The Tragedy of Multiculturalism
(too old to reply)
2005-12-20 21:12:32 UTC
I think that the real tragedy of multiculturalism is that it's been
hijacked by spics and niggers.

Now instead of different cultures, we have spic and nigger crime
masquerading as different cultures and lifestyles.

Instead of broadening our horizons, we have these asshole pig-fucking
mohammedans bitching about having to use modern-day inventions and
wearing western trousers.

Too bad. Much, much too bad that folks don't know the difference
between having an open mind and being an airhead.
Does western culture contain the seeds of its own destruction?
Its openness to Islam will ultimately strangle it.
Offcourse there are many, non Islamists, in wester democracies that spent
all their energies making their culture devour its own tail.
Communists promote multiculturalism because communists want to take over.
Commie agents are behind all multiculturalism. They want to destroy
Australia and stop us Jesus worshipping, God fearing white folk from
prospering. We need laws to protect us from the Asians because we are
lazy and unintelligent to compete with them head-to-head in business and
without afirmative action laws protecting white Australians, Asians will
day own us
lefty atheist in love with MC (aka PC junky) but also anti-affirmative
action and pro-free market - more neo-conservatism position that one.
interesting mix but slightly schizophrenic I would say
2005-12-21 00:33:34 UTC
After world war II, I think many Western nations were perhaps really
trying very hard to grapple with how they could avoid future
large-scale conflict and wholesale slaughter. Hmmm, maybe
homogeniziation across the borders could be a solution? Hence bold
experimentation. If borders or nation-states created conflict, then why
not eliminate them through, perhaps, mass immigration and
multiculturalism? Those who were most vulnerable at the time (e.g.
jews) might in this sense also be empowered. Besides you would cut down
on the unity of one polity - hence dulling conflict - as there would be
internal 'checks' so to speak.

Problem was and is, we also imported the potential for civil war in the
process. As the cliche goes, instead of changing the world, the world
changed us.
Post by NYC XYZ
I think that the real tragedy of multiculturalism is that it's been
hijacked by spics and niggers.
Now instead of different cultures, we have spic and nigger crime
masquerading as different cultures and lifestyles.
Instead of broadening our horizons, we have these asshole pig-fucking
mohammedans bitching about having to use modern-day inventions and
wearing western trousers.
Too bad. Much, much too bad that folks don't know the difference
between having an open mind and being an airhead.
Does western culture contain the seeds of its own destruction?
Its openness to Islam will ultimately strangle it.
Offcourse there are many, non Islamists, in wester democracies that spent
all their energies making their culture devour its own tail.
Communists promote multiculturalism because communists want to take over.
Commie agents are behind all multiculturalism. They want to destroy
Australia and stop us Jesus worshipping, God fearing white folk from
prospering. We need laws to protect us from the Asians because we are
lazy and unintelligent to compete with them head-to-head in business and
without afirmative action laws protecting white Australians, Asians will
day own us
lefty atheist in love with MC (aka PC junky) but also anti-affirmative
action and pro-free market - more neo-conservatism position that one.
interesting mix but slightly schizophrenic I would say
2005-12-21 14:58:36 UTC
der, Chinese are the ultimate surviving hybrids. Why do you think
we're so yellow, hmm? I guess nobody can hear the Koreans for all
their yelling: the Chinese are so successfully mixed that THEY don't
go around gazing into mirrors and declaring "Ima bridge between two
worlds." "two"? is that all?
2005-12-21 15:02:50 UTC
Furthermore, they should be given credit for surviving the countless
nonborder to nonborder wars that created them instead of being accused
of being the warmongers that caused them to mix in the first place.
They're Zoe Kravitzs.
2005-12-21 17:16:24 UTC
Post by RichAsianKid
After world war II, I think many Western nations were perhaps really
trying very hard to grapple with how they could avoid future
large-scale conflict and wholesale slaughter. Hmmm, maybe
homogeniziation across the borders could be a solution? Hence bold
All those were considerations among the idealists, as ever -- but what
turned push to shove is needing low-wage labor within the States.

Returning vets ain't gonna take crap from nobody no more, not after
facing down Japs and Nazis eye-to-eye. Their baby-boomin' brats
certainly weren't going to submissively get in line when they saw the
country as their own inheritance!

Enter the coolies. Has the added bonus of sticking it to the niggers,
Post by RichAsianKid
If borders or nation-states created conflict, then why
not eliminate them through, perhaps, mass immigration and
multiculturalism? Those who were most vulnerable at the time (e.g.
jews) might in this sense also be empowered.
Agreed. But never forget that anything that's ever done is done out of
necessity, raw and immediate.
Post by RichAsianKid
Besides you would cut down
on the unity of one polity - hence dulling conflict - as there would be
internal 'checks' so to speak.
The naacp was already beating the war drums over this at the turn of
the last century when all the south and eastern euros were let in,
entirely overlooking the indigenous untapped pool of blacks who
could've really used those jobs.
Post by RichAsianKid
Problem was and is, we also imported the potential for civil war in the
process. As the cliche goes, instead of changing the world, the world
changed us.
What very few realize is that elites don't give a fuck who mows their
lawn. Just like you and I really don't care where our gadgets are
made, elites don't care how they make their money, who does their
laundry...jet-setting as often as they do, they're already used to
black and brown and yellow servants.

