2006-04-20 17:16:44 UTC
they track your investing pattern and bet against you
You may or maynot have believed in conspiracies before but I urge you not to
test this idea out by losing your money. Do something else, don't sell your
future away to a con game where they have a set up to determine what type of
trader you are and to have Market makers go against your investment till you
sell. The intent is to defraud and manipulate shares till you sell. They
know a good 35 percent of investors just want to make a profit and get out
fast so they just wait till you see it drop long enough and you sell, they
buy it take it back up and when someone follows they successfully defrauded
you over and over.. Another 35 percent will be a little more patient but
still depending on the amount they invest , Market Makers still go against
your investment and wait till you sell. ( the more your investment , the
more chance you will never see a gain in it). This is what they call
You may or maynot have believed in conspiracies before but I urge you not to
test this idea out by losing your money. Do something else, don't sell your
future away to a con game where they have a set up to determine what type of
trader you are and to have Market makers go against your investment till you
sell. The intent is to defraud and manipulate shares till you sell. They
know a good 35 percent of investors just want to make a profit and get out
fast so they just wait till you see it drop long enough and you sell, they
buy it take it back up and when someone follows they successfully defrauded
you over and over.. Another 35 percent will be a little more patient but
still depending on the amount they invest , Market Makers still go against
your investment and wait till you sell. ( the more your investment , the
more chance you will never see a gain in it). This is what they call
If you have to learn one idea . learn stock trading is about attracting
your investment and having Market makers, insiders and brokerages go
opposite you and You always lose. So don't invest. Remember what I said,
don't invest in the markets. All the stocks and tips go up till your money
shows up.Then it stops going up. As soon your money shows up, then the
news gets bad, crop flooded, segment downturd, broker says sell, interest
rates high and all of a sudden energy prices is affecting industry. Name
a reason to take your shares down, they will find it. You get out, they
take the stock back up and you lose and the stock appears to have gone up
thru it all and they will blame you for selling too early. What a con! If
you dont sell and you have a big position chances are they will just wait
you out and you will never see a gain . This is the biggest fraud and the
reason the disparity between rich and poor keeps growing. There might be
more millionaires but even more poorer saps who give their money to these
shysters. Shysters they are because its a fix, a place where anywhere else
you would be arrested to try devise such a system.
play stocks unless you intend to leave it there for a good long time and
even then its not guaranteed to win. Don't let newscasts fool you, do
something else other then play stocks or horses.
your investment and having Market makers, insiders and brokerages go
opposite you and You always lose. So don't invest. Remember what I said,
don't invest in the markets. All the stocks and tips go up till your money
shows up.Then it stops going up. As soon your money shows up, then the
news gets bad, crop flooded, segment downturd, broker says sell, interest
rates high and all of a sudden energy prices is affecting industry. Name
a reason to take your shares down, they will find it. You get out, they
take the stock back up and you lose and the stock appears to have gone up
thru it all and they will blame you for selling too early. What a con! If
you dont sell and you have a big position chances are they will just wait
you out and you will never see a gain . This is the biggest fraud and the
reason the disparity between rich and poor keeps growing. There might be
more millionaires but even more poorer saps who give their money to these
shysters. Shysters they are because its a fix, a place where anywhere else
you would be arrested to try devise such a system.
You mean you didn't hold your stock long enough and missed the rocket
upswing in your
stock price? Haha again you lose except this time its not your fault. If
your a
day trader or just someone who doesn't want to keep losing, you might be
all too willing to selll when market makers keep taking your big long
positions down or short positions up. They do you know.. They want you
believe you didn't
hold it long enough. BS , The truth is MMs , insiders and brokers take
your stock opposite, make you sells and then buys it , and then bring the
stock price higher and when
someone buys , you lose they win. You always miss the rocket, thats the
part the
scammers brokers and street comes and insiders don't tell you ABOUT all
they say is you sold to fast..Its called guaranteed fixed loss. .. You
lose when they take your position after you sell and come out with
prices opening
day or whenever. No one bought of course at the higher prices during
but they
win when they can take your position and move the price anyway they
They can't lose.
You get out and your stock goes up because its always the insiders or more
likely the market makers who take your sell, buy it back and bring it
up countless times a day thus tralal the stocks looks to go up huge
overnight or
right after you sale mysteriously and then of course they can say the
stock is higher... The MMs and street coms call that
shaking out the day traders but in essence its the total foundation for
upswings in the markets or downswings.. They are ficitious upswings
brought upon by
market makers after you sell. If only you would have held... Bull they
as long as you have to keep your price down while your in it and don't
them tell you otherwise , especially if you play large long position.
