripped apart the lower levels of the north tower at
about the same time a jetliner rammed into the top floors.
The pair not only reported hearing an underground blast, but were both
injured, one suffering severe burns to the face, arms and hands and
the other cuts and bruises after being trapped in a stalled basement
Burn victim, Felipe David, employed by Aramark Co. and Salvatore
Giambanco, a WTC office painter trapped in a basement elevator, were
both unavailable for comment, but made their explosive
testimony--never before released in America--to a Colombian television
station in 2002 on the first anniversary of 9/11.
Their comments eventually aired in Colombia in Spanish on the Red
Continental De Noticias (RNC) as a part of an in-depth 9/11
documentary after the foreign station spent a month in New York in
2002 shooting the project.
A copy of the original interview tapes with RCN reporter Claudia
Gurisatti questioning the WTC workers was made available this week by
WTC maintenance worker William Rodriguez, the first eye-witness to go
public about the north tower basement explosions.
Recently, Rodriguez, declared a national hero for helping save
numerous lives on the morning of 9/11, including David and Giambanco,
said he heard a massive basement explosion seconds before the jetliner
struck the top floors when he, along with 14 other co-workers, were
huddled in a sub-level 1 office.
Besides the trio, the taped statements of Jose Sanchez, another WTC
maintenance worker, recently came forward, saying he heard an
underground explosion at the same time the others reported it while
working in a small sub-level 4 workshop.
"What really upsets me is that we have all these people coming forward
with credible testimony about explosions and we have been completely
ignored by the 9/11 Commission and the major media," said Rodriguez in
a telephone conversation from his New Jersey apartment about what he
calls an obvious media and government blackout on any information
contrary to the official story that only jet fuel brought down the
towers, a theory adopted by the 9/11 Commission.
"They concluded jet fuel brought down the towers without even
considering the testimony of people like David, Giambanco and Sanchez.
Why would they do that unless they are covering up something?
"And, concerning the American press, they have locked their doors on
all of us, never allowing our stories to surface or even trying to
investigate why the 9/11 Commission didn't bother to include our
statements in the final report. Here we have a Colombian station in
2002 doing their work and three years later our story only has
appeared in South America in Spanish. What does that tell you?"
In the 2002 Colombian television taped interviews where Rodriguez also
adds his 9/11 account, both David and Giambanco, located in different
basement locations, tell gut-wrenching and heart breaking stories of
survival from what they both thought to be from a massive underground
explosion, not an airplane strike 90 floors above.
David's Story
Standing in front of a freight elevator on sub level 1 near the office
where Rodriguez and 14 others were huddled together when the explosion
erupted below, David said in the taped interview:
"That day I was in the basement in sub-level 1 sometime after 8:30am.
Everything happened so fast, everything moved so fast. The building
started shaking after I heard the explosion below, dust was flying
everywhere and all of a sudden it got real hot.
"I threw myself onto the floor, covered my face because I felt like I
was burned. I sat there for a couple of seconds on the floor and felt
like I was going to die, saying to myself 'God, please give me
Although severely burned on his face, arms and hands with skin hanging
from his body like pieces of cloth, David picked himself up, running
for help to the office were Rodriguez and others were gathered.
"When I went in, I told them it was an explosion," said David, who was
then helped out of the WTC by Rodriguez and eventually taken by
ambulance to New York Hospital. "When people looked at me with my skin
hanging, they started crying but I heard others say 'OK, good, good,
you made it alive.'"
Giambanco's Story
At the same time David, Rodriguez and the others heard the basement
explosion, Giambanco was in a completely different location on the
opposite side of sub level 1 by another elevator.
In the taped interview, Giambanco told Gurisatti, the Colombian
"We heard the explosion and the smoke all of a sudden came from all
over. There was an incredible force of wind that also swept everything
away. I remember hearing a scream of a woman, but I couldn't see her.
I had just gotten off the elevator and I was standing by it with
another man but didn't know his name.
"The doors of the elevator were still open and, I don't know why we
did, but we both jumped back in maybe because of the wind whipping
everything around in the hallway. Then, suddenly, the elevator doors
closed in front of us and we started going down. It all of a sudden
stopped and I could see through the cracks we were between B-2 and
B-3. We were both screaming and afraid. I remember seeing through the
slot of the elevator and seeing other people running and screaming.
"Then water started gushing in the elevator and I remember saying,
'God, please help us.' At that point, I was resigned to the fact I was
going to die."
But like a miracle, Giambanco's plea to God was answered as all of a
sudden he heard someone yelling from above, "How many people are down
The miracle above turned out to be Rodriguez who had returned into the
WTC after helping David to safety in order to help others after
disobeying police orders to remain outside.
"I remember rushing past police, telling them to go to hell as I was
going back to help my friends no matter what," recalls Rodriguez about
his basement search for survivors before eventually only making his
way to the 39th floor before being turned back in a desperate attempt
to reach the top floors.
In the basement, Rodriguez managed to find a construction ladder,
miraculously lowering it into the elevator after courageously
entering the darkened shaft and opening the top hatch on the elevator
where Giambanco and the other unidentified man now were standing
thigh-deep in water from the broken or activated sprinkler system
spewing water into the elevator shaft.
"I don't know he did it, but I felt him just pick me up and pull me
out," said Giambanco about Rodriguez's rescue efforts. "I didn't know
who he was then, but I do now and he definitely saved my life. If it
wasn't for William Rodriguez, I wouldn't be here today. For me,
William is like my brother. He single handedly saved my life."
After Rodriguez brought him to safety, Giambanco remembers being taken
to an ambulance and rushed to a hospital where in his hospital room,
he received news reports that both towers collapsed.
"I threw myself on the hospital floor in tears and I finally had to
get an injection to calm me down," said Giambanco. "For a long time
after, every time I would try to go to sleep I would get nightmares
about being trapped in the elevator."
Reflecting back on his 9/11 near death experience, he added:
"I remember riding in the ambulance that morning and looking back,
thinking it had to be a bomb."
"Later they told me it was an airplane that hit the towers, but how
could it just be an airplane? I know all the newspapers were saying
that, but it was just too incredible to believe if you heard and
experienced what I did. It had to be a bomb."
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com where
donations are accepted in the wake of a media blackout.
Greg Szymanski [ ***@aol.com ]
For much, much more hardcore documentation on government-staged
terrorism, see the below websites: