2005-12-20 21:12:32 UTC
I think that the real tragedy of multiculturalism is that it's been
hijacked by spics and niggers.
Now instead of different cultures, we have spic and nigger crime
masquerading as different cultures and lifestyles.
Instead of broadening our horizons, we have these asshole pig-fucking
mohammedans bitching about having to use modern-day inventions and
wearing western trousers.
Too bad. Much, much too bad that folks don't know the difference
between having an open mind and being an airhead.
Commie agents are behind all multiculturalism. They want to destroy
Australia and stop us Jesus worshipping, God fearing white folk from
prospering. We need laws to protect us from the Asians because we are
lazy and unintelligent to compete with them head-to-head in business and
without afirmative action laws protecting white Australians, Asians will
day own us
lefty atheist in love with MC (aka PC junky) but also anti-affirmative
action and pro-free market - more neo-conservatism position that one.
interesting mix but slightly schizophrenic I would say
hijacked by spics and niggers.
Now instead of different cultures, we have spic and nigger crime
masquerading as different cultures and lifestyles.
Instead of broadening our horizons, we have these asshole pig-fucking
mohammedans bitching about having to use modern-day inventions and
wearing western trousers.
Too bad. Much, much too bad that folks don't know the difference
between having an open mind and being an airhead.
Does western culture contain the seeds of its own destruction?
Its openness to Islam will ultimately strangle it.
Offcourse there are many, non Islamists, in wester democracies that spent
all their energies making their culture devour its own tail.
Communists promote multiculturalism because communists want to take over.Its openness to Islam will ultimately strangle it.
Offcourse there are many, non Islamists, in wester democracies that spent
all their energies making their culture devour its own tail.
Commie agents are behind all multiculturalism. They want to destroy
Australia and stop us Jesus worshipping, God fearing white folk from
prospering. We need laws to protect us from the Asians because we are
lazy and unintelligent to compete with them head-to-head in business and
without afirmative action laws protecting white Australians, Asians will
day own us
action and pro-free market - more neo-conservatism position that one.
interesting mix but slightly schizophrenic I would say