Most likely you end up selling too early..Its the biggest shell scam in
history and
its allowed to go on daily . You feel bad? Don't its planned and its
fixed and all I can plead is don't give them your money to do this with..
As certain as life itself you will lose daytrading cause they know your
positions, they know how often you check stock prices.they know how often
you pull the trigger, buy and sell stocks via brokerages,,, the more
often you click on Yahoo
stock prices, or make trades, the more fidgety they mark you and its a
sign they can take you stock opposite your buys ( or sells if your short)
and predict you will sell via by your browsing action and history.
and leave it there till you lose. . Its like going to the race track and
watching and calculating what
people bet. and if you could you would see the more money on a horse the
least likely it wins... A horse of course could win as favorite, but
chances are the big bets from you will stop that horse like a noose tied
around its neck.. Everything looks great on paper till your money shows
and then the reasons begin why the stock doesn't go up: Major
selling, company puts out more shares, broker downgrades, price of energy
going up, temporary loss due to company forclosing on segment., over
priced,, Name the
reason. when your long, they find the reasons. When you get out, they
the reasons for it to surge, usually in one day. and the day your not in.
your money not in
there. This is the most manipulated shell scam in history and I urge
people like they urge you not to smoke to NOT play the stock exchange
is it possible to gain, sure, but thats usually when mms know your not
likely to pull the trigger for long time to come.People who trade often
has a 99 percent chance of losing. The next big chance of losing is
with big or allot of money in one stock , they could hold it down for
time opposite your position to see if you pull the trigger and sell.
Chances are you will.
Here is the rest of my thoughts. Do something else with your life exceptupswing in your
stock price? Haha again you lose except this time its not your fault. If
your a
day trader or just someone who doesn't want to keep losing, you might be
all too willing to selll when market makers keep taking your big long
positions down or short positions up. They do you know.. They want you
believe you didn't
hold it long enough. BS , The truth is MMs , insiders and brokers take
your stock opposite, make you sells and then buys it , and then bring the
stock price higher and when
someone buys , you lose they win. You always miss the rocket, thats the
part the
scammers brokers and street comes and insiders don't tell you ABOUT all
they say is you sold to fast..Its called guaranteed fixed loss. .. You
lose when they take your position after you sell and come out with
prices opening
day or whenever. No one bought of course at the higher prices during
but they
win when they can take your position and move the price anyway they
They can't lose.
You get out and your stock goes up because its always the insiders or more
likely the market makers who take your sell, buy it back and bring it
up countless times a day thus tralal the stocks looks to go up huge
overnight or
right after you sale mysteriously and then of course they can say the
stock is higher... The MMs and street coms call that
shaking out the day traders but in essence its the total foundation for
upswings in the markets or downswings.. They are ficitious upswings
brought upon by
market makers after you sell. If only you would have held... Bull they
as long as you have to keep your price down while your in it and don't
them tell you otherwise , especially if you play large long position.
Most likely you end up selling too early..Its the biggest shell scam in
history and
its allowed to go on daily . You feel bad? Don't its planned and its
fixed and all I can plead is don't give them your money to do this with..
As certain as life itself you will lose daytrading cause they know your
positions, they know how often you check stock prices.they know how often
you pull the trigger, buy and sell stocks via brokerages,,, the more
often you click on Yahoo
stock prices, or make trades, the more fidgety they mark you and its a
sign they can take you stock opposite your buys ( or sells if your short)
and predict you will sell via by your browsing action and history.
and leave it there till you lose. . Its like going to the race track and
watching and calculating what
people bet. and if you could you would see the more money on a horse the
least likely it wins... A horse of course could win as favorite, but
chances are the big bets from you will stop that horse like a noose tied
around its neck.. Everything looks great on paper till your money shows
and then the reasons begin why the stock doesn't go up: Major
selling, company puts out more shares, broker downgrades, price of energy
going up, temporary loss due to company forclosing on segment., over
priced,, Name the
reason. when your long, they find the reasons. When you get out, they
the reasons for it to surge, usually in one day. and the day your not in.
your money not in
there. This is the most manipulated shell scam in history and I urge
people like they urge you not to smoke to NOT play the stock exchange
is it possible to gain, sure, but thats usually when mms know your not
likely to pull the trigger for long time to come.People who trade often
has a 99 percent chance of losing. The next big chance of losing is
with big or allot of money in one stock , they could hold it down for
time opposite your position to see if you pull the trigger and sell.