They don't care that when you and I go into a supermarket, no one
speaks English -- they don't have to deal with that, they don't go to
supermarkets themselves! It doesn't matter to them that spics are
noisy and cause a lot of crime and piss all over the schools -- they
don't live in these neighborhoods, their kids don't attend these
schools! They don't care that faggots and feminazis and martians are
paid lip service with political correctness -- their country clubs and
backrooms are still priviledged spaces wherein they live and carry on
just as they ever did.
2005-12-23 04:09:16 UTC
Post by NYC XYZ
Post by RichAsianKid
After world war II, I think many Western nations were perhaps really
trying very hard to grapple with how they could avoid future
large-scale conflict and wholesale slaughter. Hmmm, maybe
homogeniziation across the borders could be a solution? Hence bold
All those were considerations among the idealists, as ever -- but what
turned push to shove is needing low-wage labor within the States.
Returning vets ain't gonna take crap from nobody no more, not after
facing down Japs and Nazis eye-to-eye. Their baby-boomin' brats
certainly weren't going to submissively get in line when they saw the
country as their own inheritance!
Enter the coolies. Has the added bonus of sticking it to the niggers,
Post by RichAsianKid
If borders or nation-states created conflict, then why
not eliminate them through, perhaps, mass immigration and
multiculturalism? Those who were most vulnerable at the time (e.g.
jews) might in this sense also be empowered.
Agreed. But never forget that anything that's ever done is done out of
necessity, raw and immediate.
Post by RichAsianKid
Besides you would cut down
on the unity of one polity - hence dulling conflict - as there would be
internal 'checks' so to speak.
The naacp was already beating the war drums over this at the turn of
the last century when all the south and eastern euros were let in,
entirely overlooking the indigenous untapped pool of blacks who
could've really used those jobs.
Post by RichAsianKid
Problem was and is, we also imported the potential for civil war in the
process. As the cliche goes, instead of changing the world, the world
changed us.
What very few realize is that elites don't give a fuck who mows their
lawn. Just like you and I really don't care where our gadgets are
made, elites don't care how they make their money, who does their
laundry...jet-setting as often as they do, they're already used to
black and brown and yellow servants.
They don't care that when you and I go into a supermarket, no one
speaks English -- they don't have to deal with that, they don't go to
supermarkets themselves! It doesn't matter to them that spics are
noisy and cause a lot of crime and piss all over the schools -- they
don't live in these neighborhoods, their kids don't attend these
schools! They don't care that faggots and feminazis and martians are
paid lip service with political correctness -- their country clubs and
backrooms are still priviledged spaces wherein they live and carry on
just as they ever did.
thx. I get the sense that we agree on many things - from previous posts
to this one. No time to reply to all, but one thing I value is honesty.
AS they say if you can't be honest on usenet you can bite your tongue.
I guess many people have labelled me as part of the 'elite' (although,
no, not part of the government country-wrecking 'managerial elite!)
because of the circumstances & I certainly did not grow up in areas
where there are blacks and browns (yes, they occupy most maid and lower
positions) but I have seen double-faced talks about things. Not that
the elite will really with malice in their hearts discriminate against
them personally or individually, or at least I don't think, but I think
they know that deep down they won't take them seriously as competitors.
That's fine, everyone should be free to make choices, but I just there
are many who proclaim things they believe in when in fact they don't
themselves. I value honesty, and those who often pronounce more
publically about equality of all men (e.g. in IQ, for instance) or in
their belief of multiculturalism etc etc are probably the ones least
likely to believe in them - like the most vocal homophobes can
sometimes be the closet gay - the evil within - that type of thing. In
fact, blacks and browns can be show pieces for open-mindedness. But
hey maybe that's just how the world works. Sometimes honesty is not
called for.
2005-12-23 19:01:21 UTC
Post by RichAsianKid
thx. I get the sense that we agree on many things - from previous posts
to this one.
Well, I'm still not sure about your race-money-IQ obsessions!
Post by RichAsianKid
No time to reply to all, but one thing I value is honesty.
Thank Goodness -- or the Cold War and Mutually Assured Destruction --
for usenet!
Post by RichAsianKid
AS they say if you can't be honest on usenet you can bite your tongue.
I guess many people have labelled me as part of the 'elite' (although,
no, not part of the government country-wrecking 'managerial elite!)
because of the circumstances & I certainly did not grow up in areas
where there are blacks and browns (yes, they occupy most maid and lower
positions) but I have seen double-faced talks about things. Not that
the elite will really with malice in their hearts discriminate against
them personally or individually, or at least I don't think, but I think
they know that deep down they won't take them seriously as competitors.
That's fine, everyone should be free to make choices, but I just there
are many who proclaim things they believe in when in fact they don't
themselves. I value honesty, and those who often pronounce more
publically about equality of all men (e.g. in IQ, for instance) or in
their belief of multiculturalism etc etc are probably the ones least
likely to believe in them - like the most vocal homophobes can
sometimes be the closet gay - the evil within - that type of thing. In
fact, blacks and browns can be show pieces for open-mindedness. But
hey maybe that's just how the world works. Sometimes honesty is not
called for.
Yup, welcome to life. As a product of the NYC public school system,
I'm the inevitable consequence of Jewish liberalism smacked awake, so
to speak. I don't know your background, but I bet that you don't share
that process of development, and it's most interesting how we've come
to similar observations on many things nonetheless!
