My Letter to the NY Daily News
(too old to reply)
Prisoner at War
2007-02-23 20:56:45 UTC

Good Morning:

I read with great consternation your column today regarding the NYU
fracas about illegal immigration.

Your deliberate singling out of a Chinese-American participant who
happens to be Republican is disingenuous and downright cowardly.

Though all Americans are immigrants (even Native-Americans, if you
want to stretch the word that far and back), and all immigrant groups
have had their share of prejudice and oppression to varying degrees,
you singled out Wesley Chan for your snide remarks, which could have
been made to Andrew Blumberg, for example, or any of the other pro-
Republican participants at that incident.

Implicit in your attitude is the idea that Asian-Americans ought not
to exhibit the wide range of political choices and beliefs other
Americans are accorded.

I find your remarks particularly disturbing in light of the "play"
Ruben Navarrette Jr. over at CNN has given to similarly vague anti-
Asian sentiments in his comments on another incident in California
involving a local Asian-American Republican and his stance on the
illegal immigration issue.

Indeed, there are many hispanic Republicans who are rather more
vociferous in their anti-illegal immigration opinions, but I have not
found similar remarks from you or Mr. Navarrette of equal scorn toward

Please take greater care to fully ruminate such matters in the future,
before you commit your beliefs to ink, unless you truly wish to
suggest that Asians and Asian-Americans ought to know their proper
place -- in American history and American contemporary politics.

As an Asian-American, I do understand that place and that history, and
precisely because of it, I choose to speak my mind like any American
-- for I am not a guest in my own house.
2007-02-23 21:35:14 UTC
Post by Prisoner at War
I read with great consternation your column today regarding the NYU
fracas about illegal immigration.
Your deliberate singling out of a Chinese-American participant who
happens to be Republican is disingenuous and downright cowardly.
Though all Americans are immigrants (even Native-Americans, if you
Huh? I never immigrated. My father did not, neither did his father..I could
keep going on and on, but ou get the picture
Post by Prisoner at War
want to stretch the word that far and back), and all immigrant groups
have had their share of prejudice and oppression to varying degrees,
you singled out Wesley Chan for your snide remarks, which could have
been made to Andrew Blumberg, for example, or any of the other pro-
Republican participants at that incident.
Implicit in your attitude is the idea that Asian-Americans ought not
to exhibit the wide range of political choices and beliefs other
Americans are accorded.
I find your remarks particularly disturbing in light of the "play"
Ruben Navarrette Jr. over at CNN has given to similarly vague anti-
Asian sentiments in his comments on another incident in California
involving a local Asian-American Republican and his stance on the
illegal immigration issue.
Indeed, there are many hispanic Republicans who are rather more
vociferous in their anti-illegal immigration opinions, but I have not
found similar remarks from you or Mr. Navarrette of equal scorn toward
Please take greater care to fully ruminate such matters in the future,
before you commit your beliefs to ink, unless you truly wish to
suggest that Asians and Asian-Americans ought to know their proper
place -- in American history and American contemporary politics.
As an Asian-American, I do understand that place and that history, and
precisely because of it, I choose to speak my mind like any American
-- for I am not a guest in my own house.
Prisoner at War
2007-02-23 21:58:24 UTC
Post by GeekBoy
Huh? I never immigrated. My father did not, neither did his father..I could
keep going on and on, but ou get the picture
I was only referring to the fact that Native-Americans came from
Siberia over the Bering landmass very many thousands of years ago --
if, as I said, one wanted to stretch the meaning of the word
"immigrant" that far and back.
Prisoner at War
2007-02-26 14:55:36 UTC
Well, I'll allow that "GeekBoy" might not have as long-term a frame of
reference as we do. I'm glad, I guess, that he doesn't "feel" like an
immigrant, a guest who best be on his best behavior -- and I strongly
condemn these hispanic journalists who seem to feel that *they* have
graduated into the mainstream and think that Asians better watch what
*they* say.
Bullshit. You will keep going until you find your real roots. They
aren't in the USA, I will guarantee you that.
Posted viahttp://britishexpats.com
2007-02-26 21:38:59 UTC
Yakuts for example from the Russian Far East are anthropoligically
similar to Native Americans, the Bering Strait Theory is the best and
most plausible out there.
But in terms of immigration, using Native Americans as also immigrants
is a Liberal ploy to quash anti-immigration voices.(" We're all
immigrants bull thats shouted ever so often), last I heard Native
Americans didnt build the great country, farm its vast land, or
generate economic might among other things)

On the other hand, its practical to state that the America we know
today is so because of the boldness and the courage of the early
Englishmen who settled and developed the land, broke away from tyranny
and raised moral and political standards.
Thus these are the people who are hosts and those that followed them
and adopted their ways to strengthen and embolden the country are the
"hosts" , the rest are "guests" until completely assimilated.
Post by Prisoner at War
Well, I'll allow that "GeekBoy" might not have as long-term a frame of
reference as we do. I'm glad, I guess, that he doesn't "feel" like an
immigrant, a guest who best be on his best behavior -- and I strongly
condemn these hispanic journalists who seem to feel that *they* have
graduated into the mainstream and think that Asians better watch what
*they* say.
Bullshit. You will keep going until you find your real roots. They
aren't in the USA, I will guarantee you that.
Posted viahttp://britishexpats.com- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Prisoner at War
2007-02-28 20:39:11 UTC
Post by Macjoubert
Yakuts for example from the Russian Far East are anthropoligically
similar to Native Americans, the Bering Strait Theory is the best and
most plausible out there.
I've even heard of influences from ancient Phoenicia. And almost
certainly there must have been an even earlier "European effect" since
many of the Natives that greeted the Spaniards had myths about white-
skinned gods from the East.

In that regard, I wonder what's the latest news on the Kennewick Man?
Post by Macjoubert
But in terms of immigration, using Native Americans as also immigrants
is a Liberal ploy to quash anti-immigration voices.(" We're all
immigrants bull thats shouted ever so often), last I heard Native
Americans didnt build the great country, farm its vast land, or
generate economic might among other things)
Ehm, that's not the point.

If I come and take over your house and enslave you and rape your mom
and sister and wife and daughters, but I improve your kitchen and your
garage and transform your house into a mansion, and rape and kill your
neighbors and take over their house so that "your" estate is now
twenty times as great, that's still taking over your house and
enslaving you and raping your mom and sister and wife and
Post by Macjoubert
On the other hand, its practical to state that the America we know
today is so because of the boldness and the courage of the early
Englishmen who settled and developed the land, broke away from tyranny
and raised moral and political standards.
I'm not sure what you mean by "it is *practical* to state..." but I
would caution against such "triumphalist narratives"...the Englishmen
did what they did the same as the Mexicans today are doing what they
do...economics, pure and simple.

PBS has that great reality series "Colonial House" and you should
really, really watch the episodes to get a real sense of what it was
like...holy shit, but it wasn't about courage...people ate each other
if they had to....
Post by Macjoubert
Thus these are the people who are hosts and those that followed them
and adopted their ways to strengthen and embolden the country are the
"hosts" , the rest are "guests" until completely assimilated.
It just won't work out that way. The days of guns and gunmen are
over. The hispanics, with their twelve year-olds in thongs and low-
rise spandex that fill so fully, will outbreed the "hosts"...it's the
Roman Empire in reverse -- the "latins" are now swamping the