Chances are you will.
play stocks unless you intend to leave it there for a good long time and
even then its not guaranteed to win. Don't let newscasts fool you, do
something else other then play stocks or horses.
no why things happen the way they do, somehow the truth and scams and all
theother problems of the world just are. You have to protect yourself
cause obviously the US could care less about people like me. I can go on
and on why I am not happy and believe in conspiracies.REAL
conspiracies...and its based on goodness and my belief in doing the right
things. I can see when people dont and all I can suggest is to explain it
and you make your own decisions. The stock market is a shell scam
system,don't give them your money..
Stocks follow the same pattern, your money in and stock tanks, your money
out and it rockets , what you didn't hold? too bad, maybe next time and
that time, it won't go up either.The more money in one stock the more
chance it goes nowhere till you sell.
Ok so you missed the rocket up in your stock, now should you get back in
DAMN the big boys stop the gains again. Bad luck? Nope this is the fix
they call stock exchange
theother problems of the world just are. You have to protect yourself
cause obviously the US could care less about people like me. I can go on
and on why I am not happy and believe in conspiracies.REAL
conspiracies...and its based on goodness and my belief in doing the right
things. I can see when people dont and all I can suggest is to explain it
and you make your own decisions. The stock market is a shell scam
system,don't give them your money..
Stocks follow the same pattern, your money in and stock tanks, your money
out and it rockets , what you didn't hold? too bad, maybe next time and
that time, it won't go up either.The more money in one stock the more
chance it goes nowhere till you sell.
Ok so you missed the rocket up in your stock, now should you get back in
DAMN the big boys stop the gains again. Bad luck? Nope this is the fix
they call stock exchange
they know what your porfolio looks like, then its time to attract your
horse racing. You play a stock and most of time, depending on current
sentiment, the insiders and brokerages, short your long, or go long on
large short position. They take an inventory and go opposite your play
especially the large plays. MMs make you sell they take your position
make uf the difference.this is who is making the money , Its shell
Stocks can go up or down but dare I suggest your not the one that will
Here is the procession one more time, tell others
others so they are not taken. Why do things happen like this?
Heck why do companies lie in search and why does Google accept it?
Why do the rich get to keep being rich, why do the oversale foods, why
alternative energy and pollution controls more immediate, why is it many
voters don't trust their Congressman?
Most of the answers is because our values has been coopted with lies ,
manipulation and bad role models
People in control would poison you and I have no doubt they are just to
what is going on ???????
so its not a wonder how markets
Where are people made to feel happy, Joy love? Truth?
and go opposite your position till you sell or
had enough.
Stocks are a shell scam which is totally my subjective opinion.The sameand go opposite your position till you sell or
had enough.
----- Unless your personally involved in a company don't invest in
Its one big
manipulated market and shell game, and I urge
people to invest with Qualified investors if they have (HAVE) to
but even here I advise against it.
Its one big
manipulated market and shell game, and I urge
people to invest with Qualified investors if they have (HAVE) to
but even here I advise against it.
horse racing. You play a stock and most of time, depending on current
sentiment, the insiders and brokerages, short your long, or go long on
large short position. They take an inventory and go opposite your play
especially the large plays. MMs make you sell they take your position
make uf the difference.this is who is making the money , Its shell
Stocks can go up or down but dare I suggest your not the one that will
Here is the procession one more time, tell others
The mms and brokerages and sometimes insiders , take INVENTORY of
investment ratios. , and they simply
against or opposite whatever large investment the average
go.Why? Because they can . Sometimes stocks don't have to go down
have MMs go against your long if enough investors are long they
limit the gains. They of course can take it down and shake you out
till you had enoug. You can have one winner but and then invest in
else , but don't be surprised the next stock take you down beyond
you gained in the other. Attract your money then short it, find a
reason to get it to go down, put out more shares , all of a sudden
downgraded , crop gets flooded, broker downgrades when you put the
most into it, whatever it takes to bring your shares down or up (if
put a big short position). It happens so often I am shocked more
people don't talk about it . I am not sure if anything is different
then anywhere else but one way to get this different is to have
strictly computerized trade but don't hold your breath.
or you sells then they bring it back up. The stock appears to not
gone down, meanwhile you lost and Mms made up the difference. 1000
times that daily you know how they can't lose. Thats why the
you get out
up and the ones you put big investments in stay down.
Its a shell game.
Please tell others! The only thing I could do is tell people to tellaverage
investment ratios. , and they simply
against or opposite whatever large investment the average
go.Why? Because they can . Sometimes stocks don't have to go down
have MMs go against your long if enough investors are long they
limit the gains. They of course can take it down and shake you out
till you had enoug. You can have one winner but and then invest in
else , but don't be surprised the next stock take you down beyond
you gained in the other. Attract your money then short it, find a
reason to get it to go down, put out more shares , all of a sudden
downgraded , crop gets flooded, broker downgrades when you put the
most into it, whatever it takes to bring your shares down or up (if
put a big short position). It happens so often I am shocked more
people don't talk about it . I am not sure if anything is different
then anywhere else but one way to get this different is to have
strictly computerized trade but don't hold your breath.
or you sells then they bring it back up. The stock appears to not
gone down, meanwhile you lost and Mms made up the difference. 1000
times that daily you know how they can't lose. Thats why the
you get out
up and the ones you put big investments in stay down.
Its a shell game.
others so they are not taken. Why do things happen like this?
Why do the rich get to keep being rich, why do the oversale foods, why
alternative energy and pollution controls more immediate, why is it many
voters don't trust their Congressman?
Most of the answers is because our values has been coopted with lies ,
manipulation and bad role models
I never believed in conspiracies but I sure do now!!!. Inspite of
seminars and investment easy money seminars or especially ESPECIALLY
because , ,
more people got involved with stocks then ever before it tanked the
most ever, people lost trillions, back in the 90s, Even with that
are now more personal bankruptcies then ever before in history.. Its
manipulated market and I urge
Try to understand and tell others. Its very insideous because
extremely easy to tell your self you just made the wrong decisions
with the stock
and you see what you could have had AFTER the fact, but you neverday
seminars and investment easy money seminars or especially ESPECIALLY
because , ,
are a ticket to unlimited wealth for brokerages, insiders and
They tell you about all the millionaires. How much of that is
people with inside information or were well to do? They don't
that the disparity between rich and poor has quadrupled in the
forty years. And one in four kids lives in poverty. When
They tell you about all the millionaires. How much of that is
people with inside information or were well to do? They don't
that the disparity between rich and poor has quadrupled in the
forty years. And one in four kids lives in poverty. When
most ever, people lost trillions, back in the 90s, Even with that
are now more personal bankruptcies then ever before in history.. Its
manipulated market and I urge
Try to understand and tell others. Its very insideous because
extremely easy to tell your self you just made the wrong decisions
with the stock
get the high movers , especially with your big money or when you
Its a shell game, they attract your money and MMs go against it. The
more your in, and the more the sentiment is united a certain way,
more the MMS
insides and brokers take it down, or have a reason to take it down
go opposite, then when you get out, they take it
back up. Over and over again. The only difference, is the stock is
price or even can go up but you never made the profit. .
Call it supply and demand, when you supply the
long side or even go short , that leaves ample room for market
brokerages to play against you except
they automatically win out ( MMs) and whatever way your in loses;
amount you invest the better reason they have to go the opposite way
do till you sell.. Let me repeat it , the larger your investment the
larger chance
stock or horse (in horse racing) has in losing.
The people who make the money ultimately are them, (brokers who
sell after you just invested or who say buy afte you just sold, MMs
insiders) when stocks that go up
down , its them who are profiting not average
fact they depend on average investors money for their homes for
food and for some reason Congress thinks this is better then
system. BULL. . Sometimes
they don't even need a reason to take it down
get the high movers , especially with your big money or when you
Its a shell game, they attract your money and MMs go against it. The
more your in, and the more the sentiment is united a certain way,
more the MMS
insides and brokers take it down, or have a reason to take it down
go opposite, then when you get out, they take it
back up. Over and over again. The only difference, is the stock is
price or even can go up but you never made the profit. .
Call it supply and demand, when you supply the
long side or even go short , that leaves ample room for market
brokerages to play against you except
they automatically win out ( MMs) and whatever way your in loses;
amount you invest the better reason they have to go the opposite way
do till you sell.. Let me repeat it , the larger your investment the
larger chance
stock or horse (in horse racing) has in losing.
The people who make the money ultimately are them, (brokers who
sell after you just invested or who say buy afte you just sold, MMs
insiders) when stocks that go up
down , its them who are profiting not average
fact they depend on average investors money for their homes for
food and for some reason Congress thinks this is better then
system. BULL. . Sometimes
they don't even need a reason to take it down
The mms and brokerages and sometimes insiders , take INVENTORY of
investment ratios. , and they simply
against or opposite whatever large investment the average
go.Why? Because they can . Sometimes stocks don't have to go down
have MMs go against your long if enough investors are long they
limit the gains. They of course can take it down and shake you out
till you had enoug. You can have one winner but and then invest in
else , but don't be surprised the next stock take you down beyond
you gained in the other. Attract your money then short it, find a
reason to get it to go down, put out more shares , all of a sudden
downgraded , crop gets flooded, broker downgrades when you put the
most into it, whatever it takes to bring your shares down or up (if
put a big short position). It happens so often I am shocked more
people don't talk about it . I am not sure if anything is different
then anywhere else but one way to get this different is to have
strictly computerized trade but don't hold your breath.
or you sells then they bring it back up. The stock appears to not
gone down, meanwhile you lost and Mms made up the difference. 1000
times that daily you know how they can't lose. Thats why the
you get out
up and the ones you put big investments in stay down.
Its a shell game.
Please tell others!
I would never give people what I think we have
investment ratios. , and they simply
against or opposite whatever large investment the average
go.Why? Because they can . Sometimes stocks don't have to go down
have MMs go against your long if enough investors are long they
limit the gains. They of course can take it down and shake you out
till you had enoug. You can have one winner but and then invest in
else , but don't be surprised the next stock take you down beyond
you gained in the other. Attract your money then short it, find a
reason to get it to go down, put out more shares , all of a sudden
downgraded , crop gets flooded, broker downgrades when you put the
most into it, whatever it takes to bring your shares down or up (if
put a big short position). It happens so often I am shocked more
people don't talk about it . I am not sure if anything is different
then anywhere else but one way to get this different is to have
strictly computerized trade but don't hold your breath.
or you sells then they bring it back up. The stock appears to not
gone down, meanwhile you lost and Mms made up the difference. 1000
times that daily you know how they can't lose. Thats why the
you get out
up and the ones you put big investments in stay down.
Its a shell game.
please tell others!
Please tell others!Please tell others!
I would never give people what I think we have
to accept.
Some of you have no idea what is going on in some cities and
done. Kids are getting shot everyday. Pollution at levels some
(and increasing) say are making millions sick daily ( I got the
links). Legal immigration is extremely hard to bring people who
might love, illegals can jump a fence and get immunity.
people are being poisoned. and more and more people breathing poor
air. Many people can't sleep. Crime is killing tens of thousands.
Personal bankruptcies at record highs.
I don't think it I know it. This is the future? This is life? I
understand many communities are good , but some cities are war
REALLY. nothing is done. I don't know how people get up everyday
go to work, pay taxes etc. But one of the ways is accepting happy
talk on tv. The human spirit is about accepting things they have
control and go on.
this US no longer in my book cares about love,cares about setting
right role models, , let alone live healthy, its all about
, manipulating and controlling . Come out with polls that don't
necessarily be accurate.Sound paranoid? Sorry its for a reason
because I want to be. Life is about conspiracies and how well you
take a punch is how well your doing in US.
Some of you have no idea what is going on in some cities and
done. Kids are getting shot everyday. Pollution at levels some
(and increasing) say are making millions sick daily ( I got the
links). Legal immigration is extremely hard to bring people who
might love, illegals can jump a fence and get immunity.
people are being poisoned. and more and more people breathing poor
air. Many people can't sleep. Crime is killing tens of thousands.
Personal bankruptcies at record highs.
I don't think it I know it. This is the future? This is life? I
understand many communities are good , but some cities are war
REALLY. nothing is done. I don't know how people get up everyday
go to work, pay taxes etc. But one of the ways is accepting happy
talk on tv. The human spirit is about accepting things they have
control and go on.
this US no longer in my book cares about love,cares about setting
right role models, , let alone live healthy, its all about
, manipulating and controlling . Come out with polls that don't
necessarily be accurate.Sound paranoid? Sorry its for a reason
because I want to be. Life is about conspiracies and how well you
take a punch is how well your doing in US.
markets, (oil and coal) and the thing is we can do more now,
will lie to you too , the leaders will promote racial and
hate among the workers in newsgroups. The problem is this is
universal but I thought US was past
this. They are not. Think I am kidding,? Ok now watch the news
shows in my
city then go to website with pollution levels and you tell me if
fine or even smart to call WARNING LEVEL Air beautiful and get
there and enjoy it?. They know the differences! But they also
12 breathing drug companies pharamacies... so why say anything?
can people see
everything is connected? Why can't we do the right things?
markets, (oil and coal) and the thing is we can do more now,
will lie to you too , the leaders will promote racial and
hate among the workers in newsgroups. The problem is this is
universal but I thought US was past
this. They are not. Think I am kidding,? Ok now watch the news
shows in my
city then go to website with pollution levels and you tell me if
fine or even smart to call WARNING LEVEL Air beautiful and get
there and enjoy it?. They know the differences! But they also
12 breathing drug companies pharamacies... so why say anything?
can people see
everything is connected? Why can't we do the right things?
will scam you too.
.Some people have to live in anxiety modes with rising
murder rates and pollution and they call this just society and I
not complain? I hear that all the time, "shut up". To top it
markets are possibly scams.
MMs have access to your
porfolio perhaps thru the websites you watch or thru the
websites.. They know how much you invest, and the stocks you
the most. TELL OTHERS protect your money. The stocks you used
up ,
making you think you just made the wrong decision,
the stocks you have now the most,go down. Kmart and global
bankruptcy, hanson drinks , and the list is very long,,,, all
most, while
your not in them. little heard stocks, all go up while your not
the ones all
your friends start to invest in stay down. The ones you all
after a buy recommendation , all of sudden once your big money
stops going up. Coincidence? NOT Don't listen to exceptions,
are over 100,000 market makers who want you to think you will
They will exclaim your nuts if you think this system is rigged,
because " You should not day trade" or "you didn't hold it long
BULL its a shell game and its the exact same for horses. The
wager the more likihood you will lose and its much more then
percentages. You actually lose more based on how much you
more on one stock the more likihood that stock stops going up.
you short the more likihood it stops going down They
look great till your money shows up. . I
you more then anything in your life to never invest allot in
because your going to lose. Now something even more important..
day trade or put a stop order in, never EVER cause MMs can keep
and make up the difference once your gone. If you don't
will save yourself many many dollars over a lifetime. They want
believe people are making millions, they are not. daytrading.
percentages are horrible ..Also don't
bet allot of money on a horserce EVER, the money shows up like
bells and
whistles going off.
Ok back to stocks If you put a stop order the MMs and brokers
murder rates and pollution and they call this just society and I
not complain? I hear that all the time, "shut up". To top it
markets are possibly scams.
The more money of your porfolio in a particulary stock,
the more
likihood that stock is the one that stops going up.the more
MMs have access to your
porfolio perhaps thru the websites you watch or thru the
websites.. They know how much you invest, and the stocks you
the most. TELL OTHERS protect your money. The stocks you used
up ,
making you think you just made the wrong decision,
the stocks you have now the most,go down. Kmart and global
bankruptcy, hanson drinks , and the list is very long,,,, all
most, while
your not in them. little heard stocks, all go up while your not
the ones all
your friends start to invest in stay down. The ones you all
after a buy recommendation , all of sudden once your big money
stops going up. Coincidence? NOT Don't listen to exceptions,
are over 100,000 market makers who want you to think you will
They will exclaim your nuts if you think this system is rigged,
because " You should not day trade" or "you didn't hold it long
BULL its a shell game and its the exact same for horses. The
wager the more likihood you will lose and its much more then
percentages. You actually lose more based on how much you
more on one stock the more likihood that stock stops going up.
you short the more likihood it stops going down They
look great till your money shows up. . I
you more then anything in your life to never invest allot in
because your going to lose. Now something even more important..
day trade or put a stop order in, never EVER cause MMs can keep
and make up the difference once your gone. If you don't
will save yourself many many dollars over a lifetime. They want
believe people are making millions, they are not. daytrading.
percentages are horrible ..Also don't
bet allot of money on a horserce EVER, the money shows up like
bells and
whistles going off.
out often enough with whatever news it takes just to take
temporary, and swoop down and take it and mms will just take
back up and make the difference. So don't play stop orders
allot of money. If your going to invest play an amount you can
lose. I have lost faith in free system.
Stocks all do well on paper till your money shows up. (same
They can keep your stock down at will. Never EVER invest allot
US stocks, especially day trades, . This is the US stock system
and horseracing. Its a shell game
Now is it possible to gain? Of course, but there are three
more chances you will lose
temporary, and swoop down and take it and mms will just take
back up and make the difference. So don't play stop orders
allot of money. If your going to invest play an amount you can
lose. I have lost faith in free system.
Stocks all do well on paper till your money shows up. (same
They can keep your stock down at will. Never EVER invest allot
US stocks, especially day trades, . This is the US stock system
and horseracing. Its a shell game
Now is it possible to gain? Of course, but there are three
more chances you will lose